HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180455 Ver 1_Corrective Action Plan _20180329CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES, INC. 550 E. Westinghouse Blvd.  Charlotte, NC 28273  704-527-1177 (office) 704-527-1133 (fax) March 26, 2018 Ms. Amanda Jones U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 Subject:Corrective Action Plan Rogers Mechanical Site (SAW-2018-00383) Watauga County, North Carolina CWS Project No. 2018-0075 Dear Ms. Jones, Carolina Wetland Services, Inc (CWS) has prepared a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) in response to the unauthorized placement of fill in waters of the U.S. and mechanically clearing/grading wetlands on the Rogers Mechanical site at the intersection between Archie Carroll Road and Bingham Place, near Boone, NC. This report contains plans for corrective measures to restore cleared wetlands, replant stream banks and trout buffers along Brown Branch, remove temporary culverts within Brown Branch and UT-Brown Branch, remove fill in wetlands, and stabilize the site. The Roger’s Mechanical CAP is being prepared in conjunction with an After-the-Fact Department of the Army permit application for fill placement within Brown Branch and an unnamed tributary to Brown Branch (UT-Brown Branch), as well as, temporary wetland impacts from clearing/grubbing/filling. This report represents the best professional judgement and opinion of CWS. If there are any questions regarding this CAP, please contact Sean Martin at (828) 710-1320 or sean@cws-inc.net​. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these services on this important project. Sean Martin Christine Geist, PWS, CE Senior Scientist Consulting Division Manager Cc: Sue Homewood, NCDENR - DWR Justin Rogers, Property Owner John Seldomridge, Property Owner 1 Rogers Mechanical Site March 26, 2018 Corrective Action Plan SAW-2018-00383 Figures: Attachments: Figure 1: Vicinity Map Figure 2: USGS Site Location Figure 3: Aerial Imagery Figure 4: Jurisdictional Boundaries Figure 5: Impact Map Figure 6: Corrective Action Site Plan Attachment A - Photo Page (Photographs 1-6) Attachment B - Flow Diversion Details Attachment C - Stream Bank Stabilization Detail Attachment D - Planting Details Attachment E - Corps Letter - Notification of Unauthorized Activity / Permit Noncompliance, dated February 26, 2018 Introduction The Rogers Mechanical project involves site preparation for commercial development. The site is composed of two Watauga County tax parcels: (1) Parcel ID: 2921710741000, Bingham Holdings, LLC (property representative: John Seldomridge), 1.56-acres; (2) Parcel ID: 2921710436000, Rogers, Justin L., 1.89-acres. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a Notification of Unauthorized Activity/Permit Noncompliance letter to the responsible property owners on February 26, 2018. The letter describes a site visit by the Corps on February 21, 2018 which noted that approximately 1.0-acre of wetlands had been cleared/graded, and a 20 linear foot section of Brown Branch had been filled by culvert placement. The following remedial actions are presented in the letter required to bring the project into compliance with rules under the Clean Water Act of 1972: (1) wetland and stream impacts will need to be restored to pre-construction contours and planted with suitable/native vegetation as identified during the Feb. 21, 2018 site visit. Proper sediment and erosion control fencing should be installed immediately surrounding the fill material to prevent further violations; (2) a wetland delineation and appropriate Department of Army permit application will need to be submitted to cover any stream/wetland impacts. CWS completed a stream and wetland delineation of the site on March 5, 2018. Brown Branch and UT-Brown Branch were delineated on the site along with three wetland areas (Wetlands AA-CC). Brown Branch is located within Parcel ID. 2921710741000 (Bingham Holdings, LLC). UT-Brown Branch flows north from off site and traverses both parcels before making a confluence with Brown Branch, on site. Total wetland area is calculated as 0.84 acre; total stream lengths, not including piped sections, is calculated as 340 linear feet. Refer to the Figure 4 - JD Boundaries. Brown