HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090281 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20000318NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James H. Gregson Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 17, 2009 MEMORANDUM: C di Karol ' TO: ?1r~ Div Sion of Water 0- Quality FROM: Doug Huggett MAR 1 8 2009 Major Permits Processing Coordinator M'E 'wArc-RotAUrv TEReRMCH SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant: NC Wildlife Resources Commission - Morehead City Boating Access Area Project Location: The project site is located at 3400 Arendell Street, Morehead City, Carteret County. Proposed Project: The applicant is proposing an expansion of the existing parking lot, reconstruction of the existing boat ramps, addition of a new launch lane, four floating docks with wave attenuators and excavation of the channel boat ramp area. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 04/07/2009. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Heather Styron at (252) 808-2808. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557--3421 NorthCarolina PhcB?:( IDDR8081 FAX: 252-247-3330 Internet: www.nccoastalmanaoementidakTE An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer K KrK Major Permit Fee Schedule Circle One DCM % DWQ % Development Type i Fee (14300160143510009316256253) (2430016024351000952341) t. Private, non-commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: $250 100%($250) 0%($0) II. Public or commercial development that does not involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or open water areas: $400 100%($400) 0%($0) 111. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A,B, C, or D below applies: III(A). Private, non-commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (See attached) can be applied: $250 100%($250) 0%($0) III(B). Public or commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (See attached) can be applied: $400 100%($400) 0%($0) III(C). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to wafer quality or aquatic life: $400 60%($240) 40%($160) III(D). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (see attached) cannot be applied: $400 60%($240) 40%($160) IV. Development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: $475 60%($285) 40%($190) Check f4 Amount ??' Project Name DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: NC Wildlife Resource Commission (Morehead City Boating Access Area Site Improvements) C/O Criser Troutman Tanner Consulting Engineers 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 3400 Arendell Street in Morehead City within Bogue Sound. Photo Index - 2000: grids 41-524 (Q-18&19), (R-18&19) 2006: grids 41-8038(G-6&7), (H-6&7) State Plane Coordinates - X: 2675805.331 Y: 361591.381 Rover: J022510A Longitude: 76°45'02.75261 Latitude: 34°43'20.96383 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit-12/16/2008, 2/25/2009 Was Applicant Present - Yes, No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received -2/26/2009 Office - Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Morehead City dated 2007 Land Classification from LUP - Public Institutional/Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: EW, PTA,ES (C) Water Dependent: pier, boat ramps (yes), high ground work (no) (D) Intended Use: public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing -- Municipal sewer Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - asphalt parking and drive isles, boat ramps, docks, bulkhead and riprap Planned -- four new boat ramps, four floating docks with wave attenuator, expansion of existing parking area and drive isle reconfiguration, installation of a storm water collection system with a constructed wetland. (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Shallow Bottom N/A N/A 21,436 ft2 (Boat Basin and Boat Ramps) (B) High Ground 96,268 ftz (C) Open Water N/A N/A 15,000 ft2 Inc. 3,107 ft2 Shaded (D) Total Area Disturbed: 132,704 it,' (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA, HQW Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The project proposed is for the expansion of the existing parking lot, reconstruction of the existing boat ramps, addition of a new launch lane, four floating docks with wave attenuator and excavation of the channel boat ramp area. Field Investigation Report: NC Wildlife Resource Commission Morehead City Boating Access- Site Improvements Page 02 9. Narrative Description The WRC boating access project is located at 3400 Arendell Street along Highway 70 in Morehead City. The property is owned by the State of North Carolina which houses other facilities such as NCDOT, DMP and UNC-IMS. The site is currently providing residents with access to Bogue Sound and the AIWW. The property is 225,203 square feet in its entirety and is an average of 6' above NHW. Presently there are existing docks, boat ramps, parking lot, bulkhead and riprap along the WRC portion of the tract. The NCDOT portion of the tract currently houses a visitor center with restrooms, parking and trash receptacles. There is a small fringe of coastal marsh on the east side of the existing bulkhead however the proposed work would not affect the coastal wetlands along this shoreline. They mostly consist of Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens. The undeveloped portion of the high ground is comprised mostly of oak trees, cedars, grass and scrub bushes. The developed portion of the high ground contains a rest room facility, parking lot, and picnic area with trash receptacles. The existing development is a public project. There are single family residences to the east and learning institutions to the west of the project area. The Morehead City Land Use Plan classifies this property as Public Institutional, with all AEC's classified Conservation. This section of Bogue Sound is not designated as Primary Nursery Area and is open to the taking of shellfish. Bogue Sound within this area carries a water classification of SA, HQW. Riparian corridors were determined through field visits and aerial photography. Substrate in Bogue Sound is mostly sand and silt. No SAV's or shellfish beds were observed within the proposal project area. 10. Project Description: The current proposal is for the reconstruction of the existing parking lot, boat ramps, docks and excavation within the boat ramp channel area. The upland development would consist of the reconstruction of the existing asphalt parking lot. The project would involve expanding the existing parking lot into the adjacent property currently used by the NCDOT. The new traffic pattern would be directed one- way for more efficient flow per the applicant. Currently there are 33 existing spaces and the new proposal would increase this to 41 spaces. The impervious to date within the AEC is at 54% and 45% outside of the AEC. The proposal would reduce the impervious within the AEC to 43% an increase the impervious outside the AEC to 53%. Per the applicant all storm water runoff would be collected and treated with a constructed wetland located on high ground. The wetland would 40' x 140'. The average elevation is currently + 6' and after completion would be + 3' with 1,867 cubic yards of material removed. A total of 2.21 acres would be graded, filled or disturbed during the process. The existing boat ramps would be reconstructed and a new boat launch lane would be added. The four new ramps would be one cast in place concrete slab over a stone bed. The Field Investigation Report: NC Wildlife Resource Commission Morehead City Boating Access- Site Improvements Page 03 dimension of the ramp area would be 90.5' x 108'. The average existing depth currently in this area is at -3.5 `nlw and would be at a final depth of -4' nlw once in place. A total of 181 cubic yards of material would be removed for the ramp area. A bucket to land method would be used during the excavation process. They proposal would also remove 648 cubic yards of material from the basin area. The dimension would be 98' x 119'. The average existing depth at nlw is -4.5' with a final project depth of -6' nlw. The total length of the shoreline is 350'. The proposal is also for the addition of 4 floating platforms. The most east and west platforms would retain the dimensions of 6.5' x 87'. They would start at a distance of 14' landward of the nhw contour. The middle floating dock would be 8' x 147' with a wave attenuator. This wave attenuator would be a length of 83'. An 8' x 100' tee platform would be located at the end of the middle platform. This would also have a wave attenuator which retains a length of 100'. This facility would remain for public use. The width of Bogue Sound in this area is 1.35 miles. The proposed project would be a total length of 140' from nhw and would not be a hindrance to navigation. 11. Anticipated Impacts: The proposed platforms would shade 3,107 ft2 and incorporate 15,000 ft2 of open waters. The setting of pilings would cause temporary turbidity. There would be no hindrance to navigation. The width of the access portion for the docks would be greater than six feet however per 711.0208 (6) (A) could be permitted if the greater width is necessary for safety or to improve public use access. The total length which includes the tee platform for the docking system would be 140' waterward of nhw. This project would add additional public access and better fishing access. This is the case as shown on the plat dated received 1/21/09 and through field verification. Name: Heather Styron Date: 2/26/09 Morehead City CDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor MEMORANDUM: TO: DOUG HUGGETT FROM: HEATHER STYRON THROUGH: TERE BARRETT James H. Gregson Director SUBJECT: COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS - CAMA MAJOR PERMIT- NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISION-MHC BOATING ACCESS SITE IMPROVEMENTS 3400 ARENDELL STREET, MOREHEAD CITY DATE: 2/9/09 Dee Freeman Secretary The following are my comments and recommendations regarding the aforementioned proposal. The proposal is for the improvement of an existing parking lot, and boat ramp for public use. The applicants propose four boat ramps in a 90.5' x 108' area, improving the existing parking lot by moving spaces and increasing from 33 to 41 spaces, excavation of the basin area and the addition of four floating platforms. Two would be 6.5' x 87' long, one at 8' x 147' and the last one at 8' x 100'. The 8' x 147' and 8' x 100' would have wave attenuators attached. The width of the access would be greater than six feet, however per 7H.0208 (6) (A) could be permitted if the greater width is necessary for safety or to improve public use access. The DCM district agrees with this assessment because of the large volume of the existing user group. The total pier length, which includes the platform, would be 140' From the NHW. Therefore I recommend the project be authorized as proposed on plats dated received January 21, 2008, contingent upon all applicable standard conditions: Cc: Tere Barrett, DCM Ted Tyndall, DCM Dave Timpy, COE 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-3330 Internet: www,nccoastaimanagemetit.net An Equal Opportunity % Affirmative Action Empioyer NorthCarolina . Naturally CAMA Major Permit Application MOREHEAD CITY BOATING ACCESS AREA IMPROVEMENTS MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION CTT Project #5818 January 2009 CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS WILMINGTON, NC • RALEIGH, NC P.O. Box 3727 Wilmington, NC 28406 1 3809 Peachtree Ave. Suite 102 Wilmington, NC 28403 p 910.397.2929 1910.397.2971 cttengineering.com Table of Contents Narrative Permit Application Forms: p ? DCM MP-1 Major Development Application DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill DCM MP-3 Upland Development DCM MP-4 Structures Appendix A: Application Fee Appendix B: Agent Authorization Appendix C: Property Ownership Information Appendix D: Riparian Property Owner Notifications Appendix E: NCDOT Letter of Consent Appendix F: Drawings Sheet No. Title CO Cover C3.0 Existing Site and Demolition Plan C3.1 Site Improvement Plan C3.2 Grading, Erosion Control & Stormwater Plan C3.4 Boat Launch Plan & Details C3.5 Dredge Plan & Details C5.2 Erosion Control & Stormwater Details MOREHEAD CITY BOATING ACCESS AREA SITE IMPROVEMENTS MOREHEAD CITY, NC Background The NC Wildlife Resources Commission's (NCWRC) Boating Access Area in Morehead City is located off of Arendell Street (US 70) and provides residents and visitors access to Bogue Sound, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) and Atlantic Ocean beyond. The facility, originally constructed in the late 1970's, consists of an asphalt parking area, three (3) boat launch ramps, and three (3) fixed docks. The remaining