HomeMy WebLinkAbout19850021 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19851129w, UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IV P"J"T C. 2D' 345 COURTLAND STREET '? ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30365 Pi,!Jv ?j jJ '85 NOV 2 1 1985 4WMD-MEB/LP Colonel Wayne A. Hanson District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 iZC iVty W. M14 V ATTENTION: Mr. Cliff Winefordner "'-' A Y SUBJECT: Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. (Public Notice No. SAWCO 84-N-016-0150) Dear Colonel Hanson: This pertains to the above referenced permit application distributed on March 26, 1984, proposing the construction of,, an access channel in Bogue Sound to an existing upland borrow pit on Bogue Banks in Carteret.County, North Carolina. The.:_, work would involve excavation of'approximately 10,004.;:squar feet of eel grass (Zostera marina), 5900 square feet.-.f salt,,, marsh (Spartina alterniflora), and 60,000 square fee "'of shallow water habitat. The borrow pit would be conveFted into a 77 slip marina for Beacon's Reach Development". Our initial concerns, provided in our letter dated April 10, 1984, were over the potential degradation of water quality at a location designed as State S.A. waters (open to shellfish harvesting) and the quality and quantity of mitigation for wetland losses. Water quality degradation would occur as a result of the conversion of a borrow pit to a marina. Although the appli- cant has modified the seagrass mitigation aspects of his project, the modifications do not eliminate the impacts associated with marina construction and subsequent utilization. On April 26, 1985, the State of North Carolina's Department of Natural Resources issued their Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) General Permit over the objections of the State Shell- fish Sanitation Office. Recently, it has come to our attention that there are significant shellfish resources harvested recreationally in the immediate vicinity of the proposed marina. Both clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) are harvested. -2- Mr. Robert Benton of the North Carolina Shellfish Sanitation office has informed us that the shellfish resources of the area would be adversely impacted through the construction and operation of a marina at this site, and he has determined that the project would result in the closure of a portion of the shellfish area currently being used. This project will result in the degradation of water quality of a portion of the New River, which may permanently preclude the harvesting of shellfish present in the area. Activities in and around the proposed marina, including waste disposal and introduction of pollutants (fecal bacteria, gasoline and oil) into the waters, will have an adverse effect on the quality and quantity of shellfish through disturbance of existing shellfish beds, the suitability of the shellfish to be harvested, and larval settling and survival rates. Under this Agency's antidegradation policy (40 CFR Section 131.12), when water quality is suitable for shellfishing and shellfish are propagating and surviving in a biologically suitable habitat, the level of water quality necessary to protect the shellfishing must not be degraded. Under the provisions of 33 CFR Section 320.4(d), this aspect of water quality must be considered in your permitting decision. Consequently, because of these factors, we recommend that this permit application be denied. Sincerely yours, ack ?E.R=- Regional Administrator cc: See attached J? j C T Z ,10 STgr?, S 'J UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY PRO, EC?`a REGION IV 345 COURTLAND STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30365 R EC C i X985 0 ig8s 4WMD-MEB/LP Colonel Wayne A. Hanson N't U, t?T,Iv ; District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTENTION: Mr. Cliff Winefordner SUBJECT: Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. (Public Notice No. 84-N-016-0150) Dear Colonel Hanson: This is in regards to our letter dated November 21, 1985, recommending denial of the subject permit application based on EPA's antidegradation policy (40 CFR Section 131.12). It has come to my attention that a error was made in reference to the water body that would be impacted by the proposed project. On page 2, paragraph 2, the 1st sentence should be corrected as follow: "this project will result in the degradation of water quality of a portion of Bogue Sound". Sincerely yours, William L K u ynski, Chief Wetlands Section Marine and Estuarine Branch cc: See attached cc: Mike Gantt, Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raliegh, NC R. Paul Wilms, Director NC Division of Environmental Management Preston Pate, Chief Field Supervisor NC Office of Coastal Management W. Donald Baker NC Wildlife Resources Commission John Parker, Permits Coordinator NC Office of Coastal Management Randy Cheek, Area Supervisor National Marine Fisheries Service Beaufort, NC J.T. Brawner, Regional Director National Marine Fisheries Service St. Petersburg, FL .. 16 cry TO BILL MILLS THROUGH.DENNIS.RAMSEY KKNNKTH M. KIRKMAN JOHN Z. WAY. JR. KENNETH M. KIRKMAN. P.A. ATTORNEY AT LAW 4UrM 101. PROP"GIONAL BUILDING 710 ARIINDLLL 6TRttT MORCHKAD CITY. NORTH CAROLINA 16557 October 10, 1985 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Management Attention: R. Paul Wilms, Director P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Dear Mr. Wilms: Carolina 27611 I believe you are familiar with Roosevelt Partnership Incorporated the Beacon's Reach development, Carolina. Recently the appeal groups, including Carteret County held before a designated hearing several representatives of the testified. OCT 1 1 Im PAL of Enviir/onMental 1joL !!'!!ryy 6L IL P. O. DRAWf.R 1847 (616) 716-6411 d OCT -14 1985 WATER QUALITY , the pending application by to construct a marina within in Pine Knoll Shores, North was challenged by several Crossroads, and a hearing was officer, and in that appeal State of North Carolina Based on information presented at that time, I would hereby like to formally request of the Department of Environmental Management that the.waters of the proposed marina, should the marina be approved, be classified SC. In reading the regulations relating to water classification, and combining that with the recent decision of your department to recommend closure of marinas to shellfishing, it would appear that SC is a logical classification for the proposed marina. No existing public trust waters are impacted; furthermore, there is no existing use of the waters of the basin, which would support an SA classification. Clearly the existing best use for the basin, if constructed, would be boat utilization, which would best be served by an SC classification. An SA classification will be clearly contradictory, and would impose a hardship on the operators of the facility in utilizing the basin for its best purpose. I am not aware of particular procedures that need following in requesting a classification of newly opened waters. If there are procedural guidelines that should be followed, I would appreciate your informing me of the proper methodology, and I will make every effort to conform with those guidelines. Any information I can provide I will be glad so to do. Preston Pate, of the local CAMA 'office, is quite familiar with the project and the land, and I would suggest that you consult with a. P - 2 - him concerning additional information that may not be within my ability to provide, to the extent you believe such information desirable to procure. I look forward to receiving your response. Very tr y yours, Ke et Kirkman KMK/hgm cc: Larry Zuchinno Donald G. Brock Preston Pate Robin Smith A ?tfo r '4001 1 s ,? ??,r,( PAOICe UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IV 345 COURTLAND STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30365 ?V .D -.,a NOV 2 1 1985 4WMD-MEB/LP NOV 27 1985 Colonel Wayne A. Hanson pip, of Environfental M& District Engineer y„IL U.S. Army Corps of Engineers r P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 r^;s ATTENTION: Mr. Cliff Winefordner SUBJECT: Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. (Public Notice No. SAWCO 84-N-016-0150) Dear Colonel Hanson: S? This pertains to the above referenced permit application distributed on March 26, 1984, proposing the construction of an access channel in Bogue Sound to an existing upland borrow pit on Bogue Banks in Carteret County, North Carolina. The work would involve excavation of approximately 10,000 square feet of eel grass (2ostera marina), 5900 square feet of salt marsh (S a rtina alterniflora), and 60,000 square feet of shallow water habitat. The borrow pit would be converted into a 77 slip marina for Beacon's Reach Development. Our initial concerns, provided in our letter dated April 10, 1984, were over the potential degradation of water quality at a location designed as State S.A. waters, (open to shellfish harvesting) and the quality and quantity of mitigation for wetland losses. Water quality degradation would occur as a result of the conversion of a borrow pit to a marina. Although the appli- cant has modified the seagrass mitigation aspects of his project, the modifications do not eliminate the impacts associated with marina construction and subsequent utilization. On April 26, 1985, the State of North Carolina's Department of Natural Resources issued their Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) General Permit over the objections of the State Shell- fish Sanitation Office. Recently, it has come to our attention that there are significant shellfish resources harvested recreationally in the immediate vicinity of the proposed marina. Both clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) and bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) are harvested. -2- Mr. Robert Benton of the North Carolina Shellfish Sanitation office has informed us that the shellfish resources of the area would be adversely impacted through the construction and operation of a marina at this site, and he has determined that the project would result in the closure of a portion of the shellfish area currently being used. This project will result in the degradation of water quality of a portion of the New River, which may permanently preclude the harvesting of shellfish present in the area. Activities in and around the proposed marina, including waste disposal and introduction of pollutants (fecal bacteria, gasoline and oil) into the waters, will have an adverse effect on the quality and quantity of shellfish through disturbance of existing shellfish beds, the suitability of the shellfish to be harvested, and larval settling and survival rates. Under this Agency's antidegradation policy (40 CFR Section 131.12), when water quality is suitable for shellfishing and shellfish are propagating and surviving in a biologically suitable habitat, the level of water quality necessary to protect the shellfishing must not be degraded. Under the provisions of 33 CFR Section 320.4(d), this aspect of water quality must be considered in your permitting decision. Consequently, because of these factors, we recommend that this permit application be denied. Sincerely yours, ack E. la v an Regional Administrator cc: See attached cc: Mike Gantt, Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raliegh, NC R. Paul Wilms, Director NC Division of Environmental Management Preston Pate, Chief Field Supervisor NC office of Coastal Management W. Donald Baker NC Wildlife Resources Commission John Parker, Permits Coordinator NC office of Coastal Management Randy Cheek, Area Supervisor National Marine Fisheries Service Beaufort, NC J.T. Brawner, Regional Director National Marine Fisheries Service St. Petersburg, FL ,M 4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Carteret IN THE MATTER OF: THE APPEAL OF CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT/ -STATE DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT NO. 51- -$5 (Roosevelt Partnership, Inc.) SUBPOENA GREETING: TO: Bill mjjj? name Division of Environmental Management 512 N. Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 a-ad ress YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission in %forehead Citv , N. C. at Division of Marine Fisheries on the 10th and llt (City--_ u 1 cling) day of September 19 85-, at 10:00 to testify in the above entitled action. This subpoena is issued upon application of Issued this day of September Henri Johnson Applicant's Attorney Boti 1005, New Bern, N.C. 28560 Address 633-4848 teiep one um er Hearing Ref: CM-85-0124 NORTH CAROLINA , lg 85 By. o 17ss10 air ing er At rney/Party OFFICER'S RETURN rel'<'fy that the above subpoena was received on the day of =?w -,?Qld that on the ?'f - ?_ day of 19 cal .5? , ` 'K NG MANNER:. Sheriff or Qfher Officer it:y: N. C. G. S. Paid 113A-122(b)(5). 15 N. C. A. C. -?n .n.?». o'clock a .m., Carteret County Crossroads, et al DIVISION OF EIiV'1A? WANTAL MANAG T IIATW QUALITY SECTION April 16, 1985 K E M O A A N D U TO: John Parker chrt od' gina'i s? Vi/. SEE FC.EM?N. nox; W. Lea plat404, Jr. $UB„IBCT: qANA Po "t Application Rooteve lt' Partnerahfp - Boacon's Read Carteret. County „ The proposed marina has been reviewed for impacts on-vater quality due to boats and stormwatar in light of the information non available to vts The project, as pro- posed, will ` be -to create a marina in a basin pitwv(oi y created as a borrow awes. The existing borrow,asea.does not have an outlet to O=faae waters of the Mats pre- watly. The proposal will involveE the excavation of as access abonisel to Sagus Soitand., bulkbasding of the basin, and eonsttuction of boat docks. Spoils will be discharged :to can up- s*d diked dippoaal area. of a he big e?ff* 4 ?MV-plit ? ? comet t#anF mare eylra two or,"* (1) Possible sewage, disc argea;from boats in the marina, and,- (2)' Surfgee runoff from High density development into shellfish waters. on the topic of sewage - d sposal fraea ; boats, It will; bo imperatiae that` iao over-- boar8sewage discharges be; alhor?ed In the basi?? or a2iannaI This "basin has extra": : y and aaq di charge' from the boats will cause :fecal coliform : low potential for ,flushing violatimm.. This is a privates-uirina so that there is Marti ability,by the awaers'to control the seut ' .41sposal and enforce A Locked-bead policy. Since any discharge froot .tba boats wIU be unaceeptabls, + '`taa>r3ne pump-out should be pr vXdetd and a locked head policy be', mposed. The..Applicant should-.provide Specific Information as t,6-: how this provision, Vill, ,ba." mplemented and enfotcedf on an. ongoing basis. With regard to stormwatter'runoff, we uaderstand,that the develepmeat of.high density residential areias on the north elide of the basin , have 'been previously approved. 11 If drainage from these properties or. other adI Joiniag high density areas aischarg?ae to the basis. or channel', t=ies 'likely to be fecal col forii contained in that runoff In excess of the 'SA water atandarda. *4sfore, if ,the basin io to• be opened,to the sound as proposed, it will be no teary that such ru etf not enter the basin or chewoi: Otherwise. the bsaft should not be'op+eneo to ohs sounds If you have-any questions aoncerniag these 40mments, please contilit Bill Bills at -sos3. CC: Sill Kills .. Waldld _ 1l" j Permit Class Permit Number New STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 51-85 Department of Natural Resources.and Community Development and` Coastal Resources Commission for a Major Development in an 'Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A.h18 ® Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Roosevelt Partnership, Inc., P. 0. Box_8.39,_Atlantic Beach, NC28512 authorizing development in Carteret County at Bogue Sound (at Pine Knol 1 Shores and Pelican Point) as requested in the permittee's application dated 10/14/84 including attached plats, 3, dated 2/28/84. This permit, issued on is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set iorth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to,a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1. Mitigation (a) Prior to any work authorized by this permit, impacts to coastal wetlands and sea grass beds shall be mitigated in keeping with "Mitigation Plan, Beacon's Reach Marina Basin and Channel, Final, February 20, 1985" as amended by letter from L. R. Zucchino dated April 22, 1985. 2. Channel Excavation (a) All excavated materials will be confined above mean high water and landward of regularly or irregularly flooded marsh behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids into any marsh or surrounding waters. (b) The disposal area effluent will be contained by pipe, trough or similar device to a point at or below the mean low water level to prevent gully erosion and unnecessary siltation. (c) The terminal end of the pipeline will be positioned at or greater than 50' from any part of the dike and a maximum distance from spillways to (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the pemtittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. AL' work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 1988 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. _ David W. Owens, Director btfice of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. Permit #51-85 Page 2 _ ADDITIONAL CONDITONS allow settlement of suspended solids. (d) A water control structure will be installed at the intake end of the effluent pipe to assure compliance with water quality standards. (e) The diked disposal area will be constructed a sufficient i l1 i t distance nce eo osi he possibility dike on mean high water level or any. marsh to eliminate the into or upon any marsh and/or surrounding waters. (f) The dike will be properly graded and provided a ground cover. sufficient to restrain erosion within 30 days of project completion. (g) All filling or excavation activities within the existing lagoon shall be performed prior to the removal of the existing earthen plug. 3. Marina Operation (a) Prior to any occupancy of the basin by boats, the permittee shall permanently equip the marina with a sewage pumpout facility to service boats with holding tanks.: - (b) No overboard discharges of sewerage shall be allowed at any time from boats within the basin. (c) A locked-head policy must be posted and enforced at the marina. (d) No person shall be allowed to live aboard vessels in the marina. (e)' All floating structures,. other tha an conformanceh wbthalocal? egulateons (as defined in 15 NCAC 7M.0602) shall be i for onshore sewage treatment. „ . ... the (f) The marina shall only be used for docking of vesse1 sfuel i n associated ccmmerci al adjacent residential development. No transient dockage, services shall be offered as part of this marina. (g) The permittee shall provide for an independent consultant to regularly monitor the quality of water within the basin and connecting channel. Such monitoring shall consist of water samples taken once a month and tested for fecal coliform bacteria, pollutants, and other discharges which could be harmful to the environment and/or shellfish. A copy of the monthly sampling reports shall be promptly forwarded h ofDHealthnSerof Coasal Manaement and vicest Department of HumanhResources. Sanitation Section, Division (h) If, as a result of the water quality monitoring waters equireddby -thiedpermit such otherwise, violations of the standards i and violations are sufficient to require the closure of adjacent shellfish waters, use of the marina shall be discontinued for a period not to exceed 90 days Division pending an investigation by the Division of Coastal Management, of Health Services and the Division of Environmental Management to determine if the continued operation.'of the marina would be detrimental to the shellfish a vwwwv-v-r ?-?-w Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. Permit #51-85 Page 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS resources. If the investigation concludes that the operation of the marina is the cause of the violations, the Coastal Resources Commission, by Order, may close the basin to the use of vessels equipped with marine sanitation devices capable of being discharged overboard. 4.. Storm Water Management .(a) Future development of lands adjacent to the marina shall be carried out so as to preclude direct runoff, either by natural drainways or culverts to the basin. Any area development, including, but not limited to, grading, road work, residential structures, and marina amenities such as fueling facili- ties, requires a modification of this permit or a new permit. 3 -zo DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 20, 1985 MEMORANDUM To: Bill Mills Permits and Engineering MAR 2 2 1985 SECTION From: A. Preston Howard, Jr., Regional EngineeAd OPE? WATER ;?,C7f?S QUALITY BRANCH Wilmington Regional Office T hru: Charles Wakild, Regional Supervisor Alprvo; Wilmington Regional Office Subject: Regional Office Review & Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Roosevelt Partnership - Beacon's Reach Development Carteret County The applicant proposes to dredge a 1000 foot long access channel to connect to an existing lagoon approximately 9,000 square feet in size, in order to construct a 77 "wet" slip marina basin. A 750 linear foot wooden bulkhead is proposed to encircle the basin. The proposed access channel would connect to Bogue Sound, Classified SA. The following comments are offered after review of the project application to determine impacts upon water quality: 1. The project will not require 401 certification. 2. It is expected that fecal coliform standard violations will occur as a result of the use of the marina basin, after completion. The proposed basin and access channel would be classified SA. APH/MFW/sf RECEIVED cc: Wilmington Regional Office Central Files FRou'e , Box f,C? 'C.,eA'') m N'--:V%?'ORT. NORTt- _ . r 28-70 a 91'9-393-8-, SS 1 r MAR S / 91!"1:5 WATER QUALITY SECTION !3 ?. y)a`. F e s f uoas ..al Y1anagemen t llEc _ _.V e. k%^.!Ci iir.e `eque.st at roas h<rag2lient ask for cuGi t2D.1a cc<<.m.ent such. as you have done ar Per.. j from rcm the Division o. Envir DaMentaI %Ianagement concern_ Re Der:?lit ap IIza.,.ion s b .1z eaco.n.' _ i e•ech They commented or t.1--a t roiect nearly seven months e _... -- -ci..,.e t'fl new _r?OTTMat__n :)..L., ;iG3.1:1t_6:, c ali.,ed b'. _tormwcuter an a marinas became avai.able. It is our understanding that a permit for the project may be issued in the next two weeks. In discussing the application with. federal and state review agencies, we have found that there exist objections to the project based upon public interest, water quality and mitigation concerns. Local citizens and groups are planning to appeal the permit if it is issued. Since the Coastal Resources Commission would rule on an aDDeal based on information currently available, we hope that you will do-j„ e all aspects c_ the Droie_t ;:_..h the review aaencieS to be s,.re tha t.: e permit decis -n is based the latest available icncwied?g-e. Sir:cereiv, r' Todd Mille.: Executive Director cc: Richard T. Barber, EMC Secretary S. Thous Rhodes, DhRCD Paul Wilms, DEM' :l.Se Fish Tatra .1 I d I i f e S<e.rvic.e National Marine "i i-, r.ies Service Corps of Engineers S. Fenri johnson, At-tor'ney at Law John Runkle, Attorn-ey at Law Monte Basg.:all, The News and Observer DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION Comments concerning an application for State Federal CAMA Permit(s) from T' ?. r Leo go v " o C a v co e? E?II1 l{1 Drs H x) iz C ) ? c_ ?J LEA? 717 cnru S7-Z0(_-Z- X482 AGC-F__r7, 3A)l=" t f}?:1 ???