HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050732 Ver 13_Public Notice_20090522US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District PUBLIC NOTICE 05-0132. Y13 Issue Date: May 22, 2009 Comment Deadline: June 22, 2009 Corps Action ID #: 200121252 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) has received an application for a modification to an existing permit from Newland Communities seeking Department of the Army (DA) authorization to permanently impact an additional 571 linear feet of stream channels exhibiting important aquatic functions; and to temporarily impact an additional 275 linear feet of streams and 0.041 acre of wetland. In addition, this modification requests a reduction in permanent wetland impacts by 0.0048 acre. This modification request is the second revision to the permit associated with the construction of the Briar Chapel Development in Chatham County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the Wilmington District Web Site at www.saw.usace.army.mil/wetlands Applicant: NNP - Briar Chapel, LLC Attn: Mr. William S. Mumford 16 Windy Knoll Circle Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516 Agent: Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Attn: Ms. Nicole Thomson 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Authority The Corps will evaluate this application and a decide whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to the applicable procedures of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Location The project, Briar Chapel Development, is approximately 1,589 acres in size and is located west of US Highwayl5-501, and north of Andrew's Store Road (SR 1528), and south of Mann's Chapel Road (SR 1532), approximately 5 miles south of Chapel Hill, in Chatham County, North Carolina. Coordinates (in decimal degrees) for the site are 35.8251 0 North, 79.1059 ° West. The site contains several unnamed tributaries of Pokeberry Creek and Wilkinson Creek, and adjacent wetlands, in the Cape Fear River Basin (8-Digit Cataloging Unit 03030002). The modification is to 12 previously permitted road crossings, 9 previously permitted utility crossings, and 3 new road crossings associated with the subdivision. Existing Site Conditions The land use in the area surrounding the project consists primarily of large lot residential subdivisions, forested tracts, and agricultural tracts. The area is currently subject to increasing commercial and residential development pressure, in part due to the on-going widening of US Highway 15-501, which borders the site to the east. The land use on the project site itself is currently undergoing construction for the Briar Chapel Development. The site contains several tributaries to Pokeberry Creek, which runs from north to south through the property, and drains the majority of the land within the subdivision. The western-most portions of the site drain to Wilkinson Creek. A total of 61.4 acres of adjacent wetlands have also been identified on the site. Both Pokeberry and Wilkinson Creek flow into the Haw River several miles downstream of the site, which then flows into B. Everett Jordan Lake before merging with the Deep River to become the Cape Fear River. Applicant's Stated Purpose As stated by the applicant, the purpose of the project is to address the growing need for housing and commercial space in the area. Project Description The original project, known as the Briar Chapel Development, is a 1589 acre mixed-use development that includes construction of single-family residential areas, commercial and office space, community services such as parks, a County school, charter school, library, fire station, an EMS station, and over 900 acres of open space. The permit for the Briar Chapel Development was