HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-6093_Scopingrequest5��� ���oz5� Y5�' ) �G I��)`: I . A]!%t A0.`� • �� ������� �_%Y��a�lh �ccu�a�ncc April 2, 2018 RE: S`fIP U-6093 Start of Shidy SR 2452 (Rock Quarry Road) from Olde Birch Drive to SR 2544 (Sumlybrook Road) City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina T'o All Interested Par6es: The City of Raleigh (City) and the [�Iarth Carolina Deparhnent of Transportarion (NCDOT) has retained HDR Engineering, Inc. of fl1e Carolinas (HDR) to begin studying alternatives for widening SR 2542 (Rock Quarry Road) from Olde Birch Drive to SR 2544 (Sunnybrook Road) in Raleigh, NC. Figures 1 and 2 show the project vicinity and d1e project area. This proposed projectis identified in the 2018-2027 State TransportaHon Improvement Program (STIP) as U-6093 (March 2018). Right of way acquisition and conshuction are both scheduled to begin in Fiscal Year 2018. Purpose and Need The purpose of flte proposed project is to widen Rock Quany Road to a five-lane facility with sidewalks and a inu1H-use path on one side. The proposed project is needed to relieve congestion and provide a safer travel way for all users including motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists throughout the corridor. Existing Condition Tl1e project is approximately 0.8 miles long and extends from Olde Birch Drive to Sumlybrook Road. Rock Quarry Road is classified as a major thoroughfare on tlie City of RaleigKs Thoroughfare Plan. The exisHng roadway consists of two-lanes wifll interinittent wider sections along the souH1 side at Sumlybrook Road and the north side at Olde Birch Drive. Alternatives A focus for this sriidy is to begin idenHfying constraints along the corridor for consideration as the project progresses. Specific details regarding altemaHves and site design are not available at this stage and will be evaluated in the future. Please identify any potential facrors that should be considered and included in plaiuting for this project. If applicable, identify any permits or approvals which may be required by OI`FICH OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 722 W. HARGETT STREFT. SUITE 400 � RALEIGH. NORTH CAHOI..INA 27601 your agency. Your comments will be used in the preparaHon of a Federally-funded Categorical Exclusion. This document wIll be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It is desirable that your agency respond by May 2, 2018 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. Please include the STIP Project Number in all correspondence. Thank you in advance for your assistance. If you have any questions or require additional informarion after your review of the enclosed information, please contact me at (919) 996- 2166 or iason.myers�raleighnc.gov. We look forward to your comments and will evaluate and include all responses. Sincerely, Jason S. Myers, AICP Senior Transportation Planner Attachments Figure 1: Vicinity (Aerial) Figure 2: Project Area (USGS Topography) Cc: Bob Deaton, NCDOT Jeff Dayton, HDR