= >"?? 1 A. PERMIT: This office cannot comment on this project until after the close of the Section 401 Certification Public Comments Period. This office has no objection to the issuance of the permit(s) for the proposed project with the following conditions: That the activity be conducted in.such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 NTU's or less are not.considered significant). That the instream turbidity not be increased by more than 50 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reasonable opportunity for dilu- tion and mixture. That turbidity levels in shall not be increased by more than 10 NTU's as a result of the proposed activity after a reason- able opportunity for dilution and mixture. B. CERTIFICATION STATUS: Certification is not required for this project. Certification is required for • this project. Such action to process the certification has been initiated. Proposed Certification will be acted on or after The proposed project is certified under General Certification-$ L34 c A) No. 1179 issued on January 25, 1977, for sewer line construction 0 No. 1272 issued on November 10, 1978, for bulkhead construction. No. 1273 issued on November 10, 1978, for discharges of liquid effluent from diked upland disposal areas. D) No. 1431 issued on October 16, 1980, for boat ramp construction. E) No. 1664 issued on September 8, 1983, for Rip-Rap Placement. F) No. 1665 issued on September 19, 1983, for incidental bridge construction. t WATER QUALITY SECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 27, 1984 MEMORANDUM To: Cecil Madden Permits and Engineering From: Michael F. Williams, Chemical Analyst I'1// Wilmington Regional Office Thru: A. Preston Howard, Jr., Regional Engineer_zm Wilmington Regional Office Subject: Regional Office Review & Recommendations Application for Dredge and Fill Permit Roosevelt Partnership Inc. - Beacon's Reach Carteret County A preliminary review of the proposed project indicates that: r ; E A 401 Water Quality Certification will not be required. W."? A 401 Water Quality Certification will be required, and will require public notice advertisement. A 401 Water Quality Certification will be required, but should meet the conditions of the General Certification for and therefore will not require public notice. Final review and recommendations March 27, 1984 A 401 Water Quality Certification will not be required, this office has no objections to the proposed project. It is recommended that a 401 Water Quality Certification be issued containing a turbidity limit of 25 NTU. This office has no objections to the proposed project. X The proposed project appears to meet the conditions of the General Certification for: bulkhead construction and discharge from upland diked disposal area. This office has no objections to the proposed project. Additional Comments: Proposed access channel to existing lagoon/boat basin. cc: Office of Coastal Management- Charles Jones, Morehead City Wilmington Regional Office ' OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT- l.- Applicant's name RnnseyPlt Partnership, Inc. (Beacon's Reach) 2. Location of project site Adjacent to Bokue Sound off NC Hwy. 58, Town of Pine Knoll Shores; Carteret.County. Photo Index 29-987 F-0, G-10 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill X CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit Oct. '83 Dec. '83 Feb.'84 (B) Was applicant present yes yes yes 5. Processing procedure: Application received 3-9-84 Office Morehead City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Pine Knoll Shores Land classification from LUF Transition and Conservation Development constraints identified in LUP none identified (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline X Coastal wetlands X Public trust waters Estuarine waters X Other (C) Water dependent: Yes X No Other (D) Intended use: Public Private X Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing Planned (F) Type of structures: Existing.' Planned h,j1krPa? clacks - (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion Source 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other FF1grnsg (RnRtPrn Marina) ln,nan c= ft Spar tins alterniflora 1,40n A_ft_ Suartina patens ,4 Di stich,l i S spicata 4,500 sq.ft. (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: Rogue Sound hnttnm area 60,000 -,q-ft- (C) Other: High ground 9.900 sq.ft (D) Total area disturbed: 8. Project summary The aj2nlicant propose,_to con trust an access channel in Boaue Sound anti ,into an existing hiahground land locked lagoon at their pro.TPrty located off NC Hwy. 58 in the Beacon's Reach development Pine Knoll Shores - 9. Narrative description The Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. is requesting a permit to excavate an•access channel through a wetland area and into Bogue Sound in or- der to provide boating access from the deep waters of Bogue Sound into an existing land-flocked lagoon system which is located in. the interior of their property. This property is located in the Beacon's Reach Development in Pine Knoll-Shores. The specific site is located at the end of a paved, gravel driveway immediately north of the Ramada Inn which is located on NC Hwy. 58. The applicant's shoreline along Bogue Sound can be characterized as having a border of marsh ranging from about 40-200' in width and vegetated with a mixture of wetlands, including Sp,rtina alter- niflora, Spartina patens, Distichlis spicata, and Juncus roemerianus. The near and offshore area in Bogue Sound is typically very shallow, with water depths ranging from approximately 0- -6' MLW for a dis- tance of about 1,000' offshore. The bottom area (up to approximately 750' offshore) 'is vegetated primarily with eelgrass (Zostera marina). The widths of the eelgrass varies from about 160' to 650'. Observed in this area on a recent onsite investigation were bay scallops, scattered amounts of clams and welks. The plans included with the application indicate -that the applicants propose to excavate an approximately 1,260' long by 60' wide x -6' MLW deep access channel from Bogue Sound into the existing lagoon. This lagoon system was excavated about 1-1/2 years ago, primarily in order to obtain borrow material, and is presently at a depth of approximately 6' below MLW. The proposed channel alignment would result in the excavation of an approximately 80' long by 60' wide by 3-9` high portion of highground property immediately adjacent to the lagoon, and then it would go through an approximately 145' long by 1-40' wide border of Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata marsh which are separated from each other by a small hammock of high ground.. The channel alignment would then go through an approximately 60' wide by 25-35' long border of Spartina alterniflora marsh before reaching the surface waters of Bogue Sound. From there the proposed channel would extend into Bogue Sound for a distance of about 1,000 lin.ft. until reaching -6' MLW depth contour. This proposed channel align- ment would also cause the excavation of about 10,000 sq.ft. of eel- grass vegetation. The excavation of the access channel is proposed to be accomplished by the use of a hydraulic dredge with the spoil materials being pumped to an earthen dike system on adjacent high ground areas. The interior of the"proposed basin is to be bulkheaded with approxi- mately 750 lin.ft. of material, and 77 boat slips are proposed to be placed within the basin. 10. Anticipated impacts The project as proposed will result in the excavation of approximately 9,900 sq.ft. of highground area; 5,900 sq.ft. of regularly and ir- regularly flooded marsh; and approximately 60,000 sq. of Bogue Sound bottom area. The excavation is to be accomplished.by hydraulic dredge, with approximately 10,000 cu.yds. of primarily sand and shell material being pumped to a highground disposal area. This disposal area is pro- posed to be constructed in such a manner that its maximum spoil capacity will be approximately 13,000 cu.yds. which may not be- sufficient to ade- quately handle the expected volume. The excavation of the access chan- nel would also remove about 10,000 sq.ft. of submerged wetland vegeta- tion consisting of eelgrass (Zostra_Marina). These shallow water habi- tat areas provide the nursery area for commercially important species of shrimp, crab, mullet, flounder, clams, spot, scallops. The submerged grass beds also provide detrital material which is the basic energy source for major food chains, and the scallops are directly depended on these beds' existance.. The applicant has modified this application proposal several times in an attempt to select a channel alignment which would have the least impact on marine resources. The applicant has also proposed to mitigate the re- sources affected by establishing over 8,000 sq.ft. of marsh vegetation at the uppermost end of the basin area, and along the proposed channel side slope. Additionally, the applicant has indicated that the upper end of the proposed basin isto be filled in from -4' MLW deep in order to provide better flushing action. The applicant has also indicated that approximately 20,000 sq.ft. of eelgrass beds would be established in suitable shallow water areas which are presently void of this vegeta- tion. The applicant has submitted with the.application a mitigation pro- posal and information regarding the need for additional boating facilities in the Carteret County area. Charles Jones. March 15, 1984 Submitted by ----------------------- Dane ---------------- t t Paton zucchino associates pa. LAND PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE COOPER SQUARE 17 GLENWOOD AVE. RALEIGH, N.C. 919-834-8620 February 28, 1984 Mr. Charles Jones North Carolina Office P. 0. Box 769 Morehead City, North of Coastal Management Carolina 28557 Re: Beacon's Reach Marina Channel C.A.M.A. Permit Dear Charles: Based on our previous meetings and site conferences with your office and other federal review agencies, we are submitting a revised channel alignment and a mitigation plan for your reviw. We request that you reactivate the permit application originally submitted October 14, 1983, and begin your review based on the revised alignment and with consideration to mitigation. Both documents are enclosed. You should note that the marina is designated as a private marina only in accordance with the Town of Pine Knoll Shores zoning ordinance which does not allow "commercial public use" marinas to be constructed within the town limits. The fact that the marina must be private is governed by regulations and not necessarily by our preference. Please let this fact be clearly understood by all review agencies. If any further documentation is needed to reactivate the permit request, please advise me immediately. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter. . Sincerely, CAfal ?AUL; b Lawrence R. Zucchino Land Planner Enclosures LRZ/mem cc: Mr. Don Brock Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Ken Kirkman INDEX FOR PERMIT APPLICATION 1. Application 2. Vicinity Map 3. Mitigation Proposal 4. Boat Registration Statistics 5. Project Plans and Details 6, Deed Description APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 14612) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Ensineers, WilmirliMm Dbttkt (GS 113-229, 143.215.3(a)(1), 143.215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320-329) CONTACT:. Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. NTr Larry ZUCchi no Paton-Zucchino & Assoc 17 Glenwood Ave. Applicant Information Raleigh, NC 27603 A. Name R_nnSPVPIt Partnership, lacorgoratQd Last First Middle B. Address P. 0. Box 839 Street, P. 0. Box or Route _At antic Beach. North Carolina 28512-0839 919/247-4269 City or Town State Zip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Carteret B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Pi ne Knol l Shores 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes X No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Bogue Sound 111. Description of Project A Maintenance of existing project 2. New work 1 Yes . . B. Purpose of excavation or fill ±1000 Yes 601 6.0' width length 1. Access channel?t- N7 ~ depth length width 2. Boat basin depth 3. Fill area N/A length width depth 4. Other N/A length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length 750' Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 0 1 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) Treated Wood D. Excavated material (total for project) (Dredge spoil = 13,00 C.Y. only) 1. Cubic yards 15 , 650 C . Y . 2. Type of material Sand and-shell E. Fill material to be placed below MFIW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards None 2. Type of material IV. Land Type,_Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes X No B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes X._._ No _..? C. Disposal Area 1. Location On-site upland east o 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes nnel D. Fill material sou ice if fill is to be trucked in N/A E. How Will CxlaVated material be entrapped and erosion conlrolled7 Earth dam stabilized with vegetation F. Type of equipment to he used Drag 1 i ne an rotary-head dredge boat G. Will marshland he crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain Nn D& F-61 Rev. 10/78 V. Intsetled Use of Project Area (Describe) A. 1. private Marina -(existing basin) 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Boast channel to arrpcc Puictina ha cin - B. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 71-121 3. Soil type and texture Medium to coarse sands it. Type of building facilities or stiuctu4s Construction with F F E . greater than 7.0'-above MSL in compliance with F.E.M.A. flood insurance standards S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe Tertiary package treatment plant with on-cite eithcurfar_P dicpng l_ _ 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED 7RANStTIU COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes X No 1,000 C . y. for B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the Spartina habitat restoration area following project completion? Yes..._. No X 2. Type of discharge Effluent water from access channel 3. Location of discharge Spoil Area (see _plan) VI 1. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): Minimal VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or state permits for . work in project area, if applicable: The Point Condominiums (Permit #115-83 ) IX. Length of time required to complete project: - X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on Vi X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred • only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113.229 (d))Enter date served C 0 er , 1983 D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. Roosevelt Partnership, Inc P 0 Box 839 Atlantic Beach. NC 28512-0839 State of North Carolina, Marine Resources Center, Bogue Banks, Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina Is approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. DATE October 14, 1983 ' Applicant's Signature Revised application date February 28, 1984 For Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. D&F-02 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS R*v. 10178 i •. ¦.t k:+ 1 J? ?l 1 A. 'I , \t' 9A M 0 O a R :Y x s _s?A d ?o ???'.? ?+S . ??iH.S 1 '? ?'?: ,F? 3X1• . ???? C QR i ` ,? rik?? 'Fri ? ^tia.r,?S#'' ? ? ?° y y r 04 v a `? 1 ? ' Paton zu cchino & associates L ARCHITECTURE L P, a, COOPER SQUARE 17 GLENWOOD AVE. RALEIGH, N.C. 919-834-8620 February 28, 1984 MITIGATION PROPOSAL - BEACON'S REACH MARINA BASIN AND CHANNEL ooseve t Partnership, Incorporate Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina The applicant fully recognizes the value of the wetland resources subject to disruption as a result of the proposed channel dredging. Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated is committed to conserving these wetland resources to their fullest extent and puts forth the following proposal to help mitigate the impact of channel and basin dredging on the Spartina marsh and submerged grass beds. The proposed channel will be aligned to minimize the disruption of the low marsh (Spartina alterniflora) and submerged grass beds (primarily Zostera). The channel as proposed will disrupt approximately 1,400 square feet of Spartina marsh and ±10,000 square feet of submerged grass beds. Approximately 4,500 square feet of high marsh (S ap rtina patens and Distichlis spicata) will be disturbed. These areas are shown in genera on the enclosed project description map. The applicant proposes the re-establishment of both the eelgrass beds and the Spartina marsh on-site at a 2:1 ratio of planted area to disturbed area. Spartina marsh will be replanted along portions of the entry channel but primarily at the western end of the existing basin. Approximately 20,000 square feet of eelgrass beds will be re-established in suitable shallow benthic habitat in Bogue Sound about 3,000 feet west of the existing marina. These re-establishment areas are shown on the enclosed map. In an effort to keep the success rate high for the replanting, particularly with regard to the submerged grass beds, we would employ a professional wetland research biologist experienced with the restoration of wetlands in Bogue Sound. All recommendations made by the consultant would be implemented. Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated would incur all cost efforts. The applicant is willing to undertake a water quality and sediment monitoring program to insure consistency with State Water quality guidelines. In addition, the applicant proposes to implement and complete the restoration effort prior to any channel dredging activities where feasible or post a bond with the N. C. Office of.Coastal Management to insure the successful implementation of the restoration plan. Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated will give full consideration to any other recommendations for mitigation which might be helpful in reducing the impact of the channel construction on wetland resoureces. 1 .e a •la 4 t y . i l •1 ? y Q chi o ? '.. ??. • • •• '?F' qvi t? ? N J ?. ? Q yyI,,t o. ?•/ ? . ,, Kam. 41 ? • ? 'rI,t", ? y: '' 1 _' _. wtl A ? e o " •" I 1 1 ? ?! 1 1 I / 1 1 .0, 1 00 01 1 / I ? 1) ? ? r!r r I I ? ? _ ? ?? \ ? ! r 1 I ? j l?l?l//t/ /l;?t••-..?»_..??'11?1111 I Ir/ ?f Irll??? ` rill -=,••.- -- T-•- --- _?...- ? \ ;? L `\ ? I Q W I w hCl i tkV ?` ?0 , ., ? . .14 ?t14 4`? \\ woti It to cr? Li ic, ??O 1??;'?:: ?•, ! ?? ? i,? ?, = `ptl/,,? n NJ1/p$/000 9.5 ON '- T? 4a. 0. N J., ct v • yy o :' V) l? .: . .. C) fl N 10 , ?. • Q v tQ . .0 ' ' + . •? + Q V . Q • y .?..,? ., Wr< m 1s??3d 000/ .,ic _ '. • : ?qc 1. ??„ 00, 20, /0 N 1N,?WNO/Tb T,?NN ,y' 3 Q i. J {yT LC J. Y W W ??a LL i I i. .i a ? x ,w Z i Ifi 4 c a? r? I -Y Lk-I.L] ?II ?=1 u-t:u am `x,11 \ ?1 c-n 4?RK ?4? - s Po cio c'?. nc. of3 ?. I 111 V- r W i K I? I? 4 O -ur - W CL O 0 ?-- ? W ?<Llj -A ?0 -2 z dvn v? U I; A&KhWAC2 r';C• 4. r' ii pt/ .vvez sick SLOpE3 M.H.W. ± / 3 ? LG D.2 . EX/s?G G??E ToP w?v?'N Ga M, N. W. /. 3, ri \ Alva4e -Cfl,,41!I& -- Ox G T&1 pM,4iu ?; I?'ZxG Tavtid?-/N /3, Oov C s! s?olG ?E?ttT/D,cr ?l ?lrCE ?,?eaU.vPS 2?95/.u Iri ul a r,T hpo/- A ?' oega?/.4GE ??'cTiorta ,vTs rr??( ,?Siv tdio/y ;: Z5 J S?rpreT`iv/r? 3pi4?.T7'.VA? EallST/NC, 2g X73 8¢ JS/D ?CAL? siy 6MO,e-::611V,5 ?ATIV6W ' 36'6P4 1V wEsj- v ?-,vv errs. ,!r Ja?E0 ST,4T-S '^Ay? UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 2 14pAolte,1 REGION IV 345 COURTLAND STREET ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30365 JAN 0 8 1985 4PM-EA/LP Colonel Wayne A. Hanson District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 ATTENTION: Bob Johnson SUBJECT: Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. (Beacon's Reach Marina) Dear Colonel Hanson: This is in response to your recent letter requesting comments on the revision of the mitigation plan dated November 30, 1984, for the Beacon's Reach Marina basin and channel, Roosevelt Partnership Inc., Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina. The revised mitigation had been reviewed by this office. It is encouraging to note that our recommendations on the Salt Marsh mitigation plan and the faunal recruitment study has been incorporated into the document. However, it appears that the applicant still requests a conditioned permit be issued prior to the determination that the seagrass mitigation is successful. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) once again states its strong opposition to this approach. We request that final action on the subject permit application be taken after the seagrass mitigation plantings have been verified as successful at a l to 1 ratio. An additional point that has consistently not been addressed is the loss of the 60,000 sq. ft. of unvegetated shallow water. habitat that would be removed by dredging. It is questionable if a relatively deep channel bottom would provide the same opitimum habitat values for indigenous biota. Consequently, although the mitigation plan ultimately results in a change from a non-vegetated shallow water habitat to a vegetated shallow water habitat, the intrinsic values of the shallow water habitat loss have not been addressed or mitigated for. ,. <,MAO* -2- In conclusion, EPA continues to have reservations on the proposed project as previously expressed in our letters of April 10 and June 4, 1984. Sincerely yours, Shepp4rh N. Moore, Acting Chief Wetlands Section Environmental Assessment Branch cc: See attached o-+ikt or Ceti o UMITED STATES DEPAnTNIEWT OF CO11fli IEPCE Wational Oceania, and Atmospheric Administration y s?`'?nsm??Hp NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Southeast Regional office 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 March 7, 1985 F/SER111/RSS 919/728-5090 Mr. Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Mr. Hollis: Please reference your February 28, 1985, letter requesting our comments concerning the final seagrass mitigation plan submitted by Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated (84-1\1-010-0150) and your intent to concur in the issuance of a permit under the general permit agreement with the-s,tate of North Carolina if the mitigation plan is incorporated;as' a condition of the state authorization. In our previous comments on the public notice and the pro- posed mitigation plan, we raised the following issues which have not been resolved to our satisfaction: 1. By letter dated January 9, 1984, we questioned the acceptability of this project as a candidate for mitigation. We continue to feel that the decision to consider up-front mitigation is questionable since this project's benefits to the public are not clearly defined. 2. Regarding the mitigation plan., we have objected to the selection of the proposed seagrass mitigation site in letters dated September 18, 1984, November 5, 1984, and January 4, 1985. Our concern with the proposed site is based on our research on transplanting seagrasses which represents the best available information on seagrass transplanting technology. 3. We have also repeatedly expressed our belief that the concept of up-front mitigation when applied to a specific project requires that the impacted resource be replaced prior to the issuance of a permit. In view of the above, our position on these matters has not changed. We continue to recommend against issuance of a conditional permit when up-front mitigation is involved and based on our research to date continue to object to the site selected for seagrass mitigation. t? FnI.M i ???Mf Ht V ? 'A 0"41 OF C UMITED STATES DEPAF3TN1=_WT OF CO(1IIiSr'E National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration }?te'??4rt' Of r+`? NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Southeast Regional Office 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 March 7, 1985 F/SER111/RSS 919/728-5090 Mr. Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Mr. Hollis: Please reference your February 28, 1985, letter requesting our comments concerning the final seagrass mitigation plan submitted by Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated (84-N-010-0150) and your intent to concur in the issuance of a permit under the general permit agreement with the"-state of North Carolina if the mitigation plan is incorporated;as a condition of the state authorization. In our previous comments on the public notice and the pro- posed mitigation plan, we raised the following issues which have not been resolved to our satisfaction 1. By letter dated January 9, 1984, we questioned the acceptability of this project as a candidate for mitigation. We continue to feel that the decision to consider up-front mitigation is questionable since this project's benefits to the public are not clearly defined. 2. Regarding the mitigation plan-, we have objected to the selection of the proposed seagrass mitigation site in letters dated September 18, 1984, November 5, 1984, and January 4, 1985. Our concern with the proposed site is based on our research on transplanting seagrasses which represents the best available information on seagrass transplanting technology. 3. We have also repeatedly expressed our belief that the concept of up-front mitigation when applied to a specific project requires that the impacted resource be replaced prior to the issuance of a permit. In view of the above, our position on these matters has not changed. We continue to recommend against issuance of a conditional permit when up-front mitigation is involved and based on our research to date continue to object to the site selected for seagrass mitigation. 0 g' a JG tj? ?r?: p Jt -2- We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments. Sincerely yours, Richard J.'Hoogland Chief, Environmental Assessment Branch cc: FWS, ATLA, GA FWS, Raleigh, NC EPA, ATLA GA NCDNRCD, Raleigh, NC NCDNRCD, Morehead City, NC F/SER11 May 13, 1985 -l?G? ?K I ?~Jt /NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL FEDERATION Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean) • NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28570.919-393-8185 Charles Wells, Chairman Coastal Resources Commission P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 RE: APPEAL OF PERMIT NUMBER 51-85 Dear Mr. Wells: RECEIVE MAY 15 1985 OW d +cpv" 14,0) 0"Irt-k M M Pursuant to NCAC T 15: 07J .0300, we hereby appeal the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management's decision to issue permit number 51-85 (Roosevelt Partnership, Inc.). The petitioners will be represented by S. Henri.Johnson, 507 Pollock Street, P.O. Drawer 947, New Bern, NC 28560 (919=633-4848) in this matter. Please contact her if you have any questions regarding this appeal and to schedule any conferences or a hearing. Sincerely, Todd Miller Executive Director cc: Bob Benton, Shellfish Sanitation Bob Johnson, Corps of Engineers Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. Dave Owens, DCM Preston Pate, DCM Paul Wilms, DEM John Costlow, MRC Bob Mahood, DMF PERMIT NUMBER 51-85 BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL RESOURCES COMMISSION In the Matter of Application for Major Coastal Area Management ) Act Permit by Roosevelt Properties, Inc. ) (Permit Number 51-85), Authorizing the Excavation ) of some 10,000 Square Feet of Eel Grass, 5,900 ) Square Feet of Marsh, and 60,000 Square Feet of ) Shallow Water Habitate to Convert a Borrow Pit into ) a 77 Slip Marina to Provide an Amenity for Pelican ) Point Development in Pine Knoll Shores, N.C. ) APPEAL OF PERMIT Pursuant to NCAC T 15: 07J .0300, Carteret County Crossroads, Inc., North Carolina Coastal Federation, Inc., and North Carolina Fisheries Association, Inc., petitioners, petition the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission for an administrative hearing to review the Division of Coastal Management's decision to issue permit number 51-85 (Roosevelt Properties, Inc.) In support of this petition, petitioners allege as follows: 1. The petitioners in this matter are: Carteret County Crossroads, Inc., Post Office Box 155, Beaufort, NC 28516, North Carolina Coastal Federtion, Inc., Route 5, Box 603 (Ocean), Newport, NC 28570, and North Carolina Fisheries Association, Post Office Drawer 957, New Bern, NC 28560. 2. Carteret County Crossroads, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation with most of its members in Carteret County, some of whom use the waters adjacent to Roosevelt Partnership property for commercial or recreational purposes. The North Carolina Coastal Federation, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation with individual and group members in Carteret County concerned about coastal water quality. The North Carolina Fisheries Association, Inc. is a trade association representing commercial users of fishery resources. Petitioners represent individuals that currently use, or potentially could use, the shellfish resources adjacent to the marina basin. Carteret County Crossroads, Inc. and the North Carolina Coastal Federation, Inc. have been given standing in the past to appeal similar permit decisions made by the Division of Coastal Management. The North Carolina Fisheries Association, Inc. has been given standing in the past to appeal a permit decision made by the NC Division of Environmental Management. 3. Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. was issued a Major CAMA Development Permit on April 26, 1985 feet of eel grass, 5,900 square feet of shallow water habitate to convert marina to provide an amenity for the Knoll Shores, N.C. 4. Petitioners take exception t follows: to excavate some 10,000 square of marsh and 60,000 square feet a borrow pit into a 77 slip Pelican Point Development in Pine D the Division's permit as a. The Division's decision to grant a permit to Roosevelt Properties was erroneous as a matter of law and is not supported by technical comments made by state and federal agencies that reviewed the project. Specifically, N.C.G.S. 113A-120(x)(8) requires the Division to deny an application for a permit if "the development is inconsistent with State guidelines..." The State guidelines in the coastal area are in themselves to be consistent with the goals and policies of CAMA which give the CRC authority to protect water quality, among other matters. The State guidelines include: (1.) 15 N.C.A.C. 7H .0601 which states that "no development shall be allowed in any AEC (that is, area of environmental concern) which would result in a contravention or violation of any rules, regulations, or laws of the State of North Carolina..." (2.) 15 N.C.A.C. 7H .0602 which states that "no development shall be allowed in any AEC which would have a substandial likelihood of causing pollution of the waters of the state to the extent that such waters would be closed to the taking of shellfish..." (emphasis added). (3.) 15 N.C.A.C. 7B .0212(c)(3)(E) which sets a water quality standard of 14 fecal organisms per 100 milliliters in SA (shellfish) waters, with no mixing zones and in the worst hydrologic conditions. (4.) 15 N.C.A.C. 7B .0201, known as the Antidegradation Statement, states in part "the (Environmental Management) commission shall consider the present and anticipated usage of said high quality waters ...and will not allow degradation of the high quality waters below the water quality necessary to maintain existing and anticipated uses." (5.) 15 N.C.A.C. 7H .0208(a)(2)(C) which requires that "development shall not violate water and air quality standards." (6.) 15 N.C.A.C. 7H .0209(e)(4) and (5) which require that "development shall not have a significant adverse impact on estuarine resources," or "interfere with existing public rights of...or use of, navigable waters or public resources" (emphasis added). There is not substantive evidence in the permit file to support findings that these provisions will not be violated by the Roosevelt Partnership development. Indeed, overwhelming evidence in the record shows that water quality standards will be violated and that there is a "substantial likelihood" that shellfish waters adjacent to the k-* marina basin will be closed if the project were to be constructed and operated. Contained in the permit file is an objection to the issuance of the permit by the Division of Health Services which stated that "it is our opinion that a basin with 77 boats will pollute the lagoon and access channel eventually resulting in pollution in Bogue Sound which would require closure to the harvest of shellfish." This recommendation is supported by the Division of Shellfish Sanitation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in a 1972 report entitled Classification of Areas Subject to Sanitary Waste Discharges From Boats that states, "Because of the highly variable and unpredictable contribution of fresh fecal material, it is necessary to close areas subject to boat polluton in the vicinity of shellfish beds during the boating season." In addition, the April 1985 Coastal Marina Assessment Handbook published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states on page 5-52 that, "All available information points to the conclusion that shellfish harvesting from waters near marinas is not desirable from a public health perspective." The Division of Environmental Management commented to DCM that if drainage from previously permitted high density residential development on the north side of the basin discharges to the basin or channel, "there is likely to be fecal coliform contained in that runoff in excess of the SA water quality standard." There is stormwater from existing development now flowing to the borrow pit. Furthermore, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommended to the U.S. Corps of Engineers that the permit be denied. This permit issuance is inconsistent with the Permuda Island permit decision as described in the April 15, 1985 letter from David W. Owens to Mr. Jack Oliver. The major basis for denial of the Permuda Island permit was that stormwater runoff would violate the SA water quality standard for fecal coliform. 