issued in September 2006, which authorized permanent impacts to 1,653 linear feet of stream channel and 0.6655 acre of wetland, and temporary impacts to 211 linear feet of stream channel and 0.137 acre of wetland. A site inspection on September 20, 2007, found the development in violation of the DA permit conditions which resulted in the violation proceedings as documented in a concurrent Corps issued Public Notice which can be found at the following website: (http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/WETLANDS/Notices/Current_notices.html). A modification to this permit was issued by the Corps on December 21, 2007, for all stream and wetland impacts within the violation area deemed unavoidable. All other impacts were subject to restoration. The purpose of this permit modification is to account for stream and wetland restoration activities from the above mentioned violation, to slightly alter selected internal subdivision road crossings, and to allow for the widening of Andrews Store Road and Parker Herndon Road near the project site. The widening of these roadways is a requirement by the North Carolina Department of Transportation to allow for turn lanes due to increased traffic projections stemming from Briar Chapel and the associated schools. Three existing crossings are proposed for extensions to facilitate the upgrade to these roadways which would result in 327 linear feet of permanent stream impact and 65 linear feet of temporary stream impact. The stream/wetland restoration activities and internal roadway alterations account for the remaining impacts under this modification request. Total requested permanent impacts under this modification are an additional 571 linear feet of stream channels exhibiting important aquatic functions; and temporary impacts in the amount of 275 linear feet of streams and 0.041 acre of wetland. If approved, this modification would bring the total of all permanent impacts associated with this project to 2,237 linear feet of stream channel and 0.4374 acre of wetlands; and temporary impacts would be 634 linear feet of streams and 0.197 acre of wetlands. The applicant has stated that mitigation under the original Briar Chapel permit was sufficient to cover the impacts proposed under this modification. This mitigation included a payment to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, the restoration of 2,127 linear feet of stream channel at the Harpers Crossroads Stream Mitigation Site, and the preservation of 63,412 linear feet of on-site stream channel and 59.3 acres of on-site wetlands. A compensatory mitigation determination will be made by the Corps prior to permit modification. Other Required Authorizations This notice and all applicable application materials are being forwarded to the appropriate State agencies for review. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) issues, denies, or waives State certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice combined with appropriate application fee at the North Carolina Division of Water Quality central office in Raleigh will constitute initial receipt of an application for a 401 Water Quality Certification. A waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWQ fails to act on this request for certification within sixty days of the date of the receipt of this notice in the NCDWQ Central Office. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the NCDWQ Central Office, 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit, 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1650 Attention: Ms Cyndi Karoly by June 15, 2009. Essential Fish Habitat This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. The Corps' initial determination is that the proposed project will not adversely impact EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. Cultural Resources The Corps coordinated with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer (SIIPO) during the issuance of the original permit for this site. The permit was conditioned for the protection of sensitive areas as identified by the SHPO. The permit modification area is within, or adjacent to, the project area of the original permit. Therefore, the Corps is not aware that any registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein that will be affected by the proposed work. Endangered Species The Corps has reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information, the Corps has determined pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, that the proposed project will have no effect on federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidate State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing shall be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, until 5pm, June 22, 2009. Comments should be submitted to Monte Matthews, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587. v N O r m t W F V O O I O C O ? y E a E G. F + c °. y ro b ?, a a E G ? c ? _. -r ?, y G • - u I o I ? 3 - .a •° 3 v 3 o + c o o d o c o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c E - v n a 3 3 v a. 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Y Y n d J d u'S m ?n V. uu u .r re w Q ---------------- ?tu- LL W 45?„ m m z -?I w lfj O O cu ca u7-i Z? ---- um _ _ ., i PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 17] PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL PROPOSED PERMANENT \ STREAM IMPACT / EXISTING PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT / r Y/ i f^ h EXISTING EROSION 1 CONTROL MEASURES (TYP.) EXISTING TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT 1 GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. ????11 Action RiMCF-Tv MAY 0 g 2009 Regulatory Bra I / PROPOSED FINAL / TEMPORARY / WETLAND IMPACT r? EXISTING TEMPORARY / WETLAND IMPACT SURVEYED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT (TYP.) I/ (2009-03-31) f I PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT IMPACT FROM 11/2005 PRO SIED FINAL / PERMANE / WETLAND IMPACT ERMAN I T FROM \ i 1 005 i ?\ PROPOSED FINAL \ L TEMPORARY WETLAND PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT WETLAND N IMPACT IMPACT=0.0341 AC ` 70 LF 24° RCP (PIPE BURIED 04') 12 LF RIP RAP APRON g 3 PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporaq Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (LF) (SF) (LF) (SF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) A 4 14 0 0 1619 0.0372 1150 0.02E ® PROTECT NO NEW-03000 RT?? B CHAPE THE JOHN R. McADAMS elEe.nme: Sept. 07 Rev. r. 1 V.L li \ L COMPANY, INC. s AEE , CROSSING SECTION-A ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS '$ DATE: CHATHAM COUNTY, NOM-H CAROLINA MURCIA TRIANGLE PARK, NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709-4DO5 09-28-07 (019) 381_5 000 Sheet 10 of 24 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT EXISTING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES \ (?P.) SURVEYEQ TEMPORAF CHANNEL IMPACT r P AN 11 IMPAC J ? SURVEYED TEMPORARY ' CHANNEL IMPACT (2009-03-31) .Y PERROUEe FINAL STREAM IMPACT GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. 1 I PERENNIAL 1 I STREAM ((CHANNEL t?\ WETLANDS i LAND I ACT (TYP.) ? i (2009-03 1) i j I I 1 ISTING TEMPORARY ? STREAM IMPACTI I ?j PROPOSED F)MAL TEMPORARY ?z1 r' WETLAN I/I M PACT i I \ I I I PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED \ PERMANENT STREAM .'