HomeMy WebLinkAboutUpdated geo-report 2-15-18.pdfECS Southeast,, LLP Geotechnical Engineering Report Truss Plant Expansion 200 Emmett Road Dunn, Harnett County, North Carolina ECS Project Number # 33:4052112 February 14, 2018 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "setting the Standard for Service" DSM Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineering Firm F-1078 NC Registered Geologists Firm C-406 SC Registered Engineering Firm 3245 February 14, 2018 Mr. Dennis Cline Permitting/Development 84 Lumber Company 1019 Route 519 Eighty Four, PA 15330-2813 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Reference: Geotechnical Engineering Report Truss Plant Expansion 200 Emmett Road Dunn, Harnett County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Cline: ECS Southeast (ECS) has completed the subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering analyses for the above -referenced project. Our services were performed in general accordance with our Proposal No. 33:3165 -GP, dated May 1, 2017. This report presents our understanding of the geotechnical aspects of the project, the results of the field exploration and laboratory testing conducted, and our design and construction recommendations. It has been our pleasure to be of service to 84 Lumber Company during the design phase of this project. We would appreciate the opportunity to remain involved during the continuation of the design phase, and we would like to provide our services during construction phase operations as well to verify the assumptions of subsurface conditions made for this report. Should you have any questions concerning the information contained in this report, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, ECS Southeast, LLP -�- Mike Ellis, E.l. Project Manager MEllis@ecslimited.com L Winslow Goins, PE Principal Engineer WGoins@ecslimiteMcorn; a / l[Jl±E/ aptc'- 02/°14/18 6151 Raeford Road, Suite A, Fayetteville, NC 28304 • T 910-401-3288 • F: 910-323-0539 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Capitol Seances, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLP • ECS Texas, LLP Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 TABLE OF CONTENTS February 14, 2018 Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................1 1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................2 1.1 General...................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Scope of Services....................................................................................................................2 1.3 Authorization..........................................................................................................................2 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION.....................................................................................................3 2.1 Project Location......................................................................................................................3 2.2 Current Site Conditions..........................................................................................................3 2.3 Proposed Construction...........................................................................................................3 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION...........................................................................................................4 3.1 Field Exploration Program......................................................................................................4 3.1.1 Test Borings..................................................................................................................4 3.2 Regional/Site Geology............................................................................................................4 3.3 Subsurface Characterization..................................................................................................6 3.4 Groundwater Observations....................................................................................................6 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING........................................................................................................7 5.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................................8 5.1 Building Design.......................................................................................................................8 5.1.1 Foundations..................................................................................................................8 5.1.2 Floor Slabs.....................................................................................................................9 5.2 Site Design Considerations.....................................................................................................9 5.2.1 Pavement Sections.......................................................................................................9 6.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................12 6.1 Subgrade Preparation..........................................................................................................12 6.1.1 Stripping and Grubbing...............................................................................................12 6.1.2 Proofrolling.................................................................................................................12 6.1.3 Subgrade Stabilization................................................................................................12 6.2 Earthwork Operations..........................................................................................................13 6.2.1 Structural Fill Materials...............................................................................................13 6.2.2 Compaction.................................................................................................................14 6.3 Foundation and slab observations.......................................................................................16 6.4 Utility Installations...............................................................................................................16 6.5 General Construction Considerations..................................................................................17 7.0 CLOSING...........................................................................................................................18 Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 APPENDICES Appendix A — Drawings & Reports • Site Location Diagram • Exploration Location Diagram Appendix B — Field Operations Reference Notes for Boring Logs • Reference Notes for Boring Logs • Boring Logs B-1 through B-7 • Subsurface Cross -Sections Appendix C — Laboratory Testing • Laboratory Test Results Summary • Particle Size Distribution Reports • Plasticity Chart Appendix D — Supplemental Report Documents • ASFE Document February 14, 2018 Page ii Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 1 X4 III W*111MI IT_137 The following summarizes the main findings of the exploration, particularly those that may have a cost impact on the planned development. Further, our principal foundation recommendations are summarized. Information gleaned from the executive summary should not be utilized in lieu of reading the entire geotechnical report. • The geotechnical exploration performed for the planned development included seven (7) soil test borings drilled to depths ranging 20 to 25 feet in the area of the proposed expansion. • The borings generally encountered coastal plain soils. The soils generally consisted of very soft to stiff, Lean and Fat Clay (CL, CH) with layers of very loose to medium dense, Clayey and Clean Sand (SC, SP). • Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from about 7 to 10 feet beneath existing grades. • The planned building can be supported by conventional shallow foundations consisting of column or strip footings with an allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. However, undercutting to depths of 3 to 5 feet and backfilling with approved structural fill should be anticipated. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL The purpose of this study was to provide geotechnical information for the design of the proposed truss plant expansion located at 200 Emmett Road in Dunn, Harnett County, North Carolina. The recommendations developed for this report are based on project information supplied by 84 Lumber Company. This report contains the results of our subsurface explorations and laboratory testing programs, site characterization, engineering analyses, and recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed expansion. