HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070494 Ver 1_As Built Report_20090324 MITIGATION PLAN AND AS-BUILT BASELINE REPORT Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, North Carolina Cataloging Unit: 06010106 EEP Contract #: D06035-A March 16, 2009 lei 15, 1 lie, it 0 , 01A? Submitted to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Submitted by: Restoration Systems, LLC IV 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 MAR ] 8 2009 Point of Contact: Travis Hamrick NC ECOSYSTEM Phone: 919-755-9490 ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM §@R MR MAR 2 I 4 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY VVETL ANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH MITIGATION PLAN AND AS-BUILT BASELINE REPORT Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Prepared for: Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Prepared by: oIf Cree NGINEERIN Wolf Creek Engineering, PLLC 30 Ben Lippen School Rd, Suite 203 Asheville, NC 28806 i r i i MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Restoration Systems has completed construction on degraded reaches of Morgan Creek and three ' of its tributaries located within Haywood County, North Carolina. The project is located within the French Broad River Basin, Cataloging Unit 06010106, specifically within the targeted local watershed 06010106020040. The primary objectives of the project were to improve local water ' quality, contribute to the improvement of the water quality of the overall watershed, and restore aquatic and riparian habitat. Specifically, these objectives were achieved by restoring and enhancing approximately 3,900 linear feet of stream, restoring approximately 9.8 acres of ' riparian buffers, and restoring and enhancing approximately 1.11 acres of wetlands. General Site Conditions ' The Morgan Creek project site is in a rural setting in the Blue Ridge hydrophysiographic ecoregion and currently used to pasture cattle with woody vegetation confined to isolated areas. The surrounding area is rural in nature, with limited residential development. The drainage area ' of Morgan Creek ranges from 0.47 mil to 0.73 mil with its tributaries ranging from 0.004 mil to 0.18 miz. Prior to restoration, the existing channels were highly degraded due to unrestricted livestock access, channelization activities, and lack of riparian vegetation. ' Restoration Approach and Implementation The restoration design was based on a Priority Level 1 and 2 approach to restore proper channel ' dimension and allow for appropriate sediment transport. Restoration practices on this project were implemented with the intent of minimizing unnecessary disturbance to adjacent land and to protect mature riparian vegetation where it existed. The constructed stream profile has restored ' stable bed morphology including appropriate riffle-pool sequencing. Cross-vanes, J-Hook vanes, and in-stream log structures have been integrated into the channel to provide grade control, maintain stable streambanks while the riparian vegetation establishes, and provide in-stream ' habitat. Sod mats were harvested onsite and were used to stabilize the newly graded streambanks. Excavated materials from the constructed channel were used to backfill around in- stream structures and to build riffles with a natural substrate and function. Restoration activities ' have resulted in 3,711 linear feet of restored stream channel, 558 linear feet of stream enhancement, 0.6 acres of restored wetlands, and 0.46 acres of enhanced wetlands for a total of 4,083 stream mitigation units (SMU's) and 0.83 wetland mitigation units (WMU's). ' Native woody and herbaceous species have been used to establish at minimum a fifty-foot wide riparian buffer on each side of the restored reach. The riparian buffer consists of zones in which ' different woody species were planted. Live stakes of appropriate native species were used along the lower stream banks. Natural stabilization was achieved via establishment of temporary ground cover and planting of native herbs and grass seeding. Project activities have restored 9.8 acres of riparian buffer. ' The ecological benefits of this restoration include a decrease to sediment entering the watershed via bank erosion; increased aquatic habitat through the construction of a stable channel and ' appropriate in-stream features; improved terrestrial habitat through the eradication of invasive woody species in the riparian area and the planting of a diverse, native riparian buffer, allowing - NCEEP i February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN for better filtration of nutrients entering the stream via groundwater contributions; and improved management of extreme flow events. Monitoring Monitoring will consist of the collection and analysis of data about stream stability, riparian vegetation survivability, and ground water hydrology to assist in the evaluation of the project in meeting established restoration objectives. Specifically, the success of channel modification, erosion control, and re-vegetation parameters will be assessed using measurements of stream dimension, pattern, and profile, site photographs, and vegetation sampling. Also included in the data collection is stage data from on-site stream gages to document the frequency and magnitude of high-flow events and continuous-reading water level monitors to document ground water hydrology in the wetland restoration areas. Monitoring will be conducted annually for a minimum of five years or until success criteria are met. The first scheduled monitoring event will be conducted at the end of the first full growing season of 2009. If remedial action is deemed necessary during the monitoring period, the area and/or source of instability will be assessed and appropriate actions will be recommended. This includes, but is not limited to bank erosion, in-stream structure failure, down-cutting of the stream channel, and excessive disease or mortality of the riparian vegetation. No issues have arisen since completion of construction which require consideration or attention. NCEEP ii February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND, AND ATTRIBUTES ........................................... 1 1.1 General Project Description ............................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 USGS and NCDWQ River Basin Designations ...................................................... 1 1.1.2 NCDWQ Surface Water Classification .................................................................. 1 ' 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives .......................................................................................... 2 1.3 Project Structure .............................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Restoration Type and Approach ..................................................................................... 2 ' 1.5 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data ................................................................. 3 2.0 Success Criteria ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability ............................................................. 3 2.1.1 Dimension ............................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Pattern and Profile ................................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Substrate .................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.4 Sediment Transport ................................................................................................. 4 ' 2.2 Vegetation ....................................................................................................................... 2.3 Hydrology ....................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 MONITORING PLAN ....................................................................................................... 5 ' 3.1 Duration .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Reporting .................................................................................... 5 ..................................... 3 3 H drolo . y gy ....................................................................................................................... 6 ' 3.4 Stream Channel Stability and Geomorphology .............................................................. 6 3.4.1 Dimension ............................................................................................................... 6 3.4.2 Profile ................................................................................. 6 ' ..................................... 3 4 3 Pattern . . ..................................................................................................................... 3 4 4 Bed Materi l 7 . . a s .......................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Vegetation Monitoring .................................................................................................... 7 ' 3.6 Photograph Reference Points ............................................... 7 ........................................... 4.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS .......................................................... 8 5.0 AS-BUILTS .......................................................................................... 8 t .............................. 