HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-4709 SR 1112 rockfish road start of study request-002ROY COOPER GOVERNOR �. FROM: COUNTY: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION February 26, 2018 Joanne Steenhuis North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Sean P. Matuszewski Design Engineer, Division 6 DDC Cumberland JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY SUBJECT: Start of Study for Widening to Multi-Lanes of SR 1112 (Rockfish Road) from SR 1115 (Golfview Rd) to NC 59 (Main St), and Widening to Multi-Lanes of SR 11 IS (Golfview Rd) from SR 1112 (Rockfish Rd) to NC 59 (Main St) in Hope Mills, Cumberland County; WBS: 39073.1.1, STIP U-4709 Dear Joanne Steenhuis, Division 6 of the North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting planning, engineering, and environmental studies for the widening to multi-lanes of SR 1112 (Rockfish Road) from SR 1115 (Golfview Rd) to NC 59 (Main St), and the widening to multi-lanes of SR 1115 (Golfview Rd) from SR 1112 (Rockfish Rd) to NC 59 (Main St) in Hope Mills, Cumberland County, as STIP Project U-4709. The project is included in the 2018 — 2027 North Carolina State Transportation Improvement Program (August 2017) and is currently scheduled to begin right of way and utilities in fiscal year 2020, and construction in fiscal year 2022. Attached for your review and comments are the project data sheets for the project. We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in the evaluation of potential impacts associated with the project. A formal scoping meeting is not anticipated. A Type III Categorical Exclusion will be prepared for this project. Written comments are appreciated by March 30, 2018. Please include project number U- 4709 on all project conespondence. Your comments and/or questions should be directed to: Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC SEPI Engineering and Construction, Inc. 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 550-3257 swestbem(c�sepien in� .g com Attachment: Project Data Sheets, Vicinity Map, & Constraints Map Ma�i„�gaad.ess NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Te(ephwre: (910) 364-0603 DIVISION 6 Fax:(910)486-1959 P.O. BOX I150 Cus�oruer Service: 1-877-368-4968 FAYETTEVII.LE, NC 28301 Website: www.ncdoLgov Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Project Data Sheets TIP No.: U-4709 WBS No.: 39073.1.1 Federal Aid No: N/A Division: 6 County: Cumberland Proiect Description: Sent Date: Revision Date: Meetinp Date: February 22, 2018 N/A 1112 (Rockfish Road) from SR 1115 (Golfview Road) to NC 59 (Main Street) and SR 1115 (Golfview Road) from SR 1112 (Rockfish Road) to NC 59 (Main Street). Widen to Multi-Lanes. General Proiect Need: I Increase road capacity; reduce congestion and improve safety. � Metropolitan / Rural Planninp Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Orqanization: Or anization FAMPO NEPA/404 Merqer Candidate?: ❑ Yes � No ❑ To Be Determined Date of FS-0106A (2002) Feasibilitv Studv Completed?: � Yes ❑ No StUdy: FS-0106B (2002) Proiect Schedule: Type of Document: Environmental Document(s): Type III CE Right of Way Authorization Date: Let Date: *Document type TBD, CE anticipated at this time. Cost Estimate: Construction: TIP Estimate: � $9,804,000 Right of $2,051,000 Dates: abruary 2019 June 2020 May 2022 Total Cost: $11,855,000 Current Estimate: ( $9,200,000 � N/A �$16,500,000 Design Criteria: Lenqth of Project: Approximately 0.6 miles S7'lP U-4709 Page 1 February 2018 Ripht of Wav: Existing: Varies Proposed: TBD Tvpe of Access Control: Existing: None Proposed: Limited Roadwav Tvaical Section; Existing: 2-lane undivided roadway Proposed: 4-lane divided roadway with a raised 17.5' median and curb and utter. S� Existing Posted Speed: 35 Proposed Design Speed: 40 Bridqe/ Culvert Inventorv: None Functional Classification: Minor Arterial (Rockfish Rd) Local Golfview Rd Strateqic Transaortation N/A Corridor Information: CTP/Thorouahfare Plan Other Major Thoroughfare — Needs Improvement Desipnation (Facilitv Tvpe): (Rockfish Rd) N/A Golfview Rd Air Qualitv Status: ❑ Non-attainment ❑ Maintenance � Attainment Horizon Comqletion Year (Lonct Ranqe Trans. Plan): 2040 Tvpical Section in Comaliance with Conformitv Determination? Traffic (AADT): Current Year: Design Year: Year � Yes ❑ No Range of Traffic % TTST: 2016 9,800-10,000 TBD Railroad Involvement: Utilitv Involvement: � AASHTO ❑ 3R % Dual: % DHV: _ . - Duke Energy, Piedmont Natural Gas, AT&T, CenturvLink, Favetteville Public Works Commission STIP U•4709 Page 2 Fehruary 2018 Other STIP Pro'ects in the Area SR 1112 (Rockfsh Road) from SR 1140 (Slrickland U-6072A Bridge Road) to SR 1003 (Camden Road). Widen FY 2025 FY 2027 o Multi-Lanes. SR 1112 (Rockfsh