HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180422 Ver 1_Landowner Agreement_20180323A,greenre:rl N um l:rer: * 40 I I I -i]- i - l:;rJ warcls l .AN l.)C) WN lii{ AGR l1l:h,'l HN l- '1'lris agrecrlcnt benv*en l;d&]l"cJs'l-ilnber {.loilr}:any, krc. {L4n!}qtyl'}e-I} I}i*{-in:1pu!!oll!gl'/d!11111 {lcuncil {.PCL]'1. :rnd lhc l-:$-iiih prei Wiidli{i: $ervice {Servicei lbr t}re purpr:se til'replacing t}re erisring logging roari hriclge thr**gh llen:;o*s Crcck to acc*m:nnelate sale trLtch access ancl aquatic organisnl pils$age l*cated east cf -l-r*y, in M*ntg*nieri; Cr:itnl,v, Trlonli {larolina and is describecl !n {hc l'nr.}ecl l}lar: {L:;hibit A). Uxhihit A is herebf incorporittcd ancl niacle a part o1' llris agreerrt:nl" Thu !iclv icc i.t.!!L'cs 1o: l. Provide parti"ier ccordiriation. and cosl shar* tirr:ding ri{'tire iictus{ cosls krr planning, tiesign. aud labor tc install streal?1 enhanccmel.rl ar:d h:rbilal siruclilrrls t* enable aqu*tir: organism passasc. anii to replacc the existilrg k:gging l'*ad bridg* in the I'jrujcct Plan. Tecl:nica1 a)^sistrllL:c l'ar atrl hiatir:rnal i'lrrvircrinrental {}olicy Act (NIiPAi arid prrmitting is alsr: prtvirie<I. 2. 'l'* mainlain lrcorcls *l'ihis :rgr*erneni f*l'a perior-l n*t to sxcr:eli .,- 10_ yeals. 3. 'l-o as.qurne rcspr:r:sibility fhr securii.rg ar.:1,' pennits needed to carry" oui this proleci" ' I'he Ii icd*'xlnl {}.ru scrvalio* {-lriu rtci } agr*cs to: i. iracililal-e 1:ro.]cct cor:rriinati*n belr,r,celr tlre paa:lies for pro.]ect inrplemc;rtation. 2. []oordiriate project dcsigr': anri t*i:struetion; rrrviera,cost anal-vsis; and proourc cui:lracl*r: to conr p lrte lhe pro"iccl. l. Frovirie contreclor insuruncc ccrtilluates lc lidr.r"'arcls Tirli:*r fllmptn"l.. 4. Fr.rifiil tire plin:arv arr***r':*nt rvith thc Service i* p1;lce rneetirtg l'cport.ing ancl proiecl deadliries b1, August I :r*d Novemher 1. 2{} I 8. Iti reiurn, ilre {l-andolvner) agrees to: L Cr:opertle ,,uili-; llic Sierviec anrl I'}Ct.l lo begirr Lhe pro|*ct as outlir:ed in tirc Pro.iect Plan schcilulecl belu,e*rr L1arctrr. ?.0 I ,1 anrl *ci*i:er" 2018. 2. 'l-* mairttairr thc flsu,v i*gging road wrt l"ord. ar:d to br"rild fi new lr;gging load al<lng the propuseil re-aliqnrlcnl p*r tlre engirreered design accolding 1* lhe l{r:rrh Car*lina fr:rest Service 's 13r-st ,"''lanag*inent Prnctices to preveni er*sitlll 1'rom enterirrg Densr:ns Creek. ,1. Tn allr;v",teirp{}t'&ry plac*rnenl *{'eqLlipmc*i ar:r.l huilding mat*rials (gra';el, roclc. bculriers. 'l he Servic:c asslurles nc aul.lr.rrriiy {}ver the clescribecl prlper.ly {.br pLrrp*ses of nral:rtenance"r:onlrolling trespa:ii, ibi controlling noxious rtccds (b*3,onil"rt+rai,",.,*1, fi* .l*roriiruil , rir;ir;i;;i I:1Tl:tli:;:i;'{i;;{,,;;;;i,;,;;;i;-Xffiel;;:}Jfiilffi;};fi},,I3il1:-:X::!i:?