HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170239 Ver 1_U-3109B CP-4B Merger Meeting Minutes_20180226Carpenter,Kristi From: Lee, Craig J Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 1:54 PM To: Clarence Coleman; david.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil; Norton, Apri) R; White, Tatia L; Chris Militscher; gary�jordan@fws.gov; Wilson, Travis W.; Gledhill- earley, Renee; Eason, Patty P; Mills, James M; Morrison, Clark S; Kreider, Christopher A; Parker, Cyrus F; Box, Gordon H; Robinson, Brian; Lauffer, Matthew S; Lee, Craig J; Robbins, Jamille A; Marshall, Harrison; Wilkerson, Matt T; Furr, Mary Pope; Harris, Philip S; Dagnino, Carla S; Paugh, Leilani Y; Harper, Aaron A; Strickland, Nea) O; Howard, Chris B; Ishak, Doumit Y; Goodwin, Jeremy A; Jackson, Donna; Mcfadden, Timothy T; Ziemba, Robert J; Yow, Sherry C; Lapham, Todd D; Upchurch, James H; Williams, John L; Dickey, Gregory W; Kirkman, Christopher D; Ryan Mitchell; Mason, James S; Surti, Hemang M; Staley, Mark K; Teague, David L; Christopher K. Haire; Stojda, Piotr J; Lineberger, Nicholas C; Felix Davila Subject: U-3109B CP-4B Merger Meeting Minutes Attachments: U-3109B - 4B Merger Meeting Minutes.pdf � Attached are the official meeting minutes for the U-3109B CP-4B Merger Meeting held on October 19,2017. Sorry for the delay in sending these out. I did not receive any comments on the draft minutes. Thanks, Craig J. Lee, PE Assistant PM/Engineer PMU/Hydraulics North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 707 6708 office cilee .ncdot.qov Delivery: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 Mailing: 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,�. From: Lee, Craig J Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2017 10:19 AM To: 'Clarence Coleman' <clarence.coleman@dot.gov>; 'david.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil' <david.e.bailey2@usace.army.mil>; Norton, April R <april.norton@ncdenr.gov>; White, Tatia L<tlwhite@ncdot.gov>;'Chris Militscher' <Militscher.Chris@epamail.epa.gov>; 'garyJordan@fws.gov' <garyJordan@fws.gov>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Gledhill-earley, Renee <renee.gledhill- earley@ncdcr.gov>; Eason, Patty P<peason@ncdot.gov>; Mills, James M <mmills@ncdot.gov>; Morrison, Clark S<cmorrison@ncdot.gov>; Kreider, Christopher A <ckreider@ncdot.gov>; Parker, Cyrus F<cfparkerl@ncdot.gov>; Box, Gordon H <ghbox@ncdot.gov>; Robinson, Brian <bprobinson@ncdot.gov>; Lauffer, Matthew S <mslauffer@ncdot.gov>; Lee, Craig J<cjlee@ncdot.gov>; Robbins, Jamille A <jarobbins@ncdot.gov>; Marshall, Harrison <hmarshall@ncdot.gov>; Wilkerson, Matt T <mtwilkerson@ncdot.gov>; Furr, Mary Pope <mfurr@ncdot.gov>; Harris, Philip S <pharris@ncdot.gov>; Dagnino, Carla S<cdagnino@ncdot.gov>; Paugh, Leilani Y <Ipaugh@ncdot.gov>; Harper, Aaron A<aaharper@ncdot.gov>; Strickland, Neal O <nstrickland@ncdot.gov>; Howard, Chris B<cbhoward@ncdot.gov>; Ishak, Doumit Y <dishak@ncdot.gov>; Goodwin, Jeremy A<jagoodwin@ncdot.gov>; Jackson, Donna <djackson5@ncdot.gov>; Mcfadden, Timothy T <tmcfadden@ncdot.gov>; Ziemba, Robert J<rziemba@ncdot.gov>; Yow, Sherry C<syow@ncdot.gov>; Lapham, Todd D <tdlapham@ncdot.gov>; Upchurch, James H<jhupchurch@ncdot.gov>; Williams, John L <jlwilliams@ncdot.gov>; Dickey, Gregory W <gdickey@ncdot.gov>; Kirkman, Christopher D <cdkirkman@ncdot.gov>; 'Ryan Mitchell' <RMitchell@drmp.com>; Mason, James S<jsmason@ncdot.gov>; Surti, Hemang M<hmsurti@ncdot.gov>; Staley, Mark K<mstaley@ncdot.gov>; Teague, David L<dteague@ncdot.gov>; Christopher K. Haire <CHaire@drmp.com>; Stojda, PiotrJ <pstojda@ncdot.gov>; Lineberger, Nicholas C <nclineberger@ncdot.gov>; Felix Davila <felix.davila@dot.gov>; Williams, John L <jlwilliams@ncdot.gov> Subject: U-3109B