HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160400 Ver 2_Application Attachments_20180430 (3)NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM PRQJEG"�' II�iFORMATiON Pr•aject No: TYBS No: 5tr. 430102 17BP.14.R.8U Cots�ry: Dacrrrtreltt: prajec! Tiacktng No. (liiler+tal Uae) 11-OS-0106 Hay�voad YC� ar Miniinum Criteria Checklist �'A. Na: NIA Firridirig: � State ❑ Federal Federcrl (tIS�C�) Per��ri! Reqirrt•ed? � Yes ❑ No P�twtrl Ty�e: NWP 3 or NWP l4 Project Descriptiorr: Replace Bi•idge No. l02 aVer Plolt Creek on SR 1173. $UMMARY OF CULTiIRAL RESOURCES REVIEW B1�fef desci�rpfia�t af r eNre�v acliuifres, i•esrclls of f•evie�v, mrd co��eJersrolrs: Revie�u nf HPO quad maps, HP� GIS information, liistoric designations roster, and indexes w1s unde�taken on September 2, 2011. Bssed on this review, there are na existing NR, SI�, LD, DE, ar SS properties in the Area af Potential Effects, tvhich is ?5' fraan tl�e centerline esch �vay and 30p' from each end. Current Hay��ood Caunty GISCI'ax infarmation tl�ere are se�eral struch�res �ver fifty years of age witl�in ti�e APE. P1N Sb05-53-0737, in the northeast quad of the bridge, was constructed in 1925, hotvever based on Gaogte Maps "Street Vie�v" and Bing Maps "$irds Eye" �iew the house is not NR eligible. PIN Sb05-43-7406, directly south af the bridge, was constructed in 1958, but is not NR eligible. There are no historic skn�c[�ures tivititin tlie APE, and Na Survey is required. In addi#ioai, 8ridge No. 1Q2 is nat NR eligible based an tha NCDaT Histaric $ridge Inventory. B�'IE�EYpICi?1C(�1DJ� Of tiD�?j� /JlE f1VCrfIQi?I8 dl��l'lllQilO1��1YOViC�BS Q i'8�r[7I7T8 LRSISJOP T'8CiS0l�CIb�}�E3J'2f�IC�1IJ� tlrcrt llrere �re �ro irrrrde►llifred hrsfaric pt•oper�tres iir fhe AFE: HPO quad maps and GIS informatiou recording NR, SL, LD, DE, attd SS praperties far tlte Haywood County survey, Haynvood County G1S and tax infarmation, and 8irtg Maps "Birds Eye" vie�v and Gaogie Maps "Street Vie�v" are considered valid far the purposes c�f deterntining the likefihoad of historic resourees being present, Tkiere are no historic resources present and no sur�ey is reqi�ired. SUPPORT DOCUIV�NTATION See a�#ached: Maps, tax cards. FINDING BY NCD�'i' CULTURAL R�SOURCES PROFESSIONAL NO SURVEY REOUIRED ARCHAEOLOGY HIS'i'QRIC AltC}�ITECTi1R8 (CIT2CLE ONE) "No S�n�ey Requtnd" jnrm forAiruar 7imuporto�ron P�afed� ar Quvl jed kr 1he 2007 Prog►onimolic Agrremeraf. NC1�07'Arc�harofag fir hlfsfor►c AmhitecYurr Graups Bind Maps 64T3irds �ye" View Page 1 of 2 Printede 01 5Ei+ �011 - hy p �.}+�ood �qunty NC PropeYty Record tatd ¢agee 1 cr�en i ar a Tax Year e 2011 Oeecription Yax Diatrfete Parcel : BGUS-43-744i 1195 PiART CRCaX AD PT RS C15 T9SIp 6F N7�YilFSVILt@ ----------------- 4N}[SE IhtYiA6lATSOR ------------------ -------- PRORPRTY PACP6R8 --' SAS.ES INFORilBTIURI hCCI': 195133 QI.A'Pi, RVl'H 6 'YGpograghy 0.1ie Salee Prics Yld HkJYg 1195 p7-0Tl' CRSHI€ 3tD I R ROIS,I2F6 65Ji7/11 0 I 003/939 MAYHSSVna,s, � Z87Bi QJf�7/00 0 8 2000s/116 6and pelet 74dj SGreetS%Roads 08%25/9� 0 a6T/)5( P raven I ...