HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5932, Brunswick County, Start of Study.pdf1 •y Coastal Mr�nagement ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY February 20, 2018 1'vlr. �ruan �Iar•ding, DDC Design En�ineer NCDOT Division 3 55(}1 Barbados 13c�ulevard Castle Hayne, NC 2$429 ROY C�OPER Covernor M[CHAEL S. RE�GAN Secretary ��ax�roN c. aAv�s 17irector RE: Yroject Scoping anci Start of Stu�ly, Inte�•change construction at th�e inRersectian of �.TS 17 and NC 211, Brunswick Cc�unty, STIP �J-59?2. Dear Mr. Harding: The N.�. Divisic�n of Coastal Management (DCM) appreciates the op�ortunity to comment on the Praject Scoping and Start o� Study letter that was received Qn December 20, 2(}17, including the attached Scapin� Fact Sheets, Vycinity Map, Envirc�nmental �'eatures Map, and other infoi-��iation, �or i�ie abowe referenced project. DCM has revieweel the inforrnatic�n that was pro�✓ided by t�e 1�.C. Departinent o� Transpflr�a�ion (NCDOT) to determine if thexe are any potential ��astal Area Management Act (CA,IVI�) Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC's) within ihe project area. Based upon the information received from NCpOT, it appears as thou�;h there are not any CAMA AEC's within the project area. If a project impacts a CAMA AEC, then a CAlV1A permit is requir�d. If a project does not im�act an AEC,1�ut it r�quires a federal license, ar it receives f�deral fundin�, then a determination o� federal consistency with the N.C. Caastal Mana�einent Pragrani As required. The process far obtainin� a federal consistency deternzination from DCM is dependent upon the type of Sectiaia 404 pennit that is applicable by the U.S. ,Almy Corps of �ngin,eers. A DCM Fishe�-ies R�source Specialist has �lso rev�ewe�d the inforn�ation tl�at was provided by NCDOT, ancl DCM has the fo�lowing fisheries coinn�e�lts at this time. The designated Primary Nursery Area headwaters of the �,ockwaods Folly River end alang Southpo�-t Supply Rd. SE/211 south of the project location. During the federal consistency determination process, DCM may have additional comrnents on the project's eMvironmental i�pacts, and may place cor�ditions an a�1y federaI consistency detezmina�aan to minimize aa�y env�ronmzental iznpacts. NCDC�T r�ust als� demc�nstrate �hat the pra�ect ns co�zsistent with all CAlVIA land use p�ans certified by the Coastal Resources �'o�m�ssion that are current at the time t�1� project is authorized by DCM. The informatian provided in thzs letter shafll not preclude DG1VY from requesting additioiial infarmation tlzr�ughout the federal consistency det�rmiraation process, and fo�lowi�g noa-rnal procedures. State of North Carolina I Environmenta[ Quality I Coastal Iv[anagement DWR Wetlarrds Unit I Sl1 North Salisbury 5treet I ib17 Mail Service Center I Raleigh. NC 27649-1bt7 919-707-9149 Thank you for your consideratian of the Narth Carolina Coastal Management Program. Please contact me or Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Projects, if you have any questions ar concerns. I can be reached at (919) 707-9149 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittingham(a�,ncdenr.�. Stephen can be reached at (252) 808-2808 ext. 208 or via e- mail at Stet�hen.Lane(�ncdenr. a�v. Sincerely, Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinatar N.C. Divisian of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Joanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT State of Narth Caro[ina I Environmental Qualiry I Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Untt I 512 North SaHs6ury Street I 1617 Mail 5ervice Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 919-707-9149