HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025445_Annual Report_20180228MAYOR CLARENCE R. JERNIGAN BOARD OF ALDERMEN MELISSA BLALOCK, Mayor Pro -Tempore GARY B. BETTS, SR. RENEE BRYANT NANCY HENDERSON KEITH D. FOGLEMAN February 28, 2018 Ms. Vivien Zhong NCDENR/DWQ/PERCs 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 CITY OF RANDLEMAN 204 S Main Street Randleman, NC 27317 (336) 495-75001 Fax: (336)495-7503 www.cityofrandleman.com RE: 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report CITY ADMINISTRATION JERRY W. ROTHROCK Interim City Manager ZACHARY L. HEWETT, MBA Finance Director MELODY R. HANCOCK, CMC, NCCMC City Clerk / Purchasing Coordinator RECEIVED/DENROWR MAR 0 7 2018 Water Resources Permitting Section Dear Ms. Zhong: Enclosed, please find two copies of the 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report for the City of Randleman, NC. All City industries were sampled and inspected by the POTW as required in 2017, and no industry was found to be in significant non-compliance for 2017. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the phone number listed below. Thank you, Garry Michael Glass Operator in Responsible Charge, Operator Certification #1000472 City of Randleman Wastewater Treatment (336)498-2254 CITY OF RANDLEMAN Pretreatment Annual Report 2017 Narrative GENERAL INFORMATION: Page 1 of 2 General Program Information: Allocation Tables and LTMP are up to date. Headworks analysis was completed in August of 2017 with assistance from PERCS. An Industrial Waste Survey is near completion. A significant finding during the survey resulted in one industry being given a long form application/IWS. This industry will likely require permitting. :• All items on the Division's Database Program Info Sheet are correct. ❖ No industries exceeded any permit limits or otherwise violated permit conditions for 2017. ❖ A pretreatment inspection was conducted by Jim Gonsiewski of the Winston-Salem Office on November 15, 2017, and the program was found to be in compliance. General Permit Information: ❖ The City's NPDES permit renewal was received by the City in July of 2017, and became effective on August 1", 2017. ➢ The new permit includes a compliance schedule and numeric limit for lead based on new applied stream standards. At this time, the POTW is performing additional sampling at the W WTP as well as in the Collection System in an effort to locate the source(s) of lead. None of the currently permitted industries shows any indication of lead in their discharge. Sampling at manholes throughout the City appears at this time to indicate that the source may be due to aging infrastructure. The W WTP has had some difficulty maintaining compliance with the monthly average numeric limit of 16 pg/L, and was non-compliant for the month of September, 2017. The issue will require further evaluation. ➢ Hardness monitoring upstream was also added to the NPDES permit. This sampling has been conducted as required. ❖ A review of overall removal rates for primary pollutants at the W WTP indicates lower rates of removal for the calendar year of 2017 than the previous year. The W WTP underwent major upgrades to the aeration system in 2017, with up to two aeration basins off line during construction. It is hoped that with the new aeration now in place, this will resolve the issues with regard to removal rates in the coming year. City of Randleman PAR Narrative 2017 Page 2 of 2 Pretreatment Annual Report, 2017 Narrative continued SIU INFORMATION (listed in order of permit #): SIU Permit 0001 Commonwealth Hosiery Mill, Inc. ❖ Scheduled self-monitoring was conducted by the Industry as well as unscheduled sampling and inspection by the POTW of this wastestream as prescribed in the Pretreatment Permit Requirements: ❖ The inspection of this industry was conducted on December 13, 2017. The industry was found to be compliant with its IUP pretreatment requirements. ❖ Production for this industry was down in 2017 as compared to the previous year, and employee numbers have also decreased. ❖ The IUP was renewed as of January 1 st for this industry. The renewal was approved by the Division on March 16, 2017. The permit had the following changes: ➢ Cyanide was added to the EL and MR for the industry, to be performed by the POTW with the existing semi-annual