�..""... MI9CELI.ANSOfPS IAF4FJ1AMOt1 -------------- ------- E6tifiAHCs i1oeORMaTI071 """-- ---------- VxI.STB e�pf�RY """"" Tovrtnhip � 15 T4iiH Op 1F1�TH89VILtS 4at� Typa Souree Alfpraiser ?.eeeeeed CnrrenY AddYeaa , 1195 PL4'tT CREBK AD 0]f21/il Y GNN ia+�d � 6l,i00 e9,i00 L&nd Use � A A6RICIFif1UtSlsL Sldg ; 15T,200 157,30a 1�rhaod : iSR059 PL�iT CRSSS ACREt1�G8 • Snt ,1pps . Z46,600 7Si,L00 �P : 86oS,03 � Oefer e l.�4s 8.895 Clpog ; R1 RE91O8tiTThl. 1 Ret Tal[able e 437,705 .�77,705 Reaarks: Hl,�+H-PV --- LAi7D U11Th --- i ?{IH 7YF8 1 A HP HO!l68I78 PklM�ttY X J1 HR ]lONERMB R6SIOOh Tn[el AC=ta � 3.d7 --- OQPBQII,UINGS --- ffi.nae rrrx �rr� n�scAZPrin� 3 SRH P B71kl1 DNIT ----------- Y 71 L Q 6 S^"""'--' SIYS PiiIC& GR1�Dif �AW APFR nSPER Tlilt �.fl0 4D,mOn 80.000 0 eO,aoo 1.0� 4,200 9.400 6,675 545 I,and Tatwle 69,400 &,695 Y4,505 Yit74R BFP YR AEAAgHe �C9MF 51'ORIss 74�PA oRb aonr evII.T C'�1Nn p}�S PliHC RCOti 1U0 1.0 1 &nd ai Page 1 a Yrintodr O1 SSP Y011 - Ay 0 HeyxOod CounCy ISC Property Aacord Card Gp6 1 6Y ] Paxeel � R60.5-i3-T406 1i95 FiAiT cHEn[ Rn P[ A3 Qr7toz i 195I33 PL07T. RVfH N _'_`--'-""' aIIiLDI1Ki DE6[RIP'1'Z0� ------------- Y1LL N6TWOD ; R ues eoos : o rnee,,�xr3 OCLVPNfCY : SF SING18 P1JrI4Y ern.s : co��vsxsioaw. xea srn�x�s : i_nn we.t. Hei�rr � YOUHUhiIQ1i : CB CWiP.ii7lLi.l9BICK sx�craa �uu.n : w�R sraitac �xoou}/ r�r,xvx ruwx YR 6UILT / B!b : 1958 [ONDITIOH : 6 C,ODh 67rhD8 c C pE$I�9 PJI�RpR , $115�qEHC 7�1tEA : 1�1 6T4SRI:ETi 71'!'PIC hRBA e l70 7�'I'SYC PIIi UPPBIi Sf'ORY e I2U IAiPIN 4PFER S7'OR7 : FD nO0N5 / B6RIIS . / 7 fa¢.�. ! w+r.� er�xHs � i � n xner. rxx: 2 PIR6FLACS TYYBjCNT: RIR%PI,hCHfOHB SSORY/1 Ar7tepx.ACe aeeer��.g: 1 C7tIHN6Y{6j � l 1tT k @Oti6 P'CT c SPRIHXL6R FC'f � H£ATIHO '1'YP8 : P F{9alCL*D NOT AIR !�{AR1ftT Pl4GT0& . 4 OOPIPL1Si6 i !OO DSSCRIPT'I9H � I.OfS R4NARKS c Gitn 1 OOiBUILDIlN3 VAL�oE +-------AaS---+---ria+ ! f p'r 1 ! lz5� E . xi� ria . ri� � ! . t � _ : 1 ! E +Plitil4♦ A40 � tS!♦ !N ! [ I Si2B ! ! ! ! ! ! A22 516615 ! t ! ! l ! ! ! 1 1 t t � +HBs----91�-+-h+2-------* ! +C7+ ! 1 � 1 ! L 92Z 6P91 ! CY C39CI9 ! 146 1 l i i 1 1 l 1 1 : Th% Y11t,0@ 90D eoo pagQ� 2 SC11I,H I& 1:2l0 http:/lrnaps.haywoodnc.netlprc1860S437446_l .txt 9/212011 Page 1 c�f 2 Rrintpd: Oi 81SP 2011 - by 0 H0.yw�od County )]C Froperky HaCord Catd Pagee 1 GR� l OP ! 7ax Year : 7411 paocriptidn Tax �ietrie[s Fareal : 7i45-53-0737 115t r7.ai'P CteSE% AO TR H C15 'D04tH OF HhYlI6SVILLC ----------------' dNDlBlt IHFDAI4ATION """------------ --------- FROPEAtY FACtriA9 ---------- I-------- SAL&6 It7F0&!l11TfON -------- MCP: 43312 oicxsn�, c���att+�'B H III 7opngraphy �atQ S?14� Fr�C9 Vld Sk/Bg ��, 9YBIL 0 ft ROLLIElSi � Q7f7g/99 151,004 7 471/1174 PO HOOL �93 LhNE �1l1LUBNA, NC 287#S Land lticG hdj BtreeEsf&oado P L�AYBD ----""""' MLSCzr.x..weao9 iBrOf�FtATLDG --- Tavnithip s 15 '1'�Nfl OF AATNCSYZLLB Addrese � SiS4 BLtYri' Ci166K PD land nee � 19lfrluaod � 25&049 VAL7.