? IMPACT FROM 11 2 \ PROPOSED FINAL `PERM,WtNT STREAM - Action ID#2001 2 1 2 52 __________ ------------- PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERENNIAL i PERMANENT STREAM STREAM i IMPACT FROM 11/2005 CHANNEL / 20POSE FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Permanent Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland (LF) (SF) (LF) (S F) (SF) B 166 497 14 43 81 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT=0.0018 AC PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT CHANNEL IMPACT=141 LF. 422 SF 103 LF 60" RCP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') 38 LF RIP RAP APRON Wetland Wetland Wetland (AC) (SF) (AC) 0.0018 275 0.0063 PRDJF.CT •o. NEW 03000 BRIAR CHAPEL THE McADAMS N N ® n rnESAVe' Sept. 07 Rev. COMP NY C SCALF: 1 -40 CROSSING SECTION-13 ENGINEERS/PLA14NERS/SURVEYORS Dare: ??n CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CARIOL 14A RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK. NC P.O. ROE u0oa ZIP 27000-4005 08_28_07 (0l0) 381-5000 Sheet 11 of 24 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT \ WET D-IMPA T 009 03-31 DSED FINAL (2 TEMPORARY \ND IMPACT i- PROPO D PE WETLAN IMR GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 I inch = 40 ft. Action ID#200121252 1 I I I I 1 PERENNIAL j STREAM CHANNEL PREVIOUSIY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT,,FROM 11/2005 SURVEYED TEMPI CHANNEL IMPACT x(2009-03-31) L I 1-EXISTING/ I 1 PROPOSED FINA dt TEMPORARY V/ STREAM IMPACT WETLANDS D FINAL / /,? -` PREVIOUSLY P MITTED P ?AAN STREAM PERMANENT STIR M PRC7 IMPACT FROM 11 005 ;l' PERENNIAL STREAM f ?- _ ??? CHANNEL / SURVEYED TEMPORARY CHANNEL IMPACT (2009-03-31) N EXISTING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES (TYP.) PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT=0.0320 AC PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT CHANNEL IMPACT=140 LF, 581 SF 100 LF 66" RCP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') 36 LF RIP RAP APRON PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (LF) (S F) (LF) (SF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) D 181 736 39 117 1227 0.0282 337 0.0077 0 PROJECT No. NEW-03000 THE JOHN R. OMPANY, NCMcADAMS F'ILEVARE. 3 ® Sept. 07 Rev' BRIAR CHAPEL C n SCALE: CULVERT CROSSING SECTION-D ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYDRS 1 "-47 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 's DATE: CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP Z77DB-4005 I 09-28-07 J (919) 081-5000 Sheet 12 of 24 \ I PERI-NNIAI.. _ l ?SIRFAM _ \\/ CI IANNE{. ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY CHANNEL FILTER FABRIC LINED IMPACT (TYP.) O; PREVIOUSLY BYPASS CHANNEL o PROPOSED / HEADWALL O1\_ `?.? (IYP.) 414/ / CHECK-DAM (L \ \\? Wl II ANDS' IN \ \ \ 01 \ <- N _ r .." •? \ __ 416 \ COFFER DAM -? 1 a 3 \ \ c PROPOSED 7_-__ HEADWALL (TYP.)-"' 7 _77 - \ -? ADDITIONAL TE PORARY °o \ \ CTLAND\?PACT (d\YP.) \ \ \ A " / / ^ti T-? RMI I I I't III RMAN11d,1 420 ? \ 11 ANNEL 11,41DAC1 \ \ + n \ \\\1 ` ??•?.?\ `I \? \\•.[.XISI1i::G ,PRAY! ' E \ ?.... •--,w\ . / C\\ I V IGAII )N I INI t, (10.) \ 1 ?_ r,,! 'y 4v \ \ I - fiX6?ll??; SAIyIIARY\ , d. ?a` 1\ , SILK yEwiLl2'(IYI'? Q??v...\\\ \\ \?/\\ \\\ \\ \\ L cl GRAPHIC SC;ALI' PI:R1,41'1IEO PI:i"YANF.NT WEILAND IMPACI--0.0055 AC O .0 '0 20 40 80 PERMITTCD PERMANENT CIIANNLL IVPACI= 12,9 IF. 69 SI ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY CHANNEL IMPACT,-- 40 LF, 210 SF (2) 92 LF 72" RCP (PIPES BuRll_D o 36 LI" RIP IlAP APRON 0 1 inch = 40 LL. w NEW-03000 z raar:cr c0 THE JO1IN 11. McAUAM5 z n rn.I:N,a1E: NEW03000-C(E) BRIAR CHAPEL MCOMPANY, INC. All _40' CULVERT CROSSING SECTION-E 1•NCIN EEIIs/rLA9NIS11S/SUIIVF.VQAS 'j I1 NSF.AIl CII TITIAN CLE PARK, NC 7 0" ° 07.-04-2009 CHATHAM COUN'T'Y, NORTH CAROLINA r 0. 