HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181733_B-4926 Agency Meeting Summary_10_17_2017_20180420Carpenter,Kristi From: Ward, Garcy Sent: Friday, Apri) 20, 2018 11:45 AM To: Carpenter,Kristi Subject: FW: [External] RE: B-4926 Agencies Meeting Attachments: B-4926 Agency Meeting Summary_10_l7_2017.pdf �c�r�y "�4lc�rc� Envirc�nrrir�n��l Sr�nic�r Spr�ci�lis� �Jc�r�h G�'�rc�lin� C�ivisic�n c�� W��r�r Rr�sc�aar�r�s ��3 W�shin�;�c�n Sqaa�rr� Mi�ll W�shin�;�c�n, f�JG�'??�SSS� ph: ?�?...�4E�...E�4��. From: Rajit Ramkumar [mailto:RRamkumar@sepiengineering.com] Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 9:53 AM To: Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov>; Steffens, Thomas A SAW (Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil) <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil>; Kincannon, William C. <wckincannon@ncdot.gov>; Hunter, Robert P <phunter@ncdot.gov>; Rogerson, Maria A<marogerson@ncdot.gov>; Susan Westberry <SWestberry@sepiengineering.com>; Danny Gardner <DGardner@sepiengineering.com>; Andy Howell <ahowell@sepiengineering.com> Cc: Yeung, Hon F <hfyeung@ncdot.gov> Subject: [External] RE: B-4926 Agencies Meeting �A�JTI��'; This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify that the attachment and content are safe. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov. � Pl�as� find attach�d th� draft m��ting summary from th� ag�ncy m��ting h�ld on Octob�r 17th. If you hav� any qu�stions or additions to th�s� not�s, pl�as� I�t Hon or I knovv. � ���it ��rc��Cto���r, PE, LEEL1 AP I IV� I�JI�m����r c�� IVEPA{PV�m�i�r� SEPI Engineering & C:anstructian 1a2� Vi/ade Avenue I Raleigh, hJC: 276t�� Phane: 919.�73.991� I C:el1:919.931.64�2 I s�.�i�r�.�i���rirn�.m��r�r Cannectwith us: Lii7k�dli7 I Twitt�r I Fac�bnnk ................................... .............................. ........................................ Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. From: Rajit Ramkumar Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 6:18 PM To: Ward, Garcy <�arcy.ward@ncdenr.�ov>; Steffens, Thomas A SAW (Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil) <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil> Cc:'Yeung, Hon F' <hfyeun�@ncdot.�ov>; Kincannon, William C. <wckincannon@ncdot.�ov>; Hunter, Robert P <phunter@ncdot.�ov>; 'marogerson@ncdot.gov' <maro�erson@ncdot.�ov>; Susan Westberry <SWestberry@sepien�ineerin�.com>; Danny Gardner <DGardner@sepien�ineerin�.com>; Andy Howell <ahowell@sepien�ineerin�.com> Subject: RE: B-4926 Agencies Meeting � �, � � . . � �. � W� vvill b� s�nding th� m��ting summary in th� n�xt f�vv days. If you hav� any qu�stions, pl�as� I�t Hon or I know. « File: Div 2 B-4926 Agency Meeting Agenda _10172017.pdf» « File: B- 4926_alt_1.pdf» «File: B-4926_alt_2.pdf» «File: B-4926_Handout.pdf» Thanks, Rajit ���it ��rc��Cto���r, PE, LEEL1 AP I IV� I�JI�m����r c�� IVEPA{PV�m�i�r� SEPI Engineering & C:anstructian 1a2� Vi/ade Avenue I Raleigh, hJC: 276t�� Phane: 919.�73.991� I C:el1:919.931.64�2 I s�.�i�r�.�i���rirn�.m��r�r Cannectwith us: Lii7k�dli7 I Twitt�r I Fac�bnnk Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. -----Original Appointment----- From: Yeung, Hon F [mailto:hfyeun�@ncdot.�ov] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 2:57 PM To: Yeung, Hon F; Kincannon, William C.; Ward, Garcy; Steffens, Thomas A SAW (Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil); Rajit Ramkumar; Hunter, Robert P Subject: B-4926 Agencies Meeting When: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: Div 2 Conference Room � Due to a scheduling conflict, the meeting is moved to Tuesday 10/17/17 at 9 am. Location is still Division 2 Conference Room. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the possible alternatives for the proposed projects. We will also discuss the document type that is required for the project. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you, Hon I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��, STIP 6-4926 BRIDGES No. 20 AND No. 34 ON NC 55 OVER NEUSE RIVER Lenoir County, NC AGENCY MEETING SU M MARY OCTOBER 17, 2017 SEPI Project No. TBD MEETING CALLED BY TYPE OF MEETING PROJECT 10:00 AM — 11:00 AM DIVISION 2 CONFERENCE ROOM Hon Yeung, NCDOT Division 2 Agency Meeting STIP B-4926, Lenoir County, NC ATTENDEE LIST � NAME AGENCY PHONE EMAIL Susan Westberry SEPI Danny Gardner SEPI Andy Howell SEPI Rajit Ramkumar SEPI Hon Yeung NCDOT Division 2 Garcy Ward NCDWR Tom Steffens Army Corps Maria Rogerson NCDOT Division 2 The subject meeting started at 10:00 AM. 910-550-3257 919-747-5850 919-747-5839 919-573-9915 252-439-2827 252-946-6481 910-251-4615 252-439-2830 swestberry@sepien�ineerin�.com d�ardner@sepien�ineerin�.com ahowell@sepien�ineerin�.com rramkumar@sepien�ineerin�.com hfyeung@ncdot.�ov Garcy.ward@ncdenr.�ov Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil maro�erson@ncdot.�ov AGENDA 1.) Project History (State Funded) Task Order 1(Preliminary Studies, Community Studies, NRTR & Roadway Design, FSM) 2.) Project Alternatives Alternative 1: Replace in place with outside detour SE PI E N G I N E E R I N G fi C O N S T R V C T I O N STIP 6-4926 BRIDGES No. 20 AND No. 34 ON NC 55 OVER NEUSE RIVER Lenoir County, NC Alternative 2: Replace to the south of existing with on-site detour 3.) Document type, permits, and Public Involvement 4.) Discuss project schedule and next steps 5.) Other topics 6.) Action Items PURPOSE OF MEETING The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the two alternatives for the proposed project and the type of document required for the project. DISCUSSION ■ Hon opened the meeting restating the purpose of the meeting followed by introductions. ■ SEPI provided an overview and history of the project. This project was part of the 2015 Bridge replacement group B started by NCDOT Central. The project was put on hold since early 2016. The first task order covered start of study coordination, Community Impact Assessment and an update of the Natural Resources Technical Report. ■ Both bridges (#20 &#34) were built in 1937 and the 2016 bridge inspection report indicates the bridges are functionally obsolete. ■ The original NRTR was completed in 2010 followed by an addendum in 2015 which looked at an expansion of the study area. A PJD package was submitted to Army Corps in 2015. A Tear sheet for the PJD can be issued along with the permit for the project. ■ The first task order evaluated two alternatives: o Alternative 1— Replace the bridge in place with an offsite detour o Alternative 2— Replace the bridge south of existing bridge with an on-site detour ■ With Alternative 1, the proposed detour is approximately 16 miles through downtown Kinston. The travel time for the detour is expected to take 45 minutes. SEPI contacted Emergency Management and Lenoir County Schools in September 2017 to determine impacts from the detour. Emergency Management indicated that redistricting of response areas. Lenoir County schools operate 4 school buses in the mornings and evenings. An offsite detour will is expected to create a significant impact to school bus operation. ■ Both alternatives are expected to have high utility impacts. ■ Preliminary wetland impact calculations were determined using conceptual designs developed for the project with 2:1 slopes. Alternative 1 is expected to have 0.5 acre wetland impact and Alternative 2 is expected to have 1.5 acre impact. ■ Based on the alternatives, preliminary impact numbers and the agencies determined the document can be a State Minimum Criteria Document. ■ The project is currently State Funded. ■ This project is not expected to be in merger process. SE PI , S�ArF �� . .3`�P � Z V'�� �i ��_i i�`z E N G I N E E R I N G fi C O N S T R V C T I O N J� I; C� ��. / \\ ��, STIP 6-4926 BRIDGES No. 20 AND No. 34 ON NC 55 OVER NEUSE RIVER Lenoir County, NC ■ Due to the public safety, significant delays with an off-site detour, and construction expected to take 3 years due to moratoriums, Alternative 2 was chosen as the preferred alternative for the project. ■ An Individual permit (Alt. 2— New Location) with an onsite mitigation plan was recommended. The existing causeway may be able to be used for an onsite mitigation site. ■ NCDWR requested that an estimate of mitigation be provided. This would include removal of roadway fill from the bridge approaches. Onsite mitigation would