HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_More Info Received_19670927Al, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PAMLICO RIVER LEASE AGRT'224ENT ,. COUNTY OF BEAUFORT THIS AGR1'7IONT, wade and entered :into this 27th day of September, 1.967, by and between the STATE. OF NORTH CAROLINA as.. ' the party of the first part and TEXAS GULF SULPHUR COHPANY,.JWx,, a .corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State . •. i k. mac; l-1r' - Pr -=•., .of Texas and having its executive office at 200 Park Avenue, New. ,.s r: York, New York, as,party of the second part;:' '''r•. ?': W ii, T N E 5 S E T H: THAT WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina owns the lands. • t':. ' and bottoms under the waters of Paml.i.co River and its navigable t tributaries.in Beaufort and Pamlico counties and the lands and bottoms under the waters of Pungo River and its navigable tribe taries in Beaufort and Hyde counties within the boundaries of•sai.d , State, which lands are hereinafter referred to as the Area or AreaeW described; and • : .. tea,. • ` ", ?.ti ??. -' :. WHERF,AS, the Governor and Council of State of North - «: Carolina, on the 27th day.of September, 1962, approved the execution of, and the State of North Carolina executed, an option-to-lease'to the party of the second part the mineral deposits within Area D of the Pamlico River, hereinafter more fully described and referred to ; as "Area D", for a period of five (5) years, which Option-to-Lease ' Agreement 3s recorded in Book•577, Page 244, Beaufort County Registry (re-recorded in.Book 517, Page 566, Beaufort County•Regis- •``` ., ? try), and was amended by an agreement dated March 25, 1966, recorded t a 'rsF P ` ?t?? P ; Book 603, page 134, Beaufort County Registry; and WHEREAS, the party of the second part has complied with all of the conditions imposed on.it by the aforesaid Option.-to- Lease Agreement and has given written notice Ly registered nlail on July 20, 1967, of its desire to exercise its option-to-lease Area U to the Director of Lhr. DepartmenL of Corisorvatiun and . ::.':Development at Raleigh, North Carolina, and has made payment at ••the.sama time to the State of North Carolina of the rum of 'I't"TY- -SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN ($27,627. (10) DOLLARS as an advance yearly rental; and " t'. WHEREAS,-the State of North Carolina now desires to'lease Area D to the party,of the second part in accordance with, for the period'of and•upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Option- . .. . a-. to-Lease Agreement and such further teru!s and conditions sot forth `'.herein as are mutually agreeable and beneficial to the parties, and the party of the first part is fully authorized and empowered to . , enter into and execute this lease agreement by virtue of Section 1.1x6-8 of the General Statutes of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the Governor and Council of State of North Carolina at a meeting held in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 8ttl_ day.-of February 1968 approved this transaction and directed execution of this instrument; " NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the powers herein- above referred to and in consideration of the premises and the sum of 'TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED TWMTY•SEVEN ($27,627.00) DOLLARS paid to the party of the first part by the party of the-second part, 4 the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in further y consideration of matters and things hereinafter agreed to be done by . the party of the second part,0 the party of the i'i.rst part doe.: hereby grant, let, and lease unto the party of the second part the exclusive r. right and privilege to mine, dig, mill, process, and remove all - 2 t ry ??. ~•N. J` •1 L'!,} t ' ?• 1, .