HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141169 All Versions_Federally Protected Species Update_20090101FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES UPATE US 17 From South of Belgrade to the Jones - Craven County Line Onslow, Jones, and Craven Counties, North Carolina TIP R-2514B, C, & D THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION January 2009 Federally Protected Species Update R2514RC. & D Environmental Services, Inc., (ESI), has completed an update of federally protected species for the proposed right-of-way limits for Alternatives 2A, 2C, 3, and 4D of the US 17 Belgrade to New Bern improvements project R-2514B (Figure 1). Federally protected species were previously assessed for the August 2001 Natural Resources Technical Report. Endangered Species Act Protected Species As of January 31, 2008, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists fifteen federally protected species for Onslow, Jones, and Craven counties (Table 1). A brief description of each species' habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the study area. Habitat requirements for each species are based on the current best available information as per referenced literature and USFWS correspondence. Table I. Federally nrotected snecies listed for the Onslow..lones. and Craven Counties. Scientific Name Common Name" ... ^F?ederral? 'Status" Habitat P?eseiit a RBiWjical'- 'Concldsions. Countyzj Listed' ,i Alligator mississi iensis American alligator T (S/A) Yes Not Required O, 1, C Puma concolor cou uar Eastern puma E No No Effect O Chelonia m das Green sea turtle T No No Effect 0 Dermochelys cortacea Leatherback sea turtle E No No Effect O, C Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle T No No Effect 0 Charadrius melodus Piping lover T No No Effect O Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker E Yes MA-NLA 0, J, C Acipenser brevirostrum Shormose sturgeon E No No Effect 0 Trichechus mananes West Indian manatee E No No Effect O, C Aeschynomene vii inica Sensitive joint-vetch T No No Effect C Amaramhus umilus Seabeach amaranth T No No Effect O Carex lurea Golden sedge E No No Effect 0 . Lindera melissi olia Pondber E No No Effect 0 Lysimachia as errdae olia Rough-leaved loosestrife E No No Effect O Thalicirum coole i Coole 's meadowrue E No No Effect O E - Endangered T - Threatened T(5/A)-'nveatened due to similarity of appearance MA-NLA - May Affect - Not Likely to Adversely Affect * - Historic record (the species was last observed in the county more than 50 years ago) O - Onslow County J -Jones County C - Craven County American alligator USFWS optimal survey window: year round (only warm days in winter) Habitat Description: In North Carolina, alligators have been recorded in nearly every coastal county, and many inland counties to the fall line. The alligator is found in rivers, streams, canals, lakes, swamps, and coastal marshes. Adult animals are highly tolerant of January 2009 Federally Protected Species Update R2514B.C, & D salt water, but the young are apparently more sensitive, with salinities greater than 5 parts per thousand considered harmful. The American alligator remains on the protected species list due to its similarity in appearance to the Endangered American crocodile. Biological Conclusion: Not Required Species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance do not require Section 7 consultation with the USFWS. Potentially suitable habitat for the American alligator is present in the study area. Construction activities may temporarily displace any American alligators in the study area; however, no long-term impact to the American alligator is anticipated as a result of this project. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known American alligator occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Eastern cougar USFWS optimal survey window: year round Habitat Description: Records of eastern cougar occur across the state of North Carolina with most sightings in coastal swamps and the southern Appalachian Mountains. This nocturnal predator is found in large remote wilderness areas where there is an abundance of their primary food source, white-tailed deer. A cougar will usually occupy a range of 10 to 20 square miles, varying in size with age, sex, and food availability. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the Onslow County portions of the study area. The study area includes the edges of more expansive forest areas that include portions of the Croatan National Forest and private timberlands. While these expansive forests could provide potentially suitable foraging habitat for the eastern cougar, the study area is not in a remote wilderness area. The forested areas of the study area are mostly in timber management and interspersed with urban areas, roadside development, and farms, all areas of intense human presence and activity. In addition, the loss of forested areas within the study area will not create additional fragmentation of the more expansive forest areas to the east and west or significantly reduce the size of these areas. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known eastern cougar occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Green sea turtle USFWS optimal survey window: April-August Habitat Description: The green sea turtle is found in temperate and tropical oceans and seas. Nesting in North America is generally limited to small communities on the east coast of Florida requiring beaches with minimal disturbances and a sloping platform for nesting (they rarely nest in NC). The green sea turtle can be found in shallow waters. They are attracted to lagoons, reefs, bays, mangrove swamps, and inlets where an abundance of marine grasses can be found, as this is the principle food source for the green sea turtle. Biological Conclusion: No Effect 2 January 2009 Federally Protected Species Update R251413,C. & D Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the study area. The study area does not include in oceanic, estuarine, or ocean beach habitats that provide suitable habitat for this species. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known green sea turtle occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Leatherback sea turtle USFWS optimal survey window: April-August Habitat Description: Leatherbacks are distributed world-wide in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. They are generally open ocean species, and may be common off the North Carolina coast during certain times of the year. However, in northern waters leatherbacks are reported to enter into bays, estuaries, and other inland bodies of water. Major nesting areas occur mainly in tropical regions. In the United States, primary nesting areas are in Florida, however, nests are known from Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina as well. Nesting occurs from April to August. Leatherbacks need sandy beaches backed with vegetation in the proximity of deep water and generally with rough seas. Beaches with a relatively steep slope are usually preferred. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the study area. The study area does not include any oceanic, estuarine, or ocean beach habitats that provide suitable habitat for this species. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known Leatherback sea turtle occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Loggerhead sea turtle USFWS optimal survey window: April-August Habitat Description: The loggerhead is widely distributed within its range, and is found in three distinct habitats during their lives. These turtles may be found hundreds of miles out in the open ocean, in neritic (nearshore) areas, or on coastal beaches. In North Carolina, this species has been observed in every coastal county. Loggerheads occasionally nest on North Carolina beaches, and are the most common of all sea turtles that visit the North Carolina coast. They nest nocturnally, at two-to three-year intervals, between May and September generally on isolated beaches that are characterized by fine-grained sediments. In nearshore areas, loggerheads have been observed in bays, lagoons, salt marshes, creeks, ship channels, and the mouths of large rivers. Coral reefs, rocky places, and shipwrecks are often used for foraging area. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the study area. The study area does not include any oceanic, estuarine, or ocean beach habitats that provide suitable habitat for this species. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known loggerhead sea turtle occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. 3 January 2009 Federally Protected5pectes Update R2514B.C, & D Piping Plover USFWS optimal survey window: year round Habitat Description: The piping plover breeds along the northeastern coast of the United States south to North Carolina. North Carolina is uniquely positioned in the species' range, being the only State where the piping plover's breeding and wintering ranges overlap and the birds are present year-round. They nest most commonly where there is little or no vegetation, but some may nest in stands of beachgrass. The nest is a shallow depression in the sand that is usually lined with shell fragments and light-colored pebbles. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the study area. The study area does not include ocean beach or other open sand habitats that provide suitable habitat for this species. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known piping plover occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Red-cockaded woodpecker USFWS optimal survey window: year round; November-early March (optimal) Habitat Description: The red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) typically occupies open, mature stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine, for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older and which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 mile. Biological Conclusion: May Affect - Not Likely to Adversely Affect Pine stands located within 0.5 miles of the study area were reevaluated in the summer and fall of 2008 in order to identify the presence of potential foraging and/or nesting habitat for RCW. The results of the stand characterization are presented in Appendix A and Figure 2. Much of the forested areas characterized were either small or included a dense subcanopy and therefore were not considered suitable foraging habitat for RCW. Several areas were identified as suitable foraging habitat with the potential for the inclusion of older trees suitable for nesting. Pedestrian transects were conducted by ESI biologists Matt Smith, David DuMond, Christopher Mahan, and Jan Gay in these areas to identify RCW cavities. No RCW cavities were observed within the study area or within 0.5 mile of the study area. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known RCW occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Records available from the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) indicate that a portion of A portion of RCW Territory 134 within the Croatan National Forest is located within the study area. This territory does not include any active RCW cavities. The portions of this territory affected by the proposed project include young pines and/or a dense subcanopy with scattered older pines. This area was visited repeatedly in order to document RCW activity. No RCW activity was observed within RCW Territory 134. 4 January 2009 Federally Protected Species Update R25148,C, & D Shortnose sturgeon USFWS optimal survey window: surveys not required; assume presence in appropriate waters Habitat Description: Shormose sturgeon occur in most major river systems along the eastern seaboard of the United States. The species prefers the nearshore marine, estuarine, and riverine habitat of large river systems. It is an anadromous species that migrates to faster- moving freshwater areas to spawn in the spring, but spends most of its life within close proximity to the river's mouth. Large freshwater rivers that are unobstructed by dams or pollutants are imperative to successful reproduction. Distribution information by river/waterbody is lacking for the rivers of North Carolina; however, records are known from most coastal counties. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the Onslow County portions of the study area. Rivers and streams crossed by the study area within Onslow County do not provide suitable habitat for this species. The largest stream within Onslow County within the study area is the White Oak River, which is approximately 6 to 20 feet wide, I to 5 feet deep, and of low velocity within the study area which is too narrow, shallow, and sluggish to be utilized by the shortnose sturgeon. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known shortmose sturgeon occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. West Indian manatee USFWS optimal survey window: year round Habitat Description: Manatees have been observed in all of North Carolina coastal counties. Manatees are found in canals, sluggish rivers, estuarine habitats, salt water bays, and as far off shore as 3.7 miles. They utilize freshwater and marine habitats at shallow depths of 5 to 20 feet. In winter, between October and April, manatees concentrate in areas with warm water. During other times of the year habitats appropriate for the manatee are those with sufficient water depth, an adequate food supply, and in proximity to freshwater. Manatees require a source of freshwater to drink. Manatees are primarily herbivorous, feeding on any aquatic vegetation present. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the Onslow and Craven County portions of the study area. Rivers and streams crossed by the study area within Onslow and Craven Counties do not provide suitable habitat for this species. The largest streams within these counties within the study area are the White Oak River and Deep Gulley both of which are too narrow and shallow to be utilized by the West Indian manatee. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known West Indian manatee occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. 5 January ?009 Federally Protected Species Update R25148,C, & D Sensitive joint-vetch USFWS optimal survey window: mid July-October Habitat Description: Sensitive joint-vetch grows in the mildly brackish intertidal zone where plants are flooded twice daily. This annual legume prefers the marsh edge at an elevation near the upper limit of tidal fluctuation, but can also be found in swamps and on river banks. Sensitive joint-vetch normally occurs in areas with high plant diversity where annual species predominate, and can grow in sand, mud, gravel, or peat substrates. Bare to sparsely vegetated substrates appear to be a microhabitat feature of critical importance to this plant. Such microhabitats may include accreting point bars that have not yet been colonized by perennial species, areas scoured out by ice, lows swales within marshes, muskrat "eat outs" where this rodent removes all of the vegetation within a small portion of the marsh, storm damaged areas, and the saturated organic sediments of some interior marshes that have local nutrient deficiencies. In North Carolina, stable populations have been found in the estuarine meander zone of tidal rivers where sediments transported from upriver settle out and extensive marshes are formed. Additional North Carolina occurrences are also found in moist to wet roadside ditches and moist fields, but these are not considered stable populations. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the study area. The riverine wetland systems present within the study area are not subject to wind driven or lunar driven tides. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known sensitive joint vetch occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Seabeach amaranth USFWS optimal survey window: July-October Habitat Description: Seabeach amaranth occurs on barrier island beaches where its primary habitat consists of overwash flats at accreting ends of the islands, lower foredunes, and upper strands of noneroding beaches (landward of the wrack line). In rare situations, this annual is found on sand spits 160 feet or more from the base of the nearest foredune. It occasionally establishes small temporary populations in other habitats, including sound- side beaches, blowouts in foredunes, interdunal areas, and on sand and shell material deposited for beach replenishment or as dredge spoil. The plant's habitat is sparsely vegetated with annual herbs (forbs) and, less commonly, perennial herbs (mostly grasses) and scattered shrubs. It is, however, intolerant of vegetative competition and does not occur on well-vegetated sites. The species usually is found growing on a nearly pure silica sand substrate, occasionally with shell fragments mixed in. Seabeach amaranth appears to require extensive areas of barrier island beaches and inlets that function in a relatively natural and dynamic manner. These characteristics allow it to move around in the landscape, occupying suitable habitat as it becomes available. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the study area. The study area does not include ocean beach or other open sand habitats that provide suitable habitat for this 6 January 2009 Federally Protected Species Update R 514B,C. & D species. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known seabeach amaranth occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Golden sedge USFWS optimal survey window: mid-April-mid-June Habitat Description: Golden sedge, a very rare endemic of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, grows in sandy soils overlying calcareous deposits of coquina limestone, where the soil pH, typically between 5.5 and 7.2, is unusually high for this region. The perennial prefers the ecotone between pine savanna and adjacent wet hardwood or hardwood/conifer forest. Most plants occur in the partially shaded savanna/swamp where occasional to frequent fires favor an herbaceous ground layer and suppress shrub dominance. Soils supporting the species are very wet to periodically shallowly inundated. Other occurrences can occur on disturbed areas such as roadside drainage ditches or power line rights-of-way, where mowing and/or very wet conditions suppress woody plants. Poorly viable populations may occur in significantly disturbed areas where ditching activities that lower the water table and/or some evidence of fire suppression threatens the species. Tulip poplar, pond cypress, red maple, wax myrtle, colic root, and Cooley's meadowrue are a few of its associate species. Biological conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the Onslow County portions of the study area. The soil series occurring at known sites, Grifton fine sandy loam, is not present in the study area. The areas mapped as Muckalee series soils, another circumneutral soil, occur in stream floodplains and other forested riverine swamp systems and do not support the vegetation assemblage or hydrology that provide suitable habitat for this species. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known golden sedge occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Pondberry (southern spicebush) USFWS optimal survey window: February-October Habitat Description: Pondberry occurs in seasonally flooded wetlands, sandy sinks, pond margins, and swampy depressions. This deciduous, aromatic shrub occurs in bottomland hardwood forests with perched water tables along inland areas of the southeastern United States. In the Coastal Plain of the Carolinas, the species occurs at the margins of limestone sinks and ponds and in undrained, shallow depressions of longleaf pine and pond pine forests. Known populations in North Carolina occur in the Small Depression Pocosin natural community, grow in soils with sandy sediments and high water table, contain high peat content in the subsurface, and include a prevalence of shrubs due to historically frequent or intense fires. It generally grows in somewhat shaded areas, but can tolerate full sun. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for pondberry does not exist within the study area. The study area does not contain any limestone sinks or small depression pocosin habitat that North Carolina 7 January 2009 Federally Prolecled Species Updan, R25l4B.C, & D populations of this species inhabit. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known pondberry occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Rough-leaved loosestrife USFWS optimal survey window: mid May-June Habitat Description: Rough-leaved loosestrife, endemic to the Coastal Plain and Sandhills of North and South Carolina, generally occurs in the centuries or edges between longleaf pine uplands and pond pine pocosins in dense shrub and vine growth on moist to seasonally saturated sands and on shallow organic soils overlaying sand (spodosolic soils). Occurrences are found in such disturbed habitats as roadside depressions, maintained power and utility line rights-of-way, firebreaks, and trails. The species prefers full sunlight, is shade intolerant, and requires areas of disturbance (e.g., clearing, mowing, periodic burning) where the overstory is minimal. It can, however, persist vegetatively for many years in overgrown, fire-suppressed areas. Blaney, Gilead, Johnston, Kalmia, Leon, Mandarin, Murville, Torhunta, and Vancluse are some of the soil series on which occurrences have been found on. Biological Conclusion: No Effect Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the Onslow County portions of the study area. The areas mapped as Kalmia series soils occur in areas currently managed as residential landscapes or agricultural land and do not support the ecotonal areas between longleaf pine and pond pine pocosin communities that provide suitable habitat for rough- leaved loosestrife. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known rough-leaved loosestrife occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Cooley's meadowrue USFWS optimal survey window: mid June-early July Habitat Description: Cooley's meadowrue, documented in the Pine Savanna natural community, occurs in circumneutral soils in sunny, moist to wet grass-sedge bogs, wet-pine savannas over calcareous clays, and savanna-like areas, often at the ecotones of intermittent drainages or non-riverine swamp forests. This rhizomatous perennial herb is also found along plowed firebreaks, roadside ditches and rights-of-way, forest clearings dominated by grass or sedge, and power line or utility rights-of-way. The species requires some type of disturbance (e.g., mowing, clearing, periodic fire) to maintain its open habitat. The plant typically occurs on slightly acidic (pH 5.8-6.6) soils that are loamy fine sand, sandy loam, or fine sandy loam; at least seasonally moist or saturated; and mapped as Foreston, Grifton, Muckalee, Torhunta, or Woodington series. Atlantic white cedar, tulip poplar, golden sedge, and bald and pond cypress are a few of its common associates. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. Suitable habitat for this species does not exist within the Onslow County portions of the study area. The areas mapped as Muckalee series soils occur in stream floodplains and other forested riverine swamp systems and do not support the vegetation assemblage or hydrology that provide suitable habitat for this species. A review of NCNHP records, 8 January 2009 Federally Protected Species Update R251aB.C. & D updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known Cooley's meadowrue occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat for the bald eagle consists primarily of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominate trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. Suitable habitat for bald eagle exists in the study area in the vicinity of Deep Gully, the Trent River, and the White Oak River. Surveys for nest trees were conducted in June, July, and December 2008 within these portions of the study area and to a distance of 660 feet on all sides. No nest trees within 660 feet of the study area. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no known bald eagle occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. Endangered Species Act Candidate Species As of January 31, 2008 the USFWS lists one Candidate species for Onslow County (Table 2) and no Candidate species for either Jones or Craven Counties. A review of NCNHP records, updated May 4, 2008, indicates no occurrence of Candidate species within 1.0 mile of the study area. Table 2_ Candidate sneries listed for the Onslow..lones. and Craven Counties. Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Present Dichanthelium hirrtii Hirst's panic grass No 9 Jnnuary?009 Federally Prolecled Species Update R2514B,C. & D References Department of the Army. 2007b. Rough-leaved Loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulifolia). http://www.braee.army.miI/esb/rough-leaved loosestife.htm. (Accessed January 4, 2008). Franklin, Misty A. and John T. Finnegan. 2006. Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Plant Species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Raleigh. LeGrand, Harry E. Jr., Sarah E. McRae, Stephen P. Hall, and John T. Finnegan. 2006. Natural Heritage Program List of the Rare Animal Species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Raleigh. National Marine Fisheries Service. 1998. Recovery Plan for the Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). Prepared by the Shortnose Sturgeon Recovery Team for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD. 104 pp. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. Threats to Marine Turtles. http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/threats.htm. (Accessed January 4, 2008) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/fish/shortnosesturpeon.htm. (Accessed 01/04/08) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/leatherback.htm. (Accessed January 4, 2008) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta care[la). http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/loggerhead.htm. (Accessed January 4, 2008) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources. Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). http://www.nmfs.noaa.pov/pr/species/turtles/green.htm. (Accessed January 4, 2008) N.C. Natural Heritage Program. 2008. Element Occurrence Search Report: Craven, Jones, and Onslow Counties, North Carolina. Updated June 2008. N.C. Natural Heritage Program. Eastern cougar. http://www.ncnhp.org/Images/9.pdf. (Accessed January 4, 2008) N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Wildlife Profiles: West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manalus). hitp://wwwncwildlife.org/l)gO7 WilfiifeSpeciesCon/Profiles/manateewindian.pdf. (Accessed January 4, 2008) January 2009 Federally Protected Species Updale R1514B,C. & D U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993. Recovery Plan for Pondberry (Lindera melissifolia). Atlanta, GA. 56 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995a. Rough-leaved Loosestrife Recovery Plan. Atlanta, GA. 32 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1995b. Sensitive Joint-Vetch (Aeschynomene virginica) Recovery Plan. Hadley, MA. 55 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. Recovery Plan for Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) Rafinesque. Atlanta, GA. 59 pp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2002. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for Carex lutea (Golden Sedge). 67 FR 3120-3126. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006a. Optimal Survey Windows for North Carolina's Federally Threatened and Endangered Plant Species. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/es/plant survey.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 4: Southeast Region, North Carolina Ecological Services. 2006b. Threatened and Endangered Species in North Carolina: Onslow, Jones, and Craven Counties. Updated January 31, 2008. http://www.fws.pov/nc-es/es/countyfr.html U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). http://www.fws.gov/species/species accounts/bio alli.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. American alligators in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/reptile/alli ae t.htm]. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cooley's Meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi). http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/plant/coolmeadow.htm]. (Accessed 01/04/08) U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cooley's Meadowrue (Thalictrum cooleyi). http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/plant/coolmeadow.html. (Accessed 01/04/08) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Eastern Cougar (Puma concolor couguar). http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/mammal/coupar.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Green Sea Turtles in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/reptile/greensea.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Leatherback Sea Turtles in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/reptile/leather.htmI. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Loggerhead Sea Turtles in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/reptile/logger.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Piping plover (Charadrius melodus). http://www.fws. og v/ne- es/birds/oipiylov.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pondberry (Southern Spicebush) in North Carolina. 11 January 2009 Federolly Protected Species Upda(e R?5/JB.C. & D http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/plant/pondberrv.htmi (Accessed: January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Red-cockaded Woodpecker in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc-esibirds/rcwood.html. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife 'Service. Rough-leaved Loosestrife (Lysimachia asperulifolia). http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/plant/rllooses.htm1. (Accessed January 4, 2008) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Shormose Sturgeon in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc- es/fish/shortst.html. (Accessed 01/04/08) U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus). http://www.fws.gov/nc-es/plant/seabeachamaranth.htmi. (Accessed 01/04/08) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Sensitive Joint-vetch in North Carolina. http://www.fws.gov/nc- es/plant/sensiointv.html. (Accessed 01/04/08) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. West Indian Manatees in North Carolina. ham://www.fws.gov/nc-es/mammal/manatee.html. (Accessed 01/04/08) 12 January 2009 v s 0 0 ?i v 3 [L. 0 L U U 0 O O C O 0. N U L O U N C G N C 0. C O O U iC t Y U U ? U ? d ? O L O 3 0 d C 'D U Y L U (? U y ? C v N e. L k 9 O d d d CL ° c `N O Q [r. ?..) Lt7 L[] Q Q Q R. Q O] 07 Q L[7 Q („) v m Q z U > d rOn z z z N o U z ° k ?yl ?? ? N N M M Q` .