require a mitigation plan and monitoring. ■ The Neuse River is designated critical habitat for the Atlantic Sturgeon and consultation with National Marine Fisheries (St. Petersburg, FL) is recommended. The coordination can take up to a year. More information on procedures is expected to be provided in the next few months. Moratorium period is from February 15 to September 30. ■ SEPI will follow up with USACE regarding moratorium procedures ■ Division 2 is expected to complete surveys and SUE by November. ■ Include an outreach to EMS and Schools in the permit application. ■ Send out a project newsletter to request feedback and plan a County Commissioners meeting. ■ SEPI recommended Direct mailing to reach out to a larger area. ■ Maintain existing vertical clearance therefore it is covered as an exemption from USCG. ■ The project will require a formal exemption application to the USCG. ■ Changes to clearance will require an elaborate process and additional delays with USCG. ■ Bridge will be permitted under Section 9 through the USCG. A Section 10 permit would also be required from USACE. ■ A work trestle is recommended over temporary causeway fill. ■ With buffer rules in place, no deck drains are recommended. ■ Agencies prefer not to add any new ditches. ■ Anticipate rip rap toe protection in wetlands. ■ Rip-rap should be shown on plans for the entire length including rip rap for toe protection and approaches (2:1 with entire slope in rip-rap) ■ The boat ramp should be maintained during construction. ■ This section of NC 55 is part of a bike route and NCDOT bike and ped unit has recommended 5 foot bike lanes and shoulders on approaches with 54" three bar metal rails on the bridge. In order to minimize impacts, a 4' bike lane should be evaluated. Schedule Discussion: ■ B-4926 Tentative Schedule from the STIP is: o Right of Way—June 2019 o Let—June 2020 ■ Document is anticipated to be completed by October 2018 using 25% plans. SE PI , S�ArF �� . .3`�P � Z V'�� �i ��_i i�`z E N G I N E E R I N G fi C O N S T R V C T I O N J� I; C� ��. / \\ ��, STIP 6-4926 BRIDGES No. 20 AND No. 34 ON NC 55 OVER NEUSE RIVER Lenoir County, NC ACTION ITEMS ■ SEPI will start preparing scope for next steps with a schedule showing moratorium times for geotech borings and construction start date. ■ With the Permit application, SEPI to include an onsite mitigation plan ■ SEPI to prepare preliminary impact calculations using a 2.5:1 and a 3:1 slope once surveys are available ■ SEPI to evaluate steel vs pre-stressed concrete girder for the bridge ■ SEPI to confirm no surveys required for historic architecture (confirmed by Hon on 10/17/17). ■ Revisit with NCDOT Bike and Ped Unit if 4' bike lanes are sufficient instead of the 5' bike lanes previously requested. This will help minimize impacts. ■ Army Corps to send the National Marine Fisheries contact. ■ Division 2 to provide final surveys and SUE when available in November. The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 AM. Please let me know if there are discrepancies, errors, or omissions which need to be addressed. Please contact hfyeun�@ncdot.�ov /252-439-2827 or rramkumar@sepien�ineerin�.com/_919-573-9915. If no changes are received in a weeks' time receipt of these minutes, this meeting summary will be considered accurate. cc: Meeting Attendees Project File Attachments: Sign in sheet Meeting Handout S E P I s�Arc ti .s'P � � V� . �i �,1`�`_� ��`, E N G I N E E R I N G fi CONSTR V CT ION ��11� Cu ��\ /�j z �. � - - - - - — - �--- ----- ----,--- - , .. . - --. �� 4�21.0 �C��`NG'i_ 1'�� ��"1 f�1 C� ---.. .._ _ - -- --- - I 0 ( I�I .� l�l . _ -- - - � � -- - - - -- -. � ---- - - __ ,_ _ _ � _ _- ------.---- _ _--- - -- - - ---- --- - -- - - ,-- - -- --- -- - - - - - - _ _ -- -- - - - - -- ; = uSa�v� v��- _.__- - S ��P-� -- - S,�u-es� - - �_- - . _ _ �. �o - SSd _- 3Z.s1_ � ... .. __ _ _ __ - -- -- - � --------------- - - -- - - - - 5��-� � �1��_ _, c,�,nn. --�-- -- -- -- -- -�- � --_- - . _.. -- -- -- . _. _ , -- -_ _- - + _ _ _ , � _- .- - _- --- -- --- - - .-- - ------ ___ _. ------�--- -_ ___._ --� --- - _ _ _. _ _ ._ _ - ', _pA��r+ ITDt.�r�,et- - - _... 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