• .t T , °j minerals ores clays, earths 'and stones now in under, or u on it certain tract or parcel of land lying and being '' ?ry,?i.• :;. in Beaufort ' .. County, North Carolina, referred to hereinafter as "Area D", and. more particularly described-and bounded, as follows: .. - .. .. i ?. q?t .Q^1?`;... .' The `land and bottoms under the waters of the • ,rtd Pamlico River and its navigable tributaries in ' Beaufort: County and within nn ? i a Pxotmded and t C 1 i{ r_, described as follows: '° r ``• AREA D. Hounded on the Fast .by longit.udn 76 , ?. degrees 45 minutes Wost, on the West by l.ongi. ' tudo 76 degrees 50 minutes Wnst, and on the 'North and South by the natural shoreline of s;,• Pamlico River, Excluded from this area are the bottoms under Bath Creek North of latitude 35 ..degrees 27 minutes 15 seconds North, the bottoms under Mixon Creek North of latitude 35 degrees ;.? ! 25 minutes 40 seconds North, the bottoms under Durham Creek South of latitude 35 degrees 23 .7? minutes 52 seconds North, the bottoms under Lees Creek South of latitude 35 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds North, and the bottoms under all other unnamed tributaries beyond o natural „s.. Line (dotted) drawn across the mouth of. said tributaries, and being shown and designated as AREA D on the attached map entitled "State of North Carolina, Department of Conservation and Development Map '. Showing Phosphate-lease Areas in Pamlico and Pungo Rivers, North Carolina," and containing .9209 acres, more or lose. The terms and conditions of this lease are as follows:' (1) The term of this lease shall bo•for twenty-tive(25`) :r ;: years from the date of this agreement; upon the condition, however,',. .:.. .that the party of the second part pays to the party, of. the first ••. Dart.. on or before each anniversary date during the said term of the lease ": c, •: ., the required sum of TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND.SIX HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN • ($27,627,00) DOLLARS as an advance yearly rental, and, in addition thereto, pays to the party of the second part upon recovered minerals and mineral materials as hereinafter set forth the following royalties: TWELVE and 5110 (12.5%) per cent, of the gross sales of the, first marketable product of phosphate. 3- TWENTY-FIVE (25%) per cent of the gross sales of the ?. roduct of all minerals other than phosphate, ble k t p a e first mar but not to exceed FIFTY (50%) per cent of the: ue.l _•r•oceeeds of .. Ra'i11 ?•'.v;ilrCt. ., . TWENTY-FIVE: (25%) per cent of the gross sales of sand and gravel, but not to Excised VIFTY (50%) per cent. ,Y the not ; procuuds of said product. ° The payment. of royalties, if any I c. clot . ?-nal) be made by the party of the second part to the State of North ,y?"• .. Carolina semi-annually,- the first payment, if any be due, to be , : •,,:. . payable si3-(6) months from the effective date of this lease agreement, and all subsequent payments, if any be due, to be „ ;payable at the end of each succeeding six-(6) months period. • In determining the gross sales of tho firer, market.,l,le' ewe ' product of phosphate, the average.sales price per long ton as r published in the Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter for the six-(6) months period immediately preceding the due date of such payment shall be used and multiplied by the number of long tons of the ! first marketable product of phosphate produced by the party of .. the second part. _ In determining the gross sales of the first marketable product.of'all minerals other than phosphate, the average sales .'" price per long ton as published in a mutually agreed upon trade ; publication reporting sales prices of any such minerals, for the , six-(6) months period immediately preceding the due date of such payment, shall be used and multiplied by the number of long tons ?