HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026573_Annual Report_20180227February 27, 2018 NCDWR PERCS Unit Ms. VIVIEN ZHONG 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Ms. Zhong, RECEIVED/DEMR/DwR MAR 0 5 2018 VVeter R'esources Permitting ,Sectcon Enclosed is the City of Morganton's Annual Pretreatment Report for 2017. This document has been developed to meet pretreatment standards and has been prepared by our pretreatment coordinator & reviewed by the POTW Director. If you have any questions about this document please give Mr. Kenny Fleming a call at 828-438-5375 or email him at kflemingkci.morganton.nc.us. Sincerely, "e, Brad Boris Water Resources Director Telephone 828-437-8863 305 East Union St. Post Office Box 3448 www.ci.morganton.nc.us Morganton, NC 28655 Morganton, NC 28680-3448 City of Morganton Pretreatment Annual Report City of Morganton PAR Narrative for 01 /01 /2017-12/31 /2017 General Program The City of Morganton WWTP continues to upgrade the existing facility, with a conversion of the existing EQ Basin to an aeration basin with four floating aerators Other upgrades now include a change from pure oxygen to diffused aeration, with the construction of two additional aeration basins planned In the second half of 2017, construction began on two additional aeration basins, a new building to house turbo blowers and updated SBS feed system, Two flow control structures are included in this project, as well as upgrades to secondary clarifiers and RAS pumping station Drought The City of Morganton is no longer in any water restriction use. General Permits Caterpillar -PEC is no longer in business here in Morganton Their permit was scheduled for renewal in 2018 All other permits are current Case Farms # 1098 Case Farms continues to be a valuable customer to the City of Morganton Case Farms is in the process of planning and implementing a flow equalization basin in order to improve their pretreatment process. Case Farms had only 4 violations (BOD), in 2017, and are very cooperative with the Pretreatment program Caterpillar- PEC # 3098-433 Caterpillar- PEC, Morganton was very cooperative with the pretreatment program in all the years they were here, and they had an excellent record of compliance Caterpillar- PEC, Morganton ceased discharging industrial wastewater to the City of Morganton in the fourth quarter of 2017 During the shutdown process, Caterpillar experienced problems with their pretreatment system, due to their low volume of process water being discharged, as production lines went offline This caused Caterpillar -PEC to have 6 zinc violations in second half of 2017, with just 2 violations in first half of 2017 Technically, this put Caterpillar in SNC for zinc in the second half of 2017, but due to the fact that this facility does not exist anymore, didn't see any need to publish in local paper Leviton Southern Devices # 1182 Leviton Southern Devices had one limits violations in all of 2017, that being for copper in the second half of 2017 The future looks good for Leviton right now, as they continue to be a leader in the local economy Viscotec Automotive/Seiren #4002 Viscotec Automotive is now known as Seiren, North America They are still owned by the same parent company, and produce the same product, and the change was dust in name only Seiren is one of the City of Morganton's larger water and wastewater customers Seiren is very cooperative with the City of Morganton's Pretreatment program Seiren North America has an excellent compliance record, and had only four limits violations in 2017. Overall View Our local SIU industries seem to be able to remain steady, with the notable exception of Caterpillar - PEC, Morganton The loss of Caterpillar -PEC was a hard blow to the local economy, as you might expect. Support for the Pretreatment Program among the other industries remains strong. The total number of NOV's issued to SIU's in 2017 was 18, up from 12 in 2016, but 6 of those were from when Caterpillar was in the process of ceasing operations The City of Morganton wishes all of our local industries continued success Other Pretreatment Program Info Database and Historical SNC Report both appear to be accurate and up to date. Waste Reduction in 2017 City of Morganton --Encourages and participates in the recycling of plastics, glass, aluminum, newspaper and corrugated cardboard at drop off sites in the City. The City of Morganton also recycles printer cartridges and provides a drop off box for mercury thermometers at City Hall. Case Farms # 1082 — W131 W145 W195 W219 W24, W33, W349 W365 W395 W411 W51, W555 W66 Caterpillar -PEC # 3098-433 — W13, W21, W29, W31, W33, W34, W365 W425 W515 W525 W61, W625 W671 W73, W74 Southern Devices/Leviton # 1182 — W13 Viscotec Automotive/Seiren # 4002 — W13) W149 W211 W241 W315 W321 W33, W345 W361 W555 W641 W74 Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1. Pretreatment Town Name: City of Morganton 2 "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 26573 or Non Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3 PAR begin Date, please enter 01/01/yy 3 => 01/01/17 4 PAR end Date, please enter 12/31/yy 4 => 12/31/2017 5 Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5 => 4 6 Number of CIUs 6 => 1 7 Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 7 => 0 8 Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 8 => 0 9 Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 9 => 0 10 Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 10 => 0 11 Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 11 => 0 12 Number of SIUs to SNC due to violation of a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 12 => 0 13 Number of CIUs in SNC 13 => 0 14. Number of SIUs included in public notice 14. => 0 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 15 => 0 16 Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 16 => 18 17 Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 17 => 0 18 Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 18 => 0 19 Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. => $ 0 20 Number of IUs from which penalties collected 20 => 0 Notes AO Administrative Order IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit POTW CIU Categorical Industrial User NNC Notice of Non -Compliance SIU Publicly Owned Treatment Works Significant Industrial User CO Consent Order NOV Notice of Violation SNC Significant Non -Compliance IU Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report revised 1/2018 PAR—PPS-2018 Pretreatment Program Info Database for Program Name Morganton WWTP Name City of Morganton Program Approval Date 07/01/1983 Pretreatment Status Full Region ARO County Burke NPDES Number NC0026573 printed on: 12/18/2017 Stream Infai t'ation IWC % at 7Q10 12 11 7Q10`Fowcfs/mgd 118 / 7623 1 Q1 0 Flow cfs / mgd 9621 / 62 18 Stream Classification WS -IV Basin Number CTB31 Receiving Stream Name CATAWBA RIVER NPDES Effective Date 05/01/2016 Last PAR Rec 03/06/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury NPDES Expire Date 02/29/2020 Current Fiscal 04/26/2017 kfleming@ci morganton nc us Pretreatment Program Coordinator IPO Box 3448 8680-3448 1631 required Year PCI Done POTW is Primary WWTP TRUE Last Audit on 05/13/2015 Audit Year Next 19/20 es Design Flow mgd 105000 % Design WWTP SIU's mgd is SIU permitted 29 67 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt—SIU) 3 115 WWTP CIU's 1 Program SIUs Program CIUs HWA LTMP IWS SUO �_ ERP date Inactive Date Next Due 03/01/2020 06/01/2022 Date Received by DWR 03/31/2014 08/11/2005 06/05/2017 03/06/2013 05/05/2010 Date Approved 06/17/2014 08/12/2005 10/24/2017 03/28/2013 06/28/2010 Adopt Date Required Date Adopted 03/04/2013 Info In this Box from Pt Contacts Date Date Date PT_Pro Attended Attended Attended Formal Name q Prime Phonel ext Fax 14WA Wiean ii io %A/t,-- nno Inn..._ Mr Kenny Fleming 1Prim (828) 438-5376 (828) 433-8593 11 5/18/2006 1/24/2006 kfleming@ci morganton nc us Pretreatment Program Coordinator IPO Box 3448 8680-3448 Pretreatment Related NOVs from DWR Central Office Contact Mvien Zhong DWR Regional Contact Linda Wiggs Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) PAR covers this calendar year => 01/01/2017-12/31/2017 Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) Control Authority=Program=Town Name => Morganton WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. WWTP Name => Catawba SIU = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance NPDES # => NCO026573 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC durinz calendar year IUP # Pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC? ( Yes /No) for each 6 -month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. 