HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050377 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report Final_20090324 BISHOP SITE STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION 2007 Annual Monitoring Report (Year 1) (FINAL) Anson County EEP Project No. D05010S Design Firm: EcoScience Corporation April 2008 Prepared for: NCDENR/ ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Prepared by: ECOSCIENCE CORPORATION 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 Qc?c??onilp MAR 3 1 2009 WA - WATER QMrf WETW= AM SM MW M MM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 3 2.1 LOCATION AND SETTING ..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 PROJECT STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES .......................................................................... 3 2.3 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND ........................................................................... 7 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS ......................................................... 13 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT ...............................................................................................13 3.1.1 VEGETATION PLOT DATA ..........................................................................................13 3.1.2 VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS ...............................................................................13 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................13 3.2.1 STREAM MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS ...........................................................13 3.2.2 STREAM PROBLEM AREAS ........................................................................................13 3.3 WETLAND ASSESSMENT .....................................................................................................17 3.3.1 GROUNDWATER GAUGE DATA ................................................................................17 4.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 17 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Site Location ............................................................................................................................ 6 Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View Sheet Index .......................................................................................... 9 Figures 2A-C Monitoring Plan Views ............................................................................................................ 10-12 Figures 3A-C Integrated Problem Area Plan Views ....................................................................................... 14-16 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure ..................................................................................................... 5 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History .................................................................................... 7 Table 3. Project Contacts ........................................................................................................................ 7 Table 4. Project Background .................................................................................................................. 8 Table A-1. Vegetation Metadata ................................................................................................................. A-2 Table A-2. Vegetation Vigor by Species .................................................................................................... A-3 Table A-3. Vegetation Damage by Speces ................................................................................................. A-3 Table A-4 Vegetation Damage by Plot ...................................................................................................... A-4 Table A-5 Stem Count by Plot and Species ............................................................................................... A-5 Table A-6 Vegetation Problem Areas ........................................................................................................ A-6 Table B-1 Stream Problem Areas .............................................................................................................. B-2 Table B-2 Verification of Bankfull Events ............................................................................................... B-8 Table B-3a-d Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment ......................................................... B-8 Table B-4a-c Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ....................................................................... B-10 Table B-5a-d Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ................................................................... B-13 