110X moos 711' !.'770-4005 (01u) 501-5000 / Sheet 13 of 24 Y_ CL CL N r, v N 07 °o N PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT GRAPHIC SCALE STREAM IMPACT 40 0 20 40 80 - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 1 inch = 40 ft. Action ID#200121252 N PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PERENNIAL / STREAM CHANNEL EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED FINAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT MODIFIED PERMITTED STREAM IMPACT (2007-10-05 MOD.) PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART 1 1 I I I Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel (LF) (SF) (LF) (S F) F 213 2051 56 48, PROPOSED FINAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT MODIFIED PERMITTED STREAM IMPACT (2007-10-05 MOD.) PROPOSED FINAL PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT \ 1 / REVISED 2007-10-05 PERMITTED CHANNEL IMPACT=197 LF, 1883 SF (2) 112.5 LF 48" CAP (1) 112.5 LF 14'-B" SPAN X 9'-8" RISE PIPE ARCH (CENTER PIPE BURIED 1'-0") 53 LF RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL ermanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) 0 0.00 0 0.00 NEW-03000 BRIAR CHAPEL THE JOHN R. McADAMS ® `-5'ENEW03000-G(F) COMPANY, INC. o SCALE: 1 "-40? CULVERT CROSSING SECTION-F ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS DATE: CHATIi" COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA RESEARCH TRUNGLE PARK. NC P.O. BOX 14005 21P 277DO-4005 1 1 -29-DS (VID) 781-5000 Sheet 14 of 24 H a v co 0 0 N 3 v E n C d PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT GRAPHIC SCALE STREAM IMPACT - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 40 0 2I 40 81 ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT I inch = 40 ft. PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT Action ID#200121252 PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT U MODIFIED IM ITTED', \ STREAM IM AC O (2007-10 -?5 D) - / W LAN S EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED FINAL PERMANENT STREAM '.` ??? MPACT EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IM CT PROPOSED FINAL ` PERMANENT PROPOSED FINAL LAND IMPACT ?., PERMAAJ NT WETLAND 1 IMPACT UR ENT P MANENT EXISTING PERMANENT ` HAN EL IM CT S \ STREAM IMPACT 07 10-0 REVISED 2007-10-05 PERMITTED - __ ? WETLANDS IMPACT=415 SF - MO FIED RMI rED PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED CHANNEL STIR M IMP T IMPACT=271 LF, 886 SF \ (200 \ 10-0 X04 PERENNIAL 225 LF 60" CAP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') STREAM CHANNEL 17 LF RIP RAP APRON \ `?\ PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary LFL:i Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (LF) (SF) (LF) (SF) (SF) (AC) (S F) (AC) 296 960 0 0 415 0.0095 0 0.0000 PROJECT N0. NEW-03000 11UNANENEWD3000-G(( n a SCALE: 1 „-.40, v DATE: 11 -29-05 THE JOHN R. OMPANY, NCMcADAMS BRIAR CHAPEL ®C LVERT CROSSING SECTION-G ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA P o eo H TRIANGLE PARK, OY N0005 (B1D) OEI-5000 Sheet 15 of 24 a rn N e rn 0 0 N i17 v 0 E n L wi C d PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT PERENNIAL STREAM IMPACT STREAM CHANNEL GRAPHIC SCALE - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 40 0 20 40 80 ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 1 inch = 40 Ft. PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT EXISTING TEMPORARY Action ID}J200121252 STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PR OSET PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT MODIFIED PERMITTED STREAM IMPACT (2007-10-05) PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT 1 / \ \ 1 11 / / / 11 E TING RMANENT / S EAM IMPACT 1 i U / FINAL STREAM \ ( / i REAM IMPAdiT (20-10-01) ) ?'