••,; of the first marketable product of all minerals other than phos- phile produced by the party of the second part. ' In determining the amount of royalties :•o be paid t',y the party of the second part to the party of the first part on , 4OT4M `ono BumuTm 94q woa3 • peaaeooea gonpoad eTgege)}aew g9aF3 ,. •' . . s4q 3o geed 4vg4 uayq 'qno BuTuTui auo 3o grid ss grid puooas ' e4q 3o Sgasd eq4 Aq ewTq ewes e4q qe sgosaq ao goeaq aaggoue 7 pua ri Ea.ty woa3 pau?w 2uTaq sT gonpoad XaAau84M •gnawaea2s Gt:yq UT ao3 papTnoad squamted alleuuog " ' aad aaggo ao saTlIetoa BuTked pus ao3 8uTqunooos 3o asodand .:" „. ' .- y eyq a03 '(] Eaav woa3 givd puooas•sgq 3o dgaed e4q Aq pauTw ' A3• . uoaq one4 O'} Powaap eq 1•Te48 a eoay woa3 pauTw Boas a8eaoge :', o4g uF gonpoad e4g 30 ?asd ?+844 o? uoTgaodoad aoaaTP UT sT i; 4OT4M gaed puooes o4? 3o Sgjvd s4q Aq BuTsesooid aa4gan3 ao ' ejes ao3 gees ePeao49 eyg woa3 geed puooes a4q 3o dgaed eyg dq penowaa gonpoad 3o gunows a4g u94,4 I sgosag• ao goeaq aa4goue. ?;. t'. • ••;? woe a.ed uooos a 3o A asd stil S pauTw gonpoad Sus 4gTpa PaTBuTw OT Q saay woa3 pauTw gonpoad due aeeaua4M., • gj ed puooas a4g ,,.• t; 3o S4asd a4,4 Aq pToe eq 41-cm4oe awes aqg ssaiun geed puooas a44 So dgaed a4q Sq paonpoad TseWS pus puss uo anaaos Tleys: Ri.L ` saTgledoa ou pus 'iarenO'S TT84s aoTad swps ssoa8 Ten4os a4,4 1. ' [onsaS We puss 3o GO 7s 890-12 a4:} SuPTwaagep trl :,,'; •sTseq -to«a dap s uo spew aq Ttsus quawaaa3v '.•` `"`' ' sT4q aapun squewSEd 92auuoq aad aeygo ao eeTgTsdoa 30 4uawSEd ) ao3 squaweanseaw adEuuog l"CE ?e4l poa?s as4?anS eT .?I ' puooas 0414 So Bgaed a4q Sq. Su-paoooad ae4gan3•ao'eTes TengoE.. BuTMoTTo3 agEp guGuiLei seTtypgoa gxeu a4,4 3o se gasd•gsxfj •.. JI}•), jr) Rgawf eyg O:} 01-Ir ul} : ,'1 ti i)I1.1'.,JY7 •['['6ltL '-?3.AY 1`d tJ11?, ^1. • pUL'ti USy'{ aJlt')O ''}Ollt)OAIt x)1,1{H'}U:1 .:YL 'It"IJ Kucl uO SaTgTeSOtt • •}JSi? t11I1,Jlit' tU ?1iia ? Aq •).7!,t....,t) .{:Alf: 3U ..[8S. .. •' t e aq oq pawaep aq TIVIA 'TaneJW 1u7r puss ueyq aa4go 'gonpoad a?gsgaxasw gsal:f Attu 3q !laud t,uooas o4? 3o'Sgaed a4g dq • ` VUTsGODOXI aaygan3 uy t I'MI Ga}'}.;..d 84q 3o uO'}'}ui,guf a4,4 s!: 4T 'TOAW9 pus puss us44 aa4go 'gonpoad aTgega)iasw gsaT3 Buie is in direct proportion to the Area D acreage in the mining cut, shall be deemed to have been recovered from Area D. (2) The party of the second part shall pay to the l :tr y u l' the first. r-n additional sun, of T-70 (51!) CENI.,q port. per long ton on mechanicxa phosphate concentrates (%+dt or dricu phosphate rock) fkxiued or. t•eiaovad from :-.. ; 1: ui,•i ::: t, ; - direr.t,ly by the party of the second part outside of the State (of 1u:11.1 Carolina wild,crtl• being 1.'1r:t furi,he.r 1'.1'eat•ed w.-itlri11 ` . ` the state of North Carolina by blending in tertiIizer or • ,; • farther :upgraded to ground phosphate rock, calcined phosphate % , ` ' rock, super-phosphate, triple super-phosphate, or.converted ,•.' ;:.. into phosphoric acid, elemental phosphorus, or other fens of `? .. ? phosphorous product ' (3) The party of the second pars, shall have the ". exclusive right and privilege of renewing this lease upon the expiration of the original twenty-five (25) year term-but not ' to exceed one additional period of twenty-five (25) years upon the same terms and conditions; provided, that ai the time of the expiration of the original term of this lease, it is then actively engaged in the ndning and industrial processing of ?.. phosphate-bearing minerals within Beaufort, Pamlico, or Hyde ; - .counties, North Carolina;.and provided further that notice of ;.:••• r its desire and intention to renew is given to the lwrty of the ' first part at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of „. the :original term of this lease. ?i (k) The prospecting, exploration, mining, and , :,.concentrating operations of the party of the second part within ' Area.D shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner in .accordance with good practice and in a manner that will not interfere with navigation along the channels of the waterways within Area D or unreasonab?