HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00150_Annual Report_20180227jX F BERG'\ 18 �� 79 2�9TN caRo�\�� Kenneth Cowan Mayor Wilfred Robbins Mayor Pro Tem Commissioners Jan Dawson James Murphy Bill George Vernon Harrell Joseph Pierce Town Manager Sylvia Raynor Town Clerk Robert Kenan Town Attorney Town of Burgaw 109 N Walker Street, Burgaw, NC 28425 Phone (910) 259-2151, Fax (910) 259-6644, email townofburgaw@townofburgaw com February 22nd, 2018 Vivien Zhong NC DEQ/DWR PERCS Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report Dear Ms. Zhong: RECEIVED/DENR/DWR FEB 2 7 2018 Water Resources Permitting Section Enclosed please find two copies of the Town of Burgaw Pretreatment Annual Report for the year 2017. If there are any questions in relation to this report, please do not hesitate to call me at 910/284- 0809. Sincerely, jx—/nv,-- Alan Moore, Pretreatment Coordinator Town of Burgaw cc: File Joseph Pierce, Town Manager Brent Dean, Town of Wallace Tom Tharrington, Wilmington Regional Office, NC DWR TOWN OF BURGAW NPDES# WQCS00150 2017 Pretreatment Annual Report Narrative GENERAL INFORMATION: A. General Program Information: 1. Program Updates • Mr. Alan Moore became the Pretreatment Coordinator in May 2017. Mr. Moore was promoted to Public Works Director and Pretreatment Coordinator upon the resignation of Mr. Anthony Colon. • A Pretreatment Audit was conducted by Tom Tharrington and Helen Perez of the Wilmington Regional Office on September 27, 2017. The audit indicated no significant issues or findings. • The Town requested and received permission from the NC Division of Water Resources to rescind IUP 005 issued to the State of NC DOC. The effective date of the permit recension was June 1, 2017. • SOLO Foods, LLC requested a name/ownership change and a permit change to add a discharge from sweet potato processing. The Town modified the permit to reflect the name change (Cardinal Foods, LLC) but denied the addition of sweet potato processing waste. • Due to changes in personnel and responsibilities, sampling of SIUs were scheduled for June. Cardinal Foods (SILT 40007) is a seasonal discharge and had ceased processing before the Town could conduct sampling. • The Town did not sample the NC Department of Corrections (SILT #005) due to them being dropped as an SILT and the permit rescinded. 2. Pretreatment program information sheet. • A pretreatment program sheet was provided by the PERCS supervisor and it can be found on the next page of this narrative. An attached sheet is included demonstrating changes needed. • The following changes are required in the information sheet. 1. Alan Moore title has changed to Director of Public Works. 3. Industrial Users and Significant Non Compliance information. • American Skins ( IUP # 0004 ) SNC INFORMATION: ➢ This SIU was in SNC for this PAR year. ➢ This SILT was inspected once and sampled twice during this PAR year. ➢ This SIU had violations for Chloride during this PAR year but, no NOVs were given by Town. All of the chloride violations occurred between January and April. The industry was in communication with the town regarding their efforts to identify the cause of the violations and take corrective actions. The industry made process changes and recycled, instead of discharged, the waste containing the high levels of chloride. The industry was compliant with the chloride limit after these modifications. • State of