&Y YI6it '�'�R�sFE FSag : 8GD5.15 Clasa ; R1 Ra4Y�BHt2�L 1 1l8msxke � No Ramarko oa� tilr ----- __..... ENTR)fl1C8 IMYORNATIUiI -•�••••• La[e iype 6durae kgpraieer 02/02/11 �!� UOC � �•••"'"-' YhL08 SUItlthRY •••"'•••� /.»eeted CStrr�rtt L�td i ��,60Q {i,fDb B1Lg i 1�3,500 1�3,5D0 Tot Appi c 18/,100 18A�100 M�ai c 0 0 Nrt Taarnb]e : 19�,100 198,100 --- Gik!!D DATA "- D�IT -'-"'»"' Y 8 L II 8 S----_-"'» i i4771 TTYS S1EE PRICE GRHIH tllW 11PPA O�FBR TlUI 1 n HP HOQl69IT8 PA2M7SRY 1.00 44.060 10.000 d 10,00U 2 i� HR NO�IBSSTS R6SID01� d.46 1q,a80 �,60D 0 i,6C0 TaCa� 1�crQa : 1_�6 Land ?Okats il,FpD 0 f4,i0a --- OVf9VILDINGS •" 1`BJ�R BPF Y!t 8LI1UI 7YP8 Illii DSS[RIPTION R6if7�R1G$ kOWIP 87�07tL69 14R8h ORD BUILT 6OII!!' COlfO PHY6 POl7C HC'a1D TAX YALII6 1 a! O GARAG$, YINIB}I� }.6D 1.0 NQ 50 2.200 3 PRH D 61U� 1D0 1.0 S,Ofi4 59 Y.000 1 SLC A 615,0. CD�[tAh�l`E 1D6 0.0 �SI! 500 GRD 1 UV'CBQILDIh'0 VRWE 10,764 e71d of Pzg� 1 Printedo D] 6eP 9011 - hy a Hnyweod fovnty HC FicopnrtY Record Cerd Page� 7 c�eo 1 or 1 Parcel : 9605-53-0T37 115# PL61T CR66F RD T1S g Owner o 93�37 alCl[8o¢+. cr,xxspce a zit ------------' BUILDIItG PR9CRFF7I� ------------- t*------L28---rr SChL�6 I9 1f7�B VXy y877[pn : n A6Np a6 1i96 CanS 7 b D1ISGGIN6 ! 23b I O[LUPAl1CY i SF S7lCtilJt PRMiLY ♦--*--[22--+D30x1�+ 57YLS � �ONVe�I�u. CB 11B I =IgR S7bRzge � 1.50 I 34h CO I rr�.r. ggia[� � t 176 f I t01R�ARION . r-C27ki3--+ I H%T�RIOR Nd7.i� : laP 9I6iHtl (NOQ�) f HhltbY BtJ�taK ! l 7R a�ILT / ser e l4t5 ! l CO17flI['Y4N � {Tf8 V6RT GOOP . l GWIDE r C f t DaSZGN FhCi'OR . ! � pPyg6M6iT� 14RF�► : BO BkSSMffitT 1 1 3rrrLC 11ttt31 : t14 h79'IC d 1►46 !IH [iPPER S?ORY : 710 Sq Pt 1 ! tlNFIN UPPYR SPD�Y : RV A3i I Rpqye / BnAH9 : f 3 J !Ul ! �[ILL J�W.! BA7H5 e 2/ D 11DDL PIJf: x 1 1�8D f PIRBPi.i4L`S TYPBf��: �Ag���/T� STOx7JI I ! FIRSFLACY OPSNie[a9: 1 CJ[2t4i6Y(B] = 1 l 1 hIR C017U YCF' e - ! SPRIIF%LLA PCT . +68r t fIBhTIN4 TYP9 : P K�T �P I 8R t lfl�RK£T FACi'OR . I t [ � 06kPLET8 f 19U 61fi! l D88[RIPTiOH � l.fifD/S 1 ♦------8371�16---ti-+ R�AKS : l QP SY k 7if l http:/lmaps.l�aywoAdna.netl�rcl8645530737_l.txt 91212{ll i i�rojecr Traclr�ng No. (liNerm71 ilseJ 11-08-U l Ob NO PREHIS�'QRxC OR HISTQRIC PROP��TZES PRESENT/A�`F�CTED FORM PROJECT 1NFORMAT'�ON Profec! Nn. TYB.S No: F:A. IVo: Str. #�430102 17BP.14.R.80 nla Fedet�a� (U,SACE) Permrf Requ2reci? Coierety: Docrrrrte+rl Hay�vaad PCE or CE F:r��drng: � State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ Na Perrr�+� Type: NWP3 t�r NW l4 Projec( Descripliore: Replace 13ridge No, lIJ2 over Plo�l Creek o1� SR!! 73 (Ploll Crsek Rd) iri Hcry►veotl Courlty, Nor'!!r Carolirra. The archa�elogicrel �tPL for t{re projecl ureasures b00f! i�i fe��glh (300f! fi•on� each bridge ertd-poit�l) by 1 SOf1 rtt tivid�ir �75ft �alera!!y fro�ii e�cl1 sid¢ of 1he SR,f ! 