6 0 REFERENCES . ................................................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX A: Figures and Tables ' APPENDIX B: As-Built Plans APPENDIX C: Baseline Monitoring Data ' LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Project Components .....................................................................Appendix A Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History A ............................................... ppendix A Table 3. Project Contacts ..........................................................................Appendix A Table 4. Project Attributes .......................................... .Appendix A .............................. Table 5. Baseline Stream Data Summary ' .......................................................Appendix LIST OF FIGURES A Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Map NCEEP iii February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN 1.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND, AND ATTRIBUTES The purpose of the Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site (Site) is to restore degraded sections of Morgan Creek and three of its tributaries located in Haywood County, North Carolina. This Plan presents information regarding the existing (pre-restoration) site and watershed conditions, the restoration approach for the project, the resulting linear footage of restored channel and acreage of restored buffer, the monitoring protocol, remedial action plan and detailed as-built drawings of the post-construction site. 1.1 General Project Description Morgan Creek is located approximately 10 miles northeast of the City of Waynesville in rural Haywood County, North Carolina (Figure 1: Vicinity Map). The site consists of approximately 9.8 acres of floodplain, approximately 3,900 linear feet of stream designated as Morgan Creek and its tributaries, and 0.51 acres of existing wetlands (Figure 2: Project Map). The stream reaches consist of perennial and intermittent, first and second order streams that have historically been impacted by riparian and bank vegetation removal, channel straightening, unrestricted livestock access, and agricultural land-use practices. Existing land use within the site consists of forested areas and pasture land. The site is located within moderate to steep, sloping colluvial valleys and elevations range from approximately 2500 ft. to 2625 ft. (NGVD). Past land management activities have consisted of timber harvesting with subsequent land clearing for agricultural uses including cattle grazing. The land outside of the conservation easement remains in active agricultural production. 1.1.1 USGS and NCDWQ River Basin Designations The project reach is located in the Pigeon River watershed of the French Broad River Basin (United States Geological Survey (USGS) 14-digit Hydrologic Unit 06010106020040) within North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) sub-basin 04-03-05. This sub-basin is primarily forested, although agriculture accounts for a significant portion of the sub-basin. Morgan Creek drains into Fines Creek at the downstream end of the Site, which in turn flows to the Pigeon River five miles farther downstream. 1.1.2 NCDWQ Surface Water Classification Morgan Creek in the vicinity of the Site is assigned a best usage classification of C by the NCDWQ and as such there are no restrictions on watershed development or types of discharge. These waters are suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses not involving human body contact with water on an organized or frequent basis. Fines Creek, from its source to the Pigeon River, as well as the portion of the Pigeon River located approximately 5 miles south of the SITE, are listed on the DWQ final 2006 303(d) list. Streams which are included in the 303(d) list do not meet water quality standards or have impaired uses. Listing of these streams likely results from non-point NCEEP 1 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN agriculture and urban runoff, and potentially from industrial point source discharges. ' Specifically, the reason given for the listing of Fines Creek and the Pigeon River is "Impaired Biological Integrity." ' 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The primary goals of the Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Project are to: • Restore aquatic and riparian habitat within the upper portions of the Morgan ' Creek watershed. • Restore geomorphic stability to the subject stream reaches. ' These goals will be accomplished through the following objectives: • Restoration of approximately ten acres of Montane Alluvial Forest along both sides of Morgan Creek. ' • Removing nonpoint sources of pollution associated with cattle raising and agricultural activities including the exclusion of livestock from Morgan Creek and adjacent floodplain and establishing a native woody riparian buffer (at least 50' ' wide) adjacent to streams and wetlands to treat surface runoff which may be laden with sediment and/or agricultural pollutants from the adjacent landscape. • Reestablishing stream stability and the capacity to transport watershed flows and ' sediment loads by restoring a stable dimension, pattern, and profile supported by natural in-stream habitat and grade/bank stabilization structures. • Promoting floodwater attenuation through a) reconnecting bankfull stream flows ' to the abandoned floodplain terrace, b) restoring secondary, entrenched tributaries thereby reducing floodwater velocities, c) restoring floodplain wetlands, thereby increasing the storage capacity for floodwaters within the Site, and d) revegetating ' floodplains to increase frictional resistance on floodwaters crossing the Site. • Improving aquatic habitat by enhancing stream bed variability and the use of in- stream structures. ' • Providing wildlife habitat including seepage slope wetlands. These accomplishments will result in: ' • Restoration and enhancement of 4083 Stream Mitigation Units. • Providing 0.83 Wetland Mitigation Units. • Protecting the Site with a perpetual conservation easement. ' 1.3 Project Structure ' The project is illustrated in Figure 2 which depicts stream restoration and enhancement reaches for Morgan Creek and each of its tributaries. The project structure is tabulated in the corresponding Table 1 (See Appendix A). 1.4 Restoration Type and Approach Restoration and enhancement practices implemented on this project were designed to t minimize unnecessary disturbance to adjacent land and to protect mature riparian vegetation where it exists. Consideration was given to the potential functional lift provided by restoration activities in comparison to the functional lift that could be NCEEP 2 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN realized through the natural process of channel evolution. Included in this consideration was an attempt to determine the disturbance and sedimentation that could occur as a result of this natural process. Where restoration was determined to be warranted, consideration was given to which reaches could best be served by maintaining as much of the existing channel pattern as possible. The proposed reaches of Morgan Creek and its tributaries are designed as Type B4 and Type 134a streams. This channel configuration provides the most stable and natural form in the moderately sloping colluvial valleys that are found throughout the Site. Additionally, since broad alluvial valleys are not found within the Site, the lower sinuosity of the Type B4 streams will result in minimizing grading and earthwork activities. The proposed channel dimensions, patterns, and profiles are based on hydraulic relationships and morphologic dimensionless ratios of the reference reaches. The installation of rock and wood structures was utilized throughout the restored reaches of the Site. Rock and log structures were installed in runs for grade control to prevent headcut formation. Log vanes with rootwads were installed in meander bends to direct the flow away from the outside of the bend and provide toe and bank protection. Sod transplants were used extensively throughout the project to stabilize newly constructed channel banks. On-site material including sod, bed material, boulders, and logs were used to the maximum extent possible. Proposed wetland areas are underlain by hydric soils but are non jurisdictional due to insufficient hydrology. Channel restoration reestablished a connection between the floodplain and the channel. Overbank flooding and better utilization of nearby seepage hydrology will provide the needed hydrology to sustain these hydric soil zones as jurisdictional wetlands. Areas where jurisdictional wetlands existed have been enhanced by the planting of appropriate woody and herbaceous species. Each wetland restoration and enhancement area has been planted with species appropriate to the ecoregion and will promote the functionality of the wetlands as integral parts of the riparian corridor. 1.5 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data The summary of the project history, contacts, and attribute data is tabulated in Tables 2, 3, and 4 in Appendix A. 2.0 SUCCESS CRITERIA 2.