Branch and its tributary are classified as Class C and Trout waters by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). Wetlands AA and BB were determined to have been part of an alluvial forest community with a mosaic of forested and herbaceous vegetation prior to site development activities; Wetland CC is a forested wetland. An evaluation of the site during the delineation found that recent site Page 2 of 7 Rogers Mechanical Site March 26, 2018 Corrective Action Plan SAW-2018-00383 development activities resulted in filling a portion of Wetland BB, clearing and mechanical grubbing of forested areas within Wetlands AA and BB, and clearing of approximately 200 linear feet of trout buffer along Brown Branch. Additionally, two unauthorized pipes were mapped on the project site: (1) 20 linear foot HDPE on Brown Branch located in the area of cleared wetlands; (2) 220 linear foot HDPE on UT-Brown Branch located beneath new fill material. Refer to Figure 5 - Impact Map. Corrective Action Plan The CAP is being prepared in conjunction with an Pre-Construction Notification (PNC) pursuant to a Nationwide Permit No. 39 for Commercial Development. The PCN submittal includes After-the-Fact impacts for permanent fill to UT-Brown Branch, temporary fill placement in Brown Branch and UT-Brown Branch, temporary fill placement in Wetland BB, and temporary clearing of Wetlands AA and BB. This corrective action plan describes six remedial actions that include: (1) vegetation restoration to the grubbed/cleared portions of Wetland AA and BB totaling 0.78-acre; (2) removal of a 20 linear foot culvert within Brown Branch; (3) 200 linear feet of stream bank planting along Brown Branch; (4) removal of 71 linear feet of culvert within UT-Brown Branch to reduce total pipe length to 149 linear feet; (5) fill removal within Wetland BB totaling 0.03-ac; (6) stabilization of upland areas including the installation of sediment fence, as well as, seeding and placement of straw to prevent sediment releases. Refer to Figure 6 - Corrective Action Site Plan. A. Detailed narrative describing temporary impacts that have occurred and actions to restore this area to pre-project conditions: (1). Wetland Restoration: the removal of forested vegetation and disturbance of herbaceous vegetation occurred within the boundaries of Wetlands AA and BB by the project owners as part of site development during the winter of 2017-2018. These actions temporarily impacted 0.78-acre of jurisdictional wetlands (Impacts W1-W5). Photographs 1 and 2 are representative of the clearing activities that occurred within Wetlands AA and BB (Attachment A - Photo Page). As a result, new vegetation will be installed along with native plant seed application to restore disturbed wetland areas to the recommended vegetation community type. Undisturbed adjoining wetland areas were evaluated for the associated community type and reference plant species. Reference wetlands and predictions based on hydrology parameters were used to develop the plant list that will promote restoration of the vegetation community. The community type proposed for restoration is Piedmont - Mountain Alluvial Forest, described in ​Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina​ (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). Wetland vegetation planting plan An approximate 0.78 acre area within Wetlands AA and BB, disturbed by previous land development activities, was composed of a 0.62-acre forested wetland area and a 0.16-acre herbaceous wetland area. Disturbed forested wetland areas will be replanted and seeded, and herbaceous wetland areas will just be seeded as part of the wetland restoration. If woody stem material installation occurs during the dormant season, November 1st through May 1st, bare root shrubs and trees will be sourced for installation. If planting of woody stem material occurs within the growing season, April 16th through October 31st, then containerized (1-3 gallon), or, balled and burlapped trees and shrubs should be used. Refer to to Attachment D - Planting Details for installation procedures. The total number of woody stems for forested wetland Page 3 of 7 Rogers Mechanical Site March 26, 2018 Corrective Action Plan SAW-2018-00383 restoration was determined from