HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120172 Ver 1_Amberliegh Ph 2 Response to USACE RFAI_20180523Strickland, Bev From: dlutheran@segi.us Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 1:57 PM To: 'Capito, Rachel A CIV USARMY CESAW (US)' Cc: Coburn, Chad; Montalvo, Sheri A Subject: [External] RE: Amberleigh Shores Phase II RAI Attachments: Amberliegh Ph 2 Response to USACE RFAI 5-23-18.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Hello, Rachel. Attached you will find the response to your RFAI. As you will see, I broke down each of the 6 paragraphs, where necessary, into subitems, in order to address all of your requests. It is my hope that the information provided will be sufficient to complete the PCN. Should you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call at 910.228.1841. Thank you for your assistance with this project. I look forward to hearing from you. Dana Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 Office: 910.452.2711 Mobile: 910.228.1841 www.segi.us -----Original Message ----- From: Capito, Rachel A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Rachel.A.Capito@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 9:33 AM To: dlutheran@segi.us Subject: Amberleigh Shores Phase II RAI Dana, Please accept this as official correspondence for the Amberleigh Shores Phase II project. The following information is required for a complete application review and permit issuance. 1. Please provide a description of the Amberleigh Phase I and any future proposed phases. Please include information demonstrating that all proposed infrastructure (roads, utilities, stormwater facilities, etc.) for this project has utility independent of any past or future development. If the proposed project will share any infrastructure (storm water ponds, roads, utilities, etc.) with adjacent existing development or future development, that information must be provided. If the Corps determines that Phase II is not a single and complete project, the proposed impacts to waters of the U.S. will be evaluated cumulatively, which may result in the project being evaluated under a Standard Permit if NWP impact thresholds are exceeded. 2. The previously permitted Amberleigh Shores Phase I required mitigation at a ratio of 2:1. Based on the proposed 1:1 mitigation ratio for Phase 11, please provide justification such as NCWAM for the proposed 1:1 ratio. 3. Please include drawings showing the entire proposed project, including entrance/exit roads, storm water ponds, and parking areas and label buildings for their specified use. Information and drawings related to the entire development are necessary to evaluate avoidance and minimization measures. The drawings should also indicate any vegetated buffers proposed to protect avoided wetlands. 4. Describe potential wetland avoidance and minimization measures including alternate site plans and other steps which would reduce impacts to on-site wetlands and other waters. This includes information regarding alternate site configurations that were considered so that more impacts are avoided. In the application you mention both 296 units and 287 units as the minimum number for the development, please clarify how the minimum number of units was determined and the total number proposed for this site. Please also include the number of parking spaces proposed and how the number of spaces was determined. The information should document that the wetland area to be impacted is the minimum area required for the project to be practicable and meet the project purpose. 5. Information related to proposed storm water ponds is required to evaluate the potential for secondary hydrologic impacts to adjacent wetlands. This should include the normal pool elevation of the ponds and the elevation of the adjacent wetlands. Please also provide dimensioned cross section drawings for the storm water ponds and any control structures. Provide information about impervious surface area of the new development and how directing all flow to the stormwater pond will not have a negative impact on wetland recharge. 6. Please include on the map the proposed buffer area of trees and shrubs between the wetlands area and built upon area. Also include information regarding the plans for landscaping for the stormwater management pond. As the application is considered incomplete for evaluation, no action will be taken on it until the requested information has been received. We request you provide this information within 30 days of the date of this letter. If no response is received by then, we will assume you have no further interest in obtaining a Department of the Army permit and the application will be deactivated. Thank you for your cooperation with the Corps Regulatory Program. Should you have any questions regarding this request for additional information, please let me know. Rachel Capito Regulatory Specialist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Office: 910.251.4487 Cell: 910.899.6051 Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 a) Please provide a description of the Amberleigh Phase I and any future proposed phases. b) Please include information demonstrating that all proposed infrastructure (roads, utilities, stormwater facilities, etc)for this project has utility independent of any past or future development. c) If the proposed project will share any infrastructure (storm water ponds, roads, utilities, etc) with adjacent existing development or future development, that information must be provided. If the Corps determines that Phase II is not a single and complete project, the proposed impacts to waters of the U.S. will be evaluated cumulatively, which may result in the project being evaluated under a Standard Permit if NWP impact thresholds are exceeded. a. Amberleigh Shores Phase I has access off Market Street and March Oaks Drive. Utilities come from Marsh Oaks Drive. The project required 0.355 -acre of permanent wetland impact. Please see the attached NWP 29 that was issued for this project (Attachment 1). b. To my knowledge, this is the only additional phase of the Amberleigh Shores Apartments that will be submitted for USACE and /or DWR action. Amberleigh Shores Phase II has independent utilities (i.e. sewer and water), which will be connected to the existing utilities that are located at the back of the Three Oaks Apartments (see Sheet C-2.0 of Attachment 2), and access, which will be off Market Street, south of the entrance into Phase I. The proposed development will not share stormwater infrastructure. Please see the Overall Site Plan (C-2.0 of Attachment 2) for confirmation of these statements. 2. The previously permitted Amberleigh Shores Phase I required mitigation at a ratio of 2:1. Based on the proposed 1:1 mitigation ratio for Phase II, please provide justification such as NCWAMfor the proposed 1:1 ratio. In preparing a mitigation proposal that meets the USACE's requirements, which is to offset unavoidable, direct and/or indirect losses of wetland function that is anticipated to place as result of the proposed development, SEGi relied upon several factors, which consisted of the (A) type and functional value of the existing wetland features, (B) both direct and indirect impacts the proposed development may have on the existing features, downstream receiving waters and the watershed, as a whole, (C) the cost associated with avoidance and minimization efforts, and (D) the temporal lag in replacement of the anticipated wetland functions to be removed. A. Wetland type and Functional Value: Utilizing the NC WAM, two types of wetlands were identified within the proposed project boundaries: Basin Wetlands (both Isolated and Non -Isolated) and Headwater Forest Wetland. As per the NC WAM, three wetland functions are identified for use by NC WAM: Hydrology, Water Quality, and Habitat. Each of these primary functions has been sub -divided into sub -functions that vary by general wetland type. The Hydrology function is divided into 1) surface storage and retention, and 2) sub -surface storage and retention. The Water Quality function is divided into 1) particulate change, 2) soluble change, 3) pathogen change, 4) physical change, and 5) pollution change. The first four Water Quality sub -functions are considered for riparian wetlands, and the fifth Water Quality sub -function (a combination of components of the first four) is considered for non -riparian wetlands. The Habitat function is divided into 1) physical structure, 2) landscape patch structure, and 3) vegetation composition. Various combinations of Habitat sub -functions are used for the general wetland types. NC WAM generates functional ratings for each assessed wetland, through comparison with reference examples of the same wetland type only (i.e. in-kind functional assessment). The selected descriptors are converted, by a computer program (the NC WAM Rating Calculator), into a functional rating for each Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 metric, as well as ratings for each sub -function (Hydrology, Water Quality, and Habitat) ratings. The sub - function ratings are combined to generate overall function ratings. Ratings are provided as "High," "Medium," or "Low" relative only to other wetlands of the same type. The ratings are reported in the Wetland Rating Sheet. To derive these ratings, NC WAM uses indicators of wetland condition (i.e. "condition metrics") relative to a reference wetland, as a surrogate for wetland function, thus wetland condition is used to infer wetland function. These indicators are general measures ("metrics") of the condition of the subject wetland. An opportunity metric considers landscape position of a wetland relative to activities on-going in the watershed. In NC WAM, opportunity metrics apply only to the Water Quality function. Indicators of both condition and opportunity in the generation of Water Quality functional ratings, and condition and opportunity indicators are analyzed independently of each other. The Wetland Rating Sheet provides 1) Water Quality sub -function ratings based on condition metrics only, 2) Water Quality sub -function ratings based on condition metrics as modified by the presence of an opportunity to enhance wetland function in the watershed, and 3) an indication as to whether an opportunity to enhance wetland function is present in the watershed. Inserting the data collected in the field, from the assessment areas (i.e. proposed impact areas A -H), as well as spatial data collected through GIS programs, the following table summarizes the functional ratings calculated for each wetland feature, found within the project boundaries: Wetland Feature Hydrology Water Quality Habitat Opportunity Presence Y/N ? Overall Basin Wetland #1 High High Medium N Medium Basin Wetland #2 High High Medium N Medium Basin Wetland #3 High High Medium N High Headwater Forest High High High N High Isolated Basin Wetland Low Low Low N Low Table 1 NC WAM results for each wetland feature on the property Please refer to Attachment 3 for details of the completed NC WAM forms and corresponding map. B. The basin wetlands to be impacted on this site, are neither adjacent or abutting surface waters (i.e. streams and rivers). Runoff collected within these features infiltrates into the ground or is lost to evaporation and vegetation uptake. While these wetlands collect and treat stormwater, filtering out sediments and contaminants through the soil before it enters into surface waters, stormwater runoff entering into these wetland systems is minimal, as the site is heavily wooded. Therefore, the wetlands located within the subject property do not significantly affect downstream water quality, as it pertains to pollution and sediment levels, which provides little or no opportunity for improvement of water quality conditions downstream or within the watershed. C. Per Section 320.4(r)(1): Mitigation is an important aspect of the review and balancing process on many Department of the Army permit applications. Consideration of mitigation will occur throughout the permit N Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 application review process and includes avoiding, minimizing, rectifying, reducing, or compensating for resource losses. Losses will be avoided to the extent practicable. Compensation may occur on-site or at an off-site location. Mitigation requirements generally fall into three categories. Utilizing retaining walls reduced impacts by 0.16 -acre (see Attachment 4), thereby ensuring the unimpacted wetlands remain viable and functional. The cost of constructing the walls is approximately $150,000, which far exceeds the cost of mitigating the impact (i.e. approximately $21,000). D. Based on the fact that Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank has been in existence and functioning for some time now, it is anticipated that there will be no temporal lag in replacing the wetland functions lost, as a result of the project. Taking all this into consideration, SEGi and the Applicant are of the opinion that the proposed 1:1 mitigation to impact ratio is sufficient to offset the anticipated loss of wetland function associated with the proposed Amberleigh Shores Phase II. 3. Please include drawings showing the entire proposed project, including entrance%xit roads, storm water ponds, and parking areas and label buildings for their specified use. Information and drawings related to the entire development are necessary to evaluate avoidance and minimization measures. The drawings should also indicate any vegetated buffers proposed to protect avoided wetlands. My apologies, for not including the Overall Site Plan. That was an oversight on my behalf. It has been attached as Sheet C-2.0 of Attachment 2. The plan depicts vegetated buffers and large, mature trees that are to remain after construction has been completed. 4. a) Describe potential wetland avoidance and minimization measures including alternate site plans and other steps which would reduce impacts to on-site wetlands and other waters. This includes information regarding alternate site configurations that were considered so that more impacts are avoided. b) In the application you mention both 296 units and 287 units as the minimum number for the development, please clam how the minimum number of units was determined and the total number proposed for this site. c) Please also include the number ofparking spacesproposed and how the number of spaces was determined. The information should document that the wetland area to be impacted is the minimum area required for the project to be practicable and meet the project purpose. a. The original site plan (1/15/16) proposed the max number of units and 0.895 -acre of wetland impact (see Attachment 4). From there, the Applicant produced several additional site plans (i.e. Dated 2/11/16 and 2/22/16), where different layouts were explored, less units were proposed and using slopes instead of retaining walls. Those site plans have been included as Attachment 4. Through the course of exploring avoidance and minimization potentials, the Applicant reduced wetland impacts by 0.685 -acre. b. The correct number of proposed units is 287. The minimum number of units is dictated by the cost of the land, the cost of engineering, surveying and environmental work, such as permitting and mitigation for the proposed wetland impacts, the cost of physically constructing the proposed development, which would include materials and labor, as well as the estimated market price for each dwelling. c. Parking requirement information is provided on the attached site plan (Sheet C-2.0 of Attachment 2). PARKING - PHASE 2 (PROPOSED) MINIMUM REQUIRED: 538 SPACES FOR PHASE 2 (SEE CALCULATIONS BELOW) 3 Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 MAXIMUM ALLOWED: 718 SPACES (2.5 PER UNIT) MINIMUM HANDICAP: 11 (2% OF TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED) 2 HANDICAP VAN (1 PER EVERY 8 HANDICAP SPACES) HANDICAP PROVIDED: 15 (INCLUDING 8 VAN) TOTAL PROVIDED: 558 SPACES (508 SURFACE SPACES + 50 GARAGES) 5. a) Information related to proposed storm water ponds is required to evaluate the potential for secondary hydrologic impacts to adjacent wetlands. This should include the normal pool elevation of the ponds and the elevation of the adjacent wetlands. Please also provide dimensioned cross section drawings for the storm water ponds and any control structures. b) Provide information about impervious surface area of the new development and how directing all flow to the stormwater pond will not have a negative impact on wetland recharge. a. Both of the proposed ponds are perched up on the slope of the uplands adjacent to the bottomland hardwood forest. The water will infiltrate down through the soil, to recharge the wetland feature. In addition, precipitation and stormwater runoff, from the adjacent wooded areas, will also play a role in ensuring there will not be a hydrological effect from the proposed development and/or stormwater ponds. The normal pool elevation (mean sea level - MSL) of the proposed ponds are as follows: Pond 1: 15.5' MSL Pond 2: 15.0' MSL The approximate elevation of the adjacent wetland is 14.0 MSL. Please refer to the plan view drawing (C- 4.2) and the detailed drawing (C-7.2) of the proposed ponds, which are part of Attachment 2, for details of the proposed features. b. While stormwater runoff, generated from the proposed 385,140 SF of built upon area (BUA), will be collected and directed, via pipe, to the stormwater ponds, the remaining depressional wetlands will be hydrologically maintained, in the same manner as they are today, which is through precipitation, runoff from the upland natural areas and through groundwater recharge. 