Table B-6a-b Visual Morphological Stability Assessment ..........................................:................................. B-17 Table B-7 Benchmark Locations and Relative Elevations .......................................................................: B-46 Table B-8 GPSd Cross-Section Pin Locations .......................................................................................... B-46 Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) ii EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: VEGETATION RAW DATA Vegetation Survey Data Tables Vegetation Problem Area Table and Photos Vegetation Plot Photos APPENDIX B: STREAM GEOMORPHIC RAW DATA Stream Problem Area Table Stream Problem Area Photos Permanent Station Photos Stream Geomorphic Raw Data and Assessment Tables Cross-Section Plots and Raw Data Tables Longitudinal Profile Plots and Raw Data Tables Pebble Count Plots and Raw Data Tables Benchmark and Cross-Section Pin Location Tables APPENDIX C: WETLAND DATA Groundwater Monitoring Gauge Hydrographs Bishop Site Year I Monitoring (FINAL) EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EcoScience Corporation (ESC) was retained by the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) to provide stream and wetland restoration/enhancement design services for the Bishop Site Stream and Wetland Restoration (hereafter referred to as the Site). The Site, which is in the Yadkin River Basin (Cataloguing Units 03040104 and 03040105), is located north of Wadesboro in Anson County, North Carolina (Figure 1). It is just northwest (upstream) of the Rocky River's confluence with the Pee Dee River. Three separate construction areas, each confined within a North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)-owned conservation easement, comprise the approximate 200-acre Site: Camp Branch (Site A, 94.9 acres), Dula Thoroughfare (Site B, 70.8 acres), and the Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Dula Thoroughfare (Site C, 33.7 acres). The following report summarizes first year (Year 1) monitoring activities at the Site. Site construction began in May 2006 and was completed in February 2007 when the Site was planted (grading activities were completed in October 2006). As-built surveys for the Site were performed in May 2007. First year monitoring was conducted in October 2007. In order to be considered successful, the Site must achieve vegetative, groundwater, and stream channel success criteria for a minimum of five years (or until success criteria are achieved). Vegetation Monitoring Vegetation monitoring for Year 1 was performed based on the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS)-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0 [Lee et al. 2006]). Vegetation success criteria for Site vegetation is based on a minimum survival of 260 stems per acre of planted species at the end of monitoring Year 5. Based on the first year surveys, the average count of the surviving planted species across the Site is 850 stems per acre (1047 stems per acre at Camp Branch, 842 stems per acre at Dula Thoroughfare, and 310 stems per acre at UT to Dula Thoroughfare). Although planted stem survivability exceeds the required average of 260 stems/acre, planted bare root survivability at UT to Dula Thoroughfare was observed to significantly less than that observed at the other two Site restoration areas (Camp Branch and Dula Thoroughfare). Thus, supplemental plantings may be warranted within planted areas at UT to Dula Thoroughfare. Stream Monitoring As stated in the project's Mitigation Report (EEP 2007), success criteria for on-Site stream reaches will include 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning system (Rosgen 1996), and 2) channel stability indicative of a stable stream system. Longitudinal profile and cross-sectional surveys (including modified Wolman pebble counts at each) were conducted along Site stream reaches at their locations as specified in the Site monitoring plan. Crest gauges were also installed to monitor for the occurrence of bankfull events. Stream channel stability within each of the three Site restoration areas was observed to be good to excellent. Based on observations since grading activities were completed, Camp Branch (Site A) continues to narrow its width-to-depth ratio towards values characteristic of E-type streams (it was designed as a low width-to-depth ratio C channel with the intention of a gradual geomorphic shift towards an E channel). Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) I EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 Due to exceptional drought conditions throughout the first project monitoring year, none of the stream reaches held any water at the time of monitoring activities. Furthermore, crest gauges did not indicate the occurrence of any bankfull events for this monitoring year (it should be noted that at least three bankfull events occurred immediately following Site grading activities before the installation of Site crest gauges). Wetland Hydrology Monitoring Wetland groundwater monitoring gauges were installed within the proposed wetland restoration areas adjacent to Dula Thoroughfare. A total of three gauges were installed: two remain in their original locations and one was relocated to better reflect representative groundwater levels within the excavated floodplain. Data from the gauges indicate that hydrologic success criteria was achieved in the first year of project monitoring despite exceptional drought conditions across much of the State (including Anson County). Bishop Site Year I Monitoring (FINAL) 2 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 LOCATION AND SETTING The Site is located north of Wadesboro in Anson County, NC, just upstream of the confluence of the Rocky and Yadkin Rivers (Figure 1, Appendix A). In order to access the Site, from Wadesboro, take North Carolina Highway 52 (NC 52) north. Approximately 1.3 miles south of NC 52's crossing over the Rocky River, turn east onto Carpenter Road (a gravel road). Follow Carpenter Road to the east. Gated access points to the Site (one for Camp Branch, one for Dula Thoroughfare and UT to Dula Thoroughfare) abut Carpenter Road from the east. 2.2 PROJECT STRUCTURE AND OBJECTIVES Prior to restoration activities, land use at the Site was primarily agricultural. Many Site drainage features and wetland areas were dredged, straightened, and filled in some locations to accommodate row crop cultivation and other agrarian activities. Stream channel instability and loss of wetland functions resulted within impacted areas. Primary Site restoration goals included the restoration of stable dimension, pattern, and profile for impacted on-Site stream reaches including Camp Branch, the UT to Camp Branch, Dula Thoroughfare, and the UT to Dula Thoroughfare. A second primary project goal was the restoration of riparian wetlands adjacent to Dula Thoroughfare. Secondary Site restoration goals included stream channel enhancement and preservation as well as wetland enhancement and preservation. These goals were achieved via site planting with bare root seedlings to recreate pre-disturbance vegetative communities within their appropriate landscape contexts. At Camp Branch (Site A), specific Site restoration goals included: • Priority II stream restoration (including all attendant benefits outlined in Rosgen 1996) via excavation of approximately 1,767 linear feet of a designed E/C-type stream of the main Camp Branch channel on new location, including adjacent floodplain excavation to achieve an entrenchment ratio characteristic of E/C-type streams; • Priority I stream restoration (including all attendant benefits outlined in Rosgen 1996) of approximately 403 linear feet and Priority II restoration of approximately 143 linear feet of a designed E/C-type stream of a UT to Camp Branch, including floodplain excavation along the UT upstream of Camp Branch to achieve a stable confluence; • Level II stream enhancement of approximately 945 linear feet of Camp Branch upstream of its confluence with the UT via riparian plantings adjacent to the Camp Branch stream banks; and • Re-establishment of the characteristic, pre-disturbance Piedmont Bottomland Forest (Schafale and Weakley 1990) community adjacent to restoration reaches using bare root seedling plantings. At Dula Thoroughfare (Site B), specific Site restoration goals included: • Priority II stream restoration via excavation of approximately 2,730 linear feet of a designed E- type stream of Dula Thoroughfare (including an associated tributary), including adjacent floodplain excavation to achieve and entrenchment ratio characteristic of E-type streams; Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 3 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 • Restoration of approximately 3.1 acres of riverine wetlands adjacent to Dula Thoroughfare via floodplain excavation in previously identified hydric soil areas, thereby re-establishing jurisdictional wetland hydrology; • Aquatic habitat creation via excavation of vernal pools within floodplain cut areas; and • Re-establishment of the characteristic, pre-disturbance Piedmont Bottomland Forest (Schafale and Weakley 1990) community adjacent to restoration reaches using bare root seedling plantings. At UT to Dula Thoroughare (Site C), specific Site restoration goals included: • Level I enhancement of approximately 1,871 linear feet of stream via backfill of straightened and ditched portions of the existing watercourse, thereby re-establishing characteristic stream dimension and pattern by reintroducing flow into adjacent relic channel areas; • Level 11 enhancement of approximately 480 linear feet of stream via riparian plantings adjacent to the UT to Dula Thoroughfare stream banks; and • Re-vegetation