monitoring. This was due to the presence of measurable cyanide at the WWTP influent. ➢ State agency names were updated accordingly. ❖ The industry has been notified that, due to an overallocation in chromium in the WWTP headworks, the chromium limit will need to be decreased in the IUP. Given the overall production drop for the industry, and the unlikelihood that this will increase in the near future, it does not appear that a decrease in allocation will affect the industry. ❖ The industry remained compliant with the IUP throughout 2017. SIU Permit 0004 Deep River Dyeing Co., Inc. ❖ Scheduled self-monitoring was conducted by the Industry as well as unscheduled sampling and inspection by the POTW of this wastestream as prescribed in the Pretreatment Permit Requirements: ❖ The inspection of this industry was conducted on December 15, 2017, and the industry was found to be compliant with its IUP pretreatment requirements. ❖ Production for this industry remained fairly constant from 2016 and throughout 2017. ❖ The IUP was renewed as of January I st for this industry. The renewal was approved by the Division on March 16, 2017. The permit had the following changes: ➢ Cyanide was added to the EL and MR for the industry, to be performed by the POTW with the existing semi-annual monitoring. This was due to the presence of measurable cyanide at the WWTP influent. ➢ State agency names were updated accordingly. ❖ The industry has remained compliant with the IUP throughout 2017. City of Randleman PAR Narrative 2017 PAR PPS 2017 Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) I. Pretreatment Town Name: City of Randleman 2. 'Primary" NPDES Number NC00 25445 or Non -Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3. PAR Begin Date, please enter 01/01/yyyy 4. PAR End Date, please enter 12/31/yyyy 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 6. Number of CIUs 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 8. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW to. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations I I. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a Compliance Schedule, CO. AO or similar 13. Number of CIUs in SNC 14. Number of SIUs included in Public Notice 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 16. Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. => 20. Number of IUs from which penalties collected Ptwl Noles: AO Administrative Order IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit CIU Categorical Industrial User NNC Notitt of Non -Compliance CO Concent Order NOV Notice of Violation IU Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report revised 1/2018: PAR PPS 2018 3.=> 1/1/2017 4. => 12/31/2017 5. => 2 6. => 0 7. => 0 8. => 0 9. => 0 10. => 0 11.=> 0 12. => 0 13.=> 0 14. => 0 15. => 0 16. => 0 17. => 0 18. => 0 $ 0 20. => 0 PO'IW Publicly Owned l'reatment Works SIU Significant Indugrial User SNC Significant Non-Compliatue PAR SNCR 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) lificant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance PAR covers this calendar year => 2017 Control Authority=Program=Town Name => City of Randleman WWTP Name => Randleman WWTP NPDES # _> NCO025445 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year IUP # Pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC? ( Yes / No ) for each 6 -month period. Jan. -June Jul :.:Rec. 0001 001 Commwealth Hosiery Mills. Inc. None No No 0004 001 Deep River Dyeing Co., Inc. None No No Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. PAR,SNOt. RandLm 2017 Pretreatment Program Info Database for Program Name Randleman WWTP Name City of Randleman gram Approval Date 06/30/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region WSRO County Randolph NPDES Number printed on: 12/18/2017 Stream Information IWC % at 7010 35.08 7Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 5 / 3.23 1 Q1 0 Flow cfs / mgd 4.17 / 2.69 Stream Classification C Basin Number CPF08 Receiving Stream Name DEEP RIVER NC0025445 Last PAR Rec 03/08/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury NPDES Effective Date 05/01/2013 11 1 1631 Expire Date 08/31/2016 Current Fiscal Year PCI Done Ms. Lisa Osthues lPrim requiredNPDES es POTW is Primary WWTP TRUE Last Audit on 06/07/2016 Audit Year Next20/21 Design Flow mgd 1.7450 % Design