HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-5788, Brunswick County, Start of Study DCM commentsY CoastaP Management ENVIRONMEhETAL 4UALITY January 16, 201$ 1V�r. Michael Bass N.C. Department of Transport�tion, Division 3 5501 Barbados Bouleward Castle Hayne, hTC 28429 R�Y COQPER Governor M[CHAEL S. R�GAN Secretary BRA?CTL�N G. DAV[S pirecror RE: Realignr�ent of Wall Street at US 17 Busimess {Ma�n Street) and Shallotte Aver�ue, Bi-unswicYc Caunty, TIP No. U-5788. De�r 1VIr. B�ss: The N.C. Drvisi4n of Coastal Management {DCM) apprecrates the opport�t�ity fa comment on the �'roject Scoping a�d Start of St�dy letter dated Septer�ber fl$, 20 � 7, includin� the attached Vicinity Map, for the above referenced project, DCM has revi�wed the inform�tion t�7at w�s provided by the N.C. Department of Transportation �(NCD4T) to determine if there are any potential Coastal Area Manag�ment Act (CAMA) A,reas of Environn3ental Car�cern (AEC's) within th� prQject area. Based upon the infarmation received fr�m NCDQT, �t a�pears as thougk� t�ere are CAMA AEC's within the project area. These incl�ad� the Estuarine Shoreline A�C. If a praje�t irnpacts a CAI�fiA AE�, t1�en a CA1ViA permit is required. If a prcaject does r�ot impact an AEC, but it requ�res a federal license, or it rece�ves federal fundin�, then a deternlination of federal consistency w�th the N.C. Coastal Management Pragrarzl is required. The process for obtaining a federa.➢ cc�nsistency determination from �C�✓I is dependent upan the type of Section 4(l4 permit that is issued by the U.S. Army Corps of E�gineers. Fisheries cornments �ere provided to 1�C170T previously by Mr. Curt Weychert, DCM Fisheries Specialist, in a rneinoranduzn dated October 2, 2017. The er�d of Wa�l Street lies �ext to a section of the Shallotte River which bs de�ignated by the N.C. Division of Marine �isheries as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA). Based on tk�e current lacation of the raad, realignment shauld have no need to impact the PNA waters. However, if there ar� to be any poter�tial i�npacts to PI�YA, t�ae DC1Vi Fisheri�s Special'z�t may �ave additianal comments and �ecommendations. Due to this project's potential for impacts to CAMA AEG's, if there is not �. foa-r�al project scoping meeting, then I)CM wouId like to request an agency coordination meeting with NCDOT and other relevant agencies at the ap�rapriate time. State of North Caralina I Enuironmental Quality I. CoastaP Managerttent DWR Wettands Unit I 512 North Salisbury Str�et ' 1617 MaiT Service Center I RaCrigh, NC Z7b99-1617 914-707-9i49 During the permitting or federal consistency determination process, DCM may have additional commen.ts on the project's enviranmental impacts, and may place conditions on any permit decision or federal consistency detarmination to minimize any environmental impacts. NCDOT must also demonstrate that the project is consistent with all CAMA land use plans certified by the Coastal Resources Comrnission that are current at the time the project is authorized by DCM. The information provided in this letter shall not preclude DCM from requesting additional information throughout the pernutting andJor federal consistency determination process, and following normal procedures. Thank you for your consideration af the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Please contact me ar Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transporta,tion Projects, if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at {919) 707-9149 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittingham cr,ncdenr. o�v. Stephen can be reached at (252) 808-2808 ext. 208 or via e- mail at Stet�hen.Lane(a�ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, , , Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Caardinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Jaanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coasta] Management DWR Wetlands Elnit I 512 North 5al€sbury Street 1 tb17 Mafi Service Center I Raieigh, itilC 27b99-i517 919-707-9149