-. O ? ? f` ? M N ? W M O O ic Q'D 7 Vt N N C 1? 00 M 7 Vl 7 1? 00 N C Q N v C 'a O t L 7 r. b N N .-- b r t` ? O O N M N 0 0 0 N1 ? N U - V V - N N - V - N N N N N v ? U G ? 0 0 O N O N O O o0 t .C L ? N N N r ? i0 ? N N `D R U L. N N 7 V V M 7 M 00 7 V M 00 OO ?O 7 > Q T ? R N U? 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IMIN1 41r7f ji, 39 Ile DlsqJ= I -~ it Ilk" 4 'Q;+ r L? -,,ti I f ?? ?i j r- ('?7fJ(L., Y 5?.?. ?? `?. ?'h1?- rr (??,5, •?+, .. ,1 I, 491 I f " ,ptr "y-• 111'r .- 1, '?..!I,, ?rR 'e I ? ;tt?.? r. ?` I yam' Yi.-r Jili I• _,j^ ,'11.1, i \?? 4,1??y .. .r I .?,• ?? 1 l,, _ :? i ,4611 y + v _ ' • \ r / _ 'A• .??, I ?•,! n?rlfi ,. ? I y • . ?r? • t -- •L^ _ + • i' ? 1 I ? rri I -?- \? YY s . t, ,,, _ ;l' ''' r,? vl ' ?.•? . 4+ .' 16" • ' al-u. .?. ?',r _ - // 1 f ?/ 'C ? e fy t•ti ?71?'??1 fir. ?r,• `?. 1 ? ? ? - •.? vl?; ?{?•-? _. ??ia M _^ j - - ? . Ile 10 I 4 c I , 1 l f r L . 11 r- M a. cerrl _,,; C3 Project Boundary. Alternate 2A* ,r a ?.?,,,?, t F. .?• ' I - `` Alternate 2C* Alternate 3* `°'y41y?¢. ': 5,. 1`I" - l } :•' '' *Location and extent is approximate. ( ??;.._?`I hl. Iti •o'?` '' - _ "- :%• _ _., _ ` \ 0 loco zooo Feet I 1 t - '? ' S I j @r p I Source: USGS Qlgttal Raster Graphics, Keltum, r i i 1 .y1 vdr.5- `.•_ ?? ~'.• } ?? .?)• Jacksonville Northeast, Maysdlle, Porocksvllle. y _ I / _ _ r I j Stepa and Trenton, NC Quadrangles. 1998; Project L . r, .. • \ - r,y? _ ndary approxlmotsd by ESI. bou .:I XI% Q ill- `s? r•., 1, L ; Oifidwms: The rdooralron deprrsea on Ilia fqura a for ••?1 k, - - - - f{ r - r, - - _ mbnnanwlel pwpo only and raIi not Woolmd far, .w 1e eWlable for "N ar &V wIII rq purpoaea. Project Location Project: WIL06046.02 US 17 T & E Update Date: Jan 2009 r Onslow, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina Drwn/Chkd: EW1MS `` •- „s„•a Figure: 1a ?` ?y ?• !• C. _, -_ ,? ? + ? w`?_ ,?` _ ??s i ', s der ?? ''1 _~ ? / r'^-?` -'? - - - - -"? - - - - -? . -__ 1" i - -'? fs - -? '?•'- = " ` gl! L! Match Line s; }l_ ''•?? r' Figure 1 c IL.. ?1' 1• '%L:?-i:" _ %' ?_ ? \ ,c --'. - ? ?- ?'^,.-.-uTs?. ,• - i0w Batt.. Y ! .t ,It -1 T' ,da ." '' -•• lr, ?f.f???l'. •;4 ,, ? -??_"._ ?•j •' '?'-• ? 8M 7,E ? •'I a jam,. ,? 1 Twvivl 140. KIT 111 •,? ? ?o f - ti ?'? ?}•;' t:, ? i' `: 1 I 1. ??>; ? ,?• ! I -? ,_ il- ?.1 '1?'.. S,, `It `? _? /; ? +?-= - ' r .?- '?' I .r . 1 I I nav"ww 6% -LW ' ? C?lll 9M39 I?? ' -- Ib?St? ? f'•?? j ? ~ r'i'' ,?^ _. -? --?- - _• - ---I' ? - n"r .?y4'--?+F'•'rl-l,- ,-•,•\?'S ?? ` 1:??`? ?/-?lr?a.?•? t??lh ,.,?'^?' .--,,,•?• - _ ?ds>??'_+?.'?-,..4j •?Vyld? icy-. ' I14.. - - ; ? / +-r'.f 'i .??4 Sys - 4- '.' __TY I` 1 I I 1 ? 1? i' t'l 1, t ?? II t ? 1 ?. -'"?t. -814 ? .? ? 'z ••- ,? f? ,'u i, ??? It II ? ,'?' 1 I .,,yea{-??''- }' •?' ?' .__ -I, +? lV.• NN\ t •I l r i" 1. r1?' ?. 1 •- eat I i l e y f 1 ! ? ' . -77 I .? r A,? . `'? t ,o 1 e M42 Ij ;1 j ' '-- iy C3 Project Boundary" Alternate 3" ?- I Alternate 41D" `,. 'Location and extent is approximate. l 0 1000 2000 Feet Source: USGS Dlpnal Raster Graphics, Kellum, - -- - Match LLinej'---- JacksonAlle Nom,easL Maysville. PWOace?lue, - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - Stella and Trenton, NC Ousdrargles. 1998: Project FigurIxundery approximated by esl. oelaelmer: The Inronrrson deplMd on MW 6pure is for ~ ' y irdomwtldNl purposes orgy wW ,ea. M Prepares for, end is 1 not elgfatlle for lapel or enpereerlrq glrpoeM. I a Project Location Project. WIL06046.02 US 17 T & E Update Date: Jan 2009, Onslow, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina Drwn/Chkd: EW/MS Figure. lb P 1GxnL-OP -, )Iii;-- N I OBU4T,5<497'.MS,aaer7 FIG lul; 11on d- CI'29l98. 3 W PM U se. A- em 318 ? 1 t fr k ?'t:r' ,, 1 4' 1. ?,5 ,? ?f1ACNl4 ''1 !? ? SSA. - ? ??? ?? Y' ?`? _ .i.??f• i ?5 .7Z.•1 ?ty ' rr I + 'l l 1 ' ? , r l ,. r, rN S ?, 'r`, ,'r+/ -•? yt`Iry.'p?, Jul., „ ,}+r ?>?• tat rye it r; a.4 I sl ? J r?, .+r ` 1' i • 71 t t ` . • 1? • r o ?14',' g i` r,? } t 1 . `?.. ? ' . ? ' ? ?J ' ' . •` f` ; ? • ? ` .? ? -.r,? _ rtAt .? I, ,..., ?, - +. Jpnr, COT • n I , l ` rY # J ? 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S. 7j ;,11 ._ :- l• _ o \. !5 [?5 0 1000 2000 U _ 41, 'E- I' -=''y- -? 11 ' •,. ?cdc•r get ?? 1..'" ? ' .. - ? ;i ?; • ra. _ f [}:• ;' y; ,.rr :f+"'i - Source: USGS Digital Raster Grephlca, Kellum, ti-^•• _'. .t_ i• L i!"""' (? / j ra.' Jacksonville Northeast, Maysville, Polodcsvllle, Match Line S T tella and renton. NC Quadrangles. 1998: Project - t F q. Figure 1 c boundary approximated by ESI, i f(_,._:???- _ .'i ---t- _ DMf writsi The ntarretlon "clad on this f1gu,e is for \ ?v _ _ I u'r :• `}?6? x?-- _+" ,r +" • ?? - ???'k --•7?-.y/.? . 1.: Int ntrationel Purposes 0* anc was not "Wrod ". am is -t not YYIY11abb for Ilgel or YwSpneen•tg PItr00ere. '?91 Pn M - . -- " ? ? ., 1 ? i • . - _ _ .. - _ . _ ?. _ - , Project Location Project. WIL06046.02 US 17 T & E Update Date: Jan 2009 Onslow, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina Drwn/Chkd: EW/MS Figure 1c dgn, OV21WOO, 3 90 PIA ? . .r ! ', t , ah r 9 + r s 1 4 r . 1L t T ;, d r r ti SRS; i ryrr - ,? Y ? 'r ? r ti a k s? } , Y.; R w a,v r. $ ? r . 1 ?,,? ' I i } l r/._ ' t 1 ?. - ;; r y,YtA .; I .1 T4:! ,? =s _ _ _ •"? Y - ,s . Match une }.. f.J •"Y?, 1 - 1 } Y.-': V II ; 7 _ Figure 2b F t r ? ,ma c. ti- k- ,?, 1 t^ 7 R. 1 _ ti r a It . +? r '.iyw ? r r }: r i f, .Its s : r 4 rw I t 7 s 1 r .y ' ;.y^ r A, - ti-w?. krv ,? ,III'. ` ' ?, l ,'k .?? }? 1 ?t I " 1C4 .?, ,` Y ' iC r ..l,. _ r, . 1 '[. x h lam'. . w. .11 h 1 r l v .r r ;III" r• ' 4 '>1 -2;y'S.?•.' f .d7 a.; 'S^'•? 4iS ,, Y '`r ?,Yr..` ,, ?. •t r- ,+?t!a !`+. 11 ,.?" v I•. ^ n ,'!i?? r ?s 5,,dyy f L,`:' > r- fi .S, s ?:, hl1. f ,°, h ti , . I -.11',,.I a ' i r, ?' p - r ' I. - ? r i 1j1. iJ.5i ,}ti ,I ,,, II . lr',;.T .rZ I, I r 'k:? ^` i 11 e; v. ?, I al r 1tr J ..d''' .h,Vi'Su 1,1 k fir' ? ' .a _ r. i ltia,.. rr J k P .w i1 r '44 , c y 1 5 ?? . u 1 , ?? r I . r t 1 m ,+ 11 'If 1 11 f..,? ; L l r , ?T t r ,•,ry, l r f? tl , ? A k + 1 r I Y r ,I ! J "{ y. ?.. I I r -.? f4, 1 ' , - I. .V? 