HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Emails_20090211FW: PCS Subject: FW: PCS From: "Walker, William T SAW" <William.T.Walker@usace.army.mil> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:29:11 -0500 To: <Fox. Rebecca@epamail. epa. gov> CC: "Jolly, Samuel K SAW" <Samuel.K.Jolly@usace.army.mil>, "Lamson, Brooke SAW" <Brooke.Lamson@saw02.usace. army. mil>, "Lekson, David M SAW" <David.M.Lekson@usace.army.mil>, <Welborn.Tom@epamail.epa.gov>, "John Dorney" <j ohn. dorney@ncmai l . net> Becky, I Still need to talk with you. As you know the 401 Cert for PCS has been issued. The DWQ efforts on Bonnerton combined with the minimization we had discussed on NCPC and S33 have resulted in a further impact reduction of about 160 ac. Also, I believe Dave Lekson has been keeping you informed of and supplied with the site specific mitigation plans as they have come in. The current mitigation plan, if fully successful will yield either 2:1 restoration, 3:1 enhancement or 8 - 10: preservation for all wetland impacts (the majority being restoration) and sufficient stream mitigation to exceed the maximum ratios called for in the Stream Guidelines. Construction at Bay City and Upper Back Creek is complete. Construction at Sage Gut is underway. Construction of all sites will be complete by 2014. We would like to resume our field level discussions pursuant to the 404q MOA. Please call me. Tom Walker 910-251-4631 -----Original Message----- From: Walker, William T SAW Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 6:44 PM To: 'Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov' Subject: RE: PCS That will be fine please do. Thanks Tom If by chance you get the oportunity to call sooner, -----Original Message----- From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 11:05 PM To: Walker, William T SAW Subject: Re: PCS Tom I will be out of town tomorrow thru next Tu. Can I call you Wed? b Becky Fox Wetland Regulatory Section USEPA Phone: 828-497-3531 Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov "Walker, William T SAW" <William.T.Walke r@usace.army.mil ............................. Rebecca Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA To cc 1 of 2 2/11/2009 5:28 PM FW: PCS 02/05/2009 05:23 Subject PM PCs Becky, If you have the time tomorrow could you please give me a call to discuss PCS? I should be in all day. thanks Tom 910-251-4631 2 of 2 2/11/2009 5:28 PM