HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141169 All Versions_Meeting Minute 12122008_20100219� �..� :,:.; :�,; ��;;:.. ,.,. Wi�burSmith MEETING b11NUTES FROM F1ELD �1EETING REGARDING CONCURRENCE YOINT 3 RE�'ISITED CORR]DOR SELECTIOV POR TiIE MAYSVILLE BYPASS CONDUCTED ON DECEA4BER 12, 2008 DATE: Febniary 19, 2010 TO: All Attendees ATTENDEES: See Attached FROM: Wes Stafford, PE, AICP - Wilbur Smith Associates SUBJECT: US 17 Improvements from SR 1330/SR 1429 south of Belgrade to thc Jones /Craven County line south of New Bem, Onslow ai�d Jo�es Counties, North Carolina TIP No. R-2514 B, C& D, WBS No. 34442, (WSA Project No. 297420) Mark Pierce (NCDOT) opened the meeting at the campground adjaceut to US 17 in Maysville with the team by reviewing mapping of ihe proposed AI[emate 2A and 2C alignments and discussing the locations that would be visited. The team was interested in seeing wetland number 45 on Altemate 2A aod potential relocations that could be affected by both alignme�ts 2A and 2C. Alternate 2A: Wetland No. 45 was accessed by the team using GIS coordinate data and a handheld device. The team reviewed that area aod noted that the wetlands were of good quality and still similar to quality noted during tbe CP2A bridging decisions 5eld meeti�g on November 1, 2006. Alternate 2C: The team moved from Altemate 2A to Alternate 2C to review the potential relocations that could be impacted by widening the facility through Belgrade. The team paid close attention to the section between White Oak River Road and norlh toward the White Oak River. It was noted that several residences, a cemetery, and businesses such as a fertilizer company, grocery store, auto repair garage and the fire station could be impacted by widening this section of US 17. NCDOT human enviroument group noted that taking tbese business and residences could be detrimental to the community of Belgrade. The general consensus of USEPA and USACE was to support Alternate 2C (widen through Belgrade aod bypass Maysville) rather than direct impacts to the high-quality wetlands on Altemate 2A. The field meeting adjourned with a plan to meet again in the near future to discuss the field observations and make a final decision on the LEDPA for this section of the project. 421 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 1303 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 979755.D583f919.832.8798 www.WilburSmith.com US 17 Concurrence Point 3 Revisited Minutes February 19, 2010 Page 2 ATTENDANCE RECORD Name A enc Tele hone David Wainwri ht NCDENR — Division of Water uali 919-715-3415 Chris Militscher USEPA — Ralei h 919-856-4206 William Wescott USACE 252-975-1616 x 31 Travis Wilson NCWRC 919-715-1620 Mark Pierce NCDOT - Pro'ect Develo ment 919-733-7844 x 214 Suntein le Hel ren Wilbur Smith Associates 919-573-4196 Wes Stafford Wilbur Smith Associates 919-573-4196 Ron Sechler NOAA — Fisheries Steve Sollod NCDENR — Div. Coastal Man. 919-733-2293 x 230 Ste hen Lane NCDENR — Div. Coastal Man. 252-808-2808 Steve Gur anus NCDOT HEU 919-431-2032 Chris Riverbark PDEA — NEU 919-715-1460 Ed Eatmon NCDOT Div. 2 252-830-3490 James S eer Roadwa Desi 919-250-4016 David Wilver Wilbur Smith Associates 919-755-0583 US 17 Concunence Points 3& 3A Meeting Minutes July 10, 2009 Page 3 the least Section 404 impacts and therefore cannot concur and suggested that the elevation process be continued. The team was unable to reach concurrence on the corridor selection for the Maysville Bypass. NCDOT asked that everyone who has not written an elevation brief to do so and that the elevation process would be continued. He explained that those in non-concurrence must submit a brief, while it is optional for those who concur. There