6. Please include on the map the proposed buffer area of trees and shrubs between the wetlands area and built upon area. Also include information regarding the plans for landscaping for the stormwater management pond. Please see the Overall Site Plan (C-2.0 of Attachment 2). 4 Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 Attachment 1 Amberleigh Shores Phase I Nationwide Permit U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT R CbftiL ,D a -- Action ID. SAW -2007-01135 County: New Hanover USGS Quad: Scotts Hill GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner: Flournoy Development Company C/o Mr. Ryan Foster Address: 900 Brookstone Centre Pkwv Columbus, GA 31904 Telephone No.: (706) 243-9403 Agent/Applicant: Southern Env Group, Inc. C/o Dana Lutheran 5315 S College Rd, Ste E Wilmington, NC 28412 (910)452,-2711 Size and location of property (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The 29.58 acre property is a portion of Description of projects area and activity: This permit authorizes the permanent discharge of fill material into 0.355 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and temporary impacts to 0.053 acres for the purpose of developing a multi -family residential development known as Amberleigh Shores. PLEASE SEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE. Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number: _ Nationwide Permit Number: 29 Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and vour submitted plans on 2/16/12. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. This verification is valid until the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked. All of the existing NWPs are scheduled to be modified, reissued, or revoked prior to March 18, 2017. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the NWPs. We will issue a public notice when the NWPs are reissued. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date that the relevant nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve (12) months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (telephone (919) 733-1786) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management .This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. The construction/presence of this utility line (to which this Nationwide Permit (NWP) verification letter pertains) will not affect our review of any future proposed impacts. The presence of this utility line will not be an adequate justification for future impacts (e.g., additional utility lines must be built in jurisdictional waters of the U.S. because the location of this utility line necessitates the location of the other utility lines). We will examine any future proposal to impact jurisdiction waters of the U.S. to ensure that you have avoided, minimized, and/or mitigated for unavoidable impacts. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Emily�Hgghes at (910) 251-4635. Corps Regulatory Official Expiration Date of Verification: Date: April 4, 2012 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1) In order to compensate for impacts to 0.355 acres of non -riparian wetlands, the permittee shall make payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NC EEP) in the amount determined by the NC EEP at a 2:1 ratio, sufficient to perform the restoration of 0.71 acres of non -riparian wetlands in the Cape Fear River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03030007. Construction within jurisdictional areas on the property shall begin only after the permittee has made full payment to the NC EEP and provided a copy of the payment documentation to the Corps and the NCEEP has provided written confirmation to the Corps that it agrees to accept responsibility for the mitigation work required, in compliance with the NCEEP In -Lieu Fee Instrument, approved by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District on July, 28, 2010. 2) The permittee shall execute and cause to be recorded in the New Hanover County Register of Deeds the restrictive covenants acceptable to the Corps of Engineers for the purpose of maintaining the 4.27 acres of on-site remaining wetland areas, in their natural state in perpetuity, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within the subdivision. The permittee shall enforce the terms of the restrictive covenants and, prior to conveyance of the property, shall take no action on the property described in the covenants inconsistent with the terms thereof. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded restrictive covenants and map to the Corps of Engineers within 15 days of recording. Corps Regulatory Official: Date: Z 0 CS The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://reeulatorv.usacesurvev.com/ to complete the survey online. Generally, subdivisions within this State are subject to restrictive covenants placed on the property by the developer, that include provisions like setbacks, types of homes that can be built, etc. If we have detennined restrictive covenants are acceptable as a means of mitigation, the following language can be added to those restrictive covenants: "The areas shown on the recorded plat (identify) as conservation areas/wetland areas/mitigation areas (choose one) shall be maintained in perpetuity in their natural or mitigated condition. No person or entity shall fill, grade, excavate, or perform any other land disturbing activities; nor cut, remove, or harm any vegetation; nor construct any structures, nor allow animal grazing or watering or any other agricultural use on such conservation area. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of authorizations issued by [the State of North Carolina, Division of Water Quality, and] the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Action ID X00 - t i 3G and therefore may be enforced by [the State of North Carolina and/or by] the United States of America. This covenant is to run with the land, and shall be binding on the Owner, and all parties claiming under it." Usually, restrictive covenants have a provision that the property owners (either all of them or some percentage or them) can amend or modify the restrictive covenants. If that is the case, that provision needs to say that the above paragraph (usually identified by paragraph number) cannot be amended without the express written consent of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. Restrictive covenants, like conservation easements, should be drafted by a lawyer, and not by consultants. The permit condition needs to state that the permittee will record restrictive covenants for the purpose of maintaining the mitigation areas in their natural state in perpetuity, acceptable to the Corps of Engineers, prior to the sale or conveyance of any lots or other property within the subdivision. It is important that the restrictions be recorded prior to the sale of any property within the subdivision (or phase, if it is being developed by phase). If they are not, then any property sold prior to the recording of the restrictive covenant are not subject to those covenants. NATIONWIDE PERMIT 29 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FINAL NOTICE OF ISSUANCE AND MODIFICATION OF NATIONWIDE PERMITS FEDERAL REGISTER AUTHORIZED MARCH 19, 2012 Residential Developments. Discharges of dredged or fill material into non -tidal waters of the United States for the construction or expansion of a single residence, a multiple unit residential development, or a residential subdivision. This NWP authorizes the construction of building foundations and building pads and attendant features that are necessary for the use of the residence or residential development. Attendant features may include but are not limited to roads, parking lots, garages, yards, utility lines, storm water management facilities, septic fields, and recreation facilities such as playgrounds, playing fields, and golf courses (provided the golf course is an integral part of the residential development). The discharge must not cause the loss of greater than 1/2 -acre of non -tidal waters of the United States, including the loss of no more than 300 linear feet of stream bed, unless for intermittent and ephemeral stream beds the district engineer waives the 300 linear foot limit by making a written determination concluding that the discharge will result in minimal adverse effects. This NWP does not authorize discharges into non -tidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters. Subdivisions: For residential subdivisions, the aggregate total loss of waters of United States authorized by this NWP cannot exceed 1/2 -acre. This includes any loss of waters of the United States associated with development of individual subdivision lots. Notification: The permittee must submit a pre -construction notification to the district engineer prior to commencing the activity. (See general condition 31.) (Sections 10 and 404) Please visit our website for detailed general and regional terms and conditions of our 2012 Nationwide Permits: httn://www.saw.usace.armv.miI/Wetlands/peniiits[NWP/NWP2012/NWP29 3-L3 pdf T _ _ ggXISTING ITE CHARACTERI m PROPOSE➢ SITP. CHARACTERISTICS Force ion: F -Fall—Ty-Oeveiopmon, 26.57 Acre T.Al Total Building SF • 137,065: SF (13 Buildmgs B 4 Goragesl SITE ]910 Market Street Pavement SF - 236,350s SF (inalveiye of drive oislee LAT' L SITE Harnett Township, Now Hanover County, North Carolina and porking) IsUpmr sass: TAM4 Pages Creek Watershed / N 34.2901 Vh "✓ W 77.7994 b e✓•✓1•. LEGEND Upland Area = 21.91 ACRES dv Wetland Area - 4,66 ACRES Total . 26.57 ACRES Permanent 904 Wetland Impapt - IMPACT SUMMAFiY � +' p0,04 yt Welland Permanent Temporary Fill Volume .� martial I.O. Imooct Imoacf C.Y. Temporary 404 Welland Impact - t A N2. 5.130 0/0.117 tic _ 1.144 et/0026 no _-600 CY Fill L _ B -5-.Ng— f/0074 ac 418 s 1)0.010 oc 600 CY Fill T50bTY Kip R - Riparian _ p 26 e1/0001 no 75 a(/0442 tic5 CY FIII- Isolated Wetlands To Be Filled - E _ nl B6 .1/T.002 ac I6B el/0.004 tic . 20 CY Fill NR -Nan-ftiPadan II • Ip_ F __ip. 406 of/0009 ac 303 1/0007 ac 50 CY FII • �_. G 0 100 x110:002 tic _ 0 CY Fill t 1 H _ 38 sl%O D01 ac 0 _ 400 dY Fill I 1 O 1 - 500 CY Fill 1154 pyo 02T tic O 11 1 m Wetlands to Remain - 10 ISOLATED Al yA��QQ 327 0/0.008 ac .— 0 -- -637-CY Pill- m 1 I�EOT£ IaR. 1,DI7 ai/0:023 ac - 0 —150 CYFill I I n Total a1 0.053 tic 3,675 0Y rill r _ _ _ _ t VICINITY MAP Proposed Pavement ¢ x:.:k. 1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE I ? Sfix 1. NOTE elands shorn oro hosed on jurlsdlctienal determination SAW -2007-01135. 1 _ ( - 2. Existing condition linerork was provided by others and Is not the result of "--- field survey data Ey Thomas B Hutton Engineering Co. 1 t r,l 11 3. The vita layout and final elevations shown on these drawings are conceptual it i 1 and subject to -hong. with final design. 4. A slate storm water permit will be applied for through NCOENR OWO upon _ a compt.lio; • Jn of final design. . - c/ If �'� !• \� p I 3 ° a - SHEET W: HORIZONTAL SCAT E 1 100 0 50 100 Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 Attachment 2 Overall Site Plan, S&EC, Stormwater and Detail Drawings Q_ s� G� CpG FFT� G,ps� MFNO yLF O 9UMA FNygl O Fq� p A`O�ycRO <OR - OO POOR G QST �� M�RSti 2/j0 pR UQ �1 p Rtti FR = ��o so �OFRAC o�¢� ti9,yOF SITE 5� �� a PG cFOR O i o O S VgLEpR � �tOQ-' P� cl O / LOST TREE Rp s G�� 1o O O SAYSHoREOR p SANG RD P6JPQ�J 9G��\G BAYSHOREOR LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE SITE INFORMATION APPLICANT INFORMATION: PROJECT ADDRESS: PARCEL ID: RECORDED DEED BOOK: CURRENT ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: PROPOSED USE: TOTAL SITE AREA: DENSITY ALLOWABLE IN MFM DENSITY PROVIDED IN MFM FLOURNOY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 900 BROOKSTONE CENTRE PARKWAY COLUMBUS, GA 31904 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28411 R03600-005-385-000 R03600-005-023-000 R03600-005-020-002 R03600-005-025-000 R03600-005-024-000 R03600-005-383-000 R03600-005-020-006 R03600-005-028-000 BK XXXX, PG XXX CITY - MFM (MULTI -FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY) CITY - MFM (MULTI -FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY) MULTI -FAMILY APARTMENTS PHASE 1 - 26.57 ACRES PHASE 2 - 15.34 AC. +.92 AC. ADJ. PARCEL (16.26 TOTAL) TOTAL - 42.83 ACRES W 17 DU/AC (728 UNITS) RECONFIGURE EXISTING DRIVEWAY – 13.3 DU/AC (569 UNITS TOTAL) FOR RIGHT IN /RIGHT OUT ACCESS PHASE 1 EXISTING - 282 UNITS PHASE 2 PROPOSED - 287 UNITS I T I FLOOD INFORMATION: THIS PARCEL IS NOT LOCATED IN 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE AS INDICATED BY FEMA FLOOD ZONE PANEL 3720316900J BEARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF APRIL 3, 2006. Nii CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: URBAN EXTEND RIGHT TURN LANE CONSERVATION RESOURCE: ASSUMED POCOSIN (TBD); 25' SETBACK OFF WETLANDS; WETLAND IMPACTS NOT CALCULATED I. EXISTING POWER AT THIS TIME REIOCAT�D BY D MINIMUM REQUIRED: 538 SPACES FOR PHASE 2 (SEE CALCULATIONS BELOW) MAXIMUM ALLOWED: 718 SPACES (2.5 PER UNIT) MINIMUM HANDICAP: 11 (2% OF TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED) 2 HANDICAP VAN (1 PER EVERY 8 HANDICAP SPACES) HANDICAP PROVIDED: 15 (INCLUDING 8 VAN) TOTAL PROVIDED: 558 SPACES (508 SURFACE SPACES + 50 GARAGES) BLDG 1 (107 UNITS, 4 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 57'-8" 1 BDRM 54 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 81 REQ'D SPACES 2 BDRM 53 UNITS X 2.0 SPACE = 106 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 1 = 187 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 2 (23 UNITS, 4 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 56'-8" 1 BDRM 4 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 6 REQ'D SPACES 2 BDRM 11 UNITS X 2.0 SPACE = 22 REQ'D SPACES 3 BDRM 8 UNITS X 2.25 SPACE = 18 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 2 = 46 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 3 (39 UNITS, 4 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 56'-8" 1 BDRM 11 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 17 REQ'D SPACES 2 BDRM 12 UNITS X 2.0 SPACE = 24 REQ'D SPACES 3 BDRM 16 UNITS X 2.25 SPACE = 36 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 3 = 77 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 4 (95 UNITS, 4 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 56'-8" 1 BDRM 54 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 81 REQ'D SPACES 2 BDRM 33 UNITS X 2.0 SPACE = 66 REQ'D SPACES 3 BDRM 8 UNITS X 2.25 SPACE = 18 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 4 = 165 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 5 (11 UNITS, 2 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 39'-5" 1 BDRM 2 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 3 REQ'D SPACES 2 BDRM 9 UNITS X 2.0 SPACE = 18 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 5 = 21 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 6 (6 UNITS, 2 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 32'-5" 1 BDRM 6 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 9 REQ'D SPACES BLDG 7 (6 UNITS, 2 STORY): PROPOSED HEIGHT: 32'-5" 1 BDRM 6 UNITS X 1.5 SPACE = 9 REQ'D SPACES 3 GARAGES PROPOSED HEIGHT: 14'-2" 8 PARKING SPACES PER GARAGE (24 TOT T ciTP VPvninTPc HC RAMP HANDICAP RAMP (TYPICAL - SEE DETAIL) HC SIGN HANDICAP SIGN (TYPICAL - SEE DETAIL) AMBERLEIGH SHORES D I -I A C � 1 KPROPOSED PHASE 2 PROPERTY `6" HEADER CURB AT TRANSITION BETWEEN ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND PERVIOUS CONCRETE (SEE DETAIL) `6" VERTICAL CURB ALONG OUTER EDGE OF PERVIOUS / CONCRETE (SEE DETAIL) \ ' 7 I MICHEAL & ANN RANEY R03615-004-019-000 BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 GRILLING STATION (TYP.) SEE LANDSCAPE ARCH. PLANS BY MLDA ss----- co S SS MICHEAL & ANN RANEY R03615-004-019-000 MICHEAL & ANN RANEY BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 R03615-004-020-000 BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 (TYP.) VINYL COATED CHAIN I IJI� O LINK FENCE (TYP.) STORMWATER MANAGEMENT I I p� II � II + O + YI U ++ too + QIIQ M + Lu 3 O rT + + �IIV' M '' �1 + + + + + + + II w W + \ + + + + O + JABE & SHIRLEY HARDEE + + R03600-005-020-001 �+ + _ BOOK 1253, PAGE 0507 I + µ + + + N 3 +n/ + + + N + + M + + L + X` 1\ 0 r �a I --I GRAPHIC SCALE 0 30 60 120 240 SCALE: 1 "=60' co 0 N O O U z Z O o C/) U > W = � C`3 4 o � U � � O � u O � O O ^ O O 0 04-4 z 4 O Lu o U J U W0 �zoc ow o O _ N � 0 a.) a� 00 z ;--4 Q 'R U W O 0 L: UZr v w N C, O U z 4-1 o z �w H w �U 0 OH OO o W W [p W��Ir Ln H❑❑� o 0 Z oZ O a Q U ~ 00 ZLL O o J Q iY Z_ -i >_ U Z_ Dai❑ o LU IL 0 U W W Q J z Li Y Z W z J d OdE:x F Q (n Q W 0U)000 SEAL ° ' 9 ° SEAL - 28852 °FNGINE��°P\�\\� //011111100 01/05/18 C-2,00 PEI JOB#: 16105.PE z O co w U O ct � o � v � o Qj o 0 a Q vn O LL w J U WO z ow N � 21 OC OC 0 r N z Q 1-4 � U W Nva z o o z c A w 0 O H H w� WwO� 1- 0LL LL m �--I)f LU 06 �- 0 Z Z O Q Q a 00Z o LL }} ° gg z — U <��Z_ �au>o W wgocwi> 0 > z>z>W O U J J W Q W J> U d 0 d � U SEAL 't SEAL - 28852 GINE��` /11Y R 12/18/17 C-3. PEI JOB#: 16105.PE r STORM SCHEDULE: Upstream Downstream Diamete Upstream Downstream Pipe Length BC Upstream Downstream Pipe Node Node r (In) Invert Invert (ft) Slope (%] Rim Elev Rim Elev Material MH -101 FES -100 30.00 12.27 12.00 68 0.40 21.27 12.00 RCP III DI -102 MH -101 24.00 12.57 12.27 75 0.40 20.54 21.27 RCP III DI -103 DI -102 24.00 15.37 14.83 135 0.40 20.36 20.54 RCP III MH -104 DI -103 18.00 15.75 15.37 94 0.40 21.09 20.36 RCP III DI -105 MH -104 18.00 22.45 15.75 271 2.47 27.46 21.09 RCP III DI -110 MH -101 15.00 13.01 12.27 147 0.50 20.61 21.27 RCP III YD -111 DI -110 12.00 13.56 13.01 55 1.00 21.53 20.61 HDPE YD -112 YD -111 12.00 15.31 13.56 175 1.00 20.21 21.53 HDPE MH -201 FES -200 42.00 11.53 10.00 77 2.00 20.69 14.00 RCP III DI -202 MH -201 42.00 13.67 11.53 107 2.00 20.63 20.69 RCP III MH -203 DI -202 36.00 14.50 13.67 83 1.00 21.52 20.63 RCP III MH -204 MH -203 36.00 15.70 14.50 119 1.00 24.90 21.52 RCP III DI -205 MH -204 36.00 17.52 15.70 182 1.00 26.34 24.90 RCP III DI -206 DI -205 36.00 18.17 17.52 130 0.50 26.89 26.34 RCP III DI -207 DI -206 30.00 18.95 18.17 155 0.50 26.87 26.89 RCP III MH -208 DI -207 30.00 19.79 18.95 169 0.50 27.26 26.87 RCP III DI -209 MH -208 30.00 20.15 19.79 72 0.50 26.90 27.26 RCP III MH -210 DI -209 24.00 20.84 20.15 138 0.50 27.75 26.90 RCP III DI -211 MH -210 24.00 21.38 20.84 109 0.50 27.09 27.75 RCP III DI -212 DI -211 18.00 22.51 21.38 224 0.50 27.84 27.09 RCP III YD -230 MH -203 18.00 15.40 14.69 71 1.00 23.83 21.52 RCP III YD -231 YD -230 15.00 18.46 17.84 62 1.00 25.76 23.83 HDPE YD -232 YD -231 15.00 19.50 18.46 104 1.00 27.53 25.76 HDPE YD -233 YD -232 12.00 19.77 19.50 27 1.01 27.56 27.53 HDPE YD -234 YD -233 12.00 20.98 19.77 121 1.00 26.70 27.56 HDPE YD -235 YD -234 8.00 21.80 20.98 82 1.00 27.51 26.70 HDPE YD -236 YD -235 8.00 22.84 21.80 104 1.00 24.97 27.51 HDPE DI -240 MH -208 24.00 21.40 20.79 122 0.50 26.73 27.26 RCP III DI -241 DI -240 24.00 22.02 21.40 123 0.50 26.81 26.73 RCP III MH -242 DI -241 15.00 22.39 22.02 76 0.50 28.79 26.81 RCP III MH -244 DI -240 15.00 21.63 21.40 45 0.52 28.48 26.73 RCP III CB -250 DI -211 18.00 21.97 21.38 117 0.50 29.40 27.09 RCP III CB -251 CB -250 15.00 22.12 21.97 30 0.50 29.37 29.40 RCP III YD -260 MH -203 12.00 15.36 14.69 56 1.19 23.41 21.52 RCP III CB -301 FES -300 12.00 24.75 24.60 53 0.28 27.00 - RCP III DI -401 EW -400 1 15.00 1 14.80 14.50 97 0.31 15.50 1 RCP III DI -403 EW -402 12.00 18.31 17.50 81 1.00 21.25 1 RCP III NOTES: 1.) SEE GENERAL NOTES SHEET (C-1.0) FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS FOR MORE INFORMATION. 