HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072164 Ver 2_401 Application_20180418W By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: ■ I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; ■ I agree that submission of this PCN form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); ■ I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act'); ■ I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND ■ I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name:* Dana A. Lutheran Signature Initial Review Is this project a public transportation project?*(? C Yes r No Change only ff needed. Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* C Yes C No BIMS # Assigned 20072164 Version#* 2 Reviewing Office* Wilmington Regional Office - (910) 796-7215 Select Project Reviewer* Chad Coburn:eads\cccoburn Is a payment required for this project?* r No payment required r Fee received C Fee needed - send electronic notification What amout is owed? r $240.00 * $570.00 Action History (UTC -05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Submit by Anonymous User 4/25/2018 4:49:59 PM (Start Event) Accept by Montalvo, Sheri A 4/27/2018 1:57:30 PM (Non DOT Initial Review) • The task was assigned to Montalvo, Sheri A. The due date is: April 30, 2018 5:00 PM 4/25/2018 4:51 PM DWR Dfutston of Water Resources Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) January 31, 2018 Ver 2.3 Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Also, if at any point you wish to print a copy of the E -PCN, all you need to do is right -click on the document and you can print a copy of the form. Below is a link to the online help file. https://edocs. deq. nc.gov/WaterResources/0/edoc/624704/PCN%20Help%20File%202018-1-30. pdf A. Processing Information County (or Counties) where the project is located:* Brunswick Is this project a public transportation project?* r Yes G No This is any publicly funded by rrunicipal,state or federal funds road, rail, airport transportation project. 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps:* PF Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) r Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization?* r% Nationwide Permit (NWP) r Regional General Permit (RGP) r Standard (IP) This form may be Corps to initiate the standard/individual permit process. Please contact your Corps representative for submittal of standard permits. All required items that are not provided in the E -PCN and be added to the miscellaneous upload located at the bottom of this form. Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: 29 - Residential Developments NWP Number Other: List all WV nun-bers you are applying for not on the drop dow n list. 1c. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR:* check all that apply 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular r 401 Water Quality Certification - Express r Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit r Riparian Buffer Authorization r Individual Permit * 1d. Is this notification solelyfor the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: b Yes b No O Yes a No 1e. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? V so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program r Yes r No 1f. Is the project located in anyof NC's twenty coastal counties?* r Yes r No 1g. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)?* r Yes r No r Unknown 1h. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed?* r Yes r No Link to trout information: http://wwv.saw.usace.army.miI/Missions/Regulatory-Permit-Prograni/Agency-Coordination/Trout.aspx B. Applicant Information 1a. Who is the Primary Contact?* Dana Lutheran 1b. Primary Contact Email:* dlutheran@segi.us 1c. Primary Contact Phone:* (XXX)XXX-XXXX 1d. Who is applying for the permit? W Owner r- Applicant (other than owner) r- Agent/Consultant (Check all that apply) 2. Owner Information 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Seabrooke Development, LLC 2b. Deed book and page no.: 4001 1337 2c. Responsible party: (for Corporations) Mr. Tom Smith or Mr. Steve Shuttleworth 2d. Address Street Address 409 Beasley Road Address Line 2 City Wilmington Postal / Zip Code 28409 2e. Telephone Number: (XXX)XXX-XXXX 2f. Fax Number: State / Province / Flegion NC Country US (xxx)xxx-xxxx Email Address:* steve@steveshuttleworth.com C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information 1a. Name of project:* Seabrooke S.D. Phase 3 1b. Subdivision name: (if appropriate) Seabrooke 1c. Nearest municipality/ town: Leland 1d. Driving directions* If it is a new project and can not easily be found in a GPS napping system Please provide directions. This site is located south of Leland, off US Hwy 17 and then off Buckeye Rd. 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number: (tax PN or parcel ID) 04600060 2b. Property size: (in acres) Tract Size: 553.22 Ac Project Limits: 65.5 +/- Ac. 2c. Project Address Street Address Buckeye Rd. NE Address Line 2 City Leland Pbstal / Zip Code State / Province / Region NC Country US 2d. Site coordinates in decimal degrees Please collect site coordinates in decimal degrees. Use betvveen 4-6 digits (unless you are using a survey -grade GPS device) after the decimal place as appropriate, based on howthe location vvas determined. (For example, most mobile phones with GPS provide locational precision in decimal degrees to map coordinates to 5 or 6 digits after the decimal place.) Latitude:* Longitude:* 34.21057 -78.07377 ex: 34.208504 -77.796371 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Unnamed tributary 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* Morgan Branch Surface Water Lookup 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* Cape Fear River Basin Lookup 4. Project Description 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The site is vacant with surrounding land use being residential and vacant land. Several soil roads exist, which appear to have been roughed out for future construction, as they are situated similarly to those depicted on the proposed site plan. Otherwise, the site is wooded but has been thinned out over the years. 