HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021601_Industrial User_20180522May 22, 2018 Vivien Zhong PERCS-Unit Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Dear Ms. Zhong: Town of Tryon Wastewater Treatment Plant 301 N. Trade Street Tryon, N. C. 28782 RECEIVED/DENR/DWR MAY 3 0 2018 Water Resources Permitting Section Please find enclosed the Town of Tryon's Industrial Waste Surveys. We are small here and have only one Industrial User. We have also checked the NC manufactures register, the town's water billing, sewer connections and we have no satellite communities. The IWS will be continued every five (5) years by checking the manufactures register, water billings and sewer connections. If you have questions, please call me at (828) 859-5626 or by email ronnie.pack@icloud.com. Sincerely, � �4� vl L Ronnie Pack Tryon WWTP NoIx Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application Fite name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\Documents\lndustrial Wastewater Survey & 1UP Permit Application (Long Form).doex Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 4 of I RR PART IV, CATEGORICAL INFORMATION: 0 When were operations started at this facility start up date 19 77 3. List all Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for your facility. These may be found on State Unemployment forms, tax forms, accounting records, or from the Chamber of Commerce. Has this facility ever been considered a Categorical (CIU) as described by the Code of Federal Regulati If yes, give 4. Are any other facilities owned and/or operated by y permitted as Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs) as Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR)? If yes please give name(s), location, and 40 CFR nt Iustrial User > (40 CFR)? 40 CFR number => No X company cribed by the Yes No X Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\DocumcntsUndustrial Wastewater Survey & I UP Permit Application (Long Form).doex Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 8 of 188 PART IV, CATEGORICAL INFORMATION:; (continued) 5. Check any activities listed below that are perfprmed at your facility: Check below 40 CFR# Industrial Activity Check 40 Industrial Activity below FR# 467 Aluminum Forming 427 Asbestos Manufacturing 461 Battery Manufacturing 431 Builders paper & board mills 407 Canned & preserved fruits & veg. 408 Canned & preserved seafood 458 Carbon black Manufacturing 411 Cement Manufacturing 437 Centralized Waste Treatment 434 Coal Mining 465 Coil Coating 468 Copper Forming 405 Dairy products processing 469 Electrical, electronic components 413 Electroplating 457 Explosives Manufacturing 412 Feedlots 424 Ferro allay Manufacturing 418 Fertilizer Manufacturing 464 Foundries, Metal Mold & Casting 426 Glass Manufacturing 406 Grain mills 454 Gum & Wood Chemicals Mfg. 460 Hospitals 447 Ink formulating 415 Inorganic chemical Manufacturing 420 Iron & Steel Manufacturing 425 Leather Tanning & Finishing 432 Meat products 433 Metal finishing $64 Metal molding and casting $36 Mineral mining and processing t71 Nonferrous Metal, Form & Powders t21 Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing H4 OCPSF, Organic Chemicals, Plastics, & Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing 135 Oil & gas extraction 140 Ore mining and dressing 146 Paint formulating 143 Paving and roofing materials Mfg. 65 Pesticide Manufacturing 19 Petroleum Refining 39 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 22 Phosphate Manufacturing 59 Photographic supplies 63 Plastics molding and forming 66 Porcelain enameling 30 Pulp, paper, and paperboard 28 Rubber Manufacturing 17 Soap & Detergent Manufacturing 23 Steam Electric power Generation 09 Sugar processing 10 Textile Mills 29 Timber products processing 42 Transportation Equipment Cleaning I� Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoorc.CiMC\Document5\Industrial Wastewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 9 of 188 Wastewater Pollutant Checklist Chemical Name EPA Check if Check Storet Present at Absent Code Facility Facility Acid Extractable Or anics f Check if Check if Concentration at Present in Absent in in Discharge, Discharge Discharge if Known (rng/1} 2-011oro henol 2 4-Dichloro henol 2 4-Dimeth 1 henol 2 4-Dinitro henol 2-Meth 1-4,6-dinitro henol 4-Chloro-3-meth I henol 2-Nitro henol 4-Nitrophenol Pentachloro henol Phenol 2,4 6-Trichloro henol 34586 34601 3— 34616 34657 3a452 34591 34646 39032 34694 34621 X X X X X X -T- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Base Neutral Organics 1 2.4-Trich lorobenzene 1 2-Dichlorobenzene 1 2-Di hen lh drazine 1.3-Dichlorobenzene 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 2 4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 2-Chloronaphthalene 34551 34536 34346 345 66 34571 346 11 34626 34 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 34631 X X 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 34636 X X 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 34641 X X Acenaphthene 03405 X X Acenaphthylene 34200 X X Anthracene 34220 X X Benzidine 39120 X X Benzo (a) anthracene 34526 X X Benzo (a) pyrene 34247 X X Benzo (b) fluoranthene 34230 X X Benzo (ghi) perylene 34521 X X Benzo (k) fluoranthene 34242 X X Bis(2-chloroethoxy) methane 34278 X X Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether 34273 X X Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 34283 X X Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 34100 X X Butyl benzyl phthalate 34292 x X Chrysene 34320 X X Di-n-butyl phthalate 39110 X X Title: IU Wastewater Survev & Permit Application Filename: C:4tJsers\dn,00re.CMC\Documents\lndustrial Wastewater Survey & IJUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 j Page I 0 of ! 8R Wastewater Pollutant Checklist Chemical Name EPA Check if Check if Check if Check if Concentration Storet Present at Absent at Present in Absent in in Discharge, Code Facility Facil4- Discharge Discharge if Known Base Neutral Organics (continued) i Di-n-octyl phthalate 34596 X i X Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene 34556 X X Diethyl phthalate 34336 X X Dimethyl phthalate 34341 X X Fluoranthene 34376 X X Fluorene 34381 X X Hexachlorobenzene 39700 X X Hexachlorobutadiene 34391 X X Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 34386 X X Hexachloroethane 34396 X X Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene 34403 X X Isophorone 34408 X X N-nitroso-di-n-pro ylamine 34428 X X N-nitrosodimethylamine 34438 X X N-nitrosodiphenylamine 34433 X j X Naphthalene 34696 X X Nitrobenzene 34447 X X Phenanthrene 34461 X X Pyrene 34469 X X Metals Aluminum 01104 X X Antimony o1097 X X Arsenic 01002 X X Beryllium 01012 X X Cadmium 01027 X X Chromium 01034 X X Copper 01042 X X 0.098 Lead 01051 X X Mercury 71900 X X Molybdenum 01062 X X Nickel 01067 X X Selenium 01147 X X Silver 01077 X X Thaliurn 00982 X X Zinc 01092 X f X 0.039 Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\Documents\Industrial Wastewater Survey & TUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page I I of 188 - Wastewater Pollutant Checklist Chemical Name EPA Check if Check 'f Check if Check if Concentration Storet Present at Absent �t Present in Absent in in Discharge, Code Facility Facility Discharge Discharge if Known Other Inorganics Barium 01007 X X Chloride 009ao X X Cvan ide 00720 X X Ul..