HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-6001 Start of Study Scoping Letter5 �TFq �s°°w+.�e N S, S e; . � 2 �� . ��u�� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATTON ROY COOPER GOVERNOR April 17, 2018 Ms. Liz Hair Regulatory Field Officer/NCDOT U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY RE: Start of Study (Request for Scoping Comments): NC 59 Improvements from Shipmau Road (SR1243) to Parkton Road (SR1118), Cumberland County, STIP Project No. U-6001, WBS No. 46960.1.1 Dear Ms. Hair: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division 6 is starting the environmental and engineering studies for proposed improvements to NC 59 (South Main Street) from Shipman Road (SR1243) to Parkton Road (SR1118), south of downtown Aope Mills in Cumberland County. This improvement will match this section of NC 59 to the existing three lane shoulder to the northwest and will provide a better transition for the expected four-lane facility scheduled under TIP project B-4491 to the southeast. The project is included in the NCDOT's 2018-2027 State Transportation Plan; scheduled for right-of-way acquisition in fiscal year (FY) 2020 and construction let in FY 2024. An environmental document will be prepared for the project in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. A public meeting for the project will be held in the summer of 2018. The purpose of this letter is to initiate project scoping with regulatory and resource agencies, as well as other interested parties. We invite you to review the attached project information and identify any issues, and their scope, that should be addressed in the environmental document. Although no formal scoping meeting is proposed, we recognize that scoping is an iterative process that involves coordination with the range of resource and local agencies or groups with interests that may be affected by the proposed improvements. To ensure that all issues or concerns are identified, we intend to meet with various resource agency representatives to review the project as it develops. Attached for your consideration is additional project information, a vicinity map and preliminary environmental features map for the project study area. Please notify us of any additional known information regarding your resource and/or area of expertise that may concern the project. MailingAddress: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DI V ISION SIX OFFICE POST OFFICE BOX 1 I50 FAYETTHVILLE, NC 28302 Te(ephone: (910) 364-0600 Faa- (910) 486-1959 Cuslomer Service: I-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdoLgov Locnliou: S58 GILLESPIE ST FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28301 Your input is important to a successful project outcome. If you have any questions concerning the project or would like to meet with the project team to discuss specific concerns, please feel free to contact Sean Matuszewski, P.E., Project Manager, at 910-364-0603 or by email at spmatuszewski@ncdot.gov. Please include the STIP Project Number (U-6001) in all correspondence and comments. Thank you for your assistance in this project development process. Sincerely, lcu�+- l���a r�rv 5 J��` Greg Burns, P.E. —�Ti /' Division Engineer CC: NC State Clearing Aouse Christopher Millitscher, USEPA, Region 4 Gary Jordan, USFWS Ken Riley, NMFS Renee Gledhill-Early, SHPO Joanne Steenhuis, NCDEQ/DWR Travis Wilson, NCWRC Curtis Weychert, NCDEQ/DCM NCDA Tom Lloyd, FAMPO Jackie Warner, Mayor of Hope Mills Terry Hutchens, NCDOT Board Member Grady Hunt, At-Large NCDOT Board Member Melissa Adams, Town Manager, Town of Hope Mills Chancer F. McLaughlin, Development and Planning Administrator, Town of Hope Mills Pat Edwards, Commissioner, Town of Hope Mills Jerry Legge, Commissioner, Town of Hope Mills Mike Mitchell, Commissioner, Town of Hope Mills Jessie Bellflowers, Commissioner, Town of Hope Mills Megan Larsen, Commissioner, Town of Hope Mills Attachments PROJECT DATA SHEET Date: 04/17/2018 Rev.: 1 TIP No.: U-6001 County: Cumberland Federal-aid No.: N/A WBS No.: 46960.1.1 NCDOT Division: 6 Scoping Meeting Date: None Planned Project Description: • Length: 1.2 miles • Termini (US Hwy / SR): Shipman Road (SR1243) to Parkton Road (SR1118) • MPO / RPO: Fayetteville Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) • NEPA / 404 Merger Candidate? ❑ Yes ❑x No ❑ Unknown • General Description of Project: Widen NC 59 from 2-lanes to 3-lanes from Shipman Road (SR 1243) to Parkton Road (SR 1118) in unincorporated Cumberland County just south of downtown Hope Mills. Design Data (Existing Conditions� • Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterial • Strategic Highway Corridor: No • CTP Designation (Facility Type): Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) designates it as "Other Major Thoroughfare which Needs Improvement." • Type of Access Control: No control • Typical Section: 2-lanes, paved shoulder • Right of Way: current varies from 60 to 135 feet (per Cumberland County GIS Data Viewer) • Posted Speed: varies, 35 mph on the northwest end to 45 mph on southeast end • Structure Inventory (bridges, RCBC, Walls, etc): Though there are no bridges on the section, there are two bridges within the project study area. The section terminates to the northwest at Bridge 68 NC59 over Rockfish Creek, built in 1992 (which is in the project study area), and terminates to the southeast at Bridge 22 NC 59 over I-95Bus/US 