mgd is SIU permitted F4011 Permitted SIU Flow (mgd) [Pt_SID) WWTP SIU's Program SIUs R ---.F LTMP IWS SLID ERP WWTPCIU's ProgramClUs HWA date Inactive Date Next Due 06/01/2022 12/31/2017 Date Received by DWR 05/19/2017 09/16/2011 12/20/2012 01/03/2013 04/21/2009 Date Approved 08/16/2017 10/10/2011 03/14/2013 02/04/2013 06/10/2009 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 02/05/2013 Info in this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date PT Pro Attended Attended Attended rmal Name n Primp Phonal ext Fax HWA Wkso IL1P Wksn PAR Wksn N... teary Michael Glass I k336) 498-2254 36-495-7503 11 1 ORC 13475 Applewood Road 7317 Ms. Lisa Osthues lPrim 10-990-0329 10/29/2013 9/27/2011 1 2/5/2012 lisaopretreat@gmail.com Pretreatment Consultant 1168 Nathan Dudley Rd 8328 DWR Central Office Contact ivien Zhong DWR Regional Contact im Gonsiewski no "ir cp 1 snc PAR IDSF & CJW 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) i' e separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter NDL values as <(value) Total # of samples => • Manimmn (mgA)y> • or Maximum (lb/d)ae;> • or Avernge(mg/1)=> • or Average Loading (Ib/d)=> % violetions,(chronic SNC is x 66%)=> % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => % violations,(clumic SNC is x 66%) � % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => Total # of samples => • Maximum ung/1)=> • or Maximum (Ib/d) => • or Average (mg/I)=> • or Average Leading (]bid)=> % violations, (chronic SNC is x 66%) _> , % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => a % violation i,(chronic SNC is x 66%) a % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => Total # of samples => • Maximum (mg/I)=> • or Maximum (lb/d)=> Of Avenge (mg/l) �> • or Avenge Loading (lb/d) �> % violations, (chronic SNC is x 66%) % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => E % violations,(chmnic SNC is x 66%) � }8 % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => f Control Authority, Town Name => City ofRandleman WWTP Name=> Randleman WWTP NPDES # _> NCO025445 Ist 6 months, dates=> 1/120176/30/2017 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/12017 12/31/2017 Industry Name Commonwealth Hosiery Mill, IUP # 0001 Pipe # 001 Flow, mgd BOD, dally max TSS Ammonia Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 12nd 6 months Ist 6 months 12.d6montha Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 164 160 13 13 1 1 1 1 0.042 0.076 47 46 16 4.9 92 90 0.012 0.011 47 46 16 4.9 18 33 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A G% 0n/o N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 00/. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0•/ 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium Chromium COD, daily max Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 0 1 1 1 1 1 13 13 <0,005 <0.002 <0.002 not 0.026 0.017 194 170 required <0.005 <0,002 <0.002 0.026 0.017 49 86 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0•/ 06/. Oe/, N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% (N. 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 00% N/A N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A 0% 00/ - Co r Lead'Mercury \ickeI 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 0.015 0.016 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.0002 <.005 <0.005 0.015 0.016 <0.005 <0.005 <0.0002 <0.0002 <0.005 <0.005 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL -> Below Detection Limit .8/1 =1 milligram. per Lor • Po1 mut late m lap one ofapm IUP -> Indminal Um Permit INd -> powWs W day four mw. Place indmge haw avenp wen akuWe l SNC -> Significant NomComphance mgd -> million .It. Md., Avgw,W Gadd ba moM.OV. a&,.nh ddBOL. IMIDL, or mo value unit TRC-> Technical Review Ceteris WWTP-> weshwun augment oI.t A-e,.Ra for is and. Rae aknlatecl by fria vonvertiy hdiridud aduen to pmnd., then 11 ---unit those .olio for each a mouth pe iod Aver.Rea for minimntian., ge.imple acerges of all eoncenli alto.. meioo red in e.ah 6 month period. mSF Comm onwwlth Hosiery htills 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total 4 of samples o • Maximum (mgA)=> • or Maximum (INd)=> • or_ Average (mg0) _> • or Average Loading (INd) _> % violations. (chronic SNC is >=66%)=> r % TRC violations, (SNC is>=33%)=> d 6/a violations, (chronic SNC is x 