1098 1 Case Farms None No No 3098-433 1 Caterpillar -PEC None No No 1192 1 Southern Devices/Leviton None No No 4002 1 Viscotec Automotive/Seiren None No No Attach a copy ofthe Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your PUTW's SIUs behind this page Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name PAR SNCR,2001 Date Revised 1/4/2001 hist�r�6 REPORT 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half 12nd half 1st half l 2nd half 1st half [ 2nd half 1st half [ 2nd half 1st half 1 2nd half Case Farms PreviousNames Breeden IUP # 1098 Pipe # 1 SIU Word Description IUP Status Active food, meat, poultry BOD IX Leviton Manufacturing Company, Inc. PrevlousNames Southern Devices IUP # 1182 Pipe # 1 SIU Word Description Metals -not cat IUP—Status Active Reporting I I X1 I I I Zinc I IX I I I I IX An 'X' in a semi-annual period indicates snc for the period for the respective parameter PRINTED ON 12/18/2017 This information is compiled from many sources, and has not been verified PAGE 53 Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, BOD Industry I.SS Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => Morganton Name Case Farms Use separate forms for each Industry/pipe WWTP Name => Catawba IUP # 1082 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NC0026573 Pipe # 1 12 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2017 6/30/2017 N/A N/A 1 478 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2017 12/31/2017 1788 115 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> ow, mgd BOD I.SS Ammonia st months n months st Mont s n Mont s st mon s n Mont s st mon s n Mont s 12 12 12 12 12 12 N/A N/A 1 478 1 702 499 1788 115 113 0% 1 0% 0% 333% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 833% 0% 0% N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium Chromium COD st mont s 2nd 6 mont sst Monts n Monts st Montsn mont s st Monts n Mont s N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 12 800 847 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% Copper cyanide Lead IVIercury st 6 months 2nd 6 months I T77TMonts 2nd 6 mont sst Monts - 2nd 6 months stMonts 2nd 6 months N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I — milligrams per Mer * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL , I/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name PAI��hFehviFde¢iCiaudd�tEhSpg,I;eL�) B, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each Industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Case Farms IUP # 1082 Pipe # 1 IN >c eMSelenium iUrease <ver 2nd 6 months incs 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months mon ssmos 12 12 n mont s n montss mo n mon s N/AN/AN/AN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% st mont s n mont s st mont s 2nd 6 mon sst mont s 2nd. 6 months- stmont s 2nd 6 mont s N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PH iUrease st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 12 12 12 12 797 8.46 9 9 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% st mont s n mont s st mont s 2nd 6 mon sst mont s 2nd. 6 months- stmont s 2nd 6 mont s lJVL => tseiow uetection Limit mg/l => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL, I/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name PAICd1�£ekbngeviGuEddotl'htipgirs4,l�eL9)bs B, pages 12; 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Cadmium Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> Morganton Name Caterpillar months WWTP Name => Catawba IUP # 3098-433 Use separate forms for each industry/pipe NPDES # _> NC0026573 Pipe # 1 Enter BDL values as < (value) 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2016 6/30/2016 10 12 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2016 12/31/2016 N/A Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> HOW, mg Cadmium Chromium mmonia months n months stm stm nmont s months n months 12 10 12 10 12 10 N/A N/A 0.005 0.004 < 0.0002 < 0 0002 58 14 32 35 31 69 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium Chromium COD st mont s n mont s st mont s n mont s st mont s n mont s st mont s n mont s N/A N/A 2 2 2 2 12 10 < 0.0002 < 0 0002 0.006 0.007 31 69 N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury st 6 months 2nd 6 months Tst mont s 2nd 6 mont sst mont s 2nd 6 mont sst mont s 2nd 6 months 12 10 2 2 2 2 N/A N/A 0.006 0 032 0 007 0 006 0 020 0.010 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% 0% 1 N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name PAK6B1 gFekimgevif'ianid4tClApgLrO,l�eLVM B, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe -Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Caterpillar IUP # 3098-433 Pipe # 1 Nickel Selenium Silver Line s mont s st mont s n mon s st mont s n mont s st mont s n mon s 12N/A N/A 2 2 12 10 0013 0.001 0 001 0.709 1.040 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 16.7 75% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 25% PH VY0 st mont s 2nd6mont7so7strmon'tTs72nd6months lst6months 2nd6months st mont sn mont s 12 10 7.70 760 certifies certifies 0% 0% not not 0% 0% present present �►.rrr_ ��r.