HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5731, Intersection Improvements, New Hanover County, DCM commentsCaastal Mcnagerr�ent ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY Octobea� 3, 2017 B�ian �Iarding, DDC Desigr► Enginee� iV.C. Departmemt of Transpartaiion, Division 3 5501 Barbadas Boulevard Castle I�ayne, NC 2:8429 ROY COOPER Govnrnar M[CHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTO�I C. DAV15 Direetor RE: Projec� Scoping and Start of Study, Improvements to the intersectic�n of US 74 and �.JS 1?/US�2I, New Handver County, TIP No. U-5731. Dear Mr. H�rding: The N.C, Division of Coastal Management {I3CM) apprecia�es the appo�tunity tc� ea�a�nent on the Project Scoping and Start of Study letter d�ted August 18, 2017, includir�g the attached project data sheets and maps, for the a�o�e referenced projeet. IDCM has reviewed the intorrnation that was provided by the N.C. Depar�ment of Transportation (NCI�OT) to determine if there are any potential Coastal Area l�rlanagem�nt Act (CAMA} Areas of �nvironmental Concer� (AEC's) within th� praject area. Based upan the inforrrbatian received from NCDOT, it appears as though there are CAMA AEC's withir� �he project area. These inclutie: Caastal Wetlands, Estuarine Waters, P�blic Trust Ar�as, and Coastal Shorelines AEC's. If a project impacts a CAMA, AEC, then a CAMA p�rt-r�it is rec�uired. If a proje�t does not impact an AEC, but it rec��aires a federal license, ar it receives federal fundrng, then a detez�nination of federal consistency wifh the N.C. Co�sta� Mana�erzrent Fro�rarrY is required. The p�ocess for obtaining a federal consistency detern�inatia�l �ro� DCM is dependent upon �he type of Sectian 404 permit that is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please alsa be aware that the Cape Fear River in the praject area is designated by the North Caa�olina Division c�f Marine Fisheries as both a prirnary ��ursery area (PI�IA) and an anadromc�azs fish spawning area (AFSA}. Therefare, any in-water work may be subject to a moratc�rium period of Febr�ary 1''to Sep�ember 3(�t�'. Additionally, any ir�pacts to the wetlands and waters of the Stat� should be a�oided and minimized to the maxirnum extent practieable. DCIVI rec�uests that Coas�al We��ands are depicted and la�e�led separately fram other Section 404 Wetlan�s on the Froject znaps and dra�,vings. Flease be aware that Caastal Wet�ands are stringen�ly protected by the State af North Carolina, and 1�1CDOT should plan to avpid any alig�tnents in Coastal Wetlands, i� possible. If aIigiunents in Coastal VJetlands cannot be avoided, then NCDO� sho�.tld include designs for brridges over any areas that includ� Coastal Wetlar�ds durirag the alternatives analysis. State of North Caro[ina I Environmental Quaiity I Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unic I 512 Narth Salisbury S[reek � 1617 Mail Service Cenrer ' Raleigh, NC ZZ699-1617 919-703-9I49 DCM noticed in the August 18, 2Q17 NCD4T letter that there are no plans ta hold a£ormal project scoping meeting with agency representatives. Due to this project's potential for significant impacts to CAMA AEC's, if there is not a formal project scoping meeting, then DCM would like to request an agency coordination meeting with NCDOT and other relevant agencies at the apprapriate time. DCM recommends tha.t the following NCDQT projects be added to the list af other TIP projects in the area: U-4738, and U-5710. During the permitting or federal consistency deternunation process, DCM may have additional comments on the project's environmental impacts, and may place conditions on any permit decision or federal consistency deter�nination to minimize any environmental impacts. NCDOT must also demonstrate that the project is consistent with all C�-1MA land use plans certified by the Coastal Resources Cammission that are current at the time the project is authorized by DCM. The information pravided in this letter shall not preclude DCM from requesting additional information throughout the permitting and/or federal consistency determination process, and following normal procedures. Thank you for your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Please contact me or Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Projects, if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at {919} 707-9149 or via e-mail at Cath .Brittin ham ncdenr. ov. Stephen can be reached at {252) 808-2808 ext. 208 or via e- mail at Stephen.Lane(a�ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, i � � Cathy Bnttingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Managernent Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Joanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT Travis Wilson, WRC State af NaRh Carolfna � Environmental Quality � Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit I S1Z NoRh Salisbury Street I 1617 MailService Center I Ralelgf� NC 27549-1617 919-767-9149