examination of surrounding reference wetland areas and aerial image analysis. Trees and shrubs will therefore be planted in naturalistic drifts at an average spacing of 10-foot centers, totaling 250 woody stemmed plants. Areas to be reforested should be cleared of stumps, debris, and rocks (larger than 6 inches in any dimension) prior to plant installation. Native herbaceous wetland/riparian seed mixes should be used for re-establishing herbaceous plant communities in both the forested and herbaceous wetland areas (Table 1). The following is a list of trees and shrubs that are recommended to be planted for the wetland restoration: Trees: 1.Green ash (​Fraxinus pennsylvanica​ ) 2.Red Maple (​Acer rubrum​ ) 3.Ironwood (​Carpinus caroliniana​ ) 4.Box elder (​Acer negundo​ ) 5.Persimmon (​Diospyros virginiana​ ) 6.Black birch (Betula​ lenta​ ) 7.Black willow (​Salix nigra​ ) Shrubs: 1.Tag alder (​Alnus serrulata​ ) 2.Silky willow (​Salix sericea​ ) 3.Arrowwood (​Viburnum dentatum​ ) 4.Sweet pepperbush (​Clethra alnifolia​ ) 5.Silky dogwood (​Cornus amomum​ ) 6.Elderberry (​Sambucus canadensis​ ) 7.Spicebush (​Lindera benzoin​ ) 8.Doghobble (​Leucothoe racemosa​ ) 9.Buttonbush (​Cephalanthus occidentalis​ ) A minimum of three tree species and four shrub species should be selected to re-vegetate the appropriate wetland areas. Native plants with the same NWI classification rating may be substituted based on availability. Native wetland/riparian seed mix will be broadcast over the restored wetland areas using designer approved techniques. Seeding details, including representative species that may be used, are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Proposed Seeding Plan Permanent Riparian Seed Mix (apply at 25 lbs/acre) Common name Botanical name Swamp Milkweed Panicum rigidulum Joe Pye Weed Schizachyrium scoparium Scarlet rose mallow Coreopsis lanceolata Cardinal flower Chamaecrista fasciculata Soft rush Juncus effusus Pennsylvania Smartweed Polygonum pensylvanicum Page 4 of 7 Rogers Mechanical Site March 26, 2018 Corrective Action Plan SAW-2018-00383 Switchgrass Panicum virgatum Fox sedge Carex vulpinoidea Showy Tickseed Sunflower Bidens aristosa Red-top panicgrass Panicum rigidulum Little blue stem Schizachyrium scoparium Lanceleaf tickseed Coreopsis lanceolata Partridge pea Chamaecrista fasciculata Black-eyed susan Rudbeckia hirta Beaked panicgrass Panicum anceps River oats Chasmanthium latifolium Deer tongue Dichanthelium clandestinum Virginia wild rye Elymus virginicus Tickseed sunflower Bidens aristosa Temporary Seed Mix Seeding Mixture 40 lbs/acre of German Millet or Brown Top Millet Seeding Dates May 1st - September 15th Seeding Amendments Apply limestone and fertilizer per soil tests, or 2000 lbs/acre limestone and 750 lbs/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. (2). Culvert removal in Brown Branch: a temporary 20 linear foot HDPE installed in Brown Branch will be removed from the channel. Pipe removal will be performed in the dry. Heavy equipment will operate from the stream banks only. Pump around or piped flow diversion should be used to divert stream flow around the area of work (see Attachment B - Flow Diversion Details). Once the temporary culvert is removed from the channel, the stream banks will be stabilized according to Attachment C - Stream Bank Stabilization Detail. Stream bank stabilization will include reshaping the banks to match upstream and downstream height and slope, as well as installing filter fabric, coir matting, and applying erosion control seed mix. Culvert removal should be completed after the trout moratorium (April 15th). (3). Stream bank planting: approximately 200 linear feet of stream banks along Brown Branch were cleared of riparian vegetation. The removal of stream bank vegetation has potential to cause increased bank destabilization, sediment loss, and lead to further water quality impacts. Rooted trees and shrubs that have been cleared along the banks hold soil in place aiding to protect stream banks from erosion during normal and high flow events. Brown Branch flows through Wetlands AA and BB, therefore the trout buffer planting will be covered by actions in bullet item (1). Wetland Restoration. However, additional stream bank stabilization