N.C. DOC ( IUP # 0005 ) SNC INFORMATION: ➢ This SIU was not SNC for this PAR year. ➢ This SIU permit was rescinded. • LL Building Products, Inc. ( IUP # 0006) SNC INFORMATION: ➢ This CIU was not SNC for this PAR year. ➢ This CI[J was inspected once and sampled twice by the Town. • Cardinal Foods, LLC. ( IUP # 0007) SNC INFORMATION: ➢ This SIU was in SNC for this PAR year. ➢ The SIU was in violation of the BODS limit. Normally the SIU would have the discharge line cleaned prior to startup of production. This would clean the line of accumulated waste products from the toilet facilities. Due to ownership change, this task was overlooked prior to sampling occurring. The Town feels these violations were due to the sanitary waste in the lateral that had occurred during process shutdown. ➢ This SIU was inspected once, but no samples were taken due to the very short seasonal processing of blueberries. 4. Local Pretreatment Permit User Information. • Lewis Sausage Company, Inc. (IUP # 0001) ➢ This SIU is regulated by a local permit. ➢ This SILT was not SNC for this PAR year. ➢ This SILT was inspected and sampled once during this PAR year. 5. Other Information: • The POTW has improved the records keeping of the program and is now working on scheduled inspections and sampling. Pretreatment ProgrAm Info�Q* .tbase for Program Name Burgaw WWTP Name Town of Burgaw Program Approval Date 03/21/1989 Pretreatment Status Full Region WIRO County Pender NPDES Number WQCS00150 printed on: 12/18/2017 Stream Information IWC % at 7Q10 100 00 7010 Flow cfs /mgd 0 / 0.00 1Q10 Flow cfs / mgd 0.00 / 0.00 Stream Classification C -SW Basin Number CPF22 Receiving Stream Name Wallace Regional WWTP NPDES Effective Date 02/18/2013 Last PAR Rec 02/27/2017 PAR Due Date 03/01/2018 mercury NPDES Expire Date 02/18/2018 Current Fiscal 1631 Year PCI Done required POTW is Primary WWTP TRUE Last Audit on 09/27/2017 Audit Year Next 21/22 es Design Flow mgd 1.2500 % Design mgd is SIU permitted 3.20 Permitted SIU flow (mgd) [Pt SIU) •04 WWTP SIU's Program SIUs--;- '' WWTP CIU's 1 Program CIUs 1 HWA LTMP IWSSUO date Inactive Date Next Due 01/01/2999 10/01/20_19 - -------- -- Date Received by DWR 02/17/2011 10/27/2004 09/30/2014 01/11/2013 _01/16/1996 Date Approved 05/18/2011 01/04/2005 07/30/2015 02/06/2013 _01/18_/1996 Adopt Date Required - Date Adopted Info in this Box from Pt Contacts PT Pro Formal Name 9 -Prime Phonel Mr. Robert Moore jPrim 1I910-259-6003— rmoore@townofburgaw.com .2 9p i 04/10/2012 Date Date Date Attended Attended Attended ext Fax HWA Wksp IUP Wksp PAR Wksl 2/2/2016 set -Director of Public Works 1109 N Walker Street Pretreatment Related NOVs from DWQ 1 11/5/2007 NOD -Failure to follow ERP, Not logging violations, 10/2/2012 NOD -2012 -PC -0234- Failure to perform POTW samplin 6/10/2015 NOV-2015-PC-0153- Failure to submit IWS 8/5/2016 NOV-2016-PC-0388- Failure to reissue IUP and submit 9/12/2016 CPA PC -2016-0049 based on NOV-2016-PC-0388 to ri k; i..J.