/ interfere with navigation else- _- 6 , .r `7 q! where, including wharves and docks, and no such operation shall be carried on in such a manner as to destroy or imperil any highway, railway, or other bridge within Area D or the pound net stakes or other property or equipment used by commercial fishermen within Area D; provided, however, that the removal ir? a' good and erorl manlike manner by the party of the necond part of pound net stakes or other property or equipment used by commercial .fishermen from an area to be )'hied by the party of the second part pursuant to this lease agreement shall not, work a forfeiture of the rights of the party of the second part under this agreement:, " (5) This lease is made subject to the superior -right of navigation on the waters herein described and no , structure shall be built therein until the same shall have been r • authorized by the United States Government and the proper officials thereof where such authorization is required by law l or governmental regulations. All operations which may be conducted under this lease by Lessee shall be subject to all r regulations which may be adopted and promulgated under authority of any existing or future Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina. This lease shall be subject to ' any oyster or clam bed leases heretofove granted by the State .?i. Board of Conservation and Development. Lessee agrees to take all required precautions to prevent pollution of the waters of the State of North Carolina and shall comply with all of the "'. laws of the State with respect thereto. This agreement does not in any manner contemplate conveyance of any rights other than the proprietary right of the State as to lands under its ownership. Nothing herein shall be deemed to'restrict the power of the State or of its agencies to enforce all provi- `., lions of law and all applicable regulations and especially the laws and regulations in or under the authority of Chapter.143, -7_ Article 21, Gene"mi l Statutes of North Carolina (Siate Stream . Sanitation and Conservatiori.Aet of'1951, as amended) and } -? , ;', Y = ,' ?'• that the procedures applicable to enforcement of the provi-' • , of the ;:aid ?,ct shall be its t:her,:ir! ,;ct fort:},, n•rt•• • ' ? . ??'?',?•.,^, . ;? ,1t. ?l?.ith3t`?fldiR •A i O1 ••. ? .,, g tp Of t ,o prut•Jai n., of • ^ of _this agreement, which shall not be in any -ronner 'applicable to 'tile c _V, c.tse of any duty or aliWi -rity ven t.e:t , . •;c-y' w?" 4 •='s by (,he ::aid G'ri:ll a,ai Aitiele. iu f4o Lug "rtlr,..,lt u! Wet,,,. and Air Resourceo, It to specifically provided that the ? r , < , t i ? ?, ,. , Depai?tanent of Water and Air Resources shall have the right ,-,. ? ell ?.,•"? x `a'[ ';; ta:., arid authority to :.inspect any portion of the mining operations ' " _ , „,fir t,..#YNi,?,i ?' K, . '. ,.. .:' ., . K' .. • rr Ike or any part of the processing operation which may be undertaken • ' ~ ?pw:wp*;: :'tbythe Lessee at anytime, -to determine whether any pollution S•t °? b ` e of th streams or other watex•a of the State is resulting from ' ? ? • „? ` , ayt ? : . such operations. , . In its _. (b) operation within Area D the party of the ? - .. ;*;second part. shall not discharge into the waters thereof any , f .4•.w '. substance deleterious to fish or other kinds of marine life,' a uati l • t . t i q c p s, an or m gra ory waterfowl which may be found in or.' using the waters within Area D,- but it shall have the full rt f k ;? rignty .to discharge therein, saving in the marked channols . , }? . t*; hT':i4..' 'thereof, any substance or substances 'removed from Area D ,• ' tai , ? t. "'whlch`,are not,deleterious to marine 'life, Aquatic plants, or ` f ju 'WI 4? :11 .: •i 1 ?ci`},,t a . S a . `3 In ti, 'waterfowl. a' r xi ' a f .