HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160400 Ver 2_Application Attachments_20180430.�� �- �z^rG Corps Sul�mittai Co�er Sheet Please pr�avide the following info: l. Praject Name Brid�,e 1 D2 on SR 1173 Piatt Creek Raad) �. Name of Property OwnerlApplicant: NC Department of Transportation __ 3. 1'dame af Consultan�lAgent: N!A +Agent authoriz�tion needs to be attached. 4. RelatecUPrevious Actian ID number(s): N/A 5. Site Address: N1A �i. Subdivisian Name: N!A 7. Ciky: Wavnesville $, Caunty: Havwoad R, Lat: 35.�79�72° N Lo�g: -83.U15897 ° W _(Apprax. Praject Center) l0. Quadrangle Name: HazelvYood (35083-D1-TF-024) 1 l. Wakerway: P�ott Creek (C Tr) 12. Watershed: French Bt'oad River (06010146) l3. I�equested Action: X Nationwide Permit # 1� General Pernut # Juristiictianal Determinatian Request Pre-Application Request The fc�Ilawing inforrnation vvill be completed by Coips office: AII): lPrepare File Falder Assign number in ORM Segin Date Authorizatian: Sectian 10 Section 404 Project Description/ Nahjre of Activityl Project Purpose: Site/Watel�s Name: Keywords: Transportacion A}�e�il 22, 20�16 Ms. Lori Bec�:�vith, NCDOT Regz�l�toiy Project Ma»�ger �1. S. Ar�tt}7 Cau'��s of Eilgineers 1 S 1 P�ltoa� Avei�ue, Roo��j 208 Asl�eville, NC 2$$(}1-2714 Subjcct: Natioa3�vide �4 �'zrmit Applic�tion PAT McCRORY Gvrer�ror NICHOLAS J. TE'i'�f�NYSQN Secrclary Rep7lace Bridge Na. 102 �ib SR 1 I73 (Plott Creek Ro�d) avei• Plott Creek �c�)'1V00({ CaUfl� State� Project No. 1713P.14.R.128 (D�3��A-�430102) (llVVR Nlinor Pe�•ruit Fee 52�10.00} Dear Ms. I3eck�vitli. Tl�e Nortt► Carali»a D����rh�7ent of T��ans�ortation (NCDOT) is praposing ko re}�lace tl�e subject bricige. Tl�e erisci�tg 20' L{span) � 27' l��r concrete flQa� �i� steel girder nritl� concreUe abut�z�ent bridge needs tc� be repl�ced chie to dekerioration ancl insufFicien� �vic3kh. The proposed replacement stru�et��i`e tvi�l be � 1 tr 12' 1V (spa��} X 5' H X�R' L reinforced concrete box culvco't pl�ced an � 1.5�4% sl�pe �a�lel ! 35° s�:e�w. Tlie culvert inlet, mid-povnt, ai�d outlet �vill fi�ve 1' H sills to lielp retarn stre�it� l�edl�ac� at�c� iFacilit�te fish pass�ge. ,Ati off-site detou�• �vi41 I�e tiised �vlliBe tlie briei�e is removecl �ti�ci tkie culv�rt is constructec! in tli�e s3iue locatio�l. E�iclosed �re a PCN ap}�flicatian, prel�mfinaryr jurisciic�ional fo►-►n, SF-iP� forins, culvert avaicCance aa�cE mi�iimization� �'orms, Divisiort of �+litigati�on Sei•vices mitig�ation acceptan�e letter, �l�n sheets sho�ving tl7e peo�osed ��rark, a ot�arked vici�aity map, ��LJSGS c�toad i�7�}�, ��hotogr�phs, and otlyer suppoi�tinc project inforiiiaki4�t. Ti�e NartNti Cai�olin� Natur�i I-�eritage Program clatab�se was checked tor �•ecards of threatened and end��i�ered species. T��ere a��e 51 speeies liskcd fao� Hay�r�ood Coui�t�� tliat have Fet�eral stat�is. T�ie bog turtle (G117��tc�ni��.s �arrrhle�rl�e�giij is liste�l as threate�ied c1t�e to similaricy af aE�pearanee to tlie listec� i�oc•thern 130� t����kle. �3a�cl e��le (Ncrlirreetrrs leucocephafus) is liste�3 t��ider tkie B�ld aild Golde�i Ea�l� Protectio�ti Act (1-9GPA}. Niiie species, Carolin� nortHiern flying squii-re� (�larrconr��s scrGrvnrrs col�rcrlus), gra}� bak (1Llyolis g►�isescet�s}, Iiidiana t�ak (Alyolis sorlalis), A�`aalacliiaii elkt�e (�fl�a.s►,rirlc��rrrr rcrreat�lic�a�cr%, s��r��ce-fir �tioss s�idei� (�1�I1C1'OJTC'_1'!'�J'C! 11101Tfd1�C1�'[t�, soaj�ll «�horled pogonia (Isatrrcr ��redec�loicles•}, spre�dinb avens (C:errrat ��Cl(%PClI111i7�, rock ��o�tie IICII�II �Ci)�l)l11f][TE?1'1Nf1 I117�C71'E'), A1AC� 1101'kli�El'll IOI1�T-e�31'ed ��� {�LI}�oli,�� scptc'r�la�irlarcili.s, %ILEB) are htto�vi� I�ro�» ctirrenk records 7tid ai�e listecl as eitEier threate�aed or enda�igered. AccordiiYj to tlie USFI�VS, Ha��voocl County� is no�ti� consic�eeed occu��ied sun}me�� range f�r In�diana b�ts and NLrB. A��palacEiial� elktoe are f�iu�d in soiiie �vell-ox3��e�t�te€1 sts�e�n�s �t�itii n�oder�te to f�st floavQ�ig �r��ter �nd st�ble, mi�ed substrates of s�lt, s�nci, �r�vel, �ndlor cQbf�le. Streams t�iat sup��ort t�7is mussel �re typic�lly mueh I�rger au�d wara��er tkl�n Plott Creek. The o�lly e•ecards in H�t}���oad �Nothing Comp�res�._.