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES To obtain the necessary geotechnical information required for design of the truss plant expansion, seven (7) soil test borings were performed at locations selected. A laboratory -testing program was also implemented to characterize the physical and engineering properties of the subsurface soils. This report discusses our exploratory and testing procedures, presents our findings and evaluations and includes the following. • Project description; • Site conditions, including geologic and special site features; • Field exploration procedures; • Subsurface conditions; • Foundation recommendations; ■ Allowable bearing pressures; ■ Settlement estimates (total and differential); • Slab on grade recommendations; • Site development recommendations; • Pavement design recommendations; • Suitability of soils for use as fill material; • Discussion of groundwater impact; • Techniques to control shallow groundwater; • Compaction recommendations; • Site vicinity map; • Exploration location plan; and • Soil test boring logs. 1.3 AUTHORIZATION Our services were provided in accordance with our Proposal No. 33.3165 -GP, dated May 12017, as authorized by 84 Lumber Company on May 16, 2017, and include the Terms and Conditions of Service outlined with our Proposal. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION February 14, 2018 Page 3 The proposed site is located at 200 Emmett Rd in Dunn, Harnett County, North Carolina. Figure 2.1.1 below shows an aerial image of the site. Figure 2.1.1 Site Location 2.2 CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS i n k The site is located at the existing truss plant at 200 Emmett Rd in Dunn, North Carolina. Cleared farm land is north of the existing plant and a moderately wooded area on the south part of the site. 2.3 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ECS understands the construction will consist of adding a 28,800 square foot truss plant, a 5,000 square foot office building, and a 24,000 square foot wall panel plant around the existing plant. On the northern portion of the site the proposed construction consists of a storage yard and proposed shed buildings. At the time of this report, additional project information including structural loads and grading information was not available. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 3.1 FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM February 14, 2018 Page 4 The field exploration was planned with the objective of characterizing the project site in general geotechnical and geological terms and to evaluate subsequent field and laboratory data to assist in the determination of geotechnical recommendations. 3.1.1 Test Borings The subsurface conditions were explored by drilling seven soil test borings within the structural building pad and in pavement areas. Based on the boring locations accessibility, a track -mounted drill rig was utilized to drill the soil test borings. Borings were generally advanced to depths ranging from 20 to 25 feet below the current ground surface. Boring locations were identified in the field by ECS personnel using handheld GPS and referencing existing features prior to mobilization of our drilling equipment. The approximate as -drilled boring locations are shown on the exploration location diagram in Appendix A. The approximate ground surface elevations noted on the boring logs were interpolated from the site plan prepared by 84 Lumber, dated September 4, 2017. Standard penetration tests (SPTs) were conducted in the borings at regular intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. Small representative samples were obtained during these tests and were used to classify the soils encountered. The standard penetration resistances obtained provide a general indication of soil shear strength and compressibility. 3.2 REGIONAL/SITE GEOLOGY The site is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The Coastal Plain is composed of seven terraces, each representing a former level of the Atlantic Ocean. Soils in this area generally consist of sedimentary materials transported from other areas by the ocean or rivers. These deposits vary in thickness from a thin veneer along the western edge of the region to more than 10,000 feet near the coast. The sedimentary deposits of the Coastal Plain rest upon consolidated rocks similar to those underlying the Piedmont and Mountain Physiographic Provinces. In general, shallow unconfined groundwater movement within the overlying soils is largely controlled by topographic gradients. Recharge occurs primarily by infiltration along higher elevations and typically discharges into streams or other surface water bodies. The elevation of the shallow water table is transient and can vary greatly with seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page S It is important to note that the natural geology at the site has been modified in the past. Therefore, potential fill and unsuitable materials may be present at the site. Based on the U.S. Geological Surveyl,2 the site of the proposed construction lies within the Cape Fear Formation (Kc). The formation generally consists of alluvial sands and clays underlain by sandstone and mudstone. An overview of the general site geology is illustrated in Figure 3.2.1 below. 1002 Kc: Cape Fear Formation (Cretaceous) [Detailed descrintionl Cape Fear Formation - sandstone and sandy "04�4V4� mudstone, yellowish gray to bluish gray. mottled red to yellowish orange, indurated, graded and laterally continuos bedding, blocky clay, faint cross -bedding, feldspar and mica common. Figure 3.2.1 Geologic map for Figure 3.2.1 obtained from The North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Land Resources, NC Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 1998, Geology - North Carolina (1:250,000), coverage data file geo1250 and Google Earth. 1 The North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Land Resources, INC Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 1998, Geology - North Carolina (1:250,000), coverage data file geol250. The data represents the digital equivalent of the official State Geology map (1:500,000 scale), but was digitized from (1:250,000 scale) base maps. 2 Rhodes, Thomas S., and Conrad, Stephen G., 1985, Geologic Map of North Carolina: Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Resources, and the NC Geological Survey, 1:500,000 -scale, compiled by Brown, Philip M., et al, and Parker, John M. III, and in association with the State Geologic Map Advisory Committee. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 3.3 SUBSURFACE CHARACTERIZATION February 14, 2018 Page 6 The subsurface conditions encountered were generally consistent with published geological mapping. No organic topsoil was noted at the boring locations during the exploration; however at the time of the exploration, the site consisted of an agricultural plowed fill. Rootmat material may be present in the plow zone of 4 to 6 inches across the site. Deeper topsoil or organic laden soils are most likely present in wet, poorly drained areas and potentially unexplored areas of the site. The following sections provide generalized characterizations of the soil encountered during our subsurface exploration. For subsurface information at a specific location, refer to the Boring Logs in Appendix B. Table 3.3.1 Subsurface Stratieraphv Approximate Stratum Description Ranges of Depth Range (ft) SPT(1) N -values (bpf) 0-12 ft I Very Soft to Very Stiff, Lean CLAY (CL) with W.O.H to 17 interbedded layers of Loose to Medium Dense Clayey SAND, moist to wet 12-20 II Very Soft to Stiff, Fat CLAY (CH) with interbedded W.O.H to 11 layers of Very Loose to Medium Dense Clayey SAND (SC), moist to wet Notes: (1) Standard Penetration Test 3.4 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS Groundwater observations were made at the boring locations during exploration as noted on the boring logs in Appendix B. Borings B-1 through B-7 had time of drilling water levels ranging from approximately 7 to 10 feet. The highest groundwater observations are normally encountered in the late winter and early spring. Variations in the long-term water table may occur as a result of changes in precipitation, evaporation, surface water runoff, construction activities, and other factors not immediately apparent at the time of this exploration. If long term water levels are crucial to the development of this site, it would be prudent to verify water levels with the use of perforated pipes or piezometers. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING February 14, 2018 Page 7 The laboratory testing performed by ECS for this project consisted of selected tests performed on samples obtained during our field exploration operations. The following paragraphs briefly discuss the results of the completed laboratory testing program. Classification and index property tests were performed on representative soil samples obtained from the test borings in order to aid in classifying soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System and to quantify and correlate engineering properties. Each soil sample from the test borings were classified on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and ASTM D-2488 (Description and Identification of Soils-Visual/Manual Procedures). After classification, the soils were grouped into various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs in Appendix B. The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in parentheses following the soil descriptions on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the boring logs are approximate; in situ, the transitions may be gradual. Representative soil samples obtained during our field exploration were selected and tested in our laboratory to check field classifications and to determine pertinent engineering properties. The laboratory testing program included index property testing including four (4) natural moisture content determinations (ASTM D 2216), two (2) grain size analyses (ASTM D 1140) and two (2) Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318). Index and engineering properties tests were performed on select samples of the sample soils encountered within the test borings. In summary, the tested samples had in-situ moisture contents ranging from about 19.6 to 30.7 percent. The samples tested for grain size analysis showed 1.6 to 34.7 percent by weight passing the number 200 sieve. The samples tested for plasticity had Liquid Limits ranging from 36 to 47, Plastic Limits ranging from 16 to 18 and Plastic Indices ranging from 20 to 29. Specific laboratory test results are provided in Appendix C of this report. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 5.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 BUILDING DESIGN February 14, 2018 Page 8 The following sections provide recommendations for foundation design, soil supported slabs, and pavements. 5.1.1 Foundations Provided subgrades and structural fills are prepared as discussed herein, the proposed structure can be supported by conventional shallow foundations: individual column footings and continuous wall footings. The design of the foundation shall utilize the following parameters: Table Foundation Desien Design Parameter Column Footing Wall Footing Net Allowable Bearing Pressure' 2,000 psf 2,000 psf Acceptable Bearing Soil Material Approved Structural Fill Approved Structural Fill Minimum Width 30 inches 18 inches Minimum Footing Embedment Depth (below slab or finished grade) 12 inches 12 inches Estimated Total Settlement 1 inch 1 inch Estimated Differential Settlement Less than 0.5 inches between columns Less than 0.5 inches over 50 feet 1. Net allowable bearing pressure is the applied pressure in excess of the surrounding overburden soils above the base of the foundation. A majority the soils at the foundation bearing elevation are anticipated to be unsuitable for support of the proposed structure. It is anticipated that approximately 3 to 5 feet of undercut will be necessary in the general vicinity of borings B-1, B-2 B-3, B-5, and B-7. It will be important to have the geotechnical engineer of record observe the foundation subgrade prior to placing foundation concrete; to confirm the bearing soils are what was anticipated. If soft or unsuitable soils are observed at the footing bearing elevations, the unsuitable soils should be undercut and removed. Any undercut should be backfilled with approved structural fill up to the original design bottom of footing elevation; the original footing shall be constructed on top of the structural fill. The depth and lateral extent of the undercut should be determined in the field during undercutting operation. An ECS representative must be on site during the undercut and backfill of the areas in order to provide a report stating that the repairs were in accordance with our recommendations. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 5.1.2 Floor Slabs February 14, 2018 Page 9 Assuming the lowest finished floor elevation is around the current elevation, it appears that the slabs for the structure will bear on Approved Structural Fill or Stratum I. Provided the subgrade recommendations of this report in Section 6.0 are followed, this material is likely suitable for the support of a slab -on -grade. The following graphic depicts our soil -supported slab recommendations: Vapor Barrier Concrete Slab Compacted Subgrade Figure 1. Drainage Layer Thickness: 6 inches 2. Drainage Layer Material: GRAVEL (GP, GW), SAND (SP, SW) Granular Capillary Break/Drainage Layer 3. Subgrade compacted to 98% maximum dry density per ASTM D698 Subgrade Modulus: Provided the placement of structural fill and granular drainage layer per the recommendations discussed herein, the slab may be designed assuming a modulus of subgrade reaction, kl of 150 pci (lbs/cu. inch). The modulus of subgrade reaction value is based on a 1 ft by 1 ft plate load test basis. Slab Isolation: Ground -supported slabs should be isolated from the foundations and foundation - supported elements of the structure so that differential movement between the foundations and slab will not induce excessive shear and bending stresses in the floor slab. Where the structural configuration prevents the use of a free-floating slab, the slab should be designed with suitable reinforcement and load transfer devices to preclude overstressing of the slab. Maximum differential settlement of soils supporting interior slabs is anticipated to be less than 0.5 inches in 50 feet. 5.2 SITE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 5.2.1 Pavement Sections Subgrade Characteristics: Based on the results of our soundings, it appears that the soils that will be exposed as pavement subgrades generally consist of CLAYS and Approved Structural Fill - SANDS. The pavement design assumes subgrades consist of suitable materials evaluated by ECS and placed and compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the standard Proctor test (ASTM D 698) in accordance with the project specifications. -_7-0 -_�_- -•..a Compacted Subgrade Figure 1. Drainage Layer Thickness: 6 inches 2. Drainage Layer Material: GRAVEL (GP, GW), SAND (SP, SW) Granular Capillary Break/Drainage Layer 3. Subgrade compacted to 98% maximum dry density per ASTM D698 Subgrade Modulus: Provided the placement of structural fill and granular drainage layer per the recommendations discussed herein, the slab may be designed assuming a modulus of subgrade reaction, kl of 150 pci (lbs/cu. inch). The modulus of subgrade reaction value is based on a 1 ft by 1 ft plate load test basis. Slab Isolation: Ground -supported slabs should be isolated from the foundations and foundation - supported elements of the structure so that differential movement between the foundations and slab will not induce excessive shear and bending stresses in the floor slab. Where the structural configuration prevents the use of a free-floating slab, the slab should be designed with suitable reinforcement and load transfer devices to preclude overstressing of the slab. Maximum differential settlement of soils supporting interior slabs is anticipated to be less than 0.5 inches in 50 feet. 5.2 SITE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 5.2.1 Pavement Sections Subgrade Characteristics: Based on the results of our soundings, it appears that the soils that will be exposed as pavement subgrades generally consist of CLAYS and Approved Structural Fill - SANDS. The pavement design assumes subgrades consist of suitable materials evaluated by ECS and placed and compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the standard Proctor test (ASTM D 698) in accordance with the project specifications. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 10 Design Considerations: For the design and construction of exterior pavements, the subgrades should be prepared in strict accordance with the recommendations in the "Subgrade Preparation" and "Engineered Fill Placement" sections of this report. An important consideration with the design and construction of pavements is surface and subsurface drainage. Where standing water develops, either on the pavement surface or within the base course layer, softening of the subgrade and other problems related to the deterioration of the pavement can be expected. Furthermore, good drainage should minimize the possibility of the subgrade materials becoming saturated during the normal service period of the pavement. Based on assumed traffic loads and the soil conditions encountered during our exploration, a light duty flexible pavement section may consist of the of at least 2 inches of surface mix (SF9.5A) asphalt overlying at least 6 inches of compacted crushed stone. Similarly, a heavy duty, flexible pavement section may consist of at least 3.0 inches of surface mix (SF9.5A) asphalt over overlying 8 inches of compacted crushed stone. For a rigid pavement section, we recommend 6 inches of 5,000 psi flexible strength concrete overlying at least 6 inches of compacted crushed stone. For the storage yard, the gravel lot should consist of at least 12 inches of compacted crushed stone. Aggregate base course materials beneath pavements should be compacted to at least 98 percent of their modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Regardless of the section selected and type of construction utilized, saturation of the subgrade materials and asphalt pavement areas results in a softening of the subgrade material and shortened life span for the pavement. Therefore, we recommend that both the surface and subsurface materials for the pavement be properly graded to enhance surface and subgrade drainage. By quickly removing surface and subsurface water, softening of the subgrade can be reduced and the performance of the parking area can be improved. Site preparation for the parking areas should be similar to that for the building area including stripping, proofrolling, and the placement of compacted structural fill. Please note that large, front -loading trash dumpsters frequently impose concentrated front -wheel loads on pavements during loading. This type of loading typically results in rutting of bituminous pavements and ultimately pavement failures and costly repairs. Consequently, we recommend the use of an 8 inch thick, mesh or fiber reinforced concrete slab that extends the entire length of the truck. Concrete pavements should be properly jointed and reinforced as needed to help reduce the potential for cracking and to permit proper load transfer. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 11 Weather Restrictions: In this region, asphalt plants may close during the months of December, January, and/or February if particularly cold weather conditions prevail. However, this can change based on year to year temperature fluctuations. Daily temperatures from December to February will often stay below 40°F, limiting the days that asphalt placement can occur. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 6.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 6.1.1 Stripping and Grubbing February 14, 2018 Page 12 The subgrade preparation should consist of stripping all vegetation, rootmat, topsoil, existing fill, and any other soft or unsuitable materials from the 10 -foot expanded building and 5 -foot expanded pavement limits and to 5 feet beyond the toe of structural fills. ECS should be called on to verify that topsoil and unsuitable surficial materials have been completely removed prior to the placement of Structural Fill or construction of the building and parking lot. 6.1.2 Proofrolling After removing all unsuitable surface materials, cutting to the proposed grade, and prior to the placement of any structural fill or other construction materials, the exposed subgrade should be examined by the Geotechnical Engineer or authorized representative. The exposed subgrade should be thoroughly proofrolled with previously approved construction equipment having a minimum axle load of 10 tons (e.g. fully loaded tandem -axle dump truck). The areas subject to proofrolling should be traversed by the equipment in two perpendicular (orthogonal) directions with overlapping passes of the vehicle under the observation of the Geotechnical Engineer or authorized representative. This procedure is intended to assist in identifying any localized yielding materials. In the event that unstable or "pumping" subgrade is identified by the proofrolling, those areas should be marked for repair prior to the placement of any subsequent structural fill or other construction materials. Methods of repair of unstable subgrade, such as undercutting or moisture conditioning or chemical stabilization, should be discussed with the Geotechnical Engineer to determine the appropriate procedure with regard to the existing conditions causing the instability. Test pits may be excavated to explore the shallow subsurface materials in the area of the instability to help in determined the cause of the observed unstable materials and to assist in the evaluation of the appropriate remedial action to stabilize the subgrade. It is anticipated that approximately 3 to 5 feet of undercut and backfill with approved structural fill will be necessary in the general vicinity of borings B-1, B-2 B-3, B-5, and B-7. 6.1.3 Subgrade Stabilization Subgrade Compaction: Upon completion of subgrade documentation, the exposed subgrade within the 10 -foot expanded building and 5 -foot expanded pavement and embankment limits should be moisture conditioned to within -3 and +3 % of the soil's optimum moisture content and be compacted with suitable equipment (minimum 10 -ton roller) to a depth of 10 inches. Moisture conditioning of the soil should consist of proper drainage of the site and air drying of the soil. Drainage of the area is essential for removing surface water from the site to reduce the impact of surface water on the moisture of the soil. Drying is accomplished through the evaporation of soil moisture. Disking and tilling of the soil accelerates the drying process, by reducing the size of soil lumps, thereby increasing the surface area exposed to evaporation. ECS recommends the upper 12 inches of the site be disked to facilitate drying. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 13 Once the moisture contents are within the recommended percentages, the subgrade compaction within the expanded building and pavement limits should be to a dry density of at least 98% of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D698). Beyond these areas, compaction of at least 95% should be achieved. ECS should be called on to document that proper subgrade compaction has been achieved. Subgrade Compaction Control: The expanded limits of the proposed construction areas should be well defined, including the limits for buildings, pavements, fills, and slopes, etc. Field density testing of subgrades will be performed at frequencies in Table Table Frequency of Subgrade Compaction Testing Location Frequency of Tests Expanded Building Limits ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1 test per 2,500 sq. ft. .... ......... ......... Pavement Areas 1 test per 10,000 sq. ft. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Outparcels/SWM Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 test per 2,500 sq. ft. . .............................................................................................................. All Other Non -Critical Areas 1 test per 10,000 sqft. Subgrade Stabilization: Is some areas, particularly low-lying, wet areas of the site, undercutting of excessively soft materials may be considered inefficient for pavement areas. In such areas the use of a reinforcing geotextile or geogrid might be employed, under the advisement of ECS. Suitable stabilization materials may include a Mirafi 550x geotextile fabric or Tensar TX140 geogrids. The suitability and employment of reinforcing or stabilization products should be determined in the field by ECS personnel, in accordance with project specifications. 6.2 EARTHWORK OPERATIONS 6.2.1 Structural Fill Materials Product Submittals: Prior to placement of structural fill, representative bulk samples (about 50 pounds) of on-site and off-site borrow should be submitted to ECS for laboratory testing, which will include Atterberg limits, natural moisture content, grain -size distribution, and moisture - density relationships for compaction. Import materials should be tested prior to being hauled to the site to determine if they meet project specifications. Satisfactory Structural Fill Materials: Materials satisfactory for use as structural fill should consist of inorganic soils classified as SM, SC, SW, SP, GW, GP, GM and GC, or a combination of these group symbols, per ASTM D 2487. Natural fine-grained soils classified as clays or silts (CL, ML) should generally not be considered for use as engineered fill, but may be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer to determine their suitability at the contractor's request. The materials should be free of organic matter, debris, and should contain no particle sizes greater than 4 inches in the largest dimension. Open graded materials, such as gravels (GW and GP), which contain void space in their mass should not be used in structural fills unless properly encapsulated with filter fabric. Suitable structural fill material should have the index properties shown in Table Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Table Structural Fill Index Properties February 14, 2018 Page 14 Location with Respect to Final Frequency of Tests Expanded Building Limits .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Max % of Fines Pavement Areas LL PI .............................................. ............................................................. 1 test per 10,000 sq ft. . per lift Grade Passing # 200 Sieve Building Areas 35 max 9 max 35 Pavement Areas 35 max 9 max 35 Unsatisfactory Materials: Unsatisfactory fill materials include materials which to not satisfy the requirements for suitable materials, as well as topsoil and organic materials (OH, OL), elastic Silt (MH), and high plasticity Clay (CH). On -Site Borrow Suitability: A majority of the near surface soils are unsuitable to re used as structural fill. Moisture conditioning should be anticipated for the soils to achieve the optimum moisture content for fill placement. 