HomeMy WebLinkAbout19850054 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19850101 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 April 11, 1986 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWC085-N-069-0316 Mr. L. L. Wise Route 1, Post Office Box 25 Camp Jo Jane Oriental, North Carolina 28571 Dear Mr. Wise: Reference your application for a Department of the Army permit to excavate an earthen dam and maintain a canal and channel to connect a pond to Tarklin Creek, Camp Jo Jane, Pamlico County, North Carolina. Your proposal has been reviewed and found to be consistent with the provisions and objectives of general permit No. SAWCO80- N-000-0291. Therefore, you may commence construction activity in strict accordance with applicable State authorization and the enclosed plan. Failure to comply with the State authorization or conditions of the general permit could result in a violation of Federal law. If any change in your work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office and the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management prior to performing any such change or alteration. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the authorization modified. Questions.or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ernest Jahnke, telephone (919) 343-4467. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure -2- Copies Furnished (with enclosure): Director, Atlantic Marine Center National Ocean Survey, NOAA ATTN: CAM04, 439 W. York Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental ? Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Wetlands Section Marine and Estuarine Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Nelson Paul Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries, NOAA Environmental Assessment Branch Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 r 0 i S R!005 r 0 Q ?O Q'\ 9 sue, S/ TE TARKILN CREEK VICINITY MAP SCALE I /NCH = I MILE ??soy CR 35° 00' wR15 RIg, SrREEr W VVI5 p0? -3.5 -3.0 vV `E *8-4 ?QO ?, ?? OQ?kb -2.5 Z .3. 0 POND I (A X x J tc) 6.1 1 -6 m t1.4 _ '94 9 7,5 t76 7A ? TIN tg•D ?gE ? ? W?5 STREET I SITE PLAN OF Existing POND and CHANNEL SCALE I INCH s ZOO FEEr ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN /N FEET ABOVE(*) AND BELOW(-) SEA LEVEL BASED ON A HYDR04061C SURVEY USING u. S. COAST AND GEODETIC DATA FOR BASIS. BY A. HUGH HARRIS, ?R. V/C/N/TY MAP and SITE PLAN Professional Engineer - RL S ORIENTAL, N. C. L. L . II I J SHEET /of 2 ?UL Y 14, 1985 TOWNSHIP 5, PAML /CO COUNTY, N. C. 48 `SWALE - 8' f --+-?-- 6' SWALE -48.0' f B. O' --- ?? - Ec rioN c-^ N 8 .5 Pond Level E 4' Sea Leve/ NOTE- Increase slope - - - - _ = 0.0 in this Sec//on as excess depth fill /s generated. /LL -3.0' Existing Bottom- - 6.0' SCALE /"_ /0' B ' --? 0 /. 5 5 4' - 6, SWALE- -t 8.0' +8.0, SEC r/ON B-B°te _ Pond Level _ + / 4' Sea Leve '- _ - -" 0.0' 3' depth -- - 3.0' FILL • -- - - 6.0' Ex/sting Bo/tom SCALE /": /0' 57' SWALE 8' , -1 ___F -? 6 + 8.0' - + T o' SECT/ON A-, d -Pond Love/ Sea Level- - - - - - - - - - f /• 4' 0,0, 3 Rofore rein oval of Dam= Remove all water from pond. Plow earth from bank to bottom (;rude and Compact bottom Frovide diversion Swale to paved Spillway Provide Orodient on bottom to Crook Establish vegetative cover on slopos BY .A. HUGH HARRIS, ?R Professional Engineer- RL S OR/ENTAL, N. C. SHEE T 2 of 2 JUL Y / 4, 1985 depth F14 6 - . 0' Existing Bottom SCALE /".x /O' POND DETAILS and FILL SPECIFICATIONS for L. L. W/ SE TOWNSHIP 5, PAMLICO COUNTY, N. a Pwflass Permit Number New STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 16-86 Department of Natural JkoM Community Development E2 . Excavatio to NCGS 113-229 Issued toL. L. Wise, Route 1, P. 0. Box 25, Oriental. NC 28571 authorizing development in Pamlico County at Tarkl i n Creek (canal off of at Camp Jo Jane) as requested in the permittee's application dated' rec. 7/29/85 including attached plats, sheets 1 L& 2 of ,2 dated 7/14/85. This permit, issued on/, 3 0 ` 1 D , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. (1) Prior to the removal of the plug in the canal, fill material will be placed in the area of the canal landward of the plug to raise the elevation of of the bottom of the canal to that of surrounding waters, a depth of approxi- mately 3 feet, mean sea level (MSL). This fill material, obtained from an upland source, w 11 be clean, free of waste metal products, organic materials, petroleum products-1 and debris. A minimum time period of 24 hours will be allowed to elapse, between the completion of .the placement of thisfill material and the excavation of the plug. (2) Vegetation will be established and maintained on the side slopes of the canal. (3) In order to protect juvenile biological species, no excavation or filling will be permitted between the dates of April 1 and September 30 of any year without the prior approval of the N. C. Division of Coastal Management. (4) All excavated materials will be placed and retained landward of the, normal water elevation contour and any regularly: or irregularly flooded marshlands. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance, as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 1989 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the_ North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. David W. Owens, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee R,. APPLICATION f Y1r FOR L PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICA. EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER LAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (65146-12) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (GS 113.229, 143.215.3(x)(1), 143-215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320-329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information Wi se, Lo L o A. Name Last First Middle B. Address Camp Jo Jane Street, P. O. Box or Route Oriental Nortb. Carolina 28571 (919) 249 1427 City or Town State Zip Code Phone II. Location of ProQosedProject: A. County to 19i co 0. 1. City, town, community or landmark Camp Jo Jane 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Tarkiln Creek III. Description of Project To connect existing pond to existing channel by rlemoval, of A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work deem 8. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length 5width 50 depth 3 3. Fill area length width depth 4. Other length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length none Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material ("total for project) 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 1105 2. Type of material Soil from adjoining bank IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes-No X C. Disposal Area NIA 1. Location 2. Do you claim title to disposal: area! D. Fill material SOUr(C if fill is to be trucked in N/A E. How, will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? On O .om of pori an compacted F. Type of equipment to he used Bulldozer Motor Grader G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No D&F-B1 Rev. 10/78 Am V. Ine9ended Use of Project Area (Desa be) A. 1. Private For. adjoining lot owners 'fir 2. Commercial 1 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other B. 1. Lot size(s) About one half aerie: 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water feet 3. Soil type and texture Sandy loath and clay 4. Type of building facilities or structures none S. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existirl _ep 1 c Planned 0. Describe 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? YesX No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacen waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project comniptlon? Yes_No 2. Type of discharge Rain and soil water 3. Location of discharge Paved spillways None Vii. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for . work in project area, if applicable: None IX. Length of time required to complete project: Fnrnr pnthc X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the ownt? r to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on $;i X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have a dTinrl Ec Ct t a ubmjlammmeJat() gene s Ii ?rle@ntal N. L. 11 p a wttttalu s s 8r±enttt±J N. • I p XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli- cati6n and plat. Appliicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. DATE tl-__? L l/- -t ?1-- Applicant's Signature D&F-B2 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10/78 S R %005 I h a 0 sp?3 S/TE s TARK1 L N CREEK VICINITY MAP SCALE I INCH =I MILE co 35° 00R/3 N ..N E?S? R?VgR STREET w W) 00 "o 5 -3.5 -3.0 WISE tg.4 I p?? I # 0 '.Op -3.0 POND A X x t C pER u 1?NN?? te.o ?gE ? a WISE SrREEr ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN IN FEET ABOVE J*) AND BELOW(-) SEA LEVEL BASED ON A HYDROLOGIC SURVEY USING U. S. COA$T AND SITE PLAN OF GEODETIC DATA FOR BASIS. Existing POND and CHANNEL SCALE / INCH = POO FEET BY A. HUGH HARRIS, JR. VICIN/ TY MAP and SITE PLAN ?+ C' Professional Engineer - RL S L. L. W1 JG ORIENTALf N. C. SHEET 102 JUL Y 14, 1985 TOWNSHIP 5, PAML I CO COUNTY, v. C. 48' ,SWALE B' SWALE - -f 8.0' + 8.0' ---- -' \ J Ire% - o,, SECT/ON C-C ate O °re ?}6C Pond _L eve/ 1.5 - - - - -- + /. 4' Sea LIYI/ _ O.O ` NOTE- Increase slope - - '- 3` depth in this Section as excess -- -3.0' fill is generated. ILL Existing Bottom, ? -- -6.0, a' -- ? A_54 u SCALE I10' 54' 6 SWALE f 8.0' f B.0' SECTION B-B 1.0 Pond Level---I- + /. 4' -3`eo Lsve/ ?y 0.0' - 3' depm s - - - -5.0' FILL Existing Bottom SCALE. / "= /O' 57 8' - ---- - ?_. 6' SWALE_ + 8.0' o' SECTION A-A; -ale m I Pond Level / ?