�_ State af idorih C'nrolina I Urp:viment of l�ran:portation � fJi�ision 14 ��3 ti1'eb�lcr lioa� � Sy'I+:a, Nor11i Carulina 33779 I'hone 323-SS6-? l41 � Fa� 3?8-536-1413 Bridge No. 43�1�2 Page 2 Aprll Z2, 2016 County are fi•om the Pigean Rivei• and the lo�ver po��tions of tlie East Fork Pigeon and VVest Fork Figeon ri�ers upstream ofCanton; thei•e are no records from any tributaries to these rivers. The Pigean River is abot�t S miles dawnstream of the bridge site and this reach of the river is over 8 ri'ver miles d�wnstream of occttpied ntussel habitat. Additionally, there is a large impaundment, Lake Junaluska, beriveen tlie bridge and the }'igeon Ri�er. With rare exception, gray bats roast in caves year-round and Indiana hats and NLEB tivinter in caves or mines tvitli stable, but not freezing, cold temperatures. Tl�is project only involves a small 6ridge replacement, so construction tvork �vill not eYtend far fi•om the eYistiifg right-of-�vay into areas �vhere caves coutd necur. Tl�ere are na caves or tnines visible near the bridge and, according to USGS data, the neurest tmderground tnine is over 6.6 miles away. Therefore, gray bats and hibei�iating Indiana bats and NLEB will not be affected 6y tlie project. in stmimer, Indiana bats and NLEB generally roost an structt�res �r under tkae loose bark of trees, either dead �vith peeling bark or cavities, or live ti�eeS �Vlth shaggy i?al'�C Such A5 �vhite oak, �naples, sycamores, and hickaries. The bi'idge �vas saiveyed on June 2, 2015 and there �vere i�o roasting bats or any evidence oF bat usage (i.e. staining or guano}. The struchtre is anly a few feet above the �vater surface and very cool underneatls. There are na kna�vn NLEB hibernacufa or maternity roast trees �vithin a.25 inite or 150 feet, respectively, of the bridge site, Therefare, the praject sl�ould be consistent tvith exce�tians for incidental take outlined in the NLES Final 4(d) rule. Ttie construction work may require the removal of apprasimately 12 large �vhite pine and maple trees near the bridge. To prvteck lndiana bats, any abstructing trees �vill be rem�ved from Ockober lS to April 15 (winter elearing}. VVith tl�is measure, ►ve recommend a"may affect, not likely to ac�versely affeet" determination far Tndiana bat. Small �vhorled pagonia generally occurs in open, dry, deciduous woods ►vith acid soil, rhaugh habitats can include slopes along stre�ms and mesic forest with �vliite pine and ri�odoclendron. Lai�d use Adjacent to the bridge c�nsists of maintained road shaulders, yards, drives, and pasture. There is na l�abitat near the bridge capable of suppoiting small �vharled pagonia. The Caroli�ia noi�thern f�ying sc�uirrel, i'ock gnatne lichen, spiuce-fir moss spider and spreadiiig aveitis are found in spiuce-�r forests and other isolated high ele�ation loeatians in �vestern Noith Caralina. Hoivever, rock gnome lichen is an exeeption because it can occasianally be found at lo�ver elevations in deep river garges with high humidity or on some vertical rock faces tl��t are periadically tvet. Tlie b�•idge site lias an elevation of o�ily 2,760 feet and lacks rock faces and atlter I�abitat conditions required by these species. The project is li�i�ited in scope. Erosiou attd sedimeiitation eontrol rtteasures will be imple�ne�ited ta miui,nize adverse effects of tl�e wark on aqt�atic habitats. Habitaks far listed species appear lacicing at tl�e praject site and none of these species were observed during field visits. For these reasans and those discuss�d above, �ve recomrnend that a deCerinitiation of"no eifect" on listed species apply to tl�is project, e.