HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_EMC Letter_199202149"yArE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION y y NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES James G. Martin, Governor William W, Cobey, Jr., Secretary February 14, 1992 Mr. Charles L. Baker, Chairman mwiror mexital Management Commission 128 S. Tryon St., Suite 1400 Charlotte, Nc 28202 Dear Charles: Charles L. Baker Chairman Virgil L. McBride Vice Chairman Edwin E. Andrews, III Michael K. Banes Douglas S. Boykin CharlesA. Brady, III Carla E. DuPuy Donald Ensley, MPh, Ph.D William S. Farahow, MD Robert W. Griffith, Jr. Michel A. Ibrahim, AAD, Ph.D Dennis C. Loftin Charles H. Peterson, Ph.D Winston W. Pulliam Richard V. Watkins, PE Candler A. Willis, Jr., Ph.D Lawrence R. 7.ucchino I am writing to inform you of staff and oommittee responses to Mr. Glenn Hockney, a resident of Middletown, Hyde Co. For the past ten months, various members of the Groundwater Section staff, officials of local gouts, and, members of the general public who are involved with water -use permits in Capacity Use Area No 1 (CUA -1) have heard numerous allegations, criticisms and complaints from Mr. Hockney related to water and land conditions within and beyond the capacity use area, and to administrative issues. Mr. Hockney has insisted that groundwater withdrawals in the capacity use area were responsible for the closure of mtuacipal wells in the Englehard, Hyde Ocunty area because of increased salinity; the Presence of fibers in the water distributed by the Hyde County Water System (HC M), and for subsidence of his property in Middletown, NC. Mr. Hockney apposed the reissuance of a water use permit to the City of Washington on the grounds that the volume of groundwater approved for withdrawal was in excess of their actual needs. A modified version of the permit was eventually issued. mr. Hockney has also urged that severe limitations be placed on future groundwater witlxlrawals in the area. He has thoroughly reviewed the Section's permit files and conducted exhaustive interviews with Section staff in Washington and Raleigh. In his review of water use permits Mr. Hockney discovered that a number of permits had expired, typically because of late applications for permit renewal. The staff's attention was called to these An Equal Opportunity AMm-,ative Action Employer discrepancies by Mr. Hockney, who insisted that any and all such departures from the requirements of the regulations (15A NCAC 2E Capacity Use Area Water Withdrawal) be countered by enforcement action and the assessment of penalties. During the past year Mr. Hockney appeared before the Groundwater Committee an three occasions; in May 1991 at which time he presented a report of his concerns to the committee, on September 1991 when staff responded to his concerns, and in December 1991, at which time he reiterated his request for enforcement action against all persons in violation of Capacity Use Area rules. In the intervals between appearances before the committee, Mr. Hockney spent considerable time in the regional office reviewing files and conversing with staff. Groundwater Section staff have attempted to address the groundwater problems described by Mr. Lockney, as well as his criticism of the administrative of the Capacity Use Area rules. Staff found that the Hyde County Water system had experienced quality problems, but no evidence that they were related to withdrawals in the Capacity Use Area. Neither did staff find any evidence to suggest that the alleged subsidence of his property or the condition of the Englehard town wells were related to Withdrawals in the Capacity use Area. Staff review of water use permits did confirm that several deadlines for application for permit renewal had been missed, and that the structure of some permits could be improved. Although staff are hard Pressed to keep up With gro zx6 ater pollution incidents in the region, they are taking steps to remedy the problem of overdue applications for permit renewals. Special efforts are also being made to ensure that permitted withdrawals reflect actual current needs and realistic projections of future water supply require mts. 'Ihe Section has not, however, elected to seek penalties for violations of administrative requirements. However, permittees have been put on notice that, in the future, the Department will expect prompt compliance with permitting rules. Although it is the opinion of the staff that hydrologic conditions in the capacity use area have changed little since the regulations governing water use were adopted by the Commission, the attention that has been focused on the area as a result of Mr. Hockney's persistence sh 1d serve to alert us and the staff that our management policy for the area has not yet been thoroughly defined. With this in mind I intend, with the meter committee concurrence, to Place the issue of capacity use area management on our agenda. In addition, the committee feels that the broader issue of whether competition for water use elsewhere in the Coastal Plain its the Commission's attention will be one of the Groundwater Committee's agenda topics for discussion this year. Committee and the staff have afforded Mr. Hackney an opportunity to register complaints research files, interview staff and to have a public fonmu for his views, and have responded to his points of concern. The Section has expended a total of more than two hundred hours of staff time addressing Mr. Hackney's concerns. At their Dec er meeting the committee agrees] that they had provided appropriate responses to the issues brought to them by Mr. Hockney and concluded that no further action was warranted. The ommittee considers the issue closed. If you have any questions or comments about this matter, please contact me or Perry Nelson. Sincerely, Carla E. Dupuy, Chairman an Groundwater C to mittee ADS cc: Members of the Groundwater Cmmittee George T. Everett Harlan Britt Perry Nelson James Mulligan Glen Hockey Re: Draft Letter From: Date: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Coleen, https://webmail. ncrmil.net/cp/ps/Mail/ViewMsgCondroller?d=ncmail... Ted L. Bush, Jr. [ted.bush@ncmail.net] Feb 25, 2009 14:53 "Coleen Sullins"<Coleen.Sullins@ncmail.net> "Chuck Waldld"<Chuck.Waldld@ncmail.net>, "DAVID MAY"<DAVI D.MAY@ncmail.net> Re: Draft Letter Hockney-1992.pdf (179 KB) El ted_bush.vcf (274 B) FYI - Thought you might be interested in the attached 1992 response to Mr. Hockney when he expressed concerns that reached Division, Department, & EMC levels. Note the significant staff time commitment indicated in the last paragraph. Ted Coleen Sullins wrote: Dexter/Tom/Jim - attached please find a draft letter that we are preparing to send to Glenn Hockney in response to his questions on PCS. DWQ staff have been talking to various staff in your programs to obtain the information that is included in the letter and we very much appreciate their assistance. Since we are referencing your program areas, we would like to request your review of the draft letter. John is also sending the draft letter out to your staff with whom we have had conversations. However, I wanted to bring it to your review. I have not attached the original letter from Mr. Hockney, however, the draft captures each of his requests verbatim with the follow up response. Hopefully you will not need the original, but let us know if you would like to see a copy of it. Please let us know if you have any concerns with the proposed responses. Thank you for your review in advance! Coleen E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 of 1 1/20/2002 11:39 PM