shoreline is lined with a concrete bulkhead, with a rock revetment along the toe. The project was permitted by the NC Division of Coastal Management in 1976. The site occupies a portion of a larger tract owned by the State of North Carolina, which also houses facilities for the Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Division of Marine Fisheries, and the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Science (UNC-IMS). Adjacent property to the west is owned by Carteret County, while the site is bordered to the east by a private residential property. This site experiences high volumes of visitors, and the majority of complaints relate to insufficient parking and difficulties loading/unloading vessels due to strong winds and wave activity. Project Description This proposed project involves expanding the existing parking lot into the adjacent property currently occupied by the NCDOT. Traffic would be directed in a one-way fashion for more efficient flow while the overall parking count would increase from 33 to 41 spaces. Overflow parking during weekend times would be made available by the construction of a gated access road to the adjacent UNC-IMS property. The existing boat ramps would be reconstructed and one new launch lane would be added to the site. The four (4) new ramps would consist of a cast-in-place concrete slab on a clean stone bed and filter fabric above the Mean Low Water level, and a cast-on-site concrete push slab on a clean stone bed and filter fabric below the Mean Low Water level. The new ramps will provide 6 ft. of depth at Mean Low Water conditions which will not only decrease the time before future maintenance dredging, but also prevent scour and undermining of the ramp toe due to "powerloading" by larger vessels that often use the site. Two (2) 6.5 ft. wide ground-out floating docks on the east and west sides of the launch area will provide access to the outer launch lanes. The interior lanes would be accessed by an 8 ft. wide ground-out floating dock. This 8 ft. dock would extend 147 ft. out into the waterway to a 100 ft. long, shore-parallel staging dock, also 8 ft. in width. This "T" configuration staging dock, equipped with wave attenuation properties, would also serve to protect the boat lanes from strong wind, waves and currents. While the wave attenuation docks will be provided by a private vendor, the specific manufacturer is unknown at this time. However, general product specifications are shown within the permit drawings. The subaqueous portion of the dock can be considered essentially impermeable, with small gaps of 2 to 3 inches approximately every 30 ft. A minimum clearance of 3.5 ft. from the bottom of structure to the mudline has been specified for this application. Approximately 500 cubic yards of material will be removed from below the Normal High Water Line as required to re-establish the navigation channel and provide access to the four (4) new boat ramps. No wetlands will be excavated. Ali material will be dried on site, and then trucked offsite to an approved disposal site. Stormwater Management This project lies within the White Oak River Basin, and drains to Bogue Sound/AIWW which has a stream classification of "SA; HQW". Currently, a portion of the site sheetflows to a vegetated area along the waterfront, while the remainder flows directly into the waterway via the boat launch area. These portions of the site will remain and thus continue to drain in the same manner. To facilitate increasing the size of the Wildlife Resources portion of the site, the looped drive for the DOT Visitor's Center will need to be moved up into the DOT portion of the property. The drainage form this relocated looped drive will continue to be collected and directed (as it currently does) to the DOT treatment device on site. The runoff from newly constructed NCWRC impervious areas will be collected in two different manners. A portion will be collected in a trench drain. The remaining portions will be directed into depressed vegetated landscape islands. Drop inlets will be positioned in the islands, with their rims slightly elevated above finished grade, thereby promoting some infiltration into the surrounding soil media. From there, stormwater runoff will be conveyed to a constructed stormwater wetland for pollutant removal. Except for the surface area requirement, the constructed wetland has been designed in accordance with the NCDENR BMP Manual. Due to spatial limitations of the site, only approximately 60% of the required surface area can be provided in the constructed wetland. Also due to space limitations of this redevelopment project, this stormwater management plan does not incorporate a vegetative filter prior to reaching surface waters. Erosion & Sedimentation Control All disturbed areas will be stabilized by seeding and mulching upon completion of any phase of construction activities. Sediment fence will be used as indicated on the plans to prevent sediment pollution from leaving the site and entering the adjacent waterway. Inlet protection measures will be placed at all catch basins. Stone rip rap will be used to stabilize all discharge locations and prevent sediment loss due to scouring effects. A construction entrance to the project site will be provided as shown on the plans to remove sediment from tires. DCM MP-1 APPLICATION for Major Development Permit ri (last revised 12/27/06) 9 _ O 2 8 North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Nc Wildlife Resources Commission Project Name (if applicable) Morehead City Boating Access Area - Site Improvements Applicant 1: First Name Erik MI D. Last Name Christofferson Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address 1720 Mail Service Center PO Box City Raleigh State NC ZIP 27699-1720 Country USA Phone No. 919 - 707 - 0153 ext. FAX No. 919 - 707 - 0162 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email erik.christofferson@ncwildlife.org 2. Agent/Contractor Information Business Name q t4? G Criser Troutman Tanner Consulting Engineers Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Robert A. Walker, El AUN Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name 40S AND Slop, 1 001 * Mailing Address PO Box City State 3809 Peachtree Ave. Wilmington NC ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 28403 910 - 397 - 292 9 ext. - ext. FAX No. Contractor # 910 397 2971 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email rwalker@cttengineering.com <Form continues on back> s 1 2 y 2 ?,J 6 _? 2 ; ??a 1 6 $ :a ?... S'.'. C it '"$ r n ..9 r3 a g r9'iE ? o :t ? 17H d Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd. # Carteret 3400 Arrendell Street US Highway 70 Subdivision Name City State Zip Morehead City NC 28557- Phone No. Lot No.(s) (if many, attach additional page with list) - - ext. , , , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project White Oak Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway / Bogue Sound c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural ?Manmade ?Unknown Bogue Sound e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes ?No work falls within. Town of Morehead City 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 350 ft. 225,203 SF (5.17 acres) c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or NWL (normal water level) (If many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) 6 ft. ®NHW or ?NWL e. Vegetation on tract grass, shrubs, small trees f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Exsting features include: asphalt drive aisles and trailer parking; three concrete boat launch areas; three fixed docks; concrete bulkhead with rip rap toe revetment along the shoreline. Site is used as a public boating access facility. g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site. Adjacent property to the east is a single family residence. Adjacent property to the west is occupied by the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Science (also owned by State of North Carolina). The next property owner to the west is Carteret County, and this property is used as a community college campus. h. How does local government zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? Office & Professional (OP) (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ®Yes ?No ?NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ?Yes ®No k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. ?Yes ®No ?NA If yes, by whom? 1. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ?Yes ®No ?NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> n, 5 : ° 6 P, ?? ! . 2 110 iii 'I :?? V n ?, W VM .a d.:9 d^r", '.6W . , n2g W "4ftl . I r' C f." . 5 'i. 'lS I tar's 11 l"? "A 0 ?11 ;1 V11 q ? '? . Irlii a 'tr Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ®Yes ?No (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ®Yes ?No (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? ?Yes ®No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. Municipal sewer at adjacent NCDOT rest area. o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Municipal water at adjacent NCDOT rest area. p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. The NCDOT portion of the tract is treated by their permitted treatment device. The NCWRC portion of the tract is currently untreated. 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? []Commercial ®Public/Government []Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Upon project completion, the site will continue to function as a public boating access facility. New boat launching areas and staging docks (w/ wave attenuation) will increase site capacity and provide protection from elements during vessel loading/unloading. Reconfigured drive aisles and parking areas will improve the public's use of the site. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. Standard land based equipment will include a grader, dump trucks, and backhoe. Equipment will be stored on site during the construction project. Subaqueous excavation will be by mechanical dredge (bucket/barge). Dredge plant may be stored on site (with anchor spuds), depending on duration of dredging activities. d. List all development activities you propose. Construction of four (4) new concrete boat ramps. Installation of two (2) 6.5' wide floating docks, one (1) 8' wide floating dock, and one (1) 8' wide floating dock with wave attenuation. Expansion of the existing parking lot and reconfiguration of drive aisles. Installation of a stormwater collection system consisting of catch basins and piping, and a constructed wetland and vegetative filter for stormwater treatment. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? both f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 2.21 ?Sq.Ft or ®Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ®Yes ?No ?NA that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Stormwater runoff will be collected into drop inlets and trench drains located throughout the site, and then conveyed to a constructed wetland. Overflow stormwater will then flow to the adjacent ditch (existing) and ultimately to Bogue Sound/AIWW. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ?Yes ®No ?NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ?Yes ?No ®NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? ?Yes ®No ?NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit <Form continues on back> 6. Additional Information in addition to this completed application form, (MP-1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) - (f) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name Carteret County Phone No. (252) 728-8450 Address Courthouse Square, Beaufort, NC 28516 Name Richard D. Harris Phone No. llnab t 1 o c ?Irt Address 202 34t' Street, Morehead City, NC 28557 city *A : Iry AY? I S . 6 C K e ? ?in Cif (,oy" Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. NCDENR-DWQ, Stormwater Permit #SW8941204; 1/3/95 NCDENR-DCM CAMA Major Permit #7-95; 1/19/95 NCDENR-DCM CAMA Major Permit #117-76; 6/5/76 NCDENR-DWQ Water Quality Certification #2955; 12/6/94 h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. L Wetland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that th(g infrmation provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date ksl 09, Print Name Erik D. Christofferson w Signature T/ 1 1 4 Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. NDCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ?DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts NDCM MP-3 Upland Development NDCM MP-4 Structures Information 252-808-28538 .. 1-888-4R5 OAST .. www.nccoastaimanagement.net Form DCM MP-2 EXCAVATION and FILL (Except for bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to compete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. Zm?ntirkx.is.? Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation and/or fill activities. All values should be given in feet. WeKwna Access Other Channel Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding (NLW or Breakwater shoreline NWL stabilization Length 98 108 140 Width 119 90.5 40 Avg. Existing -4 5' NLW 5' NLW -3 NA NA +6' NLW Depth . . Final Project -6' NLW -4' NLW NA NA +3' NLW Depth 1. EXCAVATION ?This section not applicable a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b. Type of material to be excavated- cubic yards. silt, sand 500 CY c. (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands/marsh d. High-ground excavation in cubic yards. (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), 650 CY (constructed wetland) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ?CW - ?SAV ?SB ?WL ®None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: Re-establish boat ramp basin and provide adequate depth for boat launching and staging 12. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ?This section not applicable a. Location of disposal area. b. Dimensions of disposal area. Material will be dried on site and then trucked to an 80' X 125' (for temporary on site storage while drying) approved disposal site. c. (i) Do you claim title to disposal area? d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ?Yes ®No ?NA ?Yes ®No ?NA (ii) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. (ii) If yes, where? ?v(rrMil?td -tv c?n Wal, 6t W?"1 V -jq y L D ___..- 1 FIW h l tl d / f area in the water? osal include an the dis i D e. mars we an s (i) Does the dis sal area include any coasta . y ) oes p ( (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), ?Yes ®No ?NA or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the how much water area is affected? (ii) If yes number of square feet affected. , ?CW ?SAV ?SB ?WL ®None (ii) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas: 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION 10 This section not applicable (If development is a wood groin, use MP-4 - Structures) a. Type of shoreline stabilization: b. Length: []Bulkhead ?Riprap []Breakwater/Sill []Other: ________ Width: c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: d. Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL: e. Type of stabilization material: f. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months? []Yes []No []NA (ii) If yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount information. g. Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level. h. Type of fill material. Bulkhead backfill Riprap ] Breakwater/Sill Othe r" i. Source of fill material. 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES This section of appk tale ( udrng Shoreline Stabilization) a. (i) Will fi terial be brought t No ?NA b. (i) Will fill ` terial be placed in coa I wetlands/marsh (CW), If yes submerg d aquatic vegetati (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or (ii) Amount of m ial to bter 470 CY other wetl ds (WL)? If jw? boxes are checked, provide the numbfs are feet ected. (iii) Dimensions of fill a < ?CW AV ?SB (iv) Purpose of fill ?WL None Concrete push-sla ne used to (ii) Describe th urpos of the fill in these areas: establish boat la ch as on either side of Scourons ramp will pre t scourp. 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b. What type of construction equipment will be used (e.g. dragline controlled? , , backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Silt fence will be installed around the perimeter of the site. A mechanical dredging equipment (bucket, clam-shell, etc.) temporary sediment trap will be constructed on site. c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? d. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project ?Yes ®No ?NA site? ?Yes ®No ?NA (ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. (ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. Z?25 ?oq Date Erik D. Christofferson (Robert A. Walker, Authorized Agent) Morehead City Boating Access Area Improvements Applican am Project Name Ap icant Signature Form DCM MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. GENERAL UPLAND DEVELOPMENT a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures b. Number of lots or parcels. proposed. N/A N/A c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre). N/A e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land-disturbing activity begins. (i) If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? ?Yes ONo ?NA (ii) If yes, list the date submitted: d. Size of area to be graded, filled, or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. 2.21 acres f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for impervious surfaces. concrete, asphalt g. Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to be covered by impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. existing = 54%; proposed = 43% i. Give the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. existing = 45%; proposed = 53 % j. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. N/A 1. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (e.g., surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/ commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). Stormwater runoff will be collected and treated with a constructed wetland. Overflow stormwater runoff will discharge to the adjacent drainage ditch and ultimately to Bogue Sound / AIWW h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. (i) Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Water Quality for review? ?Yes ENo ?NA (ii) If yes, list the date submitted: k. Have the facilities described in Item (i) received state or local approval? ?Yes jSINo ?NA If yes, attach appropriate documentation. m. Does the proposed project include an innovative stormwater design? ?Yes ®No ?NA If yes, attach appropriate documentation. Form DCM MP-3 (Upland Development, 'age 2 of 2) m. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g., well, n. (i) Will water be impounded? ?Yes ®No ?NA community, public system, etc.) (ii) If yes, how many acres? N/A o. When was the lot(s) platted and recorded? N/A p. If proposed development is a subdivision, will additional utilities be installed for this upland development? ?Yes ?No ®NA Date Morehead City Boating Access Area Improvements Project Name Erik D. Christofferson Applicant Name Applicant Signature 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastaimanagement.net revised: 12126/06 Form DCM MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include ail supplemental information. 9. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. (i) Is the docking facility/marina: ?Commercial NPublic/Government ?Private/Community ?This section not applicable b. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ®Yes ?No c. (i) Dock(s) and/or pier(s) (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width (v) Floating ?Yes ?No e. (i) Are Platforms included? ?Yes NNo If yes: (ii) Number 4 (iii) Length 87', 87', 147', 100' (iv) Width 6.5', 6.5', 8'. 8' (v) Floating ®Yes ?No Note: Roofed areas are calculated from dripline dimensions. g. (i) Number of slips proposed N/A (ii) Number of slips existing N/A Check the proposed type of siting: ? Land cut and access channel ?Open water; dredging for basin and/or channel ?Open water; no dredging required ®Other; please describe: dredge for ramps, temporary dockage only k. Typical boat length: 19' m. (i) Will the facility have tie pilings? ?Yes ONo (ii) If yes number of tie pilings? d. (i) Are Finger Piers included? ?Yes ONo If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width (v) Floating ?Yes ?No f. (i) Are Boatlifts included? ?Yes NNo If yes: (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width h. Check all the types of services to be provided. ? Full service, including travel lift and/or rail, repair or maintenance service ? Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ? Dockage ("wet slips') only, number of slips: ? Dry storage; number of boats: ® Boat ramp(s); number of boat ramps: 4 ® Other, please describe: staging area j. Describe the typical boats to be served (e.g., open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, mixed types). mixed types 1. (i) Will the facility be open to the general public? ®Yes ?No 7r.,2-fir.. ?A 2. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA OPERATIONS ?This section not applicable a. Check each of the following sanitary facilities that will be included in the proposed project. ? Office Toilets ? Toilets for patrons; Number: ; Location: ? Showers ? Boatholding tank pumpout; Give type and location: b. Describe treatment type and disposal location for all sanitary wastewater. Bathroom facilities are located in the adjacent NCDOT rest area. This facility is connected to municipal sewer system. C. Describe the disposal of solid waste, fish offal and trash. Trash receptacles are located in the adjacent NCDOT rest area. d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats be controlled? Overboard discharge of sewage from boats will be strictly prohibited. e. (i) Give the location and number of "No Sewage Discharge" signs proposed. Because this is a boat ramp facility, and no permanent docking space is provided, no signs are proposed. (ii) Give the location and number of "Pumpout Available" signs proposed. There are no signs proposed. f. Describe the special design, if applicable, for containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, sandblasting waste and petroleum products. None. g. Where will residue from vessel maintenance be disposed of? Not applicable - no vessel maintenance area is proposed at this boat ramp facility. h. Give the number of channel markers and "No Wake" signs proposed. None. i. Give the location of fuel-handling facilities, and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. None. j. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-aboard dockage? No overnight and live-aboard dockage is permitted at this boat ramp facility. k. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing? None. 1. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, what types of services are currently provided? N/A m. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within a primary or secondary nursery area? ?Yes NNo !2, ;3 11"1 211?,06 Y n. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to any shellfish harvesting area? ?Yes ®No o. Is the marina/docking facility proposed within or adjacent to coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SIB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ?CW ?SAV ?SB ?WL ®None p. Is the proposed marina/docking facility located within or within close proximity to any shellfish leases? ?Yes ®No If yes, give the name and address of the leaseholder(s), and give the proximity to the lease. 3. BOATHOUSE (including covered lifts) ®This section not applicable a. (i) Is the boathouse structure(s): []Commercial ?Public/Government []Private/Community (ii) Number (iii) Length (iv) Width Note: Roofed areas are calculated from dripline dimensions. 4. GROIN (e.g., wood, sheetpi/e, etc. If a rock groin, use MP-2, Excavation and Fill.) ®This section not applicable a. (i) Number (ii) Length (iii) Width 5. BREAKWATER (e.g., wood, sheetpile, etc.) Wp.Je fteM< Vo, I)vCK. ?This section not applicable a. Length Floating Dock w/ Wave Attenuation is a "T" b. Average distance from NHW, NWL, or wetlands structure; Length north-south = 83 ft. Distance from NHW varies alonq "T" structure. Average Length east-west = 100 ft. distance taken to be approx. 103 ft. c. Maximum distance beyond NHW, NWL or wetlands 147 ft. 6. MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS ®This section not applicable a. Is the structure(s): []Commercial []Public/Government []Private/Community c• Distance to be placed beyond shoreline Note: This should be measured from marsh edge, if present. e. Are of the swing 7. GENERAL b. Number d. Description of buoy (color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) Form DCM MP-4 (Structures,, Pn9e 4 of 4) a. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent riparian property lines 230' (east), 23' (west) b. Proximity of structure(s) to adjacent docking facilities. 440' (east), 293' (west) Note: For buoy or mooring piling, use arc of swing including length of vessel. c. Width of water body 1.35 miles d. Water depth at waterward end of structure at NLW or NWL 6' NLW e. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project? ?Yes ®No ?NA (ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented. 