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> I Total M of samples => • Maximum (mg/I)-> • or Maximum (INd)=> • or _ Average (mg/ll _> • or Average Loading (INd) _> %violations, (chronic SNC is> 660%) % TRC violations, (SNC is>=33%)=> a % violations, (chronic SNC is x 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> 11 Total 4 of samples => • Maximum (mg/I)=> • or Maximum (INd)=> • or_ Average(mg/1)=> " or Average Loading (INd) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is x 666/6) y % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is x 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 6/0) _> Industry Name Commonwealth Hosiery Mill, Inc. IUP 4 0001 Pipe 4 001 Molybdenum Selenium Zine pH, SU 1 n 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 not required <0.005 not required <0.005 0.160 0.085 9.3 Z2 <0.005 <0.005 0.160 0.085 9.3 7.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 06/o On/o N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Temperatun Cyanide BOD, monthly evil COD, monthly av I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months I I 1 1 6 6 6 6 15.1 22 0.014 <0.005 44 67 101 144 15.1 22 0.014 <0.005 16 34 45 88 0% 0% N/A N/A 06/0 06/0 06/0 0% 00 0% N/A N/A 0% 06/0 06/0 06/0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% O6/6 06/n lst 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months BDL -> Below Detection Limn mry1=> mdh,mons per Ina • POTV mum enter m kion one oflhae IUP -> InduMel Ute, Permit Ib/d => pouMs per dry four rows, Pleat mdicme how averages were cakWOW SNC -> Sign ksm Non-Complumni m,A -> million pit. per day Avu oenod could be month on. a 6 -month A rfBDL. IRBDL or urs values ued. TRC -> Technicd Review CnUm. — _ W WIP -> wss¢tvatnr uemnwm plant \ven.i,6 for pounds sr ere rakulaed by first con.eninR iminWual,alua to pound, into evru0.inR throe values fur each 6 month period 6rrrne,, for rnneenrmions, fire simple ueraRo of all umrentrmion, mrmured in enuh 6 month period. IDSF Co n tenon eahh Hosiery Mills 2017 -��-r-n- �a ca.m WFeiWmm�lO�,.WgM� (em�nn �n I I ml 0 on M I nl I ml 011111111111 111 ���� ���� ���� � ���� ���Ism 0 IM��= M��= m��= m��= m��= m��� M��= m�mm m��= m��= n��= m��� xmcwr.x ow xmc wea... as M ISM MID m Mm�� m�mm m�mm M��= M��= 21��� ■��= m��= m��= m��= IN m��= m��Mm MO �� MSM= ■��= m��= m��= ���� m���== EMISSION== MENOMONIE= m��= m��= m��= m��m �m M��= M��= w��� m��m m��= 111111111111101111011M= m�mm S�== m��= 01��� m��= w���=� �MOMm�� MSM= E�== ■��� ■��= m��= m��ME IMOMm�� E�== m�mm m��= m��= m��m m���mm MOM7�� USM M��= COMES S��� ���� � w��� m��ONE MONSOON== MINIVERSION= m��m 0001l MEMORIES= MOML = E�== ���� m��m n�� m��= u��M= M��= M��= m��= IM�� m��= m��Mm m�mm m�mm m��= m��= m��= m��M= m�mm M��= m��= m��= m��= m��M= MOM7 m E�== M��= MI��� m��= m��= m��M= �a ca.m WFeiWmm�lO�,.WgM� (em�nn �n I I ml 0 on M I nl I ml gal u�— n o 0 .o 00 � xwm�. oox x.u.�re x.xxx.. xmcwr.x ow xmc wea... as oo� xs xo sxc+ w w w Ig u�— u o a o 0 00 � x.xxx.. sxc, r+o ac+ w s.c, ro Irrrrr^ranrr>•�,a■rrrr�rii I�a�•:.i■��i ■rrr�rii rlrrr�rii ■rrr�rr■i ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rr■i ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� eii ■� ■�i ■�:a■i ■ i ■�iti ■�i ■rrrrr�iii ■ i ■rrrrrrrr�i ■�i 'irrrr�O�■rrrr�rii ■rrr�rr�i rrrr�O�■rrrr�rii i� �■rrr�rrri ■rrr�rii rlrrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii rrrr� �■rrrr�r�i rrrr�rr��■rrrr�rii ■��i ■rrr�rii ■err■i ■rrr�rr■i ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� ■� S� —dam ■� 'rr■ ■� rr■ ■� -rr■ ■� r� ■� rr■ ■� ri ■� rr■ ■�fii ■ ii ■rrrrr�iii ■�r�i rrrr�O�■rrrr�rii rrrr�rr��■rrrr�rii rlrrr�rii ■rrrirr■i ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrrrr�iti ■ i ■rrrrr� lii i ■rrrrr��i i ■iii ■ r�i ■rrrrrir�i i ■rrrrrrr7�i i ■rrrrr�mi i ■rrrrri mi i ■rrrrr�r�i i �O�■rrrr�r�i ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rr■i �o�■��i r�a�■rrrr�rii rrrr�rri�■rrrr�r�i ■rrririi ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■err■i r� rrr�ON IMi rrrr�rri ■rrrr�rii ■■riii ■rrr�rii :MIME ■rrr�rr■i ■rrrrri ■rrrrri ■�Ae ■rrrrr� rr■ ■� rr■ ■rrrrr� .rte rrrr rot ■rrrr�rii ■rrririi ■rrr�rr■i ■rrrrr w■� rr■ ■rrrrr��i i �rri�■rrrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■��Ir� ■� Ai ■rrrrri>•i i rrrr�a�■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ,rsmme�,.