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III "' 'i1, I•} x / - ?G,,L}?rr1} A 1 r I iI; is f "„ 7r' 11•: ?;. y "I I r •!? r '1, Y r A, ! 1 I , M .-1 i n ? ,; "1 ^ y,^1 I , a. ?i _y?' 1 1 •' ' - 7 ? ? r 1 t A .,.f w A4 Y" / i. 4 k ? ..I fem. _ .Mr i. I.I. ?' • ,/ U r R "I ?+ M. i A L ',rjp?rtl?.tr rI - r :.r" -$'.=. :t !,? y. P- '` ?.J' 1 1 ?I 1.- `?/ .1 •'rIl v?' , - Y I,-`,I- ?- '.fo 4 V / :'r'• i w r1.ir-!r t+r'r ?, -1 c;•. F:A "Ill r , .1 1 . 1 t Y . a. Iw- I? S ?. 7 i . Y'tr -.S. ?'., :: I .J' .Tn'.. r ,`. t w. ,. L r s {, y •• : ?.pmod, S° Fc /mss fr. 11 ", ,,F R Y+'" 1 1?"n ,N ", , - IN I +' n F 1 ,u r J it w Jt1144t," ?s, :?v'4 •.? ?`: 17 il '`..r' .n•':,- J T. ,,;?p?•1,, " J rapt tMn Aa li aM h ^?' .rv Y x1 ? ,?,. 4 'r. Y _ LY } ,ly^ Y...: ry"`•T.y? Fes { r ?, r 1., r ?-* , L ?j..? •s , ?, '" , , f r Ta?' .µ 16aIII, ?;?.hk ... _ ,,-.?. 1.1 . ` `? ^LIIwL. k f yA' r.?• -` ,,,III"' ;.. ,,rI, , , ,.?,, Project Boundary* III 1 ` ?I R. ,` -,,?,r +, .', . ,I; -o Limits of Surveys* ' • ny r1I. r . V -, ti r . .% .v' ? q,, I ? t; ' ,I Sampling Locations" t '*7 c '? ?. a'l ,1 >~,.' r r Alternate 2A" ^• 4? t xA y" e,, ;''* I P -Alternate 2C ` h ?? ,l ',P -+ . ' P . `"'_ - - Alternate 3" rf'1 ti?`, +'+i s,.. °`P "Location and extent is approximate. ?? Y 4r? a 1000 2000 "" ":.. - r _,i F. r 'wic' i„ r Feet ./ is t1 .S I$ , ,, ; I ,fit Source: USGS Digital Raster Graphics, Kellum, _ ?, ,. I 1, 11? -1 •r k?' ,b \ \/ a ., ,,,,, - ,, + r Jacksonville Northeast, Maysville, Potlodcavllle, f 1 y . ,?ch y - ,, . ', Stella and Trenton. NC Quadrangles, 1998: Project 1; I I ..:Ii y boundary approximated by ESI. \, 4 ?f, _ - r. Dtedelmer. The Inlomnatbn Oep,t'.Uar! on tlnie agure is for I `, - infonnatiDnal purposes only anC,Yas not preparsa tor. and is r./.,] 1 : r v' - not aultsble for legal or arlglnearing purposes. RCW Habitat Evalual,ion Project: WIL06046.02 ni'Aw": F US 17 T & E Update Date: Jan 2009 Onslow, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina Drwn/Chkd: EW/MS P'kGSOGra\Proieclsl019cen1WIL0804 hB4492kMS1tr4473 FIG_localionAgn, 01120108. 3.30 PM "r? \.. :, fi, J''. t 1..may. " • r. ?,+,.. ?;r r 1-. r?? - + i.r 11 (p, _ -.+•?.----" ,rT' ?. .. , • „ i C y?. 'r.y it - - ti ' :'}?s '.•yi Y •K n ? f' y - !t ..,r r t ar? . . . ` •'.'r. ?" e+r-•. ; .,1% om..' 4 ,^.r . '* ,rc ja` ,c ,' C? •I ?c, '....'s" w ° r !.r • r o, 1_ - + n • ' "'r? - 1 !. ''r ` { r'TyY I ' , N ` r ..,1 ' ! eh {. .r?•',Ir; Yt' Pn f + J ., ^'^ "•.y? ;a.? ?Y "-.Y ' - _?? - - - - f------- t w?i?r -? - - te=a -^ ??`- f Match Line =4 ?t T .1 -- Figure 2c Y?r ,r: / .? ,. - ,:1 r. , [ , Q• :sly qa 1 r ?w M ,C _ -?} ??''. r, e a41 ,.' ,. •I y' }N CL 1 .' i "I ?,I . .? , 'r'I'!! ?• .,t ty i'? I;r4 A ?M'. z l< Sf 1" {"• ft r ?? tJ; .T , r. ti. J ". ,. J..e -'3 4+'?. rl ?r ? ? ... ?.,.,r`f' r T -I. > r T 4 1 • i, fS r r, l- I!. ?f MYI Nom. N' ?` 4XJ I 1 ,? r J• ,s' ?''"'^ . `` ° ' .?'tt,?,? 1`` J,', '. , 1, YS 1 .±} .?. I`r'' ty ,?'• l jT. ,fir 4V ?R y'-y?7" y!.;1 _ J; , r •a.i `t..4- ,r ..'7G.r k1ti"wn .wL ,r 'r r !.; r ._It v". -' . `"r"^f ;1 J 4'1 'N ': ti'\. J ?U , rl - 4'r A? t• 1$`Ny I.: !nR r , ?' i r '3.. .;y" 1.• 'Me y'?•T =°yFy ?? rM1 4y '?y. _C, 1 J `.. I I ? . ? ?o' QF1 1, . ?. A& I : I I - ?. - , - ? - ; . , " '. ?? , " , ,-; 'T; ? - ' , , ?- i ?' ' ? ? . 'K by ,*. 's o I ,,.-.. r !!/ ` rw ed •.N%. r • - ?1a I /".?[t+, L F•0•., ?T}' '.. ?_ ..' 14094 - - _. ..' - , I..", '?__ I ., 0? r' r^^•.•• _ III I• it R + ' yr? .! • •? r A ?) , R^J' *J ' -, ,, I., '. ` L ':'? r rr ' • vS. J'r•i?.r try J 1- ~ .?17 ° ,,u,. rp`? ?`'s? M'' 4 M 'h 1 + a 1J h+'• 1 ,, F y% ` At e, y 1./ t V ,? s f X J r K .l , ' .. J y ? w - 1: ^•. _,t - - ' 15 4 . 7x y,,. ?, 5, 1 D ., J y '41 . I "' ,?,, ? 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' n- ?lw':•. - _ .? . r y r' ; ` 'J?? 4 r J r ;•? c I,i 5.1.•'` n \.. . . s. 'w . ,., i ,_'mod r :. r n^ . a,t .'s 1 x i' .. . _ .?i 4 5. l "' r n'. .., , --y tr,• :a Af? •,, r 1 j f .% W'_ pti J J "y^ •',y t} r,r i?.y. . k -;i a ?! `{ , . i•. '.•'. Z, r l jy1 It f X1'!":J?, ti f'? rr 7M' J ?? T,. T''L` _ •:r' \? ., .t -CIF a A 7N J II , r,'7,.y - ., r r 1 i' -?F •F' , ?,r rL r ?; 1, ' r 'R,.TNI ``'4 ` 16. 71 '.' 1''r'S •,` ` r ( ;f- ?^'S ^'.,- t lL ?l rr `G a, 4? ' r r :a eat.,Jn r .:. •G "?'{ ` t ,'Y'4J I ?:J w r.'u. `rY J `'a}.1' x s.+N',, y. l••_ t ) 1 1 ?_ y 7 Y yr y{ y /•' 4 A Y V { 'I . 'r J •tit r J 1 S '• IL r{ .>`" .` ° ,. ?.Y' JJr ti J rd t h<} ,': '.-. [. 't - f h'•, _ _Y Vf 1 . . .r.i .J R 7 r r' rl\ r fC d r ti 1 i ! . y \' ,V71hj ,. 6,t• • t r yY :. J',i• t. {, ' rJ Nr 7 r T 't l ?j4S}?.. 7'. 7RT8 •y •fr? . t Y -n t., - ?.. • J! '? 4r- r r t r Y_ : IT (. r? - ?r'.aJ.. 4, ..,, v , ? ?. ', , 't I r. /•ra.h rl., ? e _ - C o f e 4 r r •. a, t ,?..'t ?, 'C' ' r r i'+ .i, v _ 7 r i 5 _ t' •.t,. , ` r ty. Y a'.y':4' '- A *Y .? ;'. y y j? r k. -rr?. •``? l . F' , F? I, 1I1,.';.' r ` . - ?.; ` + ` _` Project Boundary_ 1' a a "' .`• t? '` , 4 " t,. ,T w"Yr Limits of Surveys' l f ' y e r, .-,.,.. 1 .,, ; a -" ? , ,,,) Sampling Locations' y ?,. tin 'r r Alternate 3' v i e 1,. p M ? L r y ; X P r . ' '?; 4 .? ,, , " J:w „i ?, , , Alternate 4D .p 1, ' ,_ ' l ` ' " `Jr r `Location and extent is approximate. r 'R }may, r G ,. / J F,r!'r r _ S...* ' %- , , - A + 1' 0 7000 2000 tl7laf - J 1r rn - 1K I. J r r ' +•r s 'I 1 \ t'7, ? 'r w 1+ r.•? 2 J1rti " 11,:' Feet r r,, _.p {r ".? ,?.' ',? "? _, '' Source: USGS Digital Raster Grephlca, Kellum, R _ wMeaet Maysville, Uocke e, - .lackeonvllle N Po vlll 9 - I I . _ ?.. ,A ? ' _ ....T y`' _ _ -, _ - _ _ _ ?. _ " ...'? y _ 7` ., 1.' I. Ir Stella and Trenton, NC Duadraflplea. 1998: Protect yi} ?,, , ' •- ' ' Kl- . J y , a, • ' r - I l.'re 22 ?,.. boundary appfoxlmeted by ESI. •/ , - ti ""' ' :( „' _ .' , ' ; UI•cWrnsr T11e InformeYOn de0kfed on this flpure M for ' Or .t . _ % _ : •' .. /:+y,I+ s y? .'l a , ; ••' .rt.y 4 i . - - InNl Wrp[teee or* enG was not PfeWnrU for, and is '^ i ., `.r•. r G4 .. jh M ,fG ?' w tit VJ n 1 ail. '? -t•``r t. a .y 11, l 7 '.' r• r?rmBaprql eUlleale for 1•pel or ,VW~, purpoaee, .10 RCW Habitat Evaluation Project: WIL06046.02 US 17 T & E Update Date: Jan 2009 ` Onslow, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina DrwnlChkd: EWIMS 4, N. , ,,,.;? `' Figure: 2b P,rnnl;r;,lP.....e i,f111uan0W'1116114/AR4492W 511,4.17-1 FIG IO11il"I 1 Jun. O11294)8. 