--fice Sd.... �� .Vy is - DWR Central Office Contact Vivien Zhong DWR Regional Contact Kom Tharrington Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) 1 Pretreatment Town Name: Town of Burgaw 2 "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 or Non—Discharge Permit # if applicable => WQCS00150 3 PAR Begin Date, please enter 01/01/yyyy 3 => 1/1/2017 4 PAR End Date, please enter 12/31/yyyy 4 => 12/31/2017 5 Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5 => 4 6 Number of CIUs 6 => 1 7 Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 7 => 0 8 Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 8 => 0 9 Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 9 => 0 10 Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 10 => 2 11 Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 11 => 0 12 Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a Compliance Schedule, CO, AO or similar 12 => 0 13 Number of CIUs in SNC 13 => 0 14 Number of SIUs Included in Public Notice 14 => 0 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 15 => 0 16 Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 16 => 0 17 Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 17 => 0 18 Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 18 => 0 19 Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19 => $ 0 20 Number of IUs from which penalties collected 20 => 0 dotes AO Administrative Order IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit POTW CIU Categorical Industrial User NNC Notice of Non -Compliance SILT Publicly Owned Treatment Works Significant Industrial User CO Consent Order NOV Notice of Violation SNC Significant Non -Compliance IU Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report revised 1/2018 PAR—PPS-2018 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each WWTP. SILT = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance PAR covers this calendar year => 2017 Control Authority—Program—Town Name => Town of Burgaw WWTP Name => NA NPDES # _> WQCS00150 A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year IUP # Pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting". SNC? ( Yes / No) for each 6 -month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. 0004 001 American Skin Chloride Yes No 0005 001 Department of Corrections None No No 0006 001 LL Building Products, Inc. None No No 0007 001 Cardinal Foods BOD Yes No Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Form name PAR,SNCR,2001 Date Revised 1/4/2001 i [hAat� 996REPORT IUP Status: Active i BOD I NH3 I foodpeat,pork rinds I xl 4 I xl I I i f An W in a semi-annual period lindicates snc for the period for the respective parameter. I PRINTED ON 12/18/2017 This information is co piled from man sources, and has not been verified. PAGE 8 � Contact the local pretreatment coordinator or state pretreatment staff if errors are noted. Town of Burgaw Compliance Judgement Spreadsheet American Skin Food Group, LLC SIU #0004 _1/3/2017 _ _ I 1 _ 0 0130 ° I11 r 1/17/201�L tt t Industry Name encan Skin) �,P m„ ioa3 vm ave eaavea «m ory anoxe o°ie F—Ila Pa.,soae I. s5o,oyne.omme,ae,y w,am•mm++e saw 1 1 2/7/2017 1 t IUP#/Pipe6 0004/001 I ]L d""Peii°"'P„ 1BP—.-.gt, 1/21/2017 L 1 2/26/2017 ��� Reporting L._—___ F I JENO 2)F—,,e —d as 6ehrs o— onw,e. k„o rrr., ceteeoo, kve, o, , z aN«.un sewoe ocno, o,y xsa x,nm, kvei n a eew. rmri �.ed w R„k �nece m ao a: ,vme use t L 3nonoi7 L Period Jan -Jun 2017 0 i,J,E 50 3/21 2017 IDO 3/23/2017 L-1 1 312 L I ��hrKGlHeroej1eauiv5'fo arylf�l��l�ra C� _, _3/26/201'7 4/4/2017 ��L Deiectnn Level f@?