HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180148 Ver 1_signed PJD form_20160628PRELIMINARY JURfSDICTI�NAI� D�TERM�IVATff}N FORf�JJI BACNCGEiOUND INFC)RMATf'ON A. �EPORT CO�UIFLETI�N QAT� FQFt RRE�[MINARY JUF�ISDICTIOf�A� IQET�RMINATION QJD): _ , � . `v'•._ , i -, i, " -- , . � B. �Af1![E AND ADDRESS �� PER50N FtEQUES�II�G PRE�'IM1NARY JD: Chris Rive�bark, 1�1CD�T, 1598 Mai1 S�:rvice Center, Ra6eigh, N� 2769�- 1598 C, mISTRfCT QFFICE, F�L� NAIU�E, AfV� 'NUMBER: CESA�W-RG- �.�,_ � ',,. _� ,�y�! - , � � - �- u � - '- -�;� - ��- 1 , ti � _ D. PRC),���T Lt7CAT��ON(5)� ANQ BACKGROUND INFORIVIATION: T�P: B-5699 Description: Bridge No. 68 ov�� Greer� Swa�np (USE THE ATTACH'E� TABL.� TO DpCUMEI�T MIJLTII�L� WATERBODIES �►T �DlFEER�N� SITES) State: f�C �Cour�tyJpar`rshfborough: Cc�lumbus City: �,. .-� � '- :,,_: ,,:� y_;�_+ ., ., rr�. _� �enter coordic�ates of si�� (la�llvng i�u degree �ecimaF format): Lat. 3�.3220°N, Lc�ng. -78.4703° UV Ur�iversal Transvers�e Vl/fercator: Name of.nearest w�aterbody: Green Swamp odentify (es#�rr�ate) amount of vuaters in the revaew area: Non-w�;#land waters: 147 linear feet: 75 vwid�h (ft} an�1}�r acres, Cowarci�r� Class: Riverune Stream Flor,�: Perennial Wetlands: 2.4 acres. Covu�rd�r� C�ass: Forested Nam� of ar�y w�ter badies an the sit� that have �eer� i�entified as Sec#ic�n 1(� wa�ers: �'idal: NIA Nvn-Tid�l': MIA E. REV�EW PERFORME� FOR SfTE EVALUATION (GFIECK ALL THAT APF�LY); _ , -�,-� � ���. � Office (Des4�) Determrnation Date: , �-�--��- � � � , _ - - . � � FieE� [�eterminatian �af�{s): -� 1. The Corps of Engineers belie�v�;s that there rr�ay be j�arisdictional waters of fi�e LJnitec� States on tl�e subject site, and the permit applican� ar other affec#ed pa�ty w�c� rea�a�sted t�uis preliminary JD is her�by advised of his ar her o�tioc� tc� request and v'�tain an approved jurisdictional det�rrninatian {,JD} for that site. 1V�v�r�hel�ss, tl�e permit a��'licant c�� o�her person whca requested t'�is preliminary JD has dec�ined ta exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permii applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construc#ion notification" {PCN}, or requests �erification for a non-reporking NWP or athef general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permif applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which daes not make an officiaf determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant t�as the option ta request an a�proved JD before accepting the terms and conditians of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit autharization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; {4) fhat the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, includ�ng what�ver mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any acti�ity ir� reliance upon the su�ject permit authorization without rec{uesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of tf�e use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6} accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered indi�iclual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form af Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD canstitutes agreement thaf all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United 5tates, and precfudes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrativ� appeal or in any Federal court; and (7} whether the apPlicant elects to use either an appro�ed JD ar a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is prac#icable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individuaf permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealec# pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a�(2)}. Ifi, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary ta make an officia! determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to pro�ide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Cor�s will p�ovide an approved JD to accomplish fhat result, as saon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that th�re "may be" waters of fhe United States on the subjee# project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based an the folfowing information: SUPPORT��1G CDATI�: �ata reviewed for preliminary Ja (che�ck a!I tMat apply - checkec� item5 should be i�nc�uded in case ��e and, where check�ed and re uested, appropriately ref�r��ce saurces below): Maps, plans, plots nr plat subrriotted by ar an'behalf af th� ap Iacar�Uconsuliant �Data shsets pr�eparedfsubrr�ilted by or an behalf of t�he ap licantfcorasu�tarut � O�i�ce conc�ars with data sheetsldelineakAon C�port. ❑ O�ce does r�at conc�ar with ci�ta �heetsldelineatic�n r��ort. ❑��ta sheets prepar�d by kh� Corps: ❑ Corps navigable vua#e�s' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Wydrologic At�as: 0 �JSGS NHD data. �] CJSGS S and �2 d�git HUC maps �U.S. Geolog�ic�l Survey rt�ap�s). Ci�e scale & quad nam�: !;�'looc) L.�� GVo�%av��a�� �a5`� � USf]A Natural Resvurces Cdr��ervation 5�rvic� Soia Survey Gi��tio�: � IVatio�al wetlands inv�ntary map(s), Cite name. ❑ StatelLocal wetland inwentory ma,�(s): � F�MAI�IRM maps: ❑ 10D-y�ar Fdaodplaln Elevation is: (�latiQnal Geod�ctic VertM�al a�#a�m of � 929) "�PF�otogra�hs: ❑ Flerial {A�ame & C��t�): ���� or � Other (Name & Date): ❑ Previou� detemnia��ti�n(sj. �If� no. �and d�te �f respanse letter: � O�h�r Ir�for�ation �paease specify): 1MI��RTANT ND'�E: The infor�nati�n record'�d on this for�n laas rrot nec�ssar�lu aeen veriFied by �he Cc�rps and should not be, r��ied' upon for �aterjur4sdictiana@ deterrninations. , , i � � ,�y ��� � , ' �,_ ' �� ✓� � '` � � - �!. i 9 _ _. . . . - F � Sigei�.tu�e �nd� dat� mf Reg�latooy P'roject Nlan�ger (REQUIR�D) � � � �' � � �,:�a S' n�t«re and date of rson requesting inary JD (REQUIRE€7, ur�less obtaining the signatur� is impracticab9e) Estimated Longitud Cowardin �mount of 5ite Name LatitUde e Class �quatic Class of aquatic resource resource in re�iew area WA/WB �4' �20� 78.4703° PFO 2.4 acre(s) non-section '! 0— wetland W SBISC 34' N 20� 78.4694° RIVERINE 'I47 linear feet non-section 1 fl— non-wetlan W °N - °W acre(s) non-section 10 — wetland �N �W linear feet nQn-section 1 Q— non-wetlan °N - °W acre(s) section 1 Q— tidal °N - °W acre(s) section '10 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section '! a — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 'i D — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tida� °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal °N - °W acre{s) secfion 10 -- tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 -- tidal °N - °VV acre(s) section '! 0 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) sec#ion '[ 0 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section '1 Q — tidaf °N - °W acre(s) section 'i 0 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal °N - °W acre{s) seetion 10 — tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — fidal °N - °W acre{s} section 10 — non�tidal °N - °W acre(s) section 10 — tidal � • y. _ �,. a .a,,,Y r�r T+-i�`�-a� a5`i1..- •„y �' . , ��... .*�i �R� - � Y� �`.-�:s� � 4 +', .��Y�:.'"' y � y��+_��t � x 4 ���,yv}�� } � �'S. d1�� �`- ''�` .) �' 1 � r t _ , � � 2' � � 'E, � �.'. 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