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability Success criteria context provided by NCEEP Mitigation Plan Document Guidance: Restored and enhanced streams should demonstrate morphologic stability to be considered successful. Stability does not equate to an absence of change, but rather to sustainable rates of change or stable patterns of variation. Restored streams often demonstrate some level of initial adjustment in the several months that follow construction and some change/variation subsequent to that is also to be expected. However, the observed change should not be unidirectional such that it NCEEP 3 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN represents a robust trend. If some trend is evident, it should be very modest or ' indicate migration to another stable form. 2.1.1 Dimension ' Cross-section measurements should indicate little change from the as-built cross-sections. If changes do occur, they will be evaluated to determine whether the adjustments are associated with settling and increased stability or whether they indicate movement ' towards an unstable condition. The following thresholds will be considered indicators of concern: • Width/depth ratio increases more than 10 percent, ' • Bank height ratio increases more than 25 percent. 2.1.2 Pattern and Profile ' Measurements and calculated values should indicate stability with little deviation from as-built conditions and established morphological ranges for the restored stream type. ' Annual measurements should indicate stable bed-form features with little change from the as-built survey. The pools should maintain their depth with flatter water surface slopes, while the riffles should remain shallower and steeper. The following thresholds ' will be considered indicators of concern: • Riffle slope increases more than 50 percent, • Profile scarp formation greater than 20 percent of mean depth, ' • Pool maximum depth decreases more than 20 percent, • Pool/riffle feature shifts along the profile of more than the equivalent of one bankfull width. ' 2.1.3 Substrate Calculated D50 and D84 values should indicate coarser size class distribution of bed ' materials in riffles and finer size class distribution in pools. Generally, it is anticipated that the bed material will coarsen over time. The following thresholds will be considered indicators of concern: ' • D50 or D84 value decreases more than 30 percent, • Percent sand increases more than 50 percent. 2.1.4 Sediment Transport Depositional features should be consistent with a stable stream that is effectively managing its sediment load. Point bar and inner berm features, if present, should develop ' without excessive encroachment of the channel. Lateral and mid-channel bar features should typically not be present and if so only in isolated instances. ' 2.2 Vegetation Riparian vegetation monitoring shall be conducted for a minimum of five years to ensure that success criteria are met per USACE guidelines. Accordingly, success criteria will ' consist of a minimum survival of 320 stems per acre by the end of the Year 3 monitoring period and a minimum of 260 stems per acre at the end of Year 5. If monitoring indicates NCEEP 4 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MIT/GATION PLAN either that the specified survival rate is not being met or the development of detrimental conditions (i.e., invasive species, diseased vegetation), appropriate corrective actions will be developed and implemented. 2.3 Hydrology Surface water monitored data and calculated return intervals should indicate the occurrence of a bankfull event during a minimum of two of the five monitored years. It should be noted that Tropical Storm Fay (August 2008) produced an approximate 3/4 bankfull flow event while construction was underway. The project also experienced a half-bankfull event on December 11, 2008. Ground water hydrology success criteria for the five-year monitoring period will include a minimum regulatory criterion, comprising saturation (free water) within one foot of the soil surface for 5 percent of the growing season. 3.0 MONITORING PLAN Monitoring protocol will follow that outlined within the EEP Site Specific Mitigation Plan and detailed in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Stream Mitigation Guidelines for Monitoring Level I. Vegetation monitoring will follow the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al. 2006). Monitoring shall consist of the collection and analysis of stream stability and riparian/stream bank vegetation survivability data to support the evaluation of the project in meeting established restoration objectives. Specifically, project monitoring will include measurements of stream dimension, profile, pattern, bed materials, photo documentation, vegetation survivability sampling, and stream bankfull return interval. 3.1 Duration Monitoring shall be conducted annually for a minimum of five years or until success criteria are met, as required in the guidelines and called for in the contract agreements. The first scheduled monitoring event will be conducted in 2009 at the end of the first full growing season following project construction and planting. 3.2 Reporting A monitoring report will be prepared after all monitoring tasks for each annual monitoring event are completed. Each report will provide the new monitoring data and compare the new data against previous findings. Data tables, cross-sections, profiles, photographs, and other graphics will be included in the report as necessary. Each report will include a discussion of any significant deviations from the as-built survey and previous annual measurements, as well as evaluations as to whether the changes indicate a stable or unstable condition. Each annual monitoring report will be submitted by December 31St of the year during which the monitoring event was conducted. NCEEP 5 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN 3.3 Hydrology Monitored stream flow data will be used to evaluate the success of restoring the intended bankfull return period. Stream gauges have been installed for monitoring flow stage within the restored reaches. Two crest gauges have been set, both within the monitored profile reach on Morgan Creek; one at the upstream end of the project, just downstream of the pipe outfall, and one at the downstream end of the project within the Morgan Creek enhancement area. Each site visit by the monitoring performer will include inspection and documentation of the highest stage for the monitoring interval. Following each inspection the crest gages will be reset and any required maintenance will be performed. Monitored ground water hydrology will be used to evaluate the success of restored wetland areas. Continuously recording, ground water monitoring gauges were installed in accordance with specifications in Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands (NCWRP 1993). Monitoring gauges were set to a depth of approximately 24 inches below the soil surface. Screened portions of each gauge were surrounded by filter fabric, buried in screened well sand, and sealed with a bentonite cap to prevent siltation and surface flow infiltration during floods. Three groundwater gauges were installed in wetland restoration areas to provide representative coverage of the Site. Hydrological sampling will be performed in restoration areas during the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the hydrology success criteria within each physiographic landscape area (USEPA 1990). 3.4 Stream Channel Stability and Geomorphology The purpose of monitoring is to evaluate the stability of the restored stream. Following the procedures established in the USDA Forest Service Manual (Harrelson et al 1994) and the methodologies utilized in the Rosgen stream assessment and classification system (Rosgen 1994, 1996), data collected will consist of detailed dimension and pattern measurements, a longitudinal profile(s), and bed materials sampling. 3.4.1 Dimension ' Permanent cross-sections (approximately one per 20 bankfull-width lengths, evenly divided based upon riffle and pool percentages), have been established and will be used to evaluate stream dimension. Four riffle and four pool cross-sections have been located ' within the reaches also surveyed as part of the longitudinal profile on Morgan Creek. One riffle and one pool cross-section has been located on the North Branch monitored reach. Permanent monuments, recoverable either through field identification or use of ' GPS, have been set at the left and right extents of each cross-section. The cross-section surveys shall provide a detailed measurement of the stream and banks, to include points on the adjacent floodplam, at the top of bank, bankfull, at all breaks in slope, the edge of ' water, and thalweg. Subsequently, width-to-depth ratios, entrenchment ratios, and bank height ratios will be calculated for each cross-section. 3.4.2 Profile Two longitudinal profiles, each covering a minimum of 20 bankfull-width lengths, have been established and surveyed. One monitored profile reach is located along Morgan NCEEP 6 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN Creek measuring approximately 2900 linear feet. A second monitored profile reach measuring approximately 200 linear feet is located on North Branch. The beginning and ending points of each measured section has been permanently monumented. Average, pool, and riffle slopes, as well as pool-to-pool spacing will be calculated using data collected during the monitoring of these longitudinal profiles. 