�lalmpm ■rrrrr�r�rr ■���- ■��� ■� •�_ ■� ■� ■� ■� ■rrrrri�i i ■rrrrr��i i ■rrrrr�si ii ■rrrrriiii r�i ■rrrrri r�i ii rrrr�rri�■rrrr�r�i rrrr�0�■rrrr�rii ■rrririi ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rii rr�rri�■rrrr�rii ■rrr�rii ■rrr�rr■i ■rrrrr�ri� ���■rrrr�rii ■rrrirr■i ■rrr�r�i ■rrrrr�rii amp.m wv.w, IiNnYy n.pun oim m � oo. 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Ow ewe wr..r� zap.. sv Nnoi .ir.,....Ar iN ool. ebvhM • lLSlrn WOPF WYwYA bvAM GOI.O• —M' • Cwweb• woM �l Ow ewe wr..r� zap.. sv Nnoi .ir.,....Ar iN ool. I I., .-�.+sw✓J �■ �� ���■ ���■ ���■ ���■ ���■ ���. ���,,-.TSO I I., .-�.+sw✓J o�. ©. i:a. LL wommimow LL LL ©. i:a. LL wommimow smo MVmq wv� Mo>1Y1 L 4U4f11 wta�avn'J 4q nNM �uvuuwm� L mM uMaoo'J V6(� w1 MF aO��YM 40�41.�mY I.vIJILL Wlw4 rPTI 'MIpY xIV VA9 m9 �ia6 OYIl�9 a or. s+oa o.aumm an�aoo swan ..e. gra. V6(� w1 MF aO��YM 40�41.�mY Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forme for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as <(value) Total # of samples => ' Maximum (mg/1) ' or Maximum 0b/d) _> ' or Average(mgA)=> • or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is x 66%) %TRC violations, (SNC is v 33 %) _> d % violations,(chmnic SNC is x 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) _> j Total a of sampin => Maximum (mg/1) y or Maximum (lb/d) => or _ Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is v 66%) y % TRC "clatters, (SNC is x 33 %) => % violatiom,(chronic SNC is x 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) y Total # of samples => ' Maximum (mg/1)=> • or Maximum (INd) y • or Average(me)=> • or Average Loading (lb/d) y % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) T, % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) => d % violations,(chronic SNC is x 66%)=> % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name => City of Randleman W WTP Name => Randleman W WfP NPDES#=> I st 6 months, dates => 2nd 6 monde, dates => (/1/2016 6/308017 7/18016 12/31/2017 Industry Name Deep River Dyeing Co., Inc. w # 0004 Pipe # Flow, Mo. Avg. mgd BOD, daily max TSS Ammonia 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 19 6 months 2nd 6 months 6 6 13 13 1 1 1 1 0.429 0.388 31 23 0.15 0.48 1072 683 0.397 0.279 31 23 0.15 0.48 653 368 0% 0% 0% 00/. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0•/s N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/AI N/A Araenk Cadmium Chromium COD, daily mag I at 6 months 12nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 2nd 6 months I at 6 months 12nd6months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months O 1 1 1 1 1 13 13 -.005 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 -.005 not 4204 4048 regumini -.005 -.002 <0.002 -,005 -.005 3210 2059 N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A NIA 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% W. N/A N/A N/AN/A i N/A N/A 00/917% N/A N/A N/A N/A WA N/A 0°/s 0'/e Conner Lead Me ury Nickel 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months Ilst6 months 2nd 6 momhs 1st 6 months 12nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 0.006 0.013 <0.005 <0.005 -.0002 <0.0002 <0.005 -.005 0.006 0.013 -.005 -.005 -.0002 -.0002 -.005 -.005 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WA N/A WA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WA N/A I NIA N/A I N/A N/A N/A I N/A WA BI L-> Below Debc .. Lunn 'w => milligram M In> - ' POTW mwt antero lam am ollhat RIP- 1rd.mWU.Pmnil IWd=>p Uu Mday fwrrow, Pl.'Minre howevenam vane a.Wd SNC -1 Si,&,.t Non-Camplwla mgd->miliion wlom per day Ava a%r.M could be monN. pr or 6-monA & faDL II2aDL m aero vel mM TRC -> TaxN -W R Cnaru WWIT => watewner vaanml nlanl Arerneeafoo IraunJa xere taloJneJ M Gnarmaenin¢IndiaiduW,dumb pannda, Nen ar,.,,ns Ih—rehm Lne ho....nuh Pe,,A Aaeraeea fna rnnrnnrxtlom, ve ...nple aaenpn of ell mncemnuaua mexnrreJ in —It m m�nlh Irt.ind, IDSF Dap R,,er Dlel.lg Co, Inc. 