= 4`., v3A de�arzi�m �enfir3Are ^s�ay,r, 4/181:2017 t MMI 4/25/2017 F (DLI enieied 5/2/2017 L_I�F- L-00140 5/_9J2017__J�1-�j _ x_5/16/201 �I� 1 V2 Detechon-1, 5 3/2017 L� hevaned ro a4 old 6/612017 ©� Level(DLl enteredlr_ C6/6/20177�� 6/13/2017 I HCtoflcw 6/20 2017 'TFr,Cdq,&sn1 1,11 L 66/27 X207 -]� Sample Type [ MantNy Max Vidalion Flow MontNy VdIb. < Concentration MoniNy or=N' Vrolehon Dmy Violaeon < Concentratmn Daily Grab Viole Dmly Vwl, < ConcentraWn Da,1y Viole < Concerdratwn Sample Date P=POT% MGD TSB Type Type Type SU IY Ty Ty ndusyy mg/L mg/L �ti ri mg7L Permit Limit � 0 020 r�� 250 _� F E7= TRC Limit 0024 C,,t goal' 350 _250 350 140 24 3600 ” Req TP Rea TRC Rea TRC Rea TRC Rea fes' Rea TRC Ren TRC _1/3/2017 _ _ I 1 _ 0 0130 1/10/2017 I11 r 1/17/201�L tt t �nyzon JCi=� 1 1/31/2017 11 1 1 2/7/2017 1 t 0 0132 L_2114/2017 ]L_ I ]L 1/21/2017 L 1 2/26/2017 ��� 3/1 /2017 F I JENO 130 t L 3nonoi7 L 3/1412017 [73/17/2017 0 -J 3/21 2017 IDO 3/23/2017 L-1 1 312 L I C� _, _3/26/201'7 4/4/2017 ��L 00140 4/181:2017 t MMI 4/25/2017 F ==:t 5/2/2017 L_I�F- L-00140 5/_9J2017__J�1-�j _ x_5/16/201 �I� 1 5 3/2017 L� 6/612017 ©� C6/6/20177�� 6/13/2017 I _ 0 0140 6/20 2017 L 66/27 X207 -]� 0� =---=:1L- E7= erage of Column 11 00135 Total Samples 6 U Gk else,a �i Q 1C, 940 t t t ..t F 3H MM 13 1 Iy5 n 0 33 0 0 %ViolaUons OW %TRC Violations 00% %Violations 00% ,TRCViolations 00% SNC? NO SNC? NO I I 0 33 0 0 33 0 %Violations 00% ,Violations 00% %TRCViolations 00% 3,a, - SNC? NO SNC? %Violations 91% %TRCViolations 61% %ViolaUons 424% %TRC Violabons 333% SNC? NO SNC? YES t t tt t t 1 1 t 1 t t t _, .t t MMI ==:t -80 MM Iy5 n 0 33 0 0 %ViolaUons OW %TRC Violations 00% %Violations 00% ,TRCViolations 00% SNC? NO SNC? NO I I 0 33 0 0 33 0 %Violations 00% ,Violations 00% %TRCViolations 00% 3,a, - SNC? NO SNC? %Violations 91% %TRCViolations 61% %ViolaUons 424% %TRC Violabons 333% SNC? NO SNC? YES 9/12/2017 L I 9/19/2017 9/26/2017 C 10/3/2017 C 10/10/2017 10/17/2017 C 10/24/2017 C 10/31/2017 C 11/14/2017 C 11/7/2017 C 11/14/2017 1 12/26/2017 I kverage of Column 00151 Total Samples 6 0 0 %Violations` 00% TRC Violabonsr 0 0% I`SNC? NO 180 60 70 30 210 70 210 190 0 27 0 0 % Violations 00% % TRC Violations 0 U. SNC? NO 160 129 26 360 234 52 48 105 29 96 75 90 68 237 0 27 0 %Violations 00% % TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO 5 II 1 1 II 762 5 81 5 II 1 1 II 795 5 II 1 1 II 769 0 27 0 0 27 0 %Violations 00% % Violations 00% %TRC Violations 00% aelaf+eRs" SNC? NO SNC? 02 02 02 02 02 0 i!4 0 27 0 0 %Violations 00% % TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO 1080 861 779 1030 1070 0 27 0 0 %Violations 00% %TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO Industry Name Amencan Skin In.:ruvun. 11 Dsa enhymClue bardsred Gets Orly All Ltrmv mOf Lroteicd P --d..3 OLpngy Recmnar:nd oNy inpm.ec'mrnnke .pr_rnc IUP # / Pipe # 0004/001 LMng- y a roi^-n'e Pr earn g- • Reporting 2{ Fer dnta resedetl m De'. Defect. ct—s a er2ei to enmr d^_ tl-1.-1 .1 112 dstecasn brei and mark drake in .1 05 (Aa .mend W— mdy ohen detecGan 1.,tl a m W— I..) Period JulDec2017 NOTeLm.s,.ec�aweoasw:P'svedY+>�n,.wer>3ertn�,spsrp Fl— ioreUelectionLevel [)election Level `pit rRe(,msa�flsNrd.:nr�.r+sp-.,n�Ieyus .pn (DL) entered Level IU Ll `Not recluued to apply Urarnc entered or TRC SNC to flow "TRC doesn't apply to pH Sample Type �oll Monthly Max Flow Violation < trr Monthly Concentration Violation Monthly < Concentration Violation r Dally < Concentration Violation Daly Grab V olation Daily < Concentration V olation r r Dally < Concentration Violation Sample Date P=POT MGD Type Type Type Type SU Type Type Type W, I - mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Permit Limit 0 020 � 250 0 250 0 100 6 0.9 0 Q 20 � 3000 TRC Limit 0024 Optional` 350 350 140 0 24 3600 Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg /Fit" Reg TRC Reg TRC 9/12/2017 L I 9/19/2017 9/26/2017 C 10/3/2017 C 10/10/2017 10/17/2017 C 10/24/2017 C 10/31/2017 C 11/14/2017 C 11/7/2017 C 11/14/2017 1 12/26/2017 I kverage of Column 00151 Total Samples 6 0 0 %Violations` 00% TRC Violabonsr 0 0% I`SNC? NO 180 60 70 30 210 70 210 190 0 27 0 0 % Violations 00% % TRC Violations 0 U. SNC? NO 160 129 26 360 234 52 48 105 29 96 75 90 68 237 0 27 0 %Violations 00% % TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO 5 II 1 1 II 762 5 81 5 II 1 1 II 795 5 II 1 1 II 769 0 27 0 0 27 0 %Violations 00% % Violations 00% %TRC Violations 00% aelaf+eRs" SNC? NO SNC? 02 02 02 02 02 0 i!4 0 27 0 0 %Violations 00% % TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO 1080 861 779 1030 1070 0 27 0 0 %Violations 00% %TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO Town of Burgaw Compliance Judgement Spreadsheet Department of Corrections SIU #0005 Industry Name IUP#/Pipe # Department of Corechons 0005/001 Monthly Max Flow MGD Permit Limit b,s.n,cwre ,: oat enW, b- bnrtma _, h—ly nbminaz,a em�r_tee Paaa„ M3 9urnoh necmvnnJ any prmC tam ke ap �k chance. ana We =¢n a9am z;ref"-•'_mcesanareaoaec ;�aa.eQyemasrcrnleda,rzc�e neeenam�.daremmrasta:.x— Reporting TRC Limit Monthly < Concentration Violation mgt Type 0 096 sc_oM op'r, artly When yefecben IeuN a et beioa lunnl Period J anJun 2017 350 250 MOTE SAk -v e9teg d Fen as n ¢fm s ems vac A -IW a e.a,a ear a ar a =a ft- Flarf Ctaef�t>.Sa'tel ana 4RC t.+a99%9 aFdF deibuLan"uae Yrrn'pnWLnnf`soma,ns:aoy rrof mquaad to ayply fu ilia 6 0 - 9 0 40 250 420 Reg TRC ^pFi 'iRC 1>�939815NF @efrt�9n spee�rzlfy exe+�n€. pFO UetechLevel 0 Reg 446" 40 Reg TRC 300 Reg TRC (DL) entered Level (DLJ MM E 'Not required to apply Lhron,c entered or TRC SNC to Ilow Sample Date Sample Type P=POT WI Monthly Max Flow MGD Permit Limit %Violations" 0 07 0 000 TRC Limit Monthly < Concentration Violation mgt Type 0 096 Violation Type Optional, rsa. Tar iotas bampiesb U u u IL I u u Ic U —TRC doesn't apply to pH %Violations" 0 07 %Violations B 3% Monthly < Concentration Violation mg/L Type Monthly < Concentration Violation mgt Type Dally < Concentration Violation m9/L TYPe Daly Grab Violationiolation SU Type Type 777,, Dally < Concentration Violation mg/L Type 350 250 100 6 0 - 9 0 40 250 420 Reg TRC 300 Reg TRC 120 Reg TRC 0 Reg 446" 40 Reg TRC 300 Reg TRC iotas bampiesb U u u IL I u u Ic U U u Ic U u IG u U IG u u u fe u u %Violations" 0 07 %Violations B 3% %Violations 0 0% %Violations 0 0% %Violahons 0 0% %Violations 00% o a Violations 0 0% �675 7= M %TRCViolations 00% %TRCViolations 00% %TRCViolations 00% "SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC7 SNC? NO SNC? NO MM E = =M �oNEEMMM 4/2W2017 1 11 EMM EI® M251 0 3002 mom �� ©Mm �� M =M 0 =M =M MM 2627 IMM E] 170 =_M_ mm :t r �� ®mm r r �� A MM ®�� ��mmMM iotas bampiesb U u u IL I u u Ic U U u Ic U u IG u U IG u u u fe u u %Violations" 0 07 %Violations B 3% %Violations 0 0% %Violations 0 0% %Violahons 0 0% %Violations 00% o a Violations 0 0% %"RC Violations` 006 %TRCViolations 00% %TRCViolations 00% %TRCViolations 00% %TRCViolations 00% %TRCViolations 00% "SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC7 SNC? NO SNC? NO ntered of or LRC SNC to flow 0 0 0 h,,,n,rtgIndustry 0 0 0 0 NameIUP # I Pipe # LDec/�t ?