5. The Division exceeded its statutory authority by issuing a permit conditioned upon its subsequent approval of a detailed stormwater management plan to be submitted for development that has already received a CAMA permit. It also exceeded its statutory authority by issuing a permit conditioned upon the Division's eventual "acceptance" of a mitigation effort to replace eel grass that will be destroyed by the proposed project. While the Division has authority to condition permits upon the Applicant's adoption of specific measures that will protect the public interest in respect to preserving coastal resources, here in regard to stormwater no such measure has been proposed, or considered by the Division, or shown to adequately protect public interest. Indeed, substantial comments in the permit file and previous permit actions by the Division, show that without a stormwater management plan water quality standards will be violated. Additionally, CRC regulations at 15 N.C.A.C. 7J .0802(d) and .0806(b) allow DCM to return an application or to terminate processing of an accepted application if it is incomplete. This type of conditioned permit is not only unauthorized by statute, it is also made upon unlawful procedure which prejudices the substantive rights of the petitioners. Conditions 1.(a) and 4.(a) prevents the petitioners from reviewing and commenting on the quality of mitigation or the stormwater management plan. This substantially interferes with petitioners' right to due process under N.C.G.S. 113A-121.1 which states that "any person directly affected by the decision ...may request in writing within 20 days of such action, a hearing before the Commission," and N.C.G.S. 150A-23 which states that "the parties in a contested case shall be given an opportunity for a hearing without undue delay." The proper procedure to follow was to have declared the permit application incomplete or deny the permit and allow Roosevelt Partnership the opportunity to reapply when it had a stormwater management plan and had completed "up front" mitigation. 6. By virtue of the foregoing, substantive rights of the petitioners have been prejudiced and the policies of CAMA to protect water quality and uses of public waters have been undermined. WHEREFORE, Petitioners request that: 1. The permit be revoked, or 2. A hearing pursuant to 07J.0301(b) be scheduled as soon as possible, and 3. Any other relief which is right and proper be granted. S. Henri Johnson Richardson and Johnson Attorneys and Counsellors at Law 507 Pollock Street Post Office Drawer 947 New Bern, NC 28560-0947 919-633-4848 e DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 November 29, 1984 IN ntrLr ntrtn Iv Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC084-N-016-0150 Mr. John"Parker Office of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Parker: R E C i j PATER -? I Ale y Reference the application of the Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated, for a Department of the Army permit to accomplish work required to establish Beacon's Reach Marina on Bogue Sound, near Pine Knoll Shores, in Carteret County, North Carolina and the mitigation plan dated September 28, 1984. The comments of the Federal review agencies, regarding the mitigation plan are enclosed. Their consensus is that various aspects of the plan are unacceptable and the plan does not provide adequate assurance that a net loss of submerged vegetation will not occur. At present, we concur with the agencies and recommend against issuance of the authorization. We remain open to revision of the mitigation plan and further consideration of the application. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Bob Johnson, telephone (919) 343-4641. Sincerely, Enclosure Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch I^ -2- Copies Furnished with enclosures: Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management Nort Carolina Department of atural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Office of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Post Office Box 570 Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr, Sheppard N. Moore Environmental Review Section Environmental Assessment Branch U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 p NuV '984 g •,? COW e UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICET +r""'a? Southeast Regional Office 9450 Koger Boulevard o? St. Petersburg, FL 33702 November 5, 1984 F/SER111/RSS 919/728-5090 Mr. Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Mr. Hollis: Please reference your October 31, 1984, letter requesting our comments and recommendations concerning Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated's mitigation plan for work at the Beacons Reach project site, Pine Knoll Shores Carteret County, North Carolina (SAWC084-N-016-0150). We have reviewed the subject document and offer the following comments for your consideration. General Comments We are concerned that the mitigation plan requests that a conditioned permit be issued based on projected results rather than actual replacement of habitat to be destroyed. This is unacceptable to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for the following reasons: 1. In our opinion, the acceptability of up-front mitigation for this project is based on the premise that potential habitat losses would be replaced prior to the issuance of a permit. 2. As indicated in previous discussions, the proposed mitigation site does not comply with the site selection criteria advocated by the service and has in fact been largely devoid of seagrass since 1971. Based on the experimental nature of the proposed work and our concerns regarding the mitigation site, we have concluded that there is limited assurance of success. .3. Seagrass meadows in Bogue Sound are extremely important fishery habitat areas with a limited distribution. Some natural meadows have persisted for years, however, we have no guarantee that transplanted meadows will demonstrate the same persistance. 4. Mitigation work of this type should not be routinely accepted for private projects until it is clearly documented that the fishery habitat values of meadows are replaceable. Therefore, we believe that this mitigation plan is precedent setting and if misapplied could result in a cumulative loss of fishery habitat. ?E F q;'-W pF C& -2- In our opinion, the mitigation plan should be modified so that it is clearly understood that no permit will be issued until an area equivalent to the seagrass habitat to be lost has been replaced. Only long-term monitoring will determine if and when the 2:1 replacement ratio required in the mitigation plan is achieved. Since the long-term survival/persistance of the transplanted seagrasses is a key issue concerning the acceptability of this plan, we recommend that contractual agreements between the applicant, planting contractor, and monitoring contractor be provided for our review to assure compliance with the requirements of the plan in the years following the issuance of a permit. Another aspect of the proposed mitigation plan which must be clarified is the proposed faunal studies. In our opinion, the mitigation plan will not be accepted until these studies are reviewed by NMFS personnel and found to be satisfactory. Specific Comments Introduction Page 1, ara ra h 2, line 5. "...permit issued by the review agencies." should be changed to read '...permit issued by the Corps." Page 2, paragraph 1, line 2. This sentence should be modified as follows: "The reestablishment of submerged seagrass beds and marsh restoration work must be considered successful in accordance with approved standards prior to receiving a state and COE permit. Project Description Page 5, paragraph 2, line 3. This paragraph is technically incorrect. The author proposes to replant 6,618 planting units (not 30,000 sq. ft.) of the two species and projects that under optimum conditions 13,168 sq. ft. will be covered after one growing season for each species. The plan should be modified to state that they propose to replant 3,309 planting units of each species over an area of 15,000 sq. ft. of bottom. Page 5, paragraph 5. The "specific sections" of the entrance channel and western end of the basin where marsh plants are proposed should be identified. Mitigation Site Page 7, paragraph 3. We continue to have reservations regarding the capacity of the proposed site to sustain a seagrass meadow: In our opinion, the selection of a marginal site and the highly experimental nature of the proposed work more than justifies denying the issuance of a permit until successful up-front mitigation is demonstrated. Page 8, Figure 3. The mitigation site control grid (12,000 sq. ft.) does not depict the proposed planting area. A. -3- Page 9, paragraph 1, line 5. We strongly disagree with the statement regarding the likelihood of a successful planting of seagrasses at this site. There has been no seagrass cover as compared to contiguous areas since 1971. This suggests that this site has been chronically unsuitable for colonization and therefore, does not comply with NMFS' and the Corps' site selection criteria. Page 9, paragraph 2, line 3. In our opinion, it is unlikely that wave energy has been responsible for the lack of recruitment at this site over the last decade. Page-9, paragraph 2, line 9. We disagree with the author's statement that this site is an appropriate place for testing recently developed techniques. Our position is based on our belief that unvegetated benthic areas such as the proposed mitigation site currently provides habitat that is valuable to fisheries. Seagrass Monitoring and Transplant Monitoring Page 10, paragraph 4, line 1. The proposed faunal studies should be submitted for our review prior to approval of the mitigation plan. These studies must be proceeding in an acceptable manner, and contractural agreements assuring the continuation of these studies for the period of time (a minimum of 3 years) must be in place prior.to permit issuance. Sampling Periods Page 11. We are concerned that the proposed sampling period may not extend beyond the initial.36 weeks. We stated in our September 18, 1984, letter that the applicant should be responsible for the unassisted survival of the transplants for 3 calendar years. Therefore, we recommend that the mitigation plan be modified to clearly demonstrate a commitment to maintaining the mitigation site during the 2nd and 3rd year after successful planting. The long-term monitoring of the site should be closely coordinated with the faunal studies and include the following: 1. An assessment of areal coverage, density, and biomass on a quarterly basis for two years following the initial one-year period. 