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total p of samples => • Maximum (MBA) => • or Maximum (IWd)-> • or Average (mg/1) => • or Average Loading (IWd)=> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => q % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> d % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total a of samples => Maximum (mgn)=> or Maximum (IWd)=> or Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (IWd) => _ %violations, (chronic SNC is x 66%)=> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) Y> %violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is x 33 %) _> Total a of samples => • Maximum (mg/I)=> • or Maximum (IWd)=> • or Average (mg/I) => • or Average Loading (IWd) => _ • violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => n, % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => d •/a violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Industry Name Deep River Dyeing Co. -Inc. NP 4 0004 Pipe # 001 Molybdenum Selenium Zinc pH, so 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 not required <0.005 not required <0.005 0.081 0.069 6.8 6.4 <0.005 <0.005 0.081 0.069 6.8 6.4 N/A N/A I N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/AN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I N/A N/A I N/A N/AI NIA NIA I NA Temperature BOD, monthly ova COD, monthly ova Cvanide 1 n 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 12nd 6 months 1 st 6 months 12nd 6 months I st 6 months 12nd 6 months 1 1 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 42 nC 32 nC <0.005 <0.005 755 563 3660 3,474 42 oC 32 <C <0.005 <0.005 653 369 3219 2043 0% 0•h 0% 0% op/. 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 06A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A Ist 6 months 2nd 6 months 1st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 12nd6months 1st 6 months 12nd6moruhs BDL. Blow Dmarion Lim,, .,A rulhgnnu w Lae • PQT\y mw, intoe st lucr one of alae RIP -> Wwroal U., Penni, @Id pounds pa &Y Pour mwa, Pleue indiare hox •verge wxre nlculalad SNC -> Signihwnl Non-Complisnca mgd -> millwn yllow par dry Ave vaiod could M month, Qu, a 6dopath&if BDL, I ABD vaiiiia wad TRC ->Tah 1Revi Cn. WWTP->xutewrm torment olsnt bngn for pouts, were al<Wa,ed M1Y Mr <onvrrlin8lodividnnl taut ro ponnda, then rvengine IM1me vtlnee fm nch 6 month period {venga for ronrmin,ion,, m nmpk nenea of tll cw,cemntinns meuured in euM1 0 month period. IDSF Dap Riva Dying Co., Inc. 2017 m MEMO MENEM IS NOMINEES MEM= IN SEE= MONSOONS! m� MMMllMMM SIEMENS m� MONOMER E� MEMO! EEMM OEM SIEMENS MENOMONEE MOMMEN MONOSSON ]DOMINION SOMEONE MEMO �m0nom�m @MENOMOs ■AMM= ■ENOMONEE= ■��= ■��= ■��m ■��= MONOMER. - 0��� �m M��= ■��= m��= m��= ■��= ■��= gym_, MENOMINEE= MENOMONEE= m��= m��= m��= m��= SOMEONE ��m MENOMONEE= MENOMONEE= m��= m��= m��= m��= NOMINEES MEEZ=0mmm�= ��m m�mm ■ENOMONEE= m��= m��= ■��= ■��= gym.._. MINE! o��� ��� u�M= Mho== ■��= ■©�= ■sz m ■��m NIMMONS. n�mm ■�mm ■��= ■�mm m��= ■��= gym_ �0��� ��m m�mm ■ENOMINEE= ■��= ■��= m��= ■��= �m II'I�'I�II�IIIIIIIII�III �� 11111111111111111111111 e 1111111111111111111111 111111111111 1111111 11 �IIIIIIIIIIII IIII�II� I ..111111! B wiiif�11111111i amo ..••an ..aws ao. — --.,o1..n...,.w., ouuro my, e.aa.0 ,�m,o , uo , ,00 •wen, ,00 Qoc �o u, wo +•w.w., w ms � 0 MEN z' =mMEM/ =M�m MEMOMM�w M� mm� =��m =��m =��m =��m mm� M�/ mm� =��m =��m =��m =��m mm�/mm�/ MEN z' 11111111111111111111111111 111111!!!1!!!!!1!!l11111!! iillllll�ill�llillllllllll� Ii11111111111111N �j i .,-..--I o'Alni iO 11emMq rtim LJvr) daeuntew lal emern rrz Cowrvn �ew�10-IenkrM eq�iby Lvnrnebn LMb Pp GesweYn I.MbrNh CaeaenM 14 VL\q fevweM Web A^rl Cuaansa9n Ibb PW Gvan4sun wvU'h iFC umn .. I.ri.9r— mxe r wqwy • YUIP,I �/16x'usn LeveilIXl snMM P�RPYI • COOM1bn MYOOF f to Yw46F fvY1PMm YnbPF LaY�Ptla Yt'1t1�=M777 CawneMw MWQ'h PLM i11f:IMl PWl a ossa om PAR AT 2017 Randleman AT, Approved August 2017, Updated 1/2018 Allocation Table Spreadsheet Instructions. Headworks last approved: 08118/17 1) Applicable Values shall be entered in the Heavy Bordered colts. Rest of worksheet is protected, password is'7. 