1 30 PM .t?liltitr it I ; ?Lb3?} r:!•s .'... uC.7?At>sW>f I :4.,y ht ,i J ti 1? t,i fJu,ry,'. .! ^ r ? ,, 'f?; v, 'rI lr1 ..5 _ F!'./ + Arpnt'•,.l 1 t µ ?' fir $ 1. O - AWN, r t Z.!.i! r XT- - '?1:, r ' , v!!"•'r :I'f ti, ?J ?JI t J i? .? r P-`t a( t r ! d l,. I a .,r•rM+ `.'! w _ ur f ,'S r t ..L D yl-- , J7 f?rinIj ? e •'r .ylA`I -f! ' ' - rv '+'T! ,y ? 'f". Mt '..? `r7J? Y b. f, r1 +H,L 1q r h' J,.' ..Sr d 'ir w-0 ..7 y ?.r?• • .. J ,} t I; 0 'G t Q•r 11 J' P t rN n, r5 rv' - a 'J5 V r 1 'Y? Ar' y ,. r++..GG11... r'bJ , y6 '')A 1.ri Y N. i f t r r.,. ' • _ ?Kn,f ti:: + .w W? t rs' `1 v( -r, G . :,: ` V ,R ,N ?, _ [. ?r wr ? t} '? It'r.i - J t S t: ??' M .e,r i'. ' ? q i _ N' „ . r . J. 1 ., ... 'h . i .. _ . _ yy? ? . , I hC it .`., ` r ,,; 'rte _ \1r-?. ,. , • A . ,, . P *? +S sue, ? - to , X11 :,. ' a saa+y- , + y^' .,`??:,?y .+S?f } a (4, ,-II 1 :, Y l r .r?y J _' I .. • f . , `L ' r , 11.1 f J. ?., - - ."i . 1, h't-rr ?•? `. r I .. ?:. fY!fy"?...sf,. m , Z / ' r . (,?I ?'?i /t y ,, !4 . _., ., ? , ' 4 ' , . ? '?. ?' , I ?, i .i v Rc. 1r r 1 sre ,t , - •r `J / ,y' +'i, tY > 'fir ? ?'' 4" ?, I --,ff°'^"1..:.•.r . 1 c " w' ) r tfirl 'L I ? _ " y ,.. ' ' ' [ ?? .??ti-) ) ,Y J *aY,, '? ?'' 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':r i _ ,; r. JJws,I r : k '; b r a ds ? j l•q? t ?1 ti f y? / _ Fr a .C r I', Ne i " Z• J R., IwT }. - :4'fia - t,.. .? ti 1 A (c.. / !N'7 ??. t.n L r; t „^ v-i. ?, J,' :f ;+' I ir+ 7 '4 r ?:, J ';I .I? * - rr t, J..tr.` ,,, w4 :r .rs, ? y' . " ?? Y,qt-, ?,at ,1 a.. - i -r "1 L.0, -,t,t n -..,. --,r J ,t':,, ';.?>. ar •1 s•r. _ •Jt r„°,'Y wf ;'2?' r 1y 1 \ -t r' .x .il:, i . ; r '` t t T y I ,. . rNJy( ''rya ? ..? -, r°'d ? , ? ` l w , . x1 r'? Yti i! c a \ I. f : M. !f 4 ry{ , f 'ti ',.• 4+. ':l~ y w-!N j'a.2 -l Ai+? !'." N.?,! /??1 -?'r• i , . ... ..i,, -`v ... ?.. _kf 44 tr'"` J v x ? Y (yf+• { ~''4's r +' r L /w i'?;?i1? ' , 'r ' JM?t w@ + ^}yi. :.?.? +c ...1t ... H " "_' r Y t• .. is !'" ?J`t,I.-t +f j:??'-. rJ'!' r,ge,rr,?"y'r;r,• a?.. , t ? R?JF' * :!:. +r- -.. !' ,} 4 t • t iT' 7.. r y "Sk?y% r ?' .I V'v 1 tf ! G F r y/' ..?? . f•+r, h,.. - J . „ - aqb. J A wy r rb r >;.:'., ?, ..:ll1, a w' ?` ?A ". i ?` J r , ..t ! ? > r?.J` 4 `Palj?.Y,?i5d i 1,. %Mb'?, t ea_ r J'. ,? ?t a.i a?iw,rf' . w. r ? ,i#•I L v1 . 1 ?? rl ril it t t )r. t Sy rr - w ?(' j Ii?I} ?? 1r ` _ 4A.' J. 1 nrF ? •ev Imp yt 40.? r. YKj,rR . J r +., l7tF y,.L. . . ?.G. ''. ..t R Y''' J ,??Ijir?}r.? .?)-,y f. t.? 4- '-- >t' f Y t' : A "'V, ... l r ..n t« rn A,f ?, at,`., *{ J .r1• M1 _= /i.; .r r- r ! -c J^r? J! 11- 7 t? r' 2-t?trsy nS:`•!A'. A s ! Jb s, s t r t7i x ?J f 'a N" r' t f w rr r 1 s1 F'• t a • 1,+ ?'? ' ' q,. w;wr + „Pt !!?^m aF. ? "' Ow• c""''C :t J' y r?- •• G "iA, i' I .1 S, ?-r ?? i•1I -1 1M' IF r?R a ''1 ,. =a4rrr A r t.+; I_.,. ')'.'? I., . ? r -'r 'ws . w?. - ''r [ Y Lti. d1YNb S'•• .( ,r,- '•"? r'??? 6 ?r '' y* ,, ••? "+t)- ^ .1 J 'h 4{?, v t _ {p 1 Y -!k ?. .,. f4'.-b Ji{?- }T r.t .4? 4., •1' V .1 . In - . ! J A', - L ¢?• '4 y t K ? .,N: 4,.?*"efra r r 4• b)"' . ?t ?T?. , j •! , Ls• S'atti i ^'t, `* "?W . ,v, , ,i'"C 1 r I r` "t• "r r e'?1'>? Stl*t f p'n.? 1 ? a, 4, 4.+ S • r r• J >ti J -y,, Yom,,. r• C+• _`. , a, } . f a: -. S •? _. .f •$ to r J F a Y r I?! . M{ y". :-, , \ c F ' • tr 1 ? r ? + r I.-yr , ,1.-r?+ ,? s I M t1 Vin` >fw? ayr '? - ti? .r ! I I ° J I it, `'. t a4y' v •? '? t *i4 ,{•.. 1?-. `?'s1, , K ,rS.?, .?'':.%.; r,4 ,I I +, ,,.)i^:: - ? /`'7 X4'9.5 . "i^r'Y 4--- ,. / a ' . ,V, .+r `' 9S - Sr'?•• "5 /?h4V. .. I . . ?.A r'.w r 1 c't' 7? ? , ,?•` ' ,. -. - r•n+ If ?'r i? -- .+? ?'• ` '`'??(v ?? /.fi/ r . r? t.. ,,,,,?, f : / ,.,? . "!, •, r -.t. • ?;.,? FC_ JJ/.-? /J• - i- I .. hR! ,. '^d' yy1u. ?t?-'.V'?.'r Y .4.?'? .. J Y! A% I , .b•'..,4 ',1.. ?,p e ' ,/ a J•?'q l \ ? ,'.4-s. , ?'t 'i ,.^-T..: R (,{ O . 1 ' ' r' I '+r rr, rt2. ?c,,•; f ,1 r _ ,. V i.i i L .a,? Q 1 rr, .f„w, t W r• 1 7 . ' ,J Fs r,A. n,r L ;t,, t, r, -;y? -I V RL fiFl ! .w • l!3l e? • ?y`r r. ' wig .K. .t 'r J ? '?.u1, 1'KYA'W *r -r r, r r •",, " / . ,F ,? it.. f L, -7 i ' J, ?J X ` 1 . - ti- - - " ; J 1 a a L,t.L}"r a,i F , j' -,?'r.'"'F' tC C,`Ja tJ?. t a-' f 11 ,;., 1r • , 'I r A" ..` a .'iei+ S bl wr r X L- '? e 77W - * r ,/ - "+" J ?' , .fi??+ 4~ i3 ti r " k l -4 ! { "'S t'!{ r. rrr ?.'.+".t, i f !M; FtirL t>S 'ir, •, " -*? ? -.- _ - , ? / : ? . I :. , , - , . . * . , "i' . ? . U ', A a?? _ . `•"!ice. t '? A r f. .Ur J4. r J ?,?, •Pti? rt; .. '•w• [ + .'. q 7; rrY YJ ' , tir e,` ,y, ~:_r-` i yt 4 ?r r '„• Project Boundary, , 1, 11, I ` • F ?_ . v. _ - t ..+ ;?• , ,r.: Limits of Surveys ,1" ; l?'? ' .,+ `? tr ,?,- k -C? '.? Sampling Locations' ' . t 1 , .4t"? tr' r +i ` ,., s ,.- r ' .? '' Alternate 4D• " `',.• ,eo? ,m#v1C? ?w}- • f't?i ;, 7r` ` ?''? ?t!'F l •r` j'.t ?,••,1., -n ,• ,' '.1 ,^ /?. , % - r t T ?U `Location and extent is approximate- ' r J ?'•? '' y : h i4 ,: , ? ? t { r t , r 0 1000 2000 tt •I? , r. ? ><' Z" J ,v 4 tfitiw y . , SI^ir'. F ,•x , ,, v ?4 b?A t ?t7{ :,?ti • r, oL•.. -- a :lr' J . ,.;.. r'` ,..- I, - Fact i ;.4, .? '.C t ""{fait • a t` r!' +R,, } y. ii •' A. Source: USGS Digital Realef Graphics, Kellum, ;n y,° Z ? ' A .,y : j 44 ,rr +? ?., ti , JJtcfnonvilla Northeast, Mate .. Match Line "'le'Polod`nrib, -- / - - - - - - - - ---# -_ - - - _ ., 't - - - ' - c,? =?- J- - -: - Stab and Trenton. NC Quadrangles, 1998; project r ?"'" ISM-P- . „ -4s .? - 1. i-,r - rL^-*4? ` . Figure 2b bounder, approximated by ESI. ,I,> .'4.? a r,:a if L }'r .>r a, ?. 't' UIWelmer. lTle thbrmellon clsocEetl on this liaun, is fir j` 9-` w r: '.?' till " 1 t ' 'v• . I q J imorywiOnei wmossa a»r am ws r nth c ew ea br, and is i .i vF .. ! / '4 ,71. 1? .? r ?A ,,..: not suifeWs for legal or enalnesrino purpow, ?'•- F.'_ RCW Habitat Evaluation Project: WIL06046.02 US 17 T & E Update Date: Jan 2009 ,,, Onslow, Jones and Craven Counties, North Carolina DrwnlChkd: EWIMS * ? " Figure: 2c • - ,,, f'I) 1'Fri .,:.1': ".11 , ' 1-.-;.', t... 11 location opn. 01:29,0e, 3 30 PM