73 ce�rier-line). The p1•Q�ect consrrr��res, ns cerrrenily praposed, nn rn plaee replacerrrent trfilizing a�r off-sile rlelot�r' c�t�rr��g coirstrrse�ro�r crelivrries, Sorire mrxrar dilch-li�te illrpaers are sehedirled ro occrrt�. SUhIMARY QF FIl�IDINGS The Nar1h Carolil�a Deparlilrenl of Trarrs�orlaliaft (NCDO?) revretived Ihe subjecl projecl a�rd dete�mirterl.' Historic ArchitectureJl..andscapes ❑ There are no National Register-listed ar Study List�d praperties within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no praperties less than fif�y years otd which are considared to meet Criteria Consideratian G wi�hin the project's area of potential effects. ❑ 'fhere are no properties within the praject's area of potential effects. ❑ There are properties over fif�y years ald ��rithin the area of potential effects, but shey do not meet the criteria for listing on the I�latianal Register. � ❑ All prapenies greater than 50 years of age tocated in the APE hawe been cons�dered and all compliance for historic architecture with Secfian 106 oFthe Netional Historic Preservation Act and G5 121-12(a) has be�n eompleted Far this project. ❑ There are na Itistoric properties present or af�'ecttd by this project. %l �rach arry rrores ar dacunrems as neede� Archaealogy � There are na NaEional Register-listed ar Skudy Listed properties w�lhin the project's area af pvtential e#'fects. ❑ No subsu�face archaeolagical is►vestigations are required far this project. � 8ubsurface investigatians did nat reveal ti�e presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence oFany archaeological resaurces considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified Archaeoiagical sites located �vithin �he APE ha�e been considered and all camplance For arch�eoloeical resaurces with Seetion 106 of the National Histaric Preservation Act and G5 121-12(a) has heen completed For this project. � There are no historic proporties present or affected by this project. (At�aeh arry noles or dacuruenls as needet� "A'o Niuorle Praperriu �releeu'jorm for dli�rorTiaupa►aJlon Pro/xrr a� �uaLfied Jn rAe 2fA0� Progrcnrmofte Agnemrnf. NCDOT,{rehorolo� 6 Nisforie Archi�e�rUrc Gro,gps SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCFS REVIEW Brief rlescrrptio�r ofreview acfivrlies, results of revre�v, arrdea�icl�rsiais: A rttap review and stte file search was conducted at the Office af State Archaeolagy on Tuesday, 5eptember 6, 2di1. IVa previously recorded archaeologital sltes were identitled within the presentty defined APE, hut four archaeologicaf sites (31H W 13-1.6) were sf tuated immediately adJacent to the project AP� or within a halF mile radius af the project area. These sites w�re recorded by KeelJEgloff (1964j and constitute muiti-camponent Archaic-Woodiand accupations. Df particular interest is 31HW13, Incated a few hundred feet north of the project APE on a srnall knoll overlooking the Plott Creek floodplain. Projectile points, lithic debitage, prehistoric [eramics, and worked stone were retovered from eroded slte surface cantexts. In addition, a review af National Reglster (NR}, State Study llst (SL), loeally De53gnaEed (LD), Determined Eligible (DEj and 