2.) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 3.) GEOTECHNICAL TESTING HAS BEEN PERFORMED ON-SITE (REFER TO REPORT). A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL BE CONSULTED TO CONFIRM SUITABILITY OF SUBGRADE MATERIAL AND PROPER COMPACTION IN FILL AREAS. ASPHALT AREA NOTE: 1.) SITE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP TOPSOIL AND ANY UNSUITALBE MATERIAL AND PROVIDE CUT/FILL OPERATIONS TO PROVIDE A COMPACTED CONTROLLED SUBGRADE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBSURFACE GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. BUILDING PAD NOTE: 1.) SITE CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP TOPSOIL AND ANY UNSUITALBE MATERIAL AND PROVIDE CUT/FILL OPERATIONS TO PROVIDE A COMPACTED CONTROLLED BUILDING PAD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBSURFACE GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. NOTATION: CB = CATCH BASIN TC = TOP OF CURB ELEVATION DCB = DOUBLE CATCH BASIN BC = BOTTOM OF CURB (GUTTER) ELEVATION DI = DROP INLET PG = PROPOSED GRADE DDI = DOUBLE DROP INLET HP = HIGH POINT ELEVATION YI = YARD INLET (2 -SIDE OPEN THROAT) SW = SIDEWALK ELEVATION MH = STORM MANHOLE FLUME = CONCRETE DRAINAGE FLUME FLOWLINE ELEVATION YD = YARD DRAIN RP = RAMP RD* = ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION* PAD = DUMPSTER PAD ELEVATION *PROVIDE IN-LINE CLEANOUT AND CONNECTION TO DOWNSPOUT - SEE ARCHITECTURAL & PLUMBING PLANS FOR DOWNSPOUT CONNECTIONS. PROVIDE INSERT -A -TEE FOR RD -4-02. DRAINAGE NOTES: 1.) DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND STORMWATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER OR HOA, INCLUDING PONDS, PIPES, AND INFILTRATION BASINS AND TRENCHES. 2.) ALL IMPERVIOUS MUST DRAIN TO THE DESIGNED STORMWATER SYSTEM, PER THE APPROVED PLANS. 3.) NO OBSTRUCTIONS ARE ALLOWED IN DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, INCLUDING FENCES. 4.) ALL STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL MEET NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED FOR H-20 LOADS AT A MINIMUM. 5.) ALL CATCH BASIN (CB) RIM ELEVATIONS AND YARD INLET (YI) THROAT ELEVATIONS ARE LISTED AS THE "GUTTER OF FLOWLINE ELEVATION" WITHIN THE CURB SECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A UNIFORM EDGE OF PAVEMENT (EOP) WHEN PLACING THE STORM INLETS WITHIN THE CURB -LINE (SEE "CURB TRANSITION" DETAIL). FOR CATCH BASINS WITHIN A TRANSITION FROM 24" STANDARD CURB & GUTTER, THE RIM ELEVATION GIVEN IS 1 INCH BELOW EOP. 6.) MANHOLE RIM ELEVATION SHOWN ABOVE IS FLUSH WITH PROPOSED GRADE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 6" CLEARANCE ABOVE PROPOSED GRADE WHEN PLACED IN A GRASS/PERVIOUS AREA; AND A FLUSH CONDITION WITH PROPOSED PAVEMENT OR IMPERVIOUS COVER. 7.) PROPOSED BUILDINGS SHALL DIVERT ROOF DRAINAGE TO STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM. 8.) CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL FRAMES OF EX. UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE WITHIN ASPHALT OVERLAY AREAS TO MATCH PROPOSED GRADES. 9.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE EITHER RCP (CL. III) OR HDPE PIPE FOR THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. IF THE CONTRACTOR CHOOSES TO USE HDPE PIPE, IT SHALL BE ADS N-12 WT STORM PIPE AND SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. IN ADDITION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SURE TO PROVIDE CONCRETE COLLARS AROUND EACH F.E.S. TO PREVENT FLOATATION IF HDPE PIPE IS CHOSEN. VARIES 0 7' PARKING STALL TRAVELWAY PARKING STALL 0 7' VARIES 1.80% SLOPE 1/4" PER FT 1/4" PER FT 1.80% SLOPE _SLOPE PAVEMENT SECTION DETAIL EXTRUDED CURB TYPICAL APARTMENT DRIVE WITH PARKING CROSS SECTION NOT TO SCALE AMBERLEIGH SHORES DWAC� 1 0 INFILTRATION BASIN #3 (SEE DETAILS) PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT (SEE DETAILS) PERVIOUS PAVEMENT OVERFLOW STRUCTURE (SEE DETAILS) PROPOSED PHASE 2 I PROPERTY MICHEAL & ANN RANEY R03615-004-019-000 BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 --- - - - - -- SS --- --------- 00 ------------ :::L_1 ------SS --------------- loll 7 I � O - SS MICHEAL & ANN RANEY R03615-004-019-000 BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 MICHEAL & ANN RANEY R03615-004-020-000 BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 _......1.....;' - .;'.Ila 00 loll 7 I � O 0 N O O � U S-200 \ 3 U � � U z W 2E Z O o SECONDARY OUTLET Q rER STRUCTURE FTS 0 U 0 NCY SPILLWAY \ \\\ VEGETATED FILTER 1 = LEVEL SPREADER { JABE & SHIRLEY HARDEE R03600-005-020-001 O V BOOK 1253, PAGE 0507 PRIMARY OUTLET ovvr� ooyo, rr��� ivc i � i � I 1 I LAND USE: UNUSED LAND \ o I E- I ZSi DI -105 51�I E AN I L I` I MH -104 I I M vnN DI -103 I I i I FES 100 I 9 .: \\I/STRUCTURE 1 ti N N N _ :::.......:..::. L I `tom ROAD B W I g SS SS MH -101 18 17 SECONDARY OUTLET STRUCTURE I I GEORGE E SANDERS III 21 i ��� I� R03600-005-027-000 \ �\I� �\I� BOOK 5396, PAGE 1621 'q\� 'm` DI -403 2 - 20 - RETAINING WALL 1 LAND USE: UNUSED LANDS 2 27 26 -� �y ��y DESIGN BY ECS I I h \ %ins 2 �I\� \ \ r«vT 'ins 'in I I SOUTHEAST IN THIS =S - _ _ x� �� _ x x x � x _ I, J SCOPE OF WORK) I T PP _ -tee POND #1 (SEE DETAILS) r p FOREBAY SPILLWAY \ 1 quir I I GRE JV WILMINGTON LLC 4 -RAIL FENCE (TYP) R03600-005-270-000 --- -n -n LAND USE: FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SIDEWALK r VINYL COATED CHAIN VARIES -SEE PLA I I cn f I LINK FENCE (TYP.) r - I GRAPHIC SCALE W 0 30 60 120 240 p4 SCALE: 1 "=60' 00 0 N O O U z W 2E Z O o 0 U 0 > W = V c`3 � `--4 U � u G1 U n o Z � � O ^ of O 0 O ; ILL 0 Lu o U J U W0 �z ow 0 O _ N � 0 U 00 z Q ct U ct W 00 UZ� v W N C" CD O U z 4-1 0 o z �W H �7 H W �h O p W W CO L6 �ooOf o _ o O H Q F z 00 O LL o J Q Z_ Q� U <of(DLLZ_ �LU ZouWi W �a�no 0 zzW J Q Z WZ J Li U Y F 0 0 0 W d Oa-LLx 0 0U)000 SEAL SEAL _= - 28852 - FNGINE� Y I IRI \0`��\\. 01/05/18 C-4,00 PEI JOB#: 16105.PE °00000° o° �,� �� MICHEAL &ANN RANEY °o °-0000 - R03615-004-019-000 MICHEAL & ANN RANEY °ooo / BOOK 4008, PAGE 0581 I °o00 0000 \� \ � \ "� / I BOOK 4008 PAGER03615-004-020-0581o w \ � .20 2�p \S,S MH -204 PG 28.24 8- 5 \SW 26.00 o w 2 / ` 27 -- PG 28.24� PG 28.20 SW 26.35 LL SW 26.45 SW 24.50 SW 23.21 x - x �� - X -� / LU x x�x� - - \ / ( �_ SW 23.40 PG 23.20 x x PG 28.41 SW 28.05 w 25 26 27 _ TS 28.05 PG 23.41 � _ - - _ - 2 23 SW 8.20 BS 27.05 4 SETS OF 2 6" RIS 2 SW 28.05 J /L�'/ PG 23.20- \ I PG 00 2j TS LL SW 25.90 / S 26.95 BS 23.75 �n YD -260 19 20 2 I YD -231 / SW 26.00 BS 25.95 BS 24.85 \ I I\ 16 17 18 SW 23.20 /_ j •. / � \ PG 23.35 . -P312 13......1 qXAf 9r 7r 11 � 7 8 9 I x SW 25.45 ticn YD -230 \I ' w PG 23.24 I I I I WET POND #2 [SEE SHEET C-4.0] LL Lo IA1` ui I /�� C PG 23.24 j NSITION TO PG 23.20 PG 23.41 PG 23.20 I FES -200 \ I \ 4' EVEAL -� r\ - _ T 1.39 � � SW 21.95 �p I xl\ 1 / II TW 19.00 B 1.06 I `_ T \LBW 19.00\ IPG 21.5 PG 21.12 N-65' EVEAL O p_ S MH -201 13 I 14 OO O \ \ DI -202 O 1g 9 ,18 17 c\io O \ TW 18.50 I x I 7 N I --<�/- TW 19.90 BW 18.50 _ I O O TW 20.00 �� BW 18.30 \ \ \ 120 I� o \ OO BW 17.80 \ I I/00000 /\\ 18 WO/ I - \ / RETAINING WALL (TYP.) cf)LL [DESIGN BY OTHERS] a0O O O I \ \ \ xmz\ w \ ` C.0 O 000 \ I w \ \ \ \ O O / \ I ° 0o o �3 /I\ //I � /yI\\ P 21.12 = O000 TW120.00 \ \ \ \ \ I PGIL OO O D W 16.50 \\I/ \ I 4" REVEAL O° O TW 19.0 1 rn I \ VVIC_�k i \ / 0 O O I \ \ BW 15.50 �� BTC 21.3C 21.10 O° 00 \I \ \ /�DI-401 \ SITI DN TO TW 19.00 \I I I \\I/, BW "\ \ -1 \ �ti(•t I TW 20.00 o BW 14.50 \ BW 20.00 \ LL:, TW 20.00 TW 20.00 TW 19.001 BW 18.00 DI -110 I 3\ \ BW 20.00 BW 19.00 � / y� / °r' CD \ 3 \ I i TW 20.00 TW 20.00 , // Nay / BW 18.25 �'y BW 17.10 I N o� u= E \ � C) T wF // w O 20.00 T PG 2 YD -111 I TW 19.00 BW 18.00 YD -112 U) LU x PG 22.31 PG 22.31 I TW 20.00 �I\\ I BW 17.50 PG 22.08 w TW 21.00 � ., ...•..... 2p ...................... BW 17.50 TW 20.00 PG 22.17 W BW 20.00 .:::•�_...........�::. .... 1 .......... PG 22.10 /� :I:. "_::.. \ \ - ` JABE & SHIRLEY HARDEE U PG 22.25 PG 22.10 0 0 \; '8 //I\\ R03600-005-020-001 PG 21.83 o w I `` :::' jS.. �9 F \ EW -402 a PG 21.78 o+o LL ::.. k- SW 21.82 \ \ 2 c\j 2 'I / C�O ( `�:. O p TC 23 41 SW .9 O O O O / p° \ I I SEE SHEWETPONET C-4.0] \ c9i :ci x O BC 22.77 O C13 ° ° : O O ° FIRE IRE IRE F FIRE , FIRE E F ��:' I \\I\I/ (, - M M M -M A M M 10 / MH -104 ` 2 DI -103 0 20+20.0 0 20+75.00 o MH -101 I ,�`:';::' / Ql- 10.75%/ -0.75% HP 20. -0.75 /o ��� LP20.54 -0.75% 41 w MEN=TC 22.37 .: 'co -r. SS \ 2 Sc P 20.78. SS ss 19P20.00 SS- P 2 .7 - SS S SS S C TC 22.08 TC 21.58 BC 21.87 18 17 I y DI -102 TC 22.10 � 20 1900, w M Ff FM -7 FM °o° BC 21.60 2 w � \4>xI C\ Li TC 22.39 _-� 21_ 20BC 21.89 DI -403 -SS SS v S SS-S\S SS -SSSS X X X X X / X X X/ X X X X X X FT X X X X )3- X_ X X � X X X� X X N 48'3.1 08 W 2� L Fiz:�\ QE- 2 LF�';IK\ -49 \ \ \ \ \ \ X �W�Z P / I I (D GRE JV WILMINGTONLLC \ Ico R03600-005-270-000' I BOOK 1253, PAGE 0507 O 1� rW V J 1W 1 ' O I V W Q GRAPHIC SCALE 0 15 30 60 120 SCALE: 1"=30' z O W c>1 N � � O N G1 U � O Z J C� o uo vD O z z LU J U W0. zocow o O - N � oc z O 70 W N��a z �o�v _ C�, o z w W W � � O IIY--H---Ili �U W O m b LL LL m M Q 00 ii oo� C, _ z o O Q ~ ~O <Z)D z 0LL 0 o as z - U <z� Z_ W �au>o wgocWi> 0 > Z:z>W OU J J W Q W J> U SEAL SEAL 9� ° ° 28852 0 _ NGINE� ��YIIRi00� ��\\ 5/08/18 C-4,02 PEI JOB#: 16105.PE r *NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT IN AN ORIFICE AT THE PROPOSED SEDIMENT STORAGE ELEVATION TO ATTACH THE SKIMMER. ONCE THE AREA DRAINING TO THE BASIN IS STABILIZED, THE CONTRACTOR CAN ESTABLISH THE FINAL WET TOP OF RISER = 20.00 POND, REMOVE THE SKIMMER, AND PLUG OR GROUT THE TEMPORARY ORIFICE. (2.0 x 2.0 GRATE OPENING) REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX (CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE FOR % 2.0'x 2.0' TOP GRATE OPENING) 2" SCH. 40 PVC PIPE DRAWDOWN ORIFICE NORMAL POOL EL. = 15.50 GALVANIZED BAR GRATING 1" x 1/8" BEARING BARS. FASTEN WITH J -CLIPS, ATTACH TO A 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/4" GALVANIZED ANGLE FRAME. MORTOR FRAME TO TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE. 6" 0 SCH, 40 PVC PIPE 53 LF @ 0.94% SLOPE INV UP = 15.001 INV DN = 14.50 [FLOWS TO LEVEL SPREADER #1] �-- (6 i S�Oe�/ ^5\�� / If 4.0' X 4.0' (APPROX.) 6" EXTENDED BASE NOT TO SCALE GALVANIZED BAR GRATING 1" x 1/8" BEARING BARS. FASTEN WITH J -CLIPS, ATTACH TO A 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/4" GALVANIZED ANGLE FRAME. TOP OF RISER 20.00 - MORTOR FRAME TO TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE. = / (3.0'x 3.0' GRATE OPENING) TEMPORARY 4"0 ORIFICE FOR SEDIMENT BASIN SKIMMER. PLUG OR FILL WHEN CONVERTING SEDIMENT BASIN TO WET POND. EL. 17.50 15" 0 CULVERT NORMAL POOL EL. = 15.50 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX. (CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE FOR / 3.0'x 3.0' TOP GRATE OPENING) i If 5.0'X 5.0' (APPROX.) 6" EXTENDED BASE POND #1 SECONDARY OUTLET STRUCTURE SECTION (SIDE) NOT TO SCALE OUTLET PIPE 15" RCP (CL. III) INV UP = 17.50 INV DN = 17.00 40 LF @ 1.25% SEED/ SOD ALL SLOPES ABOVE PERMANENT POOL EL. 6:1 SHELF BELOW PERMANENT POOL PLANTED WITH SUITABLE WETLAND SPECIES OR VEGETATION. - 311 6' p PERMANENT POOL EL 15.50 I 12 - .31 it POND #1 SECTION 1 NOT TO SCALE SUITABLE PLANTS PICKERELWEED (PONTEDERIA CORDATA) DUCK POTATO (SAGGITARIA LATIFOLIA AND SAGGITARIA CARDINALIS) SWAMP ROSE (HIBISCUS MOSHEUTOS) BLUE FLAG (IRIS VIRGINICA) CARDINAL FLOWER (LOBELIA CARDINALIS) WET DETENTION POND PLANTING CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ON THE 6:1 SLOPED SHELF, EQUAL NUMBERS OF EACH OF THE LISTED SUITABLE PLANTS. DURING INSTALLATION, GROUP SIMILAR SPECIES OF PLANTS TOGETHER. INSTALL PLANTS 24" O.C. IN A CHECKERBOARD PATTERN. CL 1 �LU � 1 J FOREBAY NOTE: 1. FOR MAINTENANCE EFFORTS OR IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, STORMWATER STORED BELOW PERMANENT POOL SHALL BE PUMPED. 2. ALL STORMWATER (INCLUDING ROOF DRAINAGE) MUST BE CONVEYED TO THE STORMWATER BMP. SECONDARY SPILLWAY WEIR (COVER WITH HARD" c LC ----- ^^"1CRETE BOX. ALL SIZE FOR 3.0'x ENING) EL. 19.50 *NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT IN AN ORIFICE AT THE PROPOSED SEDIMENT STORAGE ELEVATION TO ATTACH THE SKIMMER. ONCE THE AREA DRAINING TO THE BASIN IS STABILIZED, THE CONTRACTOR CAN ESTABLISH THE FINAL WET TOP OF RISER = 19.75 POND, REMOVE THE SKIMMER, AND PLUG OR GROUT THE TEMPORARY ORIFICE. (2.0'x 2.0' GRATE OPENING) REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX (CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE FOR % 2.0'x 2.0' TOP GRATE OPENING) 3" SCH. 40 PVC PIPE DRAWDOWN ORIFICE NORMAL POOL EL. = 15.00 GALVANIZED BAR GRATING 1" x 1/8" BEARING BARS. FASTEN WITH J -CLIPS, ATTACH TO A 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/4" GALVANIZED ANGLE FRAME. MORTOR FRAME TO TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE. 6" O SCH, 40 PVC PIPE 63 LF @ 0.79% SLOPE INV UP = 14.501 INV DN = 14.00 [FLOWS TO LEVEL SPREADER #2] __--- o i i ^5\�� / If 4.0' X 4.0' (APPROX.) 6" EXTENDED BASE NOT TO SCALE GALVANIZED BAR GRATING 1" x 1/8" BEARING BARS. FASTEN WITH J -CLIPS, ATTACH TO A 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/4" GALVANIZED ANGLE FRAME. TOP OF RISER 20.00 - MORTOR FRAME TO TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE. = / (3.0'x 3.0' GRATE OPENING) EL. 19.00 TEMPORARY 4"0 ORIFICE FOR SEDIMENT BASIN SKIMMER. PLUG OR FILL WHEN CONVERTING SEDIMENT BASIN TO WET POND. EL. 17.50 6" Ff 4�- 5.0'X 5.0' (APPROX.) - I POND #1 SECONDARY OUTLET STRUCTURE SECTION (FRONT) NOT TO SCALE 20' 3 y EL. 21.50 FILTER FABRIC-/ 6" THICK CLASS 'B' RIP -RAP POND #1 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL TOP EL. FOREBAY BERM 14.50 5' WIDE TOP OF BERM PROVIDED WQV STORAGE EL. = 19.00 _ PERMANENT POOL EL. (NORMAL WATER SURFACE) 15.50 3 w 1 MAIN POND 06 NOT TO SCALE 10' EL. 14.50 EL. 14.50 POND #1 FOREBAY SPILLWAY DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SECONDARY OUTLET PRIMARY OUTLET STRUCTURE STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL) (SEE DETAIL) TOP OF DAM EL. = 21.5 SEDIMENT REMOVAL EL. = 12.00 SEDIMENT REMOVAL EL. = 8.00 * 1' OF POND DEPTH IS FOR BOTTOM EL. FOREBAY = 11.00 POND BOTTOM EL. = 7.00 SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION FOREBAY IS DIVIDED FROM THE RETAINING WALL (DESIGN BY OTHERS) PER DWQ POLICY MAIN POND BY AN EARTHEN & RIP RAP BERM TOP = 13.00 1 EXPOSED BOTTOM = 11.00 POND #1 - FOREBAY AND STORAGE POND SECTION NOT TO SCALE 2" DROP & 18" GRAVEL FILTER STRIP (12" DEPTH) WITH NCDOT #57 WASHED STONE (TRANSITION ZONE) 1' 1.5' 30' 1.5' VEGETATED FILTER PROPOSED CONCRETE WALL 5% MAX SLOPE TOP EL. = 15.50 6" 0 SCH. 40 PVC PIPE INV = 14.50 [FLOWS FROM WET POND #1] 3 r1� 6' VEG SHELF 6:1 SLOPE TYP. AROUND POND RETAINING WALL (DESIGN BY OTHERS) TOP = 13.001 EXPOSED BOTTOM = 11.00 EX GRADE TIE-IN EL. 14.05 BLIND SWALE W/ 3:1 SIDE SLOPES co = +/- N��6 LINE SWALE WITH 8" 12" RIP RAPo a VEGETATED FILTER STRIP (FOR ENGINEERED FILTER STRIPS, INV EL. = 14.50 a THE FILTER STRIP AND ANY ADJACENT CUT SLOPES MUST BE 1, COVERED WITH AT LEAST 6 INCHES OF LOOSE TOPSOIL WITH APPROPRIATE SOIL AMENDMENTS AND AN APPROPRIATE TURF GRASS SPECIES (SOD). THE ENGINEERED FILTER STRIP MUST BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A UNIFORM TRANSVERSE SLOPE. 