HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307 Ver 2_Request for Add Info_20180524WberRmourcmu swv/=v*"s,mi , f�v^u`, ERWHINIMIR Charlotte Water A7 -FN - Nicole Bartlett 5l0OBrookshire Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28216 Subject/ REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stevens Creek Truck Sewer Phase l Dear Ms. Bartlett: R0TCUQPER K|/CHAELS KE6AN ^.,m. Ly�0A[ULPEyyER DVVR#I8-D3O7v2 Mecklenburg County On May 17, 2018, the Division of Water Resources (Division) received your revised application, with additional plans received May 2l,2Ol8[requesting aMajor Variance from the Goose Creek Riparian Buffer Rules for the subject project. The Division has determined that your application is incomplete and cannot be processed. The application is on -hold until all of the following information is received: 2. Page 7ofthe application carries the signature ofJason Marshall. |norder for the agent t0sign the application, an agent authorization form is re4oUred. DVVR received an agent authorization form with the 4Dlapplication for this project, hOvveverthatforrnw/asmot signed byCity ofCharlotte. Please submit ofully executed agent authorization form. 2. Under Section [Ofthe application, calculate the amount ofmitigation required (permanent impact x3). 5. Under Section E,Demonstration ofNeed for 8Variance: a. Under #1itstates that DIP will beused atstream crossing locations and where pipe cover exceeds 2U'. Please include language that the DIP will extend 1Ofeet oneither side of the crossing or to the first manhole and that DIP will be used within 50 feet of wetlands. i Provide the width ofthe construction corridor and the width ofthe permanent maintenance corridor. ii. It would be helpful to know the total length ofthe sewer line in the buffer, broken out how much will beDIP and how much will bePVC. iii, it would also be helpful to enumerate hnvv many stream crossings the variance request includes. | would recommend listing the total number, including how many Ofthe old channel and how many ofthe new chiamne[ ��ol'Northrarolina|Environmental Quality|Waternmourees unMail SeviceCenter | omeiukn"voCarolina 27699 -/*17 919 8076300 18-0307 v2 Request for Add info Page 2 of 3 b. Amexplanation ioprovided for #1, however #2-6 are marked "not applicable for this request". Variance requests must meet all ofthe hardships listed. Please provide am updated sheet with explanations for every hardship listed. 4. Under the Alternative Mitigation Plan: a. Include the length of stream feet involved in the restoration. b. Include details refloodplain connection — what size flood event now vs. after restoration will reach the floodplain, how much of the floodplain, will be reconnected for the IU-yeorstorm, etc. c. Provide more details about the package plant that isbeing taken offline. Permitted flow, average actual flow, relevant effluent limits, etc. d. Include where the proposed sewer line istaking the sewage; will it discharge outside Ofthe goose creek watershed? To8nexisting plan Oranew plant? e. Include any details you have re#ofseptic failing or#requesting connection. f. During the meeting it was mentioned that the Stevens Creek watershed was targeted in theTK4DL, however nodetails were provided. Please include details re this watershed being targeted in the TK4DL if it is in fact targeted in the TK4DL. Onthe maps provided 5-2I,18Lthe "proposed Stevens Creek TOB (by otherJ"layer isn't showing up; please make sure the proposed TOB is clearly shown on all the maps. It would also bepreferable tnnot show the 5[Yand 30/buffer tomake the drawings easier to read. a. Sheet 4. It appears that osmall portion Ofthe proposed PVC sewer line iswithin 5O feet Ofawetland. Please clarify whether the proposed sewer line is5Ofeet away from the edge of the wetland polygon, whether DIP will be used or whether a variance will be sought from the 02Trules. b. Sheet 5. The profile view shows DIP ona section ufpipe however the plan view shows PVC. Please update the plan view toindicate DIP tomatch the profile view. [. Sheet b. The profile view shows DIP on two sections of pipe however the plan view shows PVC. Please update the plan view tOindicate DIP tomatch the profile view. d. Sheet 7. The entire section on both the plan and profile indicate DIP will be used. Please confirm this is correct. e. Sheet 10, The profile view shows DIP unasection Ofpipe however the plan view shovvoPVC. Please update the plan view zmindicate DIP tomatch the profile view. f. Sheet 12. It appears that portions of the proposed PVC sewer line is within 50 feet ofawetland, Please clarify whether the proposed sewer line is5Ufeet away from the edge nfthe wetland polygon, whether DIP will beused urwhether avariance will besought from the 02T rules Pursuant toTitle I5ANCA[028.0606,the applicant sh@Ufurnish all gfthe above requested information for the proper consideration ofthe application. Ifall 0fthe requested information is not received in writing at the address below within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter, the Division will be unable to process the application and it will be returned, 18-0307 v2 Request for Add info Page 3 of 3 Please be aware that you have no authorization under the Goose Creek Riparian Buffer Rules for this activity and any work done within the riparian buffer may be a violation of North Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact me at karen.higpins@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Karen Higgins, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch cc: Jason Marshall, GHD, Inc. (email) Alan Johnson, DWR MRO (email) Laserfiche Filename: 180307v2 Steve nsCree kTru ckSewerP hase I (Meckl en bu rg_Goose—MV—H old