2. Replanting during the 2-year monitoring period as necessary to assure maintenance of the 2:1 replacement of seagrass destroyed. Performance Standards Page 13-17. This section does not clearly commit the applicant to replacing an area of seagrass equivalent to that destroyed prior to the issuance of a permit. Performance Ranges Page 15, paragraph 3, lines 6-9. The relationships between planting a 30,000 sq. ft. area to replace 18,000 sq. ft. of seagrass (2:1 ratio) is unclear. What is the origin of the 30,000 sq. ft. value? -4- Page 16-17, paragraphs 1 and 2. There appears to be some confusion on these pages regarding the selection of criteria for survival rate options and computations on the area covered. The author computes the potential area covered based on a 50% survival and provides a slowest and fastest growth rate scenario for both Zosteria and Halodule. On page 17 the author computes the potential coverage using a 75% su v va-T-rate but shows the same results as on page 16 for a 50% survival rate. We recommend that the author explain the source of figures used in the slowest growth scenario and the conclusion reached in the 75% survival calculations. Page 16, paragraph 2, lines 11-12. In our opinion, it is unlikely that maximum growth performance will be obtained at this site. If minimal growth occurs with a 50% survival of the initial planting, a projected total of 4,689 sq. ft. of seagrass will be replaced at the end of the 36 week monitoring period. The NMFS will not accept this level of performance as satisfactory for the issuance of a permit since it falls far short of replacing the habitat proposed for destruction. Performance Standards Recommendations Page 17, paragraph 2. The performance standards proposed in this section are on the low end of the range of results observed in previous studies. This level of performance is acceptable only if it is clearly understood that no permit will be issued until a minimum of 1:1 replacement is obtained and that the applicant is responsible for maintaining the predicted 2:1 mitigation level over the three years he is responsible for the site. Page 18, paragraph 2, line 6. The "monitoring period" referred to in this paragraph should be defined. Follow-up Replanting Page 18, paragraph 3, line S. Any secondary site considered for planting must be reviewed and approved by state and federal review agencies.. Page 18, paragraph 3, line 11. If the initial planting shows less than 50% survival, we would approve of 1 replanting of this site. If the second attempt were unsuccessful in obtaining 50% survival, we would consider further attempts only at a new site. Page 19, paragraph 1. The amount to be replanted should be based on the original 100%, not the difference between what survived and the projected 50% survival rate. Page 19, paragraph 2. The applicant's obligation to maintain a minimum of 18,000 sq. ft. of seagrass over the 3-year period should be clarified. It should also be clearly stated that the unassisted persistence of 18,000 sq. ft. of seagrass over a 3-year period is the key criteria in determining when and if any replanting is required. Modifications Page 19, paragraph 4, line 5. Thirty (30) days should be allowed for the review of any plan modification. -5- In view of the above, this mitigation plan as proposed is unacceptable to the National Marine Fisheries Service. A representative of our Beaufort field office is available for further consultation. Sincerely yours, / jdf, Richard J. Hoogland Chief, Environmental Assessment Branch s United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE o Division of Ecological Services „ P.O.. Box 25039 M„,,,,.•o Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 November 8, 1984 Colonel Wayne A. Hanson District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Dear Colonel Hanson: 1 Nov 19 This responds to Mr. Charles Hollis' letter dated-October. 31., 1984 concerning SAWC084-N-016-0150 and the Mitigation Plan submitted on behalf of Roosevelt Partnership, applicant. This is the report of the Service and the Department of the Interior and is submitted in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and supplements our previous reports of May 11, 1984 and May 31, 1984. We understand that the National Marine Service has prepared detailed technical comments on the mitigation methodology and suitability of the proposed mitigation site. Based on their extensive technical expertise and research concerning establishment of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds, we defer to that agency for technical comments regarding the proposed SAV mitigation. We recommend that the following modifications be contained in the final mitigation plan: Pages 5 and 6: This section must be modified to establish a date by which verified mitigation on a 1:1 replacement scale shall be attained for marsh losses. The plan should also identify what action shall be taken to guarantee that the applicant's proposed 2:1 marsh replacement will be provided. Page 10: In order to evaluate faunal recruitment into the mitigation site and in order to assess its present value, pre-transplant sampling of the mitigation site benthos is needed. That sampling also is needed to insure that the mitigation site does not presently support a productive and valuable benthos which maybe adversely affected by SAV planting. Also, the faunal recruitment study must be approved by a recognized expert in estuarine benthic ecology and by all appropriate review agencies. Page 17: We also believe the mitigation plan must be modified to clearly delineate performance standards which specify attainment of 1:1 minimum compliance before channel excavation may begin. Therefore, we do not accept the "satisfactory progress" criteria described in this section since "satisfactory progress" is less than w y total SAV replacement. Channel excavation should be permitted only upon successful establishment of equal quantity and quality SAV replacement habitat. With the above changes, the mitigation plan will be acceptable with exception of the faunal studies which are not yet developed. As stated in our previous Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act reports, we continue to recommend that the permit should not be issued for this project until it has been demonstrated that equal SAV mitigation (habitat creation) has been attained and has been determined acceptable by the regulatory review agencies and your office. Thank you for providing us the opportunity to comment on this matter. Sincerely yours, L C -'U L r L.K. Mike) Gant Field Supervisor = _19 NOV 1984 Ja?tEOST,?T?S 2?Ay? 2 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ?11? r vaoIEO`\o REGION I V 345 COURTLAND STREET NOV 16 1984 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30365 4PM-EA/LOP Mr. Bob Johnson U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 SUBJECT: Roosevelt Partnership Inc. (Public Notice No. SAWCO 84-N-016-0150) Dear Mr. Johnson: This is in response to your letter dated October 31, 1984, requesting the Environmental Protection. Agency's comments on the mitigation plan for Beacon's Reach Marina on Bogue Sound, in Carteret County, North Carolina. The mitigation plan has been reviewed and found to be unacceptable to this office for the following reasons: a). Salt marsh mitigation It is acknowledged that Saltmarsh planting techniques are well developed compared to seagrass transplanting. However, the mitigation proposal should include the specific techniques to be utilized as well as survival standards and follow-up replanting if required. b). Faunal recruitment and repopulation study of the mitigation Area There is no specific information on this aspect fo the mitigation plan. The faunal recruitment and repopulation study should be described in detail, and the independent contractor identified and accepted as an expert in this field of research. It is also recommended that the study be initiated well in advance of actual seagrass plantings to provide base line data. Adequate time should be allowed for commenting agencies to review the plan of study before a final scope of work is agreed upon. c). Determination of seagrass planting survival success There is insufficient time allowed to determine if the seagreass plantings have been successful. The mitigation report states that survival would be measured after a 90 day period following transplanting and be considered successful if a 50% - 75% of the planting units independently establish themselves. This time factor is not sufficient to draw realistic opinions on survival accomplishments. At a minimum, 260 days should be monitored to draw even tentative conclusions. 4 -2- d). Survival rates for up-front mitigation The utilization of the survival criteria-and success ratio (50% - 75%) specified at the bottom of page 14 of the mitigation report has the potential for allowing less than a 1 to 1 mitigation replacement to occur prior to a determination of a successful mitigation program. Mitigation must be at least a 1 to 1 ratio at the time that final action on the subject permit application is considered, and of course, a 2 to 1 by the end of the mitigation commitment. e). Mitigation for unvegetated shallow water habitat On at least two seperate occasions, EPA has commented on the lack of mitigation for the 60,000 square feet of unvegetative shallow water habitat that would be eliminated from the system by dredging. It is disturbing that the revised mitigation plan continues to be deficient in this respect. We again request that mitigation for this habitat loss be addressed. In conclusion, EPA continues to have serious reservations on the proposed project as previously expressed in our letters of April 10 and June 4, 1984. It appears that the mitigation plan requests that a conditioned permit be issued based on hypothetical mitigation results rather than a demonstrated success. EPA will not agree to this approach. However, we will be agreeable to review any revisions on the Beacon's Reach Marina that the applicant wishes to present. Sincerely yours, Sheppard N. Moore, Acting Chief Wetlands Section Environmental Assessment Branch cc: ;Ms. Mike Gantt, 'Field Supervisor. • J.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh, North Carolina 'Ir. Robert F. Helms, Director North Carolina Division or =nvironmental management 1r. Preston Pate, Chief,-Field Services North Carotina ut`ice of Coastal management Mr. S tuart-.C ri tctier North. Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 'fir. -,ohn P?ri<er, ?ernits Coorcinaccr iort7 Caro i i na C f - i ca of ..:.as cc i '?anacen ent ,r. anay :hoer, rea ?ucervisor National i'lari ne i sneri es Service Beaufort, Vo •th Carolina Mr. J. T. Br;iwner, Regional Director `lati onaI Marine Fisheries Service St. -Petersburg, Florida F k Y'JUL 15 1-%S ,ASTAL RESat WU t DMK i j JUL 19 1985 WATER QUALITY SECTION S. HENRI JOHNSON ATTORNEY ANU COUNSELLOR AT LAW S07 POLLOCK STREET POST OFFICE BOX ZOOS NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 2SS60 July 11, 1985 Mr. David Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 COPY TO: BILL MILLS BILL KREUTZBURGER TELEPHONE (919) 633-4848 RECEIVED .1111 2 31985 WATER ?Q'JUAU'rY SECTION OPILRAPONS BR,iNCF RE: Our Client: N.C. Coastal Federation Matter: Roosevelt Partnership, Inc. (Beacon's Reach Marina) Our File No. 85CL354 Dear Mr..Owens: We plan to call the following persons as witnesses at the Roosevelt Properties CAMA permit appeal hearing scheduled for August 13: / 1. Secretary S. Thomas Rhodes, DNRCD 2. David Owens, DCM n G/ n 3. Paul Wilms, DEM 4. George Everett, DEM 5. Pres Pate, DCM y 6. John Parker, DCM 0 7. Bob Benton or Patty Fowler, DBS ,?i?