HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180488 Ver 1_More Info Received_20180601Homewood, Sue From: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 4:03 PM To: Homewood, Sue Cc: Roden Reynolds, Bryan K CIV (US) Subject: RE: [External] RE: East Davie County and Idols Rd PS/Sewer Attachments: 1358-16-025 East Davie Wastewater Collection System - Rev 27.pdf; 1358-16-025 East Davie Wastewater Collection System - Rev 32.pdf, 1358-16-025 East Davie Wastewater Collection System - Rev 43.pdf, 1358-16-025 East Davie Wastewater Collection System - Rev 62.pdf Thank you, Sue: Please find attached the locations and logs prepared by the geotechnical sub for this project. Boring 2 (B-2) is adjacent to the Smith Creek crossing. No rock was encountered within 10 feet of the surface. The proposed line would be accommodated within the first five feet below streambed in this location and no bedrock or blasting is anticipated. Boring 17 (B-17) is about 800' east of Stream SM. Due to vehicular accessibility limitations, hand augers were used to perform the bore, located on an adjacent upland. The bore was terminated at 7' due to auger refusal. It is unclear whether this is the result of bedrock or other obstruction to the hand augur. The contractor was asked about the obstruction, and recalled dense sand being the issue, but did add that boulders and rock lenses are possible in the area. At the proposed crossing of SM, bed material comprises sand, gravel, and cobble, with finer particles deposited on point- and mid -channel bars. No bedrock or rock outcrops were observed in this vicinity. The Forsyth County soil survey describes Chewacla soils (occurring in the vicinity of stream SM) as having a depth to bedrock of over five feet. Because slopes degrade over time and contribute to aggradation in valleys, it is assumed that cover over bedrock would be shallowest in uplands. We believe that seven feet is a conservative estimate of depth to bedrock at stream SM. In this location, the pipe would be accommodated in the first six feet below streambed, and no bedrock or blasting is anticipated. However, geology at this location is mapped (1985, N.C.G.S. Geologic map of North Carolina) as an intrusive 'metamorphosed mafic rock, comprised of metagabbro, metadiorite, and mafic plutonic -volcanic complexes'. In anticipation of the possibility of encountering rock the original note about performing the work at low flow and when no rain is in the forecast will be revised to say the following. "Prior to the performing work required for a stream crossing, the contractor shall dig test pits on each side of the stream to determine the materials present at the depth required for the pipe installation across the stream. The contractor shall verify that all work required to cross the stream can be completed at a time of low flow and prior to the next forecasted storm event." Please advise if this addresses your concerns, or if additional detail is necessary. As always, thanks! Chris Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 www.carolinaeco.com From: Homewood, Sue [mailto:sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:37 PM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Cc: Roden Reynolds, Bryan K CIV (US) <Bryan. K. Roden Reynolds@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] RE: East Davie County and Idols Rd PS/Sewer Chris, I have one follow up question: You indicate that the crossings of Smith Creek and Stream SM will only take 1 day to complete. Has geotechnical investigations occurred within this area to determine if rock is present. Excavation into rock would likely delay the installation and increase our concern about these crossings. Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Chris Hopper[mailto:chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 10:09 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Roden Reynolds, Bryan K CIV (US) <Bryan. K. Roden Reynolds@usace.army.mil> Subject: [External] RE: East Davie County and Idols Rd PS/Sewer Thank you, Sue: Attached, please find our responses to concerns raised during your review. Please do not hesitate with additional questions or concerns. Regards, Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 www.carolinaeco.com From: Homewood, Sue [mailto:sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 4:42 PM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Cc: Roden Reynolds, Bryan K CIV (US) <Bryan. K. Roden Reynolds@usace.army.mil> Subject: East Davie County and Idols Rd PS/Sewer Hi Chris, Thank you for submitting such an informative and complete 401 application package. Your station by station description of impacts and alignment changes that were made during the planning