HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL R-5862 External Scoping Meeting Minutes_04232018DRMP, INC. PRINCIPALS Wayne D. Chalifoux Donaldson K. Barton, Jr. Glenn J. Lusink Jon S. Meadows Mark D. Prochak Mark E. Puckett Lawrence L. Smith, Jr. OFFICES Boca Raton, Florida Charlotte, North Carolina Chipley, Florida Fort Myers, Florida Gainesville, Florida Jacksonville, Florida Lakeland, Florida Melbourne, Florida Orlantlo, Florida Panama City, Florida Pensacola, Florida Raleigh, North Carolina Tallahassee, Florida Tampa, Florida 1.833.811.3767 www.DRMP.com �y ' ■ �I � 1 Memorandum 5950 Fairview Road, Suite 320, Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 Phone:704.332.2289 � Fax:704.332.2294 DRMP Job #: 16-0264.006 Date: April 27, 2018 To: External Scoping Meeting Participants From Subject: Carl Gibilaro External Scoping Meeting Summary for the proposed widening of US 64 to multi-lanes from US 601 to US 29/US 52/US 70/ Bus. 85 in Davidson and Davies Counties, WBS 47549.1.1, STIP No. R-5862 An External Scoping Meeting for the subject project was held on April 23, 2018, at 1:00 pm in the Structure Design Conference Rom located in the Century Center. The following people were in attendance: Laura Sutton Ray Lovinggood Doumit Ishak Carla Dagnino Jeff Hemphill Harrison Marshall Bryan Key Shawn Blanchard Carl Gibilaro Chris Haire Via Skype Meeting: Project DeliveryTeam Project DeliveryTeam Congestion Management EAU EAU Public Inv./Comm. Studies Project Management DRMP DRMP DRMP Isutton .ncdot.gov rlovinggood .ncdot.qov dishak .ncdot.qov cdaqnino(a�ncdot.gov Ihemphill(a�ncdot.qov hmarshal I(a�ncdot.qov bckeVC�ncdot.qov sblanchard(c�drmp.com cqibilaro(c�drmp.com chaire(a�drmp.com Pat Ivey Div. 9— Division Engineer pivey�ncdot.gov Brett Abernathy Div. 9— Proj. Devel. Engineer lbabernathy�a ncdot.gov AI Blanton Div. 9— Project Team Lead wablanton(a�ncdot.gov Amy Euliss Div. 9— Environmental Officer aeuliss ncdot.gov Matt Jones Div. 9— Project Engineer mwiones(c�ncdot.aov Missy Pair Noise, Air, Cult Res Grp Leader mpair(a�ncdot.qov Byron Brown WSMPO bvronb(a�citvofws.orq Dave Wanucha NCDWR dave.wanucha(c�ncdenr.qov Marla Chambers NCWRC marla.chambers(a�ncwildlife.orq Beverly Robinson Project DeliveryTeam brobinson(a�ncdot.aov Rick Lakata STIP rjlakata ncdot.gov Michael Abuya Trans Planning Division mrabuy�ncdot.gov James Lastinger USACE james.c.lastinger usace.army.mil Bryan Roden-ReynoldsUSACE Bryan.K.RodenReynolds usace.army.mil Marella Buncick USFWS Marella Buncick(a�fws.gov The purpose of this external scoping meeting was to begin early coordination efforts by discussing the project with resource agencies and other stakeholders. The meeting began with introductions and a project overview. A slide presentation provided a review of the information included in the project data sheet which is attached to these minutes. The pertinent information relayed to the project team by each group is provided below: USACE • Project would be a good candidate for the Merger Process. �y ' ■ � 1 USFWS • No concerns at this point. Schweinitz's sunflower likely only species present. NCW RC April 27, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Requested looking in to wildlife crossing opportunities along the project corridor. Identify areas where accidents involving wildlife are more common. With the project proposing US 64 widening from two-lanes to four-lanes, it was recommended to incorporate full control access throughout the corridor to limit new connections to US 64 which would make it more congested and promote growth in the area. Cumulative and secondary impacts should be addressed in the environmental document. Division 9 Projected traffic volumes may not warrant widening from two-lanes to four-lanes. Division 9 has recognized safety concerns with US 64 and crash data could be evaluated to warrant a divided facility. The redesign of the US 64 and NC 150 interchange will be included in U-5902A which is being managed by Division 9. ROW is scheduled for 2027 and Construction is Post Year. NOTE: R-5862B is currently scheduled for ROW in 2024 and Construction in 2026. Public Involvement • Recommend holding a single series consisting of two public meetings, one at each end of the project for convenience of the public. Communitv Studies • The National Guard (near Mocksville), soccer park and a motor bike park (near Lexington) were not located on the environmental features map and should be identified in the community studies document. • Community Studies is flexible in the approach taken with the project. If the project will identify a"best-fit" alignment, a CIA Short Form would be acceptable. If issues become more complex, a check box CCR-CIA can be used. • Permitting requirements will be necessary before determining if an ICE analysis will be necessary. There are a number of projects in the area and a single cumulative effects document could be prepared with each project determining their individual effects. Noise and Air • The project scope needs to be revised to indicate an air quality study is not needed. • Additional comments will be given for the projecYs scope of work. EAU Confirmation was needed regarding the affects funding plays for section A of R-5862 on this project and if the USACE be acceptable to only permitting from NC 801 to US 52 (R-5862B). The USACE responded they could be OK with that but asked what was the likelihood of the A section not being funded. That answer is unknown at this time. The USACE would be open to a phased permit for the project. EAU will complete Northern Long-Eared Bat surveys for the project. Three Oaks will be completing the NRTR for the entire project corridor, and will need to update the scope of work to reflect current NRTR scope language. �y ' ■ � 1 STIP April 27, 2018 Page 3 of 3 • Identified U-5902A as starting Right-of-Way in Fiscal Year 2027 and construction is unfunded. Transportation Planninq Branch • A study of a proposed Mocksville Bypass was previously started but never completed. Following the meeting, Pat Ivey provided DRMP with information about this earlier study. Roadwav • Questioned the need for a 60-foot median width. Recommend the proposed median width be reduced and shoulders and ditches be maintained except when approaching the downtown limits of Mocksville. Pat Ivey requested that the proposed typical section be discussed at a later time. Congestion Management The traffic forecast has not yet been requested. Patriot Transportation Engineering will be preparing the forecast under the R-5862 contract. Hvdraulics • Asked Division 9's preference of replacing the bridge over the Yadkin River, keep the existing structure and build a second parallel structure or remove the existing bridge and build two new structures. The Division has work planned for the existing bridge and would prefer it remain in place. NCDWR • A 401 water certification will be required. OPEN DISCUSSION Project Delivery Team asked if this project was a candidate to be included in the Merger Process. o USACE and the NCDWR agree that R-5862 is a candidate for the Merger Process. o It was mentioned that since there are unknowns with the project, is reason why to include in the Merger Process. o Division 9 indicated that the project can start in the Merger Process and potentially taken out as the impacts become clearer. The External Scoping Meeting could be considered as an official Merger Meeting under Concurrence Point 1. ACTION ITEMS 1. Division 9 will locate the previous Mocksville Bypass project (R-3111) (completed 4/23). 2. Division 9 will reach out to the Town of Mocksville regarding bicycle use near downtown. 3. Division 9 will coordinate with project team on U-5902 in obtaining information at the intersection of US 64/NC 150.