8. OTHER ? This section not applicable a. Give complete description: Project involves construction of four (4) new concrete boat ramps. Installation of two (2) 6.5' wide floating docks, one (1) 8' wide floating dock, and one (1) 8' wide floating dock with wave attenuation. Expansion of the existing parking lot and reconfiguration of drive aisles. Installation of a stormwater collection system consisting of catch basins and piping, and a constructed wetland ?vtfkc?rfor stormwater treatment. Upon project completion, the site will continue to function as a public boating access facility. New boat launching areas and staging docks (w/ wave attenuation) will increase site capacity and provide protection from elements during vessel loading/unloading. Reconfigured drive aisles and parking areas will improve the public's use of the site. a I ?Slov Date Morehead City Boating Access Area Improvements Project Name Erik D. Christofferson Applicant Name?'r/ 1 % Applicant Signatures 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCQAST :: www.nccoastaimana_qement.net revised: 12/27/06 4ATING ACC SSA 1 ID# 060687101 CODE: 40609 ITEMS: S.G16 ASTORIA LANDING, JAMESVILLE, N CAROLINA BEACH, NC MOREHEAD CIl~, NC r CEDAR ISLAND, NC NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF EN!/IR~NMENT AND STATE OF NORT CA S C H E D U L E O F D R A V SHT. -TITLE A W I N G S N0. CO COVER SHEET C0.1 NOTES C1.0 ASTORIA LANDING: EXISTING SITE AND DEMOLITIO ~IOLITION PLAN t C1.1 SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ~N C1.2 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL, JTROL, AND STORMWATER PLAN C1.3 CONSTRUCTED WETLAND PLAf C1.4 .BOAT. LAUNCH PLAN AND DE C1.5 FISHING PIER PLAN AND DET C1.6 LANDSCAPE PLAN AND DETAI C2.0 CAROLINA BEACH: EXISTING SITE AND DEMOLITIO PLAN AND DETAILS ND DETAILS D DETAILS DETAILS VOLITION PLAN C2.1 SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN ~N C2.2 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL, JTROL, AND STORMWATER PLAN C2.3 DRAINAGE AREA PLAN C2.4 BOAT LAUNCH PLAN AND DE C2.5 FIXED DOCK DETAILS UD DETAILS C2.6 BULKHEAD DETAILS C2•7 PUBLIC FISHING PIER AND BU C2•8 DREDGE PLAN AND DETAILS ND BULKHEAD: REPAIR DETAILS CAI LS C2•9 LANDSCAPE PLAN AND DETAI C3.0 MOREHEAD CITY: EXISTING SITE AND DEMOUTIO C3.1 SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN DETAILS ASTORIA LANDING JAMESVILLE, NC VOLITION PLAN .N C3.2 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL, ITROL, AND STORMWATER PLAN ~ C3.3 DRAINAGE AREA PLAN C3.4 BOAT LAUNCH PLAN AND DE C3.5 DREDGE PLAN AND DETAILS ere J D DETAILS CEDAR iS?_ANO, Nc MOREHEAD CITY, NC AILS ~aa~a 1 n,<r C3.6 LANDSCAPE PLAN AND DETAI C4.0 CEDAR ISLAND: EXISTING SITE AND DEMOLITIO C4.1 SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN DETAILS ~ CAROLINA BEACH, NC a ~ IOLITION PLAN 1 ~ 20~~ ~ ~ ~ , 4 r~~u~~~~~c~,~~~~~r~o-: ~ 209 C4.2 DREDGE AND JETTY DETAILS TAILS ~ , C5.1 SITE AND UTILITY DETAILS . ~ C5.2 EROSION CONTROL AND STORMWATER DETAILS ~ ~ ~ s{' PERM~~ ~`R~~f~N~ N GS C5.3 NOT USED of R~ L ~ ~ ~ .~;n~ CONSULTING ENGINEERC - I C;5.4 NU I USED .1 7. ~77 9849 Peachtree Ave. Suite 102 N Q T F Q R S T U C T I Q N Wilmington, NC 28403 C5.5 [BOAT RAMP DETAILS 910 397.2929 Ph. Wilmington, NC 910.397:2971 Fax Raleigh, NC Website:www.cttengineering.com CTT JOB 5818 DATE: 01-15-09 . 3 4T H ST RE ~ ~ ET ~k 1,r F ' : tt ~ 60 R W t i ~ I I ~ BRIDES sr ~ I ~ RCp ~ 1 , ; ( I ~ ~ Sire ~ Arv U ! h. F, a 'i. ti o NORMAL HIGH WATER I sr ~ o p ' ~ f ~ ' ~ t N/F FALLS 1 NORMAL L01~ WATER N ~ x I' ~ ~ 1 ~ Bpi ~ w i I ~ ~..,r ~ \ DB.1214PG.415 > HIV , il~~tti ~ ~s `.;a f`"~ ~ ti_ ,CC G~ ~ ~ sI ~ r rn I e souuD ~ ~ ~ P~ ,Q. " / ~ N ~ i U ~ ~ / 1 I I SALTER PATH R6 Z ~ ~ 't ~ ~ '+,ti ~ ~ \ ~ AAA ~ • s ` ~ r` ~ ~ N/F KING x j I , I ~ NC WY 58 1 ~ . ~ A, 4, \ . ~0 t ~ ~ DB.367PG.280 e ~ ~ ~ ~ VICINITY MAP / J / ~ / J SCALE: N.T.S. I ~ ~ I J i 6 ~ , ~ , t ,,o \ E .f Q tt ~ PIPE ALIGNMENT TAKEN FROM • ~ 'sa ` ~ 4 ti ~ ; NCDOT PERMIT DRAWING ~ : ~ ~ • , l1 ~ _ APPRbX. RIPA171AN CORRIDOR LIIVE_ • • _ I _ . , a ° ~ ' i ,X 3 ~ I~~, w \ _ o-g o, ~ ,k ~ DATED 4 26 03 ' - ' o `p z 'o' N F GIWKIN x ~ ti COMPUTED PROPE~Y LINE t . x ~ ~ ~ ~.6~1160,PG.434 ? ~ \ `4 ~ i iPERTY LlNE~.„_.. -----f X,9"'""'__ y , J _ _ _ s y u f ~ o h'° a.`,,., ~ ~ g 1(i 15'`~ DII~ I - ti ' I„ 3 ~ ~ ~ m \NV O T 6.¢2` \ 6ti CE r • j, ~ p ~ ~w3- ~ n M n ~ _ FEN / . 1. ~ ~ y ~ ~ g , X *48 _ ~ ~ _ ~ ` 15 DIP ,,IN -5.99 ' ~ JOINT NHWI t f ~ \ Q z > v / ~'~~ti fF. ,'COASLAL WETLAND L~NE I ~ \ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ . s ! ~ _x _ DITCH ..,~6,~`• vv ~ 4'~~ti~ ~ 1 r V , ~ fF EXIST.°PRIVACY FENCE f • V I 1 ; °__6.. ,~a~__~ .t g° RCP >`~TiT Z:71 2 ~ ~ ~ o a ~ XM ~.x ~ •y"~ } ? ~ f INV n~ y.. ~ ...X.,...,,^-j,; ;tf TO REMAIN I C~TAL WETLAND LAVE I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ o r ~ ~ v . ~ E --n.. ~ ~g0 - ~.,~5° 1N I 3.1 ~4 RCP 1NV 1.95 INV 1.75 ~ rr _ ~ .~..;~,r-' J. f-3i.~~... ~ '`~t ~ NV 4.3~ t` t ~ "~•~ITCH~` l-~~...__ ~ ;..__.w: NOR AL HIGH $ ( i I JI i ~ ~ l ~ ~ v c M M (al • 1.. v ' # 10. ~ '`,,RIM EL. 7.48 r` j SSM`H " i ..GI.S° x--~' ~Gf~,'~ ..u 2°~°:::4~ _ ~ o° DIP 's RIM El. 6.98 Mt __}..~`...t,~ _ ° u ~ t!1 ~ Ir ° ° •ti,. WA R t' ` y • 's` ~ ` ~ ~ ~ i`• ~ L. 9.66 p SS RIM jE•L"~~:51" u d.._ . u ~ 3 • ~ ~ UTILITY Q 6 ;M- " ~ ~..._x~ ~~5, ~ \ BUILDING `10-°'PVC' IN I 3.52 €INV ~g,16 1 o ~ ° ~._w ~ , µ • • ~w ~ ~ ~ 15 DIP ,1t~V OUT,r~,6;20` h° h. ~ f1p ~ . X g ~ ~.y ° e wa '~A° PVC i V IN -5.7~ ~ ~ 1 ~ , t~f ~ PUMP `~i i g ~ 1...'`y°~` z5`~--.-I`xq~~ ado ~ `vr w ~ b"' wX RO GR~I~ ~ I ~ ( n ( t .o^ , 1.. 1 ~ •ri ~ 3t EXIST. h~ I ~ / ~C RETENTION I I~ I t 0 ~ ~t ° POND I , z` ~ I I • I t I ' y ~ ~ ~ / , ~ I I ( 1'~ ( w '~"rr~/ W ~ ~L W 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 'I ~ I ` i • 1 g ~ 1~. r' ~ ~ i ~9 `:S 0 / ~ PQQ ~ i x _"""Z'g11. Ud ~ 6 I if I I I • I , ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ "`'l ,~ONCRFTE~ 1NALI~ •h ':~,ti°, p' y ~ " U I I. (r` ~ , ;15. RCI~ ` ad INV 2.79 a r ZO ti F ~ I e ~ 4 INV .6.79 1 g ~ o : x j ; I !`t • ! ! 1 ~ FENCE ~ - ;1 y ° ` ~ ` 1 . ~ ` , . ( REMOVE EXIST. FI . ; y 1~,• ~ti RIM EL. 8.7 < ENE '7C ~ as . ~ ~ HOVE EXIST. FENCE \ -'s" ~°y ~ € I I ~ `1 1 f ~ a, "~t --x ..z a a ~ y .y ~ k ~ ~ ti . (P Q k.. f• y. e k P 4 x t e1 ~1y uy. t ~ t}w a ~ I ! { ( I ~ ~ ti ~ k~s' n m. 1h 1~' 1~'. ~ ' , Y. d`0 ~ o • ~ RELOCATE EXIST. x .,4, EX,,..., ' 6 . . . LIGHT POLE- x G'~ ~ ' ° x TEMPORARY DRED ~.a - s I l GE TEMPOR•ARYt~ • ' ~ GRAS ( ~ / r~ rDREDGE ~ 1 I ~ MATERIAL ARRl~A1~ °a ~ ( I ( ~ I ,RIM EL. 1~V5 , ~ ' ` \ ~ ' - \ h ~c ~ x , 1° ~ ~ ti STORAGE I t - - ~ ~'~X ~ o SF STORAGE. `s , ~ I ~ I ~ ~ Wy J 6 , < ,.Ca ~ 4, t~~ ' i k rf ° 1NV~ 1 15" RCP`'''" ,f PVC I '+NV 'x:10 ~ r I, • , t 4 7.87 ~ , N r d- a i s I `Y `12" RGP I '`INV. N ~ s • • ; ~ z , ~ I RIP-RAPS ~ 4\ ~ ~ ( C.I. 4 ~2 ~ ~ I REMOVE EXIST. \ . ~ ? . C.I. t ~ t~~, ti° RIM EL. 10.95 < C.1. , ~ ti` . ~ ~ ~1 EL 12.31 C° p6 ' , ~ I~ .`°EL. .86 t ~ l • l ~ ~ M Jl . CURB GUTTER ' a 't IN INV ~.24~a ~ ~ \ 1 ~ ` ~c w ~ OUT INV 4:84. ~y g° SDbWALK ~ '6 . ,r ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ I .l . •.I ' ' 0 'i. >E~ ~ y I I ` l t ~ < _ ~L. 12.06 ~ 'Y,' t t a:• Z I 4 CSC) Z ~ q y t SS ~ h l , ~a ` 1 •q ~---t• -^~---^^-tea' ~a ~ v~ y ~ 1-~ ~ ~ ` ~ r m ^.,7r. W „ _ - - a 1 W _ ZZ t t s 1 ~ 6~ l , ~ ~ ,iX • ~ < < l 6 P VIN . ' t ~ 0°' F ~ t, a 't x~ t t ~ 2' ' Q I o° ZZ cp ~ ; ~ tt ~ 0 yr ' ' • ~ • ~ W~ ( ~ REMOVE ALL PIUNGS~~ / Il 1 ASPHALT t ~ ~ ` 1 ~ ( ! . ° • • ~ a1 x~ W ~ REMO EXIST. WOODEN . ~ - - - - y 6 ~ , t, FIXED DOCKS.... ) J ' j-.. p aw oo `.$'~sG• Y I V'OU- 6.83 5 ~ ; ! ' • ~ 1 • : • ~ - - - - - ~ ~ 1~ EXIST.. SCOUR MOLE / r ~ ` _ 8 1 (n F`. ~ . Y. l 1 ` 1 , J 1 s Q' ' ' h ~ ;/1 l uB', REMOVE ~ ~x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1°~ I 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 1 • .q ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ t 1 f I • ~ 3. RELOCATE EXIST. h/ , . ~ EXIST. TREES x , k .,,1.,. ~ ~ r : ~ ' oR'' ' . • ' , - ,1k •LIGHT POLE t r z.. ~ • v ~ ~ v i ~ 1 l ~ I ~ • , ;..EXIST. I - .'r~.t~. ~ ~ ~ I `t1 \ a. 1 h ~ ~ t \ > . TO REMAIN ~ .f/ ' ~ ~ BOLLARDS ~ o~ ' ` ~ ~ - , ,~a ~ '~h . „a v,. • t!. 1 REMOVE I ~'r s _ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ f) I I ~ ~ I` EXIST. °'I ~ ( I ~ . . R ~ .1...., ~ ~ BULKHEAD ~ x~ r OC ~ 1 ~ ° EX T. MUD~IE~~ I 1 f 1 ~ ~ • y b I ,n I ' I I I ( I ~ 1 I I ~ i" ~ ~ ' ! ' N 3 ` REMOVE ~XIS,T. I I 1 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ti y I f,F ~ ~ i ~ ~ I CON . RA PS ~ I ~ . ti 5~ a~ a f t / i t h h° ASPHALT r f• ~ o i ~ ? jJ h : i ~ '`q E • • . ~4 fr,: 9~ x ~ rl I & A~UTME~TS ~ I ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ,~~-~h~~ ..mss ~ r'~ ~ ~ 1 X ty: h ~ f' 11.2 15" RCP ~ ltr ~ • ~ ~ i t - ' ' ....a2' i ~ I j 8 1 I ~ .~h~ ~.~t - ~E„"~ FENCE z ~ ; ` 1 ~ . iN 5x0 INV 6.10 1 FEN X"' t . i` s 1NV 7.35 1 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ APRROX. DI CTION OF 15 C„p~rM GROINr~j / 1 ~ 1 I I ( l ~ O REMOVE EXIST. q.3 s--~~,n;,~, ENGE ~ , . ' CURB & GU r„ GP v 1 ,:r ~ Y/ •F ~ d' r=1 (UNABLE TO LOCATE OUTLET" ~ APPROX. RIPARIk1N CORRIDOR. LIFE • • l f ` ~ I / C~ ~ f ~ TTER 15 R 1N y o~ -Is ~ tr,- 'I, GE Jj y. ~h' f' ~ i~ ~ ~s n,• ~ n ~ ` J .:c. , C1.. , \ li F. s` F~ t • ~ - _ . a ~ - - , ~ h' 4 i p ' OX.~ NCWRC PARt . RELOCATE EXIS• : LIGHT POLE _ - - : x.. x- r~ REMOVE EXIST. FENCE . pP APR _.F---.' - ~X.~'NCWRC PAi t~EL~ ~ARY?,S _ - ? ~ • ' ' ~ .I.._ . ~ . ~ . ~ f- U I I ~ I ~ 1 ,~o o . rte' `t ~ >G•- o _ ` • ~ r 1 h ~ ° ~ 2 ~ Xr--~ a • M i 5" RCP ~I;NC --13 - ~ 4 ~ • !NV 10.59 o _ - ` ~ 1'4 ,rY ~Q. ~ - , ~ ~ !NV 11.3s REMOV~,,EXIST. FENCE AS ~ 13" OAK ~ ' / - - - - "13•--- i p f ri REQ~D T0~ ON ~ FENCE 4~ , w \ / ~ - -12 - - ` \ ~ 1 ` X EXIST. ENCE x' ~ I r 1 • PROPOSED .~0 i ~6 TO REM IN I I ~ ~ l 1 ~ I I l ~ I ~ t3 I_-~I_- ' 2 i EX. MH 556 r ~ ` _ X EXIT. WOOD DECK I I I I I ~ \ \ I I ''9~ ~ _I U ~ U • 3 2 o FENCE 56 / ti U.N.C. ~ I I I I ~ - 28" OAK 6" eg x~ - °mm' 'C ~ ~ INSTITUTE OF MARE~IE SC{ENCE I 1 _ r r ~ ti U . i M ~ o HOLLY 6-. I N ~ EXIS . \ / I I I ~ ~ 8 e ~3 \ T DORM ~ , I I _ ~ ~ ~ ~ " 0 0 \s \ \ / ~ I EXIST. STORMWATER I I ~ e \ LARGE LARGE / I I Z I ' ~ OW~W ' ~ ~ ~ "7~ 0 9° OAK 10. I OAKS CEDARS \ \ ~ ~ I TREATMENT AREA I I z~ r. X I v, \ \ / I Q .11 ~ \ \ ~ I ~ ~ ~7 I it N ; ~ ~ I ~ II I I ~ I~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gWI~W w d I I y ~ O ~ U tY a! tY • I/ ~ v ~ 1 I I z ~ll'~ ~ r \ ~ ~ \ i I J f • ~I I~ I 1 ~ ~ l~r ~ ~ ~ NORMAt-~, J I I I II ~ I I I r,~/ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ U ~ • ~~f~/ OAKSo \ 12" OAK `,8S ~ \ ~ \S ~ ~ I b HIGH # I i `-NORMAL I I I I I / I ro WATER f~ I I LOW WATER ` f I I! I I sEA~ f ~~i ~ 24 OAK ~ \ \ ~ , - - ~ - \ ` ' I I I 1 ~ I ~ Mtn , ' w , A N • ~ 12 OAK 0 ~ I ~ l \ \ ~ \ ~ LEGEIVD ~ s , . 1 ~ 1 I k ~ s ~ \ 9. TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORME • ~ I 14" \ ~ ~ \s \ BY ROBERT H. GOSLEE & ASSOCIATE PE ORi~~IN~S EY PERFORMED o IRON PIPE (NEW DR ExrsnNG) , ' ES, PA. ® IRON ROD (NEW OR EXISTING) EASEMENT LINE , , , , dt fSw ~ COMROL MONUMENT CHAIN LINK FENCE LINE NflT FaR • I I I ~ ~ \s \ \ 2. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY \ ~ GAHAGAn ~ I / ~ \ \ IN JUNE 2007 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS AT T BY GAHAGAN Et BRYANT ASSOCIATES GRAPHIC SCALE ® NCGS GRID MONUMENT POST & ROPE FENCE LINE ~ r \ ~ 3. HORIZ I \ ONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLC ° P-K NAIL OR MAG NAIL SF SF- SILT FENCE IDITIONS AT THAT TIME. 30 0 15 30 CNST~`~1C~I.