HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5790, New Hanover County, Start of Study, DCM comments.pdfCoastaf Management ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY May 4, 2018 Mr. �'race R. Howelll, P� N.C. Department of Transpot�tation, DiVi51017 � 55�1 I3arbadas Boulevard Cas�le �Iayi�e, NC 28429 ROY COOPER Gavernor M[Ca-IAEL S. kT'EGAN Secr�tary 6RAXTON C. DAVIS Director RE: Start of Study, US 421 (�'ar�lina Beach �toad) from NC 132 (Sauth Colle�e Road} ta Sanders Rc�ad iil Wilinit�gton, New Hanover County, STIP U-579Q. I]ear Mz'. I-�c�well: The N.C. Division of Cc�astal Management tDCM) apprecia�es the oppo�tunity tc� corrunent on thc N.C. �3epartmer�t of Transpartatior� (NCDQT) Praject Start of Sttidy lettez� tl�at was receiveci on March 28, 2018, including the attaclied Sco��ang Fact Sheet, Vicinity �✓iap aa�c� Environmeiltal Features Map, for the abave refe�enced project. DC1VI has reviewed the infc�rm�tian thai was pravided by NCpOT to determine if there are any potential Caastal Area Ma�a�;ement Act (CAMA) Areas of Envi��onmental Co�lcern (AEC's) withir� the proje�ct area. B�sed upon the info�-rnation received ti-om NCDC)T, it appears as though there are not any CAMA AEC's within the �roj�ct area. A DCM Fisheries Resource Special�st has alsa reviewed the information that was provided by �CDOT, and �CM does nor have any specific fisheries coi�rxre��ts a� this time. Tf a p�oject i�lpacts a CA�v'IA r�EC, then a CAMA pei7nit is Il•equirea. If a project does not impact an AEC, �ut it �equires a federal license, or- ii reeeives federal fizndin�, then a determination of federal consistency with th�e N.C, �'oastal Managernent Fragram is rec�uired. The pi��cess for obtainin,� a federal consistency determination from DCM is dcpendent upon the type of Section 4f�4 permit that bs applicabre by the LT.S. A�-my Corps oF�,n,��neers. I�urin� the fede�al cansistency determination process, DCM n-►ay have aciditional coxntnents on the prc�ject's envirom�ental ampacts, and may �lace conditions on any federal eonsistency detertnina.tian to minimize any environmental itn�acts. I�ICDOT must also demon�trate that the project is consistent with all certified C�1`vIA land use plans that are cun�ent at the time of permit application. The intc�rmation provided ii� this letter shall n�t preelude I)C�VI frc�m rec�uestirlg additional infonnatio�z thra�bhout the federal consisiency detei-�ninar��n process, and Following normal proc�dures. State of North Carolina ' Environmental Quality CoastaB Eulanagement DWR Wetlands,'�Jnit i 512 Narth Salisbw�y Street I 1617 Mail Service Center I Rale�gh, NC 27699-Iba7 924 7Q7-9S49 Thank you for your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. P�ease contact me ar Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Projects, if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at {919} 707-9149 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittin�hamnae,ncdenr.�. Stephen can be reached at (252) 8D8-280$ ext. 208 or via e- mail at Steuhen Lane(c�,ricdenr. a�v. Sincerel�, , Cathy Bnttingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Joanne Steen�huis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT Srate of North Carolina � Environmenta! Qualfty � Coastal Management DWR WetEands Unit I 5E2 North 5alisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 914-707-9149