will be accomplished by installing live stakes directly into the stream banks on both sides of the channel at 4-foot on center spacings (see Attachment D - Planting Detail). Permanent Page 5 of 7 Rogers Mechanical Site March 26, 2018 Corrective Action Plan SAW-2018-00383 wetland/riparian seed mix will be broadcast over the stream banks and buffer areas according to designer approved techniques (see Proposed Seeding Plan in Table 1). (4). Culvert removal on UT-Brown Branch: an approximate 71 linear foot section of culvert will be removed from the 220 linear foot HDPE to reduce the total pipe length. The remaining 149 lf culvert will be used to provide access, as well as, support future site development. An after-the-fact Department of the Army permit application for temporary and permanent fill placement within the unnamed tributary to Brown Branch (UT-Brown Branch) will be completed. Pipe removal will be performed in the dry. Heavy equipment will operate from the stream banks only. Pump around or piped flow diversion should be used to divert stream flow around the area of work (see Attachment B - Flow Diversion Details). Once the temporary culvert is removed from the channel, the stream banks will be stabilized according to the attached Stream Bank Stabilization detail (Attachment C). Stream bank stabilization will include reshaping the banks to match upstream and downstream height and slope, as well as installing filter fabric, coir matting, and applying erosion control seed mix. Stacked rock headwalls will be used on the inlet and outlet ends of the shortened culvert to stabilize adjacent fill slopes. Culvert removal should be completed after the trout moratorium (April 15th). (5). Fill removal within Wetland BB: the property owners began preparation of the project site by adding fill material for increasing site grade and to establish a construction pad for future commercial development. This work was performed prior to having a wetland delineation completed. CWS completed a stream and wetland delineation on March 5, 2018 that included flagging wetland boundaries. Approximately 0.03 acre of fill material is estimated to have been placed within the Wetland BB boundary, within a previous forested wetland community (Impact Map - Impact W5). Remedial actions will include removing fill material, re-establishing pre-existing wetland contour, and replanting the forested wetland. Fill will be mechanically removed and matched to surrounding wetland ground elevations in unfilled areas. Wetland flagging will guide the operator to the extent of fill needing to be removed. Depth of fill removal will be gauged by color changes of soils. The natural wetland soils are very dark in contrast to the fill material which can be discerned by its bright red to yellowish color. Following fill removal, adjoining upland areas will be graded to a stable gradient outside of the wetland boundary. Long-term site development will include use of a retaining wall to maintain site grade in areas adjoining the restored wetland boundary. Wetland areas where fill material has been removed will be replanted and seeded according to actions described in bullet (1). Wetland Restoration. (6). Site stabilization: disturbed upland areas that have been cleared and/or filled will be stabilized to prevent site erosion and potential water quality problems. Stabilization efforts will include installing temporary sediment fence around the filled area to retain sediment. Sediment fence will be installed according to the NCDEQ - Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, section 6.62. Sediment fence will consist of a synthetic filter fabric that will be buried along the base a minimum of 8-inches vertically and 4-inches horizontally. Fencing will be supported by metal posts spaced every 6-feet without wire backed fence or every 8-feet with a wire backed fence. Bare dirt areas will be seeded according to seed specifications in Table 1 for temporary seed mix. Straw material will be spread to cover broadcasted seed mix to aid in germination and prevent erosion until plant material can take root. Page 6 of 7 Rogers Mechanical Site March 26, 2018 Corrective Action Plan SAW-2018-00383 B. A timeline for implementing and completing all components of the