HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141183 Ver 2_Undeliverable Mail_20180410Divislon of Water Resources Wetlands Branch Kristi Lynn Carpenter 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1617 ����°��� ,r� APR � o zoti tRPNSPOR A1 �N PERo n� G �Mt CERTIFIfD MAIL,M 70�8 130� 00�0 1124 2739 �e��/ Ms. Catherine Peele, Envfronmental Specialist � NC DOT Ferry Division 159 Lucinda Lane Powells Point, NC 27966 -.� c �n. _ a ri..: � .._. . _.._...0 5.":C'! � . . _ ,_..J _��4- JI�� . ... . � '�Ir � -: f LIP 2760 � $ 0�'.67� �-: oz arv < �;'.. 3=1C( . `6r!_ � _ _� �.. ���;' 1�`�'� 7004:05/18 R=T�.iEPJ TO ]['tvD=k uNC��iaiM�O UH.-".�_� TO �.,R7i,=.�iD SC: �ioy3ici:3"s `iZrB-ni�e'toa-i3-3�� iI�11i�����il�I�ii��f��il���inlii��i�n11��71tS1itlf��il�iai�l?a , . . .. � � ..., i. .� e . . ie . _ .. .,x�,. .. . . 3 1 t ■ Completo items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. t. ArScle Addrewed to: Ms. Cathenne Peele. Emironmental Spedalist NC DOT Ferry Division 159 Luanda Lane Powells Point, NC 27966 2. Article Numbar (iransler tmm serv/ce rebelJ • PS Form 3811, July 20�3 A Signature X B. Feceived by (Pnnfed Neme) ❑ Agent C. DateofDelivery D. Is delivery address different from item 19 ❑ Yes It YES, eotar delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ CerUlled Meil• ❑ Prialty Mafl Fxpress" ❑ Registered � Re[um Receipt for Marc�antlise ❑ Insured Mall ❑ Collect on �elivery 4. Res[ricted Dallvery� (Ertrd Fee) ❑ yp,s 7�08 13�0 ���0 1124 2739 Damastic Retum Receipt Environmentaf QUQIIIy CERTIFIED MAIL- RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Ca[herine Peele, Environmen[al Specialist NC DOT Fem� Divisiun 159 Lucinda Lane Powells PoinL NC 37966 ROY COOPER t;,,��rr„�„� MICHAEL S. REGAN �rrrrrarr LINUA CULPEPPER lnl.r'un Nu'rrlur March I �. 3018 DWR Project # 20141183 V2 Subject Proposed Maintenance Dredging of the Ft Fisher Ferry Channel and Basin in New Hanover Coonty Dear Ms. Peele: The Division ot� Water Resources (DW R) has reviewed your submi[tal for a 401 Water Quality Certification for Ihe aforementioned project. Review of your application revealed it lacking necessary infonnation required for making an informed permit decisioa The permit application was deflcient in the following area: • The dredging that is proposed is to occur during the sturgcon moraturium, the DWR needs documentation from Nalional Marine Fisheries that they are allowing you to dredge during that [ime frame. 15A NCAC 2H .0506(b)(2) Therefore, pursuant [o I SA NCAC 2F1 .0507�a)(5), we will have to place the pennit application on hold until wc are supplied die necessary information. You have 21 days to respond in writine wilh Ihe requested intormation or notification to this oftice that the infomia�ion is forthcoming. IL nt the end of the 21 days, this ol7ice has not received this information in writing, we will assume you are wi[hdrawin� your application and it will be retumed. Furthermore, until th� intormation is received by the NC Division of Waler Resources, we request (by copy of this letter) that the US Armt� Corps of Engineers place [he permit applica[ion on huld. If you have any questions or require additional information, please con[act Joanne Steenhuis at (910) 796-7306 or joanne.s[eenl�u is�;ncdenr. eov. Sincerely. � �� � � ��' \ � �' — Lin a�ulpepper, Interim Director Divisio of Water Resources Glectronic copp only distribution: 13rad Shaver, US Anny Corps ol��ngineers. Wilmington Field Office Mason 1lzrndon, Division 3 Environmental Ofticer Stephen Lane, NC Division of Coastal Mana�ement Joanne Steenhuis. NC Division al' Water Resources W'ilmington Regional Office File Copy '"Nothing Compares .- � $to�t a( North Carolina'i, Gnviwnmenial Qualin- 1617 Mnil Sen�ict Cenirr I ftahteh. Nonh Cnroliw 27fi99-1617