18" NCDOT SAND (18" DEPTH) [GRADATION 2MS PER TABLE 1005-2 NCDOT SPECS) LINED WITH NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUAL) NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC VEGETATED FILTER AND LEVEL SPREADER #1 SECTION NOT TO SCALE / 18" 0 CULVERT Y NORMAL POOL EL. = 15.00 REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX. (CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE FOR / 3.0'x 3.0' TOP GRATE OPENING) i If 5.0'X 5.0' (APPROX.) 6" EXTENDED BASE POND #2 SECONDARY OUTLET STRUCTURE SECTION (SIDE) NOT TO SCALE OUTLET PIPE 18" RCP (CL. III) INV UP = 17.45 INV DN = 17.10 35 LF @ 1.00% SEED/ SOD ALL SLOPES ABOVE PERMANENT POOL EL. 6:1 SHELF BELOW PERMANENT POOL PLANTED WITH SUITABLE WETLAND SPECIES OR VEGETATION. II II 11 6' p PERMANENT POOL EL 15.00 12" %1 it POND #2 SECTION - 1 NOT TO SCALE SUITABLE PLANTS PICKERELWEED (PONTEDERIA CORDATA) DUCK POTATO (SAGGITARIA LATIFOLIA AND SAGGITARIA CARDINALIS) SWAMP ROSE (HIBISCUS MOSHEUTOS) BLUE FLAG (IRIS VIRGINICA) CARDINAL FLOWER (LOBELIA CARDINALIS) WET DETENTION POND PLANTING CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ON THE 6:1 SLOPED SHELF, EQUAL NUMBERS OF EACH OF THE LISTED SUITABLE PLANTS. DURING INSTALLATION, GROUP SIMILAR SPECIES OF PLANTS TOGETHER. INSTALL PLANTS 24" O.C. IN A CHECKERBOARD PATTERN. NOTE: 1. FOR MAINTENANCE EFFORTS OR IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, STORMWATER STORED BELOW PERMANENT POOL SHALL BE PUMPED. 2. ALL STORMWATER (INCLUDING ROOF DRAINAGE) MUST BE CONVEYED TO THE STORMWATER BMP. SECONDARY SPILLWAY WEIR (COVER WITH HARD" c Lf ^ ICRETE BOX. IALL SIZE FOR 3.0'x ENING) EL. 18.90 EL. 18.40 6" 1-10- 5.0'X f5.0'X 5.0' (APPROX.) - POND #2 SECONDARY OUTLET STRUCTURE SECTION (FRONT) NOT TO SCALE 40' EL. 21.50 .7 (TyA - i EL. 20.50 ° 0 FILTER FABRIC 6" THICK CLASS 'B' RIP -RAP POND #2 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 10' EL. 14.00 EL. 14.00 ' ' " III' 111 -Ti--' H FILTER FABRIC CLASS 'B' RIP -RAP O POND #2 FOREBAY SPILLWAY DETAIL U NOT TO SCALE SECONDARY OUTLET STRUCTURE (SEE DETAIL) TOP OFDAM w PRIMARY OUTLET STRUCTURE EL. = 21.50 NOT TO SCALE 2" DROP & 18" GRAVEL FILTER STRIP (12" DEPTH) WITH NCDOT #57 WASHED STONE (TRANSITION ZONE) 1' 1.5' 30' 1.5' VEGETATED FILTER PROPOSED CONCRETE WALL 5% MAX SLOPE TOP EL. = 15.00 6" 0 SCH. 40 PVC PIPE INV = 14.00 [FLOWS FROM WET POND #2] EX GRADE TIE-IN EL. = 14.45 BLIND SWALE W/ 3:1 C° SIDE SLOPES o � LINE SWALE WITH 8"-12" N a VEGETATED FILTER STRIP (FOR ENGINEERED FILTER STRIPS, RIP RAP STONE THE FILTER STRIP AND ANY ADJACENT CUT SLOPES MUST BE INV EL. = 14.00 COVERED WITH AT LEAST 6 INCHES OF LOOSE TOPSOIL WITH 1 APPROPRIATE SOIL AMENDMENTS AND AN APPROPRIATE TURF GRASS SPECIES (SOD). THE ENGINEERED FILTER STRIP MUST BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A UNIFORM TRANSVERSE SLOPE. 18" NCDOT SAND (18" DEPTH) [GRADATION 2MS PER TABLE 1005-2 NCDOT SPECS) LINED WITH NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUAL) NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC VEGETATED FILTER AND LEVEL SPREADER #2 SECTION NOT TO SCALE TION TOP EL. FOREBAY BERM 14.00 (SEE DETAIL) Fir --I 5' WIDE TOP OF BERM PROVIDED WQV STORAGE EL. = 18.40 O 1W PERMANENT POOL EL. (NORMAL WATER SURFACE) 15.00 Approved Construction Plan 3 1 Name Date 3 o FOREBAY 1 3 1 w MAIN POND w 3 1� Planning O U Traffic I * Fire r [� 6' I� U O UG*,\ U " 4_4c� O CITY )I' w _� � 0 WILMINGTON SEDIMENT REMOVAL EL. = 10.00 BOTTOM EL. FOREBAY = 9.00 NORTH CAROLINA SEDIMENT REMOVAL EL. = 8.00 * 1' OF POND DEPTH IS FOR POND BOTTOM EL. = 7.00 VEG SHELF 6:1 SLOPE TYP. O For each open utility cut City streets, a $325 permit t APPROVED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION _ N � AROUND POND 00 shall be required from the FOREBAY IS DIVIDED FROM THE PER DWQ POLICY a� W p O and/or project acceptance. MAIN POND BY AN EARTHEN & RIP RAP BERM r% r% K i r_% un rrN M r r% A X A K 1 M r+TrN M n r% r r►I-% K I r-% " Z p NOT TO SCALE 2" DROP & 18" GRAVEL FILTER STRIP (12" DEPTH) WITH NCDOT #57 WASHED STONE (TRANSITION ZONE) 1' 1.5' 30' 1.5' VEGETATED FILTER PROPOSED CONCRETE WALL 5% MAX SLOPE TOP EL. = 15.00 6" 0 SCH. 40 PVC PIPE INV = 14.00 [FLOWS FROM WET POND #2] EX GRADE TIE-IN EL. = 14.45 BLIND SWALE W/ 3:1 C° SIDE SLOPES o � LINE SWALE WITH 8"-12" N a VEGETATED FILTER STRIP (FOR ENGINEERED FILTER STRIPS, RIP RAP STONE THE FILTER STRIP AND ANY ADJACENT CUT SLOPES MUST BE INV EL. = 14.00 COVERED WITH AT LEAST 6 INCHES OF LOOSE TOPSOIL WITH 1 APPROPRIATE SOIL AMENDMENTS AND AN APPROPRIATE TURF GRASS SPECIES (SOD). THE ENGINEERED FILTER STRIP MUST BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A UNIFORM TRANSVERSE SLOPE. 18" NCDOT SAND (18" DEPTH) [GRADATION 2MS PER TABLE 1005-2 NCDOT SPECS) LINED WITH NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUAL) NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC VEGETATED FILTER AND LEVEL SPREADER #2 SECTION NOT TO SCALE TION Q Fir --I Z O 1W Approved Construction Plan Name Date O w Planning Traffic I Fire r [� I� U O UG*,\ U " 4_4c� O CITY )I' w _� � 0 WILMINGTON z O NORTH CAROLINA U Public Services • Engineering Division For each open utility cut City streets, a $325 permit t APPROVED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN _ N � 00 shall be required from the Date: Permit # City prior to occupancy a� W p O and/or project acceptance. Signed: W Z O w c� U O UG*,\ U " 4_4c� O O ^ Q _� � 0 O z z O J U W0- Z ow 0o _ N � 00 Z a� W p O U U W Z p 0 .� O Z G1 A W O � WWOI� 00 in W W m W Er CO �❑❑� Z C, o LO Z O C>U) H a Q F- ) z O LL oo O as Z - U < U- Z_ D a ❑ � w�0U) O U J o > ZZY Q U J W of z d 0Uaw w J M 0L)WOfU SEAL // C �N SEAL 028852 - 001111100 5/08/18 C-7.2 PEI JOB#: 16105.PE 6 \ 4" 4" 12' "8 - 30" TO FACE OF CURB OR 42" TO FACE OF BUILDING. r '7F PAV'T. NOTE: REBAR SPACING AND HOLE SIZES SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH WHEEL STOP MANUFACTURER. CONCRETE WHEEL STOP DETAIL 1:12 MAX SLOPE (TYP) NOT TO SCALE " TO 1" DIA. HOLE #3 REBAR FILL HOLE WITH SLURRY MIX NON -SHRINK GROUT AFTER REBAR >TALLATION. RAISED SIDEWALK OR TAPERED UP TO EXISTING HARDSCAPE/SIDEWALK OPTIONAL WHEEL STOPS. ISOMETRIC 5' MIN. LU z_ �o J O N Lfi M-111111112111-000 MIAR PAINT MARKINGS PER ADA GUIDELINES. PAINT MARKINGS PER ADA GUIDELINES. 1:12 MAX SLOPE (TYP) WALK TAPER DOWN SIDEWALK ' \ FLUSH WITH PARKING LOT SURFACE DETECTABLE WARNING PADS PER ADA GUIDELINES. HANDICAP CURB ACCESS RAMP AND MARKINGS DETAIL TOP OF DAM EL. = 28.0 NOT TO SCALE 1/2" JOINT SEALER EXPANSION JOINT 5' 3000 PSI CONCRETE 1/4" PER FT. a d ° ° d ° ° SECTION VIEW 1/8" Q ° d 111 d a 4" d ° - 1/8" RADIUS, TYP. DUMMY GROOVE CONTRACTION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT- MAX. 50' O.C. & BETWEEN STRUCTURES GROOVED CONTRACTION JOINT 2" SF9.5A SURFACE COURSE, MIN. ASPHALT ENSITY REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH EOTECHNICAL REPORT NCDOT CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE BASE :OURSE 100% MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY SNIT WEIGHT PER AASHTO T-180 COMPACTED SUBGRADE* 100% ASTM D698 TO 12" DEPTH LIGHT DUTY PAVEMENT SECTION 0.75" ADDITIONAL STONE FOR STD. CURB 5' SIDEWALK \ 12.1 MAX. PAVEMENT CURB SECTION A -A A WHEEL CHAIR RAMP (DROP CURB) NOT TO SCALE 1 3•, 50:1 MAX. NOT TO SCALE 24" CURB AND GUTTER (STD. & SPILL) NOT TO SCALE VERTICAL CURB NOT TO SCALE GGREGATE BASE COURSE d SECOND LAYER ASPHALT 3,000 PSI CONCRETE SIDEWALK d ° QD ° a ° d ° III III d COMPACTED d °6" SUBGRADE ° 8" FIRST ASPHALT LAYER STONE BASE RAISED SIDEWALK WITH THICKENED EDGE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOTES: 1. LONGITUDINAL SLOPE FO SIDEWALK SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN 1:20 (5%) 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 3. CURB RAMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH INTERSECTION OR DESIGNATED CROSSWALK. 4. ON ACCESSIBLE ROUTES WHERE SIDEWALK IS LESS THAN 5' WIDE, PASSING SPACES AT LEAST 5'x5' SHALL BE LOCATED AT REASONABLE INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 200'. EL. 28.00 v.. v. L. v1vL. r •. L..I X LwL. I . IL.. FILTER FABRIC NOT TO SCALE 6" THICK CLASS'B' RIP -RAP BASIN #3 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL SEED INFILTRATION BASIN IN NOT TO SCALE ACCORDANCE WITH SEEDING TOP OF DAM SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET C-1.0. EL. - 28.0 100 YR. EL. = 26.70 10 YR. EL. = 26.54 1 YR. EL. = 26.10 1 3 1�POND BOTTOM EL. = 25.50 ALINE BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION BASIN WITH A MINIMUM OF 4" CLEAN SAND (1-2% FINES OR LESS) INFILTRATION BASIN #3 SECTION NOT TO SCALE TOP OF RISER = 26.50 (3.0'x 3.0' GRATE OPENING) GALVANIZED BAR GRATING 1" x 1/8" BEARING BARS. FASTEN WITH J -CLIPS, ATTACH TO A 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/4" GALVANIZED ANGLE FRAME. MORTOR FRAME TO TOP OF OUTLET STRUCTURE. REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX. 18" 0 CULVERT (CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE FOR 3.0'x 3.0' TOP GRATE OPENING) If 5.0'X 5.0' (APPROX.) 6" EXTENDED BASE INFILTRATION BASIN #3 OUTLET STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE on SECOND LAYER ASPHALT -� ° (WHERE APPLICABLE) 3 000 PSI ° CO CONCRETE _ CURBING COMPACTED SUBGRADE 8" ASPHALT PAVING STONE BASE TYPICAL EXTRUDED CONCRETE CURB NOT TO SCALE 6"X12" CONCRETE HEADER TRANSITION IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT SECTION PERVIOUS PAVEMENT SECTION a° 12" MIN'. ° . ASPHALT TO PERVIOUS CONCRETE TRANSITION 6" 4000 PSI PERVIOUS CONCRETE 6" NCDOT CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 100% MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY UNIT WEIGHT PER AASHTO T-180 PACTED SUBGRADE* o ASTM D698 TO 12" DEPTH NOTES: 1. PERVIOUS CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF ACI 522.1, 'SPECIFICATION FOR PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT,' PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BY THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION FOR ZONING NOT TO SCALE """^ PSI PERVIOUS CONCRETE 12" WASHED #57 STONE (WRAPPED IN NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MIRAFI N140 OR APPROVED EQUAL) BOTTOM EL_ 26.50_ )PE PERFORATED PIPE RE SHOWN ON PLAN INECT TO PERVIOUS :MENT OVERFLOW STRUCTURE) NOTES: 1. PERVIOUS CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO ALL REQUIREMENTS OF ACI 522.1, 'SPECIFICATION FOR PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT,' PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN, EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BY THESE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 2. IN -FIELD INFILTRATION TESTING SHALL CONFIRM RFTS SOIL TESTS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS. PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION FOR SWM CREDIT NOT TO SCALE NCDOT STD. CATCH BASIN REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX OUTLET PIPE PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT 18" RCP (CL. III) EL. = 27.25 INV UP = 23.08 INV DN = 22.50 58 LF @ 1.00% VARIABLE 0 0 (0 0 0 0 O O O O O Q o0 OO OO OO OO o0 OzOz�z�z�z0 0 N O 0.90" TO 1.40" 0.65" MIN 1.6" TO 2.4" DETECTABLE WARNING MAT T OJ =� C? W N � BASE DIAMETER TO BE 0.90"R - 1.40"R TOP DIAMETER TO BE NO LESS THAN 50% TO NO MORE THAN 60% OF THE BASE DIAMETER 1. SYMBOL TO BE PAINTED (HIGHWAY GRADE) YELLOW PER ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS. HANDICAPPED PARKING SYMBOL 12 RESERVED PARKING 18" NOT TO SCALE 12" RESERVED PARKING MUTCD 18" R7-8 i 12"x18" fol 11 N/A N91,R7-8a 12"x6" MAXIMUM ACCESSIBLE PENALTY 9" 2° $ 250 \ MAXIMUM R7 8D PENALTY 9° $ 250 \ 12"x9" AVEMENT/GRASS O O U NOTES: 1. METAL POST AND ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL, ASTM A307-90. _J 2. POST HOLES SHALL BE FILLED WITH GRANULAR BACKFILL IN 3 -INCH TO 4 -INCH LIFTS. THOROUGHLY HAND TAMP EACH LIFT AND CROWN BACKFILL AT TOP TO SHED WATER. Approved Construction Plan 3. CONCRETE FOR FOOTING SHALL BE PORTLAND CEMENT AND HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI. 4. SIGNS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF ALUMINUM, TYPE 6061-T6 AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH ASTM STD B-209. THICKNESS SHALL BE 0.80 INCHES. O 5. TOP EDGE TREATMENT FILM SHALL BE 3" WIDE, CLEAR AND TRANSPARENT WITH A 1 SUB -RESISTANT PRESSURE SENSITIVE NON -YELLOWING ADHESIVE, "SKOTCHCAL" �J TRANSPARENT FILE #639. 6. REFLECTIVE FACING MATERIAL SHALL BE SCOTCHLITE HIGH INTENSITY, MANUFACTURED City streets, a $325 permit BY 3M COMPANY. O 7. SIGN LETTERING SHALL BE NPS MODIFIED CLARENDON TYPEFACE. UPPERCASE LETTERS shall be required from the SHALL BE 3.75" HEIGHT AND LOWERCASE LETTERS SHALL BE 2.5" HEIGHT WITH 3.75" SPACING BETWEEN LINES. 8. CORNER RADIUS OF SIGNS SHALL BE 2.5" Fire ARROWS SHALL BE 5.625" LONG BY 3.75" HIGH. C�-I 9. MOUNT ON BUILDING OR METAL POST AS DIRECTED. H W HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL 4" HDPE PIPE (TRANSITION FROM PERFORATED 6" EXTENDED BASE TO WT PRIOR TO BOX PENETRATION) PERVIOUS PAVEMENT OVERFLOW STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE Approved Construction Plan Z Name Date O O For each open utility cut of Planning City streets, a $325 permit Traffic 07 shall be required from the City prior to occupancy Fire and/or project acceptance. H CITYOF w WILMINGTON • NORTH CAROLINA , Public Services • Engineering Division APPROVED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN -14 c� Date: Permit # Know whatys below. O U G� c� o � � Call before you dig. O Q Signed: Z z O W c� U J Z O 07 W -14 c� U O U G� c� o � � O Q O Z z O W c� U J U W 0 Z ow 0 O - N � 0 � � 00 00 Z ;--4p t� N _ Q�<-ZS�U a� W p Ztc P4 0^ o Z A w W O � WwO�, W �!!� co ❑W Wm WOf °o H_ ❑ Z o O LO Z O C> coa Q �» U) z (i' O LL �00 O as Z - Of UJ } Z O Q�O, 0 z Z FnZ)a0 Lu zo LU < O U J o > ZZY Q 0� U J W d W J 0 OcUi�W�U 0[Lz SEAL \0\\i11111//// C �N SEAL 028852 - 5/08/18 C-7.0 PEI JOB#: 16105.PE Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 Attachment 3 NC Wetland Assessment Method Forms Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 NC WAM Wetland Map L] NC WAM WETLAND ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 mating %,aicuiaior version 4._1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase 2 Basins 1 & 2 Date November 17, 2017 Wetland Type Basin Wetland Assessor Name/Organization David Scibetta (SEGi) Level III Ecoregion Southeastern Plains Nearest Named Water Body Pages Creek River Basin Cape Fear _11USGS 8 -Digit Catalogue Unit 03030003 C' Yes � * No Precipitation within 48 hrs? Latitude/Longitude (deci-degrees) 1) 34.285247 / -77.803356 Evidence of stressors affecting the assessment area (may not be within the assessment area) 2) 34.285828 / -77.802586 Please circle and/or make note on last page if evidence of stressors is apparent. Consider departure from reference, if appropriate, in recent past (for instance, approximately within 10 years). Noteworthy stressors include, but are not limited to the following. • Hydrological modifications (examples: ditches, dams, beaver dams, dikes, berms, ponds, etc.) • Surface and sub -surface discharges into the wetland (examples: discharges containing obvious pollutants, presence of nearby septic tanks, underground storage tanks (USTs), hog lagoons, etc.) • Signs of vegetation stress (examples: vegetation mortality, insect damage, disease, storm damage, salt intrusion, etc.) • Habitat/plant community alteration (examples: mowing, clear -cutting, exotics, etc.) Is the assessment area intensively managed? r Yes C: No Regulatory Considerations (select all that apply to the assessment area) F_ Anadromous fish F_ Federally protected species or State endangered or threatened species F_ NCDWQ riparian buffer rule in effect F_ Abuts a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) F_ Publicly owned property F_ N.C. Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) (including buffer) F_ Abuts a stream with a NCDWQ classification of SA or supplemental classifications of HQW, ORW, or Trout F_ Designated NCNHP reference community F_ Abuts a 303(d) -listed stream or a tributary to a 303(d) -listed stream What type of natural stream is associated with the wetland, if any? (check all that apply) f Blackwater f Brownwater F_ Tidal (if tidal, check one of the following boxes) C Lunar f Wind Both Is the assessment area on a coastal island? r Yes f: No Is the assessment area's surface water storage capacity or duration substantially altered by beaver? Does the assessment area experience overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions? t ' Yes t: No t ' Yes f+ No Ground Surface Condition/Vegetation Condition — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider alteration to the ground surface (GS) in the assessment area and vegetation structure (VS) in the assessment area. Compare to reference wetland if applicable (see User Manual). If a reference is not applicable, then rate the assessment area based on evidence of an effect. GS VS to A C: A Not severely altered C B C B Severely altered over a majority of the assessment area (ground surface alteration examples: vehicle tracks, excessive sedimentation, fire -plow lanes, skidder tracks, bedding, fill, soil compaction, obvious pollutants) (vegetation structure alteration examples: mechanical disturbance, herbicides, salt intrusion [where appropriate], exotic species, grazing, less diversity [if appropriate], hydrologic alteration) 2. Surface and Sub -Surface Storage Capacity and Duration — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface storage capacity and duration (Surf) and sub -surface storage capacity and duration (Sub). Consider both increase and decrease in hydrology. Refer to the current NRCS lateral effect of ditching guidance for North Carolina hydric soils (see USACE Wilmington District website) for the zone of influence of ditches in hydric soils. A ditch <_ 1 foot deep is considered to affect surface water only, while a ditch > 1 foot deep is expected to affect both surface and ditch sub -surface water. Consider tidal flooding regime, if applicable. Surf Sub C' A C A Water storage capacity and duration are not altered. C B C: B Water storage capacity or duration are altered, but not substantially (typically, not sufficient to change vegetation). C' C C C Water storage capacity or duration are substantially altered (typically, alteration sufficient to result in vegetation change) (examples: draining, flooding, soil compaction, filling, excessive sedimentation, underground utility lines). 