of open areas adjacent to the UT to Dula Thoroughfare via plantings of characteristic, pre-disturbance community types described by Schafale and Weakley (1990) using bare root seedling plantings. Prior to restoration activities, each of the on-Site drainage features listed above had been impacted to accommodate agricultural land usage (primarily row crop cultivation). In the classic scenario, stream channels are traditionally relocated to the toe of the adjacent valley slope, straightened, and dredged in an attempt to decrease flooding and increase the size of the cultivatable areas within the floodplain. Field evidence suggests this was the case with Camp Branch, while Dula Thoroughfare and the UT to Dula Thoroughfare were straightened and ditched along their existing locations. The straightening and ditching of Dula Thoroughfare likely drained adjacent riverine wetlands with the exception of those along the fringe of the channel. Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 4 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 Table 1: Project Components Bisho Site Stream and Wetland Restoration/EEP Project No. D05010S Project Pre- Component or Existing Restoration Footage or Buffer Reach ID Feet/Acres' Level Approach Acreage Stationing Acres Comment Total includes 27 LF gap in Reach l 1,500 If R P2 1,767 if 0+00-17+94 N/A easement at channel ford Enhancement Reach 2 945 If E2 N/A 945 if N/A N/A reaches not stationed Total includes Reach 3 220 if R P1 403 If 0+00-4+33 N/A 30 LF gap in (total) easement at channel ford Reach 4 See above R P2 143 if 4+33-5+76 N/A Reach 5 1,840 If R P2 2,025 If 0+00-20+25 N/A Reach 6 540 If R P2 705 if 0+00-7+05 N/A Enhancement Reach 7 1,871 if E1 N/A 1,871 If N/A N/A reaches not stationed Enhancement Reach 8 480 If E2 N/A 4801f N/A N/A reaches not stationed Stream 12,918 If P N/A 12,918 If N/A N/A Preservation Riparian Wetland N/A R N/A 3.1 ac N/A N/A Restoration Riparian Wetland 1.0 ac WE N/A 1.0 ac N/A N/A Enhancement Riparian Wetland 7.5 ac P N/A 7.5 ac N/A N/A Preservation Component Summations Wetland Ac Restoration Level Stream (If) Riparian Non- Riparian Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Restoration 5,043 3.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement N/A 1.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement) 1,871 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement II 1,425 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Creation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Preservation 12,918 7.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A HQ Preservation N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Totals 21,257 11.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 'Values are approximate *N/A - Not applicable Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 5 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 % '' sz - 0 1 ' CONSERVATION - _ EASEMENT 1 LAT 35.152 LONG 80.095 . )o szart3 : - 1 ; ? (kda r Hill,. Q ' ^osTON COUNTY i W ? Ak?PM E'OUN R , v 0.5 0 0.5 A r MILES Y a G"Pd3r T<2) Ansnnvilla< t?re,?? -? ios, VPOIFtOrr ' a A `I :skt, O tare ?_. ;?? Murvcr _r h1r rv 7r s 1 A: , L ,. Fa is YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN (CU 03040105 8, 13040104) D- Br: FIGURE SITE LOCATION DGJ ?.= c' BY: --? EEP BISHOP SITE STREAM AND WETLAND RESTORATION JDC EcoScience ;;,?Cl }) Dare Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S JAN 2008 ??M. x,rm cmu. ANSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ESC PaOJECr 04-212.00 2.3 PROJECT HISTORY AND BACKGROUND Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Bishop Site Stream and Wetland Restoration/EEP Project No. D05010S Activity Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan August 2004 September 2004 Final Design (90%) March 2005 June 2005 Construction N/A* February 2007 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area N/A Throughout construction Permanent seed mix applied to reach/se ments N/A October 2006 Bare Root Seedling Installation N/A February 2007 Mitigation Plan June 2007 October 2007 Final Report June 2007 October 2007 Year 1 Vegetation Monitoring October 2007 October 2007 Year 1 Stream Monitoring October 2007 October 2007 Year 1 Wetland Monitoring December 2007 December 2007 *N/A - Not applicable Table 3. Project Contacts Bishop Site Stream and Wetland Restoration / EEP Project No. D05010S Designer Jim Cooper (Designer) 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 EcoScience Corporation Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 828-3433 Construction Contractor Tommy Vaughn and Spencer Walker (Foremen) P.O. Box 796 Vaughn Contruction, Inc. Wadesboro, NC 28170 (704) 694-6450 Planting Contractor Jason Kiker (Consulting Forester) P.O. Box 933 Kiker Forestry and Realty Wadesboro, NC 28170 (704) 694-6436 Seeding Contactor NA NA* Seed Mix Sources NA Nursery Stock Suppliers International