CP-4B Merger Meeting Minutes - Draft � Attached are the draft meeting minutes for the U-3109B CP-4B Merger Meeting held on October 19,2017. Please provide comments to this draft by COB November 22nd. Once comments are incorporated the final meeting minutes will be distributed. Thanks, Craig J. Lee, PE Assistant PM/Engineer PMU/Hydraulics North Carolina Department of Transportation 919 707 6708 office cilee .ncdot.qov Delivery: 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27610 Mailing: 1590 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1590 a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,�. I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��, DRMP, INC. PRINCIPALS Wayne D. Chalifoux Donaldson K. Barton, Jr. Glenn J. Lusink Jon S. Meadows Mark D. Prochak Mark E. Puckett Lawrence L Smith, Jr. OFFICES Boca Raton, Florida Charlotte, North Carolina Chipley, Florida Fort Myers. Florida Gainesville. Florida Jacksonville, Florida Lakeland. Florida Melboume, Florida Orlando, Florida Panama City, Florida Pensacola, Florida Raleigh, North Carolina Tallahassee, Florida Tampa, Florida 1.833.811.3767 www.DRMP.com ����� Memorandum DRMP Job #: 16-0264.001 To From: Craig Lee, P.E. Ryan Mitchell, P.E. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 175, Cary, North Carolina 275180 Phone: 919.650.1038 Date: October 20, 2017 Subject: U-3109B — 4B Merger Meeting, Division 7, Alamance County A 4B Merger Meeting was held on October 19, 2017 at 1:00 pm in the NCDOT Century Center Complex, Structures Conference Room `C' in Raleigh, NC. Those in attendance were: Cr�ig Lee Bill Elain Hemang Surti Mark Staley April Norton Clu•is Kirlanan Stephen RoUinson John Williams Jirn Mason David Teague Tatia L. White Piotr Stojda Nick Lineberger Felix Davila Carla Dagnino David E. Bailey John Williains Patty Eason (phone) Chris Haire Ryan Mitchell NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT DWR NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT NCDOT — Hydraulics Unit — Hydraulics Unit — TPB — REU — Division 7 — Division 7 — Division 7 — ECAP — Geotech — Project Mgmt — Roadway — Cong. Mgmt. FHWA NCDOT-EAU USACE NCDOT—PMU NCDOT — Division 7 DRMP DRMP 919-707-(708 919-707-6718 919-707-0989 919-707-2948 919-707-91 I1 336-451-68-36 336-516-5616 252-67 9-] 876 919-707-6136 919-707-6877 919-707-6342 919-707-6322 919-814-5079 919-747-7021 919-707-6110 919-554-4884 x30 919-707-6178 336-4887-0000 919-230-7857 919-650-7859 cjlee a���cdot.gov belam c�ncdot.gov hmsurti cr)ncdot.gov mstaley �ncdot.gov ApriLnorton ciJncdeiv-.gov cdkirlanan@. �Uncdot.gov sji•obinson c�ncclot.gov Jmwilliams8 d?ncdot.gov Jsinason �i�ncdot.gov dteag�ie cr�ncdot.gov twhite@ncdot.gov pstojda c�ncdotgov ncliileberger@nedot.gov FeliY.davila c�dot.gov cdagnino@ncdot.gov David. baley2@asce.army.mil jwilliams�ncdot.�ov peason c�ncdot.gov chaire@,drinp.com rmitchell@drmp.com An overview of the project and watershed was provided. The proposed roadway will cross Mill Creek and one (1) unnaiued tributary to Mill Creek. The project is witivn a Water Supply-II (WS- II) watersh�d and located along the '/z nlile Critical Area (CA) buffer of the water supply reseivoir. April Norton asked if the project was actually within the CA. Bill Elam stated that NCDOT policy is to provide protection measures for proj ect witl�in a'/z iuile of the `/� inile CA buffer. Tlus proj ect will include protection measures �uch as Hazardous Spill Basin (HSB) and grass swales to the maximum extent practical (MEP). T11is project has been grandfathered and the Jordan Lake Buffer Rules do not apply. The meeting included a discussion of all jurisdictional areas on each plan sheet. The following is a description of the topics discussed on each sheet • Plan Sheet 4: No