HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5951, Onslow County, Start of Study.�'; Coastcrl Management ENVIRONM€NTAL OUALITY February 5, 201 S Mr. Ba�ian Hardi�g, DD� Design En�ineer NCDO'� Divisior� 3 5501 Barbados Boulevard Castle Hayne, NC 2$429 ROY COQ�PER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary B�RAXTaN C. DAVIS Dlrector R�: Project �copin� and Start of St�dy, Interchange upgrade at the intersection of US 17 and US 17 Business, Onslaw County, STIF U-5951. Dear Mr. Harding; The N.C. Divisian o� Coastal 11�'ianagement (DCM} appreciates the opportunity to comment on th� �roject Scoping and Start of Study letter that was received on December 20, 2017, inclu�ling tl�e a�tached Scoping Fact Sheet, Vicinity IWIap and Environrnental Fe�tures Map, for the above referenced p�oject. DCM has reviewed the informaiion that was pravided by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT} to determine if there are any poter�t�a1 Coastal Area Management Act (CAi�'IA} Areas of Envi�c�nmen�al Concern {AEC's} within the project area. Based upon the ��forrr�at�on received from NCDOT, it appears as thoug� there are not any CAMA AEC's within the project area. A]�CM Fisheries Resaurce Speeialist has also reviewed the information that was providec� by NCI30T, and DCI� does not have any specific fisheries comments at this t��ne. If a project impacts a CAMA AEC, then a CAMA permit is requi�ed. If a project does �ot impact an AEC, but �t reqt�ires a federaY license, or i� receives federa� funding, then a determinatian of federal consistency with the N.C. Cdastad Managernent Program rs gequired. The pracess for abtaining a federal cc�nsistency determinatian frflm DC�v1 is dep�ndent upon fil�e type of Section 404 permit that is applicable by the U.S. Arrny Corps of Engineers. During the federal consistency detenmination process, DCM may have additior�al comments on the project's environmenta� �mpacts, and may place co�ditions on any federa� eonsistency detez�z�ination to miiuznize any environIlnental im�acts. NCI70T must a�so demornstrate that the prp�ect is consistent with all CAMA land use plans certified by �the Coasta� Resou�ces Com��ssion that are cur�rent at the tirr�e the projec� is autharized by DCM. The in�ormation provided in this letter shall not preclude DCM from requesting additional information throu�hout the federal ccansistez�cy determinatian p�ocess, and follawing nat�nal procedures. State of North Carolina I Enviranmentat Quality I Coastal Management �WR Wetlands Unit I 512 North Salisbury Str-ees I 1617 Mail Serwice Center I Raleigh, NC 27699�]bEfi 4�4-7p7-9149 Thank qou far your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. P�ease contact me or Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representa.tive for Transportation Projects, if you Have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at (919) 707-9�49 ar via e-mail at Cath .Brittin ham ncdenar. ov. Stephen can be reached at (252} 808-2808 ext. 208 or via e- mail at �tephen.Lane(a7ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, ^ r Cathy Bri ingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Divisian of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Shane Staples, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Jaanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT 5tate of North Carolina I Environrnenta[ Q�aiiry I Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit � Sl2 North Salisbury Street I 16i7 Mail Service Center I Ralelgfi, NC 27699-16t7 919-707-4149