HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180455 Ver 1_Request for time_20180518Strickland, Bev
From: Homewood, Sue
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 10:53 AM
To: 'Sean Martin'; Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US)
Cc: Christine Geist
Subject: RE: [External] Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: Bingham Int. Stream photos
I will consider this a request to put the application on hold while you resolve the trout buffer questions as you note
Sue Homewood
Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office
Department of Environmental Quality
336 776 9693 office
336 813 1863 mobile
Sue. Homewood@ncdenr.gov
450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300
Winston Salem NC 27105
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Sean Martin [mai lto:sean@cws-inc. net]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 9:46 AM
To: Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US) <Amanda.Jones@usace.army.mil>
Cc: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov>; Christine Geist <christine@cws-inc.net>
Subject: [External] Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: Bingham Int. Stream photos
Amanda and Sue,
The trout buffer rules I believe allow 100' of clearing in every 1,000' of stream channel. I will work with Matt Gantt of
NCDEQ-DEMLR to get through this buffer issue. The engineer is working on a plan to reduce the pipe to meet the trout
buffer guidelines, as well as, provide calcs on the stormwater swale to meet the low density requirements. Once the
engineer is done with the revisions and calculations I will be sure to forward.
Thank you for meeting with the client and verifying the stream channel. Did the client have silt fence installed around
the fill area, have they removed any fill form the wetland boundary, and have they begun to plant the disturbed wetland
areas per the restoration plan? If not, did you bring those issues up per the conditions in the notice of violation letter?
FYI, they have been very slow and hesitant to speak with me, and they have insisted that all of their actions be directed
by the agencies. Please keep me informed on any formal actions or decisions that may be issued to the applicant.
Thank you,
On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 6:51 AM, Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US) <Amanda.Jones@usace.army.mil> wrote:
Hi Sean,
I met the owners out there on Wednesday and agreed with your call of intermittent stream. I basically told them they
need to figure out what is allowed under the trout buffer exemptions for a crossing width and reduce their impact to
that amount since doesn't sound a variance is possible based on my understanding from Sue. If this is the case then
they want to shift that first row of storage units to the back of the fill pad which would impact a small wetland (less
than 0.10 acre) which I'm fine with and told them I would not require mitigation if it is under 0.10. Once you figure out
how much pipe they need to remove, please modify the PCN to include this along with the new wetland impact.
828-271-7980 ext. 4225
-----Original Message -----
From: Sean Martin [mailto:sean@cws-inc.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 8:33 AM
To: Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US) <Amanda.Jones@usace.army.mil>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: Bingham Int. Stream photos
This potential stream channel shows up on the soil survey as a stream.
On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 8:28 AM, Fuemmeler, Amanda J CIV (US) <Amanda.Jones@usace.army.mil
<mailto:Amanda.Jones@usace.army.mil> > wrote:
Hi Sean,
Do you have any pictures of the intermittent channel upstream of the piped section. Mr. Rogers requested that I
come out to confirm that I agree that it is a jurisdictional channel and since I didn't see it before thought it would be a
good idea especially with the trout buffer issue now. I am supposed to go out there today but of course with all this
rain just wanted to see if you had any pictures for reference, thanks.
Amanda Jones
Regulatory Specialist
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Asheville Regulatory Field Office
151 Patton Avenue, Room 208
Asheville, NC 28801-5006
828-271-7980 ext. 4225
Sean Martin
Sr. Scientist
Carolina Wetland Services, Inc.
....Natural Resource Consultants
550 E. Westinghouse Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273
Phone: 704-527-1177 <tel:704-527-1177%20x.101>
Cell: 828-719-1320 <tel:704-527-1177%20x.101>
Fax: 704-527-1133 <tel:704-527-1133>
Blockedwww.cws-inc.net <Blockedhttp://www.cws-inc.net/>
Sean Martin
Sr. Scientist
Carolina Wetland Services, Inc.
....12a?-Ud 6Oa-1
550 E. Westinghouse Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273
Phone: 704-527-1177
Cell: 828-719-1320
Fax: 704-527-1133