301, being replaced under STIP B-4491. Design and construction of U-6001 will be coordinated with B-4491. rev. 7/21/10 • Other TIP Projects in the Area • B-4491 is the replacement of bridge 22 (NC 59) over I 95 Bus/US 301. B-4491 overlaps the southern terminus of the project study area. The project is currently in right-of-way acquisition is expected to be let in Summer 2018. • U-4709, approximately 1-mile north, is the widening of Rockfish and Golfview Roads to multi-lanes. The construction year is 2022. • U-6072 A&B, approximately 1.8-miles north, is the widening of Rockfish Road to multiple lanes. The construction year is 2027. • U-3422, approximately 2.4-miles north, is the widening of Camden Road to multi-lanes. The construction year is 2023. • I-5987, approximately 1.15-miles south, is the widening to eight lanes I 95 Bus/US 301. The ROW acquisition is scheduled to begin in 2027. • U-2519 AA & AB, approximately 3.25-miles west, are part of the new I-295 Fayetteville Outer Loop. The construction year is 2018. U-2519 AA & AB may have a direct impact as it would divert traffic from the project corridor. • Railroad Involvement: Not applicable Lonq Ranqe Plan History: According to FAMPO's 2040 map NC 59, through the Project Study Area, is an "other major thoroughfare that needs improvement". The May 2013 Southwest Cumberland County Land Use Plan indicates NC 59/South Main Street is a Designated Entrance Corridor and indicates the need for widening. FAMPO is also currently developing the "Hope Mills Area Multimodal Congestion Management Plan" that focuses on the town limits of Hope Mills. The final plan is due out in the latter part of 2018. Public meetings for the plan generated comments pertinent to this section of NC 59. Specifically, commenters noted that there is a lack of shoulders along NC 59, which presents challenges for bikers. Commenters also noted that there are limited pedestrian crossings. The project is agreement with local and regional land use and transportation plans. Traffic Data (AADT� Current Year 2018 Build 13,500 to 19,100 7% dual 2% TTSTS Design Year 2040 Build 25,800 to 28,200 7% dual 2% TTSTS Source of Traffic Data: Draft Traffic Forecast for U-6001, December 2017 rev. 7/21/10 Cost Estimates: Construction Right-of-Way Total 2018-2027 STIP 7,g00,000 2,600,000 10,500,000 Estimate Project Schedule: Environmental Document 2018 Right-of-Way 2020 Let 2024 Initial Scoping Comments: The length of the project is approximately 1.2-miles. There are nine road crossing or intersecting roadways. There are no potential for interchanges or railroad crossings. Cultural Resources A preliminary GIS survey using the NC State Historic Preservation Office online database (HPOWEB) did not identify any structures in the immediate area listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Human Environment There are no hospitals, nursing homes, cemeteries, public schools, or private schools/day cares within the project study area. Churches There is one church (Divine Empowerment International) in the project study area and one church (Victory Church) immediately adjacent to the project study area. Parks According to the 2013 South West Cumberland Land Use Plan, "Hope Mills Lake #2, located along Big Rockfish Creek, is 88 acres in size. Designated as a Community Park, it is a natural area." This community park begins at NC-59 at the Rockfish Creek bridge and extend to the north along both sides of the creek. Additionally, there is a private baseball field associated with the Divine Empowerment Church, located south of the building. A 95.72-acre open area on the north side of the project study area is zoned a"Conservancy District" by Cumberland County. There are no greenways, game lands, or Land and Water Conservation Fund properties within the project study area. According to the preliminary findings of the Hope Mills Multimodal Congestion Management Plan, the community desires a greenway along Rockfish Creek. Properties Land uses directly fronting the roadway are primarily single family residential (with some mobile homes/trailers) within the Colonial Heights neighborhood, ten small businesses, and a large undeveloped parcel. The NCDOT already owns a 0.43 acre parcel of land between NC 59 and Rockfish Creek at the northwest end of the project and has begun acquiring properties on the southeast end of the project for the construction of B-4491. rev. 7/21/10 Minority communities According to the NCDOT 2017 Demographic Tool, the minority population for Census Tract (CT) 3104, Blockgroup (BG) 3 is 33.1 % while the minority population for Cumberland County as a whole is 54.5%. The standard threshold NCDOT uses to identify a minority population is 10% above the county minority population average or 50%, whichever is less. Based on this standard, the project study area does not meet the minority population threshold for environmental justice. Low-income communities According to the NCDOT 2017 Demographic Tool, the below poverty rate for CT 3103 BG 3 is 69% while the low-income population for Cumberland County as a whole 17.5%. The standard threshold NCDOT uses to identify a low-income population is 5% above the county average or 25%, whichever is less. The project study area exceeds the low-income threshold for environmental justice. Natural Environment Surface water Wetland and stream assessments will be completed in Spring 2018. GIS data from the National Wetland