process to meet Avoidance and Minimization was extremely helpful during my review. I appreciate all the time it took you to put this package together and greatly appreciate the time and effort you, the engineers, and the clients took to minimize the impacts to streams and wetlands. I have just a couple minor questions: For Smith Creek and Stream SM, can you please confirm that the engineer/client are certain that a complete pump around of these larger channels is feasible, even if a storm event occurs during construction? I've come across a few open cuts of larger channels where this has been problematic for various reasons. It appears that the crossing of stream SH occurs where there is a meander in the channel and that the meander will be within the permanent maintained corridor very close to the sewer line. I have some of the same concerns with this potential scenario as I would with an area where construction may be occurring within 10' of a stream bank, that the channel may not remain stable when the trench construction is so close even with riprap installation after construction. Can you provide me with a little more information about the stream that may help me determine the level of my concern please. You list it as a perennial stream but does it show indication of being unstable or subject to very flashy storm events/flows? There is a note on the plans to the owner that the maintained easement should only be 15' wide in wetland areas. In accordance with GC4133 can you please modify the note to state "in wetland areas and at stream crossings". Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue. Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 PROJECT: East Davie Wastewater Collection System Davie/Forsyth County, North Carolina HAND AUGER BORING LOG: B-17 1358-16-025 NOTES: Borehole backfilled With auger DATE STARTED: 5/12/16 DATE FINISHED: 5/12/16 cuttings. EQUIPMENT: Hand Auger/DCP SAMPLING METHOD: Hand Auger PERFORMED BY: S. Lacz WATER LEVEL: Dry at TOB U z O DYNAMIC CONE PENETRATION w J w o w MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w a W RESISTANCE a LU v (blows/1.75 in.) 0 Lu 10 20 30 60 80 o TOPSOIL 1 6 inches 715.00- 2- - 12 RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SM) 714.00 3 orange brown, medium to fine, moist 713.00- 4- 712.00 - 14 - SILTY SAND (SM) 711.00 6 tan brown, medium to fine, moist to wet 710.0 -H 16 7 Boring terminated at 7 ft due to auger refusal 709.00 20+ *S&ME H 1. PENETRATION RESISTANCE IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 10.1 HAMMER FALLING 22.6 IN., DRIVING A 0.79 IN. O.D. 60 DEGREE CONE 1.75 IN. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: East Davie Wastewater Collection System Davie/Forsyth County, North Carolina BORING LOG B-2 S&ME Project No. 1358-16-025 NOTES: Borehole backfilled with auger cuttings DATE DRILLED: 4/14/16 ELEVATION: 722.0 ft and a commercial hole closure device placed near the surface. DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILLER: J. Wino WATER LEVEL: 3 ft at TOB HAMMER TYPE: 140 -Ib auto LOGGED BY: M. Hayes SAMPLING METHOD: Split soon NORTHING: 817089 EASTING: 1579505 DRILLING METHOD: 2'/4" H.S.A. w BLOW COUNT U w Oz 0- /CORE DATA STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA w = ^ _ c) o (blows/ft) a W- a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 a � J w �, > w w- a_ 0- /REMARKS < Q -i W Q 2 U) co N M 10 20 30 6080 z TOPSOIL 1 inch 1 1 1 1 2 POSSIBLE FILL: SANDY SILT (ML) -�z very soft, brown tan, fine, wet2 2 2 2 a 5 ALLUVIUM: SANDY CLAY (CH) 717.0 soft, gray, fine, moist 3 1 2 5 7 POSSIBLE ALLUVIUM: CLAYEY SAND ( SCS loose, gray, fine, moist RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SMS 4 4 6 7 13 10 medium dense, tan gray, fine, wet 712.0 Boring terminated at 10 ft NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OFA REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. Z BORING SAMPLING I NGITH AND P DN 5 6ATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. • Page 1 of 1 Background image obtained from Google Earth dated 10/5/2015 -4� Approximate Boring Location SCALE: None FIGURE NO. BORING LOCATION PLAN DRAWN BY: SWL S&ME East Davie Wastewater Collection System CHECKED BY: SEH Davie/Forsyth County, North Carolina 2G ENGINEERING • TESTING DATE: May 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROJECT NO.: 1358-16-025 Background image obtained from Google Earth dated 10/5/2015 1$� Approximate Boring Location SCALE: None FIGURE NO. BORING LOCATION PLAN DRAWN BY: SWL��� East Davie Wastewater Collection System CHECKED BY: SEH ~� Davie/Forsyth County, North Carolina 2B ENGINEERING TESTING DATE: May 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROJECT NO.: 1358-16-025