5urveyed 5ite (SS} properties deterrnlned than nane of these resources were contained with9n the APE or immediately adjacent to the project study area, l'here were, however, twenty-three (23) NRHP properties/districts Jacated �ithin the Waynesvllte �ity flmlts to the east of the project la�ation. The number of signlficant historlt propertles and prevfously re[orded arthaeofoglcal si[es situated �vithin Waynesville and in proxlmity to the project area tertainly Intreases the likeiihood of ihe APE [ontainingsimllar traces of past historic ar prehistoric lnkerattion/accupatloa. 5urvey of the SR1173JBridge 102 praJect area tn Haywood County, R�aRh Carolina was accomplfshed on l�ovember 30, 2011. Initially, a recoanalssance investigation of the entlre APE wastonducted. 7t�is served to identify anyabove-ground archaeologlca! or hlstarical rematns and to determine the extent of subsurface Investlgatlon necessary for proJect comptlance, Whlle the entire APE was tharacterized by (DeAj Dellwood cobbly sandy loam, 0 to 3� slopes, an occasionally ftooded and moderatety wel!-drained soil, ihe ground Surfates along the southern side of SRI173, and parti�ularlywithin the southwest quadrant, exhlbited some level of saturatlon within the APE. Shovel testing was deemed superfEuous within the soakhwestern quadrant as residential impacts near the western prajett limits and saturated and impacied ground surfa[es from modern distur6ances assoclated with livestotk thafa�terized those areas nearest the Brldge lQ2 Iocatlon. The southeastern quadrant consisted of relatively levet, grass pasture for a length of roughly 200ft. east from the bridge Io�ale. F�om this polnt the topography transitians to eroded upslope. A tatat af twa subsurface shavel test pits (stp� were extavated w3thin the past�re portion of the APE. The first stp was sltuated 54ft. irom the SR1173 center-tine and SOft. from Plott Creek. The first sofl stratum {0-40cmbs� contalned a 10YR3/3 dark brown sandy loam interspersed with hlgh densitfes pf non•tuftural gravels. Stratum II {q0•SOcmbs) consisted of a 1DYR4/2 dark grayish 6row� clayey bam atop an Impassable cobb►e layer. The se�ond skp was extavated dpproxtmately 150(t. east of the creek alang the same transect as the previaus test and conkained a flrst soff layer (030cmbs) of 10YR3/3 dark brawn loam with �oplous non-cultural g�avefs over a setond sttatum (3D-SOcmbs� laYR5J4 yellowish brown clayey 1oam. No tultutal artifacts, deposlts, or features of htstorlc or prehistaric arigin were recovered during excdvation of these test pits. 7he noRhwestern project quadrant consisted of re[atively level, well-drained grass paskure For a length of 200►t. extending from Plott Creek westward. Beyond this point, impatts from past heavy machfrtery utiUxation and grading associated with past tonst�uction oF a lotal elementa►y school characterize [he APE and thase areas bordering the existing right-of•way. Three shavel test pits were exca�a[ed within the pas[ure portlon Of khe APE