HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120673 Ver 3_Certified Receipt_20180306■ Gomplete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete
item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.
■ Print your name and address on the reverse
so that we can return the card to you.
■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits.
t. Article Addressed to:
Mr Philip S. Harris, III, P E.. CPM
Natural Environment Section Head
Projec[ Development and Environmental Analysis
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 2769&1598
2. Article Number
(rransler Irom service fabeQ
aa F,,..,, 3R� 1.i� �i�� �m2
A. SiynaWr2
B. Receivetl by (Pnnted Name)
❑ Agent
C. Date of Delivery
D. Is delivery address tlifferent from item 19 U Ye;
IF YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No
3. Service Type
❑ Certified Mall°
❑ Registered
❑ Insured Mall
❑ Priority Mail Express'"
❑ Return Receipt for Merchandlsa
❑ Collect on Delivery
4. Restricted Delivery7 (Fxtra Fce) ❑ Yes
7008 1300 000a 1124 2722
Onmestir. Return Receiot
FirsbClass Mail
Postage & Fees Paid
Permit No. G-'10
• Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4° in this box•
Division of Water Resources
Wetlands Branch
Kristi Lynn Carpenter
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1617
L� �b., . e ' __ v.
PosfeBe � S
CaNflatl Fee �
ReNm Racalp� Fee P���a�
(EnOorsement Repulretl) Here
Resirkletl Dellvery Fea
(Endoraemam Repulra0)
Total Poetage 8 Fees �� �
Mr Philip S Harns. III, P E., CPM
a^� ° Natural Environment Section Head
��_�.�::. Project Development and Environmental Analysis___
orPoearNo. NCDOT
------�-�---�----� 1598 Mad Service Center .--
cay,Sm�e,z/P.. Raleigh.NC2769&1598
Certified Mail Provides:
� A mailing receipt
■ A unique identttier for your mailpieCe
■ A record of tlelivery kept 6y ihe Postal Sarvice for two years
'mpartant Remindero:
■ Certifietl Mail may ONLV be combinetl with FirsbClass Mall� or Priority Maili
■ Certified Mail is notavailabie for any ciass ot intemational mail.
veluahles, please consider Insuretl or Reglstered Mail.
■ For an atltlitional fae, a ReNm Receipt mey be requestetl to provide pmof o�
tlelivery. To obtain Retum Receipt service, please compiete and attach a Retun
Receipt (PS Form 3811) to the article and atld applicable postage to cover thi
tee. EndorSe mailpiece "Retum ReCeipl Requesled". TO reCeive a fee waiver Io��
e tlupllcate retum receipt, a L1SPS� posimark on your Certilietl Mail receipt i:
■ For an atltlitional fee, tlelivery may be restrictetl to tha atldressee o
atltlressee's authorizetl agenL Ativise the c�erk or mark the mailpiece with Ih�
endorsemen� "Restricled Delivery :
■ IF a postmark on the Certifietl Mail receipt is tlesired, please present the aN
cle at the post ofiice for postmarking. Ii a postmark on the Certifietl Ma
receipt is not neetletl, tletach antl aHix le6el wit� postage entl mail.
MPOHTANT: Save this recelpt antl present It when makinq an Inqufry.
>5 Form 3b00. August 20061Reverse) PSN>530-02-000-904]