HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181597 Ver 1_final counter signed PJD form_20180504ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMfNATION F�RM I=�T�:��3�P►TlP►1 ��T`.�I� �C�7�1 A. REPORT C�MPLET[ON DATE FOR PRELlMINARY JURISDICTIONAL O�TERMINATION (J�):51412018 B. NAME AN� AD�RESS OF PERSON REQUESTiNG PRELIMINARY JD: NCQOT-aivision 3 5501 Barbados B[vd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ' C. DISTRICT OFFiCE, FILE NAME, AN� NUMBER: Wilmington Field OfFice, B-4438, SAW-2015-OD954 D. PROJECT L.00ATf�N(5) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATI�N; Brunswick Counfy - B-a�438. Bridge Replecement over Bear pen lslartds Swamp in Bolivia, NC. (USE TH� ATTACH�p TABL� TO i7�CUM�NT MUL.TIPL.� WAT�RB�Df�S AT RIFF�R�NT SiTES) State: NC Co�ntylparishlboraugh: $€��Sw��� City: Bai+V;� Center coordinafes of site (iat/lang in degree ciecima( forrnat}: �,a�. 34.144398 °n[; �pn�. -78.324i19 °�/�f. UIi1V41'Sa� TI'�11SV@i$� MGCCa'�Of :"�7S 746737mE 378�958mi� NaCTlB O� Ci2a1"GSt WafeCbOdy: �ear Pen {slands Swamp Identify (estirnate} amount of waters in the re�iew area: Non-we#fand wafers: �sa.7 linear feet: width (ft) and/or acres. Cowardin Class: p�a4�� S�re�rp F]OW: Perenniai (Bear Pen fslands 5wamp} Wet[ands: ��93 acres. Cowardin Class: PFo� cA�.�) Name of any water bodi�s on the site that haue be�n identifi�d as Sectian 1 Q waters: Tidaf: ��A Non�Tidal: NiA 1 E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION {CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (D�sk} Defiermination. Dafe: � Field Deterrr�ination. Date(s); o�ro5i�5 SUPPORTING �ATA. Data reviewed for pre[iminary .�D {check all that a�ply - c�ecked ifems should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropr�ately r�f�renc� sources b�low): � Maps, plans, plats ar plat submiified by or on behaif af the ap��IC�l��C01151A��a11t: included in packet ❑✓ Data sheets preparedlsubmitted by or on �ehalf of the appl�nticonsultant. Offic� concurs with da#a sheets/delineafion report. � Office does not concur with data sheetsldeEineation report. ❑ Da�a sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps na�iga�[e waters' study: ❑ U.S. G�ologieal 5uruey Hydrologic Atlas: - � USGS NHD data � iJSGS 8 and 12 digi# HUC maps ❑✓ U.S. Geo[ogical Survey map(s). Cite scale & qt�ad name: ��nevisiana-24K ❑✓ USDA Natural Resources Cans�rvatian Service 5oi1 5uruey. Clta�l011: SSURGO Database - Onlir�e ❑✓ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ Statel�oca[ wet[a�d inventory map{s): ❑ FEMAIFERM maps: � 100-y�ar Floadplain Efeuation is: (Nationai Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ✓❑ Photagraphs: �✓ Aerial (Name & Dafe); �sRi A�r,ai5 zo�ad a� � Ot}�er (Name & Date): � Previaus d�terminafiion(s}, File no. and date of response letter; � Other information (pl�as� specify}: 2 'f . The Cor�as of Engir�eers belie�es that ther� may be jurisdictional waters of the United Sfates on the subject site, and t�e permit applicant or other affected party who requested fhis prelirninary JD is here�y ad�ised of his or her optian ta request and o�tair� an appro�ecf jurisdictional determination (JD} for that site. Ne�erthefess, th� p�rmit applicant or oth�r person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to abtain an ap�ra�ed JD in this ir�stance and at this time. 2. Irt any circumstance vvhere a perrr�it applicant obtains an indi�iduaf permit, or a Natia�wide General Permit (NWP) or other general p�rmit �erification requiring "pre�constructian notifiica#ion" (PCN}, or requests �eriftcation for a non-reporting NWP or ofher general permit, and th� permit applicant has not requested an appror�ed JD for t�e acti�ity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: {�) the permit applicant has elected ta seek a permit authorizafion based on a prelimir�ary JD, which does not make an official determinafion of jurisdicfional waters; (2} that the applicant has the option to request an appro�ed JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and fhat basing a permit authorizatiort on ar� appro�ed JD coufd possibly result 'rn less compensatory miiigation being rec�uired or different special conditians; (3) that tFte applicant has #he right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditior�s of the NWP or other general permit autharization; {4) that the applicant can accept a permi# authorization and �hereby agree to comply with al! the terms and conditions of that permit, including whate�er mitigaiion requirements the Corps �as determine� to be necessary; (5� fhat undertaking any activity in reliance upan the subject permit authorization without req�esting an approved JD constitutes the app[icar�t's acceptance of the use of th� prelirninary JD, but that either forrn of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered indi�idual permif) or undertaking any activity in reliance on ar�y form of Corps permit authorization �asecf on a preliminary JD constitutes agreernent that all weflands and other water bodies on fhe site affected in any way by fhat actiuifiy are jurisdict[onal waters of the United States, and preciudes any chaflenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforeement action, or in arty administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and {7) whether the applicant e[ects to use either an approved JD or a�reliminary JD, thaf JD will be processed as soon as is prac#icable. Further, an appro�ed JD, a praffered individuaf permif {ar�d all #erms and conditions contained therein), ar indi�idual permi# denial can be adrninistrati�ely appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. �'ar� 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issu�s can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2}). If, during that admir�istrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination wi�eiher CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictianal waters on fhe site, the Corps will prouide an approved JD ta accomplish that res�lf, as soon as is practicable. This pre�iminary JD finds that there "may be" waters of the UnRied States on the subject proj�ci site, and identifies al! aquatic features on #he si#e that cauld be afFected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: IMPORTANT NOTE: The in#ormation recorded on this form has not necessarily be_e_n �erified bv the Corps and should not be re�ied u„pon for later iurisdictional determinations. SHAVER.BRAD Digitallysignedby SHAVER.BRAD.E.1276601756 oigitally signed by Mason Herndon � DN:c=US,o=U.S.Government,ou=DoD, E.1276601756 ou=PKl,ou=USA, �yy 7/�DN:rn=MasonHerndon,o=NCDOT, rn=SHAVER.BRAD.E.1276601756 d.�^- Cr ou=Division 3, mail=tmherndon@ncdot.gov, r-US Date: 2018.05.04 08:46:11 -04'00' oare: zot a.os.o3 t 6ss:t a-oa'oo' Signature and date o# Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) � Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticablej �y�u�- � Estimated Site Cowardin �mount of Glass of number Latif�de Long�tude C��Ss aquatic aquatic resource in resource re�iew area 1 0.1 acre Non-secfiion 1 Q -- non-wetland 2 100 �in�arfeet Non-sectian�0 — we�land 3 15 square feet Non-section 10 -- wetland �4 0.�1 acre Non-section 10 — non-wetland