3.4.3 Pattern Evaluations of stream pattern, based on valley/stream type, will be developed based upon measurements of sinuosity, meander width ratio, and radius of curvature (on newly constructed meanders only for first year monitoring). Calculations will be made of sinuosity, meander width ratio, radius of curvature/bankfull width ratio, and meander length/bankfull width ratio. 3.4.4 Bed Materials Pebble counts will be conducted at each riffle cross section, as well as across the overall study reach (based upon percentage of riffles and pools) for the purpose of classification and evaluation of sediment transport. Pebble count data will be plotted by size distribution in order to assess the D50 and D84 size class. 3.5 Vegetation Monitoring The Carolina Vegetation Survey - Ecosystem Enhancement Program (CVS-EEP) 2008 protocol for recording vegetation (Lee et. al 2008) will be used to determine the planting pattern of woody stems with respect to species, spacing, and density as well as to forecast survivability and growth of planted stems in subsequent monitoring years. Six vegetative sampling plots were established within the project easement area: five standard (10 x 10m) plots and one non-standard (5 x 20m) plot. Four plots were established in the stream restoration areas and two within the wetlands area (one in enhancement, one in restoration). Plots were placed within the applicable planting zones to capture the heterogeneity of the designed vegetative communities. However, given that several planting zones were too narrow to accommodate the standard or non-standard plots, all vegetation plots were established within the buffer and wetland planting areas. Plot corners were permanently marked with rebar and recorded during the baseline survey. All planted stems and plot corners were marked with orange flagging tape to facilitate relocation during subsequent monitoring years. A reference photograph was taken for each plot at the origin looking diagonally across the plot to the opposite corner. 3.6 Photograph Reference Points Photograph reference points (PRPs) have been established to assist in characterizing the site and to allow qualitative evaluation of the site conditions. The location of each photo point has been permanently marked in the field and the bearing/orientation of the photograph is indicated on the As-built plans to allow for consistent repetition. A total of seventeen (17) PRP's have been established along the restored stream. Ten (10) of these PRP's have been located upstream of the permanent monitoring cross sections. These NCEEP 7 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN photographs will be taken facing downstream looking at the section, and will show as much of the banks and channel as possible. The survey tape used for cross-sectional measurements will be centered in each photograph and the water line will be located near the lower edge. An effort will be made to consistently photograph the same area in each subsequent monitoring event. 4.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS Recommendations for suggested increased observation, maintenance and/or repair in problem areas will be made within the Results and Discussion sections of the annual monitoring reports, based on the data that is collected. Both the vegetation and morphology sections will include plan views and tables indicating the location of the problems areas, their severity and possible cause(s). 5.0 AS-BUILTS The Morgan Creek site construction was completed at the beginning of January 2009 and ' the As-Built survey was completed on January 13, 2009. The survey located the constructed channel boundaries along with the location of in-stream structures. Additionally, all permanent monitoring markers were located during the survey. As-Built ' plans have been prepared with this information depicting the pre-construction location of the channel, the design alignment, and the post-construction location. A half-size set of the As-Built plans are in Appendix B of this report. NCEEP 8 February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE MITIGATION PLAN 6.0 REFERENCES Harrelson, C.C., C.L. Rawlins, and J.P. Potyondy. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. General Technical Report RM-245. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. NCDENR. 2005. "North Carolina Waterbodies Reports." Division of Water Quality. Available URL: (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/basinsandwaterbodies). Accessed March 15, 2005. Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22: 169-199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Rosgen, D.L. 1997. A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers. In: Wang, S.S.Y., E.J. Langendoen, and F.D. Shields, Jr. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision. pp. 12-22. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, 3rd Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, NCDEHNR, Division of Parks and Recreation. Raleigh, NC. NCEEP 9 February 2009 i i r APPENDIX A FIGURES AND TABLES I ,• REFERENCE REACH SITE q t1no?EYd 'oe 'oo., 40 M'O 11 N T A`I\- N S" 1 5 ? 0 ? Of ? v v ZON J 1334 OEI'1 YtlII)OLIFE 1336 Y / ' 1335 J - Ao KncO KNOXVILLE - - ? -\ ` MANAGEMENT , ,•? 1' y 0 Nuns KrAb \ 1 1379 9mdROn1 m \ F!} , 1 -133 1334 PJ S G A H MORGAN CREEK ?. RESTORATION SITE 1356 1 1341 334 \ `\ \ 1309 c` i1 s N+esllrt? aR NAT ONAI, 0 134 133 134 R W \ /? N ° ,,Fm 1341 34 \ 5 !y 1397 \ 1382 x; bd- ..-. L 5061 F ' 4 1 5 3 ( 1351 9m 5,m7 ti LAIC WA7BWLLE `1353 !Min :? - -? 133 1398 8+ 0 1947 sa r ?+ 1507 ^ 1 se - ?, 134 1386 - ? 150 _ - ` 1503 1338 154 352 / 1505 13 1 O K Y - 1348 2 Padir QMk ®•` _ d, J 1.2 1355 `1624 TOP 348 1 41.8 1506 X4,,18 ? ? • ? ? 1338 ? \ 0 1509 -/ FOREST t5t om crew GOP 1 Bov kow 1 150 `I N, •, to ?? co bb- / \ \ \` ?, 'F+ ® Clw6an ?' 154 Min 1331 A T I ON AL _ J J I? 113 r rH„Tp - l ASHEVILLE T l wa?Knm Jonalhan - 46 S 1319 l 13171 85 P R K 1 1A 131 UIYM M n ` 1.334 ? _ 131s t' , 1314 , _- 1s16 --__-?? 135 88'3,677 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: AND BY: SCALE SITE VICINITY /'1 SITE MAP !1'0 1 3 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION SITE --Rolf rye HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 11; 3>,stctt i , I MILES FIGURE 1 Z Z j?? 6 _ ? cvs wZ ? b 73 tS ?Z? ? ?? w i 47i;t>? A ?u? xm r, +? ; f T r??d 1 ? ? ? ? .? ? y • ' MS • .• x ? ID llll . i' Jas .: ? 4 : k ? U? y '/ f' ? ? ? g r .? :,( • ~ '*? *?' •' t to v s ' * W U d ?, ? • ti?? ? „ n? t, to r ?y y ?ru? W x-?, L S _ NV may, aw R 9 y +A+ 141 f dt w wW r ?i?? 4. '?'. ? May C >#,„ ,? t? r?h• ,T * L i Ap *j . o 3 a Z ? ? In t F '.?Y ??i?sTc ??Ud' ? 1?!°` j1'Si ? ? V ? '? 'lr yard k•? _.. 1.InR(,AN ('RFFK RF.QTORATION RITE WTIGATION PLAN Thble 1. Project Components Morgan Creek StroAp Restoration Site /W Contact 0003,34A Restoration Reach/Area s?a e '? ? C' aaa Station,Range/Locatio4 Comment Morgan Creek R P2 892 900 100+00 - 108+73 Morgan Creek R Pi 340 340 108+73 - 112+00 Morgan Creek R P2 1,402 1,438 112+00 - 126+36 Morgan Creek El El 141 141 126+36 - 127+77 Morgan Creek R P2 213 212 127+77 - 129+72 North Branch R R2 288 296 200+00 - 202+96 North Branch R P2 63 66 203+38 - 204+02 Lower North Branch R P 1 2 254 500+00 - 502+46 Middle Branch E1 E1 148 148 300+00 - 301+48 Middle Branch El El 154 154 301+48 - 303+02 South Branch R PI 197 205 400+00 - 402+05 South Branch E1 E1 115 115 402+05 - 403+20 A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K E 0.46 0.46 Rl, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 R 0.60 0.60 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (LF) Riparian Wetland (Ac) on-Riparian (Ac Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 3,711 0.60 Enhancement 0.46 Enhancement I 558 Enhancement II Creation Preservation HQ Preservation % 1.06 Totals 4,269 1. 06 BMP Count = Non-Applicable NCEEP !February 2009 0 F LJ MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT MITIGATION PLAN Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Morgan Creek Restoration Project Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Nov 2007 Jan 2008 Final Design - Construction Plans N/A Jul 2008 Construction N/A Jan 2009 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area N/A Dec 2008 Permanent seed mix applied to entire site N/A Dec 2008 Bare-root plantings for flood lain and uplands N/A Jan 2009 Mitigation Plan / As-Built ear 0 Monitoring - baseline Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Table 3. Project Contact Table Morgan Creek Restoration Project Full Delivery Provider Restoration Systems, Inc 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 Raleigh, NC 27604 Travis Hamrick 919-755-9490 Designer Wolf Creek Engineering, pllc 30 Ben Lippen School Rd., Suite 203 Asheville, NC 28806 S. Grant Ginn, P.E. 828-505-2186 Construction Contractor North State Environmental, Inc 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Darrell Westmoreland 336-725-2010 Project Manager American Wetlands 2310 Valley Carline Court Ruston, VA 20191 Lamar Beasley 703-860-0045 Planting & Seeding Contractor North State Environmental, Inc 2889 Lowery St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Stephen Joyce 336-725-2010 Monitoring Performers Stream Monitoring - Wolf Creek Engineering, plic S. Grant Ginn, P.E. 828-505-2186 Ve etation Monitoring - Equinox Environmental, Inc Sarah Marcinko 828-253-6856 NCEEP t February 2009 MORGAN CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT MITIGATION PLAN Table 4. Project Attribute Table Morgan Creek Restoration Project Project