- _ - - _ - - - - _- + 1.4' O - - - - $eo Level 1.5 - 5, depth F/L Existing Bottom SCALE /"-r /O' Pefore removal of Dom: Remove o// water from pond. Plow earth from bunk tobottom .rode and Compact bottom Provide diversion Swale to paved Spillway Provide Gradient on bottom to Creole £stoblish vegelvtive cover on slope$ OY A. HUGH HARRIS, ?R Professional: Engineer RL S ORIENTAL, N. C. SHEE T 2 of 2 JULY l4, 1985 OIL= POND DETAILS and FILL SPECIFICATIONS for L. L. W/ SE TOWNSHIP 5, PAMLICO COUNTY N. C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Water Quality Section December 5, 1985 M E M O R A N D U M TO: John Parker FROM: Dennis Ramsey, SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Permit L.L. Wise Pamlico County The Subject application has been reviewed for water quality impacts and the following comments are offered: 1. The project currently proposed is the same project that was denied in the Spring of 1982. The net result of the project, if 'permitted, would be a dead-end canal approximately 800 feet long. 2. It is expected that violations of dissolved oxygen water quality standards would occur in the canal system due to stagnation of water resulting from poor flushing characteristics and seasonal influx of fresh water runoff. Such violations are very possibly occurring in the existing dead-end canal. To allow the extension of the existing dead-end canal by removing the plug would increase the potential for stagnant water conditions, standard violations, and fish kills. 3. Another factor that influences poor water quality in dead-end canal systems is non-point source pollution in the form of septic tank leachate. This problem is usually associated with developed canal systems and is somewhat dependent on the density of development, ability of the soils to absorb septic tank effluent, seasonal high water tables and setback distances of septic system from the canals. The current development is relatively low density and provides for reasonable setbacks from the canal system. The site is comprised of primarily clay soils which have low permeability characteristics. The seasonal high water table is within 2 ft. of the surface. The site conditions do not appear to be very favorable for septic tank systems and; therefore, the potential for non-point source pollution does exist. -2- 4. This proposed project will not require a 401 water quality certification. As outlined above, water quality standard violations are expected. Therefore, the Water Quality Section objects to this project. DRR/BM:dkb cc: Jim Mulligan Bill Mills /; A*. ?..? w.. E DII/VISSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT R E C E I 1 Y E D November 7, 1985 MRMnD AATnTTM NOV .151985 To: Bill Mills WATER QUALM SECTION OPERATIONS BRANCH Permits and Engineering THROUG Jim Mulligan, Regional Supervisor Washington Regional Office FROM: William J. Moore, Environmental Engineering Tech W Water Quality Section Washington Regional Office SUBJECT: DF/CAMA Application L. L. Wise Pamlico County Project Location Near the terminus of SR 1350 E. of Arapahoe and adjacent to Tarkiln Creek (SC) Project History (1) Applicant submitted DF/CAMA application 3-5-79 for 300 ft. extension of existing 240' x 40' canal - completed project would result in dead-end canal approximately 540 ft. long by 40 ft. wide by 4 ft. deep No 401 required; no objection by DEM - 4/6/79 memo. (2) Applicant submitted DF/CAMA application 10/26/81, for connecting 280 ft. borrow pit to existing 540 ft. x 40' canal - completed project would result in dead-end canal approximately 820 ft. long - No 401 required; DEM objected based on water quality concerns; 2/5/82 memo (3) Applicant requested modification by letter - 4/15/82 modification included (1) fill borrow canal to depth of 3 feet ,. (2) place septic tanks >100' from canal, (3) seed banks of canal - DEM objections and concerns of 2/5/82, remained; project denied Current Project Proposal Mr. Wise is now proposing the same project which was denied in the spring of 1982. The proposed involves: (1) Fill the borrow canal to obtain a depth of 3 ft. (2) Remove a 20 ft. earthern plug (3) Connect the existing borrow canal approximately 300 ft. long by 40 ft. wide by 3 ft. deep to an existing dead-end canal approximately 500 ft. long by 40 ft. wide by 2.5-4 ft. deep. s ' .4 .4W Bill Mills 11-7-85 Page 2 Comments and Recommendations The existing f 500 ft. dead-end canal is connected to Tarkiln Creek just a few hundred yards upstream of the mouth of Tarkiln Creek. Tarkiln Creek is classified SC waters and although not designated, serves as a primary nursery area, as communicated by Dennis Spizbergen, DMF, Morehead. The waters in Dawson Creek near the mouth of Tarkiln Creek are classified SA. The proposed project wduld--i:nvoive-extending the dead-end canal to an overall length of approximately 800 feet. EPA studies document the ac -that long-dead-e-nd_____- canals tend to create stagnant water conditions as a result of poor flushing and seasonal influx of fresh water runoff. The poor flushing action in the canal system causes D.O. and salinity stratification, which in turn violates the dissolved oxygen standards and in some instances kills fish. The poor flushing of dead-end canal systems, coupled with D.O. standard violations and fish kills, has been observed on several occasions in recent months in the Washington Region. It is very possible that the above circumstances could occur in the existing dead-end canal. To allow the extension of the existing dead-end canal would increase the potential for,stagnant water conditions, standard violations and fish kills. Another factor that influences poor water quality in dead-end canal systems is