Inventory indicates that the 800' wide project study area contains approximately 0.78 acres of wetlands. There are two stream crossings, and approximately 2,510 linear feet of streams within the project study area. There are approximately 1.34 acres of ponds in the project study area. A visual inspection of the potential wetland areas suggests the streambanks may be too incised to contain viable wetlands. The full field assessment will determine the presence of wetlands but no wetland impacts are anticipated. The bridge over Rockfish Creek will not be replaced and the current culvert over the Unnamed Tributary to Rockfish Creek is sufficient to accommodate the planned 3-lanes. As such, no stream impacts are anticipated. There are no critical water supply watersheds. There are no riparian buffer rules. Federally-protected Species As of April 2018, the US Fish and Wildlife Service's website list eight plant and animal species as threatened or endangered in Cumberland County: American alligator, Cape Fear shiner, Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Saint Francis' satyr butterfly, American chaffseed, Michaux's Sumac, pond berry, and Rough-leaved loosestrife. According to the 2013 Southwest Cumberland Land Use Plan, there is a Red-Cockaded Woodpecker colony and habitat just north of the intersection of NC 59 and Parkton Road but this has not yet been field-verified. In addition, seven plant and animal species are listed as "At Risk Species": Carolina gopher frog, Southern hognose snake, Atlantic pigtoe, Bog spicebush, Boykin's lobelia, Georgia lead-plant, and Vensus' fly-trap. Neither the Bald or Golden Eagle are listed for Cumberland County. Field surveys for threatened and endangered species will be conducted in late spring 2018. rev. 7/21/10 Draft Project Purpose and Need: According to the December 2017 Project Level Forecast Report, the Town of Hope Mills experienced 8.9% population growth between 2010 (15,176) and 2016 (16,253). Existing (2018) traffic volumes on NC 59 are as high as 19,100 average annual daily traffic (AADT) and future year (2040) no-build forecasts indicate that traffic will increase to as high as 28,200 AADT. This section of NC 59 is currently a two-lane rural road that connects the Town of Hope Mills to I-95 and I-95 Bus/US 301 to the south. Northwest of the project area, through the town of Hope Mills, NC 59 drops from multi-lanes to three lanes, then after departing the municipal limits it narrows to two lanes just southeast of Parkton Road (at the north end of the project). On the southeastern end of the project limits, NC 59 widens to three lanes at a signalized interchange with I-95 Bus/US 301 (at B-4491). Numerous residential driveways line this short two-lane section. In addition, there are nine intersections, and a couple of private parking lots. Currently, there are no left turn lanes provided throughout this section. As a result, there is a strong pattern of crashes involving left turning vehicles. According to the February 2018 Five Year Analysis titled 41000051995, which includes crash data between March 1, 2013, and February 28, 2018, there were a total of 80 crashes along this section of NC 59, 59 of which were rear end collisions. The 59 crashes, or 74%, were considered potentially correctable by widening this section to three lanes. Therefore, the project will provide left turn lanes to service the numerous residential drives, intersections, and private parking lots along both sides of the road. This would reduce the number of crashes involving left turn vehicles and improve the overall level of service of the corridor to better accommodate the heavy traffic volumes. rev. 7/21/10 Preliminary Corridor Resources Inventory Table Based on an 800' Wide Project Study Area Resource/Measure Project Study Area General Pro'ect Information Len th of pro'ect 1.2 Potential for Interchanges or RR crossings 0 Crossin or intersectin roadwa s 9 Cultural Resources National Register or eligible sites or districts 0 Human Environment Hos itals 0 Nursin homes 0 Churches 1 Cemeteries 0 Public schools 0 Private schoo�s/da care 0 Public parks / Section 4(f) properties 1 Greenways 0 Game Lands or Land and Water Conservation Fund Properties 0 Conservancy District (County Zoning) 1 Potentiall Affected Residential Properties 5(wells) Potentially Affected Business Properties 6(parking spaces, driveway access) Water Supply Wells 49 Low-income communities Yes' Minorit communities No Natural Environment Streams (# of crossings / number of linear feet) 2/ 2,510 no antici ated im act Wetlands est. acres rounded to whole acre 0.78 (no anticipated impact) Ponds (est. acres) 1.34 (no anticipated impact) Critical Water Su I Watersheds 0 Riparian Buffer rules app� yes/no/part No Identified Critical habitat/species under ESA Yes2 Physical Environment Natural as transmission i eline 0 Power transmission line 1 Suspected/known Hazardous Material sites 0 FEMA Bu out Properties 0 Area in active agriculture (nearest acre) 0 Note: Estimates based on 800-foot corridor. �According to the NCDOT 2017 Demographic Tool, the below poverty rate for CT 3103 BG 3 is 69%, which exceeds the NCDOT low-income threshold of 22.5% Cumberland County (17.5% + 5%). zAccording to the 2013 Southwest Cumberland Land Use Plan, there is the presence of Red-Cockaded Woodpecker colony/habitat at the intersection of NC 59 and Parkton Road but this has not yet been verified. rev. 7/21/10