� vrrr_ � 1►�rr_yrrrsTrr�� BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/l => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name PAIUdWFek nRueiGuindd4tClApgLrs9,1�eLVM B, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name => Morganton Name Leviton Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Catawba IUP # 1192 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NC0026573 Pipe # 1 2 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2017 6/30/2017 2 2 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2017 12/31/201 N/A Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> HOW, mgAmmonia I st 6 months 2nci 6 months 777mmmomn'tTs' 2nd 6 mon ss mon s nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 2 2 2 2 N/A N/A 0.004 0.012 143 295 23 31 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A Arsenic Cadmium Chromium COO st mont s2nd. 6 months Ts=months 2nd 6 months st mont s 2nd 6 months I st 6 months n mont s N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2 566 560 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Copper Cyanide Lead Alercury st mont s 2nd 6 mont sst mont s 2nd 6 mont sst mont s 2nd6months stmont s 2nd6monthsl 2 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 145 0.437 0% 33.3% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/1 => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP — Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name PAK6WFekbnguviCuiordd4tChapguO,15eL9R)k B, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each Industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Leviton IUP # 11 Pipe # 1 IN ><c e e emum �►�rrs�rs�r�� r►•rrrsT.rr�;� u�;rr.-s �rsr�� t►�rrr•rsrm� Silver Linc st 6 months znct 0 mont s s mont s n mont sst mont is 271 o montlis I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2 <0001 0014 0418 0417 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% f�'ri i iTiTif�fai�f►�[•TT•Tiii�i�i • •TiT•Tifai�D�[•Ti'L•Tiil�f�'[i • •TT•Tifai�f►�[•�'STiSiiii� • b�[• i?TiSifil� BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/l => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd — million gallons per day Avg period could be month Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL , 1/213DL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name B, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of ��.sT.�� �►�rrs�rs�r�� r►•rrrsT.rr�;� u�;rr.-s �rsr�� t►�rrr•rsrm� f�'ri i iTiTif�fai�f►�[•TT•Tiii�i�i • •TiT•Tifai�D�[•Ti'L•Tiil�f�'[i • •TT•Tifai�f►�[•�'STiSiiii� • b�[• i?TiSifil� BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/l => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd — million gallons per day Avg period could be month Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL , 1/213DL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name B, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Uadmium Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> Morganton Name Seiren Use separate forms for each Industry/pipe WWTP Name => Catawba IUP # 4002 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NC0026573 Pipe # 1 12 1st 6 months, dates => 1/1/2016 6/30/2016 12 12 2nd 6 months, dates => 7/1/2016 12/31/2016 N/A Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> HOW, mgAmmonia Uadmium lUhromium st 6 months 2nd 6 mont ss mon s 2nd 6 mont ss mont s 2.nd 0 months s mont s 2nd 0 months 12 12 12 12 12 12 N/A N/A 0386 0 546 254 394 72 76 1100 958 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% N/A N/A Arsenic Uadmium lUhromium monthsffN/A n s t mo sst n mont s st mont s n mont s N/A N/A N/A 12 12 11 12 < 0 025 < 0 025 1100 958 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 8 33% 00% N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0% 00% opper yan>< a Lead Mercury st mont s n mont s st mont s n months st mont s n months st mont s n mont s 12 12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A < 0 050 0 422 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per Mer * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _- % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * or Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name IUP # Pipe # Seiren 4002 IN ickel selenium Nilver inc s mont s n mon ss mon s n mon s T=months n mon s I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 12 12 12 12 N/A N/A 12 12 < 0 050 < 0.025 Monitor Monitor 0.529 0.957 only only 0% 0% Monitor Monitor N/A N/A 833% 1666% 0% 0% only only N/A N/A 0% 16 66% p Fhenols st mont s 2nd6months lst6months nd6months Ist6months 2nd6mont s lst6months 2nd6months 12 12 11 12 1100 960 0 280 0 720 