6.2.2 Compaction Structural Fill Compaction: Structural fill within the expanded building, pavement, and embankment limits should be placed in maximum 8 -inch loose lifts, moisture conditioned as necessary to within -3 and +3 % of the soil's optimum moisture content, and be compacted with suitable equipment to a dry density of at least 98% of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D698). Beyond these areas, compaction of at least 95% should be achieved. ECS should be called on to document that proper fill compaction has been achieved. Fill Compaction Control: The expanded limits of the proposed construction areas should be well defined, including the limits of the fill zones for buildings, pavements, and slopes, etc., at the time of fill placement. Grade controls should be maintained throughout the filling operations. All filling operations should be observed on a full-time basis by a qualified representative of the construction testing laboratory to determine that the minimum compaction requirements are being achieved. Field density testing of fills will be performed at the frequencies shown in Table, but not less than 1 test per lift. Table Freauencv of Compaction Tests in Fill Areas Location Frequency of Tests Expanded Building Limits .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 test per 2,500 sq. ft. per lift Pavement Areas 1 test per 10,000 sq. ft. per lift ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... All Other Non -Critical Areas .............................................. ............................................................. 1 test per 10,000 sq ft. . per lift Compaction Equipment: Compaction equipment suitable to the soil type being compacted should be used to compact the subgrades and fill materials. Sheepsfoot compaction equipment should be suitable for the fine-grained soils (Clays and Silts). A vibratory steel drum roller should be used for compaction of coarse-grained soils (Sands) as well as for sealing compacted surfaces. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 15 Fill Placement Considerations: Fill materials should not be placed on frozen soils, on frost -heaved soils, and/or on excessively wet soils. Borrow fill materials should not contain frozen materials at the time of placement, and all frozen or frost -heaved soils should be removed prior to placement of Structural Fill or other fill soils and aggregates. Excessively wet soils or aggregates should be scarified, aerated, and moisture conditioned. At the end of each work day, all fill areas should be graded to facilitate drainage of any precipitation and the surface should be sealed by use of a smooth -drum roller to limit infiltration of surface water. During placement and compaction of new fill at the beginning of each workday, the Contractor may need to scarify existing subgrades to a depth on the order of 4 inches so that a weak plane will not be formed between the new fill and the existing subgrade soils. Drying and compaction of wet soils is typically difficult during the cold, winter months. Accordingly, earthwork should be performed during the warmer, drier times of the year, if practical. Proper drainage should be maintained during the earthwork phases of construction to prevent ponding of water which has a tendency to degrade subgrade soils. Alternatively, if these soils cannot be stabilized by conventional methods as previously discussed, additional modifications to the subgrade soils such as lime or cement stabilization may be utilized to adjust the moisture content. If lime or cement are utilized to control moisture contents and/or for stabilization, Quick Lime, Calciment® or regular Type 1 cement can be used. The construction testing laboratory should evaluate proposed lime or cement soil modification procedures, such as quantity of additive and mixing and curing procedures, before implementation. The contractor should be required to minimize dusting or implement dust control measures, as required. Where fill materials will be placed to widen existing embankment fills, or placed up against sloping ground, the soil subgrade should be scarified and the new fill benched or keyed into the existing material. Fill material should be placed in horizontal lifts. In confined areas such as utility trenches, portable compaction equipment and thin lifts of 3 inches to 4 inches may be required to achieve specified degrees of compaction. We recommend that the grading contractor have equipment on site during earthwork for both drying and wetting fill soils. We do not anticipate significant problems in controlling moisture within the fill during dry weather, but moisture control may be difficult during winter months or extended periods of rain. The control of moisture content of higher plasticity soils is difficult when these soils become wet. Further, such soils are easily degraded by construction traffic when the moisture content is elevated. Truss Plant Expansion ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 6.3 FOUNDATION AND SLAB OBSERVATIONS February 14, 2018 Page 16 Protection of Foundation Excavations: Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the footing bearing level if the foundation excavations remain open for too long a time. Therefore, foundation concrete should be placed the same day that excavations are made. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure, the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation bottom immediately prior to placement of concrete. If the excavation must remain open overnight, or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, a 2 to 3 -inch thick "mud mat" of "lean" concrete should be placed on the bearing soils before the placement of reinforcing steel. Footing Subgrade Observations: Most of the soils at the foundation bearing elevation are anticipated to be unsuitable for support of the proposed structure. It will be important to have the geotechnical engineer of record observe the foundation subgrade prior to placing foundation concrete, to confirm the bearing soils are what was anticipated. If soft or unsuitable soils are observed at the footing bearing elevations, the unsuitable soils should be undercut and removed. Slab Subgrade Verification: A representative of ECS should be called on to observe exposed subgrades within the expanded building limits prior to structural fill placement to assure that adequate subgrade preparation has been achieved. A proofrolling using a drum roller or loaded dump truck should be performed in their presence at that time. Once subgrades have been prepared to the satisfaction of ECS, subgrades should be properly compacted and new structural fill can be placed. Existing subgrades to a depth of at least 10 inches and all structural fill should be moisture conditioned to within -3/+3 percentage points of optimum moisture content then be compacted to the required density. If there will be a significant time lag between the site grading work and final grading of concrete slab areas prior to the placement of the subbase stone and concrete, a representative of ECS should be called on to verify the condition of the prepared subgrade. Prior to final slab construction, the subgrade may require scarification, moisture conditioning, and re -compaction to restore stable conditions. 6.4 UTILITY INSTALLATIONS Utility Subgrades: The soils encountered in our exploration are expected to be suitable for support of utility pipes. The pipe subgrade should be observed and probed for stability by ECS to evaluate the suitability of the materials encountered. Any loose or unsuitable materials encountered at the utility pipe subgrade elevation should be removed and replaced with suitable compacted structural fill or pipe bedding material. Utility Backfilling: The granular bedding material should be at least 4 inches thick, but not less than that specified by the project drawings and specifications. Fill placed for support of the utilities, as well as backfill over the utilities, should satisfy the requirements for structural fill given in this report. Compacted backfill should be free of topsoil, roots, ice, or any other material designated by ECS as unsuitable. The backfill should be moisture conditioned, placed, and compacted in accordance with the recommendations of this report. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 17 Excavation Safety: All excavations and slopes should be made and maintained in accordance with OSHA excavation safety standards. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and slopes and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations and slopes as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's responsible person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. ECS is providing this information solely as a service to our client. ECS is not assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. 