#XJ;;tTl(.}1-\\l.l.}'trt.i.(lt.ntt.r.rilterinr:ir1crrt,stli'.*rvnel"ship.eie*.r,,, 'k)q g*fllextiie, etc.) tCI h* used during co*structi*rr on Ecirvarcls ?irnher {}onrpan3,.pr*pert.l,: and to all*iv the installati*n of'lhe tiew r,-et llld anci in-strca*r enhanccrnenl slruslures {br auuatic organisil passag{.. 4. Agrccs ltt ailow the Set'r'icc- P{l{l^ a;rd hireri ccnlract(}rs roasonabie *cccss to fhe riescriberl propertJv in ot't{*r t0 rtake ilre agrccd rl*verlci;r:rents anc.l mor"rit*ring {or or:e year to nrxhe pcl'iodic insp*ctions o l' the rle",sloil*.tctits. 5' Allt;r'r' rhe habitat rievelopmerts as {trescribed in rire Pro.ject Plan to ren:ain irr place rvitlrout interfbre*ce lbr a perioii o{* i0 years beginning in ?018 r,,*hen ail habitat deve6prlrenls are sclr*clr-rlerJ 1o he complctccl. to 2{}?8" 'l'his pcrircl rvill be known es t6c "l-la,oigt Lli:mmrtment PcrioiJ."' 6' Shailr--r\1n all ol'1he completeclor instalied development:; ancl shall br scllely respcinsibp lbr. pii.r,ing all taxcs ilnd asscssm*nts ol.l thc clescrihed prt:pel13,. ;rppropria.fe 5;ral0 and/{x-l-'*il*ral Tll"i larvs l, -.." ; {;.1;i1.. :l-l:ll h; 1)t-r)r.. r.,cir l-ciittirittilrl lrr i:ilitrt'i- :,-- ,'1,,.,-, .. ,_,1,):,i,1,. l;t.;r u..it.:lc1 1illicf :ur ii.t* giirr'.r.,,ra-ir..,,,. -' sctis'-'ol-iilc l lllls;'rs.r lit;ii |eiitrir:trLs li'i.:ii,:r ul iiss!silrr:cc sitouitl gfr,,: pr"ci'cr*ncc l, r,iurrrerli, ccltr i1:rrri-'r rr irri.1 i)r'{}(irir '- ili,r '.,-, .i;rr :,:i(-r: ilcr}rs l,lrjr ltielll lulr.l.-r. -'.,1 lirt';c ;llc rrr.: Lriri:,Ll:iri,l ,,r- .; - r,rrr, ,,' ," irlilicl.t ii.itir lhr, !tr.r.i,:,.r's r.iglris ,,n,:at. ii-i;, .'1!l jCrrlllIili. Landornzner assumes no liabil-ity for property dannge or injuries to people before, during and after the construction of this project. Service, pCC and hired contractors wil-I be reguired to carry the amount of insurance as reguired by Iandowner and present a CIfT naming Edwards Timber Compa.ny,Inc. as additional insured. g.Ahi{x}wNlll& (T"l$cc{ marner) {,&<}rnress} P* $*x ?{9 . I}i.r:'ie r"ris "f is: ltti' {-itltl il* lai', $ el c* rp* rratell (Sigrux{ur*} i\c')r6{}}} }Vchster, {lk;tir" E}let'{m*mt {-*mseyviati*a: Ctlalm*i}, Yme*rpcraterB (iiy;.led m;tiarc) (.\dtlre ss,l_ 72 E F,rstc't" Sl ree t i'q'iri l'.ohi'ilir. l\l{' il, I {iJ ,lo4.Qt4.SoQE l:il $r"rrh*ltr" N{. 3?7*1 {'Fe&}: 9}9-56{}-i}SS{} !"1"S. $"8SXi AruL) W!X-L)L,qtr.{.l Strix*V{C$i I A I lD A [{-:a-]{a r-r:'r"llv>:qr''Jrrl' j\ rrr^lJ;'|c Lf-1 \J ! tr-n I L/\-11*-J )rir (rlli,,i l, !t:l'1L, !r;'il1' {$igmatmre'} 1,*ura fut" Fcg<r {'['vped xiam*] {Ai{ d n'ess}_{ i.$. irish x x c{ l&'ine{}fr t'e F.i* x'v ice {}.{}" {t*x *n$ S*utherry *}$*es" N{: ?S3ES {?*}}: $}{}-6$5-3:}?3 ext" .i3 &xr{{{}ET5i: A" Prr-r.!eet P$x* xll [{'i,h,l Fjr c$rusE,lq.vA'FI$l&i c*-{l N{l} B,