non-point source pollution in the form of septic tank leachate. This problem is usually associated with developed canal systems and is somewhat dependent on the density of development, ability of the soils to absorb septic tank effluent, seasonal high water tables and setback distances of septic system from the canals. The current development is.relatively low density and provides for reasonable setbacks from the canal system. The site is comprised of primarily clay soils which have low permeability characteristics. The seasonal high water table is within 2 ft. of the surface. The site conditions do not appear to be very favorable for septic tank systems and; therefore, the potential for non-point source pollution does exist. In summary, our primary concerns regarding the extension of the canal system are the increased potential for water quality standard violations and fish kills. It is recommended that DEN object to the proposed project. WJM/ekw IL, "I r, .0 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 9- Y -S-5- MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Mills Permits and Engineering THROUGH: Jim Mulligan, Regional Supervisor a y/2-7/?O Washington Regional Office FROM: William J. Moore, Environmental Engineering Tech rri_" G Water Quality Section ____ - Washington--Region-a-1---Of-f-ice- ------- - SUBJECT: Regional Office Review and Recommendations MATER QUt;(_iTY SECTION L L 64 se.. OPERATiOi '? _fRANCH ? ??y, ? Go ?O vn I?? A preliminary review of the proposed project indicates that: ?A 401 Water Quality Certification will'not be required. A 401 Water Quality Certification will be required, and will require public notice advertisement. A 401 Water Quality Certification will be required, but should meet the conditions of the General Certification for and therefore will not require public notice. Final review and recommendations A 401 Water Quality Certification will not be required, this office has no objections to the proposed project. It is recommended that a 401 Water Quality Certification be issued containing a turbidity limit of 25 : 50 NTU. This office has no objections to the proposed project. The proposed project appears to meet the conditions of the General Certification for: This office has no objections to the proposed project. Additional Comments: f"P" Cd r` n Vo / ? e S cv-» 1% a e-7L ?, o -F S b e Ff- X ? Fr" x -7, S" FT 1 eX S?t' ^7 G0. ACk.1 'b S 0 r 4'0.ce L Jal a w,S M-e ear eK 1 ?q J fo7?a.l ?ar?a( 1 QKc? ??i wo..lei ?LAe.h be•., Gwrok, /06.o FT TaYk(ih Cv.__e k ?SC? ??"??v any t>-Aw5o-' C?-?ekC5?4? neoti, cc: 4,1 PA. OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT P a z. .3n U U 3.6 i FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT l o n g. 7 6 4 5 4 5 1. ,Applicant's name L . L . Wise 2'. Location of project site Off SR 1340, canal off Tarkl i n Creek, Pamlico County no photo ref. 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 4-10-85 (B) Was applicant present no 5. Processing procedure: Application received 8-30-85 Office Morhea City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Paml i Co Land classification from LUP Rural -- Deve?pment --constraints-iaeritife?ic---in-LUP ------------- none identified (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Estuarine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters X Estuarine waters Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No X Other (D) Intended use: Public X Private X Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing se p t 1 C tan k Planned septic tank (E) Type of structures: Existing. mobile homes/ frame residences Planned same (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion N/A Source N/A 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: Earthen plug 800 sn_ft canal fill. & bank grading 78,400 s4-.ft (D) Total area disturbed: 79,20() a _ f t _ 8. Project summary Applicant proposes toopen an existing borrow pond to T a r k 1 i n Creek off SR 1340 in Pamlico County 9.' Narrative Description The applicant's property is currently a residential subdivision un- der development which is located adjacent to Tarklin Creek off SR 1340 in Pamlico County. The property segment subject to this permit request involves an existing borrow canal about 560' long by 40' wide with depths ranging between -5' to -7..5' NWL. The surround- ing property is +6 - 8' in elevation and subdivided into lots ap- proximately 1/2 acre in size. Three of the lots surrounding this borrow canal have been built upon with residential structures. The borrow canal is separated from the head of another man-made canal by an earthen plug. The canal adjacent to the borrow canal is about 500' long by 40' wide by 2,5' to 4' deep. This canal connects to Tarklin Creek, Tarklin Creek is designated as inland waters by the N. C. Marine Fisheries and the WLRC and the water classification of Tarklin Creek is SC as designated by DEM. The applicant is proposing to fill the 'existing borrow canal to match the water depths in the adjacent canal. This will be accomplished by sloping the sides of this basin with a bulldozer to obtain the necessary fill