6.5 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Moisture Conditioning: During the cooler and wetter periods of the year, delays and additional costs should be anticipated. At these times, reduction of soil moisture may need to be accomplished by a combination of mechanical manipulation and the use of chemical additives, such as lime or cement, in order to lower moisture contents to levels appropriate for compaction. Alternatively, during the drier times of the year, such as the summer months, moisture may need to be added to the soil to provide adequate moisture for successful compaction according to the project requirements. Subgrade Protection: Measures should also be taken to limit site disturbance, especially from rubber -tired heavy construction equipment, and to control and remove surface water from development areas, including structural and pavement areas. It would be advisable to designate a haul road and construction staging area to limit the areas of disturbance and to prevent construction traffic from excessively degrading sensitive subgrade soils and existing pavement areas. Haul roads and construction staging areas could be covered with excess depths of aggregate to protect those subgrades. The aggregate can later be removed and used in pavement areas. Surface Drainage: Surface drainage conditions should be properly maintained. Surface water should be directed away from the construction area, and the work area should be sloped away from the construction area at a gradient of 1 percent or greater to reduce the potential of ponding water and the subsequent saturation of the surface soils. At the end of each work day, the subgrade soils should be sealed by rolling the surface with a smooth drum roller to minimize infiltration of surface water. Excavation Safety: Cuts or excavations associated with utility excavations may require forming or bracing, slope flattening, or other physical measures to control sloughing and/or prevent slope failures. Contractors should be familiar with applicable OSHA codes to ensure that adequate protection of the excavations and trench walls is provided. Erosion Control: The surface soils may be erodible. Therefore, the contractor should provide and maintain good site drainage during earthwork operations to maintain the integrity of the surface soils. All erosion and sedimentation controls should be in accordance with sound engineering practices and local requirements. Truss Plant Expansion February 14, 2018 ECS Project No. 33:4052R2 Page 18 7.0 CLOSING ECS has prepared this report of findings, evaluations, and recommendations to guide geotechnical -related design and construction aspects of the project. The description of the proposed project is based on information provided to ECS by 84 Lumber Company. If any of this information is inaccurate, either due to our interpretation of the documents provided or site or design changes that may occur later, ECS should be contacted immediately in order that we can review the report in light of the changes and provide additional or alternate recommendations as may be required to reflect the proposed construction. We recommend that ECS be allowed to review the project's plans and specifications pertaining to our work so that we may ascertain consistency of those plans/specifications with the intent of the geotechnical report. Field observations, monitoring, and quality assurance testing during earthwork and foundation installation are an extension of and integral to the geotechnical design recommendation. We recommend that the owner retain these quality assurance services and that ECS be allowed to continue our involvement throughout these critical phases of construction to provide general consultation as issues arise. ECS is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions, or recommendations of others based on the data in this report. APPENDIX A — Drawings & Reports Site Location Diagram Exploration Location Diagram NJ Q L or MCA • rr SITE LOCATION DIAGRAM TRUSS PLANT EXPANSION PROJECT NO. TS C, SHEET 33:4052 DUNN, NC 28334 DATE I OF 2 91200013 ENGINEER DRAFTING WEG MME DATE 6/28/17 APPENDIX B — Field Operations Reference Notes for Boring Logs Boring Logs B-1 through B-7 Subsurface Cross -Sections EN REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS MATERIAL 1,2 DRILLING SAMPLING SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS SS Split Spoon Sampler ASPHALT Pressuremeter Test CONCRETE Shelby Tube Sampler RD Rock Bit Drilling WS GRAVEL `7 o' TOPSOIL BS Bulk Sample of Cuttings REC Rock Sample Recovery % VOID Power Auger (no sample) RQD BRICK HSA p D AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 4.00-8.00 31 -50 Hard >8.00 FILL MAN -PLACED SOILS GW WELL -GRADED GRAVEL gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines GP POORLY -GRADED GRAVEL gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines GM SILTY GRAVEL gravel -sand -silt mixtures GC CLAYEY GRAVEL V-3 gravel -sand -clay mixtures SW WELL -GRADED SAND gravelly sand, little or no fines SP POORLY -GRADED SAND • gravelly sand, little or no fines SM SILTY SAND sand -silt mixtures ? SC CLAYEY SAND ' sand -clay mixtures ML SILT non -plastic to medium plasticity MH ELASTIC SILT I I high plasticity � CL LEAN CLAY M° low to medium plasticity CH FAT CLAY high plasticity OL ORGANIC SILT or CLAY non -plastic to low plasticity OH ORGANIC SILT or CLAY high plasticity PT PEAT highly organic soils COHESIVE SILTS & CLAYS DRILLING SAMPLING SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS SS Split Spoon Sampler PM Pressuremeter Test ST Shelby Tube Sampler RD Rock Bit Drilling WS Wash Sample RC Rock Core, NX, BX, AX BS Bulk Sample of Cuttings REC Rock Sample Recovery % PA Power Auger (no sample) RQD Rock Quality Designation % HSA Hollow Stem Auger Very Stiff 4.00-8.00 COHESIVE SILTS & CLAYS PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION DESIGNATION PARTICLE SIZES Boulders 12 inches (300 mm) or larger Cobbles 3 inches to 12 inches (75 mm to 300 mm) Gravel: Coarse 3/4 inch to 3 inches (19 mm to 75 mm) Fine 4.75 mm to 19 mm (No. 4 sieve to 3/4 inch) Sand: Coarse 2.00 mm to 4.75 mm (No. 10 to No. 4 sieve) Medium 0.425 mm to 2.00 mm (No. 40 to No. 10 sieve) Fine 0.074 mm to 0.425 mm (No. 200 to No. 40 sieve) Silt & Clay ("Fines") <0.074 mm (smaller than a No. 200 sieve) COHESIVE SILTS & CLAYS UNCONFINED DENSITY <5 COMPRESSIVE SPT5 CONSISTENCY STRENGTH, Qp4 (BPF) (COHESIVE) <0.25 <3 Very Soft 0.25 - <0.50 3 - 4 Soft 0.50 - <1.00 5 - 8 Firm 1.00 - <2.00 9-15 Stiff 2.00 - <4.00 16-30 Very Stiff 4.00-8.00 31 -50 Hard >8.00 >50 Very Hard GRAVELS, SANDS & NON -COHESIVE SILTS SPT5 DENSITY <5 Very Loose 5-10 Loose 11 -30 Medium Dense 31 -50 Dense >50 Very Dense RELATIVE AMOUNT COARSE GRAINED (%)B FINE GRAINED (%)a Trace <5 <5 Dual Symbol 10 10 (ex: SIN -SM) (WD) While Drilling With 15-20 15-25 Adjective >25 >30 (ex: "Silty') Stabilized Water Table Classifications and symbols per ASTM D 2488-09 (Visual -Manual Procedure) unless noted otherwise. 2 T be consistent with general practice, "POORLY GRADED" has been removed from GP, GP -GM, GP -GC, SP, SP -SM, SP -SC soil types on the boring logs. 3Non-ASTM designations are included in soil descriptions and symbols along with ASTM symbol (Ex: (SM -FILL)]. 4Typically estimated via pocket penetrometer or Torvane shear test and expressed in tons per square foot (tsf). 5Standard Penetration Test (SPT) refers to the number of hammer blows (blow count) of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch OD split spoon sampler required to drive the sampler 12 inches (ASTM D 1586). "N -value" is another term for 'blow count" and is expressed in blows per foot (bpf). 6The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in granular soils. In clay and cohesive silts, the determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases, additional methods of measurement are generally employed. Minor deviation from ASTM D 2488-09 Note 16. 8Percentages are estimated to the nearest 5% per ASTM D 2488-09. Reference Notes for Boring Logs (03-22-2017) O 2017 ECS Corporate Services, LLC- All Rights Reserved WATER LEVELS WL Water Level (WS)(WD) (WS) While Sampling (WD) While Drilling SHW Seasonal High WT ACR After Casing Removal v SWT Stabilized Water Table DCI Dry Cave -In WCI Wet Cave -In Classifications and symbols per ASTM D 2488-09 (Visual -Manual Procedure) unless noted otherwise. 2 T be consistent with general practice, "POORLY GRADED" has been removed from GP, GP -GM, GP -GC, SP, SP -SM, SP -SC soil types on the boring logs. 3Non-ASTM designations are included in soil descriptions and symbols along with ASTM symbol (Ex: (SM -FILL)]. 4Typically estimated via pocket penetrometer or Torvane shear test and expressed in tons per square foot (tsf). 5Standard Penetration Test (SPT) refers to the number of hammer blows (blow count) of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch OD split spoon sampler required to drive the sampler 12 inches (ASTM D 1586). "N -value" is another term for 'blow count" and is expressed in blows per foot (bpf). 