corrldof and all contained very similar subsurfate soif profites. The first stp was pla[ed approxlmately 150ft. from the creelc and SGFt. Fram the SR1173 tenter-line. One soll layer (0-60cmbsj was encountered consisking af 10YR3/1 very dark$ray sandy loam with lots of nan•cultural grave! and occasional tobbles. Below bOtmbs, an lmpassable tobbfe layer was present preventing anyfurtf�er extavation at this IocaEe. The second stp was pla[ed along the same transett at 100ft. from Plott Creek and contained a single sail stratum (d-54cmbs} cansisting af SOYR3J1 very dark gray sandy loam with angular gravel and large cobbles Interspersed throughaut the fill. An tmpenetrable layer of rock and [obbles was present 6elaw 50cmbs depths. The third and flnal stp extavated within the northwestern quadrant was located about 50Ft. From the creek. A 10YR3/1 sandy loam mixed with non-tultural, angular lithit detrltus characterized the deposft (0- 55cmbsy. A!I three shovel test pEts euldenced high energy fioading episodes. No evfden�e af past cultural atwpaElonJvisitat3on was untovered through the excavation of these test plts. Finally, the northeastern quadrant contalned Platt Creek trending angularly parallel ta 5R1173 for abouk 1(fOft. from the bridge crossing. A shovel test pit extavated in titis area tonsls[ed af a f�rst soll stratum (0-30cmbs) af 14YR3/3 dark brawn sBndy loam �vith non-cultural gravels 8� cobbfes atop an impenetrabfe layet oF [obble. The second shovel test pit was located abQut 150Ft, from the bridge within a somewhat low elevatlon grass pasture/field and consisted of hydrlc loam and a water table present at 35cmbs• No eultura) arti[acts or deposits were present within the northeastern quadrant. Following In-/ield invest�gation and inspetklon of the Bridge No.102 replacement locatfon in Haywoad Caunty, North Carolirta, the cultUral resource specialist retammends that no further archaeological work is necessary (or tlte project as propased. 5urface and subsurFace investigatlan dld nat reveal the locatton ot any archaeo�ogical sites ar depasits urithln the deflned project APE. "h'o Nuforit P�aptrfltf PrctcM "jorn� forhftnor Tranrparrallar Prol��r ar �luual�rd rn �he 1PDT Programmo�ic d�rumrn�. hCDOT Archtnrofr� & Hiulvric,frchlret�++rr Groyat SUP�'ORT I�UCUMENTATION See aitached: MaP(s}, Previous Survey [nfn, Photas, Carrespondencc, �'hotacopy of notes �r�tt surueY- �ign�ed: � 4 �� ������ ��ltural itesaurces Sp��ialist, NCA(7T Dxte '7ifo RAuork �mperrkt Fresau" fcrmJF�rMlaar Titm�pwla�it�u Prvjtus asQvof�trd tn I$e lOi�tT PreS+�b�u+rm�r.igrrcioo4�: XG�T Arcl�atolog� & N�clorie �#rthNrct�nre G+u�¢i1 r� � • � � / / 7' � � �", /.J` /'t �,: - �- �� r'¢ '� � � -f _.l�_�" ��� � �y,`�i� �Q��� � � �� F � � � i J � ^ j`�`'/� j� �� � ��. �//j � _ �rT/ \ �(' 4 �� f y� � 5 �` �( `�'. OQA''�'_ � � � �/ Ir fES� ti " � '�`t;`�I� � �—.� �� '��.t'^� ,� �i •� �,)?nQ' `�� . - l; ,, - _ � .,; I �t -�,.� ' � �t � �` �(�- ��. 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