material and to also provide a suitable slope for establishing grass. This work is to be done in the pond after it is pumped dry. Once the work is completed, vegetation is proposed to be established and then water introduced into this basin gradually by removing the top half of the earthen plug by a drag line. The tur- bidity in the basin will be allowed to subside before completely re- moving the plug to the proposed grade. The finished water depth of the borrow canal is expected to be 3' NWL and this is'expected to complement the depths of the adjacent waters. At the head of the basin is a proposed boat ramp which is intended to extend water access to additional subdivided lots. 10. Anticipated impacts Conducting the project as proposed will result in the.extension of this man-made system an additional 560' into the high ground. The total man-made system will be approximately 860' long once this is done and about 40' wide. About 1.8 acres will be disrupted by the process of filling the canal to the proper depth and sloping the banks. Water quality problems have long been associated with dead end canal systems due to poor circulation patterns. r 'Submitted by Nelson G. Paul ' Date'**Sept, 10, 1985 APPLICATION 1, r? _,.. - FOR P , U f+, •,.- 1 ` Ii PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICAT EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER LAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT' ~ - - - Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 14612) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, WllmingWn Oistriet .(GS 113-229,143-215.3(a)(1), 143-215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320.329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information - -- --- _ -- --------------- -------wise,--------L ? _ _ _------ L-?-- -- A-Name • Camp Jo Jane First Middle 't B. Address Street, P. O. Box or Route Oriental North. Carolina 28571 (919) 249 1427 City or Town State Zip Code Phone 11. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Val-alico Camp JO Jane B. 1. City, town, community or landmark. X 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Tarkiln Creek Ill. Description of Project To connect existing pond to existing channel by removal of A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length50Q ` width 50 depth 3 3. Fill area length width depth 4. Other length-width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length none Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 1105 2. Type of material Soil from. adjoining bank IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X _ B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area N/A 1. Location 2. Do you claim title to disposal area! D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in N/A E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? un DOT, LOM 01 pond and COmpaC (;e F. Type of equipment to be used Bulldozer Motor Grader G, Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No i o. A I D&F•01 Rev, 10/78 V.,I?Meaded Un of Protest Area (Descrfbe) A. 1. Private For. adjoining lot owmers 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other B. 1. Lot size(s) About one half acrL- 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water ee 3. Soil type and texture Sandy loam and clay 4. Type of building facilities or structures none 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existin _U 1 C o Planned -- -_-----_-----B.-Describe---------------------_:.------- 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (SeeCAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: 1 A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? YesX No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project comnlet;on? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Rain and soil water 3. Location of discharge Paved spillways VI1. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): None- V111. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for . work in project area, if applicable: None JX. Length of time required to complete project: _-?nur Mc?nthg X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8'; X 11 " white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30d ys i wh'c to subm' commP rc to encies li d below Oma '?1nntn_L?er, amp ?o bane, Mental, N. C. i s Ale 9 ant a 7 T7 r X1. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina.`s approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. DATE Applicant's Signature D&F-82 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10/:7@ 6 - • S R /005 ? h a y? S/ TE TARKILN •CREEK VICINITY MAP SCALE / INCH =I MILE 35° 00? -- R/3o RIY?R STREEr 0 - JS -30 ??$E 4-8.4 ?? p 0 ?POp?a6 '0 I . -2.5 2 -3.0 z POND A X 4 x 11 dw- 6 -3.0 -8 '4-Cl tc . ? M *1.4 5g.r -5.3i_63 - 3 • -4.94 . . ? t75 s, A y R? C B -r7 5 ?0 , pE . ? TiNN?L +8.0 SSE 4Y o 2 E Wry TR?Er S ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN IN FEET ABOVE (+) AND BELOW(-) SEA LEVEL BASED ON A HYDROLOGIC SURVEY USING U. S. COAST AND SITE PL AN OF GEODETIC DATA FOR BAS/S. Existing POND and CHANNEL SCALE I INCH s 200 F££T BY A. HUGH IYA KRIS, ?R. VICINITY /NAP and SITE PLAN Professiono/ Engineer - RLS ?