HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5863, New Hanover County, Start of Study DCM comments.pdf: �i Coastal Management EIVVVRONM�ENTAL QUALITY January 12, 2018 IVIs. �rista Kimrnel, Desi�l �ngineer NCDOT Divisian 3 55�1 Bar�aados Baulev�rd Castle Hayne, N�C 28429 R43Y C�OPER Governor MIC�AEL S. REGAN seererary BRAX1'�N C. aAV[S Drr-ettar� R�: Start oF Study, Proposed Improverrae�ts of NC 133 (Castle Hayne Raad) from I-144ft]rS 17 (Wilpnington Bypass} to S1� 1310 (I)ivision �rive), New Hanover County, STIP U-5863. Dear Ms. Kimrnel; T�e N.C. �7ivision of Coasta� Managemenn (DCN1) appreciates the opportunity to cor�rnlent an the Proje�t Start of Study letter tfllat w�s received on No�remb�r 15, 2a17, includin� the attached Scoping Fact Sheet, Vicinity Map �.md Enviror���ei�t�l �'eatures IVIap. for ��e above ref�renced project. DCM l�as reviewed the infornia�ion that was provided by the N.C. Department of Trans�artation (NCD07') to determine if there are any potential Coastal Area Mai�agein�nb Act (CAMA) A3ea� of Enviror�rnental Cance�n (AEC's) within th� project area. Basec� upoi7 the infoimation received frona I�ICDOT, it appears as though tl�ea�e are not any CAMA AEC's within the pro�ect area. However, please r�ote that there are wetlznc�s that are considered as CAMA Coastal Wetlands Areas of �nviron�nental Concer�n immediately adjacent to th� Project Study Area, such as on the west side of Division Drive, approYim�te�y 500 feet south of t�e intersectior� of Divisian Drive and Castle �iayne Road. DCM recominez�ds that 1`+�CDOT coniinue to plan t4�e project in a way that �voids impacts to CAMA A�C's if practicab�e. I� a projeci impacts a CAMA �4�.C, th�n a CAMA permit is r�c�uired. If a prajeci does not ir�zpact an �C, but it requires a federal lieense, or it r�ceives federal fi�nding, fihen a detemninatio� of federal cons�stency with �he N.C. Coastal Ma��►ageznent Prograin is rec�uired. The process for o}ataining a federal consistency determination fram DCIw,� is dependent upom tl�e type of Sectioi� �0� permit that is appPicable by the U.S. Army Cor�as a# Engineers. lt appears as though the proposed project will not have any darect impacts on coastal fisheries resau�ces, and �CM does not have any specitic fisheries cam�t�e�zts at this time. During the federa� consisteney determination prc�eess, DCM may have �dditional corz�ments on the project's environmental ir�pacts, a�id xnay place cc�nditions on any �edera� consistency determinatian to miniinize any environanental inl�acts. NCI��T �nust alsa dernonstrate that the proj�ct is cansistent with all CAM� land use plans certified by tk�e Coast�l Resources State of North Carolin2 � Lnvironmental Quaiity i, Coastal Managemertt DWR Wetlands Unit I 512 North Salisbury Street I 16�7 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC '27699-1bd7 919-707-9144 Commission that are ctzrrent at the iime the project is authorized by DCM. The information provided in this letter shall not preclude DCM from requesting additional information througi�out the federal consistency determination process, and following normal procedures. Thank you far yaur consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Please contact rne or Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Frojects, if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at (919) 707-9149 or �ia e-mail at Cathy.Brittin_�ham(a�ncdenr.�ov. Stephen can be reached at (252} 808-2808 ext. 208 ar via e- mail at Stephen.Lane(a7ncdenr. o�v. Sincerely, , , Cathy Brittmgham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Joanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT State of North CaroRna � Environmental Qua[ity � Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit I 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Service Cenrer f Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919-707-9149