__:a_ Purgeable Volatile Organics Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\Documents\Industrial Wastewater Survey & I>' P Permit Application (Long Form).doCX Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 12 of188 Data Summary Form Town of I<= Receiving POTW NCO021601 <= Receiving NPDES # Equalization <= Specific Sample Location! Basin 001 i.e., Give IU Name, IUP#, and/or pipe# Lab => Laboratory performing analysis => MDL => Laboratory Method Detection Limits => Notes => Notes => Q = Flow BOD TSS Ammonia ETS 2.0 mg/L ---- Con---- c. Results from Lab <? Mg/I ETS 5.0 mg/L Conc. Results from Lab <? Mg/1 Conc. Results from Lab <? Mg/1 p e - ;--- or Count — ate Sample Collected No es a out -Sample- ---- M = Metered E = Estimated mgd gal/day 1 03/03/15 M 114,940 2 04/14/15 M 108,780 140 50 3 07/14/15 M 124,740 330 21 4 10/06/15 M 167,340 130 18 5 01 /05/16 M 89,172 70 40 6 03/01/16 M 111,060 7 04/05/16 M 99,425 210 78 8 9 10 11 12 etc TNS => Total number of samples =>= 5 5 Max. value => Maximum data value (mg/1) =>1 330 78 Avg. (use 1/2 BDL) => Avg. data value, Include BDL values as 1/2 detection limit => 41 Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: c:lUsers\dmoore.cMc\Doeumentsundustrial Wastewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 13 of 188 Data Summary Form Town of Tryon <= Receiving POTW NCO021601 <= Receiving NPDES # Equalization Basin 001 <= Specific Sample Location! i.e., Give IU Name, IUP#, and/or pipe # Arsenic Copper Chromium Cadmium COD Copper Lab => MDL => Notes => ETS 0.010 mg/1 -- ---- --Conc.-Results from Lab <? Mg/1 ETS 0.001 mg/1 — --Cone. Result from Lab <? Mg/1 ETS 0.005 mg/1 --Conc. Results from Lab <? Mg/1 ETS 0.001 mg/1 — Inc. Results from Lab <? Mg/l --- --- - - Conc. Results from Lab <? Mg/1 -amp e - ID or Count Date -Sample--- Collected -- Conc. Results from Lab <? Mg/1 1 03/03/15 <0.050 <0.005 <0.005 2 04/14/15 0.130 3 07/14/15 0.130 4 10/06/15 0.019 5 01/05/16 0.136 6 03/01/16 <0.010 <0.005 <0.001 7 04/05/16 0.098 8 9 10 11 12 etc TNS => Max. Value => Avg. (use 1 /2 BDL) => 2 <0.050 .0075 5 0.136 0.103 2 <0.005 0.0025 2 <0.005 .0015 Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\Documents\Industrial Wastewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 14 of 188 Data Summary Form Town of Tryon <= Receiving POTW NCO021601 <= Receiving NPDES # Equalization Basin 001 <= Specific Sample Location! i.e., Give IU Name, IUP#, and/or pipe # Lab => MDL => Notes => Cyanide Lead Mercury Nickel Silver Zinc ETS 0.005 mg/1 Cone. Results ETS 0.050 mg/l Cone. Results ETS 0.0002 mg/1 Conc._Results- from Lab <? Mg/1 ETS 0.010 mg/l _ ______Gone --Results ETS 0.005 mg/1 ___ _-Conc.--Results- from Lab <? Mg/1 ETS 0.010 mg/l - Cone. Results - from Lab <? Mg/1 Sample Date Sample ID or Count Collected from Lab <? Mg/l from Lab <? Mg/1 from Lab <? Mg/1 1 03/03/15 0.020 <0.050 <0.010 <0.005 2 04/14/15 <0.0002 0.037 3 07/14/15 <0.0002 0.038 4 10/06/ 15 <0.0002 0.017 5 01/05/16 <0.0002 0.062 6 03/01/16 0.008 <0.010 <0.010 <0.005 7 04/05/16 <0.0002 0.039 8 9 10 11 12 etc TNS => Max. Value => Avg. (use 1 /2 BDL) _> 2 0.020 0.007 2 <0.010 .0075 5 <0.0002 0.0001 2 <0.010 0.005 2 <0.005 0.0025 Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\Documents\Industrial Wastewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 15 of 188 Data Summary Form Town of Tryon <= Receiving POTW NCO021601 <= Receiving NPDES # Equalization Basin 001 <= Specific Sample Location! i.e., Give IU Name, IUP#, and/or pipe # Other Other Other Other Other Other Lab => MDL => Notes => ETS 0.02 mg/1 Phosphorus Conc. Results from Lab <? mg/1 ETS 50 mg/l Chloride Conc. Results ETS 25 mg/l Sulfate _Conc.-Results from Lab <? mg/1 CDnc_Results from Lab <? mg/l __ _.Conc.