County Haywood Ph s' ra is Region Blue Ridge Eco ion Southem Crystalline Ridges and Mountains Project River Basin French Broad River Basin USGS HUC for Project 14 digit) 06010106020040 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project 04-03-05 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? WRC Class (Warm, Cool, Cold % of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Demarcated Easement Comers Beaver act" observed during design phase? None within project site Restoration Component Attribute Table Morgan North Lower North Middle South Drainage area mi 0.71 0.12 0.18 0.004 0.006 Stream order Second First First First First Restored length feet 2890 362.5 254 250 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Perennial Perennial Intermittent Perennial Watershed type Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Watershed LULC Distribution (e.g.) Residential 15% 30% 35% 0% 0% A -Row Crop 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% A -Livestock 35% 0% 0% 65% 55% Forested 50% 70% 65% 35% 45% Watershed impervious cover % 5 5 5 0 0 NCDWQ AU/Index number 5-32-7 NCDWQ classification C C C C C 303d listed? No Upstream of a 303d listed segment? Yes Reasons for 303d listing or stressor non-point urban and agricultural runoff, agricultural activities Total acr a of easement 10.25 Total vegetated acreage within easement 9.8 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 9.5 Ro en classification of pre-existing CO, G4 A4 A4 G4 F4 Ro en classification of As-Built B4 134a B4 B4a 134a Valley type II II II II II Valle slope 0.0376 0.0515 0.0365 0.118 0.1271 Valle side slope range 4%-44% Valle toe slope range 4.5%-8% Cowardin classification N/A Trout waters designation N/A Species of concern, endangered? small whorled a onia, Indiana and Gray bat Dominant soil series and characteristics CxA EvE SdD CxA CxA HaD2 FnE2 HaD2 Series Cullowhee-Nikwasi Evard-Cowee Saunook Cullowhee-Nikwasi Ha esville Clay Loam Fannin Loam Depth in 0-65 0-72.0-65 0-65 0-60 0.61 Clay % 0-35 K mod. rapid - rapid moderate - mod. rap id moderately rapid moderate moderate T NCEEP February 2009 i w 0 Y ? ' s o f r x? s „ ? s s „ s °s 1 ? r ? s ^ n s? « ? A s a x a 0 r A ? v a v l $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a o$ ? g ?g N. 6 m a? a ? ? - - - - - - - - - - - - a v 9 o - W ° - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U pp o b a U 2 U a rc E ? C ? C ? C 5 Y ? .? m .E rc ? rc .is a E C ? Y ° C 5 C ? ,. C ? Y? Y ? N X m° E E ? a j E Y ? .E X ° ` , ° p Y LLU C C ? ? ° `& ? K ° a u X f0 w m rc - a° n ° s' _ ° ° ? o o rc X W 8 E o ° - o o -? X 88H y 5 4 ? N ? m ? ? m p E N ?a 3 ] U x r° E ? ,°y E y t` s' o N ? t , g t 3 l $ ? o° ti 8 D N 9 j. a 0 K 6 6 ? 9 t c : N ? am 6 ? °a ; N a Bb : b ? a S S N W O u ` 3 2 U a f W ? rc 7` c c r S ? ? rc rc E c ? c ? z g ? ? c ? N E ? ? ° X 6 ? ? ? X S a 3 O ? ? o o ? 5 c r v =u J ? ? o ? € ° ? Z ? = rc u m a `o 5 a ° E i s s ° - ? .? ° ? rc w X rc ? s? ? ? S ? ? 5 x 3 ? N > v ? n o ?? v >?° ? m ? g b m? ? - m y ? O y L W 0 m u > ° ; ? c 5' X K X c7 E a o N ,? f o f7°i ? Q U c .? ? ° m =n m ? K ° W ? ? ? X ? X ggg ? E b u rc ° ? LL ° E r f ? 3 U ? a N • U ? J y i= ° - Z S rc g X U? Y y e ? ? ? q E ' ? ? a X > ? U 3 & E °a ? E N 0 I n 0 C APPENDIX B AS-BUILT DRAWINGS l I I rE??>a far Lf (v (3 %.6 z _ 4y? ? I i I I? n i WI I lei 1 I _? I t ? 1? 1 11 ? ? ? 1 I 1 s .I • . • ? ?FEGfi?2?F6 gno ?Z o N „ u $g O Q1R c F ?i L 8`? a o W? y 8g ? ?? I I i??f 2 I 1 ?j ? r r I 00? OM r + ` ? / ?L CL Z + 1 O r ?( + \1 . i ? I i ? / r + a s i i • ? j r ? r . i > t, 1 • N I \ • s s ir J_ I . ?? . Zm ?I ??' ?- a ' 1 i OQ O? VY '1 t9 a I • r ? ? 1 \ \\\ _ \? ?`, iH 1 LLJ R , 'I ijIm 110 !P 'I 111111 i 2,1 1 ?er?5r im m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m r ? i ? o o =a oz J U w ?U m J U z 1% m o zm I m U z I N 0 az U Y ? ? U ? I u' 9 LLJ a t ) o a ? 1 x ?? 1 li mD ?) 1 z 08 IAIII 1 1 11 11 i A 9 5 t? . 5 n m m ? Alt Is Qi ''ilgllllll So LLI i' °W W I ll / w Cl ? m ti, , i III 30 - 10 W \ Ci 8 cr O R q oy y ? OO I 0/ u s ? m? c ? (v o !D 1;I r \\?\\11111II....... F 2= 4y. O '???bgn1W N\? L' I II I I I \1 1 1 -01 CL - I C.D LL. 1 CL I ? _ F6. 1 I i 1 R I 1 ? / O 1 i i I ? \1 11 = I m J ?l N p u r- % a U ? 1 ZO \I I ?? ? v ?m 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 ?SQ?ebQei2l, I C I 1 1 ? i> ??? m m m m m m m m m m m m m APPENDIX C BASELINE MONITORING DATA Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF1 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 15+21.4 r ? v r?? l r i ?TTT?'r rAi t t Y ? 3?? c 'f'F f. •?* a i j kit ?•?+?_s... SR???? ????R?F'.??ds?.? „s ? ? w ? :? }tr''Ca'? ,`fir fe pb 4 '?dp'.l 6 3, 1W I. Year 0 Facing Downstream Riffle Cross Section - 2590 ----- - - -- i i - As-built --Year 1 0 Year 2 = m r -Year 3 (D )- Year 4 w 2582 9 -Year 5 ? BKF 2580 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 D ate 1/8/09 Date 0/0/0 D ate 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 D ate 0/0I0 Date 0/0/0 A rea 12.2 Area 0.0 A rea 0.0 Area 0.0 A rea 0.0 Area 0.0 Bk f W 13.8 Bkf W 10 Bk f W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dm ean 0.9 Dmean 0.0 Dm ean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dme an 0.0 Dmean 0.0 D max 1.2 Dmax 0.0 Dm ax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dm ax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Wld 15.6 W/d 00 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF1 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 15+21.4 As- Built Ye ar 1 Ye ar 2 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM 5.53 2584.66 RF1 IR Lt BM IR Lt BM IR Lt HI 2590.19 HI 0.00 HI 0.00 -20 2.35 2587.84 -10 3.58 2586.61 0 575 2584.44 GRND 3.2 6.18 2584.01 6.3 7.52 2582.67 8 8.14 2582.05 11 8.74 2581.45 14.6 9.04 2581.15 BKF LT 15.8 9.39 2580.80 17.4 9.95 2580.24 EOW LT 19.9 10.17 2580.02 21.3 10.27 2579.92 23.2 10.19 2580.00 24.8 10.11 2580.08 26.5 9.93 2580.26 EOW RT 27.2 9.76 2580.43 28.4 9.25 2580.94 BKF RT 32 9.09 2581.10 36 9.08 2581.11 37.7 8.73 2581.46 42.9 8.76 2581.43 GRND 55 8.58 2581.61 58 8.30 2581.89 70 7.84 2582.35 0.00 HI Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Pool Cross Section PL1 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 16+28.6 t s >: w ? I n? W T, e 4 Year0 Facing Downstream Pool Cross Section 2 86- - - -- - i 2! i84- 8 2! . 2 -As-built _ -Year 1 Year 2 0 > f Year 3 ?? i78- - Year 4 w I I ?Year5 i i I -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date 1/8/09 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Area 22.5 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Bkf W 14.4 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dmean 1.6 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmax 2.5 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 W/d 9.2 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W!d 0.0 ' Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, INC Pool Cross Section PL1 Reach 1 - Moroan Creek - Sta 16+28.6 ' BM HI 5.53 2584.66 2590.19 RF1 IR Rt BM HI 0.00 IR Lt BM HI -25 6.82 2583.37 -16 10.82 2579.37 -7 11.32 2578.87 ' 0 3.1 11.73 12.13 2578.46 2578.06 GRND 11.7 12.85 2577.34 13.5 13.24 2576.95 16 13.50 2576.69 BKF LT 17 13.88 2576.31 17.7 14.21 2575.98 18.3 14.85 2575.34 EOW 19.4 15.39 2574.80 21.7 15.95 2574.24 24.8 15.75 2574.44 26 15.64 2574.55 ' 27.6 14.78 2575.41 EOW 29.1 13.97 2576.22 30.4 13.67 2576.52 BKF RT 35 13.23 2576.96 42. 46.6 6 12.00 12.05 2578.19 2578.14 GRND ' 61 12.08 2578.11 67.5 11.46 2578.73 75 11.06 2579.13 BM I 0.00 I 100.00 IIR Lt HI 100.00 HI Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF2 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 20+74.6 r `. t- L+f?" $- F a ? 4vtt r{ Year 0 Facing Downstream Riffle Cross Section 2570 2568 i -As-built -+-Year 1 o Year 2 0 Z. x -Year 3 ?o m Year 4 w -?- Year 5 ss F 2558 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 D ate 1/8/09 Date 0/010 D ate 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 D ate 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 A rea 10.2 Area 0.0 A rea 0.0 Area 0.0 Ar ea 0.0 Area 0.0 Bk f W 13.5 Bkf W 10 Bk f W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dm ean 08 Dmean 0.0 Dm ean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dme an 0.0 Dmean 0.0 D max 1 1 Dmax 0 0 D max 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dm ax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Wid 11,9 Wid 00 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W /d 0.0 W/d 0.0 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF2 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 20+74.6 As- Built Ye ar 1 Ye ar 2 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM 7.72 2562.55 RF2 IR Lt BM IR Lt BM IR Lt HI 2570.27 HI 0.00 HI 0.00 -36 5.77 2564.50 -31 6.90 2563.37 -14 7.33 2562.94 -5 8.01 2562.26 0 7.88 2562.39 GRND 4.5 7.86 2562.41 10 8.30 2561.97 BKF LT 11 8.56 2561.71 12 9.13 2561.14 13 9.67 2560.60 15 9.79 2560.48 EOW LT 17 10.04 2560.23 18 10.11 2560.16 19 9.95 2560.32 21 9.81 2560.46 EOW RT 22 9.77 2560.50 23 9.73 2560.54 25 8.97 2561.30 BKF RT 27 8.73 2561.54 35.8 8.48 2561.79 37.3 8.20 2562.07 GRND 40 7.20 2563.07 46 6.93 2563.34 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Pool Cross Section PL2 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 21+44 l 4? ? Year0 Facing Downstream Pool Cross Section 7.1 -As-built --Year 1 Year 2 0 Year 3 > • QKF d -?