2) Formulas are disaased in Cie Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 6, Section C. Allocation Table uptlated:F 01/03/181 3) HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook she linked, Pollutant Names, MAHLs, Basis, arta Uncontrollable bad In Permits last modified'1 01/01/171 this AT worksheet are automatically entered from me HWA spreadsheet. This includes polUarn names in columns Al tmi u h BK. Baala=> MARL from HWA (lbs/day)=> NPDES Uncontrollable Loading lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAW) (lbs/day) => Total Pennitted to Industry (lbs/day) => MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (5/0) => Percent MARL still available I%) _> 5 Percent MART. (lbs/davl=> HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 Randleman AT, Approved August 2017, Updated 1/2018 Allocation Table Headworks last approved 08/16/17 �I Allocation Table updated01/03/18 Petmttslast modified: 01/01/17 Basis=> Design Design Coming Loadin MAHL from HMA (lbs/day) => 2620 160.09 0.1064 0.07 Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day)=> 505 91.27 0.0161 0.01 Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => 2115 68.81 0.0903 0.06 Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => 0 0.00 0.0000 0.00 MAIL. left (Ibs/day)=> 2115 68.81 0.0903 0.06 Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0 Percent MAHL still available (/5) => 80.7 % 410% 94.9% 85.5 HWA.AT Revised November 2005 Poles+'. NPoEWp. IUP Count 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Randleman AT, Approved August 2017, Updated 1/2018 Allocation Table Headworks last approved 08/16/17 Allocation Table updated'.1 01/03/18 Permits last motllaetl 01/01/17 Randleman NCO025445 INDUSTRY NAMES � .!,e.e ) Industry Permit number Pipe number Chromium Permit Limits Conc. Load mjVI lbs/ Copper Permit Limits Conc. Load lbs/da Cyanide Permit Limits Conc. Load MPA lbs/da Lead Permit Limits Cone. Load m I lbs/da Mercury Permit Limits Conc Load m2A lbs/day ommonwealth Hosiery 0001 0001 0.834 Deep River Dyeing Co, Inc. 0004 0001 Column Totals => 1 1 U.534V I U.WWI I u.uvuul I u.uwul l u.u)000U Basis=> MAHL from HW A (lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day)=> MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) A11 available (%)=> Percent MARL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHI. OWdavl => HWA.AT Revlsed:November 2005 1 0.0017161 3 PonWh HPoI i It1P Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Randleman AT, Approved August 2017, Updated 1/2018 Allocation Table Headworss last approved: 08/18/17 Allocation Table updated: 01/03118 Permits last modified: 01/01117 Randleman Loading (Ibs/day)=> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => NCO025445 INDUSTRY NAMES Qll—h" !`) Industry Permit number Pipe number Molybdenum Permit Limits Conc. Load m9A lbs/day Nickel Permit Limits Conc. Load I lbs/day Selenium Permit Limits ConcLoad m I lbs/da Silver Permit Limits Conc. Load mg/1 lbs dac Zinc Permit Limits Conc. Load mall lbs/dav Commonwealth Hosiery 0001 0001 DeeD River Dyeing Co, Inc. 0004 0001 Column Totals => I I V'u,ovuI Basis=> ceilm{ MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => Loading (Ibs/day)=> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => KO.46Uncontrollable MAIL left(lbs/day)=> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 ,u IJ I°,O1"J I V.. Sludge Sludge ASIaiVTF 4 `C` s NPOEE IUP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Randleman AT, Approved August 2017, Updated 112018 Allocation Table Industry Permit number Headworks last approved: OBI16/17 Allocation Table updated: 01/03/18 Remade last modified: 01/01/17 Randleman NC0025445 INDUSTRY NAMES oi—ti 'Ps !,m Industry Permit number Pipe number Total Nitrogen Permit Limits Conc. Load mRA Its dac Total Phos. Permit Limits Conc. Load MRA lbs/day COD Permit Limits Conc. Load m I lbs/d e Permit Limits Conc. Load ni lbs/da Commonwealth Hosiery 0001 0001 90 Deep River Dyeing Co, Inc. 0004 0001 490 Column- Totals=> 11 1 uout I uvUl I >avvvvl I u.uuwl AS/NI rF Basis=> MARL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) _> MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MALL) still available (%) _> Percent MARL still available (h) _> HWA.AT Revlsed:November 2005 5 PAR EL&MR 2017 IUP, Part 1 Section F: Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements The Permittee may discharge from this specific Pipe number according to these specific dates, effluent limits, and monitoring requirements Receiving POTW name => Receiving POTW NPDES # _> Effective date for these Limits => Expiration date for these Limits => Randleman IU name => NC0025445 IUP # _> 01/01/2017 Pipe # _> 12/31/2021 40 CFR # _> THE LIMITS ON THIS PAGE ARE, (Check one below LIMITS for ENTIRE permit period => INTERIM Limits for period # 1 => INTERIM Limits for period # 2 => FINAL