Paper Supertree Nursery Monitoring Performers 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 EcoScience Corporation (919) 828-3433 Stream Monitoring POC Jim Cooper Vegetation Monitoring POC Jens Geratz Wetland Monitoring POC Justin Wright *NA - Not available Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 7 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 Table 4. Project Background Bishop Site Stream and Wetland Restoration/EEP Project No. D05010S Project Count Anson Drainage Areas: Camp Branch 2.9 square miles Dula Thoroughfare 0.36 square miles UT to Dula Thoroughfare 0.23 square miles Impervious cover estimate (%) <1 percent for all streams Stream Orders (per USGS): Camp Branch 2nd Dula Thoroughfare 1 S` UT to Dula Thoroughfare I St Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion (Griffith and Omernik) Triassic Basins Rosgen Classifications of As-built: Camp Branch C4 UT to Camp Branch E/C4 Dula Thoroughfare E5 UT to Dula Thoroughfare EID5 Cowardin Classification Streams: R3USUR3US2 Wetlands: PFO1 Badin Channery Silt Loam (BaB, BaC) Badin-Goldston Complex (BgD) McQueen (MrB) Dominant soil types Shellbluff (ShA) Tetotum (ToA) Chewacla (ChA) Reference Site ID N/A* (reference areas established on-Site) USGS HUCs for Project and Reference 03040104 (Dula Thoroughfare, UT to Dula Thoroughfare) 03040105 (Camp Branch) NCDWQ Sub-basins for Project and Reference 03-07-10 (Dula Thoroughfare, UT to Dula Thoroughfare) 03-07-14 (Camp Branch) NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C (all Site waterways) An portion of an project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d No listed segment? Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Percent of project easement fenced No fencing along easement *N/A - Not applicable Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 8 'EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 W G> Z X o UO ?0 er-? z z WZ a m _ CyJ fC ! '' aNaOQQ oo? ? ; w dwZ J< ?U p> w ~aw l ? F. o? ZQw o o N ? ? - ? L. .. w= wv m" 3? a Zo Ea= az N s - s M O N a O W V v W o 0 O 0 ?!1 z z W W z z z z m Z p z o z z p z Z p Q U U p z z o ^ a a ^ > w w O w Z a x n w F- x x Z Z w w w O O O ?= a o a s w w w s a z a z a z J in ... ?n ? vl ? In ?J.. In 3 3 3 a ., 2 ;a o N H ar z w arw x w E y to w Z (n O u w + x W z K +" i %m . a a , s u /s s / V' -P i W O O 00 O 0 00 V N? a a IX .gym xn 2 t ? O 0? ar N/i 7 W F Z = x CO J N Z y 7 O U W w a p i f V' t s t O Q H `Siff. , w L N W ? S z v, oa , U W { t 4 I mot. 1 1'. h r MOtl kjlNg(py? _ ....... _._.. W Z o r z C7 = U O H? °° o zo z Z- 0- 1, °?' N J aw°aa °a oa3 mw N Q W O N Q H O z F F- J W co t u u ar N~ WN oo= Z?> (L v o N w aZO m a a a W m m s m T cc orN ~ Y O O Z O a a z M m > o o ? a z o ° z o a C \? W f Z o 0 a ? o W o 0 V? M W L\ \1 n CIE ?us ;ice yw " ,, $ y z N i /.... O.Q V W 1 m M :CIE 7 N Z O a = U V O O Z C7 O Z O m w J U O O O Q ? ? m O Z Y N a o a ? z z = U ? V O V Z a ? a m ? Z V U O in N ? N ? w ,II 0 ? ? A ?._.._.._.? W Z o 'z _ 0 ° a - U O F O $ z Z LL ?t q'p d y? zF ?? W xm W M (D LLI LLI IL o U F J w -j W WL')Cn of za> oRo No - N 3?n N? o 0 W W O _.. - m w a Z O = o a a az W a ? a z y Z O Z O U / m Q ? Z C D O to ? N O Q ? ? d Z Z Z o o Q ? w Z z z d p a J a ° 0 w o 0 -41 ?l < F ? v cJ 31? J ?wvvv'vvv 10 w s J ® Z H w O IWi M O mTCO avx p ° L) 0 +?+ ....._._..__ ! lL Z o r z ~? p0 v ZO Z F- O Q? Z =LLU = o F G ?? !% Q z ' ? j I aaWpaa ?oQ WO?QF O z oQ3 °(Aw 1_-CL 07F- d> -? o ? u v _u N 0 & W V - L i - ....,. xy 3F- _0, N N m w zz o z Z ??(n O F 7 =.. 1- l i l zn 7 V M z 0 a U ? O J d d Z Z Z O O q w ? U ? Z O O N f Z Z U O d q Q O U O 2 in > a Y Z W m U z o a x w p 0 ? Z o J W Q a N W w Y O N 3 0 W M m: O mjelCi OYN O 3.0 PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS 3.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT 3.1.1 VEGETATION PLOT DATA Vegetation plot locations are displayed on Figures 2A-C. Vegetation monitoring was conducted using the CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0 (Lee et al. 2006). The taxonomic standard used for species identifications was Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas (Weakley 2007). All plot data tables and photos are included in Appendix A. Despite exceptional drought conditions in Anson County throughout most of the first year of project monitoring (2007), the total average density of planted stems per acre across the Site is 850 stems/acre. The average planted stem density at Camp Branch was 1087 stems/acre, 842 stems/acre at Dula Thoroughfare, and 310 stems/acre at the UT to Dula Thoroughfare. ESC believes that the lower survivability of planted stems at UT to Dula Thoroughfare may be attributable to dry soil conditions exacerbated by the steep valley slopes characteristic of this portion of the Site. 3.1.2 VEGETATION PROBLEM AREAS Vegetation problem areas are displayed on Figures 3A-C. Table A-6 (Vegetation Problem Areas) and vegetation problem area photos are included in Appendix A. 3.