~JN I ~ I \ \ 4. VERTICAL DATU NA STATE .PLANE NAD83 ® OLD AXLE -x ~ _ FENCE TO BE REMOVED ® CURB INLET _ t ' ® R/W MONUMENT - - TO BE REMOVED , ~ 1 \ M NORTH AMERICA VERTICAL DAT f \ I ~ \ \ N \ ~ \ SF/COASTAL PROCESS DATUM CONVERSIONS VERTICAL DATUM 1988 (NAVD88) (IN FEET) ELECTRrcat eox - - 75' aEC LANE 1 ~ AND ENVIRONMENTAL NORMAL HIGH WATER +3.1' 1 inch = 30 ft. ® L1GNT OR UTILITY FOLE 30' CAMA BUFFER & QI TELEPHONE PEDESTAL 30' DWO REDEVELOPMENT BUFFER \ ~ BU HEALTH ( MLW} \ ~ ILDING 1.11ft } w WATER VALVE COASTAL WETLAND LINE... \ / ~ \ \ ~ NAVD 1988 ® STORM DRAIN MANHOLE INV INVERT ESIGNED BY: RAW J'/~.. \ \ ~ \ 1.02ft SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EL. ELEVATION DRAwN eY: H WL V ® TRANSFORMER BOX DWQ DEPARTMENT OF WATER QUALITY 3 \ \ NGVD 1929 cw cUY WtRe NLW NORMAL .LOW wArER auAUTY GoNTROG MTA ~ ~ ~ os5ft MH 555 ® SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT MLW MEAN LOW WATER SCALE: NOTED ® DROP INLET 5 EXISL cnurnrrR _ _ t AIAD11A4 i A11/ IIffTL'tf /n n1 nvmmFU- ww IInl[R kU'U MLYY1 WATER METER ® EXIST SPOT ELEVA77ON FILE NUMBER: 5818 5. FEMA FLOOD MAP INFORMATION: NORTH CAROLINA RTH CAROLINA FLOOD INSURANCE (D RELEASE vatvE DATE: 01-15-09 I RATE MAP: MAP PANEL No. 3720637600J 7600) ® SAG POLE 0 ~ RIP-RAP - CONCRETE EXISTING SITE AND 3 SPEED HUMP NEL DATE: JULY 16, 2007 t~ HANDICAPPED PARKING TEMPORARY DREDGE BY OWNER FLOOD ZONE: X, AE 9' MAP PANEL DATE: JL 6. NORMAL HIGH ( ) WATER LINE AND COASTAL WETLANI / BY DCM ON 12/16/08. - MATER1At STORAGE AREA DEMOLITION PLAN STAL WETLAND LINE CONFIRMED RIPARIAN CORRIDOR LINE - , NCWRC PARCEL BouNDARY PAVEMENT MCREHEAD CITY 7. OFFSI TE SURVEY INFORMATION FROM ADJOINING PI NORMAL HIGH WATER SHEET NUMBER: INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCEINCE TAKEN ADJOINING PROPERTY (U.N.C. - - NORMAL LOW WATER DOCK :N FROM MAPS PROVIDED BY I.M.S. - - - PROPERTY LINE FROM MAP d - ' - - NON-SURVEYED LINE COASTAL WETLAND %5 u OF , j I ~ ~ NORMAL HIGH WATER 1 Nt~RMAL L0~ WATER 1 „ M~~`'``-B~~ES~ ~ . ~ o ~ ~ ~ I ~ tiA ~ N/F FALLS , ~ DB.1214PG.415 z ,I ~ ~<v I ; o~ I i AG , '1 hP ~ / / \ I I ~ SITE v,~ m ` FQ F%'P N F KING A / • m 1 I / r ~ z w / / ~ z Rp ~ DB.367PG.280 ' A~ 1 ( RTY l i ~ o GP~'P l it ~ i ~ j ! $ocu~ SavNa ~ ~ ~ I l ~ ~ l J ~ Q ~ I I iyF Z\ / ~ j ~ ( SALTER PATH RD i ~ Q ~ I APPRUX. RIPARIAN CORRIDOR LINE I Nc Hwr 5s ! ~ , ~ I ~ . ~ . _ VICINITY MAP o ~ 1 ~ SCALE:. N.T.S, Z I i W (0 PUTED PROPEL n UNE_,,,,,_._. ~ N/F GILLIKIN COM----- J i / I ~ ~ ' DB,1160,PG.434 ' / I i I I ~ , o I ~ FENCE _I ~ JOINT NHW/ ~ ~ 1 1 COAST,AC WETLAND. L~NE I ~ ~ ~ l ~ > ) _ EXIST. PRIV ~--EXIST. PRIVACY FENCE ~ 1 I a C~TAL WETLAND LANE 1 ' I ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ l NORMAL HI NORMAL HIGH ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ / z ~ ~ ~ I .WATER WATER -,,~~vL:. ~ 1 ~ i I 7 ~ ~ ~ ua a~ ~s . ~ ~ EXIST. ROAD TO REMAIN ~C ~ ! ~ uTIUTY ~ FOR 2-WAY TRAFFlC i j BUILDING i . .w ~ w! .nr...xw..,rw / ~ / J I i ~ PUMP y y ROC GRt~IN I 1 I U I l ~ ai ~ E~~ v f TA110N . J 1 I ~ I J II ~~a~~0'. FF EXIST. I T tic #3 RETENTION O F F ~ 0 J ~ I I I r~ / II~ ~U~ ~ 2~, POND STORMWATER ~ TREATMENT r I a AREA Ua I J ~ ~ ` I I ~ / y ( I ~ I ~ ~I CONCRETE WALK ~ i iy Zm ~ y y I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - • EXIST. PAVEMENT x~ 1 ~ ` I~ - TO REMAIN o. a o +I . aal N ~ o o ~ y I 1 1y z I} I! . - GREEN SPACE a~ ~ - . . - V SPACE a~ W p I ~ I ~ ~ / / / I ~ / ASPHALT ASPHALT ~ •NE1N. RAVEMENT ~ - • 4- , II • ~ O i ® ~ I 1 I l l ~ I ~ ~I f ~ AREA I ( ~ I ~n ~ ~ ~ ~ .:f'. ' _ . ~ j % ~ U to y w 4 o I / F f ~ ~ V) p y? ~.m ..-w.._..~ ~1 r. ~ ~ y y m ~ I r I ~ ~ 1 ~ ( (I W w z I /"`I ~ , ~ ~ ~~.r~. ~ ~f ) Q y o o, I ~ / / 91 ~~11 ~,I \ I - ' ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ i ? f 7~ ~ ~ p I ~ GREEN ~ ~ ~ SPACE ~ ~ W W~ I ~ 50.2 lF RE. GE AREA l ~ / ~ J \ ~ ~ J/~' ~ 1 \ / l (J I X 5~:5 LF~,`~ N I, CAST ~ COP2C• CK ~ ~ 155 LF l 8'~ w p~~ ~.~_7~i 9 f ~ p ~ I I l r QI rn _ ASS ~ ER ~ ~ I (BY 0 ~ ~d 60~ ! ~ ~ 1 ~ { i r` i ~ ~ ~ v ~ it ~ ~ ~ I) ASPHALT w ~ , r r / I J z ' ASPHALT W w I E Y ~ f,~~` ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ . W ~ aD ~~cn 4A E-7 ` ~ - ~ ' 1 f ' ~ I F- ~ cn ~ ~ W ~ y o gY 0 ERA 1 ~ ~ ; ` ~t •f~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ Q ~ ~ Q. ~ 14 N cv Q ~ ~ y p ~ \ ~ 'p~OPrO9ED,~Df `f f ,'Ja ~ ,ti, ~ ~ ~ ~~8 J / U ~ ' ~ I ~ w I 9 ~ - o t ~ w o ~ REST AREA FACILITY . ; ~ O Q ~~AR ~ PR4N o ` ~ ~ 1r ` ,,Yj~ . ~ , r t`~+~~c~ a, I ~ ! I I / I ~ Q U w O J E.. ~ ® :16•' `1:~5 :12 ~ X5.43° - . 7 ~ t J~ E _ ~ ~ ;.a. ~ I ~ 1 ~ ~ I~ ~ ~F ~ ~ k,a aJ r ~ ~ O ~ I ~ _ ~ fA ~ Z I ~ I ~~I 1 I,~( ~ a ~ , ~ ~ I ~ i ~ C~ W ~ i f ~ F W ~ i ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I h ~ Ir ~ ~ ~ wz ~ ~ ~ o~ o i I ~ L~ ~ w ~ ~ e ~ i ~ ~ M~~. t s EXIST. TREES ~ ~ .TI WN' ~ AREA. w - ~ TO REMAIN ® . E-DO ~ I n j t ~L~ ~ ~ f r°ra~r`~Iriy~ ~ e1~ p / ~ W J o~ / ~ C'-W ~N~ J ~ ~ ..MAKE • READY r ~ ~ ^ 1 9 i x I u ' r' ~ d' I ~ ± Ir~'`g I; TI l~ s~ %IJf+Or r .'~f J tl i a" f{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ` ~ ~ ~r/^1 I~ 1 v t z ~ .1. ( `'a I .p 1~ ._a\ { ~ 1;~ 1T 1 i ~ ~ F(r~ O I / I yJ ~ n ~ - ~ ~ . ~ ~ : ~ e` , ~r ~ t r ; r. F r ,f .li 2 ~ I ~ W ~ O ~W~yy CO ~ 1 ~ I r' ~ .:fit, z I _ I o , r~ f~ r d ~ ~ I ww ~o ~ m~ I 'spry 4 ~ iF tf~F~ ~r 1 I ~ ~ U~>~{~(dy^~ SA UT XIS . C .w~ ~ i T gi, s rY ~ I `J S ~ ~tF ; ` U r ~1d ~r r p~' fd'; ~\r r~~ j ' \ I I / O ~ ~ ~L t- L.L LL 1l• ~ /`J M 1` t A^~h°^^ I .i ~ ~ ? I rjs 1 Y I~r :kV~f~f}~y~~'w~ 7 I I ~ w • ~ `'a,`'~~ ~ ~ ~"~"~T~ 1FLOATI~IG DOCK ~ I ~ r ~ END RAI D ~ /f ~ T. AVE NT 0 MAI CREED MULCH ~ - , . , , , I \ ~ WAVE (ATTENUATION I 1 ~ O ~ r ISLAND - ~ t . } . • EXIST. PAVEMENT- r ~ t. PAVEMENT l~ ~ ~ ~ n m II ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 8~ ' WIDE JFLOATING DOCK / I I ~ ' ~ ~ ~ / ELEVATED MULCH N ~ , - r 1 ASPHALT ~ , , , , , , , , , ` - TO REMAIN 2EMAlN ~ ExisT. FE41CE W" 1 ~ ~ ~ I W~ WAVE' ATTENUATION ~ I I .ROCK ( ` 1 I T(~ -8.~ NAND88 (-6.0' NLW) l / s r ~ SAW UT E IST. C&G & BEGIN NEW INSIDE CURBED ISLAND W ~ • - . , , , r , , , , , - . ..GREEN . SP~GE. ~ ~ ~ i -SEE SECTION A-A ~N EXIST. C&G , , . ° • C&G & RAISED- MULCH ISLAND . o I I 1 Pf~OP05 D DREDGE AREA ~ ! / ~ i ' ON DETAIL SHT. ~ - • . GROIN APPROX. RIP-AR-114N CORRIDOR LIE ~ SEE SWT. C><3.5 ~ / \ f I A BEGIN RAISED CONC. ISLAND NEW Cd~G.... - ~5 ~ • - • •cn - ~~~G pUNDARY BEGIN GUARD RAIL - ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ • ' ~ F~ WRC PARGEL_,__$,..,._ R ~ - . 6 5' ~ ~ID+6ROlIND-OUT ~ ~ ~ .N. ~ ~ ~ Y - PROPO ED CONC. ~ / ~ ;EL`NDA ~ 1 ~ BOAT AMPS I ,~FLOATIN'~ DOCK ,`,~o,~ I i ~ ,i ® B ' , . • • • .:END RAISED •GONC. ~ ~ - . , APPRO_ X. NC _ - SAWCUT EXIST. C&G .:..•~R,'• . . ~ . • ~ GATE o W m ~ I SEE ShVT. C3.4 ~ ~ I ~ `8.0' WID~ FLO~TING DOCK ' ~ ~ ~ Z ti ~ , (BY O1~NER) 1 l 1t • N . . ro g PROPO~ED CONC. ~ I ~ 1 a I P i ~ tl i ~ . 13" oAK GUARD RAIL ON • ~ ~ ExIST. FENCE RAISED CONC. - Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ABSEE'SHTC C3~4 J\ I ~ I~MI I I) I / ~ U • SEE SECTION B-B :P~ • BEGIN NEW ON DETAIL SHT. ~ EXIST. WOOD DECK 4.: ASPHALT N 0 4 ~ ~ (BY OWNER) 1\ \ 1 I i ~ ~9 ~ 1 I ~ In ~ ~ EXIS E U..C. o ~ l ! I 1 I 43 ~ O FENC INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE 28" OAK 0 EXIST. DORM ~ I i ( I~ I i ~ / i ` ~ ~ . I z o HOLLY 0 EXIST. STORMWATER 0 LARGE LARGE WNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE. TREATMENT AREA ° ~ I I I I ( l~ 1 1 / I I I ~ C~ w o 9" OAK OAKS CEDARS FOR MAINTAINING A VISUAL Q BUFFER BETWEEN NEW ACCESS NORMAL-'~ ~ I I I I ~ I I I I I i ~ O~ Cj 1 z ~ ROAD & EXIST. UNC-1MS DORM TORY HIGH ~ i `-NORMAk ~ I I I 4 ~ ~ I I I I( ~ z~ i- ~ a o Q ' WATER ~ I 7 LOW WATER I I I I I I f ( U~ O W~ w 12" OAK ~ OAKS o ~ I I I I I ; I I ~i ~ I I I 1~ Q~~~ o R~ I o U~~~ 24" OAK ~ ~c NAD83 N~s3 GENERAL NOTES. ~ ° v ~ 12" OAK o L E G E N D 0 k` FOR ENLARGED BOAT LAUNCH, GRAPHIC SCALE 4» ~ o PILES RJP-RAP 30 0 15 ~ EXIST. SPOT' EL. 0 SC 5LE 30 i. TOPOGRAPHY AND .BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED SEE SHT. C3.4 (SY OWNER) BY ROBERT H. GOSLEE & ASSOCIATES, PA. ' y ® PROPOSED SPOT EL 2 HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED. BY GAHAGAN NOTE: BOAT RAMP (INCLUDING CONC. APRON, ~s `i y y EXIST. GRASS ARE4 U, ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (IN FEET .FEET) & BRYANT ASSOCIATES IN JUNE 2007 AND CAST-IN-PLACE AND CAST-ON-SITE ~ NEW IAN AP R/W R/W- R1GNT--OF-WAY 1 inch = 30 ft. DSC E AREA i = 30 ft. REPRESENT CONDITIONS AT THAT TIME. CONC. 5LABS), FLOATING DOCKS P~R~~' Dkf NGS • , C&G CURB & GUTTER NSF/COASTAL PROCESS 3. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH. CAROLINA STATE PLANE NAD$3 (INCLUDING ABUTMENTS), AND ~ SCOUR APRONS BY OWNER: " ~ € AND ENVIRONMENTAL - NEW PAVEMENT' FC/FC FACE OF CURB TO FACE OF CURB EXISTING TRAILER PA HEALTH FILER PARKING 4. VERTICAL, DATUM: NORTH AMERICA VERTICAL DATUM 1988 (NAVDB$) NT FOR BUILDING DWQ DEPARTMENT OF WATER OUALITI' VISUAL BUFFER AREA TRAILER DATUM CONVERSIONS ~ S 31 NORMAL HIGH WATER (+3.1' MLW) ~5~~~~ NLW NORMAL LOW WATER ACCESSIBLE TRAILER 2 ARENDELL STREET P~ MLW MFJ1N LOW WATER G DREDGE AREA TOTAL TRAILER 33 1.11ft - NAVD 1988 ~ C -0 a c IXISTTNG FENCE CAR - TA2ft CONCRETE NORMAL F11GH WATER LINE - t t' NAVD88 ACCESSIBLE CAR _ NGVD 1929 ~ ~ ACCESSIBLE VAN FLOA77NG DOCK _ - - - NORMAL LOW WATER LINE TOTAL CAR - O.95ft E57GNED BY: RAW (-7.9T NAVD88) FLOATING DOCK W/ 30' CAMA BUFFER & 30' O~RMAL Low WATER (0.0' MlW) ROGUE SOUND DRAwN eY: HWL DWQ WAVE ATTENUATION REDEVELOPMENT U R 5. OFFSITE SURVEY INFORMATION FROM ADJOINING PROPERTY UCACE SETB_A,CK ~uAUTYCONTROL: MTA/JRT SPEED HUMP B ~ PROPOSED TRAILER P. RAMP CONCRETE VEE 75' AEC LINE AILER PARKING (U.N.C. -INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCEINCE).TAKEN FROM MAPS jNTR CACA OASTAL WATERWAY scALE: NOTED (BY OWNER) rROWELED FINisH TRAILER 5 EXIST. CONTOUR errccciQi c •raeu ca 39 PROVIDED BY U.N.C. l.M.S. E2667007.66 E2677633.37 ~ a; AIf1RAAAl WIC41 IhIATGR I IAIF AAli1 C(1dCTA1 YAIFTI AAIP1 I IAIG (`(lA1CiAAAC11 A1~R11~61 aeennan ne FILE NUMBER: 5818. coasrAL W£Tl.AND • • RIPARIAN coRRrooR LINE TOTAL TRAILER G v. . rn~ w.r vrnu. un~ nnv vvnv.rr. rv..a.n..v urv~ vvnnmdv wvvtaa.i ?Vl70Vy?G:LO 41 BY DCM ON 12/16/08. NOTE: THE US ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS DOES DATE: 01 NCWRC PARCEL BOUNDARY CAR PARKING IN OVERFLOW AREA A COASTAL WETLAND LINE (EXIST. U.N.C. I.M.S. PARKING) MEN ;FLOW AREA APPROX. 37 NOT CLAIM ANY RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SITE IMPROVEMENT ARKING) ATLANTIC INTERCOASTAL WATERWAY AT PLAN CAR THIS LOCATION MOREHEAD CITY ACCESSIBLE CAR ACCESSIBLE VAN SETBACK REFERENCE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: TOTAL CAR A APPROX. 37 SCALE: 1 = 1000-0 x OF N eye. t f \ rf ~ NORMAL HIGH WATER ' l NORMAL LOI~ WATER ~ „ ~ ~ e~- R-.!DC~s`T f ~ I~. i t ,1 F3 k t N F FALLS ~ p7 M . t f ` D6.1214PG.415 , ~ , ' i { ~ ° 1, ~ T ? ~ ` \ 1~' [j V • f / ~ I 1hP ~ ~ t I N ~ srAN m s si ;I t \ ,l .A N/F KING . t,~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~''Q~o ~ D8.367PG.280 ' P / i i ~ l l / z~ p o CP~t~.• ~ / ~ ~ 1 eocue sourvD ti ~ > ~ / / ~ ~ / ' / e ~ r . ti+: \ L ~ PIPE ALIGNMENT TAKEN fROM I f ( I I/ NC HEW'(P5 TH RD ;t,,~~, A•. ~ .1 ~r,,.'N;,,~ ~ `R oti i : ~'"~w Q NCDOT P RMIT DRAWING xti ~ ~ 1 APPRbX. RIPARIAN CORRIDOR LINE j '6~ f t , ~'',4x:~ t ` DATED 4 26/03 I ~ ~ VICINITY MAP o ~g x h j ~ 1 _ ir-- . lI.....~ I SCALE: N.T.S. z x ~ i 1, ~ ~ X ? 1 k , ti ~ ~ ^ \ - ^o' ~ t~~ 4 f ERTY LINEM_____ X ' } i4 x, ~ c~ ^o. 1(i N/F GILLIKIN x i ~ t- ti COMPUTED PRO~^„_,- t k - ~I I t t , ~ ~X~" `g~,,~ ~ ~ ` ~ -E!B 1160,PG.434 4 ~ s'-~ i `4 `j _ X ~ ~ ~ ` S ``r X ~ ~.:'`r ~ ..a.1 Co 15' DfP', IN V 0 T -6. ~ ti ti ..^""------.._..X ~ : ~ - ~ fi~ .1~-~~ . -~T s'ENCE RO ;ERC PR t ~ ~ I I I ( I j Q 0 . FROI~STORMWATER JOINT NHW/ ~ I 1 ° t a fi w~~ ~ o ' = ` ~ _ ~-~x~X -LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE DISCHARGE t TM•~~. r_ ~ ~ x 3.4 - S 15 DIP 1N -5.99 R- ~a .CHARGE SURFACE WATERS ,COASTAL WETLAND. I.~NE I J \ ~ I ~ ~ > ~ I I ~ ± ~ b~ ~ ~~-~~~4~"==~._ i ~ (UPLAND) EXIST.'PRI' b ; 3 , ~ X DITCH ~-.~~.;~,ti e~ ~c>~~..,~ ~ of tr ^ _ --EXIST~'PRIVACY FENCE S`` C ~TAL.WETLAND LINE f 1 ~ ` ~ 1 0 ~ I i ! ^~t :y~w__ ^•;~''7 1g„ ..-.1~="~J `fir 'r'" i / i 0''"~~' ,V, kry -ham ..a'-7 1 ~ s ~_6•__-_,~_ ~ o RCP X71 i : ~ _ ~ - ~ ^ ,=,t, ! 1 ~ t'24'i` Ott INV 3.1 ~ ~ _ -~s:. F . t . ~ ~ 1~t w_ ~ 15" IN IN ~ RcP INV 1.~5 INV 1.75 ~ d ? • ~ ~ r~,. ,~~b~ NORMAL N ~ .3~ f F~ 1 t i~=--o_ ~ . 1 ;I~ -~5 ~ ~ WATER NORMAL NIGH I I I ~ t ~ ~ 4 / z w SSMH t ~x~.. 1 r ~ z' ; t ^o. e '~tiRIM EL 7.48 ~f 1~5 DlPi RIM t. 6.98"C'1-~ C~3r i WATER ~ \ ~ 1 ~ ~ z w ~ gar = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ L 9.66 RIM''°ffL. S.~T ~ ~ UTILITY i INV SS ~ < ; ° ~ ` ,~Ce ~ ; """10~,`PV IN f 3.52 6.16 k., TOP-°3:5'W L. ."i • f~ t I BUILDING ~~"'y~'~ ~ ~ 15 DIR,INVP OUT,~E3~0' t -•r.~ ^ ~ iM, k 1. ~ t vSId~JO n t~ INV i.0 ^'y ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 0; ~:0 PVC I V IN -5.7 ; c~'' ' 3~--...t » " u~Co~ . •"'ep`a:.g; y~ ~,c W~.,"~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"J I ~ ~ ~1 \ I ~ y O h. ,y ~y r a `5 , ^ ..4„ . ~ PUMP ~ € ~ .y a• .t ~ ~ ~ .a o f ~ 2 3 ' EXIST. ~ ; x ~ ROC GR91N ( 1 ~ I ~ I I / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~1 ~ ~ i ~ I f I Il ~oaE~vi" ~ ^o. ~ I . a ~k t X ~•~'°•w:''~ ,n ~~C #1 RETENTION , . • q t ^ 2 e ° - POND 10 ~ FES 1''~ ONSTRUCTED ;ONSTRUCTED 1 ~ RCS' ' R, 3 ~ ; ~ I I I r / I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t S 4; t _ A"' CF \ ~ „ . INV. 1.0' r WETLAND FOR UETLAND FOR ° OP 5 I / ~ ' i ~ _ f I ~ ~ E • Y ° w ~4 ~ \ R , ~ STORMWATER . ^ s 1, t a ~ ~ t;~ o . ~ t4, ,~0 ~w~, y9 ! TREATMENT >TORMWATER „,~OU'fiVET " "~,~IINV 1~0 ~ i M 'REATMENT STRUCTURE f ; ; J / ( I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f \ w IN1~. 1.Q ~ ~ ~ I ~ \ ~ ~ ~ I v I 1 / y 5 1' ,lt ; ; ' e. ~-.®-=p'~.,.w.~,..,.."._ ~<..'irr j ^ ' ~'w. ~'`.mm ~„~..a.? ^0 l C ' ~ap8 q 0' $~t~; h ~ ~,,CQNCRETE WALK 6 ~;I •h ^ti ^^ti r~I 'V 2.79 t5 2. xo ~ r15 RCP • ~ ~ t EXIST. PAVE ENT TO REMAIN . ; m h ~ x x' x x y ( ~ ~ ~ ~ O • 1 ` , INV .6.79 ,6 • ' ~ ' • . • ~ - - .