HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180087 Ver 2_SAW201800459 Request for Revision_20180420S&ME, Inc. | 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard | Charlotte, NC 28273 | p 704.523.4726 | f 704.525.3953 | www.smeinc.com April 17, 2018 US Army Corp of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Attention: Mr. Bryan Roden-Reynolds N.C. Division of Water Resources 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Attention: Ms. Sue Homewood Reference: Request for Permit Revision Clemmons Area Upgrade - Line 443 Davie County, North Carolina DWQ Project No. 20180087 SAW 2018-00459 S&ME Project No. 7435-17-015 Dear Bryan and Sue: On behalf of our client, Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG), S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) hereby submits this request for a revision to the existing permit authorizations for The Clemmons Area Upgrade – Line 443 Project (SAW-2018-00459 and DWR Project No. 20180087) in Mocksville, North Carolina. The proposed project will involve installation of approximately 7.2 miles of natural gas transmission pipeline. Project information was originally provided in a January 16, 2018 Pre- construction Notification (PCN). Impacts to Waters of the U.S. were originally authorized by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in accordance with Nationwide Permit (NWP) No. 12 on March 18, 2018, and under Water Quality Certification (WQC) No. 4133 by the NC Division of Water Resources on March 13, 2018. Jurisdictional boundaries within the project area were originally delineated by S&ME in April 2017. In anticipation of the start of project construction, S&ME personnel recently conducted a series of April 2018 return site visits to walk the project corridor and review conditions as they currently exist. It was noted that hydrologic conditions in one area differed from those encountered during the original delineation, resulting in an additional small wetland area in the proposed easement. The jurisdictional boundaries of the newly-identified wetland (WY) were delineated, and are depicted on the attached Figures (8rev and 44a), which are designed for Request for Permit Revision S&ME Project No. 7435-17-015 PNG Clemmons Area Upgrade – Line 443 April 17, 2018 2 inclusion in the set of exhibits provided with the original PCN. In addition, a summary of the revised wetland impacts are included in Table 1. During the site visit, it was also noted Wetland WH is located on a portion of the property that has been logged by the landowner since the time of the original delineation, and that wetland should not have been considered forested. Therefore, Table 1 has also been revised to reflect that all impacts to WH are temporary (0.068 acre), and none are permanent. Table 1: Revised Summary of Wetland Impacts Revised Wetland Impacts Wetland Crossing ID Impact Map # WAM Class Temp Impacts (Ac) Perm Impacts (Ac) WZ 32 Headwater Wetland 0.140 0.018 WA 33 Headwater Wetland 0.000 0.000 WB 34 Headwater Wetland 0.014 0.003 OW1 35 Open Water Impoundment 0.000 0.084 WO 36 Headwater Wetland 0.003 0.009 WC 37 Headwater Wetland 0.009 0.026 WF 38 Headwater / Seep 0.097 0.114 WG 39 Floodplain Pool 0.071 0.111 WH*40 Bottomland Hardwood 0.088 0.000 WI 41 Bottomland Hardwood 0.360 0.258 WP a 42 Bottomland Hardwood 0.367 0.289 WP b 43 Bottomland Hardwood 0.053 0.000 WK 44 Bottomland Hardwood 0.000 0.046 WY**44A Bottomland Hardwood 0.000 0.053 WL a 45 Bottomland Hardwood 0.085 0.048 WL b 46 Bottomland Hardwood 0.137 0.123 Totals:1.424 1.182 * The portion of property where WO is located was logged since the original delineation, and that wetland should not have been considered forested or require mitigation for conversion. Therefore, temporary impacts were revised to 0.088 acre, and permanent impacts revised to 0.00 acre. ** Newly-identified wetland. To minimize impacts to WY, a portion of the proposed temporary workspace that was originally planned at this location was eliminated, avoiding impacts to 0.060 acre of wetlands. We do not anticipate that additional mitigation for conversion impacts to WZ should be required. The amount of mitigation that PNG was required to purchase for impacts specified in the original PCN included 0.066 acre for the portion of WH that would be converted from forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands. However, this did not reflect that WH had been logged by the landowner since the time of the original delineation, and was no longer Request for Permit Revision S&ME Project No. 7435-17-015 PNG Clemmons Area Upgrade – Line 443 April 17, 2018 3 considered a forested wetland. Therefore, Table 1 has also been revised to reflect this, and the 0.066 acre of mitigation that was originally provided for WH adequately offsets the 0.053 acre of conversion now proposed at WY. Thank you for your consideration of the permit revision request. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at 704.523.4726. Sincerely, S&ME Joey Lawler, PWS Project Manager Senior Review by Chris Stahl, PE Attachments: 1) Figure 8rev; 2) Figure 40rev and 3) Figure 44a Revised Figures $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$STREAM S26INTERMITTENT FLOW51 LF IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 30STREAM S29INTERMITTENT FLOW53 LF IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 31WETLAND WKBOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD0.046 AC. IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 43WETLAND WL aBOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD0.133 AC. IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 44WETLAND WL bBOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD0.198 AC. IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 45WETLAND WP bBOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD0.053 AC. IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 42WETLAND WYBOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD0.053 AC. IN PROJECT AREASEE FIGURE 44aUS HWY 158 WARDRDLONESOMEDO VELNFOSTER DAIRY RDCH ALS MITH RD DULIN RDM A T C H LI N E 0 PIPE CENTERLINE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ACC ESS ROAD CENTERLINE CULVERT $STREAM CENTERLINE STREAM BANKS WETLAND OPEN WATER SC ALE: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER FIG URE NO.8 1 " = 4 00 ' 4-13 -18 7435 -17-015CLEMMONS LINE 328 UPGRADEPIEDMONT NATURAL GASDAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINADrawing Path: Q:\7435\17\015 HGA Clemmons - Line 328 Upgrade\DATA\GIS\shp\PCN\03-08_AERIAL.mxd plotted by DHomans 04-13-20180 400 800 (FEET)2015 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH³REFERENCE:GIS B ASE LAYERS WERE OBTA INE D FROM DAVIE COUNTY AND NC ONEMAP. PROJECT DESIGNINFORMATION WAS O BTAINED FROM HGA. STREAM AND WETLAND FEATURES WERE DELINEATED INTHE FIELD U SING GPS EQU IP MENT CAPA BLE OF SUB -M ETER ACCURACY. THIS MAP IS FORINFORMATIONAL P URP OSES ONLY. A LL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEYARE NOT BA SED ON CIVIL SURV EY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.rev WH SC ALE: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER FIG URE NO.40 rev1 " = 5 0 ' 4-13 -18 7435 -17-015 CL E M MON S A REA U PGR ADE - LINE 443PIEDMONT NATURAL GASDAVIE C OU NTY, N ORTH CAROLINA Dr awing Path: Q:\7435\17\015 HGA Clemmons - Lin e 328 Upgrade\DATA\GIS\shp\PCN\WetlandImpacts8X11.mxd plotted by DHomans 04-16-2018 0 50 100 (FE ET) JU RIS DICTIONAL IMPACTS:WH Wetland Crossing ³ REFERENCE:JURISDICTIONAL FEATURE LOCATION WAS DETERMINED USING GPS UNITS CAPABLE OF SUB-METER ACCURACY,BUT HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED BY A REGISTERED L AND SURVEYOR. PROPOSED WORKSPACES, ACCESS ROADS AND PIPELOCATIONS WERE PROVID ED BY H GA. THIS MAP IS F OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONSDISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. LE GEND PRO PO SED PI PE CENTERLINE TEM PO RARY W ETLAND IMPACT TEM PO RARY W ORKSPACE NEW PERM AN ENT EASEMENT WET LAND LIM I TS O F DIS TURBANCE We tla nd Crossing ID Local W a te rw ay Longitude La titude W AM Cla ssifica tion Cow ardin Classfica tion HGM Code Acre s Pe rma ne nt Impa ct Acres Te mpora ry Impa ct Impa ct De scription Additiona l Note s WH DUTCHM AN CREEK 3 5.934885°N 8 0.521199°W BO TTO M LAND HARDWOOD PEM RIVERINE 0.0 00 0.0 88 Tem po rar y gr oun d disturbance /tr enc hed pipe line crossing. Area h as r ecen tly be en clear cut;wetlan d is e m erg ent at this crossing.Perm a nen t m aint enan ce corridor will belimited t o 30 ' in wetlands. WK WY SC ALE: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER FIG URE NO.44a1 " = 5 0 ' 4-13 -18 7435 -17-015 CL E M MON S LINE 328 UPGRADEPIEDMONT NATURAL GASDAVIE C OU NTY, N ORTH CAROLINA Dr awing Path: Q:\7435\17\015 HGA Clemmons - Lin e 328 Upgrade\DATA\GIS\shp\PCN\WetlandImpacts8X11.mxd plotted by DHomans 04-13-2018 0 50 100 (FE ET) JU RIS DICTIONAL IMPACTS:WY Wet land Crossing ³ REFERENCE:JURISDICTIONAL FEATURE LOCATION WAS DETERMINED USING GPS UNITS CAPABLE OF SUB-METER ACCURACY,BUT HAVE NOT BEEN SURVEYED BY A REGISTERED L AND SURVEYOR. PROPOSED WORKSPACES, ACCESS ROADS AND PIPELOCATIONS WERE PROVID ED BY H GA. THIS MAP IS F OR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONSDISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. LE GEND PRO PO SED PI PE CENTERLINE PERM ANENT WE TLAND CONVERSION TEM PO RARY W ORKSPACE NEW PERM AN ENT EASEMENT WET LAND LIM I TS O F DIS TURBANCE We tla nd Crossing ID Local W a te rw ay Longitude La titude W AM Cla ssifica tion Cow ardin Classfica tion HGM Code Acre s Pe rma ne nt Impa ct Acres Te mpora ry Impa ct Impa ct De scription Additiona l Note s WY CEDAR CREEK 3 5.946673°N 8 0.513179°W BO TTO M LAND HARDWOOD PFO RIVERINE 0.0 53 0.0 00 Tem po rar y gr oun d disturbance /tr enc hed pipe line c ro ssing / permanentconversion of f or es ted vegetation toemergent in n ew ut ility corridor. None.