• t?,?®? 0??' ORIENTAL, N. C. SHEET / of 2 ?UL Y 141 1985 TOWNSHIP 5, PAML ICO COUNT Y, ?V. C. , e r 48' SWALE _ e' 6' SWALE f 8.0' -0-8.0, -- EC TION C- IC .?,.o ass L 5 - Pond_Leve/-11 - _ _ _ t /. 4' See Level O O' NOTE- Increase slope - - - --- , in this Section as excess 3 depth fill I$ generated. /LL -3.0' Existing Bottom- ? - 6.0' SCALE I /0' 54' SWALE 8' SWAL£ f 8.0' +8.0, 'moo SECTION B-B cB G o ?* _ _ Pond Level -I- /.5 Leo Leve/ + /. 4, -- - - 0.0' 3' depth -3.0, FILL -6.0' Ex/sting Bottom SCALE /0' 5 7' 8' I 1 6' S!YALE- f 7 0' + 8.0 - SECTION A-? l to +C. o`er°s I Pond Level ?' E?GaJo o - - - - L - - i- - - - - - - - - - -f- /. 4' Seo Level l.5 - - __ - -- . -- 010' 3' depth Existing Bottom -1 Pefore removal of Dome Remove all water from pond. Plow earth from bant to bottom erode and Compact bottom fYovide diversion Swale to paved Spillway Provide Gradient on bollom to Crook Establish vogetalive cover on slopos BY A. HUGH HARRIS, ?R Professional Engineer - RL S ORIENTAL, N. C. SHEE T 2 of 2 JULY / 4, /985 6.0 SCALE / /0' POND DETAILS and FILL SPECIFICATIONS for L. L. W/ SE TOWNSHIP 5, PAMLICO COUNTY, N. C. r. SEP 19 1985 WASTAL RE5WOC E5 COMM. State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor i? W.-Owens -- S?`F omas es, tary Director Sept. 10, 1985 Mrs. A Ice eddingf' d Div' ion o Comm ity ssist e eigh, ort arolina 611 Dear Mrs. Beddingfield: The attached copy of an application submitted by: L. L. Wise Applicant's Name Tarklin Creek Pamlico Location of Project County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit... _ X for a CAMA major development permit (only) ... ... is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form yoilr viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than &L LC Sincerely, J n Parke(?ief Major Permits Processing Section JRP:ap:2480 P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT '-aL. 3o U U 30 FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT l o n g . 76 45 45 1. Applicant's name L. L. Wise 2•. Location of project site Off SR 1340, canal off Tarkl i n Creek, Pamlico County no photo ref.. 3. izlvestigation type: Dredge & Fill CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 4-10-85 (B) Was applicant present no 5. Processing procedure: Application received 8-30-85 Office Morehead City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Paml i co Land classification from LUP Rural Development constzaint'---s iden i ied-in-?tiP -?___ none identified (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean. Hazard Estuarine shoreline Coastal wetlands Public trust waters X Estuarine waters Other (C) Water dependent: Yes No X Other (D) Intended use: Public X Private 'X Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing septic tank Planned septic tank (E) Type. of structures: Existing. mobile homes/ frame residences Planned same (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion. N/A Source NIL 7. Habitat description: AREA (A) Vegetated wetlands: Dredged Filled Other (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: (C) Other: Earthen -plug son sq, ft canal fill. & bank grading _.ft ,(D) Total area disturbed:` 79 - 9nn a n- f t 8. Project summary Applicant proposes to pen an existing borrow pond to Tarklin Creek off SR 1340 in Pamlico County! is 9. Narrative Description The applicant's property is currently a residential subdivision un- der development which is located adjacent to Tarklin Creek off SR 1340 in Pamlico County. The property segment subject to this permit request involves an existing borrow canal about 560' long by 40' wide with depths ranging between -5' to -7..5' NWL. The surround- ing property is +6 - 8' in elevation and subdivided into lots ap- proximately 1/2 acre in size. Three of the lots surrounding this borrow canal have been built upon with residential structures. The borrow canal is separated from the head of another man-made c-a-n-a byan earthen plug. The canal adjacent to the borrow canal is about 500' long by 40' wide by 205' to 4' deep. This canal connects to Tarklin Creek. Tarklin Creek is designated as inland waters by the N. C. Marine Fisheries and the WLRC and the water classification of Tarklin Creek is SC as designated by DEM. The applicant is proposing to fill the existing borrow canal to match the water depths in the adjacent canal. This will be accomplished by sloping the sides of this basin with a bulldozer to obtain the necessary fill material and to also provide a suitable slope for establishing grass. This work is to be done in the pond after it is pumped dry. Once the work is completed, vegetation is proposed to be established and then water introduced into this basin gradually by removing the top half of the earthen plug by a drag line. The tur- bidity in the basin will be allowed to subside before completely re- moving the plug to the proposed grade. The finished water depth of the borrow canal is expected to be 3' NWL and this is expected to complement the depths of the adjacent waters. At the head of the basin is a proposed boat ramp which is intended to extend water access