~tt END C&G o 12 ' o ' ~ m • ~ ^ ^ o ~ TOP 4.fi ^ o' ~ ~ ~ . ~ NEW';~AV~MENT: ~ ~ INV 1.33; as I ~ "r~ • s h y \ 1 1 1 ~I, ti ~i l Z i - ~ ~ TOP 5.8 ';GREEN SPACE • ' o , ~ ASPHALT`°• ~ . • . 9.Ct ?C • , . 6. P EP ' • ~k. . ^ AsPHA~T ~ ~ ~ ~ TIE,: TQ'` . , .-,:.RIDGE E i INV 1.24 ~ . ~ ~ZEMPORARY CONSTRUG~FION ENTRANCE ,EXIST.. • ';.LINE. • ..o ` ` ~ ~ , + ~ . ••9`3~•TC'~CI ~ e ~ n ti oo 8.8 • BC: T4P ~7~ + . ~`Rr; 't + 4.2 EP ~ ~ ~ `b ~ INV• 4:5,. . .(~~+~i.;.. EP ~ ~ ~ CONSTRUG~TED WETLAND ~ ~ f ~ I ~ r ~ Q I I E XIST.,~ I TO BE USED AS SEDIMENT ~ I ~ J r~ I ~ ~ ' ' `GRASS ~ BASIN D~WRING CONSTRUCTlON1 I I ` ~ I I ~ F® l ,~h AREA ~ ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ i 5' f - x ~ ;Y .0• B • ,RCP. - - ~ ~ '~PIV;~.}+1.~~'.'.. ,i ,~,r• z I f ~ ( I \~1~ I f ~ 1 4 ^ti' ^ti. 1. • o 'ti , _ EP • R1M EL 1.2.;V5 w \ i , . z; • - . 5. 's 1 ~ 4.3 EP •r ~ I m ` ~h ~ „ s I 1 I ~ ~ I I I ~ i I f 1~V I I V ! ,v. I ' ~,.~..'-c'-... y, ~ i + ~ IN • t t ; INV ~,~~4 ~ PVO I ~NV `3'10 f i - -W', ` N-.' , •`:,t ~ ;4~'~.' ~t~, ~ ~ TEMP.ORARY SILT FENCE/~~ 1 A~,,,~~ 1~' ~ I, 1 r ~ `e I ~4, bTN~v 7.87 ^ I 15" RcP~ E ~ W SOLID TOP , GREEN ~ES6=f~D~`DC ' 12" RAP I' INV 4; .2 ~ A ~ ~ ` t . 1` 1 ~ ~ l~ A 1 I i ! f C.I. ~ •2- .t. 0 ,d ~ C.I. ~ ^ti' ~ `RIM ~L. 1o.s5 ~ I C.I. 1 ~ SPACE - a' - ~ . !OR PRIOR APPROVED ( , ~ o? ; ~ f RIM EL.~~.86 ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ . ~ ~ o i { ~4M EL. 12,31 I 5 I ~ ~ r ti t~-. a , t 1 IN INV x.24 ~ ~ p . • ..6 t}nl Inter Garr unT DIPPED. Y DIPPED. ~ ~w ~ I I 1 ~ ~ Ir / / / N ~ c, o? -o v t ~ OUT INV 4:`84, ~ - , o a.,~ , O . G LVANI " a ~ . < ~ ~ x ~ ' ~ CO: A ZED FRAM ? t ~ < ~ , 1 ~ S biH, ; + ,>a, NVER E~X • ~ ~ . , ! ~ ~ f ~ ` R i - :CI T0. ' 4•• & • OP REO D. ~ .4 • Y`4 x~~ ~ I I LUPLAND DISTURBANCE / i v - L 2.06 X ' ' ~ t ' • r ' 1-• ' t s. t Z F~ t' ~ SS ! a U• s d W w / f " zz Y b r' t •m~~ - ~ ASPHALT a ~ I w ~ ~ I ~ i ~ I ~ ASPHALT ~ ~ . 4 p I ~ ~ ~ 1 1 l 1 eF 00 Z~ l9 (0 s i ~ ~ tit ~ ® t: - ._•:•I• i:•.• 5. ~ 'i ,5. L .R z 1 T A f' d 9 ~ 1 a° ~ ~l > s` r~ S ~ ~ W Q I 1 I I ,,,.f. I r""'~`' , sF , s~ t'f~ d` nI 7 ~ 1 I © Q Q ; ' << p t Y. & C~ AY,A#~IV >ffV .87 ~ 4 :k;. 7 ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ t CLAY I V OU 6,83; <1 aX~ sr~• . : o Q I LIMIT 01 DISTURBANCE ~ e'• ~ ~ , i ' + t _t ~ I VJ - ! x ® ~ UPLAND o ' . 0' . n . s• ~'S ' Cn' ° ~^k~ ~ REST AREA FAC{UTY ,n, t, ~ ~ o~ O ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ . ...,I ~ M~ ~ ! t . 1. . , { t. ~ lam t ~ I d J'~1 f ( J l IZ ~ 1 / I I p (n r / I W ' ~ tt r~ ~ ~ 1 ~I ~ , 1,\ ~ ~ , d~ L~ ~ ~ ~ r',~ l x l ~ ~ I ~ 1 I ~ _ ~ ~ N C3~ ~ 1 ( { ~~p(F J ~y`, y I ~ I,7 6: 1 ,~'XI~ ft~~l3"Tf l '~':1 + ~ ~ I I ~ \ LL e~ V I I'~ ~ ~ 3 r r ' ~ ¢ ~ k .o. ~ TRENCH. D ~ k f t ~ ~ ~'z. ~ 1 RAIN, 4~ GRATED GRATED I r I I° ` , > ~ ;~j, G , ~ j-~4 <~4 W, , ~ r ~r s',~ l (l w ~V N ~ _ i i I ^ ~ ~~h-•r ' ~ - OR PRIOR APPRO D E UNA -HD-GDC ~ I .g~ 1 ~ , , I 1 .4.1 f`~~t~:,;~~, r } 1 ~w. /i I I ' ` \ Q p w ~ ~ ~ ' .-~r ~ 3 ~ ;t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q LENT. ~ kti; x~- EXIST. TREES. . i-• •ao .HOT DIPPED VANIZ • D EQUNALENT. ~ • ~ ~ F ~ f 1 r° ~ 1 \ / / / ~ C I\ ~ Ir , ; ' ~ " TO REMAIN t ~ ~ F r , 5 - ! a I I ~ t . N:. ~ • - • . ~ . . , RAME & GRATE RE~t'D. . .~1~iDD • ~r r/1t. ~ y ~ r d yi ,,a1 ~ r' I ~ } 1.1.. LsJ ~ ~t 1 1 , a r i i i ~ d t , yr~ t' ~ ; ~ r ~ ~ ul fl ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ I 1 jd~a y~ i f ~ ~ . " 3 I. ~ 1 ~ ~ ,Y f~d ~ 3' r ti 3 i F d '~dr ~ I ~ w- ..I~ C 1 l p I ~7 . l f e r I ^ ^ ~ fix' ~ I~ ..~_~~..-.p ...i'' ICI 3 ~ ~ erg ~ ~ ~ N ~ \ r r , I H- ~J{ e I _ I ^ f ti' -rC.9.. p 4 I ~ X ~o ^ti. ^ 4 ` ~ 6 ° _ x . k..:: ~ • ~ INV., 2.55 t ~..__~.:t~,_ ~ ,ti ~ ~ N. ~1NV. 2.80 s s ~ \.A ~ ~ f` J~~ ,,I~ ~ ~ . ~ 1`~j ~1 I l/ Z ''rn ~ o W cn I f'f ; ~ k X.6 C , X '6•f .'as. Q.I •,4 . l • ^ X11.1 C x ..TOR.a7.0; • . • ~ 4: i` 1 .axt:. i- !hr F . ~JN~.• 4.8 :.:EP ~ 5.5 EP ~ ~ ~ EX T: AVE NT 0 MAI ~ '+'i' e r . EP ~ ~ ~ 1 ~b ! ~ ~ I~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ d !I d' ~d ~ ~ ~j ~ / ~ I l ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1.1~ LJ~ ~ ~ i 'j '~.S n. ~lr ~ "dr t Ja rd -'rf e'~ ~d ~~'~f~ F~•~.:~„'F'~ ~ I / j~ ~ xj t EX{S+T. CI -i •~Q~~j ~ x ~•g5 MCP' +,fi+' , .5,=~=';r:3.=~. TEMPORARY SILT P(~RARY SILT FENCE Q f~'"~ 9~ y ~ ~ I \ t ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ • / ~ ~-OAT1~G DOCK I I I\ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ WAVE (ATTENUATION I 1 ~ ;j r • ~ ,f . IST. C I TO ,REMAIN ~ it , -y t ~ . • . ~ - ~ • ~.•m'~~.w,. y~ h• ASPHALT , TO REMAIN T0~ 111.2 .~e~:'+ • . - . ~ - . X~. LiMiT' OF DISTURB, C OF DISTURBANCE ~'x ~ m ~ ~ -x4 I 1 I I 81 , WIDE ~FLOAXING DOCK ( I I ~ ' ~ , TOP 11.2.7 .r tOD ® t12 i 'R.GP • GREEN .SPACE.: ~ . • •t x .AN~) .x~~ ~ t x x~sT, FENCE " r \ ~ I W/~ WAV~ ATTENUATION ~ ~ 1 1 1 I sr~ ~ 15" R ,p • bti 1 f ^6. TIE TO EXIST. r. „r, r s• r 1~~ . . . • ~ ~ r f PE~OPOS~D Dft;EDGE AREA \ ~ ~ ~ P o• . • ~ ` .:,END. `RAISED , • ' • • ; t ~ . r O F AP ROX. INRECTION OF 15 RC,P.-~- 'C,ROOIN ~i I ~ I T~ -8.0 NAN[}88 (6.0' NLW) ~ /r ~ • r ;r 14.9 . ; • COPtC.. • - x. ~ g r~ t (UNABLE TO LOCATE OUTIE~~" ~ SEE SHT. 3.5 / r \ ~ APPROX. RIPARIAN CORRIDOR LIE ~ BEGIN NEW ASPHALT ^ • . + ~ RY ~ ^ r • .~~1~~-• ~ ^ .0 ~ ` F~ p WRC PARCEL gOUNDA , ;El BOUNDARY ~t, r'~----~'-' ` ; ~ ~PROPO ED CON... - ~ 5' • ~IDtGROI)ND- UT ' ~ 'N' - • ^ 1'` - ' • ~ ~ .s x TOP 1~i x • - ~ . GATE • P APP _ _ r ~ ~ i ° I BOAT AMPS -I I ~FLOATtN~ DOC14 ~_~o'~ ~ ; i , r ~ x~r,' W m .v,~r ~ ( J SEE SHIT. C3.4 1 ~ I ~ `8.0' WID~ FLO~,TING DOCK i I ~ f ~ d - , (BY OWNER) ~ l l l i z ' fib. 6 „ RCP ~ . i " -`_-~w - I FENCE _ 13 - - ~ r~ . 1 IM 15 , .4 EX • • ~ . 9 •:11VV 1•fl.~9 . 13° OAK \ ~ / ~^1 _ - ° _ 13 : ~ j ~ 1NV 11,3 ENCE`',.~ ~ ti / -12 Q I ABUTM~NT (T1P.) I ~ i ~ ` 11 1 I ~ XIST E ~ \ . ~ a : ~ EXIST. E . ~ x^ X I ~ e ~ I+J ~ I -SEE `SHT. C3~4 ( I I~~I I ` 1 / ~ U • ,°"4 CONVERT \ ` I 11 , • ~ s , 6 I ~ W r I (BY OWNER) 1 ~ ~ I I ~ _9 ~ ~ I \ • ' z ~~.-w-~' EX. MH 556 TOP 14.3. _ ~ x ExI,ST. wOOD DECK i I Ex1sT ,15.6 ~ ~ ~ ` u.N.c. ~ I • a o NCE CEP • h' / I II 3 ~ ^o. FEE-'--~'"` ~ ` ~ 3. 15.6 ~ x^ ~ \INSTITUTE OF MARN~E SCIENCE I I . ~ - ~ 28" OAK 0" \ / I I ( ` o HOLLY 5, IEP \x EXIST. DORM ~ I z~~ 1s r' o s \ r I I ! I M I` ~ I I 11 ~ I J I~ ~ i I } O i ( / ~ ` _ _ ~ ~ T o \s \ / I EXIST. STORMWATER 1 ~ ~ 6 \ LARGE LARGE \ WNER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE \ } / / I I TREATMENT AREA I I 3 ~i J I I ( ( I (f ~ I ~ W ~ ° I;~ ao 9" OAK ^6. I I \OAKS CEDARS FOR MAINTAINING A VISUAL ~ ( / i I } zl ~1 x ~ t i o ~ I I I I f Q ~ \ ~ ~ .~1~ ~ ~ I ~ I \ BUFFER BETWEEN NEW ACCESS ~ l / i I ~ I II I I Ji ( ~ I I ~ • NORMAL if ~ Jf ~ I I I I I ~ \ r I I I I (3 U U - I 1 11 I \ w ~ I f I i a 1111 ~ r 1 ROAD & EXIST. UNC-IMS DORM TORY ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ai Ill / \ ~ ~i \ I I I HIGH ~ I NORMAL I I ~ ~ ~ I • r? . ~ 12" OAK ~~8 ~ \ ~ \xs ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1111 / OAKS o\ \S ~ ~ S ~ \ I I WATER ~ f~ I LOW WATER ~ I I I I ~ fl L I p W w w I I ~ I II I I r~ ~ f [ L ~ w w ~~1 24° OAK ~ ~ \ - - - t ~ ~ \ ~ • ' I 12' OAK o ~ ` ~ \ \ \ I~ I i I I I C I ~ ( I I I O U®~© . ~ ~ ' ~ p k l \ ~ \j6 \ \ •3 ~ 4r NADB3 LEGEND ~ ~~U~ \ •s ` ~ \ o o E - 1 , I 1 ~ \ \ \ xisrttvc FENCE FENCE W I \ \ \ --a 0 PROPOSED SILT FENCE I 1 1 ~ GRAPHIC SCALE fD SILT FENCE ~ ~ ~ EXIST. SPOT EL. ~ ~ ~ I f '"''~p~ ~`~h I °I hvll~ " ~ II SEAL. ( \ 30 0 15 30 ® liktiT OF DISTURBANCE 1 1 I 7~ \ 5 EXIST. CONTOUR DISTURBANCE + 4.3 0 PROPOSED SPOT EL. STREET ~ I J ~ ~ l f~ I~ N1\ht I ~~II I J~ ~ l~ I ti X111 I ~ ~I~/I~~~~ ~NTOUR SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ~ Z I ~ I ~ \ ~ \ I \ \ \ 5 PROPOSED CONTOUR Q ~ I ~ IIi ~ ~,iJ I PER fi DR~VIi~~S v coNrouR DI3 ® aROP rNLET ~j ~ iI ~`"~bIjl~l ~I Il II rll~ ` ~ ~ti I I NSF/COASTAL PROCESS IN FEET \ x \ ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION ENTRA NCE CTION ENTRANCE STONE ~ TEMPORARY MILL7 PROTECFlON M~ ~ ~ , a I II II V , I 1 AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 1 inch = 30 ft. \ / BUILDING o ~,~°-t; . ~ ---1f ~ - ~ ~ t~ rf;~ \ \ I ~ R1P-RAP NLW NORMAL LOW WATER I~ ° ~ P~~ m~ ~ h ~ 1 ~ ~ l•'`~ ~/~II I ~~J ~QT ~Q~ ~ \ I L TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED ~ MLW MEAN. LOW WATER ~ ` ~ ti ~ a / I v U~E II ~ ~ ~ I X14 It I , C 5TR TON \ ~ I \ BY ROBERT H. W Extsr. GRASS ARE4 GOSLEE & ASSOCIATES, PA. W W 3 \ ?ASS AREA FE F1N1SH ELEVATION ~ ~ - r ~ I ) I o~ ~~1~,~ ~ I(J I TC roP OF cuRB ~ I 1 { ;~,~`~~IIfS°~. I~ II/ ~,~~I \ ~ 2. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY GAHAGAN & BRYANT ASSOCIATES ~ ~ IN JUNE 2007 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS AT T NEw LANDSCAPE AREA DSCAPE AREA BC BOTTOM OF CURB ~ 1t ` : ~`I \ a I ~ I I MH 555 NAT TIME. ~ 3. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA T H.P. HIGH POINT D (i ~p~ .a-~, f "7 f~~~ I I~U 1 S ATE PLANE NAD83 NEw PAVEM NT } 4. VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICA .VERTICAL DATUM 1988 NAVD88 E { } EMENT INV. INVERT W ~ ij it -J 1(~1~ ! I I11 ' ~ ~,~T.~~ ~ ~ y ~~JJ{~~ ~ ~ I~ JI I ~ oESic~EO sY: RAW~MTA ~1,~` J RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE. PIPE ~ f ~ ~ ~ 1 I(~r ~ IJI ~ ~ o DRAWN BY: HWL DATUM CONVERSIONS utsuAL BUFFER AREA 3 ~ SPEED HUMP OFFER AREA FES FLARED END SECTION f , ~ ~ I NORMAL HIGH WATER (+3.1 MLWj p- ~ (BY OWNER) DREDGE AREA 1 1. 1 ft ,l.J 4REA DWQ DEPARTMENT OF WATER OUAUTY o JI ,1 ~ ~ ~~jtj~ ~ ~ I~~I I ~ QUALtTY coN~oL: MTA t ~ NAVO 1988 rnruraGrc NORMAL liiGN WATER LINE ~~I ~I ~I ~ (fI l~S~~1 r'111("~`J( SCALE: NOTED ~ ~t. t t ~ NAVDSS) I ~ 1 I i i i , ~ . ~ ~I I ! FlLF NU~IRFR• FR1 S2 1.02ft .1 NORMAL LOW WATER LINE ~ G DOCK DOCK (-9.97 NAVD88) DATC. 12-11-08 I l? I 1 I 0.95ft NGVD 1929 FLOA77N 30' CAMA BUFFER & 30' DWQ J I 1 11~ GRADING, EROSION NORMAL LOW WATER (0.0' MLW) FLOATING DOCK W/ WADE DOCK W/ WAVE ATTENUATION REDEVELOPMENT BUFFER (I`11 I 1111 /"I//,/ II C CONTROL, & STORMWATER 5. OFFSITE SURVEY INFORMATION FROM ADJOINING PROPERTY U.N.C. - 75' AEC LINE llll n 1111, rMOREHEAD CITY INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCEINCE) TAKEN FROM MAPS PROVIDED BY I.M.S. RAMP CONCRETE VEE TROP NCRETE VEE TROWELED FINISH - - NCWRC PARCEL BOUNDARY „ _ N~AD8s SHEET NUMBER: 6. NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE AND COASTAL WETLAND LINE CONFIRMED s COASTAL WETLAND BY DCM ON 12/16/08. - -RIP WETLAND ARIAN CORRIDOR LINE ADJACENT DOCK LOCATIONS COASTAL WETLAND LINE ¦ SCALE: 1 = 200 OF • v ~ i ~ ~ I ~ ~ l 1 ~f I .-~J / BOAT RAMP NOTES ~ ~ i I ~ / ~ o ~ ° 1. TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED Vi f r ti 2 i I G7 ' o in o 8Y ROBERT H. GOSLEE & ASSOCIATES, PA. _ ~ ~ ~Yf ~ I ° w 2. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY GAHAGAN h Xj ' I I ~ ~ , ~ v :57.5 L~` w~, , 50.2 LF I ~ ~ ~ , 91 I I ~ RY T & B AN ASSOCIATES IN ° JUNE 200 AND P RE RESENT _ ~ APPROX. NLW o ~ 2 CAS -1N-PL ~ CST-ON-SITE ~ ) L ~ ( 1 i NC. BOAT AM f I / ~ ~ I - - ° ~ ~ CONDITIONS AT THAT TIME. z (-1.97 NAVD88} - o ~ CONGA BOAT RAMP ~ ~ I o \ BY OWNER t- ~ ~ ' ~ ( ) ~ E ( $Y OWNER ~ i L~ l ° 3. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE NAD83 s i ( ~ ) • ~ 15 F ! ; ! 42.51 LF I / r~ I I ~ a ~ 0 4. VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICA VERTICAL DATUM 1988 ~ ~ ~ I f i APRON .BR OM FINISH ~ ~ f I ~ ~ ~ ° ~ o (NAVD88) o ~ , • ~ PROPOSED Fl A11NG DOCKS J ~ N ~ DATUM CONVERSIONS I 1 , ~ 8.6 WI~E FLOATING 1 I ~ ~ , ~ ° m NORMAL HIGH WATER (+3.1' MLW} z ~`t ~ ° ~ DOCK 13Y OWNER _ _F - _ " I' ° _f _ ~ ~ PROPOSE CONC. ! ~ , f . , ~ 1.11ft ~ ~ ~ A TM N TYP. ~ i I;~ f! ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~I' 1 t B E ( ) 8.0 Wld FLOATING , ~ , o z "v z NAVD 1988 0 • ? - S E SHE: C5.5 ~ DOCK W WAVE / ~ I ~ F nl d 1.02ft ` BY ~IER~ AITENUAfiON h, , ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ) ~ C ~03 ~ : ~ ; EXISTI.: M41DT~NE . ~ ,r ~ o z ~ ~ z NGVD 1929. N ~O xo 0.95ft ~ L ; r ~ r. ~ 1. if f ; r ~ °;v ~ w fX. MUDUNE _ -5.0' TO -5.5' NLW NORMAL LOW WATER (0.0' MLW} ~ ~ ~ M v 4 t f .I T i ~ , . v i y ~ I ; C~ • ~ 5. NORMAL HIGH WATER UNE AND COASTAL WETLAND LINE CONFIRMED ~ ? ~ ~ P OPOSED CONC. t r I: I . 1 A ON , ~o fr-~ BY DCM ON 12 16 08. z ~ as a~ ~ ~ DREDGE DEPTH = -6.0' NLW ~ ~ w 4 ~ o~i a '~ro~ SE ~ SHT. C5.5 i; • I I , 1. I ,w , r s 6. BOAT RAMP (INCLUDING CONC. APRON, CAST-IN-PLACE AND ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ SEE SHT. C5.5 ~ ~ r~. O EAU l I. 1 I o. I E ~ . I I ~ f ,Q, g ~ ``I WAVE ATTENUATOR/ .CROSS SECTION. CAST-ON-SITE CONC. SLABS), FLOATING DOCKS (INCLUDING ®z ~ o ~ ~ ABUTMENTS}, AND SCOUR APRONS BY OWNER. a ~ ~ ~ ~ . i Y I~ I k' l~ `,L NORMAL LOW WATER CONDITIQNS 5. SEE SHT, C0.1 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES. ~ ~ • ELEV. + 0 NAVD88 ~ ~ I ~ r ~ _ ~ I f ~ ~ . s- ! wza•-m~~ - + ~ I I . to ~ - ~ L f1 ~ ~ I f . I°, .I f ~ r i ~ . , . ~ ~i t ~ r` ~ :I i o. , - I { ~ e~ oo W PAVEMENT t ° 1 1 p Z.... ~ ~ ~ 7I ls• I I } , ~ F r ~ r . I W r ~ ~ - i . r ~ , -'1 w ~ ao ~ O r I >r~ r ;I o C3 402 L ~ I f A.R i . , r. .F. O ~f,»~ 31 Y in ~ ' ~ I ~ 1' ~ 5 ~ ; I f p 1 , I ~ r~ 't , I I . e F f, y p r?f'J r r ~ L~r ~ I .,r~if Pr ~i i ~ 1 rf } ` ~ .