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% empera ure st mont s 2nd6months Ist6months 2nd6months Ist6months 2nd6months Ist6months 2nd6months 12 12 39.4 416 0% 0% 0% 0% 130L => Below Detection Limit mgn => muugrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6 -month & if BDL, 1/2BDL, or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Chapter PAR Guidance File name P,NOodIPSM kRev$uckoahafttigiW*ctMMB, pages 12, 13, 14 Blank IDSF Form, Copy and use in your PAR Number each set for each IUP pipe - Page of City of Morganton Printed 2/26/2018, 2 33 PM Page 1 of 3 City of Morganton HWA AT linked,8,99 Allocation Table Headworks last approved 03/30/11 PoTW=> Morganton Allocation Table updated 02/22/18 PDES#=> NCO026573 Permits last modified 10/01/15 FLOW BOD TSS Ammonia Industry Type Original Modification Date Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits IUP INDUSTRY NAMES Permit/Pipe of Effective Effective Permit Conc Load Cone Load Cone Load Count (plea IM.Iphaba.dy) number Industry Date Date Expires MGD al/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da I Case Farms 1098/01 Chicken Processor 5/31/2000 10/1/2015 5/31/2020 20000 2,000,000 50000 834000 40000 667200 2 Caterpillar Inc - Precision Engine 3098/01 Metal Finisher 3/31/2003 1/15/2009 1 3/31/2018 00550 55,000 32100 67500 30962 3 Leviton Manufacturing 1182/01 lEletrical Wiring Device 5/31/2000 5/31/2015 5/31/2020 00600 60,000 70000 35028 67500 33777 4 Seiren 1 4002/01 ITextile 4/1/2002 08/24/05 3/31/2017 15000 1,500,000 50000 625500 30000 375300 Column Totals => 36150 3,615,000 1526628 1107239 Basis=> NPDES NPDES NPDES NPDES MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => NPDES Permitted Flow=> 80000 34528 1726380 613824 Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => 29485 6820 6459 92 61476 Total Allowable for Industry (lbs/day) => 50515 27708 10803 88 552348 Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => 3 6150 15266 11072 39 Allowable loading left (lbs/day) _> 14365 12442 -26851 #VALUE1 Percent Allow Ind still available (%) => 1 2841/(l 4490/( 1 -250/61 Percent MAHL still available (%) => 180% 36 0 % -16% 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/day) _> 1 04000 1726 863 __306 91 City of Morganton HWA AT linked,8,99 City of Morganton Printed 2/26/2018, 2 33 PM Page 2 of 3 Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Cyanide Lead Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Silver Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load m l lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/day mg11 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da Inhibition NPDES F Inhibition Inhibition F Inhibition F Inhibition NPDES Ceding F Inhibition NPDES F Inhibition 53949 00700 00321 17100 07844 06500 02982 06500 02982 043001 0 1972 001122 509842 04500 02064 36323 02400 0 1101 City of Morganton HWA AT linked,8,99 03000 0 1501 1 03000 0 1501 03250 40658 03250 40658 02500 3 1275 monitor monitor 00321 48501 45140 02982 1 0 1972 34840 0 1101 A S /Nltrr F A S /Nitlr A S /Nit/r F A S /Nit r A S /Nit/r Sludge A S /Nit r A S /Nit/f Inhibition NPDES F Inhibition Inhibition F Inhibition F Inhibition NPDES Ceding F Inhibition NPDES F Inhibition 53949 23018 118245 125 5941 47298 80297 001122 509842 100371 36323 126940 00738 00393 29779 29410 0 1082 05115 000738 0600-0 —03098 00000 02533 53212 22625 8 8466 1226531 46216 75182 000384 50 9842 97273 3 6323 124407 00321 48501 45140 02982 0 1972 34840 0 1101 #VALUEI 22304 39965 118 1391 43235 73210 #VALUEI #VALUEI 62432 #VALUEI 123306 11 986% 452% 963% 935% 974% 642% 991% 969% 338% 941% 914% 912% 622% 971% 0 27 0 1151 0 5912 62797 0 2365 0 4015 0 00056 2 5492 05019 0 1816 063 City of Morganton HWA AT linked,8,99 City of Morganton Printed 2/26/2018, 2 33 PM Page 3 of 3 Zinc Permit Limits Aluminum Permit Limits COD Permit Limits Oil & Grease Permit Limits TTO Permit Limits Phenols Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Cone Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone Load m lbs/da Cone Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone Load mg/1 lbs/da Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load m lbs/da m lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da mg/1 lbs/da 2000 33360 100 166800 06500 02982 917 2 1300 09770 06500 03253 2000 1001 04500 56295 2000 25020 50000 625500 62529 60298 166800 09770 625500 A S /Nit/r F Stream Inhibition Standard 1427141 333805 55058 62529 60297 8000 1668 0000 1309554 #VALUEI 954% #VALUEI #VALUEI 918% #VALUEI #VALUEI City of Morganton HWA AT Ilnked,8,99 #VALUEI #VALUEI A S /Nit(r F Inhibition 150 12 00000 87571 583% 583%