is no need for the NCDOT to submit a brief. USFWS asked for an extension on the 5-day brief filing requirement and explained that they would prov.ide a brief by July 2"a Environmental Justice (E.n Impacts to Bel�rade Wes Stafford read the EJ section regarding Belgrade from the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the group. The Forest Service questioned the jump in relocation numbers. EPA asked if there has been any economic analysis for Maysville with regards to the impact of a bypass. A Benefit Burden Analysis between Alt 2A and 2C in Maysville was suggested by NCDOT. William Wescott mentioned that the USACE elevation briefing will include a Benefit Burden Analysis and a review of the relocations so EJ issues can be fully addressed. � ACTION ITEMS 1.) WRC — requested vernal pools in Croatan National Forest be GPS'd for avoidance and minimization efforts. 2.) State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) — need an MOA for ALT 4D Foscue Simmons Plantation impacts 3.) Entire Merger Team — Elevation briefs by end of July. 4.) USACE — Benefit Burden Analysis for potential EJ issues. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:30 am. �'ilb�t��ith R A; GI RC f d{ T C S US 17 Concurrence Points 3& 3A Meeting Minutes July 10, 2009 Page 4 ATTENDANCE RECORD Name A enc Tele hone Kath Matthews US Environ. Prot. A enc 919-541-3062 Ed Eatmon NCDOT Div. 2 252-830-3490 Marissa Rodman NCDOT NEU 919-528-3490 Travis Wilson NCWRC 919-715-1620 Ga Jordan USFWS 919-856-4520 x 32 James S eer Roadwa Desi 919-250-4016 John Lansford NCDOT — Roadwa Desi 919-250-4016 Karen Com ton USFS � 828-257-4230 Thomas Stoddard NCDOT — STIP Unit 919-733-2039 Paul Mohler NCDOT — PDEA — HEU 919-715-1555 Suntem le Hel ren Wilbur Smith Associates 919-573-4196 Ja Twisdale NCDOT — H draulics 919-250-4100 Steve Sollod NCDENR — Div. Coastal Man. 919-733-2293 x 230 Chris Riverbark PDEA — NEU 919-715-1460 Matt Smith ESI 910-383-6021 Chris 1Vlilitscher USEPA — Ralei h 919-856-4206 Worth Calfee NCDOT NEU 919-715-7225 David Wainwri ht NCDENR — Division of Water Quali 919-715-3415 Vir inia Mab NCDOT ADU 919-212-3271 Brian Wrenn DW 919-733-5715 Ma Po e Furr NCDOT — Historic Architecture 919-715-1620 Brian Yamamoto NCDOT - Pro'ect Develo ment 919-733-7844 x 265 Renee Gledhill-Earle SHPO — DCR 919-807-6579 Ed Lewis PICS/HEU 919-715-1593 Neil Lassiter NCDOT — Division 2 919-733-2293 Phil Harris NCDOT — PDEA/NEU 919-715-1384 Carlos Mo a NCDOT — Trans ortation Plannin 919-733-4705 Allen Po e NCDOT Division 3 910-251-5724 William Wescott USACE 252-975-1616 x 31 Daniel Van Liere Down East RPO 252-229-0308 Mark Pierce NCDOT - Pro'ect Develo ment 919-733-7844 x 214 �lbur�r�ti�h w s; p G � w 7 c s US 17 SECTION 404 / NEPA MERGER PROCESS CONCURRENCE AGREEMENT CONCURRENCE POINT 3: CORRIDOR SELECTION NORTH OF MAYSVILLE TO NEW BERN US 17, NCDOT Divisions 2& 3, Onslow .& Jones Counties TIP Project No. R 2514BCD TIP Description : The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes a combination of widening, bypasses. of Belgrade, Maysville, and Pollocksville on new location, and other improvements to the existing US 17 roadway from multilanes north of Jacksonville (R-2514A) to multilanes south of New Bern (R-2301, the New Bern Bypass) to create a four-lane divided facility. Corridor Selection : Alternate 3 to widen existing US 17 from Maysville to Chadwick Alternate 4D from Chadwick to New Bern (Pollocksville Bypass) The Merger Process Team met on June 19, 2008 and concurs with the corridor selections listed above for the proposed improvements to US 17 from north of Maysyille to New Bern. � USACE � .