+' 1 PROPOSE FINAL j TEMPORA Y REVISED 2007-10-05 PERMITTED CHANNEL ? STREAM IPACT IMPACT=262 LF. 1462 SF (2) 157 LF 84" CAP (PIPES BURIED 1.0') 44 LF RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL 1 I EXISTING TEMPI RARY T PERE NIA STREAM IMPAC STREA? 1 1 1 P ROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART 1 Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (LF) (SF) (LF) (SF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) H 257 1443 55 247 0 0.00 0 0.00 PROJECT No. NEW-03000 P"?`"RENEW030007(7 BRIAR CHAPEL n «ALE. CULVERT CROSSING SECTION- °"TF' 1 1-29-05 CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARE. NC P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP '•7709-4005 (919) 391-5DOD Sheet 16 of 24 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT IMPACT ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY IMPACT ® PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT I I I PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT"} GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. Attachment 4 I -- - - OPOSgD FINAL ? WETLANDS -? ET LAND I EXISTING PERMANENTI REAM I MODIFIED PERMITTED -\ AND WETLAND PACTS ? STREAM IMPACT ' (2007-10-05) i EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT INTERMITTENT STREAM CHANNEL PROPOSED FINAL TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT I / REVISED 2007-10-05 WETLANDS IMPACT=95 SF REVISED 2007-10-05 PERMITTED CHANNEL IMPACT=83 LF, 250 SF 69 LF 54" CAP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') 15 LF RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Temporary Crossing Channel Channel Channel (LF) (S F) (LF) I 83 250 22 ROPOSE FINAL ERMAN T STR M IMPACT P OPOSE FINAL PERM NENT ETLANIL_-- _ If1PACT -- I I / I `- EXISTING TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT --------------- MODIFIED PERMITTED WETLAND IMPACT (2007-10-05) emporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (SIF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) 67 13 0.0003 855 0.019E PROJECT NG. NEW-03000 rILE"N EW03000 -G( SCALE: 1"-40, UAI E: 11-29-05 BRIAR CHAPEL McADAMS COMPANY, NC CULVERT CROSSING SECTION -I CNGINEERS/PLANNERS/SOR?EYORR CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC P.O. BOX 14005 21P 27909-4005 (919) 551-5000 Sheet 17 of 24 // jig' = / /? I \\ \ \\ ?\ \\ PERENNIAL S"FREAM \ f \ ti iANNEL . ' I' \ \\ \ \ \ /`\ r \434 \ \ / /' \ \ \ \ \ \4,3 A.DDItIONAL \ \\ 'TEMPORARY \ \ \\ \ \\ 'CHANNEL IMPACT \ \ 43d \ \?\\\ CO?%FER\\DAM QTYP.) \ \ \` \ \ \ \\ \ ADDITIONAL \ \ \ \ PERMANENT '\ \ \ HAN? EL',IMPAC a2 \ \ ?,? \ \ a C \ \ \ ?\ \\ PE1`2MITTEQ \ \ \ \ y ,\ \ \ \ f HAf?IW L '1MPACT 9 \ \ \ , \\ o, \\ kILTE? FABRIC ?441NED \ •? \ ( ?\\ \ .IVRSIOI? DITCH (TY_ \. \\ \ \\ \ o ?/ \ \ \.i \\ \ADDITIONAL TEMPO ARY - 1\ \\ \ \ 00 \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ CI-)ANNEL IMPACT 1 \ \ ?\ \ \ \\ N / \ \ x \\\ \ `,ERENNI L \ ` \\ \ E ?. 1 \ y\ ??\\ GIIANI1\ ?'. \ \.. E PERMITTED PERMANENT IMPACT= 109 LF, 429 SF w GRAPHIC SCALE WETLAND IMPACT=0.0000 AC. ?c 40 0 20 60 60 ADDITIONAL PERMANENT CHANNEL IMPACT= 14 LF, 28 SF 0 _ ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY CHANNEL IMPACT= 20 LF, 413 SF r $ 55 LF 54' RCP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') 1 inch = 40 fl.. 31 LF RIP RAP APRON Sheet 18 of 24 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT ------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT PER STREAM n SURV Tp4P Y \ ANNEL I CT (2009703,31) I 1 ? 1 , 1 ? 1 ? r ^ rl I I / ..