3. Water Storage/Surface Relief -assessment area/wetland type condition metric (answer for non -marsh wetlands only) Check a box in each column for each group below. Select the appropriate storage for the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT). AA WT 3a. (` A C A Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water > 1 foot deep (` B (i B Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 6 inches to 1 foot deep (i C C C Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep (` D (` D Depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 3b. ( A Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is greater than 2 feet ( B Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is between 1 and 2 feet {a C Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is less than 1 foot 4. Soil Texture/Structure - assessment area condition metric Check a box from each of the three soil property groups below. Dig soil profile in the dominant assessment area landscape feature. Make soil observations within the 12 inches. Use most recent National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils guidance for regional indicators. 4a. (' A Sandy soil (' B Loamy or clayey soils exhibiting redoximorphic features (concentrations, depletions, or rhizospheres) r C Loamy or clayey soils not exhibiting redoximorphic features r D Loamy or clayey gleyed soil R E Histosol or histic epipedon 4b. C A Soil ribbon < 1 inch R B Soil ribbon >- 1 inch 4c. (' A No peat or muck presence t* B A peat or muck presence 5. Discharge into Wetland - opportunity metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface pollutants or discharges (Surf) and sub -surface pollutants or discharges (Sub). Examples of sub -surface discharges include presence of nearby septic tank, underground storage tank (UST), etc. Surf Sub t: A t: A Little or no evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the assessment area t B t^ B Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the wetland and stressing, but not overwhelming the treatment capacity of the assessment area t C t^ C Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges (pathogen, particulate, or soluble) entering the assessment area and potentially overwhelming the treatment capacity of the wetland (water discoloration, dead vegetation, excessive sedimentation, odor) 6. Land Use - opportunity metric Check all that apply (at least one box in each column). Evaluation involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. Consider sources draining to assessment area within entire upstream watershed (WS), within 5 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (5M), and within 2 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (2M). Effective riparian buffers are considered to be 50 feet wide in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont ecoregions and 30 feet wide in the Blue Ridge Mountains ecoregion. WS 5M 2M F_ A F_ A F_ A >- 10% impervious surfaces F_ B F_ B F_ B < 10% impervious surfaces F_ C F_ C F_ C Confined animal operations (or other local, concentrated source of pollutants) F_ D F_ D F_ D >_ 20% coverage of pasture F_ E F_ E F_ E >_ 20% coverage of agricultural land (regularly plowed land) F_ F F_ F F_ F >_ 20% coverage of maintained grass/herb F_ G F_ G F_ G >_ 20% coverage of clear-cut land F1 H R H F1 H Little or no opportunity to improve water quality. Lack of opportunity may result from hydrologic alterations that prevent drainage or overbank flow from affecting the assessment area. Wetland Acting as Vegetated Buffer - assessment area/wetland complex condition metric 7a. Is assessment area within 50 feet of a tributary or other open water? { ` Yes t: No If Yes, continue to 7b. If No, skip to Metric 8. Wetland buffer need only be present on one side of the water body. Make buffer judgment based on the average width of the wetland. Record a note if a portion of the buffer has been removed or disturbed. 7b. How much of the first 50 feet from the bank is weltand? Descriptor E should be selected if ditches effectively bypass the buffer. ( A >- 50 feet ( B From 30 to < 50 feet ( C From 15 to < 30 feet ( D From 5 to < 15 feet { E < 5 feet or buffer bypassed by ditches 7c. Tributary width. If the tributary is anastomosed, combine widths of channels/braids for a total width. C < 15 -feet wide { ` > 15 -feet wide { ' Other open water (no tributary present) 7d. Do roots of assessment area vegetation extend into the bank of the tributary/open water? C Yes t" No 7e. Is tributary or other open water sheltered or exposed? (` Sheltered - adjacent open water with width < 2500 feet and no regular boat traffic. { ' Exposed - adjacent open water with width >- 2500 feet or regular boat traffic. 8. Wetland Width at the Assessment Area — wetland type/wetland complex metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Check a box in each column. Select the average width for the wetland type at the assessment area (WT) and the wetland complex at the assessment areas (WC). See User Manual for WT and WC boundaries. WT WC f A C A >_ 100 feet { B C B From 80 to < 100 feet { C C C From 50 to < 80 feet { D ( D From 40 to < 50 feet { E ( E From 30 to < 40 feet { F ( F From 15 to < 30 feet { G C G From 5 to < 15 feet f— H r H < 5 feet 9. Inundation Duration — assessment area condition metric Answer for assessment area dominant landform. (: A Evidence of short -duration inundation (< 7 consecutive days) ( B Evidence of saturation, without evidence of inundation C C Evidence of long -duration inundation or very long -duration inundation (7 to 30 consecutive days or more) 10. Indicators of Deposition — assessment area condition metric Consider recent deposition only (no plant growth since deposition). f: A Sediment deposition is not excessive, but at approximately natural levels. f B Sediment deposition is excessive, but not overwhelming the wetland. f— C Sediment deposition is excessive and is overwhelming the wetland. 11. Wetland Size — wetland type/wetland complex condition metric Check a box in each column. Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This metric evaluates three aspects of the wetland area: the size of the wetland type (WT), the size of the wetland complex (WC), and the size of the forested wetland (FW) (if applicable, see User Manual). See the User Manual for boundaries of these evaluation areas. If assessment area is clear-cut, select "K" for the FW column. WT WC FW (if applicable) t o t o t— A >_ 500 acres t B t B t" B From 100 to < 500 acres r C t C r C From 50 to < 100 acres r D t D r D From 25 to < 50 acres f E t E t" E From 10 to < 25 acres f-" F t F r F From 5 to < 10 acres f-" G C G r G From 1 to < 5 acres t: H f: H t: H From 0.5 to < 1 acre f-" I t I i I From 0.1 to < 0.5 acre f-" J t J i J From 0.01 to < 0.1 acre f K t^ K i K < 0.01 acre or assessment area is clear-cut 12. Wetland Intactness — wetland type condition metric (evaluate for Pocosins only) t" A Pocosin is the full extent (>_ 90%) of its natural landscape size. t" B Pocosin is < 90% of the full extent of its natural landscape size. 13. Connectivity to Other Natural Areas — landscape condition metric 13a. Check appropriate box(es) (a box may be checked in each column). Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This evaluates whether the wetland is well connected (Well) and/or loosely connected (Loosely) to the landscape patch, the contiguous metric naturally vegetated area and open water (if appropriate). Boundaries are formed by four -lane roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors the width of a four -lane road or wider, urban landscapes, fields (pasture open and agriculture), or water > 300 feet wide. Well Loosely f- A f A >_ 500 acres C` B C- B From 100 to < 500 acres C` C C- C From 50 to < 100 acres C` D {: D From 10 to < 50 acres f* E C- E < 10 acres C` F C- F Wetland type has a poor or no connection to other natural habitats 13b. Evaluate for marshes only. C Yes r No Wetland type has a surface hydrology connection to open waters/stream or tidal wetlands. 14. Edge Effect — wetland type condition metric (skip for all marshes) May involve a GIS effort with field adjustment. Estimate distance from wetland type boundary to artificial edges. Artificial edges include non -forested areas >_ 40 feet wide such as fields, development, roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors and clear -cuts. Consider the eight main points of the compass. C A No artificial edge within 150 feet in all directions [+ B No artificial edge within 150 feet in four (4) to seven (7) directions f C An artificial edge occurs within 150 feet in more than four (4) directions or assessment area is clear-cut 15. Vegetative Composition — assessment area condition metric (skip for all marshes and Pine Flat) r: A Vegetation is close to reference condition in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of appropriate species, with exotic plants absent or sparse within the assessment area. t� B Vegetation is different from reference condition in species diversity or proportions, but still largely composed of native species characteristic of the wetland type. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clearcutting or clearing. It also includes communities with exotics present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata. t� C Vegetation severely altered from reference in composition. Expected species are unnaturally absent (planted stands of non - characteristic species or at least one stratum inappropriately composed of a single species). Exotic species are dominant in at least one stratum. 16. Vegetative Diversity — assessment area condition metric (evaluate for Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh only) is A Vegetation diversity is high and is composed primarily of native species (<10% cover of exotics). C� B Vegetation diversity is low or has > 10% to 50% cover of exotics. C C Vegetation is dominated by exotic species (>50% cover of exotics). 17. Vegetative Structure — assessment area/wetland type condition metric 17a. Is vegetation present? r: Yes C' No If Yes, continue to 17b. If No, skip to Metric 18. 17b. Evaluate percent coverage of assessment area vegetation for all marshes only. Skip to 17c for non -marsh wetlands. C' A >_ 25% coverage of vegetation r-" B < 25% coverage of vegetation 17c. Check a box in each column for each stratum. Evaluate this portion of the metric for non -marsh wetlands. Consider structure in airspace above the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT) separately. AA WT oC+ A (# A Canopy closed, or nearly closed, with natural gaps associated with natural processes f B C B Canopy present, but opened more than natural gaps v f C C C Canopy sparse or absent OL' C` A f A Dense mid-story/sapling layer C` B C: B Moderate density mid-story/sapling layer G C C` C Mid-story/sapling layer sparse or absent -0 f A C` A Dense shrub layer %"' B f. B Moderate density shrub layer C C C Shrub layer sparse or absent {- A f A Dense herb layer �5 (. B f B Moderate density herb layer _ (-- C (: C Herb layer sparse or absent 18. Snags — wetland type condition metric r— A Large snags (more than one) are visible (> 12 -inches DBH, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). r: B Not A 19. Diameter Class Distribution — wetland type condition metric i� A Majority of canopy trees have stems > 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH); many large trees (> 12 inches DBH) are present. r: B Majority of canopy trees have stems between 6 and 12 inches DBH, few are > 12 -inch DBH. r— C Majority of canopy trees are < 6 inches DBH or no trees. 20. Large Woody Debris — wetland type condition metric Include both natural debris and man -placed natural debris. r: A Large logs (more than one) are visible (> 12 inches in diameter, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). r— B Not A 21. Vegetation/Open Water Dispersion — wetland type/open water condition metric (evaluate for Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Select the figure that best describes the amount of interspersion between vegetation and open water in the growing season. Patterned areas indicate vegetated areas, while solid white areas indicate open water. r -A t B GC t D 22. Hydrologic Connectivity — assessment area condition metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Examples of activities that may severely alter hydrologic connectivity include intensive ditching, fill, sedimentation, channelization, diversion, man-made berms, beaver dams, and stream incision. r� A Overbank and overland flow are not severely altered in the assessment area. i� B Overbank flow is severely altered in the assessment area. i� C Overland flow is severely altered in the assessment area. r� D Both overbank and overland flow are severely altered in the assessment area. Notes NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 Rating Calculator Version 4.1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase 2 Basins 1 & 2 Date Wetland Type Basin Wetland Assessor Name/Organization Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) NO Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) NO Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) NO Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) NO Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) NO Sub -function Rati Function Sub -function Metrics Rating Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Condition NA Sub -Surface Storage and Retention Condition NA Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics/Notes Rating Hydrology Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Conditon MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating MEDIUM NC WAM WETLAND ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 rating Laicuiator version 4.-1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase II Basin 3 Date 11/17/17 WetlandTypel Basin Wetland Assessor Name/Organization SEGi Level III Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Nearest Named Water Body Pages Creek River Basin Cape Fear USGS 8 -Digit Catalogue Unit 03030005 f Yes (•` No Precipitation within 48 hrs? Latitude/Lonaitude (deci-dearees) 34.284210 / -77.802822 Evidence of stressors affecting the assessment area (may not be within the assessment area) Please circle and/or make note on last page if evidence of stressors is apparent. Consider departure from reference, if appropriate, in recent past (for instance, approximately within 10 years). Noteworthy stressors include, but are not limited to the following. • Hydrological modifications (examples: ditches, dams, beaver dams, dikes, berms, ponds, etc.) • Surface and sub -surface discharges into the wetland (examples: discharges containing obvious pollutants, presence of nearby septic tanks, underground storage tanks (USTs), hog lagoons, etc.) • Signs of vegetation stress (examples: vegetation mortality, insect damage, disease, storm damage, salt intrusion, etc.) • Habitat/plant community alteration (examples: mowing, clear -cutting, exotics, etc.) Is the assessment area intensively managed? (- Yes (: No Regulatory Considerations (select all that apply to the assessment area) F_ Anadromous fish F_ Federally protected species or State endangered or threatened species F_ NCDWQ riparian buffer rule in effect F_ Abuts a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) F_ Publicly owned property F_ N.C. Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) (including buffer) F_ Abuts a stream with a NCDWQ classification of SA or supplemental classifications of HQW, ORW, or Trout F_ Designated NCNHP reference community F_ Abuts a 303(d) -listed stream or a tributary to a 303(d) -listed stream What type of natural stream is associated with the wetland, if any? (check all that apply) (- Blackwater Brownwater F_ Tidal (if tidal, check one of the following boxes) (` Lunar (` Wind C Both Is the assessment area on a coastal island? (- Yes (: No Is the assessment area's surface water storage capacity or duration substantially altered by beaver? Does the assessment area experience overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions? C- Yes (:' No (" Yes (: No 1. Ground Surface Condition/Vegetation Condition - assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider alteration to the ground surface (GS) in the assessment area and vegetation structure (VS) in the assessment area. Compare to reference wetland if applicable (see User Manual). If a reference is not applicable, then rate the assessment area based on evidence of an effect. GS VS (: A (: A Not severely altered (` B (` B Severely altered over a majority of the assessment area (ground surface alteration examples: vehicle tracks, excessive sedimentation, fire -plow lanes, skidder tracks, bedding, fill, soil compaction, obvious pollutants) (vegetation structure alteration examples: mechanical disturbance, herbicides, salt intrusion [where appropriate], exotic species, grazing, less diversity [if appropriate], hydrologic alteration) 2. Surface and Sub -Surface Storage Capacity and Duration - assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface storage capacity and duration (Surf) and sub -surface storage capacity and duration (Sub). Consider both increase and decrease in hydrology. Refer to the current NRCS lateral effect of ditching guidance for North Carolina hydric soils (see USACE Wilmington District website) for the zone of influence of ditches in hydric soils. A ditch <_ 1 foot deep is considered to affect surface water only, while a ditch > 1 foot deep is expected to affect both surface and ditch sub -surface water. Consider tidal flooding regime, if applicable. Surf Sub ( A (` A Water storage capacity and duration are not altered. v B (: B Water storage capacity or duration are altered, but not substantially (typically, not sufficient to change vegetation). C C (` C Water storage capacity or duration are substantially altered (typically, alteration sufficient to result in vegetation change) (examples: draining, flooding, soil compaction, filling, excessive sedimentation, underground utility lines). 3. Water Storage/Surface Relief -assessment area/wetland type condition metric (answer for non -marsh wetlands only) Check a box in each column for each group below. Select the appropriate storage for the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT). AA WT 3a. (" A (" A Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water > 1 foot deep ( B (* B Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 6 inches to 1 foot deep I'* C (" C Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep ( D (" D Depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 3b. ( A Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is greater than 2 feet ( B Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is between 1 and 2 feet is C Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is less than 1 foot 4. Soil Texture/Structure - assessment area condition metric Check a box from each of the three soil property groups below. Dig soil profile in the dominant assessment area landscape feature. Make soil observations within the 12 inches. Use most recent National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils guidance for regional indicators. 4a. f" A Sandy soil (' B Loamy or clayey soils exhibiting redoximorphic features (concentrations, depletions, or rhizospheres) (' C Loamy or clayey soils not exhibiting redoximorphic features (' D Loamy or clayey gleyed soil E Histosol or histic epipedon 4b. A Soil ribbon < 1 inch B Soil ribbon >- 1 inch 4c. (' A No peat or muck presence B A peat or muck presence 5. Discharge into Wetland - opportunity metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface pollutants or discharges (Surf) and sub -surface pollutants or discharges (Sub). Examples of sub -surface discharges include presence of nearby septic tank, underground storage tank (UST), etc. Surf Sub t+ A (: A Little or no evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the assessment area t B C B Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the wetland and stressing, but not overwhelming the treatment capacity of the assessment area t C t C Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges (pathogen, particulate, or soluble) entering the assessment area and potentially overwhelming the treatment capacity of the wetland (water discoloration, dead vegetation, excessive sedimentation, odor) 6. Land Use - opportunity metric Check all that apply (at least one box in each column). Evaluation involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. Consider sources draining to assessment area within entire upstream watershed (WS), within 5 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (5M), and within 2 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (2M). Effective riparian buffers are considered to be 50 feet wide in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont ecoregions and 30 feet wide in the Blue Ridge Mountains ecoregion. WS 5M 2M F_ A F_ A A >- 10% impervious surfaces F_ B F_ B B < 10% impervious surfaces F_ C F_ C C Confined animal operations (or other local, concentrated source of pollutants) F_ D F_ D D >_ 20% coverage of pasture F_ E F_ E E >_ 20% coverage of agricultural land (regularly plowed land) F_ F F_ F F >_ 20% coverage of maintained grass/herb F_ G F_ G G >_ 20% coverage of clear-cut land F7 H F-7 H H Little or no opportunity to improve water quality. Lack of opportunity may result from hydrologic alterations that prevent drainage or overbank flow from affecting the assessment area. Wetland Acting as Vegetated Buffer - assessment area/wetland complex condition metric 7a. Is assessment area within 50 feet of a tributary or other open water? (' Yes is No If Yes, continue to 7b. If No, skip to Metric 8. Wetland buffer need only be present on one side of the water body. Make buffer judgment based on the average width of the wetland. Record a note if a portion of the buffer has been removed or disturbed. 7b. How much of the first 50 feet from the bank is weltand? Descriptor E should be selected if ditches effectively bypass the buffer. ( A >- 50 feet ( B From 30 to < 50 feet (' C From 15 to < 30 feet (' D From 5 to < 15 feet {" E < 5 feet or buffer bypassed by ditches 7c. Tributary width. If the tributary is anastomosed, combine widths of channels/braids for a total width. ('' <- 15 -feet wide (- > 15 -feet wide (- Other open water (no tributary present) 7d. Do roots of assessment area vegetation extend into the bank of the tributary/open water? ("' Yes ('' No 7e. Is tributary or other open water sheltered or exposed? C Sheltered - adjacent open water with width < 2500 feet and no regular boat traffic. C Exposed - adjacent open water with width >- 2500 feet or regular boat traffic. 8. Wetland Width at the Assessment Area — wetland type/wetland complex metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Check a box in each column. Select the average width for the wetland type at the assessment area (WT) and the wetland complex at the assessment areas (WC). See User Manual for WT and WC boundaries. WT WC (" A (" A >_ 100 feet (" B r B From 80 to < 100 feet (" C (" C From 50 to < 80 feet (" D (" D From 40 to < 50 feet (" E (" E From 30 to < 40 feet (" F (" F From 15 to < 30 feet (* G (*` G From 5 to < 15 feet (` H (' H < 5 feet 9. Inundation Duration — assessment area condition metric Answer for assessment area dominant landform. f: A Evidence of short -duration inundation (< 7 consecutive days) C" B Evidence of saturation, without evidence of inundation C" C Evidence of long -duration inundation or very long -duration inundation (7 to 30 consecutive days or more) 10. Indicators of Deposition — assessment area condition metric Consider recent deposition only (no plant growth since deposition). f: A Sediment deposition is not excessive, but at approximately natural levels. C" B Sediment deposition is excessive, but not overwhelming the wetland. (` C Sediment deposition is excessive and is overwhelming the wetland. 11. Wetland Size — wetland type/wetland complex condition metric Check a box in each column. Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This metric evaluates three aspects of the wetland area: the size of the wetland type (WT), the size of the wetland complex (WC), and the size of the forested wetland (FW) (if applicable, see User Manual). See the User Manual for boundaries of these evaluation areas. If assessment area is clear-cut, select "K" for the FW column. WT WC FW (if applicable) ('A ('A ("A 2! 500 (" B (" B (' B From 100 to < 500 acres (" C (" C (' C From 50 to < 100 acres (" D (" D t " D From 25 to < 50 acres (" E (" E r— E From 10 to < 25 acres (" F ( F (' F From 5 to < 10 acres (" G (' G t— G From 1 to < 5 acres re re t -"'H From 0.5 to<1acre (" I (" I r— I From 0.1 to < 0.5 acre (" J (" J (' J From 0.01 to < 0.1 acre (" K (" K (' K < 0.01 acre or assessment area is clear-cut 12. Wetland Intactness — wetland type condition metric (evaluate for Pocosins only) (' A Pocosin is the full extent (>_ 90%) of its natural landscape size. t" B Pocosin is < 90% of the full extent of its natural landscape size. 13. Connectivity to Other Natural Areas — landscape condition metric 13a. Check appropriate box(es) (a box may be checked in each column). Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This evaluates whether the wetland is well connected (Well) and/or loosely connected (Loosely) to the landscape patch, the contiguous metric naturally vegetated area and open water (if appropriate). Boundaries are formed by four -lane roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors the width of a four -lane road or wider, urban landscapes, fields (pasture open and agriculture), or water > 300 feet wide. Well Loosely ( A (' A >_ 500 acres ( B (' B From 100 to < 500 acres (' C (' C From 50 to < 100 acres (' D (: D From 10 to < 50 acres (: E (' E < 10 acres (' F (' F Wetland type has a poor or no connection to other natural habitats 13b. Evaluate for marshes only. (" Yes (— No Wetland type has a surface hydrology connection to open waters/stream or tidal wetlands. 14. Edge Effect — wetland type condition metric (skip for all marshes) May involve a GIS effort with field adjustment. Estimate distance from wetland type boundary to artificial edges. Artificial edges include non -forested areas >_ 40 feet wide such as fields, development, roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors and clear -cuts. Consider the eight main points of the compass. (' A No artificial edge within 150 feet in all directions t: B No artificial edge within 150 feet in four (4) to seven (7) directions (� C An artificial edge occurs within 150 feet in more than four (4) directions or assessment area is clear-cut 15. Vegetative Composition - assessment area condition metric (skip for all marshes and Pine Flat) Co- A Vegetation is close to reference condition in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of appropriate species, with exotic plants absent or sparse within the assessment area. (' B Vegetation is different from reference condition in species diversity or proportions, but still largely composed of native species characteristic of the wetland type. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clearcutting or clearing. It also includes communities with exotics present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata. (' C Vegetation severely altered from reference in composition. Expected species are unnaturally absent (planted stands of non - characteristic species or at least one stratum inappropriately composed of a single species). Exotic species are dominant in at least one stratum. 16. Vegetative Diversity - assessment area condition metric (evaluate for Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Co- A Vegetation diversity is high and is composed primarily of native species (<10% cover of exotics). (' B Vegetation diversity is low or has > 10% to 50% cover of exotics. t" C Vegetation is dominated by exotic species (>50% cover of exotics). 17. Vegetative Structure - assessment area/wetland type condition metric 17a. Is vegetation present? (: Yes (- No If Yes, continue to 17b. If No, skip to Metric 18. 17b. Evaluate percent coverage of assessment area vegetation for all marshes only. Skip to 17c for non -marsh wetlands. t" A >_ 25% coverage of vegetation t` B < 25% coverage of vegetation 17c. Check a box in each column for each stratum. Evaluate this portion of the metric for non -marsh wetlands. Consider structure in airspace above the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT) separately. AA WT o(: A f: A Canopy closed, or nearly closed, with natural gaps associated with natural processes t- B B Canopy present, but opened more than natural gaps U C' C C Canopy sparse or absent o i-' A A Dense mid-story/sapling layer t-' B B Moderate density mid-story/sapling layer t: C C Mid-story/sapling layer sparse or absent t-' A I'- A Dense shrub layer B ( B Moderate density shrub layer U) fr C C Shrub layer sparse or absent fr A A Dense herb layer f: B B Moderate density herb layer _ f'' C {: C Herb layer sparse or absent 18. Snags - wetland type condition metric (` A Large snags (more than one) are visible (> 12 -inches DBH, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). (o B Not A 19. Diameter Class Distribution - wetland type condition metric (` A Majority of canopy trees have stems > 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH); many large trees (> 12 inches DBH) are present. (o B Majority of canopy trees have stems between 6 and 12 inches DBH, few are > 12 -inch DBH. (` C Majority of canopy trees are < 6 inches DBH or no trees. 20. Large Woody Debris - wetland type condition metric Include both natural debris and man -placed natural debris. (: A Large logs (more than one) are visible (> 12 inches in diameter, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). (- B Not A 21. Vegetation/Open Water Dispersion - wetland type/open water condition metric (evaluate for Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Select the figure that best describes the amount of interspersion between vegetation and open water in the growing season. Patterned areas indicate vegetated areas, while solid white areas indicate open water. (`A (`B (: C i'D � I s 22. Hydrologic Connectivity- assessment area condition metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Examples of activities that may severely alter hydrologic connectivity include intensive ditching, fill, sedimentation, channelization, diversion, man-made berms, beaver dams, and stream incision. A Overbank and overland flow are not severely altered in the assessment area. B Overbank flow is severely altered in the assessment area. I" C Overland flow is severely altered in the assessment area. �" D Both overbank and overland flow are severely altered in the assessment area. NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 Rating Calculator Version 4.1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase II Basin 3 Date 11/17/17 Wetland Type Basin Wetland Assessor Name/Organization SEGi Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) NO Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) NO Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) NO Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) NO Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) NO Sub -function Rating Summary Function Sub -function Metrics Rating Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Condition NA HIGH Sub -Surface Storage and Retention Condition NA Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Conditon MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics/Notes Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Conditon MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating HIGH NC WAM WETLAND ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 mating %,aicuiaior version 4._1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase II Headwater Forest Date 11/17/2017 Wetland Type Headwater Forest Assessor Name/Organization SEGi Level III Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Nearest Named Water Body Pages Creek River Basin Cape Fear USGS 8 -Digit Catalogue Unit 03030005 f Yes f* No Precipitation within 48 hrs? Latitude/Longitude (deci-decrees) 34.284695 / -77.802463 Evidence of stressors affecting the assessment area (may not be within the assessment area) Please circle and/or make note on last page if evidence of stressors is apparent. Consider departure from reference, if appropriate, in recent past (for instance, approximately within 10 years). Noteworthy stressors include, but are not limited to the following. • Hydrological modifications (examples: ditches, dams, beaver dams, dikes, berms, ponds, etc.) • Surface and sub -surface discharges into the wetland (examples: discharges containing obvious pollutants, presence of nearby septic tanks, underground storage tanks (USTs), hog lagoons, etc.) • Signs of vegetation stress (examples: vegetation mortality, insect damage, disease, storm damage, salt intrusion, etc.) • Habitat/plant community alteration (examples: mowing, clear -cutting, exotics, etc.) Is the assessment area intensively managed? (- Yes (: No Regulatory Considerations (select all that apply to the assessment area) F- Anadromous fish F- Federally protected species or State endangered or threatened species F_ NCDWQ riparian buffer rule in effect F_ Abuts a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) F_ Publicly owned property F_ N.C. Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) (including buffer) F_ Abuts a stream with a NCDWQ classification of SA or supplemental classifications of HQW, ORW, or Trout F_ Designated NCNHP reference community F_ Abuts a 303(d) -listed stream or a tributary to a 303(d) -listed stream What type of natural stream is associated with the wetland, if any? (check all that apply) ( Blackwater { Brownwater F Tidal (if tidal, check one of the following boxes) (` Lunar (` Wind (` Both Is the assessment area on a coastal island? C Yes (*- No Is the assessment area's surface water storage capacity or duration substantially altered by beaver? Yes No Does the assessment area experience overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions? (- Yes [: No Ground Surface Condition/Vegetation Condition - assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider alteration to the ground surface (GS) in the assessment area and vegetation structure (VS) in the assessment area. Compare to reference wetland if applicable (see User Manual). If a reference is not applicable, then rate the assessment area based on evidence of an effect. GS VS A A Not severely altered f" B B Severely altered over a majority of the assessment area (ground surface alteration examples: vehicle tracks, excessive sedimentation, fire -plow lanes, skidder tracks, bedding, fill, soil compaction, obvious pollutants) (vegetation structure alteration examples: mechanical disturbance, herbicides, salt intrusion [where appropriate], exotic species, grazing, less diversity [if appropriate], hydrologic alteration) Surface and Sub -Surface Storage Capacity and Duration - assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface storage capacity and duration (Surf) and sub -surface storage capacity and duration (Sub). Consider both increase and decrease in hydrology. Refer to the current NRCS lateral effect of ditching guidance for North Carolina hydric soils (see USACE Wilmington District website) for the zone of influence of ditches in hydric soils. A ditch <_ 1 foot deep is considered to affect surface water only, while a ditch > 1 foot deep is expected to affect both surface and ditch sub -surface water. Consider tidal flooding regime, if applicable. Surf Sub (* A [* A Water storage capacity and duration are not altered. C B (' B Water storage capacity or duration are altered, but not substantially (typically, not sufficient to change vegetation). C C C C Water storage capacity or duration are substantially altered (typically, alteration sufficient to result in vegetation change) (examples: draining, flooding, soil compaction, filling, excessive sedimentation, underground utility lines). Water Storage/Surface Relief - assessment area/wetland type condition metric (answer for non -marsh wetlands only) Check a box in each column for each group below. Select the appropriate storage for the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT). AA WT 3a. ( A A Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water > 1 foot deep ( B B Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 6 inches to 1 foot deep (: C C Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep ( D C D Depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 3b. C' A Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is greater than 2 feet ( B Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is between 1 and 2 feet 4. Soil Texture/Structure - assessment area condition metric Check a box from each of the three soil property groups below. Dig soil profile in the dominant assessment area landscape feature. Make soil observations within the 12 inches. Use most recent National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils guidance for regional indicators. 4a. A Sandy soil f' B Loamy or clayey soils exhibiting redoximorphic features (concentrations, depletions, or rhizospheres) f' C Loamy or clayey soils not exhibiting redoximorphic features f' D Loamy or clayey gleyed soil f E Histosol or histic epipedon 4b. A Soil ribbon < 1 inch f' B Soil ribbon >_ 1 inch 4c. C A No peat or muck presence ( B A peat or muck presence 5. Discharge into Wetland - opportunity metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface pollutants or discharges (Surf) and sub -surface pollutants or discharges (Sub). Examples of sub -surface discharges include presence of nearby septic tank, underground storage tank (UST), etc. Surf Sub (: A (: A Little or no evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the assessment area C' B C' B Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the wetland and stressing, but not overwhelming the treatment capacity of the assessment area C' C C' C Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges (pathogen, particulate, or soluble) entering the assessment area and potentially overwhelming the treatment capacity of the wetland (water discoloration, dead vegetation, excessive sedimentation, odor) Land Use - opportunity metric Check all that apply (at least one box in each column). Evaluation involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. Consider sources draining to assessment area within entire upstream watershed (WS), within 5 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (5M), and within 2 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (2M). Effective riparian buffers are considered to be 50 feet wide in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont ecoregions and 30 feet wide in the Blue Ridge Mountains ecoregion. WS 5M 2M F_ A r A r A >_ 10% impervious surfaces F_ B r B r B < 10% impervious surfaces F_ C F_ C r C Confined animal operations (or other local, concentrated source of pollutants) F_ D F_ D F_ D >_ 20% coverage of pasture F_ E F_ E F_ E >_ 20% coverage of agricultural land (regularly plowed land) F_ F F_ F F_ F >_ 20% coverage of maintained grass/herb F_ G F_ G F_ G >_ 20% coverage of clear-cut land P_' H F-_' H P_' H Little or no opportunity to improve water quality. Lack of opportunity may result from hydrologic alterations that prevent drainage or overbank flow from affecting the assessment area. Wetland Acting as Vegetated Buffer - assessment area/wetland complex condition metric 7a. Is assessment area within 50 feet of a tributary or other open water? f' Yes (: No If Yes, continue to 7b. If No, skip to Metric 8. Wetland buffer need only be present on one side of the water body. Make buffer judgment based on the average width of the wetland. Record a note if a portion of the buffer has been removed or disturbed. 7b. How much of the first 50 feet from the bank is weltand? Descriptor E should be selected if ditches effectively bypass the buffer. f' A >_ 50 feet ( B From 30 to < 50 feet f' C From 15 to < 30 feet ( D From 5 to < 15 feet f' E < 5 feet or buffer bypassed by ditches 7c. Tributary width. If the tributary is anastomosed, combine widths of channels/braids for a total width. f~ <_ 15 -feet wide f~ > 15 -feet wide f' Other open water (no tributary present) 7d. Do roots of assessment area vegetation extend into the bank of the tributary/open water? (- Yes (- No 7e. Is tributary or other open water sheltered or exposed? (- Sheltered - adjacent open water with width < 2500 feet and no regular boat traffic. C Exposed - adjacent open water with width >_ 2500 feet or regular boat traffic. Wetland Width at the Assessment Area - wetland type/wetland complex metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Check a box in each column. Select the average width for the wetland type at the assessment area (WT) and the wetland complex at the assessment areas (WC). See User Manual for WT and WC boundaries. WT WC t- A (' A >_ 100 feet ( B (' B From 80 to < 100 feet f' C f• C From 50 to < 80 feet ( D f' D From 40 to < 50 feet ( E f' E From 30 to < 40 feet ( F f' F From 15 to < 30 feet (: G I+ G From 5 to < 15 feet ( H f' H < 5 feet 9. Inundation Duration - assessment area condition metric Answer for assessment area dominant landform. ( A Evidence of short -duration inundation (< 7 consecutive days) (: B Evidence of saturation, without evidence of inundation C' C Evidence of long -duration inundation or very long -duration inundation (7 to 30 consecutive days or more) 10. Indicators of Deposition - assessment area condition metric Consider recent deposition only (no plant growth since deposition). {: A Sediment deposition is not excessive, but at approximately natural levels. B Sediment deposition is excessive, but not overwhelming the wetland. f' C Sediment deposition is excessive and is overwhelming the wetland. 11. Wetland Size - wetland type/wetland complex condition metric Check a box in each column. Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This metric evaluates three aspects of the wetland area: the size of the wetland type (WT), the size of the wetland complex (WC), and the size of the forested wetland (FW) (if applicable, see User Manual). See the User Manual for boundaries of these evaluation areas. If assessment area is clear-cut, select "K" for the FW column. WT WC FW (if applicable) A A f A >_ 500 acres (" B B r B From 100 to < 500 acres (" C C r C From 50 to < 100 acres " D D r D From 25 to < 50 acres I: E E r E From 10 to < 25 acres " F F r F From 5 to < 10 acres " G I G r G From 1 to < 5 acres " H H r H From 0.5 to < 1 acre " I I I" I From 0.1 to < 0.5 acre " J " J r J From 0.01 to < 0.1 acre C K K I" K < 0.01 acre or assessment area is clear-cut 12. Wetland Intactness - wetland type condition metric (evaluate for Pocosins only) (" A Pocosin is the full extent (>_ 90%) of its natural landscape size. (" B Pocosin is < 90% of the full extent of its natural landscape size. 13. Connectivity to Other Natural Areas - landscape condition metric 13a. Check appropriate box(es) (a box may be checked in each column). Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This evaluates whether the wetland is well connected (Well) and/or loosely connected (Loosely) to the landscape patch, the contiguous metric naturally vegetated area and open water (if appropriate). Boundaries are formed by four -lane roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors the width of a four -lane road or wider, urban landscapes, fields (pasture open and agriculture), or water > 300 feet wide. Well Loosely f' A {" A >_ 500 acres f- B From 100 to < 500 acres f' C" C From 50 to < 100 acres f' D" D From 10 to < 50 acres (: E E < 10 acres ( F F Wetland type has a poor or no connection to other natural habitats 13b. Evaluate for marshes only. (- Yes (" No Wetland type has a surface hydrology connection to open waters/stream or tidal wetlands. 14. Edge Effect - wetland type condition metric (skip for all marshes) May involve a GIS effort with field adjustment. Estimate distance from wetland type boundary to artificial edges. Artificial edges include non -forested areas >_ 40 feet wide such as fields, development, roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors and clear -cuts. Consider the eight main points of the compass. ( A No artificial edge within 150 feet in all directions " B No artificial edge within 150 feet in four (4) to seven (7) directions f: C An artificial edge occurs within 150 feet in more than four (4) directions or assessment area is clear-cut 15. Vegetative Composition - assessment area condition metric (skip for all marshes and Pine Flat) t� A Vegetation is close to reference condition in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of appropriate species, with exotic plants absent or sparse within the assessment area. t- B Vegetation is different from reference condition in species diversity or proportions, but still largely composed of native species characteristic of the wetland type. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clearcutting or clearing. It also includes communities with exotics present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata. t- C Vegetation severely altered from reference in composition. Expected species are unnaturally absent (planted stands of non - characteristic species or at least one stratum inappropriately composed of a single species). Exotic species are dominant in at least one stratum. 16. Vegetative Diversity - assessment area condition metric (evaluate for Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh only) A Vegetation diversity is high and is composed primarily of native species (<10% cover of exotics). (" B Vegetation diversity is low or has > 10% to 50% cover of exotics. (" C Vegetation is dominated by exotic species (>50% cover of exotics). 17. Vegetative Structure — assessment area/wetland type condition metric 17a. Is vegetation present? (: Yes (-" No If Yes, continue to 17b. If No, skip to Metric 18. 17b. Evaluate percent coverage of assessment area vegetation for all marshes only. Skip to 17c for non -marsh wetlands. C' A >_ 25% coverage of vegetation C' B < 25% coverage of vegetation 17c. Check a box in each column for each stratum. Evaluate this portion of the metric for non -marsh wetlands. Consider structure in airspace above the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT) separately. AA WT or A (: A Canopy closed, or nearly closed, with natural gaps associated with natural processes r B r B Canopy present, but opened more than natural gaps v r C r C Canopy sparse or absent OL' r A r A Dense mid-story/sapling layer r B r B Moderate density mid-story/sapling layer r C r C Mid-story/sapling layer sparse or absent r: A r A Dense shrub layer r B r: B Moderate density shrub layer r C r C Shrub layer sparse or absent r A r A Dense herb layer 15 r B r B Moderate density herb layer _ r C r C Herb layer sparse or absent 18. Snags — wetland type condition metric (" A Large snags (more than one) are visible (> 12 -inches DBH, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). B Not A 19. Diameter Class Distribution — wetland type condition metric A Majority of canopy trees have stems > 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH); many large trees (> 12 inches DBH) are present. I B Majority of canopy trees have stems between 6 and 12 inches DBH, few are > 12 -inch DBH. (- C Majority of canopy trees are < 6 inches DBH or no trees. 20. Large Woody Debris — wetland type condition metric Include both natural debris and man -placed natural debris. A Large logs (more than one) are visible (> 12 inches in diameter, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). B Not A 21. Vegetation/Open Water Dispersion — wetland type/open water condition metric (evaluate for Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Select the figure that best describes the amount of interspersion between vegetation and open water in the growing season. Patterned areas indicate vegetated areas, while solid white areas indicate open water. (" A f B (" C D 22. Hydrologic Connectivity— assessment area condition metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Examples of activities that may severely alter hydrologic connectivity include intensive ditching, fill, sedimentation, channelization, diversion, man-made berms, beaver dams, and stream incision. A Overbank and overland flow are not severely altered in the assessment area. B Overbank flow is severely altered in the assessment area. C Overland flow is severely altered in the assessment area. D Both overbank and overland flow are severely altered in the assessment area. Notes NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 Rating Calculator Version 4.1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase II Date Wetland Type Headwater Forest Assessor Name/Organization Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) Sub -function Rating Summary 11/17/18 SEGi NO Function Sub -function Metrics Rating Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Condition HIGH Sub -Surface Storage and Retention Condition HIGH Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition HIGH Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Condition/Opportunity HIGH Hydrology Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Particulate Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity MEDIUM Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Physical Change Condition LOW Condition/Opportunity LOW Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Pollution Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition HIGH Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics/Notes Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Conditon HIGH Overall Wetland Rating HIGH NC WAM WETLAND ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 rating L aicuiator version 4.l Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase II Isolated Date 11/17/2017 Wetland Type Basin Wetland Assessor Name/Organization SEGi Level III Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Nearest Named Water Body Pages Creek River Basin Cape Fear USGS 8 -Digit Catalogue Unit 03030005 r -Yes ro- No Precipitation within 48 hrs? Latitude/Lonaitude (deci-dearees) 34.284577 / -77.801509 Evidence of stressors affecting the assessment area (may not be within the assessment area) Please circle and/or make note on last page if evidence of stressors is apparent. Consider departure from reference, if appropriate, in recent past (for instance, approximately within 10 years). Noteworthy stressors include, but are not limited to the following. • Hydrological modifications (examples: ditches, dams, beaver dams, dikes, berms, ponds, etc.) • Surface and sub -surface discharges into the wetland (examples: discharges containing obvious pollutants, presence of nearby septic tanks, underground storage tanks (USTs), hog lagoons, etc.) • Signs of vegetation stress (examples: vegetation mortality, insect damage, disease, storm damage, salt intrusion, etc.) • Habitat/plant community alteration (examples: mowing, clear -cutting, exotics, etc.) Is the assessment area intensively managed? ;Yes F, No Regulatory Considerations (select all that apply to the assessment area) F_ Anadromous fish 7 Federally protected species or State endangered or threatened species F NCDWQ riparian buffer rule in effect Abuts a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) Publicly owned property F N.C. Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) (including buffer) 7 Abuts a stream with a NCDWQ classification of SA or supplemental classifications of HQW, ORW, or Trout F Designated NCNHP reference community F_ Abuts a 303(d) -listed stream or a tributary to a 303(d) -listed stream What type of natural stream is associated with the wetland, if any? (check all that apply) Blackwater Brownwater Tidal (if tidal, check one of the following boxes) ;Lunar Wind ; Both Is the assessment area on a coastal island? ;Yes F,'No Is the assessment area's surface water storage capacity or duration substantially altered by beaver? Yes �•� No Does the assessment area experience overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions? ;Yes F,'No Ground Surface Condition/Vegetation Condition — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider alteration to the ground surface (GS) in the assessment area and vegetation structure (VS) in the assessment area. Compare to reference wetland if applicable (see User Manual). If a reference is not applicable, then rate the assessment area based on evidence of an effect. GS VS F,'A FA Not severely altered B; B Severely altered over a majority of the assessment area (ground surface alteration examples: vehicle tracks, excessive sedimentation, fire -plow lanes, skidder tracks, bedding, fill, soil compaction, obvious pollutants) (vegetation structure alteration examples: mechanical disturbance, herbicides, salt intrusion [where appropriate], exotic species, grazing, less diversity [if appropriate], hydrologic alteration) Surface and Sub -Surface Storage Capacity and Duration — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface storage capacity and duration (Surf) and sub -surface storage capacity and duration (Sub). Consider both increase and decrease in hydrology. Refer to the current NRCS lateral effect of ditching guidance for North Carolina hydric soils (see USACE Wilmington District website) for the zone of influence of ditches in hydric soils. A ditch <_ 1 foot deep is considered to affect surface water only, while a ditch > 1 foot deep is expected to affect both surface and ditch sub -surface water. Consider tidal flooding regime, if applicable. Surf Sub K—,A r,A Water storage capacity and duration are not altered. B F,' B Water storage capacity or duration are altered, but not substantially (typically, not sufficient to change vegetation). ;C ,C Water storage capacity or duration are substantially altered (typically, alteration sufficient to result in vegetation change) (examples: draining, flooding, soil compaction, filling, excessive sedimentation, underground utility lines). 3. Water Storage/Surface Relief -assessment area/wetland type condition metric (answer for non -marsh wetlands only) Check a box in each column for each group below. Select the appropriate storage for the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT). AA WT 3a. A ,A Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water > 1 foot deep B; B Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 6 inches to 1 foot deep C; C Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep D ; D Depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 3b. A Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is greater than 2 feet B Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is between 1 and 2 feet C Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is less than 1 foot 4. Soil Texture/Structure - assessment area condition metric Check a box from each of the three soil property groups below. Dig soil profile in the dominant assessment area landscape feature. Make soil observations within the 12 inches. Use most recent National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils guidance for regional indicators. 4a.;A Sandy soil B Loamy or clayey soils exhibiting redoximorphic features (concentrations, depletions, or rhizospheres) C Loamy or clayey soils not exhibiting redoximorphic features D Loamy or clayey gleyed soil E Histosol or histic epipedon 4b. A Soil ribbon < 1 inch B Soil ribbon >- 1 inch 4c. A No peat or muck presence B A peat or muck presence 5. Discharge into Wetland - opportunity metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface pollutants or discharges (Surf) and sub -surface pollutants or discharges (Sub). Examples of sub -surface discharges include presence of nearby septic tank, underground storage tank (UST), etc. Surf Sub A•;A Little or no evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the assessment area B; B Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the wetland and stressing, but not overwhelming the treatment capacity of the assessment area ;C;C Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges (pathogen, particulate, or soluble) entering the assessment area and potentially overwhelming the treatment capacity of the wetland (water discoloration, dead vegetation, excessive sedimentation, odor) 6. Land Use - opportunity metric Check all that apply (at least one box in each column). Evaluation involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. Consider sources draining to assessment area within entire upstream watershed (WS), within 5 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (5M), and within 2 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (2M). Effective riparian buffers are considered to be 50 feet wide in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont ecoregions and 30 feet wide in the Blue Ridge Mountains ecoregion. WS 5M 2M F A F A F A >- 10% impervious surfaces r B r B r B < 10% impervious surfaces r C F C F C Confined animal operations (or other local, concentrated source of pollutants) F D F D F D >_ 20% coverage of pasture F_ E r E F_ E >_ 20% coverage of agricultural land (regularly plowed land) F F r F F F >_ 20% coverage of maintained grass/herb F G F G F G >_ 20% coverage of clear-cut land I✓ H r H r H Little or no opportunity to improve water quality. Lack of opportunity may result from hydrologic alterations that prevent drainage or overbank flow from affecting the assessment area. Wetland Acting as Vegetated Buffer - assessment area/wetland complex condition metric 7a. Is assessment area within 50 feet of a tributary or other open water? ;Yes F,' No If Yes, continue to 7b. If No, skip to Metric 8. Wetland buffer need only be present on one side of the water body. Make buffer judgment based on the average width of the wetland. Record a note if a portion of the buffer has been removed or disturbed. 7b. How much of the first 50 feet from the bank is weltand? Descriptor E should be selected if ditches effectively bypass the buffer. A >- 50 feet B From 30 to < 50 feet C From 15 to < 30 feet D From 5 to < 15 feet E < 5 feet or buffer bypassed by ditches 7c. Tributary width. If the tributary is anastomosed, combine widths of channels/braids for a total width. <- 15 -feet wide; > 15 -feet wide; Other open water (no tributary present) 7d. Do roots of assessment area vegetation extend into the bank of the tributary/open water? Yes; No 7e. Is tributary or other open water sheltered or exposed? Sheltered - adjacent open water with width < 2500 feet and no regular boat traffic. Exposed - adjacent open water with width >- 2500 feet or regular boat traffic. 8. Wetland Width at the Assessment Area — wetland type/wetland complex metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Check a box in each column. Select the average width for the wetland type at the assessment area (WT) and the wetland complex at the assessment areas (WC). See User Manual for WT and WC boundaries. WT WC A A >_ 100 feet B; B From 80 to < 100 feet C; C From 50 to < 80 feet D; D From 40 to < 50 feet E; E From 30 to < 40 feet F; F From 15 to < 30 feet G; G From 5 to < 15 feet H H < 5 feet 9. Inundation Duration — assessment area condition metric Answer for assessment area dominant landform. A Evidence of short -duration inundation (< 7 consecutive days) B Evidence of saturation, without evidence of inundation C Evidence of long -duration inundation or very long -duration inundation (7 to 30 consecutive days or more) 10. Indicators of Deposition — assessment area condition metric Consider recent deposition only (no plant growth since deposition). A Sediment deposition is not excessive, but at approximately natural levels. B Sediment deposition is excessive, but not overwhelming the wetland. C Sediment deposition is excessive and is overwhelming the wetland. 11. Wetland Size — wetland type/wetland complex condition metric Check a box in each column. Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This metric evaluates three aspects of the wetland area: the size of the wetland type (WT), the size of the wetland complex (WC), and the size of the forested wetland (FW) (if applicable, see User Manual). See the User Manual for boundaries of these evaluation areas. If assessment area is clear-cut, select "K" for the FW column. WT WC FW (if applicable) L]A A A >_ 500 acres u B B B From 100 to < 500 acres C C C From 50 to < 100 acres D D D From 25 to < 50 acres E E E From 10 to < 25 acres F F F From 5 to < 10 acres G G G From 1 to < 5 acres H H H From 0.5 to < 1 acre I I I From 0.1 to < 0.5 acre J J J From 0.01 to < 0.1 acre K K K < 0.01 acre or assessment area is clear-cut 12. Wetland Intactness — wetland type condition metric (evaluate for Pocosins only) CA Pocosin is the full extent (>:90%) of its natural landscape size. C B Pocosin is < 90% of the full extent of its natural landscape size. 13. Connectivity to Other Natural Areas — landscape condition metric 13a. Check appropriate box(es) (a box may be checked in each column). Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This evaluates whether the wetland is well connected (Well) and/or loosely connected (Loosely) to the landscape patch, the contiguous metric naturally vegetated area and open water (if appropriate). Boundaries are formed by four -lane roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors the width of a four -lane road or wider, urban landscapes, fields (pasture open and agriculture), or water > 300 feet wide. Well Loosely CA A >_ 500 acres B B From 100 to < 500 acres C C From 50 to < 100 acres D D From 10 to < 50 acres E E < 10 acres F F Wetland type has a poor or no connection to other natural habitats 13b. Evaluate for marshes only. Yes No Wetland type has a surface hydrology connection to open waters/stream or tidal wetlands. 14. Edge Effect — wetland type condition metric (skip for all marshes) May involve a GIS effort with field adjustment. Estimate distance from wetland type boundary to artificial edges. Artificial edges include non -forested areas >— 40 feet wide such as fields, development, roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors and clear -cuts. Consider the eight main points of the compass. A No artificial edge within 150 feet in all directions B No artificial edge within 150 feet in four (4) to seven (7) directions C An artificial edge occurs within 150 feet in more than four (4) directions or assessment area is clear-cut 15. Vegetative Composition - assessment area condition metric (skip for all marshes and Pine Flat) EA Vegetation is close to reference condition in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of appropriate species, with exotic plants absent or sparse within the assessment area. E B Vegetation is different from reference condition in species diversity or proportions, but still largely composed of native species characteristic of the wetland type. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clearcutting or clearing. It also includes communities with exotics present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata. E C Vegetation severely altered from reference in composition. Expected species are unnaturally absent (planted stands of non - characteristic species or at least one stratum inappropriately composed of a single species). Exotic species are dominant in at least one stratum. 16. Vegetative Diversity- assessment area condition metric (evaluate for Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh only) EA Vegetation diversity is high and is composed primarily of native species (<10% cover of exotics). B Vegetation diversity is low or has > 10% to 50% cover of exotics. C Vegetation is dominated by exotic species (>50% cover of exotics). 17. Vegetative Structure - assessment area/wetland type condition metric 17a. Is vegetation present? Yes No If Yes, continue to 17b. If No, skip to Metric 18. 17b. Evaluate percent coverage of assessment area vegetation for all marshes only. Skip to 17c for non -marsh wetlands. L:A >- 25% coverage of vegetation B < 25% coverage of vegetation 17c. Check a box in each column for each stratum. Evaluate this portion of the metric for non -marsh wetlands. Consider structure in airspace above the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT) separately. AA WT o.;A E;A Canopy closed, or nearly closed, with natural gaps associated with natural processes @ B L; B Canopy present, but opened more than natural gaps U L]C L;C Canopy sparse or absent ?0-"0 L:A A Dense mid-story/sapling layer ro E B B Moderate density mid-story/sapling layer L] C C Mid-story/sapling layer sparse or absent L]A A Dense shrub layer E E; B B Moderate density shrub layer L] C C Shrub layer sparse or absent L]A A Dense herb layer a� L] B B Moderate density herb layer _ E C C Herb layer sparse or absent 18. Snags - wetland type condition metric A Large snags (more than one) are visible (> 12 -inches DBH, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). B Not A 19. Diameter Class Distribution - wetland type condition metric A Majority of canopy trees have stems > 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH); many large trees (> 12 inches DBH) are present. B Majority of canopy trees have stems between 6 and 12 inches DBH, few are > 12 -inch DBH. C Majority of canopy trees are < 6 inches DBH or no trees. 20. Large Woody Debris - wetland type condition metric Include both natural debris and man -placed natural debris. A Large logs (more than one) are visible (> 12 inches in diameter, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). B Not A 21. Vegetation/Open Water Dispersion - wetland type/open water condition metric (evaluate for Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Select the figure that best describes the amount of interspersion between vegetation and open water in the growing season. Patterned areas indicate vegetated areas, while solid white areas indicate open water. A B C D L,.� 22. Hydrologic Connectivity - assessment area condition metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Examples of activities that may severely alter hydrologic connectivity include intensive ditching, fill, sedimentation, channelization, diversion, man-made berms, beaver dams, and stream incision. L:A Overbank and overland flow are not severely altered in the assessment area. B Overbank flow is severely altered in the assessment area. C Overland flow is severely altered in the assessment area. D Both overbank and overland flow are severely altered in the assessment area. NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 Rating Calculator Version 4.1 Wetland Site Name Amberleigh Shores Phase II Date 11/17/17 Wetland Type Basin - Isolated Assessor Name/Organization SEGi Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) NO Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) NO Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) NO Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) NO Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) NO Sub -function Rating Summary Function Sub -function Metrics Rating Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Condition NA HIGH Sub -Surface Storage and Retention Condition NA Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition NA Conditon MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Particulate Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Physical Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Pollution Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Physical Structure Condition HIGH Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition HIGH Function Rating Summary Function Metrics/Notes Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NO Habitat Conditon MEDIUM Overall Wetland Rating HIGH Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 Attachment 4 Alternate Site Plans Pi Amberleigh Shores Phase II Original Site Plan US HIGHWAY 17 - MARKET STREET Estimated Wetland Impact 0.895 Ac. I j�T- - •------------- L -------------------------------------- r Vii.-SSC f L� ,' %� •��_ } ` , w ./ t� .F -� - `� ��,,,• � •� � CSS 1 � I ' ■ `'�ti Avoided s I _,r .i � '� � t• . �O/ 7c, he I 1 ♦ r ` ■ ,r / tl m ' ......... _ 1 Distance: 100.61 ft Amberleigh Shores II Ragan Smith Associates 2/11/16 10059-0455 1 "=100' T N Amberleigh Shores Phase 2 number of units Impacts = -0.70 Acre .f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f � J------------- -41-77- --- _-- Amberleigh Shores Phase 2 alternate Site plan �etland Impacts = -0.225 Acre v j �� !` -����J •,M ••,- }� ' I � . __ w S - Project: Amberleigh Shores Phase II Pre -Construction Notification Subject: Response to USACE 18 May 2018 Electronic Request for Additional Information Date: 23 May 2018 Site Plan with Retaining Wall Avoidance Calculations 10