�.5� 1 a� usFws - 61y ��s Wi1Gam Wescott P.W.S. Date � Gai Jor an Date , y USEP����' ' � � l l�l� �� USFS. �'� ��� ����� Christopher Militscher Date Karen Compton Date NMFS �'i %���'�'� �Dl/C�f l?� NCDWQ � �' �' �� Ron Sechler ' Date David Wainwrigl Date NCWR� %✓ `�/ " � ` ��- �� NCDCM ,��/�'�— ��i � /a,� Travis Wilson Date Steve Sollod DateT— NCDMF �� T��'�°��� ������ NCDCR �L ��l�l�� Trish Murphey Date Renee Gledhill-Earley t � NCDOT ���� �.� Y ���• �����t�� MarkPierce,P.E. Date MEETING NIINUTES FROM CONCURRENCE POINT 3 REVISITED CORRIDOR SELECTION FOR TFIE MAYSVILLE BYPASS CONDUCTED ON OCTOBER 16, 2008 DATE: TO: ATTENDEES: FROM: August 14, 2009 All Attendees See Attached Wes Stafford, PE, AICP - Wilbur Smith Associates : C `,�"" 'v i�-:25 -�a� � '�i Fl �I ��ti g.��� �1d � t CC4.�retST�- �� F%.K'..•Ti i�Vi:l�ur�mi�h A� S J C t�, i .s SUBJECT: US 17 Improvements from SR 1330/SR 1429 south of Belgrade to the Jones /Craven County line south of New Bern, Onslow and Jones Counties, North Carolina TIP No. R-2514 B, C& D, WBS No. 34442, (WSA Project No. 297420) Mark Pierce (NCDOT) opened the meeting stating the background of the project and that a proposal of a new design option for the Maysville Bypass will be discussed. Ongoing Issues: Bvrd Landfill: No update on this disposal violation. It appears based on information from Division 3 and the USACE that the majority of Alternative 2C is outside of the violation. NCDOT has permission from Mr. Byrd to get on the site. Wildlife Underpass: A stakeholders meeting was held on August 25, 2008. Discussion centered on design criteria and provisions for the underpass. The Nature Conservancy, USFWS, USFS, NCDENR, and NCWRC requested that NCDOT construct a wildlife underpass between Maysville and the community of Chadwick. NCDOT has conditionally agreed to construct a wildlife underpass as part of the R-2514 highway irnprovement project. , USACE: Will issue a preliminary jurisdictional determination after Maysville Bypass has been resolved and Rapanas Forms completed. Concurrence: Ron Secular (NOAA-Fisheries) by phone gave a verbal concurrence on all 2008 agreements for CP2R, CP2A and CP3 North during the meeting. In February 2007, elevation was initiated for the Maysville Bypass due to non- concurrence. In May 2008, CP2 was revisited and the merger team agreed to reduce alternates to 2A and 2C for the Maysville Bypass, Alternate 3 between Maysville and Pollocksville, and Alternates 4D and 4E for the Pollocksville Bypass. In June 2008 the team reached concurrence on Alternate 4D for the Pollocksville Bypass but didn't concur 421 Fayetteville Street Malf, Suite 1303 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 919.755.�583 f919.832.8798 www.WilburSmith.com US 17 Concurrence Point 3 Revisited Minutes August 14, 2009 Page 2 on the Maysville Bypass. On July 30, 2008 the Merger Management Team (MMT) did not reach concurrence on 2A and 2C. The project went back to the MMT on Sept 18th, with a new.design option for Alternate 2A offered. The MMT referred the decision back to the Merger Process Team. � Mark reviewed the existing design that was proposed for Alternate 2A with interchanges and proposed removing the interchanges and putting superstreets on each end and reserving the future R/W for the interchanges. This proposal does several things: Benefits; � Reserved R/W would preclude developers buying property. ■ Also, reduction of wetland impacts ■ Slightly shorter length ■ Has reduction in relocations Comments; ' ■ USEPA noted that in the past consideration was given for bridging wetland 45 on Altemate 2A. This wetland has potential to be high quality and if bridged Altemate 2A wetland impacts would be closer to Alternate 2C. If NCDOT would bridge this wetland USEPA would consider approving Alternate 2A. ■ Neil Lassiter (NCDOT) commented there were no immediate plans to construct interchanges. He is just interested in protecting the highway from future development. The deparhnent would prepare preliminary design for R/W purchase, but a superstreet connection would be constructed. ■ USEPA desires to reduce impacts to wetlands and put that up to the team for their thoughts. ■ DWQ noted that they would have trouble permitting future roads if they will have wetland impacts. For permitting, the complete project has to be considered which includes the future interchange. Could these interchanges be shifted to reduce wetland impacts? NCDOT cited: ■ 3 occasions where R/W was reserved but had to be changed and wasn't used. ■ If NCDOT doesn't use R/W but buys the property then owners would bave to relocate and land would lay dormant. ■ DWQ would like to have an idea of wetland impacts outside of the identified 2A corridor. This would help to ensure that R/W is purchased in the right location with minimum impacts. Discussion by the team noted that there were wetlands adjacent to the corridor. It was proposed that the southern terminus of Alternate 2A be looked at closer while northem terminus is the same for both Alternate 2A & 2C. US 17 Concurrence Point 3 Revisited Minutes August 14, 2009 Page 3 Southern Interchan e�be,yond Corridor ESI delineated to boundaries of design files that were shown on the mapping. Chris Manley noted that the southern end of the project has wetlands all over the area. Moving the interchanges probably won't make a difference. The team questioned if there was more potential for more minimization with Alternate 2A.� Mark noted that most improvements to minimize impacts have probably been completed. USEPA suggested that reducing the roadway median might reduce impacts or maybe a combination of changing bridge lengths and changing median width. The team was unable to reach concurrence on corridor selection for the Maysville Bypass and recommended conducting a field meeting to observer relocations in Belgrade and to re-verify quality of wetland 45. Meeting adjourned at 12:11. ATTENDANCE RECORD Name A enc Tele hone Brian Yamamoto NCDOT - Pro'ect Develo ment 919-733-7844 x 265 Colin Mellor NCDOT - NEU 919-715-1426 Paul Mohler NCDOT — Archaeolo 919-715-1555 Ed Eatmon NCDOT Div. 2 252-830-3490 Ed Lewis PICS/HEU 919-715-1593 Thomas Stoddard NCDOT — STIP Unit 919-733-2039 John Lansford NCDOT — Roadwa Desi n 919-250-4016 Ra Lovin ood NCDOT — H draulics 919-250-4100 Travis Wilson � NCWRC 919-715-1620 Kath Matthews US Environ. Prot. A enc 919-541-3062 Ja Twisdale NCDOT — H draulics 919-250-4100 William Wescott USACE 252-975-1616 x 31 James S eer Roadwa Desi 919-250-4016 Ga Jordan USFWS 919-856-4520 x 32 � Ste hen Lane NCDENR — Div. Coastal Man. � 252-808-2808 Suntem le Hel en Wilbur Smith Associates 919-573-4196 Chris Militscher USEPA — Ralei h 919-856-4206 Renee Gledhill-Earle SHPO — DCR 919-807-6579 KJ Kim NCDOT — Geotech 919-662-3576 Chris Manle NCDOT — Natural Environment 919-715-1487 Steve Sollod NCDENR — Div. Coastal Man. 919-733-2293 x 230 David Wainwri ht NCDENR — Division of Water uali 919-715-3415 Neil Lassiter NCDOT — Division 2 919-733-2293 Miss Dickens PDEA 733-7844 x 293 Marissa Rodman NCDOT NEU 919-528-3490 Tim Gardiner HEU — Communi Studies 919-715-1492 Brian Wrenn DWQ 919-733-5715 Gre Tho e PDEA 919-733-7844 US 17 Concurrence Point 3 Revisited Minutes August 14, 2009 Page 4 Karen Com ton USFS 828-257-4230 Ron Sechler NOAA — Fisheries Wes Stafford Wilbur Smith Associates 919-573-4196 Mark Pierce NCDOT - Pro'ect Develo ment 919-733-7844 x 214 Rob Hanson NCDOT - Pro'ect Develo ment 919-733-7844 x 226 Scott McLendon USACE ' David Wilver Wilbur Smith Associates 919-755-0583