-• ?b 8. Bill Mills, DEM. 9. Bill Kreutzberger, D EM Please inform me if it will be necessary for me to subpoena an of the any people listed above. SHJ:dlh Ver sincerel ours, S. r3 Jo ns n cc: Mr. Todd Miller Mr. Irv Hooper DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 1 Boo WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 IN REPLY REFER TO October 25, 1983 Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC084-N-016-0013 Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Gentlemen: { r'?~ 2 X31983 Enclosed is a copy of the application of Roosevelt. ?acorporated, for Department of the Army permit a a" a ??later Quality Certification. Your receipt of this letter verifies -your acceptance of A valid request for certification in accordance with Section 325.2(b)(:L) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorization of the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification maybe required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. No Department of the Army permit will be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, 60 days after receipt of a request for certification is considered a reasonable time for State action. In accordance with our . regulations, if your agency has not acted on the, request by December 26-, 1983, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Bob Johnson, telephone (919) 343-4641. Sincerely, Ch s W. tH is hief, Regry Branch C Enclosures 10 ti APPLICATION (? FORED 'PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION ``JJ? .n , EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER LAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPME44, i 2 8 1983 ?R',.?TY SECTION DaWnwnt of Admialstratlon State of North Carolina Department y (GS 146121 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of EMIn It „V1 f1ri1lrt01po-D(t ?H (GS 113-229.143-215.3(a)(1), 143.215.3(c), 113A•118 (33 CIF It 209.310319) ) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placinj N/A in blank. Contact: Paton, Z,ucchino & Associate 17 Glenwood Ave. I. Applicant Information Raleigh, NC 27603 A. Name ._.r._.r Roosevelt Partnership. Inc. Last First Middle 8. Address P, 0. Box 839 Street, P. 0. Box or Route Atlantic Beach,_ North Carolina 28512-0839 919/247-4269 0tvor (own State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Carteret 8. 1. City, town, community or landmark Pine Knoll. Shores 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes X No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located,or nearest named body of water to project Bogue Sound 111. Description of Project ?..? A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work -Yes B. Purpose of excavation or fill c 1. Access channel Yes length. 1000 wtdthl 45 depth 6.0' 2. Boat basin N/A length_._____width -depth 3. Fill area N/A length widthdepth 4. Other N A length width_ depth C. 1. Bulkhead length 750' Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) o t 2. Type of bulkhead construction (mate(ial) Treated Wood D. Excavated material (total for project) (Dredge spoil'- 7300 C.Y. only) 1, Cubic yards 15,650 C.Y. 2. Typeol material Sand & Shell E. Fill material to be pl.ced below MIIW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubit yards Nam- 2. Type of material IV. Land Type, Dislosal Area, and Construction Lqutpment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? - Yes _X No 8. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes _No ,,..X C. Disposal Area 1. Location On-site upland east of channel 2. Do you cl-atm tttle'tn disposal area! Yes D. Fill material 1nuii.c it lill is to be Irnrlked in N/A E. How will excavated material be cnlrapped and erosion umtruiledr _-Earth dam stabilized with vepetat ion F. Type of equipmcnl ur be used Drae line alld rotary-head dredgeboat G. Will marshland he crossed in dinspurling equipment to project site? It yes, explain No ?? D&F•ei Rev. 10/711 v? r V. InWWed Use of Project Area (Deraibr) f..? A. 1, private Marina (existing basin) rr? ' 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. We-, Boat channel to access exis ina.hnQin B. 1. Lot size(s) NIA -- 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water P-12' 3. Soil type and texture Medium to coarse sands 4. Type of building facilities or structures Constructipn with F.F.E. PreatPr rhan 7-n' above MSL in compliance with F.E.M.A_ finrid insurance S,Landards S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing X Planned 8. Describe Tertiary package treatment P! ant with on-site subsurface disposal 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED CTRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION . OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes No _X_ B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? _ Yes-No 2.. Type of discharge Effluent water from access channel 3. Location of discharge Spoil Area (Spn plan) VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): Minimal VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work In project area, if applicable: The Point Condominiums (Permit #119-91) IX. Length of time required to complete project. X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or othrlr instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR If applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other Instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8% X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publicztion (G.S. 113-129 (d))Enter date served --Ortoher 20 _ 1981 D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. Roosevelt Partnership. Inc. P. 0. Box 839 Atlantic Beach_ NC 28512-0839 State of North Carolina. Mariug R,gsourg s n r, Bogtre Ranks.gtl"?t?jr Dgn hy,NC 2851 XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina Is approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. DATE October. 14, 1983 Applicant's Signature 04F-82 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10178 Y S3 nY?'f ?'ri No . LAI y A: "I Jill . ? ` Mo W N ? ??}l,? 'tlff >>? y G 1-u U J. r p, 1 w ? b St?p S t p f b ?t?1 r h Q ? 4• w 1 `` ? `? t ? s r I y I 'r ? V M ,r t ? n r? t 4 O ?? y t 0 rp v r'y. L c t, • F' Y v^'? t? l r 1 r, , . r r r,t y 1 i ri . } pp s It .. N?4 .1 . V A; f r..r r..n i r? ?i 1 i n, f y r .? 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IiII ''+? ?... 1 1 1 I, / , 1 f `• \ ' .n - AMl ?NyNN <G?? 0l I I` • ' JU h. i U U 0 ? y 10 •?• •?;? -2.0 ?MLW _ ' ? • ? ' ? : •_?• t • ? ? , ors • • • ? , . ' • DEL BRASS 8•EDS• • ,^ ; • f J . • MATCy L /NE ?? •?OGlJG SOUND - ?•O Hcw ? x ? g SCALE' ?`I= oo' 4- L's I '' - I MLw - " ?-- IIIIIIIItUIIIIIIIIIiilllllllillllll Illgdflllpllpllllillplllnllln?Idl IIdI?I IIIIill?llll l II IIII III?IIIII IIII?IIII IIIIIII I?II IIIII I III III? sot. wlw?+ zl' 'rop wip" 415; ' A &' C {-IaN 1J?. L. ? D1:PT1+ ? fJzv?-S?l-YIoN I??Zo Su+?xvu1.11n SIN tmIKE5 7,330 C..Y. 12! MSL SPalI- ' Od?'•Rr-W"W f'IM RAT); NTI pti II P19:15- III . II Illiilllllllllllllllllll?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIInlmllue? uunm umlmunuR?uuu SPOIL K6T1f t T 1OQ 13A-'SW M l.ni 1.'S' ML'?? o. o? 4M5 L III Illlllllplllllll 6ULKHEAD, EX1"w-" 4POM Sul Ipllllllplllglfll I II4IIIIdIIIIIIIIIIi NI Ipllllll I ?,G?QUCUo? GABLE; vtzAltJA4E ±4l MSL x VEAMIA u I3uLKPE:Ay 10' Pr-TAI1_ I". b. DETla/L SHEET CHAN,Y L CoAtsneucr/oAt BEACON 'S REACH . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 1890. WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 In nnr&.r KCrCn Jv Regulatory Branch October 25, 1983 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC084-N-016-0013 Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated c/o Mr. Lawrence R. Zucchino Paton, Zucchino and Associates 17 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Gentlemen: %Vi O y P?yC\A :ASR Cr???f On January 27, 1981, after extensive coordination between State and Federal agencies, we issued general permit No. SAWC080-N-000-0291 (enclosed), which provides Federal authorization for those construction activities that require and ' receive authorization from the State of North Carolina in the form of a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit for major development, and/or a permit to excavate/fill, and/or a Water Quality Certification. A review of your application received October 17, 1983, for a Department of the Army permit to excavate a channel, canal, and basin and construct docks and a bulkhead on Bogue Sound at Pine Knoll Shores in Carteret County, North Carolina, indicates that your proposal is a candidate for Federal authorization under this general permit. Accordingly, the processing of your application will be accomplished by the N. C. Office of Coastal Management. You should be responsive to any requests they should make regarding improved plans or additional information to facilitate the handling of your application. The N. C. Division of Environmental Management will review your proposal, and a determination will be made as to the need for a State Water Quality Certification. Comments from Federal review agencies will be furnished to the State. If there are no unresolved differences of State-Federal positions or policy, the final action taken on your application by the State will satisfy the terms of our general permit. The terms of the general permit will not be satisfied if any of the following situations exist: a. There is an unresolved objection from any Federal agency. -2- b. A State Water Quality Certification has not been issued ` (if required). Section 401 of the Clean Water Act requires that prior to the issuance of any Federal permit that may result in a discharge into waters or wetlands, the State agency responsible for water pollution control (N. C. Division of Environmental Management)' must` certify `tha't the dischal ge will not' violate applicable Water Quality Standards. c. The proposed work would have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment. The District Engineer will make this determination prior to the conclusion of the State process. d. There is a significant and substantive unresolved objection from any individual, group, or agency. If your application is withdrawn from this general permit process, you will be so notified and informed of its further management in writing. When your application is successfully processed to conclusion under this general permit, you will receive written notice from the District Engineer. Only after receiving such confirmation should you begin work. i Your application has been assigned application No. SAWC084-N-016-0013 and will be coordinated by Mr. Bob Johnson, telephone (919) 343-4641. He is available to address questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure ?. a y r, -3- Copies Furnished: Mr. John Parker Office of Coastal Management ?'or. th Carol.,i np. ,,. 'eoart- -It. of Natural !lose; ; c.cs.sxi Community Developme,44- Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Mr. Dave Rackley U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service '21 ? New Rpr A:vent.e North Carolina 27601 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Post Office Box 570 Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. Brad Nicolajsen Ecological Review Branch U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. Preston Pate Office of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Mr. Charles Jones Office of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Mr. Roy A. Stevens Carteret County Economic Development Council Post Office Box 825 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Roosevelt Partnership, Incorporated Post Office Box 839 Atlantic Beach, North Carolina 28512