Road) from SR 1115 (Golfview U-60728 Road) to SR 1003 (Camden Road). Widen to Multi- FY 2021 FY 2023 Lanes. R 1003 (Camden Road) I-295 (Proposed U-3422 Fayetteville Outer Loop) to NC 59 (Hope Mills FY 2021 FY 2023 Road). Widen to Multi-Lanes. NC 59 (Soulh Main Street) from SR 1243 (Shipman U-6001 Road) TO SR 1118 (Parkton Road). Widen to FY 2020 FY 2022 hree Lanes. B-4738 R 1137 (Crystal Spnngs Road). Replace bridge N/A Under Construction 50189 overBuckhead Creek. I-295 (Fayetteville Outer Loop). Soulh of US 401 to U-2519CA soulh of SR 1400 (Cliffdale Road). Freeway on N/A Under Construction New Location. I-295 (Fayetteville Outer Loop). Soulh of SR 1400 U-2519CB (Cliffdale Road) to east of SR 1415 (Yadkin Road). N/A Under Construction Freeway on New Location. I-295 (Fayetteville Outer Loop) from south of SR U-2519BA �003 (Camden Road) to south of SR 1104 In Progress 2018 Strickland Bridge Road). Freeway on New Location. I-295 (Fayetteville Outer Loop). South of SR 1104 U-2519B6 Strickland Bridge Road) to South of US 401. In Progress 2018 Freeway on New Location. I-295 (Fayetteville Outer Loop). I-95 In Robeson U-2519AA County to south of SR 1118 (Parkton Road) In 2015 2018 umberland County. Freeway on New Location. I-295 (Fayetteville Outer Loop). South of SR 1118 U-2519A8 Parkton Road) to south of SR 1003 (Camden 2018 2018 Road). Freeway on New Location. Preliminary Study Area Resources Inventory Table General Proiect Information Length of project (approximate in miles) � Approximately 0.6 miles Grossing or Interse� Cultural Resources m NRHP (and eligible sites, districls, other properties) (#) � None Human Environment S77P U•4709 Paye 3 February 2018 5 churches: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, gape Christian Worship Center, Refuge Pentecoslal Church, Hope Mills Congregational Church, Failh Walk Fellowship Church Community Resources (#) 1 school: Rockfish Elementary School 5 civic buildings: Hope Mills Public Library, Hope Mills own Hall, Hope Mills Police Department, Hope Mills Fire DepaRment, Hope Mills Department of Parks and Recreation Public Parks/Non-NRHP Section 4(f) Properties (#) 1: Hope Mills Municipal Park (multiple athletic fields) Greenways, Game Lands, Land and W ater Conservation � Fund Properties, Bicycle Routes, etc. (#) Residential Properties (# potentially affected) 59 Business PropeRies (tl potentially affected) 27 High % Special Populations (Low-income, Minority) TBD Natural Environment Streams (# of slream crossings) 0 Floodplain crossing 0 Wetlands (est. acres) 0 Ponds (est. acres connected to jurisdictional waters) 0 Critical W ater Supply W atersheds 0 Riparian Buffer Rules apply No Outslanding Resource Waters / High Quality Resource Waters No 303(d) Listed Streams 0 Identified Critical HabitaUESA Spp. (# known) TBD Physical Environment KangaroolBP gas stalion - 3458 South Main St Hazardous Materials (# suspected/known siles) Kangaroo/BP gas station - 5617 Rockfish Rd Shell gas station (under construction) — 5722 Rockfish Rd Duke Energy (Distribution, Transmission) Piedmonl Natural Gas (Transmission) Utilities T8T (Communications) CenturyLink (Communications) Fayetteville Public Works Commission (Water, Sanitary ewer, Electric, Communications) Active agriculture (Voluntary Agricultural District) No FEMA Buyout Properties 0 NOTES: This table is intended to be used in conjunction with the Constraints Map. STIP U-q709 Page 4 February 2018 A��i�+l�� ��1��4'����\1 +,�:.ts+l:i��'•� -.�r :r�.•-�,�a.�.��.�,;*�s,��� r�r�,� �#`t�„� �'�1 z P` Project Vicinity � ,, _, :. l. . '�'��/ i �S �� � r+a>e r,uu5 , , ,� �:,� � � �, 4� , r�. w ��' , � � �P' p �' ,, i% G J Y N V h � N ❑c� r n S� � U m Poc�iy Ln Z-unlinyltWyeRd� v p` �'Sµ �G ��a ,c,o \ Rnrkli;�i HU ��t �d �e� `\\ ;i�4c`v� ��6j �Y ,P" t � ``` O V� �nt J �'� . �O ,\ �d c y� G�e O� �u�v�i\ �� n ���Q\ � °r �`�plelU' Walla��� �a l� 0 4 q` O . �o� i�onnq�o. a � % � l: _ : .: yFnioi nr.K"�°. SEPI ENGINEERING b C 0 N 5 T R U C T I 0 N Figure 1 - Project Vicinity U-4709 SR 1112 (Rockfish Road) from SR 1115 (Golfview Road) to NC 59 (Main Street) and SR 1115 (Golfview Road) from SR 1112 (Rockfish Road) to NC 59 (Main Street). Widen to Multi-Lanes. Cumberland County, North Carolina February 2018 Legend Q U-4709 Project Study Area b '�f �9A � �;, :}( A�NQ. O j1 r,\ C �4p \�� / \ G r ` �IQpP C 7 � Hocll¢h � I;.•i.:l I'ail. y Rockl�;h ((d � N �o � �� � y,� S�i � pr M��% �? y�� c �� � �i J�hq S aq �?� �� pY °� c`, rr 1'� � 9 <? � `% ,�0 . ��� S� ra� v d�� � z� t�� r o° ,�c � D Ib �• i.i�n= i,��., pCu 2 o O y � q a � ` O p` � O a� 4 Lr N G �' U 1 y �� h . � �a Hope Mllls ,;��`' � .�.a. � 1 I �.'� � .) ���� �" v � �o� tt Si t��� � 1'� V ���� tn J fSn � oNcf lil..i r 0 o. ��eN � . �n n o°A 5, u '' .r; �Pi', 0 0.25 0.5 ` Miles n 0 y..