HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030597 Letter,'.t �i s £L_ To: Division of Water Quality DWQ Central Files March 2018 Monthly Monitoring American Emergency Vehicles is located in the county of Ashe and the certificate of coverage number for the applicable Storm Water permit is NCG030597. AEV is located at 165 American Way Jefferson NC 28640. AEV contacts are ieff.drever@aev.com or gary.eravbeal@aev.com. The plant phone number is 336-846-8010. American Emergency Vehicle is currently on a monthly sampling plan, primarily for exceeding the benchmark limits for zinc. We have performed various inspections, tests, and stressed better housekeeping for the grounds, in an effort to reduce zinc in our two outfalls. These efforts have garnered some -improvements and brought us closer to compliance by securing a downward trend. We have also contacted our ESI NCDENR coach and asked for some assistance in handling this issue. ESI has indicated that the zinc threshold has now been increased to .126 mg/L by the state. The last collection sample in January found all benchmarks inside the parameters. Point 1 for zinc results indicated a .049 mg/I result and at point two .033. These results are getting us back in line for semiannual sampling. Currently our water table is better than in the past, which also seems to affect our results. We have updated our Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan training slide show in an effort to increase employee awareness in an effort to educate employees on how their activates can affect the environment and our communities water shed As stated above, the month of January 2018 our zinc was under the benchmark of .067 mg/L at both outfalls. Additionally, no other benchmark values were exceeded. In an effort to address the zinc issue and remain under the zinc benchmark. AEV has tested and moved to a new zinc free component that was identified as a possible contributor to the monthly monitoring requirement. The results of the January report indicate our product change may bring us back in control of zinc in the storm water discharge. Our February results were also under the benchmarks values at both points, with point 1 at .103 mg/L and point 2 at .078 mg/L. Both points were under the .126 benchmark value. The March results show a three- onth trend that our zinc is in line with the benchmark values. The values supplied by the lab show Jeff Dreyer Signature: Title n'� r� MA. Gary Graybeal L Signature: Title: a-01, for point one and .054 mg/L for point 2. Date: Date: 6�/7// e