corrective action plan: Wetland planting and stream bank stabilization should be initiated in April of 2018 and completed by May of 2018. It is anticipated that planting of bare root material, live stakes, and seeding can be completed within several days. Installation of bare root material and live stakes needs to be completed within the dormant season, November 1st through May 1st. If wetland planting and stream bank stabilization occurs outside of the dormant season, then containerized or balled and burlap (B&B) plant material should be substituted. Installation of container and B&B materials will require more time and resources. Planting instructions are included on the attached Planting Details (Attachment D). Culvert removal within Brown Branch and UT-Brown Branch will be initiated after April 15th, following the end of the trout moratorium. Removal of the culverts will be completed in one day. Stream bank stabilization within the culvert footprints will be initiated immediately following culvert removal. Removal of fill from Wetland BB should be completed prior to wetland plantings and site stabilization. An excavator, or an equivalent piece of equipment, will remove excess sediment from the wetland boundary down to the natural wetland soil layer. Removed fill will be taken to upland areas for disposal and stabilization. Following fill removal, site stabilization will be completed including the seeding of bare areas and application of a straw layer. Fill removal and upland area stabilization should be initiated immediately, prior to wetland planting activities. C.Construction Sequence: 1.Installation of sediment fence surrounding the upland fill area should be completed immediately. 2.Fill removal from Wetland BB. 3.Culvert removal on both Brown Branch and UT-Brown Branch after April 15th. 4.Stream bank stabilization in the footprint of all culvert removal sections. 5.Remove stump piles from wetland restoration areas. 6.Plant and seed wetland restoration areas. 7.Stabilize upland area. CI.Final report and photo documentation: Following the completion of remedial actions, a final report will be put together including a wetland planting baseline (“as built”), photo documentation, and measurement of the remaining culvert in UT-Brown Branch. These materials will be submitted to the USACE for review. Page 7 of 7 FIGURE NO.SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: Vicinity Map 1 of 6 I 5,000 0 5,0002,500 Feet CAG 2018-0075 SAM Legend Project Limits (3.4 acres) Rogers Mechanical Storage Building Watauga County Boone, North Carolina 3/8/20181 inch = 5,000 feet C:\Users\erinbradshaw\Desktop\CWS\2018-0075 Rogers Mechanical\ArcGIS\GIS Data\Figure1_Vicinity.mxd REFERENCE: BACKGROUND VICINITY MAP PROVIDED BY ESRI, 2017. 36.227267, -81.620553 Virginia North Carolina Georgia South Carolina Kentucky Tennessee West VirginiaState Location Extent FIGURE NO.SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: USGS Topographic Map 2 of 6 I 2,000 0 2,0001,000 Feet CAG 2018-0075 SAM Legend Project Limits (3.4 acres) Rogers Mechanical Storage Building Watauga County Boone, North Carolina 3/8/20181 inch = 2,000 feet C:\Users\erinbradshaw\Desktop\CWS\2018-0075 Rogers Mechanical\ArcGIS\GIS Data\Figure2_USGS.mxd REFERENCE: USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE(S): BOONE AND DEEP GAP, NC (2017). 36.227267, -81.620553 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community I Archie Carroll Road Old US 421 S 400 0 400200 Feet Legend Project Limits (3.4 acres) Property Line USGS Site Location Map Norton Site Monroe, North Carolina CWS Project No. 2016-3867 FIGURE NO. 3 of 6CAG SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: APPLICANT NO: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: 2018-0075 SAM C:\Users\Sean Martin\Desktop\Projects\Roger Mech Boone NC\Aerial_ver10.mxd 3/26/2018 REFERENCE: BACKGROUND AERIAL IMAGERY PROVIDED BY ESRI, DATED 2017. BACKGROUND GIS LAYER(S) PROVIDED BY NCDOT, DATED 2018. 1 inch = 400 feet 3210 3200 3220 3230 319 0 3240 3250 3260 3270 FIGURE NO.SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: Jurisdictional Boundaries 4 of 6 I 100 0 10050 Feet CAG 2018-0075 SAM Legend Project Limits (3.4 acres) Property Line Perennial Stream Intermittent Stream Wetland Pipe Roads Building Driveway !DP Data Point !