to additional subdivided lots. 10. Anticipated impacts Conducting the project as proposed will result in the extension of this man-made system an additional 560' into the high ground. The total man-made system will be approximately 860' long once this is done and about 40' wide. About 1.8 acres will be disrupted by the process of filling the canal to the proper depth and sloping the banks. Water quality problems have long been associated with dead end canal systems due to poor circulation patterns. Submitted'by Nelson G. Paul Date . Sept. 10, 1985 r a` APPLICATI- V j a --- --- FOR •.i PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICAT _. EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER LAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 14612) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers, Wllming¢on DbUkt _(GS 113-229, 143.215.3(x)(1), 143-215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 204.320-329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable, so indicate by placing N/A in blank. 1. Applicant Information Wise L. L. A. Name - -- - - -_-- -- • Last First Middle B. Address Camp Jo Jane Street, P. O. Box or Route Oriental North Carolina'. 28571 (919) 249 1427 City or Town State , Lip Code Phone 11. Location of Pro Qosed Project: A. County ntlllico B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Camp JO Jane 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project _-, Tarkiln Creek III. Description of Project To connect existing pond to existing channel by removal of A. 1.. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work 0. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length 500 width - 50 depth •'?- 3. Fill area length width depth 4. Other length width depth none C. 1. Bulkhead length Average distance waterward of MNW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material E. Fill material to be placed below MNW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 1105 2. Type of material Soil from. ad.i of ni ng bank IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. 'Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area N/A 1. Location 2. Do you claim title to disposal areal D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in N/A E. Now will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? On bottom O Pen an cc)m{Jac _e F. Type of equipment to he used Bulldozer - Motor Grader G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No I D&F-B1 t Rev. 10/78 Itttsndi the of Project Area (E%ewr*e) For. adjoining lot owners A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other About one half aerie B. 1. Lot size(s) 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water lee 3. Soil type and texture Sandy loath and clay 4. Type of building facilities or structures none 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing-se Planned B. Describe - -- 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED' TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? YesX No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project comnleNon? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Rain and soil water 3. Location of discharge 'Paved spillways VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): one VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable. None IX. Length of time required to complete project: Fnnr Mcant-hg _ X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8;2 X 11" white paper (see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred - only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 d ys irl whjcFt to submjt commP f, to encies li. d below, Oma T1n11t1_=r, amp ju bane, Orintal, N. C. F a 4- -1 XT -1 nnt=ate rr r. XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli• cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction, excavation, filling, and land clearing. DATE Applicant's Signature i D&F-82 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10/78 ICINITY MAP SCALE I INCH I MILE - ---- --= -- ------ S R 1005 h M TE s TARKILN CREEK 4A- CH -- -- ---- - -.-3-5 ° Qom.-- - - - -- - - RI30 RfVcR STREET vV -3 5 30 NI se +8.4 6 0 . -2.5 -3.0 1 POND x? A X -,32 19 -3.0 -4. A - M t/A -4.91-63 isg` C ?., rT.5 `-? 475 .m. ? 1 A ?0 ` 7 y RI C e +5 ?0 vE T?NN0L. +B.0 2 E 1 WAS \ rR??r s ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN IN FEET ABOVE(*) AND BELOW(-) SEA LEVEL BASED ON A HYD;4040CIC SURVEY USINti U. S. C0AST AND SITE PLAN OF GEODETIC DATA FOR BAS/S. Existing POND and CHANNEL SCALE I INCH : 200 FEET BY A. HUGH HARRIS, JR. VICINITY MAP and SITE PLAN Professional Engineer - RLS ?• e L ,?0®? WISE ORIENTAL, N. C. SHEE T I of 2 JULY /Q, 1985 TOWNSHIP 5, PAMLICO COUNTY, N. C. 48' SCALE - 8' ---+? ?•+-6'? SWALE - 4 8.0, f 8.0' -- ECTION C-IC -. a E?GQl Pond _L evel ?1 - - - -- f /. 4' See Level O.O' NOTE- Increase slope , - -- -- in this Section as excess 3 depth fill is generated. /LL -3.0' Existing Bottom - -6.0, SCALE /".r /O' 54' - ALE 8 6 SWALE- f 8.0' +8.0' _ _ ?l DLO O /. 5 I " SEC 770/V B-8 Pond Level ---' - Sea Leve/ .?, - - f 3' depth ZVI' FILL Exlsting Bottom SCALE / to 4- /. 