+".,'n•• tr X11!°' V' r • I Lbw! ` { / r! f ' ~ tF' ~ I • Jj ~ t d i b ~ !~l r ° irk r+ i if>, v~ f r,! "•+.T,,;ja • ~ 2/0' " - f ~ FU ; j~ .''r ~ ~ ~ r : r.r I r..' ,',i r ~ ,-..r ~ r f _ ~ ~ ii ~ 2i; { t! - ~'~rr'~6 r~ i Ars F~~~-~~~fxl. w ' 1 r t fl a i t~.r f r' ff /fr,i iv r <v i i' r r a F"F(f.'~°rrf.'~~ .r t r fi^ IJ r; ~ ~ H ~ ,d~ ~ ~ ~ I IF J.y W r ~ ~.t rP a f I ,f v to r ~ ;~„'r r f v`:` ~ Fr lr+ h I F' r f ' r r s ~ s; sil ~'r? ~ , ?r j,,s~ f~ ~,fs% ~f~r rJ"f F,~ F i ; ~ 1 ~ - Q ` ~ ~ - _ - o ~yty~ ; ~ ,F r Y', a ~ f 1,: ' ~ ~ .e .-!-~,0~NUN S `T ~ vM ~ 1 ti I 1~ ~ I r J ( r'~ v ~ 'F ~ r ~'V ~r i'~ z ~ r t h r i f'~rr+Py ti rlfr, /fir /'l,A`rr r.+~ ta~~ /rp,,alf~.~ ~ ~ f ~~i f .ff ife ii f ~.,r~" ffl I;?;` ~ „rd,,~ ~ '''r~ i .r a r~ ro"+r I ??l srfr~ ((}/e~fd'~.r1f!'?~'~ w .r 'v > • I~ l f - f f ~ f-, } r ~ ~ ~ ~ I' ? •~"~rif14! ~ , r I C'~'- r a ?,.f,? ,+rlf r ~ .r,, r~ .:r.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r + r.r fYrZ ; , r r f ~ ~ ''I ~ r r 1 di .I ~ ""r"'ri: .Y~ f 3 i . . , ' r , ' - ~ ~ ~ ,i ~ it ~e~^ • i I ' ~r ~ i . o. ( s , . _ ELEV, 1.0 NAVb88 ~j I - , r l ,r f" ' i - I;• t PRt;~OSE~ DREDGE ' , ~ / EXIST: ~ ~ I ~ o FENCE ~ ( ,r~ r I~~ ~'I i ~ ~ ~ : EL~EV: r6, ~PIL~V r , , `nT TUNA T. 15 R i ) - BLE' Tp L CP ~ r ~ ~ / / • •~°~EA~E OU = r ~ I PROPOSED 6.5 WIDE FLOATING DOCK APPROX. NC 11ET)' ROCK,GRO I I r ~ W/ WA ATTENUATION WRC PARCEL B,~llNDARY TN ~ GROUNq'-OUT FLOATING WAVE ATTENUATOR/ PLAN VIEW _ / - DOC Y R I ~ - ; _ _ f 33 WIDE PEE CAST K ( OWNE) ,4.. > i " ~ = PUSH SLA - 7.5 EEP TYP. I PROP ~ED DREDGE AREA r>~~ r~~ ~ ~ • ~ -SEE ~HT, C5.5 ~ ~ TO ~ 8.0 NAVD88 (-6.0 NlW W ~ /4r r f I I / .gyp I- U1 h m ~ ,r ~ ( A~ROX• RIP ~ ~ I ~ ~ I.I / ~ / n ~ i PROPOSEp CAST-IN PLACE ...,,,,,ART N C ~ LI ci ~ rl is I:I ~ U E'~ ~ Q i l ~ ORRIDO I ~ w~, CONC. B AT RAMP • • R U E 1 ~ ; ~ , i. i 1 e~ ~ -SEES T.C5.5 I 1 L Q ~ ~ ® ~ M ~ ~ 1 ' ~ • • m , I I ~ I ,,~I / ~ WAVE ATTENUATOR/..SIDE VIEW ~ ~ ~ r 1 l ~ w ~ a~~i v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W GRAPHIC SCALE: 1°=20'-0" L 3.404 WAVE ATTENUATOR DETAIL ° SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" 0 0 20 2 SCALE:. N.T.S. +~,g~ SCALE: N.T.S. W W ~ N M 3 N ~ U ~ O JZ~ ~Q= O L~J~CO~' 57.5 LF 50.2 LF w's°~ ~~w~ PROPOSED CAST-IN-PLACE CONC. BOAT RAMP PROPOSED CAST-ON-SITE CONC. PUSH SLAB BOAT RAMP z ' © J ®~Q= 15 LF APRON 42.5 LF BROOM INISH O z[~ Qr~n. 9.1" ~ ~ " o ^ ~ ~ ~ PROPOSED 7.5 DEEP REINF. CAST-IN-PLACE CONC. > 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 z z Ala z ~ni~¢z p n.,, p N Z ~ Q Z. +lo° c~ VERTICAL CURVE ~ ~ ao moo 8' WIDE. CC o + SECTION = 100' RADIUS ~ r + o .g+ ~ OIi J w -ARC LENGTH ALONG ~ ¢ , a w . J PIER HEAD C EXIST. GRADE. N mow.., CURVE SURFACE = 13.9 u~i w.' GROUND-OUT FLOAII 0 K ~ ~w~ FLOATING POCK TOP OF NG D C W WAVE ATTENUATION 10 _ ~ . _ _ . . _ _ ~ 1=l.., +4.0 _ ..APPROX._EXIST. _ _ _ _ _ _ _I 10 Q _ _ _ t _ _ I ! _ ` . , r. CONC~: AT3!U TMEN T . _ _ _ . _ _ GRA _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1..:.. _ _ . . _.-,.c. o _...q . ~ DE VARIES _ . _ ._i i ,,LO. E 4.0,E _ _ ~ _ ~ _ I . ~ . 5 _ . .v.= - _ _ _ I. - _ i _ _ _ . _ . i ~ _ 5 U PROPOSED GRADE ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ . _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ Kt~A~ T CON-4 _ I _ ~ ~ _ ~I :J.--APPROX. NHW 1.11 NAVD88~~ ~ _ _ . PROPOSED ASPHALT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . • . _ , _ w _ I_.. 0 APPROX. NLW (-1.9T NAVD88} ~ gn ~ DRIVE . I . _ • • _ AP ..r.~ r..... . _ . _I._.. . . _ c; : _ _ ~AP.PROX. FIN.: GRADE PRO>~ t~{iSi. ,,,,CPr ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ - _5 _ _ , _ _ -5 i x _ I _ . . _ . I ~ I -10 _ . ,,,r _ _ i- ~ - I ~ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 _ . _ _ ~ A I N _ - _ i_.:... _ _ yi ~r x....80 r~wc rrcvPOSEEi rLUttn~l~ 'Ou~,~t I _8.0- NLW _ . . ~ . .I _ _ _ _ ~ . , _ _ __I:..._ _ _ _ 4... -15 ~ I F ' :i ~wQ -15 ~ ~ ow~w 0 00 0+50 1+O ILL AREA -0+15 0 1 +50 1 +50 2+00 Lv I- ~ w = ~ dw~-w LEGEND ~-~o®~o o PILES ~ J ~ U ~ SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" ~ EXIST. SPOT EL. ~ PROPOSED SPOT El. S~- NHW NORMAL HIGN WATER t;, NLW NORMAL LOW WATER MLW MEAN LOW WATER P~Ri~' DRAMS ~1~~C~~ R!P-RAP 6.5 WIDE 30' ' CLEARANCE 6.5 WIDE 30 CLEARANCE EXIST. GRASS. AREA y y ~ ~ ~ I~~T ~F~R 6.5' WIDE ~ r t . FLOATING DOCK FLOATING DOCK FLOATING DOCK DREDGE AREA (BY OWNER). BY OWNER { ) (BY OWNER). 33' WIDE CAST-ON-SITE CONC. PUSH SLAB THIS O ATI - - EL. VARIES ( L C ON) EL. VARIES 33 WIDE CAST ON SITE CONC, PUSH SLAB (THIS LOCATION) ~AT10N coNCREr~ E1 (CAST-IN-PLACE CONC. FURTHER UP RAMP) CAST-IN-PLACE CONC. FURTHER UP RAMP - ) EL. VARIES ( ) ® FLOATING DOCK WATERLINE - ~ FLOATING DOCK W/ WAVf ATTENUATJON DESIGNER BY: RAW 4^'" 10' SCOUR APRON 2' ' 1 1 7 ST - 2' 10'-0" SCOUR APRON r~ aRAYdN aY: HWL 3 BY OWNER #6 ONE 6 DEEP ( ) VE - 6~ DEEP RAMP CONCRETE VEE TROWELED FINISH QUAUTY coNrRO~: JRT 11- . (BY OWNER} 3 ~~\\\\\\\\\Y 1 o fl c EXISTING FENCE sCAIE: NOTED '~f 9 4 Q 9 0 0 9 p 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 4 0 ~ 5 EXIST. CONTOUR FIDE NUMBER: 5$1$ ~ - - - '-NCD.O.T. rdQM~U v v v v v v v v v v v ~-PROPOSED NTOUR DATE: 01-15-09 -IF CLASS ? RiP-RAP~~! - - ' _ _ = CLASS 1 RIP-RAP NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE (1.11' NAV088) RIP-RAP - 12" DEEP NORMAL LOW WATER LINE(-1.97' NAV088) BOAT LAUNCH 33 CONC. SLAB 33 CONC. SLAB CLASS A RIP-RAP - 1 (BY OWNER) (BY OWNER) 75' AEC LINE PLAN AND DETAILS - 30' CAMA BUFFER & 30' DWQ MOREHEAD CITY REDEVELOPMENT BUFFER SHEET NUMBER: r C3.403 SECTION BOAT LAUNCH EXIST. DOCK LINE SCALE: 1/4" = l'-O" RIPARIAN CORRIDOR LINE - - NCWRC PARCEL BOUNDARY OF i ~ / ~ / w v~ ~ I I / f `s ! l ~ r Q a l ~ ~ ~ ~ Q I 1 ~ DISPOSAL AREA NOTES f ~.w fa I I p ` 1 • I 1 1. TOPOGRAPHY AND BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED 'ERFORMED 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH C T ~ ~ 91 1 ~ / BY ROBERT H, GOSLEE & ASSOC , PA FIELD CON5TRUCT10N CONDITIONS.. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL ~ i I `~i 'a I I ` ~ l / ~ HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY GAHAGAN & i ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ 2. GAHAGAN & BRYANT ASSOCIATES LAYOUT REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT THE WORK. z ~ - I I / y ( IN JUNE 2007 AND REPRESENT CONDITIONS AT THAT )NS AT THAT TIME. 2. MCO P__AC110N: COMPACT AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A STABLE DISPOSAL z ; ~ v. I I ~ 3. HORIZONTAL DATUM: NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE. ~ ~ i >TATE PLANE. NAD83 AREA CROSS-SECTION.. FILLING & DOZER -TRACKING IN 8" TO 12" 1 I ~ ~ ( 4. VERTICAL DATUM: NORTH AMERICA VERTICAL DATUM ' ' ~ f ; ~ ~ 3.503 ~I ( 1 1CAL DATUM 1988 (NAVD88). LAYERS IS NORMALLY ADEQUATE. USE COMPACTOR % TESTING > PROCEDURES iF NECESSARY FOR A STABLE CONDITION. ~ t ~ i I I ~ / C NVERSIONS ~ ~ , i ti DATUM CO 3. DIMENSIONS FOR DISPOSAL AREA ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. ~ ( I 1 I NORMAL HIGH WATER +3.1' MLW ~ I ti ( } CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WIDTHS AND HEIGHTS A5 NECESSARY TO ~ 8.0' W}~E FLOATING 1 _ - ~ l t.1 tft w ~ ~ ~ ~ K [3Y OWNER ~ ~ SUIT THE RATE OF THE DREDGING OPERATION. Z ' ~ PROPOSE CONC. DOC ~ , ; fs:= ~ : , f _ 1 e „ I NAVD 1988 4. SITE WORK CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR DISPOSAL AREA: R ` ~ FLOATING ' v. ~ AB TMEN TYP. 8.0 Wlf~ I ' ; ,F sr 1` , ~ r' ~ I 1.02ft DOCK W WAVE ~ r , ~ t A. INSTALL TEMPORARY SILT FENCE AS SHOWN. o . ~ S E SHE: C5.5 f,; , -~I NGVD 1929 • r r { ~ ~ ` i ~ ATTEND ON / , ` , ~e ~ ~ EXIS°~i t~tlDEfNE ~ F.l' w ~ i' x- . ~ ' ~ r t r G.95ft 8. CONDUCT PRE-DREDGE MEETING WITH ENGINEER AND THE N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT. ~ ~ / ~ ~ f X4.0 NI_W ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ` I NORMAL LOW WATER (O.0 MLW) / C. UNLOAD :DREDGED MATERIAL TO DISPOSAL AREA. ~ ~ ~ c s ~ , ~ L WETLAND LINE CONFIRMED D. STABILIZE ALL EXPOSED. SLOPES WITH SEEDING / FERTILIZER. z ~ ~ m v . ' _,f ,;l . 3;;1 5. NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE AND COASTAL WETLAND LI < 5 / / w , r ~ ~ , , , ~ ` ( 2/16/0 • ' J t ~ ' ~ . Y I r } f ` ~ BY DCM ON 1 8. E. REMOVE .SILT FENCE AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL EARTH WORK. ~ w 3 ~,zNOp u. ~ `t i` r t ~ ~ t / SED CONC. ; ~ , Al10NS SHOWN ARE NAVD88. VD88, 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GROUND COVER ON EXPOSED SLOPES N~THIN ~ N z~ ~ . P OPO . ~ : r, ~ ~ 6. U.N.O. ALL ELEV ; - I 21 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. ~ z > v ~ ~ i. ~wetZO~mbp I ~ ~ . 1' ' r ' r. l , ~ F-':::::::.~::..` f, I 7. SEE SHEET C0.1 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES. • S SHT. C5.5 is 1 ~ .1, ~ I 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PERMANENT GROUND COVER FOR. ALL c~ a~ c ~ _ UT REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT HIS WORK. ~ z ~ ~ r~ t` t ~I 1: ' . I ''r f ~ , ~ , '~'F. Ft ~ ~ 'I 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LAYOUT REQUIRED SEE HT. C5.5 - , ~ , / ~ I Z ~ II ~ , DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS OR 90 CALENDAR- DAYS p ; ~ ~ ~ v SITE TO SATISFY HIMSELF OF ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS. (WHICHEVER. IS SHORTER) FOLLOWING. COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ i ! . 1~ I ~ j`~ ~ : F ~ - . . 9. DREDGE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE TO SAT1~ - \f ' .1 ~ ~ , _ I ~ INS. ~N m ~a~ I 1 . . ` 1~ ~ ~ J: ° • ~ ` J` _ , f ~ . 10. DREDGING WILL BE BY MECHANICAL MEANS. ~ ~ f f ~ , O • ELEV. + 0 NAVD88 3 ~ , t ; ~ ~ I I _ ~ ~ ~ i31 ~ I } ~~'1 ~ ~ ' ! o ' ; PPROXIMATELY 500 CY OF MATERIAL IS ESTIMATED S ESTIMATED TO BE EXCAVATED BY DREDGING ACTIVITIES. ~ ®a ~ ~ ~ „ - +6.0 W v I I to a ~ 1 f ( ,,r : . . ~ , I ~ 11. A • t ~ Z ~ ~ ~ I C' I ~ ~ j! t. f r I 1` . 1:. ~L / f 1:, : : j::':::.::::: r°~ ; CONTRACTOR AND PLACED IN AN APPROVED OFF-Sil OVED OFF-SITE DISPOSAL AREA. v ~ ~ 1 in I . j ~ : ~ ~ , ~ :I , , " J F , ~ .y ~ ( 12. BOTTOM OF DREDGE AREA SHALL BE CUT TO ELEVAT t ~ f I t r r e , JT TO ELEVATION -6 NLW AT WIDTHS SHOWN ON M PAUEMENT~ i ~ ' - . . , . ` : f` ,'j "ar ~ DRAWINGS BOX CUT METHOD}. ALIGNMENTS SHOULD f :NTS SHOULD BE FIELD ADJUSTED AS REQUIRED TO ~ ~ ~ j,, ;T = • ~•~2 ~ F ANY MARSH GRASSES i . E PREVENT THE DISTURBANCE O 1RSH GRASSES. r C3.502 ~ _ ~ ~ , • - ' CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE CARE OF DREDGING SO . EDGING SO AS NOT TO OVERCUT IN DEPTH OR WIDTH. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DRED IN DREDGING TO BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM EXISTING . ~ I. i p ;t x I ' ~ ~ r WATERWARD EDGE OF ALL COASTAL WETLANDS, EXCE TLANDS, EXCEPT AS NOTED OTWERIMSE. ANY POSSIBLE ENGINEERS ATTENTION. I is, ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ,1 , i' s~ ~ 1 ` ,.j ; " ~ { ~ ~ INTRUSION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ENGINEERS A - w l t c ~ r a ~ _ ~ ~ a' I ~ 1 4 ` _ .a,~~W; . . a~`, r~ ~ ~ r ~ : ~ .w ! ,J~ r 1' f 111 r' t I ! { fir' ' Y- ~tr `Y+ j f r • , r f { . • . ~ ~ f o f'' ELEV. 1.0 NAV~88 ~ ~ r~' P '6' ~ ~ t a I ltJ? r ~ ' NLW ` ~ f`~ r f ' PROPOSE .,DRI~L1GEf ~ ~ f' .,r / I Y` d I ~ # v' f V~. ..i6 ,fiJLW. f I. I ~ EXIST. FE ~ { t - .r ~ k r'. F+t. TEMPORARY DISPOSAL AREA (SEE C3.0 FOR LINEAR DIMENSIONS) mr ~ I I I _ EXI + Y f J {UNAB ST. 15 RCp~.:, 1 FLOATING DOCK LE TO L C i t PROPOSED 6.5 WIDE ( / W WA ~ ATTENUA110N DREDGE MATERIAL. ..O ATE OUT ' f RO I I / r~ L ~'f ~ CK ,~Rpl GROUNa-OUT FLOATING / APPROX. 