HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160380 Ver 2_Application Attachments_20180430 (5)��i�rr�t'd� �'!'Sra�lY'i�c'4 ti1411U1Ntt1 H � h� OUf�L I] i R��C��V��� �4ar � 5 �ais �IVI���N 14 A!'1�ItOVAL uf 101 �'VATCR QUA1,1�'Y C[:R7'IFICATIQIY Mr. Uavid 1�4cHenry, Enviranme�ital Spe�i�lisl NCDC)T, 1]ivisic�r7 V4 253 Webster �Zoad 5v6va, Narlli Carolina 2�i779 DeaF Mr. Mcl-ieoiry: I".1 l' '�I�'c I:��I.� ��� i� j�. 1 � i � Z �. /, � ��� �l 1 � 1'� �1 � ` �,��" 1crY�ol lc��;4� N1ay 24, ?171G F 9<<}�+vc7�d Cou��tl�� NC[71'JR E'royec� �l�, 2011i-q3�fM Cirad�e a3�1309 cTn SR 1373 5t.ate P�•ojeet N��, 17I�P.Id.C�.128 Yc�u httvc ouC aj�provaV, in aceor+Janc� wti'ilfl tI►C Cs�llc9ilions listecl bei��ti�, far tlrc follotivin� �r�tipacls for ls►e p��rposc af f�Eicl�e repl�ticci��er�t in [�a�°+��caocl Cc�undy: 5trc:rn� lm aacts in Ihe f'rcncl� Qru�►cl R�vcr R�sin Sitc Perrn�incnt Pil1 in Tem�roraryy �i�l in Tat�l 5t,�caroi Pcrennit�l Strcanf F'ercnniol Slrc�m [mps�ct linc.�r fl} N�iear f! (lincar ff -- -- --�----------�--_ - - � - -----� ---- —��'�-- -------��---- --- -----�--- s$_ — __ SlA Il5 I15 SVB I 38 38 SIC �' ----- �5 --- -------__ 35 _� Tot.tl 611 � I15 � 22fi Tutal Slream fm�i��ek for Projccl: 22fi lirocar feel. �'I�e proj«l sli�IG be c:�nstrucie�l in accnrd�ncc watli your a���lqcatic�n datccl Apri1 I�, 2(716. Afitp revie�vin� your fl�,�I14:ill�ln31, w'C I1�lVC CIeC1�LICiI lllill IIICSe Illlj]�iCIS afe COVerecl by` Gt'Il�Ci1I �1i�f1�1:1' Ql1i3IlI1� Cenific��ion Nurnber 3R�'G. 'l'his ccrtilica�io�� cc�r�•esE�nieds �o tlyr lYt�tion�ti•icic f�ranit l�� issued C�y lAi4 Cctr��s uf Gn�inccrs. lai acld�tion, y°c�u should act�tiirc Fiuty ollrer fecle��ai, sia�e or Iqca1 ��ern�its befare }'ou ��ruccei� �vilk� yc�ur �r�aj�e� incluci�n� QE�u� not lir�iiled tij) Secllime�n mid Grc�sion Cnntrol, i*lorj-Diicl�ar�;e �ui� 1V;�trr Sup��l}' 1V�tirshcc� ref�ul�liotts. This ap�rc�v�tl tivill c��ire �vitli thc aecum�<�n}�iaig 40d pernlit. "Clros a��prov�rl is v,�Vid solel}r fi�r t��e ��urpose ;�ncl �lesigo� d�srribed in }�our �pi�lic��oon (unless mc�cioi�c�t belu4v). Should yc�ur �rc�ject clinnti,�e, Yn�u rilusE natily lh� NC'D'41'R nrjcE su[}mit a ne�ti� ap��licalia�i. 'If`the ��ropert}� is snld. �f�e IlL'15' 11VYne:r Anusl be �,ive�i <t cc���y ��I�dhis Cer-�i�icalic7n anci ��praval letler, �tnc1 is ther�Uy respea�asible �o� cam�71�}�i��g �+�ilh ;tll t1�e conc�itians. I I'latal tt�etland fi115 for this ��rUj�ct (nueti� ur in tfoe fiil�ir�) c:�ceecl ona a�rr, ar e�f tolal ien6�acls tu sTreams (nu�ti� pr in lh� lailure) exceecl I S{i line�r fcet, cum�acnsatury m�li�ati�n rnay^ U� �equieecl .as c�escrif�e�l en IiA NL'A(' 21l .U511(i (li) (l►} anc� (7). l�ar this �tpE�rci�^�I �o rem��iri valic�, }�c�u mtist adE3ere to Iloe corirJitions listecl i« the auachecl cer�ilrcalion(s) and �ny addilic�n�il conditioi�� lislcc� h+�los4�. f`onelGtiun(s) of Ccrl'+ficatiuii: ti�ettnl'Ro�tltC�auliit:o [sn�iunn,cnl.ilihv,liSti;L!"rittrfdc;.�:irca� �n1I�'ai5�,�ee:,Fi'er.R:�'c�t, Gr,ttLCa�c�:na21o99.1517 �-r�or�c y�g.t;}7l-s:u �,. + 1 _y����� tw�n-��"� ��.�+t-X.•..,�:�� ♦'w �_ - �a _.`�� — _ _ �r'_ �>> General Canditioas 1. Untess atherwise approved in tl�is certificatian, plecement of culverts anci vther struetures in open waters �nd streams shall be glaced balorv the etevation of the streambed by one foot for all cuiverts with a diameter greater tiisn 48 inches, aud 20 percent oFthe culvert diameter for cul�erts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to a�lo�v low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placenient of culverts and other struckures inclading ternparary erosian cantral measures shall �ot be conducted in a maiinar that may resUlt in dis-equ ilibrium of �vetlands or streambeds or b�nks, adjacenk to or upstream and do�vnstream of the alsave structures. i'he applicai�t is required ta provide evidence that ihe equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by NCD�VIL If this condition is unable fo he mek due to bedro�k or uther limiting feakures encountered during constructinn, please contactNCDWR fnr guidance on how ta proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification svill be required. [iSA NCAC 02H.OSQ6(h)(2)] 2. If conarete is used duriug consfruction, a dry wark area sliall be maintained to preuent direct contact behveen curii�g concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently cuntaets uncured concrete sltall nat be disch�rged to surface wraters dus to the pntentiel for eievated �rH anc! possible aquatic life and �sh kilts. (15A NCAC 42B.Q204j 3. Durirtg the construction af the project, no staging of equipmeni of any ktnd is permitted in waters of the U,S., or protected riparian buffers. [15A NCAC 02H.OSOb(b)(2)] 4, The dimension, pattern and profile of the slream above and belo�v the crossing shall not be modified. Disturbed floadplains and streams sliall be restored to natutal geomorphic conditians. [l5A NCAC 02H.OSDS(b)(2)J S. The use af rip-rap a6ove the Norrnal Higii Water Mark shall he minimized. Any rip-rap placed Par stream stabilixation shall be placcd in stream channels in such a manner #hat it does not impede aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H.a506(b)(2)] �i. The Permittee shall ensurc that tlte final design drativings adhera kv the permit and to the permit dra�vings suhmit�ed for apPraval. [15A NCAC �2H .45QT(�) and LSA NCAC 0?43 .0506 (b)(7.� a�d ic)(z)] 7. All wnrk in or adjacent to slream waters shall be condaeted in a dry ti�ork area. Approved BMP measures firom the most current version ofNCD�T Constructioi� and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversian structures shall be useci to prevent excavati�n iii flotiving water. j 15A i1CAC Q2H.OSQb(b}(3} and (c)(3}] 8. Heavy equipment sttiall be flperated &o►n the banks rather than in khe stream channei in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce ti►e intrad�ctian af other pQllutants into the strea�n. f 1 SA NCAC �2H.OSOG(b)(3)] 9. All mechanized equipment operated near surFace +vaters must be regularly inspected and maintained to pre�ent contamination of stream �vaters from fuels, Iubricants, hydraulic ffuids, or other tvxic materials. �15A NCAC 02N.{�506(b)(3)] l0. No rack, sand or other materials shall be dredged fram �he stream channet except where suthorized by this certifcation. [1SA i�ICAC U2H,0506(b)(3)] 1 i. Discharging hydraseed mixtures and wasl�ing out hycfroseeders and other equipment in ur adjacent to surface wAters is prohibited. [L5A NCAC 02H.OS46(b)(3)] 12. The permittee and its authorized agents shal! canduct its aetivities in a manner consistenk with State water qualiry standArds (incfuding any ree�uirements resulting &ani campliance ►vith �343(d) oi th:, Clean t�+a�ter Act) and any other appropeiate requirements of State and Federat law. [f the NCL7WR determines that such standards or lativs are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal Inw i� bei��g vialated, or that further condition5 are necessary io assure carnpliance, thc NGDWR mey raevaluate and niodify this ceitification. [1 SA NCAC 02B.(1200J 13. Alf fill slopes located in jurisdictianal wetla�ds shall 6e placed at slopes no flatter than 3:1, unless othenvise autharixed by this certification, [l5A NCAC 02H.05li6(b)(2)] l4. A capy of this Water Quality Certifcation shall be maintained on the conslruction site at all times. Tn addition, the Water Qualiry Certification and s!1 su6sequent modifications, ifany, shall be maintained with ihe Divisivn Engineer and the on-site project manager. [15A NCAC 02H .USO7(c) and l5A NCAC 02H .�506 (b)(2} and {c}(2)] 15. The oulside buf%r, �vetiand or �vater boundary located tiviEhin the construction corridor appro�ed by this authorizatian shalI be clearly marked by highly visible fenciog prior to any iand disturbin� activifies. Impacts to areas within tha f�IiClll� are proliibited unless othenvise authori�rd by this cerrif catian. [ I SA NCAC 02H.U501 and .0502] 16. The issuance of this eertificetian does not exempt the Permittee from complying �vith any and all statutes, rt21e3, regulations, or ordinanc�s th�t may be imposed by other goverrunent agencies (i.e. Ioca1, state, and fedetal) having jwisciiction, including but nut limsted to applicable buffer ru[es, starmwater m�uagement rules, soil erosion and