HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-5862 Project Data Sheets_042318Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Project Data Sheets Preliminary TIP No.: R-5862 Sent Date: April 20, 2018 WBS No.: 47549.1.1 Federal Aid No: N/A Division: County: 9 Davidson & Davie Proiect Description: General Proiect Need Revision Date: Meeting Date: April 23, 2018 US 64 from US 601 South of Mocksville to US 52 in Lexington. Widen to multi-lanes. Section A- US 601 South of Mocksville to US 801 (7.3 mi) Section B- US 801 to US 52 in Lexington (9.6 mi) Improve traffic flow and safety along US 64 between Mocksville and Lexington. Metropolitan / Rural Planninq Orqanization: NEPA/404 Merger Candidate?: Northwest Piedmont RPO (Davie)/ High Point MPO (Davidson) ❑ Yes ❑ No � To Be Determined Feasibility Studv Completed?: � Yes ❑ No Date of Study: March 3, 1997 Proiect Schedule: Type of Document: Environmental Document(s): CE Right of Way Authorization Date: Let Date: Dates: Spring 2019 A-Unfund B-FY24 A-Unfund B-FY26 Cost Estimate: Construction: Right of Way: Utilities: Total Cost: TIP Estimate: Current Estimate: $120,200,000 $56,425,000 $6,800,000 $183,425,000 A-$76.OM B-$44.2M A-$43.2M B-13.2M A-$1.6M B-$1.6M A-$124.4M B-$59.OM STIP R-5862 Apri12018 Project Data Sheets Page 1 Design Criteria: Length of Project: Right of Wav: Tvpe of Access Control: Roadway Typical Section: 16.9 miles Existing: Variable 60 to 150 feet Proposed: 300 feet Existing: None Proposed: � Partial Control of Access (Divided Median) Existing: � 2 lanes, undivided Proposed: Four lane divided facility with 12-foot lanes, 4-foot paved shoulders, 60-foot median S�J eed' Existing Posted Varies 45 - 55 mph Speed: Proposed Design Varies 50 — 60 mph Speed: Bridqe/Culvert Inventorv: Functional Classification Strateqic Transportation Corridor Information: CTP/Thoroughfare Plan Desiqnation (Facility Type): 5 culverts, 2 bridges over water, 1 bridge over R/R 1 bridge over roadway Minor Arterial — US 601 to Yadkin River Other Principal Arterial — Yadkin River to US 52 N/A Expressway Needing Improvement Air Quality Status: ❑ Non-attainment � Maintenance ❑ Attainment Horizon Completion Year (Lonq Range Trans. Plan): 2030 (Section B) Typical Section in Compliance with Conformity Determination? � Yes ❑ No STIP R-5862 Apri12018 Project Data Sheets Page 2 Traffic (AADT� Current Year: Design Year: Year Range of Traffic US 601 to US 801: 5,500 - 8,000 2016 US 801 to NC 150: 6,500 - 7,400 NC 150 to US 52: 11,000-13 000 2040 TBD Desiqn Standards Applicable: � AASHTO ❑ 3R Railroad Involvement: NorFolk Southern Bridge over US 64 Utilitv Involvement: % TTST: TBD % Dual: TBD % DHV: TBD Power transmission and distribution throughout corridor. lines throughout corridor. Two petroleum pipelines cross US 64 (Between Yadkin College Road and Dykers Creek Road and west of US 52). Communication lines also present. High level of involvement anticipated. Other STIP Projects in the Area . . . -. - -. -. � . . U-5902A NC 150 — Widening from US 64 to SR 1493 FY 2027 Post Year (Frye Bridge Road) Source: North Carolina Department of Transportation, State Transportation Improvement Program (2018-2027 STIP — April 2018) STIP U-5956 Apri12018 Project Data Sheets Page 3 Nre�iminar Stud Area Kesources �nventor I aple . � . � .. . . � . General Project Information Length of project (approximate in miles) Total — 16.9 miles (Section A— 7.3, Section B— 9.6) Crossing or Intersecting roadways (#) 9— crossing, 32 - intersecting Railroad crossings 1— grade separated Cultural Resources NRHP (and eligible sites, districts, other properties)(#) 3— National Register / Historic District 1 — Study List 18 — Surveyed Only 2 — Blockface Surveyed Human Environment Community Resources (#) None Public Parks/Section 4(f) Properties (#) Fork Recreation Park Greenways, Game Lands, Land and Water Canoe Trail, Yadkin River Trail Conservation Fund Properties, Bicycle Routes, etc. (#) Residential Properties (# potentiallyaffected) TBD Business Properties (# potentiallyaffected) TBD High % Special Populations (Low-income, Minority) Low-income & Minority Natural Environment Streams (# of stream crossings) 15 Floodplain crossing 9 Wetlands (est. acres) 7.7 ac within corridor Ponds (est. acres connected to jurisdictional waters) None Critical Water SupplyWatersheds WS-IVP, WS-IVC Riparian Buffer Rules apply Yes Outstanding Resource Waters / High Quality Resource None Waters 303(d) Listed Streams 2 The United States Fish and Wildlife Service list three federally Identified Critical HabitaUESA Spp. (#known) protected species including Schweinitz's sunflower, Michaux's sumac, Bald eagle and Northern long-eared bat. Physical Environment Hazardous Materials (# suspected/knownsites) 10 Utilities TBD Active agriculture (Voluntary Agricultural District) No VADs present FEMA Buyout Properties None anticipated NOTES: This table is intended to be used in conjunction with the Environmental Features Map STIP U-5956 Apri12018 Project Data Sheets Page 4