'NCWRC PAR N i , G3.503 1 E . CEL BOUNDARY 1' ~ -CAST DOCK Y OWNER} Q ~ . , - 33 WIDE FIRE ~ 0 - • "l I PROP ~ED DREDGE AREA ~ -,'L""_ - ~ ~ PUSH SLAB - 7.5 DEEP (TYP.) S ~ . . . . Z i I I ~ TO - .0 NAVD88 (-6.0 NL p,~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - .SEE ~HT. C5.5 / ~ . . , _ . .M d ~ BOA F ~ o O~ ~ i i-iii-~ i I-1 I i=l i ~-.iii-~ ~ ~ ~ ~-i I 1=~ I I-=1 I 1=~ i i-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -1 I 1=1 I 1=1 ~ 1-1 I 1=1 I 1=) (=1 -I 11=) I I-) (1=1 I I- ~~/~~~V~,~V~~~~~ Z vii ~ N Q I h ~ 4t ~ f". " ~ t l PROPOSEp CAST-IN PLACE • • R,,,??ARl C I 4RRID0 I ~ ~ ' I / CONC. B AT RAMP ..RUE 1 ~w I _ I • 1 ~ PROVIDE SILT FENCE T. C5.5 ( SEES I • • ~ ALONG TOE OF SLOPE FENCE APPROX. EXIST. GRADE J ~F SLOPE ~ O ~ ! ~ U wp(~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ \ ' f I I o f l I I I l ~ ~ ~ U a~ U I ~ ~ / ~ ~ NOTE: SEE ~ ~ w rn NOTE: SEE C3A EXISTING SITE PLAN FOR TEMPORARY DISPOSAL AREA LAYOUT, LOCATION, AND LINEAR DIMENSIONS. ® O U ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20'-0" u7 j tYW ~NM 20 0 20 • C3.504 DETAIL -TEMPORARY DISPOSAL AREA U • SCALE: N.T.' SCALE: N.T.S. ~ ~ O Z r 1" - 20'-Op $~3 SCALE. ~ -p ~ Q w'S•® ~ Uc~ Z d~J „ U,> ®~Q= O Zo Q~~n. FLOATING DOCK ~ FLOAl1NG DOCK W/ WAVE ATTENUATION ~ 10 ~ 10 _ _ _ _ _ I._., _ _ ~ _..:APPROX. EXIST: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ { _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ .I - _ . _ ~ , _ _ _ I _ _ ....GRADE- VARIES... _ _ _ _ . f _ _ , ~ I I _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _I ; - - - ~ . _ ~ APPROX. NHW L11~ NAVD88_ ~ L . _ ~ ~ ~ L1~L 1 _ l _ ~ i-_- L1~1 _ . _ _ i -I _ ~ . _ _ 1. _~_._APPROX~NLW (-L9?' NAVD88) ~ ~ ~ - J 0 _ ~ _ i _ . . . i ~ P ~ _ _ _ . AP - _ _ . . _ ROX FIN GRADE rc~~ r. _ _ _ ;._:J O _ . _ a. ~ .A _ PP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . ~ -5 5 . _ _ _ _ i r ~ _ ~ ~ ~ - _ _ - -~i_~-- - _ . I _ _ _ ~ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ . _ _ -10 _ I _ . , _ . . _ A.Jl. _ _ _ ~ O -10 i_ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ i'"- : _ TO F~~ 8.0 NAvDl38 I _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ -15 Q,1 ~ Z _ _<<.. _ . I _ _ . _ _ _ } _ _ -15 FILL AREA 1 +50 i0 2+00 ~ y. z 0+50 1+00 a o0 ~ ~pU -0+15 ~ U r Ow~w U ~~W~ 1" = 10'-0" SCALE ~ ewl-w LEGEND ~®Q® o PILES 0.. J ~ U ~ 119't DREDGE EXTENTS ~ EXIST SPOT EL. ~ PROPOSED SPOT EL. r~Al -I-1 O NHW. NORMAL HIGH WATER ` _ . _ 10 , _ _ . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . :FLOAT(N.G: DpGK__ _ _ I _ FLQATING_Q CK . _ _ NLW NORMAL LOW WATER DES1G6~;R '`pMENT _ MEAN LOW WATER ~ ~ I ..ELOAtING DOCK _ _ I _ _ . _ _ _ l W/ WAVE..AITENUATiON _ . I _ , F_ 5 [l~~~ RrP-RAP ~ _ 5 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ F _ _ . - _ . _ _ . _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ )AMY ~ ~ fQ RE~lE L....__. . _ . ~ _ _ i _ APPROX. M.M_W 1.11' NAVD88 D ~ W y exrsr. CRASS AREA w i x IE a APPROX. M.LW (-1.97' NAVD88)_ DREDGE AREA rN®~T f0; \ ` 0 _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ APPROX. FINCSH _ GRADE _ _.I _ _ APPRQX~ FINISH-GRADS _ _ _ __AFTER- SIDE_SLOUGkMING _ : AFTER--SIDE-_SLOUGHING _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IG _ _ = CONCRETE. CONT'RUC~IO _ . _ _ I - C ~ . .5 _ _ _ _ _ 1.._~..... 5 / FLOATING DOCK _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . y 1y. _ _ _ ® FLOATING DOCK W/ WAVE ATTENUATION ESIGNED BY: RAW =10 _ _ DRAkM BY: HWL _ _ . _ _ ~~~C~`~ R4MP CONCRETE VEE TROWELED FINISH _ ~uAUrY GoN~Ral: JRT I - _ . I . _ _ ~ EXISTING FENCE SCALE: NOTED _ . _ _ , -15 5 EXIST. CONTOUR -15 i ~ DRE[ R DGE AREA APPROX. EXIST. GRADE 1 +00 DREDGE AREA 5 PROPOSED GoNrOUR FlLE Nu~BER: 5818 0+00 D E 0+50 o. NORMAL NIGH WATER UNE (1..11' NAVD88) DAiE: 01-15-09 --DREDU GU I UNt NORMAL LOW WATER LINE (-1.97' NAV988) DREDGE . -8' NAVD88 -6' NLW TO EL ( ) 75' AEC LINE PLAN AND DETAILS JO' LAMA BUFFER & 30' DWO ~QREHEAD CITY REDEVELOPMENT BUFFER EXIST. DOCK LINE SHEET NUMBER: C3.503 CROSS SECTION DREDGE AREA RIPARIAN CORRIDOR LINE SCALE: 1/2M = l'-0" NCWRC PARCEL BOUNDARY ° OF CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: STEEL POST 1. REQUEST PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE. WITH NCDENR .EROSION INSPECTOR. WIRE FENCE 2 S° 5 0.5' 2. INSTALL GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PERIMETER SILT FENCE. 4 FILTER MEDIA EXXON 5 GTF 1~E OR 0 3. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRADING OPERATIONS TO CONSTRUCT STORM WATER ~ APPROVED EQUAL DEVICES, SEDIMENT TRAPS, AND SWALES. ~ MIN. 12-1/2 GA. - _ INTERMEDIATE w H I=) ~ =1 ~ g 4. COMMENCE GRADING OPERATIONS FOR. PARKING, TRAPS AND SWALES. c?j ~ 5. STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS AS SOON. AS FINAL GRADES ARE ESTABLISHED. WIRES ~ o ~ L_I 1-III=~ . o Q ~ 3 ~ - #5 WASHED STON d• z ~ M ~E .III-III=1 I w " z 5V~ A9 III ~1~1=~ 6. REMOVE TEMPORARY CONTROL DEVISES (SILT FENCE, ETC.) ONCE PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED. z ~ RQ =III=1 I{=1 I I=1 I I=1 i i i=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii- - _ , _ _ _ - , ~ qo III-III=III=III=III-III=III=11 ~ i 1=i i 1=i i 1=1 ~ I i i i-n i=iii=1 n_.,_I i ~n-I ~ i_ I i i-I I -III-III-11I~II I~III-111-11I-11I-11I- =III=11I-III= GRADING NOTES:. a _ I i-I I N I I=1 I f_l 11=1 11=1(1- I f~ I ~I I ~I I I-1 11=1 11-1 I l=1 11=1 I N _ , ~ ~ ~ 1. INITIATE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE BEFORE BEGINNING CLEARING AND GRADING FILTER FABRIC OPERATIONS, 5 -0 STEEL POST BACKFiII & COMPACT 8 8" TRENCH AF1ER RIP RAP STONE a U M N. 21" MIN. I PLACING FABRIC BONE PAD AT SITE EXITS TO REMOVE MUD FROM TIRES CLASS B 5" TO 15" 2. CLEAR AREAS TO BE GRADED OF .ALL VEGETATION. PROTECT VEGETATION cn ~ U RANGE NC DOT BEYOND GRADING LIMITS. z w o o s x DESIGN SETTLE OVERFILL 6" FOR ~ ? N ~ of N PLAN AS -SF- SF-SF-- WASHED STONE 6" THICK TOP INDICATED 0 1.) STONE SHALL BE ~4 ( } - , 3. STRIP TOPSOIL TO FULL AREAS TO BE GRADED AND STOCKPILE OR REMOVE . w m TRACKING OR = _ WEIR WIDTH: 6.0 MIN. - .SETTLEMENT FROM SITE.. ~ W a z )TH: 6.0' MIN. ~ ~ m ~ cv cv s 2,) .THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PREVENT ~ -I I = - _ ~ - .I (I iTl ' =1 - 4. COMPACT ALL FILL AREAS TO 957 OF MAXIMUM DENSITY. a, 1.) WIRE FENCE SHALL BE A MIN. OF 32 IN WIDTH AND SHALL FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. THIS MAY I (I HAVE A MIN. OF SIX LINE WIRES WffH 12" STAY SPACING. REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING .WITH ADDmONAL STONE AND REPAIR - _ _i 5. ALL BANKS AND SWALE SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED WITH NO GREATER ~ J v ~°cn M ~ ~ ANDjOR CLEANOUT OF ANY. MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. I = _ THAN. 3:1 SLOPES. ~ y ~ I: ~ v 2. FLTER FABRIC SHALL MEET OR EXCEED 150 LBS. GRAB N I ASTM-D-1682 180 PSI. BURST ASTM-D-2263 3.) WHEN NECESSARY WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT ~ i ~ _I 2:1 SIDE 6. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN. AT .FINISHED GRADE. ~ ~ ~ AND 7O ON COE E.O.S. TEST. PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF--WAY. WASHING SHALL BE I _I_~ v II ~ I~ I SLOPE MAX• EMERGENCY" 7. OPERATOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IN RELATION TO THE PROPOSED v ~ w DONE ON AN AREA STABUZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS ' _ 3.) STEEL. POST SHAH. BE 5 -0 IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE NG STRUCTURE. USE SAND - I BY-PASS 6 GRADES TO ENSURE .DRAINAGE. IN THE .DIRECTIONS INDICATED ON THE PLAN. -F TENER TYPE. INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROW ~ I SELF AS BAGS, GRAVEL, BOARDS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS TO PREVENT - BELOW SETTLED 4. STEEL POSTS FOR SILT FENCE SHALL BE NO WIDER THAN. ITCH OR WATER-COURSE. NA FILTER 3' MIN. SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN, D TURAL ToP of DAM EROSION CONTROL: 3' MIN. SLOPE MAX. 8' APART O.C. WITH WIRE BACKING. R TRACKED ONTO GROUND FABRIC 1. ANY GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS A 4.) ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED 0 5.) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATE AS NECESSARY TO CONTROL PUBLIC .RIGHTS-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. VIOLATION AND IS SUBJECT TO A FINE. SURFACE EROSi~I. 2. STABILIZATION IS THE BEST FORM OF EROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY SEEDING ASIN SEDIMENT B T BASIN DETAILS IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE EROSION CONTROL ON LARGE DENUDED AREAS AND NOT TO SCALE ESPECIALLY WHEN SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED A5 PART OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. SEQUENCE SHOWN -0N THE PLAN. ALL GRADING SLOPES MUST BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF GRADING. ALL FIAT AREAS ARE TO BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS. ~ ~ 3. ADDfTIONAL DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED AS AGREED UPON BY FIELD INSPECTOR, " 0.625" ~ 1 6 CURB GRAD ENGINEER, AND OWNER. - ~ PVMT. " 4. IF ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION CEASES IN ANY :SLOPED AREA FOR MORE THAN 15 ~ 8 t:: CALENDAR DAYS OR 15 WORKING DAYS IN FLAT AREAS, ALL DISTURBED AREAS N MUST BE SEEDED, MULCHED, AND TACKED, UNLESS WRITTEN APPROVAL IS 8" BRICK WALLS. GRANTED BY THE EROSION .CONTROL INSPECTOR. w 3 4" CEMENT PLASTER ~ j ~ ~ w 5. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STAN ARD METAL POSTS > ~ STABILITY AND. OPERATION FOLLOWING-EVERY RUNOFF-PRODUCING RAINFALL , ~ ~ 2 -0 IN GROUND > BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED, _ OUT 6. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE-WHEN IT ~ ~ GALVANIZED HARDWARE WIRE _ - _ ~=~t~r:~ EXTENDS TO TOP OF BOX ~=r~" fi<~ co N; - BECOMES ABOUT 0.5 FEET DEEP AT THE 'FENCE. THE SEDIMENT FENCE WILL ~ vi N BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A BARRIER. Z ~ ~ I SECTION "A-A" " " 57 WASHED STONE"PLA&ED SECTION B-B PA_- VfN1ENT SECTION PAVEMENT SECTION. d • - U ~ 0 A HEIGHT OF 12 -18 MIN. NOTE: ABOVE TOP OF BOX " " - - p 7. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE FERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, AND U ~ " 1, 4 DEEP X 8 WIDE CONCRETE COPING ~ I^II~IIIs RppOS a 5 -1p MIN. ALL AROUND BASIN CASTING. " .III=111=III ~ fD ~ -III=III 11 MULCHED- ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS IN THE VEGETATIVE PLAN TO MAINTAIN ~ ~ ~ f I I-I I1=1I1-_ _ A VIGOROUS DENSE VEGETATIVE COVER. a ~ ~ ~ " CONCRETE TO BE CLASS A - - - - ~DF - -°0040°, m 5 _4 2 ALL ~~111=III=III-III- -1 I ~-i I I-111-1 I I- d U w o k _ ° o ° o°b~ oo _ " 3. FOR CASTING DETAIL SEE SD 14-03 -u - °o o°0°s PVMT. " 8. CONSTRUCTfON ENTRANCE TO BE CLEANED WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS ~ z ~ ~ 6 ARE VISIBLE OR SEDIMENT IS DEPOSITED 'ON THE ASPHALT AND STONE WILL BE ~ ~ w ~ a ° ° o B CURB & GUTTER ° ~ g Q. ~ PERIODICALLY. TOP DRESSED WITH 2 INCHES OF #4 STONE TO MAINTAIN B" DEPTH. w ~ ~ U ~ ~ ° °O~ o~ °o ° o°O ~ S~EDS~D PREPARATION:. o a c > ~ ~ 0 0 - Z I I DROP I 0 a ° n A CASTING STORMWATER I I I ~ ~ STORMWATER 1. LOOSEN CLEARED SURFACE (VOID OF ROCKS, ROOTS, AND .VEGETATION) AS ~ ~ ~ N ~ Oo ° ~ ° o oho 00 ~ ~ I I I INLET I _ o °Qo o a0 o I PIPE i i i od o ~O~O o I PIPE NECESSARY FOR SEEDING TO ACCUMULATE. ~ fY w ~ I Q o Qo oop 0 ~ o00 ~ 0 0 o I ~ J _ ~ o ~°o 0 o0Q ~oo oQ Qoo 0 I I 2. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER BASED ON 501E CONDITIONS OR AS DIRECTED BY o ~ ® J Opo 00 0 Q .."~,-~Q o0 0 0 00 0 Q Z ~ LANDSCAPE DESIGNER. ~ ~ Qoo~O 00® 0 0° 00008000°00®Q _ - OODOO`'~Q4oO•°oooo~p0~° ~Oo~000o°0000000 (erg 3. TILL LIME AND FERTILIZER INTO SOIL UNTIL WELL MIXED. ~ . ~ w ~ ~ 4. SEED AS PER SCHEDULE AND IMMEDIATELY MULCH OR STRAW .FOR. STABILIZATION. Z ~ ~ o w PLAN DEPRESSED LANDSC, LANDSCAPE ISLAND 5. REPAIR AS NECESSARY FOR. EROSION MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ U Q = NOT TO SCALE CATCH BASIN ACTIVITY. ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ L N I N SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS: ~ NOT TO SCALE SCALE: N.T.S. LIME:. APPLY 100 POUNDS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET ° FERTILIZER: APPLY. 20 POUNDS 8-8-8 PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET ~ SEED (NON-NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY): PER ACRE NOVEMBER-MARCH BERMUDA (UNHULLED) 20 LBS. 50 LBS. WINTER RYE (GRAIN) ~ 80 LBS. FESCUE ~ ~ MARCH-NOVEMBER BERMUDA (HULLED) 30 LBS... 80 LBS. FESCUE MULCH:. APPLY 1-t/2 TONS/ACRE WHEAT STRAW (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ~ ON ALL SEEDED AREAS. ~ TACK: ALL SLOPES WITH STRAW MULCH EXCEEDING 3:1 TO HAVE ~ q~ ASPHALT TACK APPLIED AT THE. RATE OF 225 GALLONS/ACRE.. ~ s- CONC. COLLAR ~ _ - . ~ ---I . ~I . . ~ AFTER SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING, INSTALL JUTE MATTING:, - oo?? I OR EQUAL ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS, d~ I ? ????0 ~ MAINTAIN SEEDER AREAS UNTIL MINIMUM. GROWTH IS ESTABLISHED ~ ? AND/OR FOR CONTRACT TIME. ~ ??oo? CASTING: I. WEIGHTS: ~ ~ MIN' L ~.I._ J . DROP INLET PROVIDE ~lzU ~ o~ FRAME: 195 LB SOLID. COVER v ~ GRATE: 160 lBS o ~ ~ ~ o~ a ~Q TOP ELEVATION .GONG, COLLAR PLAN „ 1 -0 SEAL ~.u~~ `_t~ ~ " ` e ' . ELEV. VARIES PERMIT D~RA'IiNGS co BRICK MASONRY OR PREFAB CONC. ~P ,,3 co~sTRUC~aoN 4., w FLOW a - > ° ~ s DESIGNED BY: RAW DRAWN 8Y: HWL 3000 PSI CONCRETE SECTION. DuAUrY coNTRDI: MTA TOP FLUSH W/GRADE scALE: NOTED FILE NUMBER: 5$~ $ DATE: UI IJ-Uy 2' X 2' DROP INLET OR JUNCTION BOX EROSION CONTROL NOT TO SCALE AND STORMWATER DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: C5.2 OF