6The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in granular soils. In clay and cohesive silts, the determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases, additional methods of measurement are generally employed. Minor deviation from ASTM D 2488-09 Note 16. 8Percentages are estimated to the nearest 5% per ASTM D 2488-09. Reference Notes for Boring Logs (03-22-2017) O 2017 ECS Corporate Services, LLC- All Rights Reserved CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-1 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS W Z Z LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n z a o BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w ZO LL J w SURFACE ELEVATION 176.5 a W w w 0 F w > 9 ® STANDARD PENETRATION o uai aw[ w Co BLOWS/FT (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan/orange, moist, very soft 175 z S-1 SS 18 18 1 2 (CL) LEAN CLAY, gray/red, moist, very stiff 4 S-2 SS 18 18 7 5 10 17 (CL) SANDY LEAN CLAY, tan/orange, moist, S-3 SS 18 18 Stiff *17 170 5 7 15 8 (CL) SANDY LEAN CLAY, tan/red/orange, wet, S-4 SS 18 18 stiff 5 6 1: 10 $ 165 (SC) CLAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, red, wet, medium dense 5 S-5 SS 18 18 5 11 15 6 160 (CH) FAT CLAY, purple, wet, very soft 1 S-6 SS 18 18 WO 0 20 WOH END OF BORING @ 20' 155 25 150 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 8 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH Qa 15' W WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-2 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS W Z Z LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n z a o BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w ZO LL J w SURFACE ELEVATION 176.5 a W w w 0 F w > 9 ® STANDARD PENETRATION o uai aw[ w Co BLOWS/FT (CL) LEAN CLAY, red/tan, moist, soft 175 z 2 3 S-1 SS 18 18 i (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, stiff 5 S-2 SS 18 18 7 15 5 8 (SC) CLAYEY FINE SAND, red/orange, moist, S-3 SS 18 18 medium dense 170 4 6 15 9 (SC) CLAYEY FINE SAND, red/orange, wet, S 4 SS 18 18 medium dense = 5 16 10 9 165 (SC) CLAYEY MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND, red, wet, medium dense 4 S-5 SS 18 18 6 11 15 5 160 (CH) FAT CLAY, purple, wet, very soft 1 S-6 SS 18 18 WO 0 20 WOH END OF BORING @ 20' 155 25 150 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 9 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH Qa 16' W WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-3 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS W Z Z LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n z a o BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w ZO LL J w SURFACE ELEVATION 1 76 a W w w 0 F w > 9 ® STANDARD PENETRATION o w m BLOWS/FT uai aw[ (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, soft 175 1 S-1 SS 18 18 2 4 2 (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, stiff 5 S-2 SS 18 18 5 11 5 6 170 (CL) LEAN CLAY, red/gray, moist, stiff 4 S-3 SS 18 18 5 12 7 (CL) LEAN CLAY, gray, moist, stiff ra 77 5 S-4 SS 18 18 — 5 1 10 5 165 (CH) FAT CLAY WITH SAND, tan/gray, wet, soft 1 S-5 SS 18 18 2 3 15 1 160 (CH) FAT CLAY WITH SAND, tan, wet, very soft WOH S-6 SS 18 18 WO 0 20- WOH OF BORING @ 20' -END 155 25 150 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 9 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH Qa 15' WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-4 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS W Z Z LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n z a o BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w ZO LL J w SURFACE ELEVATION 175.5 a W w w 0 F w > 9 ® STANDARD PENETRATION o w m BLOWS/FT uai aw[ (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, firm 175 2 S-1 SS 18 18 2 5 3 (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan/orange/red, moist, stiff 6 S-2 SS 18 18 7 15 5 8 170 (CL) LEAN CLAY, red/gray, moist, stiff Fo 4 S-3 SS 18 186 14 100% 8 (CL) LEAN CLAY, gray/white, moist, stiff 4 S-4 SS 18 18 6 1 10 — 6 — 165 (CH) FAT CLAY, white/pink, wet, soft 2 S-5 SS 18 18 2 3 15 1 160 (CH) SANDY FAT CLAY, orange, wet, very soft 1 S-6 SS 18 18 WO 0 20- WOH OF BORING @ 20' -END 155 25 150 30 145 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 9.5 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 16.0' WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-5 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS W Z Z LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n z a o BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w ZO LL J w SURFACE ELEVATION 175.5 a W w w 0 F w > 9 ® STANDARD PENETRATION o w m BLOWS/FT uai aw[ (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan/dark gray, wet, very soft 175 2 S-1 SS 18 18 2 1 (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, very soft 2516 S-2 SS 18 18 WOH Wo 0 13.8 5 WOH 170 (CL) LEAN CLAY, red/gray, moist, stiff 5 S-3 SS 18 18 5 1 8 (CL) LEAN CLAY, red/tan, wet, stiff 3 S-4 SS 18 18 4 10 5 165 (CH) SANDY FAT CLAY, tan/yellow, wet, stiff 3 S-5 SS 18 18 4 15 5 160 (CH) SANDY FAT CLAY, pink/white, saturated, very soft WOH S-6 SS 18 18 wo 0 20—WOH 155 (SC) CLAYEY FINE SAND, yellow/pink, saturated, very loose WOH S-7 SS 18 18 wo 0 25 WOH END OF BORING @ 25' 150 30 145 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 8 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH @a 17' WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-6 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- ARCHITECT -ENGINEER 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n LL z W a z o Z Z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w J ZO w SURFACE ELEVATION 1] j a o W w uai w 0 aw[ F w > w 9 m ® STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, firm 175 2 18-----&47 3 7 20.3 2517 S-1 SS 18 18 4 3 (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, stiff S-2 SS 18 18 4 1 5 170 6 5 (CL) LEAN CLAY, red/orange/gray, moist, stiff S-3 SS 18 18 7 14 7 4 (CL) LEAN CLAY, gray, moist, stiff ra S-4 SS 18 18 7 15 10 _ 165 $ (SC) CLAYEY FINE SAND, orange/red, wet, loose 3 22.0: 2518 S-5 SS 18 18 4 7 15 160 3 (CH) FAT CLAY, gray/pink, wet, very soft WOH S-6 SS 18 18 wo 0 20 155 WOH (CH) FAT CLAY, orange/pink, wet, very soft WOH S-7 SS 18 18 wo 0 25 150 WOH END OF BORING @ 25' 30 145 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 10 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH Qa 16' WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA CLIENT Job #: BORING # SHEET I 84 Lumber Company 33:4052 B-7 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Truss Plant Expansion - Dunn Job# 30- 84 Lumber Company, Pierce Hardy Limited 2383001 Partnershil2OTM SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT' 200 Emmett Road Dunn Harnett County, NC ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY NORTHING EASTING STATION RQD% - — - REC% PLASTIC WATER LIQUID z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS W Z Z LIMIT% CONTENT% LIMIT% n z a o w BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION J ZO LL w F SURFACE ELEVATION 172,5 w > a W w w 0 9 ® STANDARD PENETRATION o w BLOWS/FT uai aw[ Co (CL) SANDY LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, very soft 2 S-1 SS 18 18 WOH 1 170 1 (CL) SANDY LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, firm 2 S-2 SS 18 18 3 7 5 4 4 S-3 SS 18 18 4 8 165 4 (CH) FAT CLAY, orange, wet, firm 2 S-4 SS 18 18 3 7 10 4 160 (CH) SANDY FAT CLAY, tan/gray/white, wet, very soft - WOH S-5 SS 18 18 wo 0 15 WOH 155 (CH) SANDY FAT CLAY, orange/pink, wet, very soft 30.7-0 2519wOH S-6 SS 18 18 wo 0 20- WOH OF BORING @ 20' -END 150 25 145 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL 7 WS [I WD® BORING STARTED 06/01/17 CAVE IN DEPTH @a 12' '7 WL(SHW) t WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 06/01/17 HAMMER TYPE Auto 5- WL RIG Track FOREMAN Jake DRILLING METHOD HSA SOIL CLASSIFICATION LEGEND CONCRETE V❑ U IGNEOUS . ASPHALT VOID ❑ MITA- -0 GRAVE ST -SHELBY TUBE RC -ROCK CORE PM -PRESSURE METER %611-WELLGRADEDGRAVE ®GC-CLAYEYGRAVEL ®a -LOW EASTfaTY MY E]SP-POORLY GRADED SAND ®OH---PLA5—TYORGANICSATSANO—S ❑WR - WEATHERED ROCK .-FILL 6M -SILTY GRAVEL SW -WELL GRADED SAND ®MH -HIGH PLASTICITY SILT MSC-QAYEYSAIM ®OL- LOW EASTICITY —NX SATS AND QAY PWR- PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK .-POSSIBLE FAI 6P-IOOQ-GRAM GRAVEL ®ML- LOW PLASTICITY SAT SM-5ILTVSAND ®CH -HIGH PLAS—TY CLAY PT -PEAT .-PROBABLE FILL 172.5 5 150 142.5 SURFACE MATERIALS I ROCK TYPES TOPSOIL CONCRETE V❑ U IGNEOUS . ASPHALT VOID ❑ MITA- -0 GRAVE 11 SEDIMENTARY SYMBOL LEGEND WATER LEVE - bU W* DRUL"/SAMPLING i WATER LEVEL SEASONAL, HIGH WATER i WATER LEVEL AFTER CASING REMOVAL WATER LEVE- AFTER 24 HOURS PLASTIC WATER %PASSING 4200 SIEVE LIQUID NMO% CONIENI% ABB%] LIMN% X • NOTES: 1 SEE INDIVIDUAL BORING LOG AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2 PENETRATION TEST RESISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT (ASTM D1586). 3 HORIZONTAL DISTANCES ARE NOT TO SCALE. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE SOIL PROFILE nn 412 172.5 165 m G1 f O 3� 157.5 m f 150 142.5 SOIL CLASSIFICATION LEGEND CONCRETE V❑ U IGNEOUS . ASPHALT VOID ❑ MITA- -0 GRAVE ST - SHELBY TUBE RC -ROCK CORE PM -PRESSURE METER �6W-WELL GRADED GRAVE ®6C -CLAYEY GRAVEL ®Q-LOWEA5TICI-- [MSP -POORLY GRADED SAND ®OH---PLA5—TY—NI-T5ANO—S ❑WR-WEATHEREDROCK M -F -L 6M -SILTY GRAVEL SW -WELL GRADED SAND ® MH -HIGH PLASTICITY SILT f SC-CLAYEYSAND ® OL-ILOWIIASTICITY OR --AND— [] PWR- PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROLK .-POSSIBLE FIII. 6P -POORLY GRADED GRAVEL ® ML -LOW PLASTICITY SILT SM -SILTY SAND ® CH- HIGH PLASTICITY CLAY0 PT -PEAT .-PROBABLE FILL 172.5 5 150 142.5 SURFACE MATERIALS I ROCK TYPES TOPSOIL CONCRETE V❑ U IGNEOUS . ASPHALT VOID ❑ MITA- -0 GRAVE 11 SEDIMENTARY SYMBOL LEGEND WATER LEVE - bU W* DRUL"/SAMPLING i WATER LEVEL SEASONAL, HIGH WATER i WATER LEVEL AFTER CASING REMOVAL WATER LEVEL AFTER 24 HOURS PLASTIC WATER %PASSING 4200 SIEVE LIQUID NMO% CONIENi% ABB%] LIMN% X • NOTES: 1 SEE INDIVIDUAL BORING LOG AND GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2 PENETRATION TEST RESISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT (ASTM D1586). 3 HORIZONTAL DISTANCES ARE NOT TO SCALE. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE SOIL PROFILE nn 412 172.5 165 m G1 f O 3� 157.5 m f 150 142.5 APPENDIX C — Laboratory Testing Laboratory Test Results Summary Particle Size Distribution Reports Plasticity Chart Laboratory Testing Summary Page 1 of 1 Sample Source Sample Depth Number (feet) MCI M Soil Type2 Atterberg Limits3 Percent Passing LL PL PI No.200 Sieve4 Moisture - Densit (Corr.)5 Maximum Optimum CBR Density Moisture Values Other cf B-5 2516 3.5-5.0 19.6 CL 36 16 20 B-6 2517 1.0-2.5 20.3 CL 47 18 29 B-6 2518 13.5-15.0 22.0 Sc 34.7 B-7 2519 18.5-20.0 30.7 SP 1.6 Notes: Definitions: 1. ASTM D 2216, 2. ASTM D 2487, 3. ASTM D 4318, 4. ASTM D 1140, 5. See test reports for test method, 6. See test reports for test method MC: Moisture Content, Soil Type: AASHTO, LL: Liquid Limit, PL: Plastic Limit, PI: Plasticity Index, CBR: California Bearing Ratio, OC: Organic Content, NV: No Value, NP: Non -Plastic Project No. Project Name: PM: PE: Printed On: 33:4058 Pinehurst Automall Mike Ellis Winslow E. Goins 06/28/17 ECS Southeast, LLP 6151 Raeford Road, Suite A Fayetteville, NC 28304 Phone: (910) 401-3288 ©'°' 6 0 m -� Particle Size Distribution Report 100 0 0 0 90 10 .v 80 20 70 30 M cu -0 W z 60 40 n LL M Z W Z 50 50 v, w C7 O Of y E W-60 60 'U W co U, W m C 20 80 0 10 90 0 L 100 ~ 1 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 c GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0 34.7 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC. PASS? Material Description (, SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) (SC) CLAYEY FINE SAND, orange/ red, wet, loose E #200 34.7 0 o Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= c Coefficients D90= D85= D60= D50= D30= D15= o D10= Cu= Cc= Cn Classification USCS= SC AASHTO= Remarks ASTM D-2488 Visual/manual method used. X 0 Natural Moisture content - 22.0% (no specification provided) 0 Source of Sample: B-6 Depth: 13.50-15.00 co Sample Number: 2518 Date: WU ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Client: Ryan Homes 2 6151 Raeford Road, Suite A C E Project: Truss Plant Expansion -Dunn Job# 30-2383001 Fayetteville, NC 28304 Phone: (910) 401-3288 F AM Fax: (910) 323-0539 Project No: 4052 Figure Tested By: LMP Checked By: M 6 0 m -� Particle Size Distribution Report 100 0 0 0 90 10 .v 80 20 70 30 M cu -0 W z 60 40 n LL M Z W Z 50 50 v, w C7 O Of y E W-60 60 'U W co W M C 20 80 0 10 90 0 L 100 ~ 1 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 c GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine silt Clay 0 1.6 0 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC. PASS? Material Description (, SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) (SP) FINE SAND, orange/ pink, wet, very soft #200 1.6 E 0 o Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= c Coefficients D90= D85= D60= D50= D30= D15= o D10= CU- Cc= Cn Classification USCS= SP AASHTO= Remarks ASTM D-2488 Visual/manual method used. X 0 Natural Moisture content - 33.7% (no specification provided) 0 Source of Sample: B-7 Depth: 18.50-20.00 co Sample Number: 2519 Date: WU ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Client: Ryan Homes 2 6151 Raeford Road, Suite A C E Project: Truss Plant Expansion -Dunn Job# 30-2383001 Fayetteville, NC 28304 Phone: (910) 401-3288 F AM Fax: (910) 323-0539 Project No: 4052 Figure Tested By: LMP Checked By: M 60 51 a 50 a It M U 30 Cn co Y co Q o d 20 IN LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils , , , , G , , , , 0 00, ML or OL MH or OH CL -ML i i i 1U LU W 4U 5U bu to bu 9U 1UU 11U LIQUID LIMIT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, very soft 36 16 20 CL Fn Project No. 4052 Client: Ryan Homes X Project: Truss Plant Expansion -Dunn Job# 30-2383001 m a) '[[source of Sample: B-5 Depth: 3.50-5.00 Sample Number: 2516 NOECS SOUTHEAST, LLP 6151 Raeford Road, Suite A Phone: (910) 401-3288 Fayetteville, NC 28304 Fax: (010) 323-0539 Tested By: LMP Checked By: Remarks: OASTM D-2488 Visual/manual method used. Natural Moisture content - 19.6% Figure 60 51 a 50 a It M U 30 Cn co Y co Q o d 20 IN 0 0 10 20 30 40 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION (SC) CLAYEY FINE SAND, orange/ red, wet, loose (CL) LEAN CLAY, tan, moist, firm LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils , , , , , G , , , , 0 ML or OL MH or OH CL -ML i i i bu bu to bu 9U 1UU 11u LIQUID LIMIT LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS 34.7 Sc 47 18 29 CL Fn Project No. 4052 Client: Ryan Homes Remarks: X Project: Truss Plant Expansion -Dunn Job# 30-2383001 LASTM D-2488 Visual/manual m method used. � Source of Sample: B-6 Depth: 13.50-15.00 Sample Number: 2518 Natural Moisture content - 20.3% L ° ■Source of Sample: B-6 Depth: 1.00-2.50 Sample Number: 2517 EECS SOUTHEAST, LLP 6151 Raeford Road, Suite A Phone: (910) 401-3288 Fayetteville, NC 28304 Fax: (010) 323-0539 Tested By: LMP Checked By: Figure APPENDIX D — Supplemental Report Documents ASFE Document Geolechnical Engineering RePOPI --) Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geo- technical engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one - not even you - should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of Project -Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project -specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engi- neer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from alight industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes - even minor ones - and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natu- ral events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ -sometimes significantly from those indi- cated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your re- port. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engi- neer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineer- ing reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give con- tractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct ad- ditional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unantici- pated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled "limitations" many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenviponmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenviron- mental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually re- late any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoenvironmental in- formation, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk management guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, op- eration, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from grow- ing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a comprehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, a number of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, wa- ter infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in -this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services performed in connection with the geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold prevention. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself he sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the struc- ture involved. Rely on Your ASFE-Member Geotechnical Engineer For Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engi- neers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with your ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. ASFr= The Best People on Earth 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone:' 301/565-2733 Facsimile: 301/589-2017 e-mail: info@asfe.org www.asfe.org Copyright 2004 by ASFE, Inc. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with ASFE's specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of ASFE, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of ASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being anASFE member could be committing negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. I IGER06045.OM