/ Violations %Violations 2, FerReportingPenod7 bample Monthly Max Type Monthly < Concentration Violation Monthly < Concentration Violation < Concentration Violation Dady Grab Violation WDA 80 eo3 haH mC id FEb 09 W B W erir asses TPC Nebfmns ming N -I b m gicaler than °Fipm cn,ea< S»asy paa rac t,•ssu) sac perceeaa®arm �,<n grr�iam^ kdnucsCy nae �q�rra tp apvvy w apw onPFPOT °SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? ° pH YKc is -JS%) SNC defin4bsn "..H ady eaetnp s FH TYPe )Lection Level SU Type )LJ entered mWl-g/L g/L gType evel JULJ Permit Limit 0 080 `Not regrnted to apply Lhionic ntered 0 0 0 0 or LRC SNC to flow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "TRC doesn't apply to pH %Violations ?/ Violations %Violations %Violations bample Monthly Max Type Monthly < Concentration Violation Monthly < Concentration Violation < Concentration Violation Dady Grab Violation ViolationFlow y7�7 onPFPOT °SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? MGD YPe TYPe Type SU Type mWl-g/L g/L gType mgType Permit Limit 0 080 0 350 250 100 6 0 9 0 0 40 250 TRC Limit 0 096 Optional" 420 300 120 0 46 300 Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg °° Reg TRC Reg TRC Total Samples 0 0 0 0 0 %Violations %TRC Violations SNC? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '/. Violations" %Violations ?/ Violations %Violations %Violations %Violations %RCViclahnns" %TRCViolations %TRCVolations %TRC Violations A1414'em.. %TRCVioladons °SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? Town of Burgaw Compliance Judgement Spreadsheet LL Building Products, Inc. SIU #0006 ameducts N�Iz lnc ,...,a•,.> ... .<.> v,v. w„a.. a. ... ter= ,.. u., IUP p/Pwapr0006/001 RePer Lriod d eevelf0.l enleie�lle?erten T w TRL�S'IC I TRI dna -It, p1L PoT Monts°", Volmon ConMerat Vwlaoon Corweniaiw Vwlmm Cwceriva<w Vwlaum Oadv Grab, Vwleiion Cw,cennexw Vwlauon Cone nR�aeo VwWuon Coroxio Vwlazion D:zP Coroaw a Vrolaiwn Coro,e�wl Volaiwn S Ie Oaie W I- Type TYPe Type TYPe I�- Sll iYpe Type type TYPe TYPe Type Perms Lervt E�251� 0�_ 7 100 60 30 `010025 ] r]_ 0025 l M__050� la— F]�12 TRC Lint -0020 0024 UJpli '� ® 140 140 0030 10030 060 012 014 Reg Ti', Reg TRL Reg TRC _Reg T_RC Reg Ire, Reg TRC _ Reg TRL Reg TRC Reg TRC Rro iRC _ 1/5/2017 1 00030 60 70 R 54 < 0010 < 0010 00� < _005 _ 2/82T01Y]_I _ OIXiO [][_70— j-76� < [--5-_] 8.16_ < L O 10 [, 0010j [] 0050 �� 000s u [1 0010 L75/20�7_�_--60025 leo � 5- []5 814 < Ooho 001 []C--0039 J ©I 0005 1 © 0010- ] EC300_ []C86� �7_ L 781 C]��10� n 0010 00185_ n�OOOi _4/5201 r 5/32017 I _00031- 00030 0 110 0 ld8 Lfl 5 l 71_j [][0010 [J 0010 [] 0028 ��_0005�1 �] 0010 r-6/2112mi� P 60 r��62 < (-5-� —7 774 []f010 �J 0010j 0170015 CJI_ 0005 1 '<] 101 16/7/2017-]� 00030 [x_80_ ,��i� �77� []i�l [B 0010 [][-0015 �fl 0�1 <�0010� O 1 L�� o�� o0 00 E:l�� OD C� 171 00 W6_4 _j_i Da � AvdegedColumn 00026 134 6 783428571 0010 0010 0053 0005 0010 T otal Samples 6 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 �uilp coir. y0%V Iebons 00% %Wdetions 00% %Vdanons 00% %Vrolebons 00</. %VidaOons 00% <Ylolatrons OOY, ,Ndanons 00% %Vroletrora 00% <%Vdabons 00% TPIo,OnaP— Ipp YTRCVdatwns 00% %TRCVlobeons 00/ /TRCVrolatwns 0P. a.a.F� 7TRCVdet— 0P. %TRCVrolatwns 00% %TRC V=a 00% %TRLVdatwns 00% ITRCViol w it 00% "NC N SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? 