{'?:'• :;??;? k+' " (7) 1'he panty of the :second part shall keep a , i business-like, record ' of its' mining operations, which records " M 1l-' ;! ,'• shall be open,at all reasonable times for inspection by duly a' t;A s•p: .a .r ? .c accredited representatives of the party of the first part, ' ;,';; "; `, = ,::• provided that such records may be destroyed aater they are ? five `(5) or-more • ears old. j 1 . ? .,z ! > Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary; ,? .; ,;i;; r z • the party' of the first part agrees. that the party of the second. q `part may terminate this lease agreement at any time by giving rj;! r r t•ritten.noL16a of.sachtentd.nation to the Party of. the r•iraL ,t F,) '!•FA { , ` ' part not-less than ninety (90) days prior to the effeetivn } . N ' -,rr inatioit date thereof and by further pay.iug to the party of. Syr` + :=r ?` •;? 6c" first part prior.to such date all sums that shall. h^vo r•' lccxµed hereunder, whether ptyab-le tbcm o!,' therenftcr, and by ''x? •Y 4?I e ,.i ...< t .r•S' c •?•• . t, •?,Fj • ,.'t. .,r4 ?'? M?•t ,t ,{ { 5 performing-'al l of the covenants and.agreements and observing .??''' N' yy?:a,''1. tit {'•i.: '^ n';'.d•,t 1-t +• , ?•t ?e:?l?. ;r all of, the conditions hereof on the part of the party of the ?_ ''•.., y} ?y second part to be performed and observed tip to'the date, of eUch {t, ..termination, and .thereupon all obligations hereunder of-the 1 - ° ' i h; CA far f ? _ .,?- ?.r , . ., , {,a„t• ,' ..? parties hereto shall cease hnd.te2minate "And notwithstandingr :anything herein to, the contrary,' tho party. of .the second' Part agrees. that, the party of . the first, part may terminate this k :: • , •y i r?l ?+ f; •rT ti r,. +? lease agreement or: any renewal thereof upon the failure oS the ;' party of the second part to expend FORW-SIR THOUSAND FORTY-111 V e,•'"($46,b1?5.00) DOLLARS per year for any consecutive two (2) years = ,•y ;'during the term of said'.lease agreement, which stun is' based upon t A ate' ?' iepu K •tfle rate of FIVE (5.00)'• DOLIrARB per wore; provided, however, I the i,'?"`+c provisions bf, this sentence shall not bb effective until on and; '-after the 29th, day of September, 1069: IN. t, ,(9) : "rhe party of. the second part may not transfer,or,' ` ,:? ,? et ?.• ?? '? A•'-?;e , assign -its 'rights Linder •thie lease agreement without first'obtaisi '???`.,: ' ? fit .._?, .,• • , : •. _ .. ,.:? '„ •• ' i' •` _??. ? -' a., r• ;, ? r .? 4K ing written consent and approval of the party. of the-first party-,° f{s Rt ,?, ' k (10) . It is understood and' agreed. by the partico hereto '' •[ ' •', t : 'that the title to any and' ail. minerals covered by this agreement Wo, shall be and'remain in the. State of North Carolina up to and -until such minerals are severed from the lands covered by this v p., e agreement. {+,^Al... :" r 4 C', a r ,t:. , , ?;••-t y' w•r ?,'?'•. Wl. ?!?. 1 471:?'.r y^, tl r i:- •t.• ?, r ..,, .. ?. tV. 'r_ ^s "~'r?, ? y, r??? fig ? , , " `t , ,`' • • t4r• - ter •''?'??'. ^ - ?, , , ! . .? .?1 . ? •. ? .. J•• i ` ?;c ?.? r.• ' " ' subject to any and all (11)' This -agreement is made r .' 0Oita and interest: of any municipality'khich may be located within the boundaries 'of Area' D 'and is further made subject ' • 'i' ` ?? , r' z to a:Ll title, and LnLerast of indi.vidu3ls which nliy :,t :..? a ., ?} '.:;,, I - ' • 4+ - .. 1, „r ? „ ? •. (12) This agreement shall be binding nl-on and. inure ' i the benetit: of al?, r-artioo lipiet•o; t•hcl rr,1)-(;tivo ^1lcc r vorj,'heirs, hl-,l i cj'receutativos,. and aaslgu: i 4 cV? 1 .. ' ' ?r i j' ' A- i notice herein required shall be (13) Any written ? ,, r . i,. P?.1 ••O • 1. I ..•. - , ?t.'f .`? 1 th .; e ditemed to have been adequately given as to the party 0 • ^ t? Director of the , by 'registered mail to the part: if sent firs V , . De),3rtment of Connervation and Development at Raleigh, North r.. { - ' 4 3 and as. to the party or-the second part if sent by CP i olina, `• registered mail to its executive, office in New York City, New • ? 