jurisdictional areas. Plan Sheet 5: A 6'x 6' reinforced concreate box culvei-t (RCBC) will be constructed to provide conveyance of the tmn�ined tribL►taiy to Mill Creelc, Jurisdictional Stream SA. The culvert will include sills and baffles and will be buried one-foot below existing surface. DRMP's hydraulic design will include HSBs to the MEP for outfalls to this stream. R:\U3109B�Admin\03-01-Correspondcncc\03-0I-06-Memorandums\U-3109B - 4b Mcrger Mccting Minutes.docx Page 2 of 2 • Plan Sheet 6: The proposed roadway will include a three span, 150' concrete girder bridge over Mill Creek. Bents will be placed outside the stream. Spill throughs will be at 1.5:1. DRMP's hydraulic design will attempt to provide HSBs to the MEP for outfalls to this stream. A construction specification note will be added that the bridge is to be construction from each side. No causeway is to be used for construction. • Plan Sheet 7: The crossing at Jurisdictional Stream SB will include a 24" cross pipe approximately 220 feet in length at 4.9% slope. The pipe will not be buried. Riprap end treatment may be used in channel based on outfall analysis. Headwalls will not be used on pipes less than 36". DRMP will look at converting the 18" connecting pipe into a special cut ditch. Mitigation will need to include dissipater pad if used. David Bailey of USACE stated that this was a high quality stream. Plan Sheet 8: The crossing at Jurisdictional Wetland WA and Jurisdictional Stream SC will include a 24" cross pipe approximately 140 feet in length at 2.8% slope. Pipe will not be buried. A specification note far construction will be included far all cross-pipe inverts to be placed at existing ground elevation far all wetlands to avoid affecting wetland hydroperiod. If construction disturbances impact the majority of the wetland, the wetland may be considered a total take. The stream is a low-quality feature and may not require mitigation. The crossing at Jurisdictional Wetland WB will include an 18" cross pipe approximately 140 feet in length at 1.4% slope. The pipe will not be buried. No headwall and standard riprap pad at outfall. Cross pipe inverts to be placed at existing ground elevation for all wetlands. The crossing at Jurisdictional Wetland WC will include an 18" to 24" cross pipe approximately 115 feet in length at 1.1% slope. The pipe will not be buried. No headwall and standard riprap pad at outfall. Cross pipe inverts to be placed at existing ground elevation for all wetlands. • Plan Sheet 9: All jurisdictional features are outside of the Right of Way. • Plan Sheet 10: The crossing at Jurisdictional Wetland WA and Jurisdictional Stream SI will include a 24" to 30"cross pipe approximately 170 feet in length at 0.3% slope. The stream is braided at this location and two lines are shown on survey. Only main channel length is to be used for mitigation calculation. Note this feature on permit drawings. Wetland will be total take. The crossing at Jurisdictional Stream SJ will include a 42" to 48" cross pipe approximately 130 feet at 1.8% slope. Outfall stabilization to include dissipater pad and riprap in channel. The gap in stream channel is where the stream goes underground. No mitigation for the length of stream gap. • Plan Sheet 11: All jurisdictional features outside of Right of Way. DRMP will begin working on pernut drawings upon completion and submittal of hydraulics plans (65%) on December 5, 2017. 4C Meeting will be scheduled for January 2018. Permit drawings to be completed by January 31, 2018. Permit package to be submitted by March 1, 2018. Let date: July 17, 2018. 4-week advertisement for construction. End of Memorandum R:\U3109B�Admin\03-01-Correspondence\03-01-06-Memorandums\U-3109B - 4b Merger Meeting Minutes.docx