- Year 4 w tYear 5 2 i58-- i -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date 1/8/09 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0!0 Date 010/0 Area 28.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Bkf W 15.4 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dmean 1.8 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmax 3.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 W/d 8.5 W!d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 Creek Stream Restor. Haywood County, NC Pool Cross Section PI-2 n 1 - Mornan Creek - Sta -16.5 9.99 2560.28 -10 10.12 2560.15 0 10.19 2560.08 6 10.36 2559.91 11 10.96 2559.31 14.3 11.26 2559.01 15.5 11.88 2558.39 16 11.90 2558.37 17 12.84 2557.43 17.1 13.45 2556.82 19 13.68 2556.59 21.5 13.89 2556.38 24 14.25 2556.02 25.7 13.55 2556.72 26 12.89 2557.38 28.2 12.00 2558.27 29.7 11.36 2558.91 34 11.56 2558.71 39 11.15 2559.12 42 11.04 2559.23 44.6 10.59 2559.68 48 9.89 2560.38 53 9.65 2560.62 HI LT RT 100.00 100.00 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF3 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 25+60.4 Riffle Cross Section - 2550 - -- I 2546 i -As-built _ -Year 1 Year 2 0 m 2544 - Year 3 > V BKF m Year 4 W 2542 Year 5 2540 9538 -17 -7 3 13 23 33 43 53 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date 1/8/09 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Area 13.3 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Bkf W 15 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dmean 0.9 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmax 1.3 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 W/d 16.9 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF3 Reach 1 - Morgan Creek - Sta 25+60.4 As- Built Yea r 7 Ye ar 2 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM 6.04 2544.75 7F3 IR Lt BM IR Lt BM IR Lt HI 2550.79 HI 0.00 HI 0.00 -17 4.75 2546.04 -12 4.72 2546.07 -7 5.25 2545.54 -3 5.93 2544.86 0 6.25 2544.54 GRND 6.5 7.19 2543.60 9 7.86 2542.93 11 7.91 2542.88 BKF LT 12 8.28 2542.51 13.7 8.88 2541.91 15.7 8.88 2541.91 EOW LT 16 9.05 2541.74 17.6 9.16 2541.63 19.5 9.15 2541.64 20.5 9.13 2541.66 22 9.00 2541.79 23 8.98 2541.81 EOW RT 24 8.83 2541.96 24.5 8.51 2542.28 27 7.61 2543.18 BKF RT 29 7.36 2543.43 33.5 7.17 2543.62 38.7 6.65 2544.14 GRND 42.7 6.02 2544.77 55 5.07 2545.72 Ye ar 3 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM HI 0.00 100.00 100.00 IR Lt 0.00 Ye ar 5 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM HI 0.00 100.00 100.00 IR Lt 0 N C) ? I O I m N c m I ? } Q O ? N > CD O O a> rn } Q I O I f6 CD > N N (? O o I I T C O Y I ( D l{I ? 0 U U ? w Z c N (c d T m I ! ? ? c o c C L O (a U I O C a> +`• o U a N Y N co ` = O U w 0 i c a ? ? o o O i 0 0 I M O O N I O O O O O O ( n O O L O ( O 3) O ( O c n o 0 O ( 0 ( n ? O t r ( o O O O (0 c N o ( N D (( N ) ( N (7 U N ? U N 7 ( N n U N ? L N O L N O N (U ) uo .1ene 13 M O Cl) ? i (D m N j ['0 ti7 M N N } Q O N N 'O N f 6 3 m co N m CO i N co It? Q 1 I LO N 'O f0 m N ca N Cl) O N N C U U ++ Z c N N _ C O t E O u? N O r- d N W U 2G fC I N U c CL cO C N to Cl) N LO M N N LO M N LO M O LO O (D co LO to tt) LO LO O LO LO U) tLO O to O to N 04 04 N 04 N LO N LO N to N tt7 N ( U) UO RAGG 0 r C) ? L N aD m L N U) O) M N 'O f6 ? > m 0 M O C? ? N Vl r a 0 r L r Cl) ? m m N L V/ O C C V T M r L U U 0 t. Z c go m x 0' c o E o 2 d o c o w o I O` a L N o ? I U Cl) O j i 0 r 0 r N M i O r 0 r 00 04 Cl) C14 ap c 00 O Cl) O 0 00 O M LO N LO N to N LO N V) N V) N a N (u) u01 l en013 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Profile Reach 1 - Morgan Creek . 2610.20 1000 2.65 2607.55 0.10 2607.65 2610.20 1004 4.08 2606.12 0.35 2606.47 2610.20 1013 4 2606.20 0.25 2606.45 2.85 2607.35 2610.20 1024 4.6 2605.60 0.08 2605.68 ' 2610.20 1029 5.08 2605.12 0.12 2605.24 2610.20 1032 6.47 2603.73 1.28 2605.01 2610.20 1037 5.32 2604.88 0.09 2604.97 2610.20 1048 5.99 2604.21 0.16 2604.37 5.01 2605.19 ' 2610.20 1055 6.3 2603.90 0.09 2603.99 2610.20 1060 6.8 2603.40 0.05 2603.45 2610.20 1072 7.6 2602.60 0.05 2602.65 2610.20 2610.20 1076 1086 8.57 8.17 2601.63 2602.03 0.70 0.15 2602.33 2602.18 7.20 2603.00 2610.20 1094 8.53 2601.67 0.10 2601.77 2610.20 1096 8.84 2601.36 0.20 2601.56 2610.20 1107.5 9.57 2600.63 0.02 2600 65 2610.20 1110 11.13 2599.07 1.18 . 2600.25 2610.20 1117 9.97 2600.23 0.05 2600.28 8.97 2601.23 2610.20 1138 10.8 2599.40 0.09 2599.49 2610.20 1148 11.54 2598.66 0.01 2598.67 2610.20 1151 12.47 2597.73 0.58 2598.31 t 2610.20 1160 12.04 2598.16 0.06 2598.22 2610.20 1174 12.65 2597.55 0.12 2597.67 11.68 2598.52 2610.20 1182 13.15 2597.05 0.09 2597.14 2610.20 1186 14.1 2596.10 0.80 2596.90 2610.20 1195 13.54 2596.66 0.16 2596.82 12.50 2597.70 2610.20 1211.5 14.54 2595.66 0.09 2595.75 2610.20 1222 15.21 2594.99 0.02 2595.01 2610.20 1224 16.49 2593.71 0.99 2594.70 ' 2610.20 1232 15.65 2594.55 0.15 2594.70 14.65 2595.55 2610.20 1249 16.7 2593.50 0.20 2593.70 2610.20 1258.5 17.23 2592.97 0.08 2593.05 ' 2597.16 2597.16 1261.5 1269 5.33 4.84 2591.83 2592.32 0.73 0.13 2592.56 2592.45 3.65 2593.51 2597.16 1287 5.6 2591.56 0.04 2591.60 2597.16 1294 6.4 2590.76 0.01 2590.77 2597.16 1298 7.85 2589.31 1.00 2590.31 ' 2597.16 1309 7.05 2590.11 0.10 2590.21 2597.16 1313 7.12 2590.04 0.20 2590.24 6.04 2591.12 2597.16 1324 7.87 2589.29 0.14 2589.43 2597.16 1335 8.63 2588.53 0.01 2588.54 2597.16 1342 10.08 2587.08 1.12 2588.20 ' 2597.16 1348 9.15 2588.01 0.15 2588.16 7.94 2589.22 2597.16 1367 9.75 2587.41 0.02 2587.43 2597.16 1378 10.61 2586.55 0.04 2586.59 2597.16 1383 11.9 2585.26 1.02 2586.28 ' 2597.16 1389 10.98 2586.18 0.09 2586.27 9.90 2587.26 2597.16 1400 11.42 2585.74 0.15 2585.89 2597.16 1408.5 12.05 2585.11 0.00 2585.11 2597.16 1411 12.99 2584.17 0.86 2585.03 2597.16 1419 12.32 2584.84 0.19 2585.03 11.22 2585.94 2597.16 1425 12.74 2584.42 0.00 2584.42 2597.16 1431.5 12.97 2584.19 0.01 2584.20 2597.16 1438 13.32 2583.84 0.06 2583.90 2597.16 1442 14.28 2582.88 1.00 2583.88 2597.16 1448 13.49 2583.67 0.18 2583.85 12.53 2584.63 2597.16 1456 14.02 2583.14 0.16 2583.30 2597.16 1460.5 14.32 2582.84 0.07 2582.91 2597.16 1465.5 14.79 2582.37 0.11 2582.48 ' 2597.16 1469 16.1 2581.06 1.30 2582.36 2597.16 1478 14.95 2582.21 0.15 2582.36 13.82 2583.34 2597.16 1492 15.62 2581.54 0.08 2581.62 2597.16 1502 16.4 2580.76 0.10 2580.86 ' 2585.29 1508 6.2 2579.09 1.45 2580.54 2585.29 1514 4.88 2580.41 0.11 2580.52 2585.29 1521.4 5.25 2580.04 0.18 2580.22 4.08 2581.21 2585.29 1530 5.9 2579.39 0.30 2579.69 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site I Haywood County, NC Profile Reach 1 - Morcian Creek HI Station FS Elev. Depth Elev. FS Elev. 2585.29 1542 6.86 2578.43 0.20 2578.63 2585.29 1549 8.27 2577.02 1.60 2578.62 2585.29 1556 7.04 2578.25 0.34 2578.59 5.71 2579.58 2585.29 1569.5 7.69 2577.60 0.19 2577.79 2585.29 1578.7 8.32 2576.97 0.01 2576.98 2585.29 1586 9.94 2575.35 1.55 2576.90 2585.29 1596 8.72 2576.57 0.30 2576.87 7.68 2577.61 2585.29 1614.5 9.33 2575.96 0.20 2576.16 2585.29 1625.3 10.07 2575.22 0.08 2575.30 2585.29 1631 11.51 2573.78 1.50 2575.28 2585.29 1640 10.27 2575.02 0.24 2575.26 8.89 2576.40 2585.29 1657.2 11.04 2574.25 0.25 2574.50 2585.29 1668.3 11.85 2573.44 0.13 2573.57 2585.29 1674 13.02 2572.27 1.28 2573.55 2585.29 1691.5 12.08 2573.21 0.31 2573.52 10.78 2574.51 2585.29 1704.5 12.45 2572.84 0.06 2572.90 2585.29 1716 13.26 2572.03 0.08 2572.11 2585.29 1726 14.36 2570.93 0.96 2571.89 2585.29 1737 13.57 2571.72 0.17 2571.89 12.72 2572.57 2585.29 1749 14.10 2571.19 0.09 2571.28 2585.29 1760 14.96 2570.33 0.29 2570.62 2585.29 1765 15.77 2569.52 1.10 2570.62 2585.29 1775 14.82 2570.47 0.13 2570.60 13.81 2571.48 2585.29 1785.5 15.23 2570.06 0.15 2570.21 2585.29 1796 16.33 2568.96 0.35 2569.31 2585.29 1806 16.64 2568.65 0.02 2568.67 2585.29 1811 17.73 2567.56 1.20 2568.76 2585.29 1833 17.20 2568.09 0.30 2568.39 16.23 2569.06 2585.29 1862 18.27 2567.02 0.29 2567.31 2569.70 1882 2.84 2566.86 0.09 2566.95 2569.70 1887 4.31 2565.39 1.58 2566.97 2569.70 1897 3.02 2566.68 0.22 2566.90 1.77 2567.93 2569.70 1919 3.68 2566.02 0.12 2566.14 2569.70 1932.5 4.01 2565.69 0.10 2565.79 2569.70 1935.5 4.04 2565.66 0.08 2565.74 2569.70 1944 5.77 2563.93 1.15 2565.08 2569.70 1967 4.93 2564.77 0.20 2564.97 3.88 2565.82 2569.70 1982 5.76 2563.94 0.21 2564.15 2569.70 1990 6.29 2563.41 0.29 2563.70 2569.70 2000.5 6.65 2563.05 0.01 2563.06 2564.65 2007 3.31 2561.34 1.75 2563.09 2564.65 2016 1.68 2562.97 0.11 2563.08 2564.65 2039 2.60 2562.05 0.01 2562.06 2564.65 2051.5 3.58 2561.07 0.01 2561.08 2564.65 2058 5.23 2559.42 1.39 2560.81 2564.65 2069 3.99 2560.66 0.08 2560.74 2.85 2561.80 2564.65 2074.6 4.28 2560.37 0.19 2560.56 2564.65 2090 4.97 2559.68 0.10 2559.78 2564.65 2100 5.68 2558.97 0.12 2559.09 2564.65 2105 6.51 2558.14 0.90 2559.04 2564.65 2115 5.76 2558.89 0.13 2559.02 4.65 2560.00 2564.65 2123 6.35 2558.30 0.06 2558.36 2564.65 2130 6.46 2558.19 0.03 2558.22 2564.65 2135.5 6.68 2557.97 0.01 2557.98 2564.65 2141 8.34 2556.31 1.15 2557.46 2564.65 2150 7.42 2557.23 0.19 2557.42 6.08 2558.57 2564.65 2162 7.87 2556.78 0.19 2556.97 2564.65 2171 8.48 2556.17 0.18 2556.35 2564.65 2184 9.06 2555.59 0.13 2555.72 2564.65 2190 10.58 2554.07 1.66 2555.73 2564.65 2200 9.16 2555.49 0.22 2555.71 8.18 2556.47 2564.65 2218.5 10.33 2554.32 0.25 2554.57 2564.65 2233 11.03 2553.62 0.09 2553.71 2564.65 2240 12.86 2551.79 1.60 2553.39 2564.65 2254 11.44 2553.21 0.12 2553.33 10.30 2554.35 2564.65 2267 12.22 2552.43 0.18 2552.61 2564.65 2277 12.84 2551.81 0.07 2551.88 I Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Profile Reach 1 - Moraan Creek . 