Í Photo Location and Direction #SCP Stream Classification Point Rogers Mechanical Storage Building Watauga County Boone, North Carolina Potential Wetland Water of the US Wetland BB 0.56 acre DP1 #SCP2 3/26/20181 inch = 100 feet C:\Users\Sean Martin\Desktop\Projects\Roger Mech Boone NC\Figure7_JD.mxd Å1 REFERENCE: BACKGROUND GIS LAYER(S) PROVIDED BY NCDOT, DATED 2017. NOTE: JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. WERE DELINEATED (FLAGGED IN THE FIELD), CLASSIFIED, AND MAPPED USING A SUB-FOOT CAPABLE GPS UNIT BY CWS, INC., ON MARCH 5, 2018. JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY THE USACE. 36.227267, -81.620553 Archie Carroll Road Potential Wetland Water of the US Wetland AA 0.27 acre Potential Wetland Water of the US Wetland CC 0.01 acre Potential Non-wetland Water of the US Perennial Stream A Brown Branch 204 lf Potential Non-wetland Water of the US Intermittent Stream B 136 lf Å 2 Å 3 Å 4Å5 DP2 #SCP1 Parcel ID: 2921710741000 Parcel ID: 2921710436000 Å6 FIGURE NO.SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: Impact Map I CAG 2018-0075 SAM Rogers Mechanical Storage Building Watauga County Boone, North Carolina 3/26/20181 inch = 80 feet C:\Users\Sean Martin\Desktop\Projects\Roger Mech Boone NC\Impact Map.mxd 36.227267, -81.620553 3210 3200 3 1 9 0 3220 3230 32 4 0 Legend Project Limits (3.4 acres) Wetland Fill Temporary Impacts Herbaceous Wetland Temporary Impacts Forested Wetland Temporary Impacts Wetland Perennial Stream Intermittent Stream Fill Pipe Pipe to be Removed Roads Building DrivewayREFERENCE: BACKGROUND GIS LAYER(S) PROVIDED BY NCDOT, DATED 2017. NOTE: JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. WERE DELINEATED (FLAGGED IN THE FIELD), CLASSIFIED, AND MAPPED USING A SUB-FOOT CAPABLE GPS UNIT BY CWS, INC., ON MARCH 5, 2018. JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY THE USACE. 80 0 8040 Feet Archie Carrol l R o a d Impact Table W1: Temporary clearing, Forested Wetland BB, 0.41-ac W2: Temporary clearing, Herbaceous Wetland BB, 0.07-ac W3: Temporary clearing, Forested Wetland AA, 0.18-ac W4: Temporary clearing, Herbaceous Wetland AA, 0.09-ac W5: Temporary fill, Forested Wetland BB, 0.03-ac Total Temporary Wetland Impacts: 0.78-ac S1: Temporary culvert fill, 20-lf S1: Temporary fill for dewatering, 6-lf S2: Temporary culvert fill, 71-lf S2: Temporary fill for dewatering, 6-lf S3: Permanent culvert fill, 149-lf Total Temporary Stream Impacts: 103-lf Total Permanent Stream Impacts: 149-lf Wetland Impact (W3) Wetland Impact (W2) Stream Impact (S2) Wetland Impact (W1) Stream Impact (S1)Wetland Impact (W4)Wetland Impact (W4) Wetland Impact (W5) Stream Impact (S2) Stream Impact (S3) 5 of 6 FIGURE NO.SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: DATE: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SCALE: CWS PROJECT NO: COORDINATES: Corrective Action Site Plan I CAG 2018-0075 SAM Rogers Mechanical Storage Building Watauga County Boone, North Carolina 3/26/20181 inch = 80 feet C:\Users\Sean Martin\Desktop\Projects\Roger Mech Boone NC\CAP Plan.mxd 36.227267, -81.620553 3210 3200 3 1 9 0 3220 3230 32 4 0 Legend Project Limits (3.4 acres) Wetland Fill Impacts Herbaceous Wetland Temporary Impacts Forested Wetland Temporary Impacts Wetland Perennial Stream Intermittent Stream Fill Pipe Pipe to be Removed Roads Building Driveway REFERENCE: BACKGROUND GIS LAYER(S) PROVIDED BY NCDOT, DATED 2017. NOTE: JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. WERE DELINEATED (FLAGGED IN THE FIELD), CLASSIFIED, AND MAPPED USING A SUB-FOOT CAPABLE GPS UNIT BY CWS, INC., ON MARCH 5, 2018. JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY THE USACE. 