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT Longitudinal profiles were surveyed along the entire restored lengths of Camp Branch and UT to Camp Branch (Figure 2A). Stream channel cross-sections were surveyed along each of the restored stream reaches on-Site (Figures 2A-C). 3.2.1 STREAM MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS All tables summarizing stream channel morphological parameters, including longitudinal profile and cross-sectional survey data as well as visual assessment tables, are included in Appendix B. Please note that since passive enhancement was undertaken along UT to Dula Thoroughfare (Reach 7), a baseline morphology and hydraulic summary table was not prepared for this reach. 3.2.2 STREAM PROBLEM AREAS Stream channel problem areas are displayed on Figures 3A-C. Stream channel problem area photos and Table B-1 (Stream Problem Areas) are included in Appendix B. Generally, stream channel bed and bank stability was observed to be good to excellent across the Site in all restoration and enhancement reaches. It should be noted that although stream banks were generally stable, drought conditions likely inhibited herbaceous vegetation growth along stream banks, which greatly buffets stability. Very few areas of bank erosion were observed. Some channel bar formation has occurred within the upper reaches of Camp Branch (Reach 1, Figure 3A). ESC believes this is the result of the abrupt change in hydrodynamics as the Camp Branch floodplain substantially widens at the beginning of the restored reach, thereby lessening stream power. Thus, ESC does not believe this to be a stream problem area. Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 13 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 U O W z o i z a W z H Q W Z Q a , .U O z W O a F 0 z o CD W LU Z m W o V Q M p m ,?` N N W N 3 o 2 1- 0 J o up d W dz? za Q WU m w a aZ -a u ??co arN ? y O O y Z c? O Q Q Z M m ? o O N O o a z z w m z a O' a a o O W ° O J ~ o_f p cn 3 Q '.. ? ? LAS ? n 40 a Z p X ^ H fS.l? U `d + y W Z (n a c l. LSE _ GE x \`?` x q,. 313 u ? ? r'F o °o c i a o r z Q W LLI U O o C'p II a f ? o? o z-' U) w OQQ o 0? W LUZ J w 3 a w Qa W a=m W' j W a w _ > mar O - E p W=?-aui °Z= Wma ?0 v o ? _ - M C) A W() w i mN 3w d Qo w Z W zad = c ~ m m ti a Y Z z O Z O - CJ Q m a Q Z ? m ? O p ? ? O U d 2 p ? d Z Z O z o o a W O m ¢ z J z ¢ a o a 0 w ° p J 0 N 3 3 E 1 c:1 ! \J N e ???co arN r w O 4 Ml7 0 P M CAF 31? bl? J L? - n ? f- x\ W N W 0a u w r d 43, `^ l 317 N 3 z o ? a a ¢ V c? ~o o Q ? p Z U W O ? Z w ¢ V ~ m - ? w w ? Z O Q Y Z w O K O ? w S Z U Z V U 3 z O O Z N z a a ¢ ¢ ? m V ? ? O N w ? w N N (? w > v Lto- w Z orz Ow Q? z -o-- p wa'3 a s w ? ? ? ? ` hQ zF ?? Haw =3 LL v? z wawZ-10: ?a m ?? °c)w V € v w o W p 2 m? 3w z0 Z?? °x U z a F- ILI \ + Y Z ? Z W m U ?) Z Q Q W ? O / Z o W z (D Q o V ? N 3 N ?) Q Q F- m = w v C z w J =!y OW 1 J d m 1 C c^ ??7 N Z O Q K d ? Q _ V O O a ? O~ d N ? a a a s v a \ z U ? z z_ ~ z 0 iQi Q ? z p ? a Q O Q O Q Q 2 VI Z Z w W O 10 N O O K z N K J d U O z U O O V Z U ? Z J N U N O N d O z J z w w J O < ? H N H N ?- Q O U U Q U m ? O U? (, ? W U V j U w > .? nom p ?g? CB avN o1 3.3 WETLAND ASSESSMENT 3.3.1 GROUNDWATER GAUGE DATA Wetland restoration areas and groundwater monitoring gauge locations are displayed on Figure 2C. Monitoring gauge hydrographs and associated data tables are included in Appendix C. A total of three groundwater monitoring gauges were installed within the lower (downstream) portions of Dula Thoroughfare (Figure 213). The two upstream-most gauges (Gauges 2 and 3) have remained in their original locations throughout the monitoring period. Gauge 1 was moved in summer to better represent local groundwater conditions. According to the County Soil Survey (NRCS 2000), the Anson County growing season is 250 days long, extending from March 15 to November 19 (based on guidance provided in the United States Army Corps of Engineers' 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines). Gauges 2 and 3 recorded groundwater levels within the upper 12 inches of the soil surface for periods of 41 and 42 consecutive days, respectively, exceeding the 31.25 consecutive days that corresponds to 12.5 percent of the growing season. Thus, wetland hydrologic success was achieved in the first year of project monitoring. 4.0 REFERENCES Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts, and T.R. Wenthworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http://cvs.bio.unc/edu/methods.htm) Weakley, A.S. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas (Working Draft of 1 I January 2007). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Chapel Hill, NC. Bishop Site Year 1 Monitoring (FINAL) 17 EcoScience Corporation EEP Project No. D05010S April 2008 Click on the Desired Link Below Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C