4' 0.0, -3.0 6".O' 57' [.. SYVALE_ f 8.0 - to + 7. O' SECTION A -A, to o`°°?n I Pon d L eve/ Sea Level *1.4' 15 - -- 0.0, 3' depth Ex/sting Bottom Pefore removal of Dam: Remove a// water from pond. Plow earth from bank to bottom erode and Compact bottom P?ovide diversion Swale to paved spillway Provide Gradient on bottom to Creek Establish regototive cover on s/opos BY A. HUGH HARRIS, ?R Professional Engineer- RL S ORIEN7,4L, N. C. SHOE r 2 of 2 JULY l4, 1985 -3.0 1 - 6.0' SCALE / /O POND DETAILS and FILL SPECIFICATIONS for L. L. W/ SE TOWSHIP 5, PAMLICO COUNTY, N. C, V ?.0 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 October 29, 1985 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: File No. SAWCO85-N-069-0316 RECEIVED --_ _ -- _ __ - --- ------ - -r? ?V_0 4.1985 ----- Mr. John Parker WATER UALTY SECTION Division of Coastal Management OPEI0110i\;; .3RANCH North Carolina Department of Natural. Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Parker: Reference the application of Mr. L. L. Wise for a Department of the Army permit to excavate an earthen dam and maintain a canal and channel to connect a pond to Tarklin Creek at Camp Jo Jane, Pamlico County, North Carolina. The Federal agencies have completed review of the proposal as presented by the application and your field investigation report. We recommend that the following conditions be included in the State authorization: a. Prior to the removal of the plug in the canal, fill material will placed in the area of the canal landward of the plug to raise the elevation of the bottom.of the canal to that of surrounding waters, a depth of approximately 3 feet, mean sea level (MSQ. This fill material, obtained from an upland source, will be clean, free of waste metal products, organic materials, petroluem products, and debris. A minimum time period of 24 hours will be allowed to elapse between the completion of the placement of this fill material and the excavation of the plug. b. Vegetation will be established and maintained on the side slopes of the canal. -2- c. In order to protect juvenile biological species, no excavation or filling will be permitted between the dates of April 1 and September 30 of any year without the prior approval of the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. d. All excavated materials will be placed and retained landward of the normal water elevation contour and any regularly --- - -or--i.r-r_egularly _flooded marshlands. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Ernest Jahnke, telephone (919) 343-4467. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Copies Furnished: Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of 'Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Wetlands Section Marine and Estuarine Branch U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. Nelson Paul Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 August 7, 1985 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC085-N-069-0316 Mr. L. L. Wise Camp Jo Jane Oriental, North Carolina 28571 Dear Mr. Wise: RECEIVED rWATER QUALITY SECTION OPERATIONS BRANCH On January 27, 1981, we issued general permit No. SAWC080-N- 000-0291 (enclosed), which provides Federal authorization for construction activities that receive-authorization from the State of North Carolina. A review of your application received July 26, 1985, for a Department of the Army permit to excavate an earthern dam and maintain a banal and channel to connect a pond to Tarkiln Creek at Camp Jo Jane in Pamlico County, North Carolina, indicates it to be a candidate for Federal authorization under this general permit. Accordingly, the-administrative processing of your application will be accomplished by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management. Comments from Federal review agencies will be furnished to the State. If your application must be withdrawn from this general permit process for any reason, you will be written and informed of its further management. If there are no unresolved differences of State-Federal positions or policy, the final action taken on your application by the State will result in your receiving written notice from us that your application has been successfully processed under our general permit. Only after receiving such confirmation should you begin work. Your application, pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act, has been assigned No. SAWC085-N-069-0316 and will be coordinated by Mr. Ernest Jahnke, telephone (919) 343-4467. He is available to address questions or comments you may have. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure t ?s -2- o es Furnished'. Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 ---------- - - --- - - ----------- Mr. William Mills Water Quality Section Division of Environmental . Management N th Carolina Department of VNatural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine, Fisheries Service, NOAA Post Office Box 570 Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. Lee Pelej Environmental Review Section Environmental Assessment Branch U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30365