80 0 8040 Feet Archie Carrol l R o a d Remedial Actions: (1) Vegetation restoration (2) Culvert removal (20-ft) (3) Stream bank planting (4) Culvert removal (~71-ft) (5) Fill removal from wetland boundary (6) Stabilize upland fill area (6) Stabilize upland fill area (1) (1) Vegetation restoration (3) Stream bank planting (5) Remove fill from wetland boundary (2) Culvert removal (5) (5) Culvert removal 6 of 6 Rogers Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachments CWS Project No. 2018-0075 ATTACHMENT A: Photo Page (Photographs 1-6) Roger Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachment A: Photo Page CWS Project No. 2018-0075 Photograph 1. View to north with Wetland AA grubbed and cleared areas in the foreground. Photograph 2. View to the northwest with Wetland BB grubbed and cleared areas in the background. Photopage 1 of 3 Roger Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachment A: Photo Page CWS Project No. 2018-0075 Photograph 3. View to the west of 20’ HDPE placed in Brown Branch. Photograph 4. View to the north of 220’ HDPE placed in UT-Brown Branch. Photopage 2 of 3 Roger Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachment A: Photo Page CWS Project No. 2018-0075 Photograph 5. View to the south with Brown Branch in foreground and filled area in background. Photograph 6. View to the south of confluence between UT-Brown Branch and Brown Branch. Photopage 3 of 3 Rogers Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachments CWS Project No. 2018-0075 ATTACHMENT B: Flow Diversion Details Project Work ZoneFLOWPFLOWFLOWEnergy DissipationImpervious DikeImpervious DikeTop of BankDiversion PipeDewatering DeviceDiversion PipeWork AreaWork AreaCAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES 550 E. WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 PH: 704.527.1177 www.cws-inc.net SCALE: NTS CWS PROJECT NO: 208-0075 APPLICANT: JOHN SELDOMRIDGE DATE: MARCH 21, 2018 DRAWN BY: SAM ACTION ID: SAC-2018-00383 PIPED FLOW DIVERSION DETAIL ROGERS MECHANICAL STORAGE BLG WATAUGA COUNTY, NC Attachment B Note:Ensure To Anchor All Pumps and Pipes SecurelySource: NCDOT BMP's for Construction and Maintenance Activities (August 2003) CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES 550 E. WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 PH: 704.527.1177 www.cws-inc.net SCALE: NTS CWS PROJECT NO: 208-0075 APPLICANT: JOHN SELDOMRIDGE DATE: MARCH 21, 2018 DRAWN BY: SAM ACTION ID: SAC-2018-00383 PUMP FLOW DIVERSION DETAIL ROGERS MECHANICAL STORAGE BLG WATAUGA COUNTY, NC Attachment B Rogers Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachments CWS Project No. 2018-0075 ATTACHMENT C: Stream Bank Stabilization Detail TYPICAL STREAM BANK STABILIZATIONCAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES 550 E. WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 PH: 704.527.1177 www.cws-inc.net SCALE: NTS CWS PROJECT NO: 208-0075 APPLICANT: JOHN SELDOMRIDGE DATE: MARCH 21, 2018 DRAWN BY: SAM ACTION ID: SAC-2018-00383 STREAM BANK STABILIZATION DETAIL ROGERS MECHANICAL STORAGE BLG WATAUGA COUNTY, NC Attachment C Rogers Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachments CWS Project No. 2018-0075 ATTACHMENT D: Planting Details SQUARE CUT BUDS (FACING UPWARD) LIVE CUTTING (12"-112" DIAMETER) ANGLE CUT 30-45 DEGREES 2-3 FEET IN LENGTH NORMAL DEPTH NOTE: STAKING MAY BE REQUIRED THROUGH MATTING, ROCK, OR COMPACTED SOILS. REQUIRE STARTER HOLE IF THE CASE. LIVE STAKES NOTES: 1.LIVE STAKES SHALL BE EVENLY SPACED 4 FEET APART. 2.LIVE STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN UNTIL APPROXIMATELY 3 4 OF LIVE STAKE IS WITHIN GROUND. 3.IF STARTER HOLE IS NEEDED, MINIMIZE AIR POCKET AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. 4.UTILIZE ON SITE TRANSPLANT MATERIALS MADE AVAILABLE BY THE OWNER. ONCE SOURCE OF TRANSPLANT MATERIAL HAS BEEN HARVESTED, UTILIZE LIVE STAKING. 1 2 3 NOTES: 1.BARE ROOT PLANTS SHALL BE EVENLY SPACED 10 FEET APART. 2.SOAK THE ROOTS IN WATER 30-60 MIN.S PRIOR TO PLANTING. ALWAYS BE SURE TO KEEP ROOTS MOIST. 3.DIG A HOLE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT SPREAD. 4.BACKFILL HOLE WITHOUT SOIL AMENDMENTS. THE PLANT SHOULD BE HELD UPRIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PRESSING THE SOIL BETWEEN THE ROOTS TO ELIMINATE AIR POCKETS. CAROLINA WETLAND SERVICES 550 E. WESTINGHOUSE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 PH: 704.527.1177 www.cws-inc.net SCALE: NTS CWS PROJECT NO: 208-0075 APPLICANT: JOHN SELDOMRIDGE DATE: MARCH 21, 2018 DRAWN BY: SAM ACTION ID: SAC-2018-00383 PLANTING DETAIL ROGERS MECHANICAL STORAGE BLG WATAUGA COUNTY, NC Attachment D Rogers Mechanical Site March 23, 2018 Attachments CWS Project No. 2018-0075 ATTACHMENT E: USACE Notification of Unauthorized Activity/Permit Noncompliance