^1J EXISTING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES \ (TYP.) PROPOSED Flk TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT CHANNEL IMPACT=220 LF, 550 SF 96 LF 72" RCP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') 48 LF RIP RAP APRON PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART 40 0 20 40 80 1 inch = 40 ft. Acti on ID#200121252 EXISTING MANENT IMPACT PERENNIAL STREAM HANNEL 40 E FI RY TING " ? - P9RARY STREAM IMPAC \ ? -? PREVIO?AL PER ITTEDI PF ANENT". _ STR&ZIMPAOT FROM-a-1?' ?05 / 1 PROPOSED F / -PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT- ? i f r\ l PREVIQUSLh PERMITTEQ, EXISTING, PERMANENT STREAM TEMPORARY IMPACT FROM-1"1/2 1V STREAM IMPACT - Tl PERENNIAL CHAN STREAM Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Welland Wetland (LF) (SF) (LF) (SF) (S F) (AC) (SF) (AC) M 310 837 50 122 0 0.00 0 0.OC PRO nUNn+ ecr .?'o. NEW-03000 A THE JOHN R. COMPANY, NCMcADAMS ME Sept. 2007 Rev BRIAR CHAPEL I-LF CROSSING SECTION-M ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 1 -4O RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC DATE: G9-28-D7 CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLJXA P.O. BOY 14005 ZIP 27700-4005 (019) 3EI-5000 A Sheet 19 o1 24 Q N l`1 O 01 O O N 'a 0 PROJECT No NEW-03000 THE, JOHN R. McADAMS "' ,77NEW03000-G(N BRIAR CHAPEL COMPANY, INC. 'CAI.E: "-40' WETLANDS FILL SECTION-N ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARE. NC oArE: 4-07-09 ??T? CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA P.O. 90E Foos ZIP 27799-4- (919) Tel-soon Sheet 20 of 24 \ pF.GENNIAL Z? \ \ .... \ \ ._. -..?-STREAMCHANNEL \ ?\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ ACDITIICN?AL tE\MPORARY kC; .ly e'` ?qg %?J CHANNEL'IMPACT \\ MANEN r \ Cs \\ \ \\ ?\ Z 4 HANNEI IMPACT \ SPRA RRI ATIIOTJ \ /\ y \ \ \ s \ 50' SIIZI:nIJ \ \ Lg1E CON REN.T\ \ \ \ \ (1Ul FF R \ \ \ \ PRLVIOUSLY\ \ 10' NO-BUILD \ \ \ \ 9 PI"IRMI I Tj-..0 \ \ J ZONE_ CII ANNCL IMPACT lJ? • \ \?\1 `? ?? ADDITIONAL `? \\ \\ \ \ \ \ ?' \ \ PERMANENT \.. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CHANNEL IMPACT I \ \\ \ .-NNIn. \ 1, \? \ ..'.. •?`2\ \ ?-..`iIREAN?(?iANNFI\ f RI:VIOUS6Y 0'\(O SCD \ ` \ \ \1 F` \ \ SS\O \ \ \ \\? \ \ 1\? / Yale \ \\ \ \ (3 -1\ `.-PIROP! RIY LIN.\ /(O ?'!,\?? \?\.... Ss4 \ \ \ \\ b c z GRAPIIIC SCALE 110 0 20 40 130 1 inch = 40 R. Pf.RM1111:D PEI?MANIi:NI IMPAC1=109 LF, 429 51 ADDITIONAL PERMANENT CHANNEL IMPACT= 39 LF, 137 SF ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY CHANNEL IMPACT= 8 LF, 24 SF 100 LF 60" RCP (PIPE BURIED 1.0') 40 1 F RIP RAP APRON I'It0, 1:<,T N0. NEW-03000 RRT B CHAPEL R III' THE JOHN R. McADAMS lll.ls,u ,. NEw03000-c(o) `u LL •I I COMPANY, INC. J' d SC.,L1:. 1.._40, CULVERT CROSSING SECTION-0 CNCINlFItS/I'IAMNF,RS/1UI7VF.1'OIt1 ' u.crl; CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IANf:I,E I U!111111111 " ARx, 11! r.u. Box Imes zm zvrm-ands Sheet 21 of 24 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT = = = = EXIS-ING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT n A '- m r ?- PRQEO TEMPO) S D IMPACT Z z r i i I i YO?t 1 I z 1 PERMITTED EROSION 14 'I CONTROL MEASURES i (TYP.) WETLANDS BOUNDARY rEXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT FROM 11/2005 VARIOUS PRIVATE UTILITIES (QUANTITY AND SIZES T BE DETERMINED) S UE UE --- UE UE UE UE - Fln`?'TRf 17T FM M FM FM _ FM FM FlA FM FM M iM F1A iM FM M FM FM FM FM FM OUSLY PERMITTED CHANNEL IMPACT=35 LF (0.004 AC.) PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel (LF) (SF) (LF) (SF) 4 0 0 41 190 PROJECT NO. NEW-03000 FaeN BRIAR CHAPEL THE JOHN R. McADAMS nNE. Sept. 07 Rev, COMPANY, INC. SCALE: 1 °-40' UTILITY CROSSING SECTION-4 ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS D"TE: ltiiwTGf.?=l /? l.trtv ,T rw /SAD • 1f.1? CHATHAM COUNIY, NOR HCAROLMA RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARE. NC P.D. BOY 14005 EIP 27702-'005 D9-28-D7 ( 212) 761-5000 SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT (2009-03-31) GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 I inch = 40 ft. 