HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070812 Ver 2_Sampling at APGI Projec_20090306Re: Sampling at APGI Project Subject: Re: Sampling at APGI Project From: John Dorney <john.dorney@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 14:44:53 -0500 To: "Griffin, III, Thomas N." <tomgriffin@parkerpoe.com> CC: John H Rodgers <jrodger@clemson.edu>, Jerry Myers <JMyers@co.stanly.nc.us>, Peter Caldwell <peter.caldwell@ncmail.net>, MHuddleston@entrix.com, "Ellis, H. Gene" <Gene.Ellis@alcoa.com>, "Bromby, Craig A." <cbromby@hunton.com>, Roger Edwards <Roger.Edwards@ncmail.net>, Jon Risgaard <Jon. Risgaard@ncmai l.net>, John Dorney <John.Dorney@ncmail.net> Tom - Thank you for your email concerning our sampling plan for water from the discharges. DWQ staff have carefully considered your comments and we plan to modify the study plan to include analysis for fluoride, sulfide, and ammonia. We would also note that we plan to analyze the samples for aluminum as part of the typical metals analysis. However, we do not think that analysis for the PCB congeners is necessary at this time. If the samples show detectable levels of PCBs, then we may resample for the congeners at a later date. Also with respect to the number of samples, we note that Alcoa already took a sample from August 2008 so this spring sample will give us data from another season. Therefore, we still plan to collect three samples and a blank sample from each of the four discharges on one date next week. If Stanly County decides to collect additional samples or conduct additional analyses, we will be glad to review the data as long as it is made available in a timely manner for our review. Please coordinate your sampling with Pete Caldwell (919-743-8496) in our water quality lab. I can be reached at 919-733-9646. Pete will modify the study plan accordingly and send it out soon. Thankx. Griffin, III, Thomas N. wrote: Hi, John -- thanks for sending Stanly county the draft sampling plan for DWQ's work next week at the four APGI dams. I wanted to get back to you on a few points -- First, the County would indeed like to participate in the sampling event and take its own samples. The County would at least take split samples, and also (as described below) may take some additional samples.or employ sampling techniques to address additional parameters and media. Thank you (and Pete) for sending along the sampling schedule, and we will confirm the day or days that we will be attending. In the meantime, should our folks be coordinating with Pete or you (or both)to make sure that they can get on board (no pun intended, actually)? Second, we have some comments on the proposed sampling plan. In essence, if the purpose of the sampling is to evaluate water quality issues related to discharges from the dams, we believe that (i) more than one sampling event is necessary, at different times of the year, to properly evaluate the discharges, (ii) more than one sampling location per dam is necessary, (iii) methods must be employed to collect enough suspended sediment so that the particulates can be analyzed (again at different times of the year), and (iv) the list of parameters should be expanded to include likely constituents of concern, and to include individual PCB congeners. As you can see from the "fish study," and from the review of that study prepared by Dr. Rodgers, evaluating individual congeners is critical to understanding the quality of the discharge and the health of the lake system. If those congeners had not been evaluated in the fish study, substantial water quality impacts would not have been detected. Also, I am told that one would not expect to find PCBs in water sampled in this fashion, which is another reason to focus on suspended solids in the discharge. I have attached below more detailed comments on the sampling study that were prepared by Dr. Rodgers and his colleagues. We would ask that the study be revised and expanded to incorporate our comments. Third, I noticed in Pete Caldwell's memo that DWQ will be undertaking a sediment study. I'd be grateful if you would allow us the opportunity to evaluate that work plan and participate in that sampling, as well. Thanks again, John. We appreciate the opportunity to comment and participate, and look forward to continuing to work with you and DWQ on this matter. Take care -- Tom * Comments on study plan * 1 of 3 3/6/2009 2:45 PM Re: Sampling at APGI Project The study plan is limited in scope, and thus the study would yield limited useful information. Sampling should be representative of reservoir conditions, including sampling over time and space, collecting sufficient volume using appropriate techniques, and analyzing for appropriate parameters using methods with detection limits useful for regulatory purposes. This review is organized into three main section: (1) sampling methods; (2) parameters of interest; and (3) analytical methods. Sampling Methods A single sampling event of discharge waters of the four ALCOA operated reservoirs is proposed. The primary limitation with a single sampling event, especially this time of year when the reservoirs are stratified, is that many parameters of interest would not be detected. Many organic compounds would volatilize from surface water and not be detected in grab samples, especially with low sample volumes. Analytes such as PCBs and sorbed PAHs would be detected only in analyses of particulates associated with large volume sampling. Accordingly, large volume sampling (with filtering or centrifugation of particulates) should be employed in this study plan to accurately represent the situation. Additionally, metals such as mercury, lead, and zinc are sorbed (attached) to fairly immobile bottom sediments, and thus not present in surface waters this time of year. when lakes "turn over" in the spring and fall in this part of the country, contaminants associated with bottom sediments are re-suspended, and if measured, would provide a more comprehensive characterization of the reservoir conditions. In addition, sampling one location (e.g., near the discharges) will limit information. The sampling as proposed only provides a "snap shot" of reservoir conditions (i.e., one place and time). In order to adequately characterize the discharges, a sampling plan should include collection of representative samples during multiple events (over time) at multiple locations. Parameters of Intere DWQ is proposing to measure the U.S. EPA priority pollutants, residue (total and suspended solids), as well as total and dissolved fractions of the 11 priority pollutant metals. While the priority pollutant list contains several parameters of interest in this situation, there are other parameters specific to aluminum smelting that should be included. These parameters include fluoride, aluminum, biochemical oxygen demand (5 and 20 days), nitrogenous oxygen demand, ammonia, sulfide, and related cyanide compounds (such as iron cyanides). In addition, the study should measure the 209 PCB congeners as opposed to relying solely on the priority pollutant Aroclors. Analytical Methods DWQ and interested parties should ensure that analyte detection limits are at sufficient levels for regulatory use (i.e., comparison of results to water quality standards, human and/or ecological risk calculations, etc..) In summary, sampling should be representative of reservoir conditions, including sampling over time and space, collecting sufficient volume using appropriate techniques, and analyzed for appropriate parameters using methods with detection limits useful for regulatory purposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Thomas Griffin, III Partner Three Wachovia Center 401 South Tryon Street Suite 3000 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 704.335.9049 1 Fax: 704.335.9567 www.parkerpoe.com <http://www.parkerpoe.com> vcard .,... . ii..,..,.., -1-- ?nm/nr;nrfr;endly/vcards/365.vcf> I map <http://maps.google.com/maps?q=401%20South%20Tryon%20st t%2CCharlotte%2CNC%2C28202%2CUnited%20StatE *IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE:* To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication (or in any attachment) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in this communication (or in any attachment). *PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL:* This electronic message and any attachments are confidential property of the sender. The information is intended only for the use of the person to whom it was addressed. Any other interception, copying, accessing, or disclosure of this message is prohibited. The sender 2 of 3 3/6/2009 2:45 PM Re: Sampling at APGI Project takes no responsibility for any unauthorized reliance on this message. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and purge the message you received. Do not forward this message without permission. [ppab_vl.Ol John Dorney Wetland Program Development Unit Parkview Building 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 (o) 919-733-9646 /E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties./ 3 of 3 3/6/2009 2:45 PM