sedimentation coatrol reyuirements, etc. 17. Tlie PeRnittes shall report any vialafions of this certification to the Di�ision of 1Vater Resources ►within 24 hours of discovery. [ 15A NCAC 02B.Q506(bj(2}] 18. Upon completinn of the project {including any irripacts at assoeiatad borro►v or waste sites), the NCDOT Divisinn Engineer shall complete and retum tne enclosed °Certification of Campletion Forn�° to notify the NCD�YR �vhen ail work incjuded in the 401 Certi6catian has been campleted. [15A NCAC 02H.0502(�J 19. There shall be no axcauation from, or �vaste disposal into, jurisdictianal wetlands or �vate�s associated ►vith this permit without appropriate modification. S]�ould waste or b9rraw sites, or access roads to waste or borrow sikes, be locatcd in �vetiands ar streams, compensatory mitigation �vill be required since that is a direct impact &am road construction acti�ities.[ 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3j and (c){3)] 2Q. Erosion and sediment contro! �ractic�s must be in �i:ll complianee with aU s�ecifieations �ove.rning the proper desiga, installation and operation and maintenauce of s�ch Best Management Practices in order ta protect swFace watars standards [l5A NCAC 02H.0506(b](3) and (c}(3]): a. The erasion and sediment control measures for ihe pra�ect must be designed, inslalled, operatcd, and rnaintained in acenrdance with the most recent version af the Nor11r Carolf,ia Sedrn�er�t ar�d Erasiolr Car�fro! Plafming and Desigrr Mam�al. b. The design, installation, aperation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion conaol me�sures niust be such that they equal, Qr exceed, the requirements specified in the mast recent version of the Nor�h Cnro[lrra Sedimeu! arrd Er�osforr Corrrra! hd�r�rral. The devices shall be maintained an all consauctipn sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil} projects, inclading contractar-awned or leased borro�v {�its assaciated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designad, instalied, operated, and maintained in accordance ►vith the most recent version of the Narrii Carofina Surface Mi»frrg Ma��rral. d. The reclamation measures and implementation mi�st comply witn the reclamation in accordanee with the requiremants of the Sedimentetion Pollutian Control Aet. • 21. 5ediment and eroslan control me�sures shal l not be piaced in wedands or tivaters unless okherwise appraved by this Certification. [LSA NCAC Q2H.�506(ir)(3) and (c)(3)] if you wish to contest any siatement in the attaehed Certi�cation yau must File n petition for an adminisirative liearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must :ile the petition with the ofFee cf.,.dministr��ive I{earings within sixty (6�) days of receipt af this natice. A petitian is cansidered fiied when it is received in tE�e office oFAdministrative Hearings during narma! oftiee hours. The Offi�e of Administrative Elearings accepts filings Mvnday thraugh �'riday bet�veen the liours ofB:ODam ttnd S:OOpm, except far officia{ state liolida��s. The original and one (l) copy oftl�e petition m�rst l,ye flled tivith the C?ffice of Ad�ni�iisfraliv� He�rings. � ihe pettlian may be f�xed-provided the ariginal and ane copy of lhe doeurnenl is received by the OlTice of AdrninisSrative Hearings wi�liin five (S} �usiness days foilowing lhe F�xed transmissinn. 'Che mailing address Cor ihe Oliice nfAdministrative Heerings is: Office atAdministra#ive Hearings 6714 Ma+l 5ervice Center Releigli, NC 27i549-6714 Telrphane: (914) 43 I-30UQ, Faesimile: (9 i 9) A3 I-3 � 00 A copy oFthe petilion mus� also be served on DEQ as Fallows: Mr. Sam M. Hayes, General Cnunsel Dcpartment of �nvironmenlal Quolity 1601 Mail Serrrice Center This letter cnmpletes Ihe ne+riesv of the Div"ssio� of W�ier Reso��rces uncler Sectian dU 1 nf the Clenn WAter Act. 1 f you have any questions, ple�se contact Kevin Barnelt a� {8281296-A657 or kevin.bamett�ncdenr.gou. Sineerel , � �+ S. ]ay Zimn�errnnn, birector Division of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: l.ori Beck�viti�, U5 Army Carps oF Engineers, Ashcville Field Office Marl� Cl�ambers,'�C L�'ildiiF'e Resaurces Com�nissioiS I'ilc C�p