'ermanent Permanent Temporary Temporary Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (S F) (AC) (SF) (AC) 0 0.00 0 0.0' Sheet 22 of 24 GRAPHIC SCALE PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT 40 0 20 4,0 80 STREAM IMPACT - - - -- EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT I inch = 40 ft. ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 1 PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 1 1 I I I I PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT _ EXISTING igPOUNDFD \\? WATER PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT EXISTING TEMPORARY I I STREAM IMPACT PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT II SURVEYED CHANNEL IMPACT (2009-03-31) M G ` uE i ?---rF 11 1 ??? C U[ 1 EIJ FA, G1?` VE 11 « ?? UE PERMITTED EROSION - cUE CONTROL MEASURES r ? - ? c- (TYP.) I P' FU - VARIOUS PRIVATE UTILITIES (QUANTITY AND SIZES TO BE DETERMINED) (( EXISTIgG IMPOUNDED I WATER I PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED i -? CREEK CHANNE I TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT FROM 11/2005 I PROPOSED FINAL 100' STREAM i BUFFER j TEMPORARY STREAM IVPACT I ? PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED IMPACT TOTALS {ACTION ;D#2001217591 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED CHANNEL IVPACT=36 LF (0.006 AC.) PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART termanent termanent temporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporan Crossing Channel Channel Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (LF) (SF) (LF) (SF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) 5 0 0 50 383 0 0.00 0 0.( PROJECT NG' NEW-03000 BRIAR CHAPEL THE JOHN R. McADAMS Sept. 07 Rev. COMPANY, INC. SCALE: 1 „_40• UTILITY CROSSING SECTION-5 ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESEARCH TIA RNGLE PARx• NC MITE, 09-28-07 CHATHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA P.0. Rox coos zIP zvYOe-.ans s (91e) 361-50000 Sheet 23 of 24 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED PERMANENT VARIOUS PRZVAT UTILI71E5 STREAM IMPACT (QUANTITY AIt SI S - - - - - - EXISTING PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT EXISTING I OUNDED TO BE DETER01,NED) ` ------------ EXISTING TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT WATER \ ? PERMITTED EROS)QN PROPOSED PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT CONTROL M€ASURES (TYP), 11 \ PROPOSED TEMPORARY WETLAND IMPACT \ \ f PROPOSED FINAL] \ j TEMPORARY STR PROPOSED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT IMPACT E f? \\ N F-7 • '? E N / PROPOSED PERMANENT WETLAND IMPACT \ PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT FROM 11120p5? 4 / EXISTING TEMPORARY / STREAM IMPACT, r. EXISTING TEMPORARY _ SURVEYED CHANNELIMPACf" STREAM IMPACT (2009-03-31I I PROPOSED !FINAL TEMPORARY! STREAM i g 100' STREAM IMPACT BUFFER I I I ------------ CREEK CREEK CHANNEL , PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED IMPACT TOTALS ACTION ID#2 001 71 2 52 PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED CHANNEL IMPACT-35 LF (0.004 AC.) PROPOSED FINAL IMPACT CHART Permanent Permanent Crossing Channel Channel (LF) (SF) 6 0 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 4 ` 0 0 20 40_ -.? a1 1 inch = 4 01 inch = 40 ft, emporary Temporary Permanent Permanent Temporary Temporar Channel Channel Wetland Wetland Wetland Wetland (LF) (SF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) 43 221 0 0.00 0 0.( 1`1101ECT NO. NEW-03000 BRIAR CH THE JOHN R. 'I FILENAME. Sept. 07 Rev. APEL COMPANY INC. O SCALE: 1,,-4O' lLlyr CROSSING E S C T I O N-6 CNGINEERS/PGNNFRS/SURVEYORS DATE. Ti A DT ? +? O i ? ?? C HAai it" M COVN, N01?TH CAROLUVA E B0%R 14005 NCI ZE'P PARK. N1005 e P0 09-78-07 . (8191 001-5000 Sheet 24 of 24