4 ` ^? 7 3.• • ?. ? '': until otherwise designated by either party to the other 1 _ •. ;' • " York -. , by registered mail. (14). Zt is understood and agreed by the parties.' T • r• i hereto that if there'be any default .or violations in the' ::. r . ? ? e • .. ,. . stipulations, agreements, covenants, and terms of this. agree ^ ?. ment (exclusive of those regarding stream sanitation or + ; , ` 1 ,pollution under the supervision of-the Department of Water and...r; ; Resources, which shall be governed by.the provisions of , 1 ' : •, Air . Chapter 1132 Article 21, General. Statutes of North Carolina, ' on the part of the party.. regulations enacted thereunder) and °??'? ` ?? % • of the second- part, and if the party of the second part fails rovisions of this agreement, all %r ll of the ith l p a y w to comp ,'.. '!'' ??' ,, work being in violation of this agreement shall cease • of the second part ahal]..insi•itute t h e par y immediately and t bate such default or violation; then tf tho' t o a such.measures . ,.n >. , . . ,, `ti j,;` ` .:' _. a .party of the second part fails to correct said defaults or , ,• . 10 - 14 `• ,V ;'? ,?`•',•;? " > ?J •'?• , ??• ' fi=x ••?+ /? 1. ._ .-. .1 ..Y-?_Y. T _ _. ...-J::. ,'1..?5'1??.TJ' 1: 14 '•.G.. '•{4,•?r+ violations within thirty-00) days after notice of violation - , ?' - ,or default, or,:in the event changes are required in the... -? ••• plant, equipment, or operations-of the party of the second part, within a reasonable time necessary to make such changes !after notice of violation or default from the party of the s i,' ,y . • .: ?'• a.,' i`ir st part, .-it shall'be lawful for-the party of the first )d.-rtrFtw ?, :t1 .1„ . • 1l jr•:, y.. ,' _ .-•,n r r: .,.. E,., - pRrt. to cannel this agreement and re••enter, the premises %,;/4:4 -hereby !leased, ,to'repossesa and take possession of the same, r • r'', r ' fS t ?+ ,,r`''` ?? ..,;and to use, enjoy,_ re-option, and/9r re-lease' the same as if t:•this agreement.had not been entered into. , 1 yr? ',?r';F "... •` ProvidedS however, in the event the party of the ' f': ;•; `' .second part, upon-receiving notice of violations or default 'r ...- P?? ` a ?•. ,from the party of the' first part notifies 'the party of the f:&tr part within 'fifteeri? (1$) days after' receipt of the w ? t' ?. T F* r ; notice of "violation ,or default. that it desires 'to arbitrate ! t ?'ae '!the issue of iiolation or default,!arbitration.shall proceed i r .in:-the manner described:below and it shall'be lawful for the , 7.., 13- t party of the first part to cancer this agreement if the party ` -1 .:;>:?' ?;•.'y of the second part fails to'correct said violation within, the .i• >J •? "t :? "? thirty (3a) days after the arbitration award or,. in the event ' f tQr? ?i,?ti, ` ar. 4• ' -,, 1.' ., ,,; 1, ,f ?? ?M•' e ?. 't.'. P•s, : -fy, 9 1k` `•? '• 4i? •i"-' 110 1 ' ,(.? ,' ; \?' changes. dare ordered).in, the 'plant, equipment,, or operations. of ?? ?;, ' °•- ; the party of the second part, within, a' reasonable time a j. ;1 .. ?: ?,_, ?r„,• ?*necessary to make euch,changes, which time shall be specified + ??'• , 4(,? in the arbitration award.'; It is specifically provided, how ... . ` : E ; lr f +: , 1`4, r ever, '.that the :provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any violation of tho provisions of !'Chapter 143, Article 21, +• General Statutes'of North Carolirv , or oS any regulation of , Department! of Water and Air Resources and that any ; the violations thereofeha]1 be dealt with in the manner, and according to the..procedures, set' forth in the said Chapter ' r : Al and Article •'j'Y/ S-, l??L, .1'',.? li,` S? ?,,. "{t r1 ?, I• ?1 5?_.Q n+ a?'•\ l ?,i 4`1 e. ,•\ ?. '+y y.?iy(y. rr. ,yflY'o `y 'I, f ,S yr• ;.. ytr.. ? x •;.a. .