�cept for bats as uated above. Tliis project �vas revie�ved by NCDOT's Human EnviraitnYent Unit in 201 l. A survey ►vas not required for ftis#oric structures witlt a determination aino effect. A st�rvey was conducted for archeological resources tiviti� a determination of no resaurces peesent {see attacl�ed fornis). i�ICDOT best management practices svill be used to ntinimize attd control sedimentation and erosion on this project. The constniction foremaii �vill revie�v all erosion co�itroi measures daily to etisin•e sedimentation and erasion controls are being effectively cantc'olled. if the devices are not fimctioning as intettded, they wi{I be replaced immediately �vith better devices. Bridge No. 43(i102 Page 3 April 22, 201b Impacts t4 Wate��s of tl�e United States Platt Creek (DWQ Ciass: C Tr) is sho�vn on the USGS tapographic map as a perennial stream. The channel is approxiinately IZ feet in �uidth and �vell defined �vith a substrate of sand, siit, gravel, and raek. Tlie stream Itas sufficient fialv tfl support fislt ai�d other aquatic life. Piott C��eek fla�vs to Richland Creek rvl�ieh empties into Lake Jw�aluska. Richland Creek flo�vs from the lake to khe Pigeon River. The Pigeon River meets the definition �f a Traditianal Navigable Water (7`NW). For these ��easons, ��e believe Plott Greek is a Relatively Permanent Water {RP1N� and is w�der tije jurisdictian �Fthe U.S. Army Coips af Enginee��s. [n arder to constrtZct the project, it �vill be necessary to impact �vaters of ttie United States ii� the Frei�cii Braad River Basin (CU OGO 10I0b). Specifcally, NCD�T is reques�ting to replace Bridge N�. 102 tivith a single-cell reinforced eoncrete box culvert. Listed bela�v is a summa�y oFthe �ropased i�npacfs. Existing Condition P��tiposed Coudition Net Impacts Site No, {feet) 2q' L(spanj � 27' W 1 a 12' W(span) � S H� 89' L l Cancrete Flaor on Steel 89 Ginder Brid e Reinforced Cancrete $ox Culvert Impervious Dike and Flo�v 1 A Free-Flo►ving Plott Creek Diversion 145 Headjvall and Rip Rap $ank 1B Bank along Plott Creek 3� Stabilization (Upstream) lC Bank along Platt Creek Ri� Rap Bank Stabilization 18 (Do�vnstream) Tfltal Permanent Sh•es�m an[l Tt'ib�tta�y impacts far Cu[vcrt $9' Total Temparu�y Sh•eam Imp�cts far Impe��riaus Dike a»d Flow Diveraian 145' Total Permanent I�gact fa�' BA1l�i StR�l1I1Z�If1011 50' Permits Requested TAfCD�T is he��eby requestii�g autliai•izatiari under Section 404 aftlie CIean Water Act to proceed �vith the const►uctio» pr4ject o�itlined above. By copy of this letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Cliambers, Western NCDQT Reviel� Coordinator, of the Nortli Gatolina Wildlife Resaurces C�ntmission {NCWRC) ta comtnent directly to you coticerning the 404 Natianwide Permit request. I am alsa requesting audSorizatie�n under Secrian �401 of the Clean Water Act fi-om the Norkl� CaroIin� Department of Environmental Qu�tlity (DEQ), Division of 1�ater Resoui•ces {DWR). In ad�iition, [ am aslcing Ms. Chambers and Mr, Ben DeWit, El, Roadside Etrvironmental Field Operatians �ngineer (NCDQT), ka commeut directly tr� me caticerning this pei�tiit request. Bridge Na. 430102 Page 4 Apri122, 201b If you have any qi�estions ar �eed addition�i information, please contact Mr. J�slt Deytan at {$28} 488-213 l or me at (828) 586-2I41. Your early revietiv and cansid�ration �vii1 be greakly appreciated. ncerely, � �� Dave McHenry Divisian 1� En�+ironmerttal Specialist Enclosures c�: Ms. Amy Chapman, Division nF Water Reso�rces — DEQ, Raleigh Ms. Kristi Carpenter, Division of W�ter Resources-- DE(�, Raleigh Mr. Keuin Barnett, Division of Water Resources — DEQ, Asl�e�ille Mr. Andrerv Henderson, Biotagis#, US Fish &Wildlife Se�vice, Asheville Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Revie�v Cnordinator, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. losh Qeyton, PE, Division 14 Bridge Pragram Manager, NCDQT, Brysnn City Mr. B�n DeWit, PE, Roadside Enviranmental Field Operati�ns Engineer, NCDQT Mr. Micliael 1. Shumsky, PE, Desigiti-Build Engineer, NCDCJT, R�leigh