- Results- from Lab <? mg/1 - Conc. Results from Lab <? mg/l Sample Date Sample Collected ID or Count from Lab <? mg/l 1 03/03/15 18.0 980 41 2 04/14/15 3 07/14/15 4 10/06/15 5 01/05/16 6 03/01/16 9.7 1000 35 7 04/05/16 8 9 10 11 12 etc TNS => Max. Value => Avg. (use 1/2 BDL) => 2 18.0 13.8 2 2 1000 41 990 38 Title: JU Wastewater Survey & Permit Application File name: C:wsers\dmoore.CMCkDoeumentsvndusstrial Wastewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 16 of 188 ustrial User Wastewater Survey & Permit Application Part V, Waste Reduction Info>f mation : State Pretreatment Rule 15A NCAC 2H.0916 (c)(1)(M) requires Significant Industrial Users to include a description of current and projected waste reduction (pollution prevention) activities. The codes isted are standard EPA codes found on Toxic Release Inventory and other environmental forms. Please check all applicable codes for your facility related to wastewater discharee. Current Pro'ected Code Description W13 Improved maintenance scheduling recordkee in , or procedures W 14 Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstock W' 19 Other changes in operatingpractices (explain briefly in comments) W21 Instituted procedures to ensure that materials do not stay in inventory beyond shelf -life W22 Began to test outdated material -continue to use if still effective W23 Eliminated shelf -life requirements for stable materials W24 Instituted better labeling procedures W25 Instituted clearinghouse to exchange materials that would otherwise be discarded W29 Other changes in Inventory control (explain briefly in comments) W31 Improved storage or stacking procedures W32 Improved procedures for loading, unloading and transfer operations W33 Installed overflow alarms or automatic shutoff valves W34 Installed secondary containment W35 Installed vapor recovery systems W36 Implemented inspection or monitoring program of potential spill or leak sources W39 W41 W42 W49 W51 Title: IU Wastewater Survey & Pennit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoore.CMC\Documents\Industrial Revision date: 12/30/97 spill and leak prevention (e ised purity of raw materials ituted raw materials raw material modifications rted recirculation within a n in comments in comments astewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Page 17 of 18 Industrial User Wastewater Survey & Permit Application Current Projected Code Description W52 Modified equipment, layout, or piping W53 Use of a different process catalyst W54 Instituted better controls on operating bulk containers to minimize discarding of empty containers W55 Changed from small volume containers to bulk containers to minimize discarding of empty containers W58 Other process modifications (explain briefly in comments) W59 Modified stripping / cleaning equipment W60 Changed to mechanical stripping / cleaning devices (from solvents or other materials) W61 Changed to aqueous cleaners ( from solvents or other materials) W62 Reduced the number of solvents used to make waste more amenable to recycling W63 I Modified containment procedures for cleaning units W64 Im roved draining procedures W65 Redesigned parts racks to reduce dragout W66 Modified or installed rinses stems W67 Improved rinse equipment design W68 Improved rinse equipment operation W71 W72 Other cleaning and degreasing operation (explain briefly in comments) Modified spray systems orequipment W73 Substituted coating materials used W74 Improved application techniques W75 Changed from spray to others stem W78 W81 Other surface preparation and finishing (explain briefly in comments) Changed productspecifications W82 Modified design or composition of product W83-Modified packaging W89 ther product modifications (explain briefly in comments) W99 ther (specify in comments ) II Comments (Please list code) Title: IU Wastewater Survey &. Permit Application File name: C:\Users\dmoorc.CMC\Documents\Industrial astewater Survey & IUP Permit Application (Long Form).docx Revision date: 12/30/97 Page 18 of 188 &7.) Schematic and Monitoring Locations: tn The facility schematic and description of monitoring location(s) given below must show enough detail such that someone unfamiliar with the facility could readily find and identify the monitoring location(s) and connection to the sewer. Include and identify all regulated pipes. Cy1P Ttq F1aE We: jhkj kq 5AMPIE P6XK 1 'ae�Rcier� 11