2564.65 2284 14.59 2550.06 1.70 2551.76 2564.65 2297 13.23 2551.42 0.29 2551.71 12.00 2552.65 2564.65 2312 13.95 2550.70 0.02 2550.72 2564.65 2324.5 14.65 2550.00 0.06 2550.06 ' 2564.65 2326 16.06 2548.59 1.06 2549.65 2564.65 2334 16.16 2548.49 1.18 2549.67 2564.65 2346 15.35 2549.30 0.32 2549.62 13.94 2550.71 2564.65 2363 15.88 2548.77 0.12 2548.89 ' 2564.65 2376 16.33 2548.32 0.08 2548.40 2564.65 2383 17.72 2546.93 1.20 2548.13 2551.48 2397 3.54 2547.94 0.18 2548.12 2.28 2549.20 2551.48 2414 4.18 2547.30 0.00 2547.30 2551.48 2427.5 5.15 2546.33 0.06 2546.39 2551.48 2436 6.12 2545.36 0.78 2546.14 2551.48 2451 5.54 2545.94 0.19 2546.13 4.19 2547.29 2551.48 2465 6.03 2545.45 0.18 2545.63 2551.48 2477 6.87 2544.61 0.06 2544.67 2551.48 2484 7.92 2543.56 0.95 2544.51 2551.48 2491 7.12 2544.36 0.12 2544.48 5.90 2545.58 2551.48 2509.5 7.67 2543.81 0.00 2543.81 2551.48 2523 8.68 2542.80 0.00 2542.80 2551.48 2531 9.68 2541.80 0.97 2542.77 2551.48 2543 8.89 2542.59 0.14 2542.73 7.64 2543.84 2551.48 2560.4 9.74 2541.74 0.20 2541.94 2551.48 2567 9.90 2541.58 0.06 2541.64 ' 2551.48 2577 10.53 2540.95 0.13 2541.08 2551.48 2586 12.14 2539.34 1.72 2541.06 2551.48 2608 10.71 2540.77 0.21 2540.98 9.53 2541.95 2551.48 2627 11.38 2540.10 0.18 2540.28 ' 2551.48 2644 12.49 2538.99 0.00 2538.99 2551.48 2652 14.26 2537.22 1.69 2538.91 2551.48 2673 12.71 2538.77 0.13 2538.90 11.63 2539.85 2551.48 2695.5 13.58 2537.90 0.00 2537.90 ' 2539.21 2708 1.84 2537.37 0.00 2537.37 2539.21 2715 3.40 2535.81 1.26 2537.07 2539.21 2737 2.36 2536.85 0.16 2537.01 0.90 2538.31 2539.21 2758 3.27 2535.94 0.27 2536.21 2539.21 2770 3.50 2535.71 0.13 2535.84 2539.21 2774 3.66 2535.55 0.30 2535.85 2539.21 2779 4.81 2534.40 1.51 2535.91 2539.21 2790 3.67 2535.54 0.29 2535.83 2.34 2536.87 2539.21 2805.5 4.22 2534.99 0.12 2535.11 ' 2539.21 2818 4.78 2534.43 0.15 2534.58 2539.21 2827 6.14 2533.07 1.50 2534.57 2539.21 2834 4.88 2534.33 0.19 2534.52 3.68 2535.53 2539.21 2850 5.69 2533.52 0.23 2533.75 2539.21 2859 6.15 2533.06 0.07 2533.13 2539.21 2860 6.28 2532.93 0.19 2533.12 2539.21 2864 7.86 2531.35 1.76 2533.11 2539.21 2878.5 6.32 2532.89 0.15 2533.04 ' 2539.21 2909.5 7.17 2532.04 0.39 2532.43 2539.21 2921.3 7.37 2531.84 0.00 2531.84 2539.21 2923.5 7.48 2531.73 0.17 2531.90 2539.21 2941 9.60 2529.61 1.28 2530.89 2539.21 2951 8.54 2530.67 0.19 2530.86 7.29 2531.92 2539.21 2969.5 9.30 2529.91 0.26 2530.17 2539.21 2979 9.86 2529.35 0.10 2529.45 2539.21 2988 11.24 2527.97 1.42 2529.39 2539.21 2997 10.10 2529.11 0.27 2529.38 8.92 2530.29 2539.21 3017 10.59 2528.62 0.35 2528.97 2539.21 3026 10.68 2528.53 0.11 2528.64 2539.21 3032.5 11.23 2527.98 0.21 2528.19 2539.21 3043 12.44 2526.77 1.23 2528.00 ' 2539.21 3056 11.73 2527.48 0.48 2527.96 10.28 2528.93 2539.21 3079 12.52 2526.69 0.16 2526.85 2539.21 3087 13.08 2526.13 0.38 2526.51 ' 2539.21 3094 14.16 2525.05 1.43 2526.48 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Prnfila Raarh 1 _ Mnm:4n rraPk 2539.21 3106 13.02 2526.19 0.26 2526.45 11.67 2527.54 2539.21 3119 13.53 2525.68 0.37 2526.05 2539.21 3127.5 13.77 2525.44 0.16 2525.60 2539.21 3143.5 14.00 2525.21 0.00 2525.21 2539.21 3148.5 15.55 2523.66 0.98 2524.64 2539.21 3170 14.95 2524.26 0.31 2524.57 13.64 2525.57 2539.21 3182.5 15.43 2523.78 0.25 2524.03 2539.21 3194.5 15.75 2523.46 0.08 2523.54 2526.51 3202 3.95 2522.56 0.81 2523.37 2526.51 3211 3.31 2523.20 0.15 2523.35 1.92 2524.59 2526.51 3231 4.11 2522.40 0.10 2522.50 2526.51 3243.5 4.69 2521.82 0.05 2521.87 2526.51 3251 5.68 2520.83 0.94 2521.77 2526.51 3263 4.91 2521.60 0.10 2521.70 3.79 2522.72 2526.51 3284.5 5.95 2520.56 0.01 2520.57 2526.51 3296 6.52 2519.99 0.01 2520.00 2526.51 3306 7.41 2519.10 0.74 2519.84 2526.51 3321 6.86 2519.65 0.10 2519.75 5.39 2521.12 2526.51 3324.4 7.00 2519.51 0.10 2519.61 2526.51 3336 7.52 2518.99 0.14 2519.13 2526.51 3346.5 7.95 2518.56 0.01 2518.57 2526.51 3357 9.48 2517.03 1.45 2518.48 2526.51 3368 8.20 2518.31 0.10 2518.41 6.87 2519.64 2526.51 3385 8.93 2517.58 0.18 2517.76 2526.51 3393.5 9.41 2517.10 0.06 2517.16 2526.51 3404 10.61 2515.90 1.18 2517.08 2526.51 3416 9.61 2516.90 0.09 2516.99 8.51 2518.00 2526.51 3430 10.16 2516.35 0.16 2516.51 2526.51 3440 10.74 2515.77 0.09 2515.86 2526.51 3447 12.62 2513.89 1.86 2515.75 2526.51 3461 11.05 2515.46 0.24 2515.70 9.74 2516.77 2526.51 3473 11.38 2515.13 0.14 2515.27 2526.51 3479.5 11.61 2514.90 0.03 2514.93 2526.51 3487 12.16 2514.35 0.02 2514.37 2526.51 3494 13.68 2512.83 1.56 2514.39 2526.51 3507.5 12.33 2514.18 0.15 2514.33 11.48 2515.03 2526.51 3523 13.31 2513.20 0.08 2513.28 2526.51 3538 13.93 2512.58 0.19 2512.77 2526.51 3541 15.09 2511.42 1.35 2512.77 2526.51 3546 14.90 2511.61 1.15 2512.76 2526.51 3554 13.88 2512.63 0.12 2512.75 12.67 2513.84 2526.51 3568 14.31 2512.20 0.06 2512.26 2526.51 3580 14.86 2511.65 0.06 2511.71 2526.51 3592 15.43 2511.08 0.00 2511.08 2526.51 3603 16.66 2509.85 1.05 2510.90 2526.51 3621 16.93 2509.58 1.34 2510.92 2526.51 3633 15.81 2510.70 0.18 2510.88 14.66 2511.85 2526.51 3662.5 16.10 2510.41 0.01 2510.42 2514.3 3665.5 4.84 2509.46 0.36 2509.82 2514.3 3674 5.86 2508.44 1.36 2509.80 2514.3 3696 4.96 2509.34 0.46 2509.80 3.47 2510.83 2514.3 3718 5.63 2508.67 0.20 2508.87 2514.3 3726 6.92 2507.38 1.51 2508.89 2514.3 3731 7.37 2506.93 1.96 2508.89 2514.3 3739 5.66 2508.64 0.18 2508.82 4.29 2510.01 2514.3 3765 6.45 2507.85 0.25 2508.10 2514.3 3776 7.00 2507.30 0.61 2507.91 2514.3 3786 6.99 2507.31 0.69 2508.00 2514.3 3806 6.61 2507.69 0.21 2507.90 5.63 2508.67 2514.3 3828 7.08 2507.22 0.25 2507.47 5.61 2508.69 2514.3 3850 7.53 2506.77 0.06 2506.83 2514.3 3859.5 9.39 2504.91 1.38 2506.29 2514.3 3880 8.47 2505.83 0.43 2506.26 7.10 2507.20 2514.3 3912.5 9.24 2505.06 0.07 2505.13 2514.3 3925 9.99 2504.31 0.50 2504.81 2514.3 3934 11.51 2502.79 1.60 2504.39 2514.3 3946 10.19 2504.11 0.23 2504.34 8.95 2505.35 '1 II 1 I Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Profile Reach 1 - Morgan Creek As-Built Bed Bed Water Water Bankfull Bankfull HI Station FS Elev. Depth Elev. FS Elev. Description 2514.3 3955 10.35 2503.95 0.06 2504.01 2514.3 3964 12.10 2502.20 1.33 2503.53 2514.3 3978.5 11.03 2503.27 0.19 2503.46 9.49 2504.81 2514.3 4002 11.63 2502.67 0.19 2502.86 2514.3 4011 11.70 2502.60 0.10 2502.70 2514.3 4018.5 11.92 2502.38 0.06 2502.44 2514.3 4025 13.18 2501.12 1.05 2502.17 2514.3 4035 12.40 2501.90 0.19 2502.09 11.04 2503.26 2514.3 4057.5 13.10 2501.20 0.21 2501.41 2514.3 4066 13.51 2500.79 0.12 2500.91 2514.3 4074 15.17 2499.13 1.70 2500.83 2514.3 4088 13.77 2500.53 0.19 2500.72 2514.3 4092.4 14.48 2499.82 0.30 2500.12 o weig hted p erce nt of parti cles i n ? m ran ge v ' N E o o a o o 0 0 o m C v co m v N o 0 a o .6 16 y c m a' aa) O N O L6 0 O CD -- (D rn 3 - ---- -- -- - - - - - - -- --- N U c c - ---- - -- ------ a . ° m - -- - ° Q N n 2 o - -- ---- -- -- --- --- --- --- - -_. -_- . O O) L N -- -_-- ---- -- --- --- _-- --- --- - ` Y U O -- -__ -- --- Ln 0 N 2 - O O O O a o 00 E I 0 'o m m ? Y N - - - E l!') 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NO o O. 0 0 N M t0 N c0 ` ` 0 0 0 0 0 0>> N V E C C .0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U U U U 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N- -0 -0 -0-0 v vZ ma?i00000ymEN?m > N> E E Z E N E > N N > C D TOO U 0 0 7 U (0 0 T m U Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF5 Reach 2 - North Branch - Sta 10+85.4 .l* y- t-t •! .da. .?. ItI ; A. Year 0 Facing Downstream --2618 - Riffle Cross Section - --- - -As-built -Year 1 _ 0 Year 2 a Year 3 ' 9A 1 9 ? . - Year 4 W ? BKF Year 5 i 2610 i -10 0 10 20 30 40 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date 1/8/09 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 010/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0I0/0 Area 5.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Bkf W 9.4 Bkt W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dmean 0.5 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmax 0.9 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 W/d 17.7 W!d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Riffle Cross Section RF5 Reach 2 - North Branch - Sta 10+85.4 As- Built Ye ar 1 Ye ar 2 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM 7.55 2612.59 RF5 IR It BM IR Lt BM IR Lt HI 2620.14 HI 0.00 HI 0.00 -10 2.86 2617.28 0 7.86 2612.28 GRND 1 7.82 2612.32 1.6 8.05 2612.09 3.5 8.26 2611.88 5.5 8.78 2611.36 7 8.82 2611.32 BKF LT 7.8 9.08 2611.06 8.6 9.37 2610.77 9.2 9.37 2610.77 10 9.59 2610.55 EOW LT 11 9.64 2610.50 11.9 9.68 2610.46 13.3 9.53 2610.61 13.8 9.48 2610.66 EOW RT 14.3 9.43 2610.71 14.6 9.11 2611.03 16.4 8.82 2611.32 BKF RT 18 8.71 2611.43 19.3 8.50 2611.64 21.6 8.34 2611.80 23.1 7.82 2612.32 25 7.25 2612.89 27 6.95 2613.19 GRND 29.6 6.58 2613.56 37 6.67 2613.47 49 6.65 2613.49 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Pool Cross Section PL5 Reach 2 -North Branch - Sta 11+54.5 f i ? PP 4r 1? ? M :i Year0 Facing Downstream Pool Cross Section 2612 - ---- - _i i 26 , As-built _ -Year 1 0 26 Year 2 . BKF Year 3 Year 4 w -*-Year 5 2606 i - 260 4 -2 8 18 28 38 48 Station (ft) As-Built Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Date 1/8/09 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/0/0 Date 0/010 Area 9.6 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Area 0.0 Bkf W 8.8 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Bkf W 10 Dmean 1.1 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmean 0.0 Dmax 1.9 