\ .•C'ir' ? , . 1. 4: . -?,r ?f ? •` ; A i•' yrI'P. !i„? t h?l?xyl r?r A? °''•. ..- `_ .• •,y 1 Ir ?.r4P.r .! \, s!I y? ?y? k. ?r t.4+-'!. ,y .i. < < • "?? j,. . f r , r •, r;"ref. I .. ti ' N (15) In.the event any. dispute is required to be sub-5'' ^, -?•• t r• 'is r'? ' 11 of his muted. for arbitration by the terms of Paragraph r1.9aN „. '.,-, agreement, arbitration shall procesd in t•he following manner: • r A. 1.ach V+nrty.shall seleeb an arbit.rat,ur within five (5) days after the party 'i of the second part gives notice of its 1 f • /^ desiI'e, to arbitrate. B. The arbitrators seleoted by tF,3 parties Y.; + nhall select a third arbitrol-or nhair- +: 1• men or the arbitr-t•i on panel •; S t.Li n tel. ' ? • 1 "• + ` (10) d9y& after tMo 2rbit•r?ti01L JWUV10.011 r ..,, t comes into effect r SIC: ?'? '; ¢ •' f_ • ... . , .. ' : ' ?'.?' .? • .? ? , C: life arbitration board shall meet' and decide the dispute submitted to it within fifteen (15) days after the appointment . : • , of the independent arbitrator. t A • - i'- The decision of the board of arbitrators ??. D. shall be binding on the parties, provided .? ti i :G Y s ng such decision is not contrary to ex ., -..State laws; rules, -.and regulations. f 1s " '? E, The costs of. the arbitrators appointed by I ? rf ` . ' • 4; . • 61, '. ` the parties shall be borne by the party f +r:. i making the appointment, The expense o 1 ?' =.: ;? ; '.•,s? the independent arbitrator and any other t f L•.''' + expenses incident to -the arbitration ' 1.^. : ::; '' •` '' proceedings shall be borne equally by the 1 parties. '+ (16) The rights granted and conveyed by this agreement 1.. t' , + to, and there are hereby excepted from the terms of are subaeet this agreement those minerals listed in,•that certain lease agreement between the State of North-Carolina-and Coastal Plains , Oil Company,' dated October 28, 1957s to wit, oil, gas, sulphur,' ' K .•, , ' ?• ! 1 gas, and casirighead gasoline. r ., casingt,ead y ? „ ; ' " , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the State-of North Carolina, party. t" ' ' " ;11 11.. • •? °`' i • , • ? • ? ; ' ,• :. ' a of the first part, has caused this instrument to be executed in ; .? s ? + ±Y ?:.? i * its name by' Dan K. Noorq, Governor, attested by Thad Bure, Secretary of-State and the Great. Seal of the State of North olina hereto affixed by virtue of the power and authority Ca r and the party of the-second part has caused this . aforesaid , .,fir , , t •I .. . ? ,. • I a C • f . 1 i j STATE. OF r'c? I A/' A-- ' q COUMTX. OF -- r in and for the County and Stnte afuresaid, do hereby certify that Fk_1 por.aonally came before' ta. , V /r•SJ1tT.?..i.. .ti •m .this day and acknowledged that he in Secretary of 14• a and that by.authority duly given and as an act-of __A,6G["xMVw1&? the-foregoing instrument was signed by f' !" T CX CC Jr.VC Vic Pr 1/113 SrAw/T •1-c•' its^President, attested by himself aaASecretary, and sealed with'the.common seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal ,` ??+` • ' this day of 2L 19 s ~r .: G • No ry Public K ? DHNIS J. O•CONNOR ` s " t '"r ?;'• '.My commission-expires: Notary Publie• State of New.York r } No, 43.2434525 ;rr 1 i•. Qoalilitd in Richmond Coonry. f y • Ce1NliQle filed In NOW Y014 County ?. r Commission Esplrss March 30, 10B IV kf 44 47 w ,r' ?, '! ..,,A.r•r•^i?', .a ?11L' . . .b?•t 1 .i iE?{?t?:??•.a?. F ?1•TF? Mt .a•:M instrument to be executed in its name by its duly authorized #• agents, all as of the day and year first above written. " STAW, OF NORTH CAROLINA ,• y ATTEST' 04, . Governor i ' ?e'ary o ate. > •' ,' _ . TEXAS GULF SULPHUR COMPANx0- t` y ATTEST: ''.? ?ysirSecretary y. .t. •ti. t, .' '.? rk t4 ` E, ay l t 1'• APPROVED FOR DISPOSITION: ;APPROVED AS TO FORM: " ... . ' T. W. BRUTON, Attorney. General "? •" 4 irecto of Administrat on State of North Carol, r % 1, 0'e -1ssistant Attorney,General