4b. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the LISGS topographic map indicating the location of the project site. (for DWR) gick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Seabrooke Topo Map 020118.pdf Seabrooke LiDAR Map 031518.pdf File type crust be pdr 1.22MB 262.6KB 4c. Attach an 8 1/2 X 11 excerpt from the most recent version of the published County NRCS Soil Survey map depicting the project site. (for DWR) gick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Seabrooke Soils Map 020118.pdf 1.86MB File type rust be pd' 4d. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: +/- 7.7 Ac 4e. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: (intermttent and perennial) +/- 562 LF 4f. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to facilitate the construction of an approximately 187 lot subdivision, with associated utilities and infrastructure, within the town of Leland, a rapidly growing area of Brunswick County, North Carolina. 4g. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect imapacts and the type of equipment to be used: The project will include the installation of utilities and infrastructure, as well as the construction of 187 single family dwellings. Earth moving equipment, such as backhoes, front end loaders, dump trucks and excavators will be used to install stormwater treatment measures, sewer, water, electric and fiber optic lines. Where crossing the RPW for a road, two (2) 4' x 4' x 42' box culverts will be set to 20% below existing grade. Clean earthen fill will be used to cover the pipes and provide a base for the road bed. To ensure downstream erosion of the road crossing does not take place, 45 linear feet of rip rap, underlain with geotextile fabric, will be installed. Clean earthen fill will be used to fill 0.15 acre of ditches, to create buildable lots. 4h. Please upload project drawings for the proposed project. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Seabrooke Wetland Impact Site Plan.pdf File type rust be pdf 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 1.66MB 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* IT Yes r No r Unknown Comments: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? r Preliminary r Approved r Unknown r N/A Corps AID Number: Exarple: SAM2017-99999 The USACE issued a JD on 10 Jan 2018 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other David. Scibetta Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. On 7 March 2018, Chad Coburn, with the NC DWR Wilmington Regional Office, verified the limits of streams on the property. This information has been included within the site plans. 5dl. Jurisdictional determination upload Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Seabrooke JD 011018.pdf 643.03KB File type rust he FDF 6. Project History 6a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* F Yes r No r Unknown 6b. If yes, please give the DWR Certification number or the Corps Action ID (exp. SAW -0000-00000). An ATF NWP, for 0.003 acre (130 SF) of unauthorized fill took place. The fill was associated with a road crossing. USACE AID # SAW -2007-944 and DWR WQC # 07-2164 Project History Upload Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurent 401 Seabrooke.pdf 785.21 KB 404 Seabrooke ATF 2008.pdf 2.63MB File type rust be FDF 7. Future Project Plans 7a. Is this a phased project?* G Yes r No 7b. If yes, explain. This is a planned unit development. All future impacts to wetlands and surface waters will be treated cumulatively with those being proposed within this request for authorization. Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? This includes other separate and distant crossing for linear projects that require Department of the Army authorization but don't require pre -construction notification. No. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory .................................................................................................................................. 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): r Wetlands ❑ Streams -tributaries r- Buffers W Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. Site # - Reason for 4b. Impact type * 4c. Name of waterbody* 4d. Activity type * 4e. Waterbody type *4f. Impact impact* area RC -1 P DITCH Culverts Ditch 0.01 Nbp label (e.g. Finad Crossing 1) Fbrmanent (F) or (if applicable) (acres) Temporary (T) RC -1 T DITCH Culverts Ditch 0.01 Nbp label (e.g. Fbad Crossing 1) Permanent (F) or (if applicable) (acres) Temporary (T) D-1 P DITCH Fill Ditch 0.05 Nbp label (e.g. F3ad Crossing 1) Fbrrranent (P) or (if applicable) (acres) Temporary (l) D-2 P DITCH Fill Ditch 0.10 Nbp label (e.g. FDad Crossing 1) Fbrrmnent (F) or (if applicable) (acres) Temporary (T) 4g. Total temporary open water Impacts: 0.01 4g. Total permanent open water impacts: 0.16 4g. Total open water impacts: 0.17 4h. Comments: Please note that DRC -1(T) is actually 0.003 AC, but the system would not accept this amount, so I inserted 0.01, for accounting purposes only. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project:* The site was designed to avoid the more valuable headwater forest system, which borders the western side of the development The road crossing wad positioned to cross the ditch perpendicularly and head walls were incorporated into the design of the road crossing, eliminating the need to impact more of the ditch. In addition, to help protect the remaining wetlands, the developer intends to place deed notifications on all lots that contain wetlands within their boundaries. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques:* Work associated with the road crossing will not take place within 24 hours of a rain event that produces more than 1/2" of rainfall within a 24 hour period. S&EC measures will be installed in accordance with an approved S&EC plan, across the project site, to ensure that sediment and/or turbid water does not discharge downstream during or after construction. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? r Yes r No 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: Due to the proposed impacts being only to ditches, mitigation is not required. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) *** Recent changes to the stormwater rules have required updates to this section .*** 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? r Yes r No For a list of options to meet the diffuse flow requirements, click here. If no, explain why: The site is not located within a riparian buffer protection area. 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250? r Yes r No 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? r Yes r No To look up low density requirement click here 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2). 2c. Does this project have a stormwater management plan (SMP) reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state - approved local government stormwater program?* r Yes r No Fant: projects that have vested rights, exemptions, or grandfathering from state or locally implemented storrrwater prograrrs or projects that satisfy state or locally-irrplerrented stormwater prograrrE through use of com7unity in -lieu prograrrs should answer no to this question. 3. Stormwater Requirements 3a. Select whether a completed stormwater management plan (SMP) is included for review and approval or if calculations are provided to document the project will not cause degradation of downstream surface waters. r Stormwater Management r Antidegradation Plan Calculations 3b. Stormwater Management Plan: If submitting a SMP for review and approval, it shall complywith the high-density development requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 02H .1003. Include all appropriate stormwater control measure supplemental forms and associated items. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document FILElYFE MAST BE FDF 3c. Antide gradation Calculations: If submitting calculations to document the project will not cause degradation of downstream surface waters, the documentation shall include a detailed analysis of the hydrological impacts from stormwater runoff when considering the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff from the project built upon area and the size and existing condition of the receiving waterbody(ies). Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent FILETYFE MAST BE FDF G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* r Yes r No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* r Yes r No 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application?* r Yes r No 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* r Yes r No 3b. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project is part of a phased PUD. Future impacts to wetlands and/or surface waters may be necessary in the future. However, the impacts are not anticipated to impact downstream water quality, as they will be minimal (i.e. less than 0.50 AC). 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project? r Yes r No r N/A 4b. Describe, in detail, the treatment methods and dispositions (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project. If the wastewater will be treated at a treatment plant, list the capacity available at that plant. Municipal water and sewer will be provided. Permits for the extension of these utility lines is not necessary with this project. 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* r Yes r No 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* r Yes r No 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* r Yes r No r Unknown 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8?* r Yes r No 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? r Yes r No 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? r Yes r No Link to the NLEB SLOPES document: http://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NLEB/1-30-17-signed_NLEB-SLOPES&apps.pdf 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* r Yes r No 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? r Yes F No 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? This site has been routinely managed, as well along with SEGI's extensive knowledge of the site and review of the Natural Heritage Database, which did not reflect any occurrences within the project limits, 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* r Yes F No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* This site is not adjacent to a waterbody that would support EFH. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) Link to the State Historic Preservation Office Historic Properties Map (does not include archaeological data: http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/ 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)?* r Yes C No 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* This site has been managed over the years for farming. Thus, it is anticipated that the proposed work will not impact historic or archaeological resources. 7c. Historic or Prehistoric Information Upload Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent File rrust be FDF 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) Link to the FEMA Floodplain Maps: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/search 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain?* r Yes C No 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* Brunswick County GIS Flood Mapping. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous attachments not previously requested. nick the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach docurrent Seabrooke Phase 3 Flood Map.pdf 138.79KB Appraisal Card.pdf 79.34KB 404 Seabrooke ATF 2008.pdf 2.63MB Parcel Map.pdf 1.03MB Seabrooke PUD.pdf 1.34MB 401 Seabrooke.pdf 785.21 KB Seabrooke Vicinity Map 020118.pdf 919.58KB File crust be FDF or KNE Signature