HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070108 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070123DW~~ G UU ~ G ! U ~'~ Date ' ~ ~ " ~~ - Who Roviawod: ~ 'i~ •~ '_~ . . Plan Detall Incomplete - ^ Please provide a location map for the project. ^ Please Show all stream impacts including eli fill elopes, dissipaters, sad bank stabilization on the site plan. ^. Pleaao show all wetland impacts including fill elopes on tho site plan. ' Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan. ^ Pleaso indicate proposed lot laycut as overlays on the sits plan. • ^ Pleaso indicate tho location of the protected buffos as overlays oa the site plan. ^ Please locate all isolated or non-isolated wotlanda,streams and other wators of the State as overlays on tho site plan. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. ^ Piaase locate say planned•sovver Iinea on the site plan. • • ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices es roquiroci by QC ^ Pleaso provide detail for the stormwat~ managemart practices ea required by (3C ^ Pleaso specify the percent of project imperviousness area based on tho estimated built-out conditions: ^ Please indicate all stormwat ~o~}tfalle on the aito pta~. • ^ Ploase~iadicato the difi3ise flow provision meaauros ~n the site plea. ^ Please indicate whether~or not the proposed, impaats already bear conducted. • .. T Avoidance,and/or Mlnimlzatton Not Provided ~ • • The Iaboled as on the plane does not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate the . or provido additional infonnadon as to why it is nocessary for this p%~ec~t.. • • . ^ This Office bolieives that the labeled on the pleas as oan be moved, or rasonfigured to avoid the impacts to the .. . Please revise tho plans to avoid thq impacts. ^. Thia~Office bolievea that the •laboled on tho plans as~ ~ cea be moved or reconfigured to :minimize tho impacts to'tho . Please ravine tho plane to minimize tho impacts. ^ Tho atormwater discharges at the location on tine plena labeled will. not provide difi~se flow through the bu$er because . Please revise the plena end provide calculations to~ahow that di$ttse Bow will be~chieved through the artirebui~. If it is not possiblo to achieve•diflhseflow through.the entiro buffer~thon it may bm necossary to_ provide atormwater managem~t • practices that ranove nutriarta before the stormwatar can be discharged through the. buffex. . ^. The application foe wee insufiieiart•beoausaovsr 150 feet of stream and/or over 1 sere of wetland'impacts wore requested. Pleaso provide $ ~ .This additional fee muaf ba rocxivod beforo your application can be reviewed. ^ Please comptete Suction(s) on the app~lica#lon. - ~ n ^ Pleaso provide a signed copy of tho application.' ^ Please provide .copies of the application, . copies of •the site pl "ens and other supporting infomiatton: . ^ • Pleasasubmit olectronic CAD files showing ~ : via email to ian.mcmiylan(u~ncxndil.net and CD:• ' ~ ~. Mitigation ^ of compensatory mitigation is requirod for this piojdct. ~ Pleaso provid'o~e compensatory mitigation plea.. The plan moat conform to tharequircments in 15 A NCAC 2H .0500 and must be appropriate to the type~of impacts proposed. f_ ^ Please indicato which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. s~ ~~~ ~~: t~_ ~ ~-- - -72~I.L F 3 0: $2 35d"%> .~~~ Ifc~ ~/ ~ ~~ r~ u i~,~,~.~ f tt~x~ ~, a t ~~7 L r ~ ~~ ' n \ C I ~ . ~ : , i - {SIP ~ ~,c ~ .,..~ . ~ :,..;.:: ~~~ ~ + . , .. ~, l ~ _~/ t,~ o L F lo~.ti,,~ ~ ~, b V f i"Cil W ~ .' ~1 ~~~' Z ,,,Lt. a~~ aw, b ~.~ ~,, ; ~ ~ :~, ~, ~, I ' (/~/h~'., ~. ,. tat ~-.~ _ ~ ~P./_ ~ .Lt ~..s ',. .. J..1 .~-~ ~ ,... ~ :+, k "~ - Not W ; ~;/V~ v, 'r~,,,~, ~ ~,?~ { ..~~ ~ ~~_ ' r S l.l,l, ~ . _, ~' . _, a b V ... r~,:.~.;~.: rP C < < u ~~ h c j (u~ti~; ~, ~ „ _ ~~