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NO SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? SNL? SNC? SNL? SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? SNC? L Buddng l,d,,try N- Products Ins [UP PlPm # - F 00067 00>J Period LAD Dec 2017 ..L .. IULI _d L -ppp 'I Type P POTSample if t� =-,,, -� �� � , s, Max I I 1,: =�� -- , W d, + —.TL I — Oay C- - - "", C -r V�- - I Oeil Date N I- s -4TYpen Typ, I 1—.7,17-1 n T,p. Type T­ Pe,.t L..t = 0020 J Q-- I M= cl= F- r7 - TRC L -t G 0024 301 1_1 140 140 0030 0030 060 012 014 '- TFIC! 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Town of Burgaw Compliance Judgement Spreadsheet SOLO Foods, LLC SIU #0007 Sample Date Sample Type P-POTW Flndustry Monthly Max Flow MGD Permit Limit Indus Name IUP # / Pipe # Reporting SOLO Foods 0007 / 001 TRC Limit rostra. -- t)Dataentrynibi.boderedce111o11l, /llwhol etlspltenod Pe—rde3 Stmngy RemmmetM anyunprotaCm make speafic eban;ea and the reinstate protect,an &yam 2) For data reported as 'Below Detection goose eller to enter eletici Winter 72 detection level and mark choice to cell 95 (Note mic second °tinon any otmrr deteuron serer av er below tmv) Period Jan Jun 2017 Daily Violation < Concentration Type Wg7E_Sp°adskeeteaaedad Feb tap opmpedy assyse 7rtc voawns wap'equa owgnzaa than' mglL m9/L mg/L 'Flow Chronic O=de".) and TRC (-33%) SNL deRnNnns use o,nn'p°Pulant'se tech—lij, not requ,nzd m appy to Pan Detection Level mg/L 250 'pH Tact>•33%)9Ncdefmmens..:r—h— pt-spu (DL) entered 6 0 9 0 ❑ 25 1/2 Detection 'Not required to apply 300 Level (DL) entered 01 Chronic or TRC SNC to flow Sample Date Sample Type P-POTW Flndustry Monthly Max Flow MGD Permit Limit ■ 0 060 TRC Limit 0 — 0 072 A Violation Type Optlonal° Ran Trk 1 oral oamples 1 u u v Violations` 0O% %T CViafations` 00% 'SNC? 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Industry Name Cardinal Foods IUP#/Pipe # 0007/D01 Reporting Period Jul Dec2D17 Detection Level sCacSons - Data entry m blue bordered cells only Ag other cells protected Password is 3 Strong[y Recommend any unp:oted to make specific larges and the reinstate protection agam For data repored as -Below Detection' choosa_ eller to enter detection level or 12 detection level and mark choice in cel 85 (Nate u Gond option only when detection levet a1 or below Fmr) )TE- Spreadsheet corrected Feb gg to pmpedy assess TRC miahons using equa8 to or greater frau knv Chronnr ('=N%) and M (-32%) SNC derli use tern'pollulart,'so technically not required to appy to ikwr pH TRC (>-33%) S'NC dernrflon speediaalty exempts pH (DL) entered 1/2 Detection 'Not required to apply Level (DL) entered— Chronic orTRC SNC to rlo-w —TRC doesn't apply to pH Sample 1 I 11 Type - Monthly Max Sample Date P=PDTW, Flow MGD I -Industry Permit Limit 0 060 TRC Limit 0 072 Monthly Monthly Daily 7C.nc.n1ly, Violation Violation Violation Violation =G,.bViolabon< Concentration < Concentration < Concentrationmg/L TYPe mg/L TYPe mg/L TYPe TYPe 250 0 250 0 100 6 0- 9 0 � 25 Optional* 300 300 120 3 0 Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRC Reg TRS- Reg TRC �0 1 I 11 1 t 1 I 11 -M Av :. - . . otal Samples I i U Violations"` 00% %T CViolations" 00% 'SNC? NO U U 9 1 %Violations 250% %TRCViolations 00% SNC? NO U U 9 U %Violations 00% %TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO U U 9 U %Violations 00% %TRC Violations 00% SNC? NO U 9 U %Violations 00% Y64RA44atiaras"'" SNC? U 9 U U %Violations 00% %TRCViolations 00% SNC? NO