HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5704, New Hanover County, Start of Study DCM comments.pdf•r Coasta! Managernent ENVIRONMENTAL Ol7ALITY May 4, 2018 Mr. Trace I�t. Howell. PE N.C. Department of Trans�c,rtation, DIlVIlsion 3 55�1 Barbados Boulev�.rd Castle I�ayne, NC 28429 ROY COOPER Govemor MICHA�L S. REGAN Secrerory BRAXTON C. �AVIS fJi7erxoi� RF: Start o� Stuc�y, NC Y 32 {Colle�e Road) and US 76 (Oleander D�-ive) Intersection Improvements Prc�jeet, New Hanc�ver County, STIP U-57�4. Dear Mr. �Iowell: The N.C:. Division of Coastal Managernent (DC;VI) apprecia�es t�e apportunity to cominent on �he N.C. Department of Transportati�m (NCDO�') Praject Start c�f Study letter t�at was received c�n IVdarch 28, 2(� � 8, including �he attac�lec� Scoping Fact Sheet, Vicinity Map and ,�nvirorul�ental �'eatures Map, for the ahove referene�d projeet. DC�rI has reviewed the inf€�rmation that was provided by NCD(7T to deter�nine if there are any potential Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) ,4reas of Environzr�ental Concern (A�C's} within the project area. Based upon th� info��mation received from NCI)OT, it appears as t�augh �here are not any CAMA AEC's wit�lin t17e project area. A DCM Fisheries Resource Specialist has also reviewed the informatian that r��as provaded by NCDflT, and �CM does �Zot have any speeific fisheries comrner�ts at th�s time. �� a project impacts a C�MA �C, then a CAMA permit is required. If a�roject does n�t impact an AEC, but it rec�uires a federal �icense, ar i� receives fed�eral fiinding, tl�e�z a detennination of#ederal consistency with the N.C. Coastal Mana�ei��e�lt Program is req�uired. The pracess For obtainin� a f�deral consistency determinatior� �i-om �CM is dependent upan �he t�pe of Sectian 404 perenit that is applicable Uy the LJ.S. Army Caips of Engineers. DCM motes that it appears as thou�h th�re are Historic bistricts/Properties within and/or near the project area. Please be aware tl�at the N.C. �tate �Iistoric Preservat�on Offiee (S�-iP0) is a commenting agency for CAMA per��nits and federal consiste�cy determinations. Tl�erefore, NCDOT is enc�urabed to coard�naie with SHP� to address and r�salve any comments and concerns. Du�i��� the federal cansistency detern�ination p�ocess, DCM may have additional coir�ments an the project's environrriental ir��pacts, and may place coald�tions an any federal cc�nsistencv deterrninat�on to minimize any enviz•onr�lental impacts. NCDCIT must also d�rnonstra�e that the State of North Carolina ,�nvironmental Quality i Coasta! Management DWR WeQlands �Jnit � 512 North 5alisbury Street ', 1617 Maii Service C�r�ter I Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 9i9-7O7-A149 project is consistent with all certified CAMA land use plans that are current at the time af pertnit application. The informatian provided in this letter shall not preclude DCM from requesting• additional infonmation throughout the federal consistency determination process, and following normal procedures. Thank you for your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Please contact me or Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Projects, if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at (919) 707-4149 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittingham(c�r�,ncdenrr.�ov. Stephen can be reached at (252) 808-2805 ext. 208 or via e- mail at Stephen.LaneCa�,ncdenr_gov. Sincerely, , , Cathy Br ingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Jnanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT State of North Caroiina I Environmental QuaElty I Coastal Management DWR Wet[ands Unit I 512 North Salisbury Street I 1617 Mail Servfce Center 1 Raleigh, NC 27699-i617 919-707-4149