HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070128 Ver 1_More Info Received_20090413MidSouth prior impacts
Subject: MidSouth prior impacts
From: "Jennifer Archambault" <jrchambault@jhcarterinc.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:25:03 -0400
To: "Ian McMillan" <Ian.McMillan@ncmail.net>
I've attached the letter to USACE that detailed historic impacts at Mid South Club. It was copied to
Cyndi, so it may already be in your file somewhere at the beginning of 2008. Their first permit was issued
in 1988 for 2.9 acres of impact. As you'll read, we don't have exact information on the illegal fill amounts
from the 1990's, but I'll see if the Corps has that information or if Mid South has anything on file. IT also
ask Jay if he has suggestions or any memories that will help. Oh, also note the an enclosure with the letter
uses the name "Pinehurst Plantation" if that helps for your history on this site.
Obviously the first permit was for over 1 acre, so I would imagine they already had to mitigate for past
impacts. I can check into this as well. I'll get back to you as I find information.
Jennifer M. Archambault
Wildlife Biologist
Dr. J.H. Carter III & Associates, Inc.
Environmental Consultants
515 - F Midland Road
Southern Pines, NC 28387
(910) 695-1043
(910) 695-3317 (fax)
(910) 695-6579 (mobile)
Letter to USACE 1-15-08.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Encoding: base64
1 of 1 4/13/2009 4:36 PM
Environmental Consultants
P.O. Box 891. • Southern Pines, N.C. 28388
(910) 695-1043 9 Fax (910) 695-3317
15 January 2008
Ms. Emily Burton
Wilmington Regulatory Field Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 1890
Wilmington, NC 28402-1890
Action ID No. SAW-2007-00490-063
DWQ Project # 07-0128
Dear Ms. Burton:
This letter is in response to your letter dated 17 December 2007, requesting more information
regarding the individual permit application submitted 9 March 2007 for a bridge crossing within the
Mid South Club, Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina.
As requested, the site is currently being re-delineated since the most recent Jurisdictional
Determination (JD) expired in 2006. A portion of the site at the point of proposed impacts was re-
delineated in 2006 to ensure impact calculations were correct prior to submitting the permit
application, however, a JD was not secured.
An onsite alternatives analysis was submitted with the permit application. Please contact us for
further information or with specific questions regarding your request for an analysis if the information
we provided is insufficient.
Historic site impacts that we are aware of include the following items (please see Figure 1 -
site impact locations correspond to the following numbers):
1. A Nationwide Permit was issued in 1988 for 2.9 acres of fill in jurisdictional areas for road
crossings, the golf course and the construction of 3 lakes. Sheet-pile and earthen dams
associated with lake construction were exempt from permit requirements. During the
construction of the lakes, some of the spoil was deposited on hillside seeps, resulting in
violations of the issued permit.
Endangered Species Surveys • Environmental Assessments 9 Land Management • Wetlands Mapping and Permitting
2. A sewer line was constructed in the 1990's in the southeastern corner of the Mid South Club
property (unaware of whether the project required permits or whether such permits were
3. Dr. Carter learned in February 1995 that illegal fill occurred on lots 1001, 1002 and 1003.
These violations occurred within jurisdictional areas after a 1993 delineation and subsequent
JD by Mr. Jeff Richter of the USACE. To our knowledge, an after-the-fact Nationwide Permit
No. 26 was issued.
In addition to this summary, I have enclosed an outline of the site history (Pinehurst Plantation
Wetland Delineation/Permitting History) that was submitted along with the original Nationwide Permit
application, which details impact and delineation acreage. Please contact us if we can help in
providing any additional information you may need in expediting the permit process for this project.
Thank you for your time.
Jennifer M. Freeman
Wildlife Biologist
Mr. William Perry - Plantation Investors, LLC
Mr. Chuck Heiser - ESP Associates, P.A.
Mr. Ken Averitte - NC Division of Water Quality, Fayetteville Regional Office
Ms. Cyndi Karoly - NC Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Unit
Figure 1. 1listoric site impact location map, Mid South Club, Southern Pines, Moore County, NC.
0 250 500 1.000 Feet //i??
1. 1988- Original wetlands delienation = approx. 20.80 acres.
2. 1988 (Aug.) - Corps permit issued for 2.9 acres of fill for road crossings, golf
course, and lakes. Fill and impoundment associated with 3
sheet-pile dams exempted from permitting (approx. 10.1
3. Post-project wetlands estimated to be= 7.80 acres.
4. 1988-89- Earthen dam (2.22 acres) and sheet pile dam (2.11 acres)
switched during construction.
5. 1989-90- Project foreclosure.
6. 1992- Permit expires.
7. 1993- New delineation= 20.27 acres
*Note: Some jurisdictional wetlands were not included in the
1988 Corps certification. Parts of these areas were
recaptured in the 1993 delineation. Lake construction
has also increased the reach of jurisdictional wetlands in
some areas.