Limits Page => X Commonwealth Hosiery 0001 O1 0/1 if not applicable put N/A Concentration Limits Mass Limits Monitoring Frequency Daily Max Monthly Average Units Daily Max Monthly Average Units B Indus B POTW Sample Collection Method C or G Required Laboratory Detection Level 1 Flow 0.100 MGD MGD Continuous - 2 BOD m 304 221 lbs/day 12/6 months 1/6 months C 2 3 COD m 1668 900 lbs da 12/6 months 1/6 months C 5 4 Temperature 66 Deg. C Deg. C I/6 months G 5 PH Range: 6-I1 Std. Units Std. Units 1/6 months G OTHER PARAMETERS; Please List AI habeticall 6 NH3 as N 1/6 months C 0.1 7 Arsenic 1/12 months C 0.01 8 Cadmium 1/6 months C 0.002 9 Chromium Ign 0.834 1/6 months C 0.005 ]0 Copper 1/6 months C 0.002 I I Lead 1/6 months C 0.01 12 Mercury 1/6 months C 0.0002 13 Mol bdenum 1/12 months C 0.1 14 Nickel m I 1/6 months C 0.01 15 Selenium MgA 1/12 months C 0.01 16 TSS m 1/6 months C 2.0 17 Zinc m 1/6 months C 0.01 18 Cyanide m I 1/6 months G 0.005 19 20 21 22 IUP, Part 1 Section F: Effluent Limits and Monitoring Requirements The Permittee may discharge from this specific Pipe number according to these specific dates, effluent limits, and monitoring requirements Receiving POTW name => Receiving POTW NPDES # _> Effective date for these Limits => Expiration date for these Limits => Randleman IU name => NC0025445 IUP # _> 01/01/2017 Pipe# _> 12/31/2021 40 CFR # _> THE LIMITS ON THIS PAGE ARE, (Check one below): LIMITS for ENTIRE permit period => INTERIM Limits for period # 1 => INTERIM Limits for period # 2 => FINAL Limits Page => X DeeD River Dveina Co 0004 O1 N/A if not applicable put N/A Concentration Limits Mass Limits Monitoring Frequency Daily Max Monthly Average Units Daily Max Monthly Average Units By Industry B POTW Sample Collection Method C or G Required Laboratory Detection Level I Flow 0.600 MGD MGD Continuous 2 BOD m 1660 1205 lbs/day 12/6 months 1/6 months C 2 3 COD m 9098 4909 lbs/da 12/6 months 1/6 months C 5 4 Tem nature 66 Deg. C Deg. C 1/6 months G 5 1 PH 6 - 1 I 1 1 Std. Units Std. Units 1/6 months G OTHER PARAMETERS; Please List AI habeticall 6 NH3 as N Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.1 7 Arsenic Monitor mg/I 1/12 months C 0.01 8 Cadmium Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.002 9 Chromium Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.005 10 Copper Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.002 11 Lead Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.01 12 1 Mercury Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.0002 13 Molybdenum Monitor mg/I 1/12 months C 0.1 14 Nickel Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.01 15 Selenium Monitor m9/1 1/12 months C 0.01 16 TSS Monitor m9/1 1/6 months C 2.0 17 Zinc Monitor mg/I 1/6 months C 0.01 18 Cyanide Monitor I mg/I 1/6 months G 0.005 19 20 21 PAR LTMP 2017 Overall Percent Removal From Randleman WWTP Summary of Long Term Monitoring for 2017 using 1/2 the detectable levels and Default Data for BDL samples as described in CH.5 Section E of the Comprehensive Guide for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs LTMP Data Removal Summary 2017 Literature Value BODE NH3-N Total Nitro en TSS COD Phosphorus ' Cd •' # Months: 12 # Months. 12 # Months: 12 # Months: 12 # Months: 5 # Months'. 12 # Months: 5 ' 97% •• 80% 80% 93% 84% 48% 67% using 1/2 the detectable levels and Default Data for BDL samples as described in CH.5 Section E of the Comprehensive Guide for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs LTMP Data Removal Summary 2017 Literature Value Cr NI Pb Cu Zn CN- ' se •' # Months: 5 # Months: 5 # Months: 5 # Months: 5 # Months: 5 # Months: 5 # Months: 5 ' 74% •• 42% 46% 45% 0% 69% 50% using 1/2 the detectable levels and Default Data for BDL samples as described in CH.5 Section E of the Comprehensive Guide for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs LTMP Data Removal Summary 2017 Literature Value Mo Hg As # Months: 5 # Months: 5 # Months: 5 ' 19% •' 60% 45% using 1/2 the detectable levels and Default Data for BDL samples as described in CH.5 Section E of the Comprehensive Guide for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs LTMP Data Removal Summary 2017 Literature Value Aeration Basin LTMP 2017 1.12 Aeration Basin LTMP 2017 02 L=M d l M M 0 0 0 0 - o lm.l.a dwil W. Mc DMR.M LJMR DM 211J I „o 1.an 0 0