HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070010 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070125DW~#~ (~ ~ - c'C') (~ Date ~,~ 2 S 1 U 7 - Who Reviewed: ~ Xl~'I .if {~'C~/ ~ ~ ~ (; Plan Detail 7_ncomplete ~'~~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ I /\ Qj2 (~ ~ S l~~-1' /.1~ l.~i~~c `~ ~t CGuLt~~ hs~• ^ Please provide a location map for the project. t• _ , J .-~ ~~~ . r; 2GV-7.t~ ~~ t ~A.v~ ~.- Pleaso show all stream impacts utcluding all fill slopes, diasipatara, sad bank stabili~iation on the site plan. ~ r `c ^. Please show ail wetland impacts including fill slopes on khe site plan. ~ ~~~-e.. ~~ v t ~ ~,` ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan. ~ ~~ ~~~ . ~~' ^ please indicate proposed lot layout as overlays on the sitoplan. -~~ ~~ i 5 ~ ~ ~~SIG'~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ' rr-~. ~ . ~~ s h~~l h ^ Please indicate the location of the protected buffas as overlays on the site plan. ~„1 ~~,~,`, `~~' L~ ~ ~~;tt ^ Please locate all isolated or non-isolated wetlands, ~atraams and other wators of the State as o~erlays one site plan. c~~ ~ ~h ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passages ^ Please locato any plannad•sewer lines on the sife plan. ~~ ~ ~ ~-{'~-~ ' l ~ C. `~ /LQ ~' ~ ~'--_ ~ ~= _~ ~. ^ Pleaso provide fhe location of any proposed stormwatar managoment practices as required liy QC G /~ T~ ^ Please provide detail for the stonnwatar• management practices ea required by C1C • C~" lSJW ~. ^ Ploase spocify the percent of project imper~iouaness area based on the ostimated built-out conditions: .. .:~-.. i ,~ ^ Please indicate all stormwat ~,o~falla on the site plait. ~ ~,~e~~ ~ ,( , ~ n }CIS/1~ty . ^ Ploa'se~indicato the diflhse flow provision measuros do the silo plan. ^ Please indicato whatha•or not the proposal impeata already bears conducted. .,,}~ ~ s.. ~I al - (~ Avoidance,and/or ]4+jlnim~z°tbn Not Provided ~~ ~ ~ l i ~~~ `~ ~`'~) v ~ `'~S "fY ~ rWa ~~f C.crC:'{"(,~,~5 . ' -t- ~'' ~.i~ ^ • The labeled ae ~_ on the plans does not appear to be necessary. Pleaso eliminate tho . or provide additional information as to why it is necessary for this p%~ect.. . ^ This OFfice beliexrea that the labeled on the plans as can be moved, or reconfigured to avoid tho impacts to the • . Plcage revise the plans to avoid the impacts. ~ ~ ' ^. This'Office believes that the labeled on tho plans as~ ~ can be moved or recanflgurod to.minimize tiao irrtpacts to'tho . Please revise tho plaits to minimizo tho impacts. ~ • ^ The stormwater discharges at the location on the plans labeled will. not provide diffase flow through tho buffer because ' . Please revise tho plans and provido calculations to show that di8iise flow v~ill be achieved through tho entirebu~. If it • is not possible to achimve•diflhseflow through.tho entIro buffar•'then it may bo necoseary to' provide stormwatar managemont. • practices that ranove nutrionts baforo the stonnwater can be discharged through the. bUffa~. ~. G~~~-~C? ~~~ Other ~ . ~(J ~ ~ ~ 1~U ~ K-.SUL~~ °~ '~~,~~ ~'c' c ~` /I~:~~'~ . ^•. The application foe was insuf6eiwrt•because over 1S0 feet of stream and/or over 1 acre ofw da'ad'impacts were requested. Pteaso provide $ . ~ This additional fee musf bo received before your application can be reviewed. ^ Please complete Section(s) on theapplication. - , ^ Pleaso provide a signed copy of the application. ^ Pleaso provide .copies of tho application, . copies of ~tho site pliins and other supporting information: _ ^ ~ Pleaeesubmit electronic CAD files showing ~ ;via ciueil to ian.mamTlan(t~ncmail.net and CI}• ~ . Mitigation . ~ ^ of compensatory mitigation is required for this project. ~ Please provide'a compensatory mitigation plan.. The plan must conform to thanxluireaments in 15 A NCAC 2H :0500 and must be appropriate to the typaof impacts proposed. ^ Please indicato which 404 Permit tho USACE would use to suthoriu this project.