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 Dmax 0.0 W/d 8.1 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 W/d 0.0 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Pool Cross Section PL5 Raarh 9 -Nnrth Rranrh - Sta 11+54 5 0 10.49 2609.65 1.4 11.17 2608.97 3.2 12.53 2607.61 6.5 12.49 2607.65 9.1 12.53 2607.61 10.2 12.89 2607.25 10.8 13.17 2606.97 11 13.46 2606.68 11.2 14.37 2605.77 12.5 14.38 2605.76 13.5 14.32 2605.82 14.5 13.92 2606.22 15.7 14.45 2605.69 15.9 13.45 2606.69 16 13.20 2606.94 17.9 12.40 2607.74 22.3 11.83 2608.31 27 9.99 2610.15 27.5 9.89 2610.25 32 9.36 2610.78 38 9.21 2610.93 43 9.01 2611.13 50 9.41 2610.73 LT RT Ye ar 3 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM HI 0.00 100.00 100.00 IR Lt HI I 1 0.00 Lt Year 4 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM HI 0.00 100.00 100.00 IR Lt Year 5 Station FS/BS Elev. Desc. BM HI 0.00 100.00 100.00 IR Lt C) N N i ? N mi N V1 i > CO a ` W Q +I L W N r m m N N } > c O U f ?r C 0 Z m (D A 7 Z d O E o (o U N G r. o t a co CO) o m Y TI d U o ' c a (a i I I i 0 Co I I 0 (D V N O O O O O O (D c N o ( N D ( N D ( N D ( N D c N o ( N D ( N D N (}j) UO IIBA01 3 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site Haywood County, NC Prnfila Rpnnh 9 - Nnrth Rranrh HI 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 2618.48 1002 1007 1015.5 1023 1030 1036.5 1042.5 1049.1 1053 1056.5 1066 1075 1079.5 1092 1095.4 1099 1103.5 1107 1110.5 1116.3 1121.2 1126.5 1135.5 1139.5 1144 1150 1154 1161 1168 1174.4 1178.5 1182.3 1191.2 1200 3.91 2614.57 5.08 2613.40 4.66 2613.82 5.09 2613.39 6.15 2612.33 5.58 2612.90 6.2 2612.28 6.64 2611.84 7.43 2611.05 6.8 2611.68 7.21 2611.27 8.41 2610.07 7.88 2610.60 8.34 2610.14 8.73 2609.75 9.78 2608.70 9.13 2609.35 9.4 2609.08 9.71 2608.77 10.73 2607.75 10.07 2608.41 10.5 2607.98 11.73 2606.75 11.19 2607.29 11.58 2606.90 11.73 2606.75 12.86 2605.62 12.16 2606.32 12.72 2605.76 13.28 2605.20 13.85 2604.63 13.68 2604.80 13.98 2604.50 15.76 2602.72 0.01 0.62 0.11 0.01 0.86 0.22 0.09 0.05 0.83 0.15 0.01 0.72 0.20 0.04 0.02 0.87 0.17 0.13 0.04 0.76 0.05 0.03 0.74 0.10 0.22 0.01 0.99 0.16 0.20 0.04 0.35 0.10 0.01 1.19 2614.58 2614.02 2613.93 2613.40 2613.19 2613.12 2612.37 2611.89 2611.88 2611.83 2611.28 2610.79 2610.80 2610.18 2609.77 2609.57 2609.52 2609.21 2608.81 2608.51 2608.46 2608.01 2607.49 2607.39 2607.12 2606.76 2606.61 2606.48 2605.96 2605.24 2604.98 2604.90 2604.51 2603.91 3.86 4.71 5.69 6.86 8.32 9.24 11.24 12.62 2614.62 2613.77 2612.79 2611.62 2610.16 2609.24 2607.24 2605.86 > To weighted percent of particles in v, C -0 L o O 0 ° range 0 ' 'P 1! `? ° U) m N N U) O 00 O_ h C/) C O 0 E Q) N N C O N Y N ? `o U ? 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I ?C? 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N COO r- M N V M N O O uey; jaul; juawed O N O1 O M 170 N t0 v 'T f. 01 0 0 0 0 O M N LO CO (0 N N 'IT (O W O N N to O 10 CD M (O N N N 0 0 0 N M (U O) N C2 N M 0 0 O N ? N - N 00 CO CD w O O o p N [Y f0 W O N M v w a 11 N °O N CO O0 0 1.4 a) a) N N O O O O O O O O U U U U 6 0 6 6 w w y c c c E E 0. u`Oi w y_ _ O a) ° ?-0n > E U U a) O D U U U N a) 2 E N N > 1` >= E a) E > a) N > > v v o O w m O U N M N 'a 0 N E (q 4 10 N O N O O O N m a) 0I 3 U c O C a7 (0 ! a i n a o rn L U rn 2 o N a) ? 00 M a`) o 5 O O E c`no co a N a o Q O w O 0) C CO a) U w ` fp O v fA > c (D LO Ci M c ? O1 U CD CL LO C) (D a) M tD L) C ns Q N N_ N N O T o CO C O T N U C C O O ? U O O C O U m 6 i o m N n - Y (D C O U N O - - - C O PHOTO POINTS Photo Point 1 ;' ?µ w S qy 3y#, Y'. Morgan Creek facing upstream Photo Point 1 rd q. A, 4r r H f MIr 4VT'.? Photo No. 1 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 Morgan Creek perpendicular to stream _ Photo No. 2 Photo Point 1 4 •r "Z.se aaL ?t.'?E'W$'t?' tatl ?juS P(W ?' `?? Y Photo Point 2 :. l ?1. Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 Morgan Creek facing downstream Photo No. 3 Morgan Cr. / Lower North Br. confluence facing upstream Photo No. 4 Photo Point 3 Photo Point 3 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 Middle Branch facing upstream Photo No. 5 Middle Branch facing downstream Photo No. 6 Photo Point 4 Photo Point 4 South Branch facing downstream n r s Photo No. 8 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 South Branch facing upstream Photo No. 7 1 1 Photo Point 5 l? l4 i? ? by No mss. ? "' • - ' :ate i .y Y y. Morgan Creek facing upstream Photo No. 9 Photo Point 6 1 OW, 'Ilk 1. t ' north Branch from piped crossing, facing upstream Photo No. 10 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 1 Photo Point 6 Photo Point 7 4 40. "I N4111 y5 ? • t.4 tW ,. w°M _ M (y ,w Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 North Branch from piped crossing, facing downstream Photo No. 11 Morgan Creek from U/S pipe outfall, facing downstream Photo No. 12 Photo Point 8 r w>& g h', r . " trt yy?y ? x,l*? V t i Lower North Branch I'l,om pipe o• utCaI I'ac,uib down? r ?•? ?t c.an? Photo N? . 13 Photo Point 9 'l V Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 Piped crossing at easement break, facing upstream Photo No. 14 Photo Point 9 Photo Point 7 ":1 Photo No. 15 Morgan Creek Stream Restoration Site 2/6/09 Morgan Creek from D/S pipe inlet, facing upstream Photo No. 16 VEGETATION SURVEY J Description of Species and Monitoring Protocol Six vegetation monitoring plots were established and baseline data collection for the , Morgan Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Project occurred on January 22, 2009. The project site was planted with species characteristic of a Montane Alluvial Forest , natural community (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). The reference community is located within a mesic hardwood forest cove less than five miles to the northwest of the Morgan ' Creek site in Harmon Den. Planting occurred from January 5 - January 9, 2009. Nineteen species were documented in the baseline monitoring and are listed in Table 1. However, due to the seasonal timing of baseline vegetation monitoring and the condition t of several planted stems, not every stem was identified and it is possible that some stems were misidentified. Taxonomic nomenclature follows Weakley (2008). Table l: Species planted at the Morgan Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site ' BARE ROOT PLANTINGS Botanical Name Common Name Total Stems Planted Acer saccharum Sugar Maple 425 Amelanchier laevis Smooth Serviceberry 425 Aronia arbuti olia Chokeberry 125 Betula ni a River Birch 100 Car inus caroliniana Ironwood 525 Cornus amomum Silk Dogwood 125 Fa us andi olia var. andi olia American Beech 425 Halesia tetra tera var. tetra tera Common Silverbell 425 Hamamelis vir iniana Witch Hazel 700 Lindera benzoin var. benzoin S icebush 700 Liriodendron tuli i era var. tuli i era Tulip Poplar 525 Platanus occidentalis var. occidentalis Sycamore 100 uercus montana Chestnut Oak 425 uercus rubra var. rubra Northern Red Oak 425 Sasso as albidum Sassafras 425 Tilia americana Basswood 425 Tsu a canadensis Eastern Hemlock 300 LIVE STAKES Botanical Name Common Name Total Stems Planted Cornus amomum Silk Dogwood 700 Salix ni a Black Willow 700 Sambucus canadensis Elderberty 300 I Baseline Monitoring Results and Discussion The Morgan Creek Stream and Wetland Restoration Site has an average of 533 stems per acre. Across all vegetation plots, baseline monitoring documented a survivability range of 405 to 729 stems per acre. Of these, approximately 46% have a vigor code of good and 36% have a vigor code of fair, most of which were Tulip poplar, followed by Silky dogwood. Nearly 5%, however, had a vigor code of 0 or 1 (dead or unlikely to survive). ' In particular, Plot 3 within the wetland enhancement area had the lowest total stem density (404 stems per acre), which is still 26% above the minimum criteria. The following is the stem count for each monitoring plot: Plot 1 - 647 stems Plot 2 - 445 stems Plot 3 - 404 stems Plot 4 - 485 stems Plot 5 - 728 stems Plot 6 - 526 stems Sugar maple and Tulip poplar are among the most frequently occurring species. Most stems showed no signs of damage since planting recently occurred although some appeared to have been browsed, most likely by deer or cattle. There are several factors ' that may contribute to the survivability and average number of stems per acre reported above. ' First, vegetation plots were established in the buffer and wetland planting areas. Therefore, it is assumed that these zones are representative of the entire stream and wetland restoration area. While this may largely be true, it is likely that other, smaller planting zones are underrepresented. For example, if the vegetation plots had captured streamside vegetation, which is planted at higher densities, planted stem survivability might be much greater. ' Second, natural woody stems were not recorded for baseline monitoring, but will be documented during the Year 1 monitoring efforts and will likely increase the total, ' average stem density for the project area. 11 Mitigation Plan Vegetation Plot Photos - Morgan Creek Site / Project No. 1026 1 rnoiF Vegetation Monitoring Plot 3 Mitigation Plan Vegetation Plot Photos - Morgan Creek Site / Project No. 1026 rnoto rage a lima a.9e te r <" - r 1.. +??,• "k•.' -- Iz- ?.r}? . ., V 41 .? 1V. Vegetation Monitoring Plot 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot 6 Mitigation Plan Vegetation Plot Photos - Morgan Creek Site / Project No. 1026